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it's good i've watched it i you know what let's watch it let's watch it tell me if this volume is all right i'm in london we have to draw how's that how's that volume watch and see viewers drop if it happens happens that's scary ain't in the game hey this is the scary game that we're playing bit louder i got you all right here we go i'm in london we had to drive for like two hours we're on the open road before we do anything more i'm gonna go and meet wilbur it won't let me zoom oh we'll come around what cameras are using everything [Music] oh my god do the auto tune thing oh my god i thought he was going to strike i'm confused what's happening [Music] nearly at the queens the queen same [ __ ] thing every time i will strike you she is i am a i am a goat we are going to be hitting no car has the audacity only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed the analytic is above my head so please subscribe is this offensive what are you laughing at what's going on the toes you've got bird [ __ ] on your jacket that was kind of mad oh no how did i do that i don't know man oh no no no no no no no no i'm just really well this isn't kill me no but i've got birds i've got bird poo on my jacket i need a poop that's how you take a photo chat that is how you take a photo why would they be sad don't they know that because me and lizzy aren't together she isn't with her children right he had a bare hair what the hell his go excuse me i could defend this country yeah yeah so we're not even going to see the queen we're not even like tommy we tried our best why are you taking me away from this by the way appreciate that see you soon lizzy give me a few years oh i'll catch up to 88 i'm gonna break my way in there don't shout that back oh i'm not going to break wait we should go we should go what if i pushed you in i mean i can see how i can see the appeal it's just not for me no no no no oh look at that look at my hand no don't do that man oh thank you i'd also throw him in yeah skip to vic's part because i actually don't like it where is vic's part oh here we go well we're going to need intel wait don't actually don't because if you drop that man i'm going to be oh my god i reckon we go we meet ksi we show up at his house and we well we're going to need intel on him aren't we we're going to need to work out how big he is i'm pretty sure he is a heavyweight boxer he's going to work out ksi's girth okay so what are you suggesting let's go to the one man that knows ksi's girth oh vic [Laughter] sorry anthony hello hello vic what are you doing here oh god how are you vic i'm i'm i'm great this is a surprise to wake up to i have to say i like your house thanks some knives why is a hostile takeover or something could i borrow them what the knives or the house nice no how are you will i'm all right just pretend i'm not here there are some nice knives vic i don't know what's going on okay tommy i wish you told me we were coming to vickster the exact thing 10 out of 10. thanks this is i'm sure this is a great angle you're very little you this is unnatural this is don't me and the star so so this is this is 6'5 and this is great he's on his toes wait is he six foot wait is he six five is he actually what was that that's mad no he's six one apparently what was six five that's mad that's dope how tall am i i'm i'm six two and a bit i can be six three if i stand up perfectly straight sometimes some days depending on the earth's rotation uh md what are the chances that you're gonna play rainbow six siege uh naught point naught naught naught not nor one percent [Music] vic are you like me putting my legs on the sofa you do you you do you all right what are the tips what's ksi's girth what is he classable you know what you you actually you have height on him really yeah i really might have reach on him okay so he must actually be six one minute what is 20 21 how did you get his address tommy i wear the glasses no no you can't like the glasses i can't see anything nice thank you what kind of watch is it it's a hubler you can't have it you've got you can't just come to my house and take things wait hold on where did this come from [Music] you sound like you sound like a dad on christmas what have you got there there charlie it's still in there oh no this this this is what i am battling for 10 million subs against 10 million subs he's touching the the plaque he's gonna he's gonna hit 10 million subs before me well you know what i already got one i already have one so you know what i have one so even if he says you know like i i know i know he's gonna like tweet me or something he's gonna tweet me or insta story me when he gets to 10 mil before me i know he will what what we we already got one we gonna have two we gonna have two soon two easy i say easy taking me over eight and a half years yeah it's been eight and a half years you know eight and a half years you could hit it before him alex i don't like i'm very very thankful that you still support me and uh you think that i could beat him but in reality he's going to hit it in about 50 days you're a million ahead yes but he's going to hit it in 50 days according to uh pretty accurate calculations i'm going to hit it in about november so yeah i mean i'm going to try and post more so hopefully you never know but yeah um leno king is one with a five are you buying a safe moon it's a new meme coin like dogen is blowing up also if he chained to the moon hold uh i'm not i don't know anything about these so i i know at least you will be into two diamond play buttons you never know he'll do some weirdo thing and he'll make a he'll make a second account and it'll beat me there as well stephanie as well simon bush took a trial fear if it's ever gonna happen maybe maybe well it wouldn't be a bush took a trial it'd be like uh i'm a celeb kind of thing like a whole thing of it uh ranter as well david a sub thing for the prime jeez aight let's see this gt they've been on the sub as well thank you thank you thank you as well around london right we don't get it on the plaque [Laughter] is [Laughter] he's just all [Music] oh i'm noticing a distance i noticed a distinct lack of guard uh do you think you confirm it from a hit from jj yeah yeah okay he doesn't even need a guard g4 just watch through this video it's great to see how much you've grown just know if you need to take a break from streaming or youtube was all the way hey never never never never no no it's not even a gifted sub as well [Laughter] get away from it oh my god it did yeah i didn't think it was gonna go past life they spoke about bitcoin for 10 minutes so i got bored volatile investments i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go to the toilet what's going on oh my god hello oh i don't know how loud i can scream in here i don't know how loud i could guys guys guys oh my god vic vic hi what's going on yeah i know he was live this is the weak shop thing this is the wii shop theme we just have a nice little conversation this is the wii shop theme welcome back everyone to my [Music] he's loving it he's like nice i i i knew it i don't know what's happening were you having my rewards this week i'm down we went to uh what can i have as a souvenir blaze would you give up video games for life and i've seen half a million dollars in cash or would you refuse the money i would refuse the money i love games too much we'll be round in a minute [Music] she's single now you know we went to uh anyway you make fun of me [Music] how do we use vic enjoying the sun soaking up some rays i don't know how very like i don't know why vic why isn't it still there i'm raying with big v please don't call him big v where are we going to see him there reckon he'll just crawl out the wall do you like any dream videos fixture yeah class what which was your favorite one the fourth one [Laughter] what just in time we'd catch him off guard only problem was uh we were here and the tower was here we had only okay okay ten minutes and he was 25 minutes away so we had no choice but to run god's run of the death of ksi give me george i'm i'm i think i'm dying it's long time say it with me it's long time it's long time i know i i don't dislike i don't dislike tommy at all time it's long time yes i don't think i'm his audience wait you're not thinking i got docked you don't think i'd you you think that's where we live okay cool yeah yeah it is come on george yes oh my god this mountain what the [ __ ] is happening this is showed a radio tire he literally said it right there stay here okay he must have been so confused but didn't tommy just say that they had arranged to meet he literally just said in the video we had arranged to meet i know it was a bit but like tell me what are you trying to do we're going to kill you no i'm not i'm not here to fight what the [ __ ] what's wrong with your next fight the people in the the background we were just 20 minutes if you weren't so slow we would have been able to talk no no we were okay i was he was struggling oh he bailed okay okay i don't think so though that was a good four you know he literally would have just done so well that was pretty nice that was a good fall you skipped the explanation if you could have [ __ ] kept up with us george then we there's a weird ending all right well yeah there's there is the boy that will beat me to 10 million subs
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 1,377,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7, ksi, vikkstar, tommyinnit, miniminter reacts, sidemen reacts
Id: dJNCc9td48U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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