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- Aight, you know what it is. Welcome to 20 verses One, Filly edition. Filly is gonna have the option to say yes or no to 20 beautiful women, to which he would like to date. But, before we see who he chooses, please subscribe to the Sidemen. We're trying to reach 16 million subscribers, so we can overtake Little Mix, to become the biggest group in the UK. So please, subscribe. Okay, let's begin the video. - Make me go mad, I want to pick up gal, dance everything. I'm on it, bro, I just need viral clips fam. [guys laughing] Come on bro. Oh my God, is this what's going on here? - Is he seeing them already? - He's just seen one, he's just seen one he went, "Oh my gosh." - I think I'm too short for all of them. - Oh, he can see them yeah? [guys laughing] - Oh my gosh. - Yes. [claps hands] - They all look like they go on tape. [guys laughing] Look at this, wow. Sorry, it's not this, what's your name madam? - I'm Selena and I'm 33 years old, and I'm from [indistinct]. - Never are you 33, round of applause for her. [Filly applauding] How dare she look that good. [guys applauding] Yes. Woo! [guys laughing] - Get in there. - This is brilliant. [laughing] Hi ya. - I'm Hannah. - Hi, Hannah are you okay? - And I'm from Cyprus. - You're Cyprus [foreign language] Ain't [foreign language] hello in? - No, that's not, that's Arabic. - Oh... Yes. - Close though. - I'm wanna say yes. - Thank you. - I like your vibe. - He's said yes to everyone. - Why? - My name is Veronica Malka, I'm 23 and I'm from Spain. - Yeah, Veronica. - Hi. - Yeah. - Yes. [guys laughing] - Hey she gave him a kiss. - Hey what, do they teach them how to walk or something? They walk with a bounce. - Hi I'm Missy, I'm 29 from Essex. - Missy, you didn't need to do that. [guys laughing] Missy, it's a yes. Ooh my days. [indistinct talking] - Are you seeing the way she's walking? - She danced, she danced. - She's a GTA character. - Aw, she's great though. And I like it, she went like this, what's your name lovely? Leah, yeah. - Wow. - Handshake, I like it. Formal - Forward. A bit forward there. - I'm gonna say yes. [guys laughing and clapping] Nah, who am I gonna say no to then? [guys laughing] - Hi I'm Kate, I'm 29. I'm from Harrow. - Hi Kate, 29, Harrow. I'm gonna say yes. [Sidemen cheering] I'm saying yes to everyone though. [indistinct] [group laughing] - Please can the next girl that comes in, don't smile at me when you walk in, 'cause it's hard. - Hi Filly. - Hi. - Darcy, 24, just forgot how old I am, from Essex. - Yeah, Darcy man, I like that colour on you. - Cute right? - Yeah. - Thanks. - Yes. - Thanks - All right, all right, I think he likes that one. Yeah, look look, he likes that one. [guys laughing] - Yeah, he's gone. - Aw, your boots. Yeah, I'm really into fashion, I like your boots. - Thank you. - Yeah. Name? - I'm Karina, 29, from London. - From London. Do you find me attractive Karina, yes or no? - I mean... [laughs] - Oh. - No? I'm gonna say no. [guys shouting] - What if she says yes? - She kept it real. - She got a bag. She just got more Prada boots. - Yeah, yeah, she collected off you lot, man. - She's going to Selfridges now. - I'm Jade, I'm 28 and I'm from Essex. - Never are you 28. - Yeah. - No way. Yeah, I'm gonna say yes. - Back to business as usual. [guys laughing] - Normality is restored. - He's not asking that question again. - Hi, I'm Shelby, I'm 24 and I'm from Lexington. - Hi, Shelby. - Hi. - I feel like you are like one of them white girls as well. Some white girls are like Marmite. They either love black guys or they don't. Do you find me attractive? - Of course. - Oh, brilliant, yes. [guys laughing] - Can I go? - Yes, it's a yes. [guys laughing] - Black men at home will understand like, I like white girl, but sometimes the white girl don't like us, it's nuts. [guys laughing] - Hey. - Yes, yes, yes. - He said yes straight away. - Lovely to meet you, what's your name? - My name's Chloe. - Yes, Chloe. [guys laughing] Yes, I didn't even see all that. Yes, yes, yes. [shouting] [guys laughing] You lot see what I saw? Mental, hi ya. - Hi. I'm [indistinct]. [guys laughing] from Surrey. - Hi Susanna, 24, from Surrey. What's your favourite colour? - Pink. - Yes. [guys laughing] - Whatever she said, yeah, is a yes. Whatever! - I really like ya style. - Thank you. - I feel that, I think if I was a girl, I'd do the dress and the trainer flex. - Ooh. - Kind of like a Lily Allen vibe. I don't know why, but I like that style. - Yeah, that's not a compliment though. - Just say yes. - Melissa. - Clapham. - Clapham, that's South London. Yes. [guys laughing] Me, I'm south. - Oh my God. - He said no to one. - Yeah, we're here for a long time. - We're not going home. - Yeah, we're here for a long time. - It's a [kissing] double kiss. - Oh. [guys shouting] What country are you from? - I'm half Arabian. - Okay. - - Oh okay, banging. Yeah, so I'm Colombian, so we do all that. [mouth kissing] Yeah. - I feel like no one did that yet. - Yeah, what's your name, sorry? - Em. - Em? Yes, Em. [guys laughing and clapping] - You gotta say no at least to some women. - Hi. - Hello. - That bunda, though. Lord have mercy. [guys laughing] It's hanging off the f*cking trouser piece. Are you nuts? You have to say yes to... - I feel like you would dominate me though, too much. - Probably would do. - Would you? - Definitely. - I'm gonna have to say no, then. I don't like being dominated. I like half and half. Do you know what I mean? Let me pick you up. - She's stacked. She's more stacked than you lots burgers, honestly. [guys laughing] - What a lovely dress. It's a really nice dress. What's your name? - I'm Laura, I'm 31, and I'm born and bred in Central London. - I feel like you're one of them Marmite girls as well, Laura. I'm just, remember, it's just I'm assuming. Do you find me attractive? - I do, and I like your trainers. - Oh, thank you. A lot of people don't. - Aw, your taste is very nice. - Thank you. - I like how you've matched it... - Done, yes, yes, yes. You've just filled my whole ego. - They've got problems there, it's ego after this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You've got problems, you've got problems. ♪ How you doing, yeah, yeah ♪ - Yeah, Yes. - Whoa! - Didn't even need to know your name. Yes, yes. Yes, yes, she started with that daddy chat. Yes, yes, yes. [guys laughing] Hello. - My name's Pree, I'm 29, and I'm from Windsor. - Aright, Pree, 29 from Windsor. - If he says yes, he's on crack today. [guys laughing] That's what it is. If he says yes, then definitely he's been snorting, en route. That's why he was late... - If you had to make a sound to impress me, what sound would you make? - I'd make a sound, but it probably wouldn't impress you. - Oh, okay. I'm gonna say no then. - Okay. [guys laughing] - He gave me a shock. - He disguised it. He disguised it. - That's the one I was talking about, I know my guy. - The f*ck's that? [blowing raspberry] - A flying dinosaur. - Do it then. [woman shrieks] [guys laughing] - Oh no. Oh no. - Oh my god. - He already said no and then she did it. - Hi. - Hello, I'm French, based in Soho. - No way. - But I think we met before, I think [indistinct]. - Well, based on the fact that we was meant to meet, I'm gonna say yes. - Oh. - Not based on how she looks. [guys laughing] - Well done. - The way he watches. [guys laughing] The way he watches. - I think to me it's the watching. - Yeah. - It's assessing what's behind. - Look he's still smiling. [guys laughing] - I'm in a really good place, you know? Like mentally. [guys laughing] - I'm in a good place. - Like what this has done for me, no cap, has worked better than therapy. You know I forgot all my problems just then. - Alright, we're here till 8:00 PM. We're here till eight, easy. - What, have I said yes to too many? [guys laughing and clapping] - Bro, you said yes to every girl, man. - There's 17 girls. - Now, ladies and gentlemen, here's the twist. Before we get into the dates, the girls get to choose if they want to date him. But, before we even do that, Subscribe, damn it. What are you doing? Huh? You think I'm joking? [gentle music] - Look at him. [laughs] - There's 17 girls. - Three, two, one. - f*ck off. - Oh my God! [guys cheering] [guys groaning] - It's a disgrace, it's a disgrace. - Aye. - All right, but that's crazy still. [guys clapping] - Whoa, look how many girls there are, bro. - Wait, so that means I've gotta date all of these girl? I'm gonna run outta sh*t to say. [contestants laughing] I can't date all of you. It's too much, innit? - Do you wanna go in and just get rid of five? Get rid of five. - Do it. - You just have to get rid of them five. - You can just say I'll pick five. - Go quick though. Go now, go now, go now. - So unfortunately Filly, you got too much girl. So I'm gonna have to pick five girls - To go? - To go. - It's hard for me. - It's how the cookie crumbles. All right, cool, so... - Aight, you just, you know me. - Yeah. - That's all I'm saying. You know me. - Just off trainers alone? - You know... - She's gotta go. Just for trainers, sorry. - He needs a trainer girl innit? - Yeah, horror horror. It's not you, it's me. All right, that's one. [indistinct chattering] All right, let ask someone something. I'm gonna ask you something. What'd you like about him? - What do I like about him? - Yeah. - His like confidence, yeah. I like it. - Okay. - That's a fair one. - And we did the double kiss, I like that. - What about you darling? What'd you like about him? - The eye contact. - Mm. - Don't think I looked her in the eye once. She's gotta go. [contestants laughing] - Sorry. - Oh my God. - You lied to my friend. Don't think I looked in her eye's once. - D'you know what I'm saying? It's getting a bit crazy here. Darling, if you could sell yourself in three seconds, what would you say to him? - If I could what? - She ain't listening to me, see this is what I'm saying. - No, no, give her... No, no, wait, give her another chance. Wait, just wait... [guys laughing] 'Cause she was nice to me. - Okay, okay, all right. - Give. Kate? - Alright, give her a chance, I'll give her a chance, - Give Kate a chance. - All right, if you could sell yourself to him in three seconds, how would you do so? Just off the way you're standing, alone, you have to stay. All right? You have, look, you can't do that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Alright. - No, it's nuts. - It's tough. - Hey, what man? I'll deal with it. [guys laughing] - I'm gonna let you deal with it. - Let me run the dates. - Ladies, enjoy. - No, I'm not getting rid of no one else. - No, that's it, it's done. - Oh yeah, thank God. - Ladies, look after him. - Yeah, I like these girls, they're nice, everyone was nice to me. In different ways. - No harsh reason, he's just too short, and under six foot. Not my type. I liked his energy, good vibes. But yeah, too short for me, I'm afraid. - I think he's an amazing guy. He's got a great sense of humour, funny. I just don't see myself going on a date with him. - Was there anything specific that turned you off? - I wouldn't say turn off. I can see him more as a friend, more like a vibe. You know, when you have the friends and you have the dates? I'll see him more as a friend that I would have a laugh with than a date. - Dude, she's honest, she's honest. - Yeah, no, no, she is. - You gotta respect that. - You can't be angry at that. - No, no, no. - One of the reasons why I left is he's just not my type. No, nothing to do with his height at all. - Was he a bit loud, or? - I mean, I didn't have a conversation with him. So, nothing to do on personality, as I don't actually know the guy yet. - The only thing is, looks left. - Bruh she's just called you ugly. - She's just collecting a bag. Nah, Harry's right, she said nothing. - It wasn't a bag. I honestly reckon she just didn't feel me. - Aight, I'm thinking. - Ah, he's got a bag full of tricks. - He brought props. - You spar with them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Imagine she rocks me. - Go on in and- - You know this is why I don't do YouTube fights, innit. [guys laughing] - You can't fight her, but she can fight you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You have to lose. You have to lose. - Yeah, yeah. - So you, no no no, so you legit have to just say bangs. - Just say, "You know I've never been hit." No one can hit me. - Yeah, yeah. [laughs] - You're a professional boxer. - No one's ever touched you. - Let's see the moves. - Untouchable. - Let's see if you can- - The mandem have set me up. 'Cause you know I'm gonna do it. - You're a professional boxer, that's your story. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So sorry for the wait. Shut your eyes quickly. Shut your eyes, shut your eyes, shut your eyes. Please, please, please keep them shut. Keep them shut, please and thank you. Promise me you're not gonna open 'em. Otherwise you're just gonna ruin the video and you won't have fun. [guys laughing] Okay? - Okay. - All right. [man sighs] - I'm scared now. - No, no, you can open 'em now. - Oh, okay. - What did you think I was gonna do? - I don't know. - You're mad, I've gotta be nice to ya it's the first time we've met now. - What's behind the chair? - Something, but that's for later. I just wanna like- - Okay. - Tell you a bit more about myself in depth. Remind me of your name again. - Selena. - That's a beautiful name, you know? - Oh, thank you. - It is. - Not many people have it. - Get the gloves out, my boy. Get the gloves out, man. - So why did you decide to come on the show? - I dunno. Practise for my other dates. - You're not listening bruv, get those gloves out. [Selena laughing] - Okay, so I've got... - My cousin loves watching. - No, no, no, it's fine. So I've gotta try and save this date now because I know you're not really into me, so I need to try and make this a bit more fun. Which is a bit sad. - Maybe I'm just playing hard to get? - Yeah. Aye, you know, that's my problem though. You see like, if a girl plays too hard to get, I'll just cut. [Selena laughing] Like my new song [clears throat] is out now. "Young Filly, Long Time." [guys laughing] That's what it's about. It's about like, me wanting to- - Ooh, I like a singer. - Get with the girl. And then she's, yeah. Do you do music? - No, but I would love a guy who could like sing. [laughs] - Ah, can rap as well, yeah. [Selena giggling] - Tell her you box. Tell her you knocked out KSI. - Barranquilla 2015, I'm Colombian. So in Barranquilla 2015. - Are you? - Yeah, I won, it was amateur boxing, but still, I won like 36 fights in a row. And no one actually punched me in the face. Not once. - He's been saying that for years. - Didn't he say it in that video... - Yes, of course, it's a football team. - So I'm actually not gonna box you back. You actually have the chance to hit me as hard and as much as you want. But I can only just dodge. - Okay. [guys laughing] I'm gonna take my shoes off. - Yo. - Oh, she's serious. - I'm actually gonna try and punch you in the face. - Yeah so, punch, no wait... - She's leaning. Look, she's leaning like she's gonna bang him. - She's got stance. - From you punching me in my belly, I'll know whether I'm gonna let you punch my face. [Selena laughing] Okay wait. - I work out, you know. - Yep, I'm not doubting you. Look at you, the quads, everything, hamstrings are nice. You're good, go on. [girl thuds] - Ah. - In the face. - Okay, one more. - Say, "Punch me in my face baby." [girl thuds] - Ah, okay. - Say, "Punch me in my face baby." [Filly laughing] - Did that actually hurt? - Yeah, it did, it did. - Did it? - All right, cool. So now throw jabs at me, but I'm just gonna dodge them. So try hit my face, yeah? [man laughing] [guys laughing] This is scary. This is scary, how do these men box? KSI, [claps] hats off to you, my dude. - He said I want boots. - And Kenny, we got Kenny. - Oh, she's up. - Oh! [guys laughing] - She bagged him. [Selena laughing] - No. But look, you're going hooks. I just want jabs, I want these ones, I want straight, yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah, she got me in the eye. Oh my God. - I held back a bit. I held back a bit because I thought I'd touch you. - Okay, I'm gonna give her one punch. Should I give her one free punch? - Yes. - I'm not sure I want to see it - Oh, this could be bad. She's gonna hold back. - Wig him, wig him. - She's holding back right? - But like side on. - Wig him! - Imagine if I missed [laughs] - And then hit my eye or something, and I got a black eye. Go on. [girl thuds] [guys laughing] - That was illegal. [guys laughing] That was an illegal punch to the back of the head. - Are you okay? - Boxing ain't for me. [Selena laughing] I'm never gonna box. [guys laughing] - Wanna hug? - Yeah, I'd love that. - He can't wait. - But hold me like I'm your man. Just pretend like, let's try this properly. [Selena laughing] Lemme hold you like I'm your. [guys laughing] - You smell really nice. - Come on babes, what you take this for? [Selena laughs] A gentleman, no dirt under my nails. Haircut cut always on point. - Oh my God, I literally was thinking, I hate guys with dirt under their nails. - What you think? I'm a grown arse gentleman like. A man, yeah? - Tell him he's done, he's done. - He's done, he's done. - Well lovely to see you. - Yeah you too [laughs] - Take care. - He's sad, he sad, he's sad. - Why are you laughing? You got me sweating, look, off a little... - You've got nice eyes. - Oh. - Bye bye. - Oh. Thanks for helping me. - I just wanna hold you. Can I just hold you for a little bit? - Okay. [laughs] - What's going on? - I feel like I'm your man. - All right. Oh I haven't had a man in ages. - No, you're lying. When was the last time? - Last time I had a boyfriend was 10 years ago. - Wow, crazy, alright. - Oh. - I had a great time with you. - You too. [mouth kissing] [guys groaning] - God, this is noisy. - That was nice though, really. That was lovely, that was bare cute. Nah, God bless you. - My leg is not a guitar. [laughs] - Oh wow, we got something there though Selena. [Selena laughing] Rumba - I can't hack it. - He's lost. - That was class. [guys clapping] - This was fun. - I thought he was really nice. I liked that he brought the boxing gloves. Thought that was a good icebreaker. And he seemed really cute [laughs]. - Did you enjoy hurting him? - I did actually, 'cause I've never hit someone before. So that was quite a nice thing to do. [laughs] - How was the hug? - It was really nice actually. Yeah, you know I've not had a boy for 10 years, so that hug was just, gonna keep it in my heart. [laughs] - But if you told me to say something- - Oh. - Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t! - You know this chick? - No, I think, bro, I think you just go harsh. - You should just say, rude [indistinct]. - Yeah yeah, bro bro bro, We ain't got time fam. - No, you know what you need to do on one of them ones, on the real ones, I'll be honest with you, I do not look at you and think girlfriend, I just think client. But that's not bad. Like, because you need to make it, make her feel that, she needs to walk out. - f*cked, f*cked. All right, cool. - Everyone's safe. - Say no more. - If she doesn't walk out then ask if she has a man. - Hello. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi. - You look lovely. - Thank you. so do you. - I like your skirt, your jacket, your hair, your face and your lips. - Aw, thank you so much. - I know you, Veronica. - Yeah, you do. See if you can remember where you know me from. - Well we're not gonna do that 'cause we don't wanna promote the other show. - Okay. - But, last time I spoke to you, you had a boyfriend. - Yes. - Is that still the case? - Yes. [guys clapping and laughing] - Waste of my damn time. - Wow. - I mean, respect. Respect. - What are you doing here? You know what it is? Her boyfriend is an absolute d*ckhead. Because, she's going around dating men "for work." [guys clapping] - Easy work, easy work. - Oh my god. - Do you reckon there's any reasons why you think the date didn't go so well? - Probably 'cause he knew he didn't have a chance. - Nothing to do with the other boyfriend? - Well yeah, that's why he doesn't have a chance. 'Cause I've got a boyfriend. - So he came in, like, excited, and he got disappointed real quick? - Yeah, he was disappointed I had a boyfriend, but I mean, I'm not gonna lie, like I'm a very straight up person. I'm honest. Why did I say yes? Oh, because you know, he's a nice guy. I wanted to get to know him. I've met him before, so I was like, you know, we could just have a nice chat. He's a good guy, he's fun. It doesn't always need to be super romantic. - So wait, hold on. She wants to get to know you so she could be your friend. - No, you know, this is deeper innit? You know, this is actually mad. No, mandem, jokes aside. Do you know how mad that is? - must be tiny. That's what it is. She's looking for longer wood. That's what it is. Look, she doesn't look like she's... - She's looking for sex with a new man? - She is pissed. - I would've rated if she said, "I thought I'd get some easy views." - Is that what she said? - Nah, I would've rated that if she said it. - Yeah, I would've liked that. "I've come on a show, I know who the Sidemen are. I heard of Filly. Yeah, I want my thing to boom, you know what I mean? Because I do music." Say something real. - Yeah. - You bottled it. - I think it's better you walked away. - Yeah. - You deserve better, bro. - Yeah. - You actually deserve better. - She's bad for you. - You could tell she's bad. - And I just want a good heart. - You just want a good woman. - Someone to love me. You know how much I love a snuggle, fam? [upbeat music] - Aight, just go have fun. All right, we're gonna talk to you in the ear. Just do your thing. Just listen, make sure you listen and do what we say. - Do what we say. All right, bless. - We got you, man. - Wish me luck. - Have fun. - Oh. - Is that your attempt at the strut? - No, that was, you know, ain't you? So when I was younger I used to watch like this marathon thing and they used to do this power walk. Do you know what a power walk is? - Like the strut that we all did on the way in and out. - Let me teach you quickly Come. So you gotta like really push out, stand here with me, next to me. [indistinct] You gotta really push out your hips. [guys laughing] - I mean I could do like model strut. [guys laughing] - It's an actual thing, they do like the marathon. - This is a you thing, [indistinct] - No, I promise you. - Maybe I could do like a little swag one. - Yeah, you look nice. - Not like a little, not like wherever that was. - I really like the outfit. - Thank you. - Aye yo, your feet are smelling nice. - Oh Goddamnit. - Yep. - If this works, I'm pissed off. - Your feet smell good. Is that your feet that smell like that? - No, that's just me. My feet smell good? - Let me see, Or is it the feet? - No. [laughs] - No, it's your feet, your toes smell good. - Oh my... - Hey yo, can I- - How does he pull this off? - Can I lick your shoe? - Oh my God. [guys laughing] - Can I lick your shoe? - You can lick my shoe. They're f*cking expensive they deserve it. - Can I suck your toe? - Come on. - I'll lick this little strap here. - No the bottom, the bottom. It's gotta be the bottom. - Nah, it's gotta be the bottom. Bottom of the shoe. - 'Cause what we do, in my culture... - The waffle, the waffle. - What we do in my culture, yeah, we lick that bit there. - The shoe, suck the heel. - Because, oh... [screams] I've got a cramp. - I'm so concerned right now. - I've gotta cramp. A serious, stretch my leg. Stretch this leg for me. - Definitely not. - Ah, please. You're not gonna help my cramp? - Not a chance. You can suffer from the cramp on your own. [guys laughing] - But yeah, no, I gotta thing for toes. - You were telling me about your culture. - Huh? - You're trying to tell me about your culture. - Yeah. - You didn't finish the story. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm just fascinated by your toes. - They're cute, aren't they? - Yeah. - Thanks, I appreciate it. - Do you mind if I rub them? - Rub my toes? - Yeah rub, like rub your feet. - We didn't even tell him to say that. - Actually yo, can I smell your armpit? - Oh my God. - Can I smell your armpit? - No. [laughs] - You can smell mine. - I don't wanna smell yours. - Why? - I'm okay. I'm not into smells like that. - I am though. - Oh yeah I know, but I'm not. - Sometime... - You gotta compromise in life. - Sometimes you gotta compromise and- - Yeah, you, sometimes you gotta compromise. - Alright, lemme just, all right, well let me sniff it for half a second then. - Half a second? - What's half a second? You can just smell me, like I smell nice. You wanna get your head in my armpit, what for? - Because I like it. - Yeah, I don't think you do though. I think that's a... - That's like one of my turn ons. - No, you're lying. [laughs] - Promise you. - I can see it on your face. - No, it's... - You're lying. - It's one of my turn-ons, I actually genuinely love it. So come let me have a little sniff. What's a little sniff? I'm a shining, look, matching little love bangles and that. - Oh, I love that. - Allow, man. Let me get a sniff. [guys laughing] See look, what's there. [guys laughing] Man that smells good. What deodorant's that? - What the f*ck do you mean, what deodorant is that? - That's gotta be Dove roll on. - It is not Dove roll on, but it is Dove spray. - See, I'm dead on. - All right, you're all right. [guys laughing] - Hot in here though, innit? - It's so hot in here. - Do you like my outfit? - I actually do. - Thank you. - Are you actually born in 1992, 'cause- - All right, let me sniff your arse. - Look... - Hold on, hold on, hold on. What did she say? - No, 1995. I don't eat arse, but I like to sniff it. - What the f*ck? We was talking about your jacket and that's where you come from? - Sorry. - It's all right, I accept the apology. - Can I sniff it though? - Yeah, I wanna sniff your arse still. - I hate it here. - I'm waiting for the next thing, I'm just not looking forward to it. - No, I just really wanna sniff it still. - Stop. - Am I making you uncomfortable? - You're not making me uncomfortable. - Oh amazing. - You're making me laugh. - Let me just sniff it then. - Sniff what? - Your arse, just f*ck it. - No. [laughing] - Just f*ck it. - Not a chance. - Aight, let me at least sniff your seat. Let me sniff your seat. - Alright, well then can you at least stand up please? - Can I stand up? - Yeah. And just stand there. We're gonna play a game then. [throat clearing] - For crying out loud. - So either side. - Please. Please. [Sidemen laughing] [man sniffing] - You are a creep. - Oh. - Your ass smells good though. [Sidemen laughing] - Sick. - Your ass does smell good. - You make me sick. This is my better side anyway. - Oh, is it yeah? - Mm. - Oh my god - So why is that, was that too nasty for you? What I just did? - No, it wasn't. I just can't believe the front. - Okay, but you're not uncomfortable with it or anything? - No, I'm not uncomfortable. - Amazing. 'Cause that's like, if we was to get together... - If we was. - Yeah, if we was. - You said if. - Yeah. - You've dated like a lot of girls today. I'm not really about guys that play the field like that. - But babe, like, this is a dating show. You know I had my eyes on you. - I'm joking. I'm joking you. - You're my everything, You are. - Oh. - Yeah, this is going so well, we don't even need to intervene. - Speaking of stars, what star sign are you? - Oh, don't tell me you're into all that. - No, I just wanna know. - I'm glad you ain't got that rock in your chest hanging off a chain. - No. [laughs] - I'm Leo. What are you? - I'm Scorpio. - What does that mean for us then? - I don't actually know. I was just curious. - Well, let's see what our sex is like. - You actually Googling Leo and Scorpio? - Say, can we just swap seats in the meantime and then smell her seat? - Let's hope it's good things. Otherwise I'm not sure we can continue. - For the sake of the shot as well should we swap seats? - Yeah make sense. Go on, swap seat. - Smell it, smell it, smell it. Smell it. [man sniffing] - Oh my god [indistinct]. [Sidemen laughing] Oh my god. - Okay, Leo and what are you again? - It's fine, though, you're making me look good. I'm Scorpio. - Scorpio. In bed. No f*ck that. It's not even a sexual thing. What's the word? Comparability? - Compatibilipy. Combat. - Oh my god. - Combat! - Oh my God! You can't say it either. Go and say it again. - Compatibility. - Yeah. Compatibility. Done. - No, she's on him. I can tell. - Oh, it says we will be good for each other. Scorpios really like when a Leo treats them well and I treat people well. So in that case. - Thank you. - Now sniff her seat. Now sniff her seat. - Where are you about to touch me? I'm concerned. - What, you think? Your waist. - I'm sweaty though. - So? I like sweat. - Nice meet you. - You looked like you needed a little kiss. Just hold me. - You've had enough at me for one day. - See you later. - Bye. [man sniffing] [Sidemen laughing] - Ah! - Oh my! - Ooh - Oh my god. - The date went good. I was not expecting to see that side of Filly, like so soon. Private, confidential information about his likes and dislikes, but our star sign and said we were compatible. So I'm sure it's a match made in heaven. - What do you think about the seat sniffing? - He's a creep! Like there's no two ways about it. Little sicko. But no, it was funny. It's just him to a tea. - Would you go on another a date? - Hmm. I would agree to another date. But no more smelling my seat when I stand up. 'Cause that's a bit freaky for me. - That means she's feeling you. - We could tell she was feeling you. - Right? - The whole time. You can just tell. - You know sometimes you're not good at reading it, you know? - Bro, she's putting up with that. - I'm, fumin' right now. I wanna f*ck him up. - She didn't leave after the first. She stayed for three seat sniffs. - Okay, fair enough. - She doesn't look happy already, man. She's, oof. - Yeah, she looks like she wants to go home. - She's waited. She's waited all this time to meet. - Filly, this one, don't make it sexual. Ask her questions about herself and whenever she starts talking, just start yawning. - Yeah. - Awkward silences. - All right, anyway. That energy. Say no more, love. Ah! [Sidemen laughing] How are you? - I'm good, thank you. - Good. Oh. So how are you? - I'm good. - Good. - What about yourself? - Thank you for asking. I'm good. Bit tired. - Of what? - I went to bed yesterday at like 5:00 AM. - Oh. - So, not good. What'd you do? - We need Vaseline for this bit. - I'm modelling. - It's f*ckin' dry. - Oh nice. And who you've been modelling for? - I'm a commercial modelling, so a few brands. - Yeah, that yawn was so real. - That was, - This is hurting me, you know, watching this. - That's good. - You don't have much to say. - Ah. It's just a bit boring. Are you up to anything for the rest of the day, or? - Yeah, I'm going to J Sheekey. - Where? - J Sheekey. - J Sheekey? - Say do you know what this date and Tupac both have in common? They're both dead. - Hmm. - Really bad setting. - Hmm. - Yeah. - Are you going? - Well, it's extremely boring and I have other things to do. - Oh, okay. No worries. Take care, yeah? - She's still done him. - Hell no. [Sidemen yelling] - Don't you dare yawn like that, you d*ckhead [laughing]. - He's extremely boring guy. He doesn't have much to say and probably because he doesn't read that much book. If you remove sexuality, he doesn't have much to say again. - That much book. Well hold on now. You don't read that much book. - Why is it when there's accents it's funnier? - Because she said you don't read that much book. [guys laughing] What the f*ck? - I dunno, I just feel like this type of people don't have much to say and I just feeling wasting my time. - What was the reason for you staying? - I didn't have much to do until five. So I think it's five almost. So I need to go. - So I'm thinking with this next one. - Yeah. - You have to be convinced that you recognise her from a strip club. - I like that. - Oh my god. - JJ. - "I've been strip club and seen you." - Yeah, mentally he's not there, he's not there. - Destiny. - I've seen you dancing on that pole. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Destiny is f*ckin' mental. - Say some stupid names as well. Okay, oh not destiny. - Crystal. - You know that the mad names that we say. - Gimme one. Gimme one then. - Peaches. - Peaches. - Peaches. - Jiggle bats. - Jiggle bats. [guys laughing] - Jiggle bats? - Jiggle bats. - Jiggle bats. - Pink diamonds. - Pink diamonds. - Or pink flutters. [guys laughing] - Why you do that? - Because I know what you meant by a flutters. - Pink flutters. - Pink flutters. - And do that as well. Say, - Okay. You watch. - Oh no. - Girls. Girls, girls. - Yeah, this is- - Oh no. - definitely a stripper. - Hi. - Hey. I notice your trainers before I notice you now. Sorry. - You do look familiar. - In what way? - Ah, let me just talk to you first. But you look, sure. - See me in your dreams. - Yeah. No, it's not in my dreams. I'm pretty sure. - You'd remember a face like mine. - And I'm telling you, I think- - Say it weren't even really the face. - Yeah. It wasn't even really the face though. - Wasn't it? - It more... - The body? - You remember. You remember. - Kind of a little bit. - You remember? - A little bit Give me some insight and I'll tell you. - About this. - Oh yeah. - Then start doing this. - Yeah. The baby oil. - Aight cool, what's your stripper name? Pink fluts. - Pink flaps? - Yeah. - Oh! - No, I don't go by Pink Flaps. You must be thinking about someone else. - No. - Mm. - So what'd you go by? - Have a guess and I'll tell you if it's right or not. - Nah, you are Pink Flaps. 100%. - Pink Flaps? - You gave me a dance. I was, remember, it was my boy's birthday. - Yeah? What, your little boy, your son? - Nah, not son. I won't go strip club with my son. [Sidemen laughing] I ain't even gotta son. I see what you're doing. I see what you're doing. She's trying to get out of it. But I see her in the strippers. But if you don't want everyone to know then let me know. I tell them to take out the edit. - Oh, okay. No, I think my job would mind. But I'm used to dealing with spicy creatures. - What d'you do? - I'm a veterinary nurse. - Oh nice. So nobody needs to know what I do on like in the evenings. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - On the weekends. - Oh, she's playing fun with it. - She's going with it. - She's going with it. - That's our little thing. - It is indeed. - Yeah. She's good. [laughs] Are you righting your lip out like that? - No, I'm just thinking, sorry. - Oh, is that how you think? - Yeah. - So bark, so bark, say [growling]. - Yeah [barks]. [guys laughing] - There's only one reason I know how to take a temperature. - Why's that? - It's only one way I know how to take it. I'm a veterinary nurse. Where do you think it goes? - Where? - Bum. - Up your ass. - What's going up where? [Sidemen laughing] We don't do ass. Ass, we don't like with that. - No? - Yeah. Nothing on my one. - Oh, but you just barked at me. So I thought we were having role play situation. - Oh, are you into role play? - What you into role play? - Oh, he's gotta be a dog. - Let's set the scene. Set the scene. Say I'm a sick f*cking dog. - Get on all fours now. - All fours. - All fours, all fours. All fours. - I'll be a nasty little f*cking dog if I get a go. - Can you? - Set the scene then. - Set the scene? I've got a dog catcher, like round your neck, and I can just- [Filly barks] I literally will give you an injection in the ass and probably some drugs you probably might enjoy. [Filly barks] I can get a thermometer if you want. - No, you can sit back down. [Sidemen laughing] - You're speechless now, aren't you? Because now you're thinking about what ways you can do them with the thermometer. - You are f*cked, you. - Isn't everyone in the medical profession? - No. You're Pink Flaps. Stop trying to give me this. - It's definitely not Pink Flaps. - What is it then? - I might have some pink flaps but they're definitely- - She might have some pink flaps! - My stage name is not Pink Flaps. - So what is your stage name? - Have one guess and then I'll tell you. - Because you changed it from Ebony. I remember you used to tan a lot and you fought like you was quiet. So you used to call yourself Ebony a lot. - I'm definitely a bit spicy. - Moose Knuckle. - Moose Knuckle. Moose Knuckle. Moose Knuckle. Say, is it Moose Knuckle? - Lexi. Legless Lexi. - Legless Lexi? - Yeah. - Why legless? - Because I used to be professional cheerleader so my legs can go anywhere they want. - Is it? - Wow! - Do that. - I've got pants on so I can actually. - Oh sh*t. - Yeah. - Keep this bit straight. - What bit straight? If you show me, I'll show you. - I'm quite flexible myself though, innit? - You are, you're quite decent. You need to sit back a bit though. - Huh? - You need to sit back a bit in your chair. - Why? - Put your tits out like this and now do it. Go on. [Sidemen laughing] Oh, you're quite impressive. I like it. - Say, I want to get physical. I want you to slap me. - Oh my God. - Wait. - What? - Wait, wait, wait. [indistinct] - Can you slap my back? - Can I slap you back? How hard do you want me to slap you back? - I like, is it weird that it turns me on? I get slapped on the back. - No. - So do you mind giving me a strong slap on my back? - Like in the middle? - Just wherever you wanna. - Or like a proper slap. - No, just like, just slap my back. - Are you ready for this? - Backed out the chain. - Are you sure? - 100% - Like as hard as I wanna slap you. - You're not listening to me when I tell you this gets me going. - Okay. Take your clothes off. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Every time she slaps she go [howling]. - Oh, you're getting bare. You're getting naked. - Oh, you gonna hit me through the top? - Oh, hang on a minute. - No, I like the rings on. I like the rings on. - Are you sure? - I like, oh, I just pain. I love it. - Oh, pain love it. - Are you ready? - Yeah. [woman slaps] [Filly screaming] [Sidemen screaming] - Oh my God. - Again, again. - Again. Again, again. - One more. - I don't like it that much. - I stung my hand! - Yeah. I've realised I didn't like it. 'Cause I like the sort of slaps, I like the straight ones like that. - Like. - Okay. Let's just do one more. 'Cause you gotta give me one like this. You've gone like that. - You didn't specify. - Yeah. - You just told me to slap you as hard as I wanted to slap you. - Bark like a dog, my brother. - You're not ready for this, are you? - Let me just- - Have you got a pink mark? - Let me just recover. Is there a mark on there? - No. I don't think you should get naked anytime soon though. - Is there a mark on there? - Yeah. It's welting. I like it rough. - Oh do you? - Yeah. - Let's give you a slap then. [Sidemen laughing] - All right, bark! - Go on then. - Are you ready? All right, do it. I'll do it small, do you want me to do it gentler? - No. - No, no, harder, harder. - Just like. - Harder. Harder. - That better? - Apparently I want it harder. - You want it harder? - Yeah, harder. - Oh yeah, that's good. I was just warming up. [Sidemen laughing] - Yeah, harder. - You want it harder? - Yeah. - How hard do you want it? - Just do it quick. Get it over- - Can you bark like a dog at the same time? - Wait, what? - It's mad. That's so mad, innit? [guys laughing] - Disgusting. I know. She needs to be sitting here. - If you going all four bark like a dog and I slap you as hard as possible. - Yeah! - Yes. Say yes, yes, yes, yes. Get on all four. - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. - No yeah, I'm not going on all fours and holding a slap, no. - Okay. - Go on. Yeah, see. Wait! [Sidemen laughing] Are you smiling before you slap me? That means you're gonna use all your power. I like it hard but not so hard to the point that it hurt like that last one. I wanna be in pain, but the pain that's gonna make me go [barking]. - Yeah. - Not, do you know what I mean? Not [moans]. [Sidemen laughing] So let's try that again. - Right. Bark. - Look at that run up you're doing. Flaps, you're too much like that. Flaps, you're just, here look. [Sidemen laughing] - See if we can see what it is. Are you ready for this? - Go on. No, no, no. Okay, no we gotta go harder than that. We've gotta go harder than now. - You literally curved your back. - Yeah, but I've got a slight reaction. I am scared. - Like a scared cat. - Go on. - Like, "hello, help me. Save me." - Stop looking. [girl slaps] [man barks] - Is that better for you? Does that get you off? Is that good? I don't even know what that noise is. [Sidemen laughing] Having a sh*t? Should I just leave you for a minute? - Yeah, no. What we do now is we walk it off. - Oh you walk it like we, am I walking with you? We've been like a mall walker. - Yeah. - Let's go - walk with me. [Sidemen laughing] - Yeah. This is the best date. This is the best date. This is the best date. [guys laughing] - Bye-Bye. - Bye. Nice to meet you. - Yeah, hug then. Happy to meet you. I really like your dress though. - Oh, thank you. Do you want one? - Well no. [Sidemen laughing] Lovely to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - Like your little shoes as well. - I know, they're nicer ones. - You're such a lady, aren't you? - I think it was definitely an insight date. You kind of work out what he likes in the bedroom more than anything. I think he definitely likes a bit of rough and tumble and the fact that he likes a good slap in. I mean, whether his back likes it or not. I'm sure he is walked off really sad. But I think it went really well. I'd definitely have a second date with myself if that was him, but obviously it's up to him. He was a very, very good dog. He's one of the best dogs I've had in a few weeks actually. And he's gonna remember me for a few days I think. 'Cause that is gonna be sore. - Yeah. I think with this one you explained to her that you didn't want to say yes to her. - Oh wow. - Yeah. But you felt bad. - Oh. - Oh No. - JJ, you're just a devil man. You're good, like, probably like, if it was casual, but never serious. - Just not for just not for me. Just not for me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. - I'm sure there's that better man out there. Maybe not better, but- [Sidemen laughing] Yeah. Go on that. Yeah, go on that vibe. Go on that vibe. Go on that vibe. - What have we created? - Monsters. - You're evil. You are. - It's JJ - Wait, hold on. Have you seen what he's been sayin'? - It's all you [indistinct]. - What you mean, have you seen? [indistinct] - No way. - Yeah [laughs] - Oh no, no. Filly. Okay, can I be honest with you? I don't think she deserves to get that. She's actually good food. You can't say that. - Should we just let him run this? - Let me move to her then. - Yeah. Yeah. [indistinct] - For this one, just be yourself. - Do you wanna give like time limits? - Try and get the number for mans. - Yeah. - Yes! - Oh, he's buzzing. - I'm timing. I'm timing. - Speed running. - Hey, you all right? - Aye. [upbeat music] You smell so good. Is that your hair? That smells lovely. - No, that's my neck. - Oh, is it? Let me see. What is that? That smells nice. - It's just perfume. - It's just perfume. It's just perfume. [laughing] - You're so pretty. - Oh, thank. - Out of all of the girls, I liked to you the most. - No, stop. - I'm being dead serious. - Really? - I'm just gonna come out here and say how it is. - Look me dead in the eye and say you're dead serious. - I'm lookin' at you dead in the eye. You can tell that you've been trying to give like YouTube personality. Like this is real. Like, think you're really, really nice. What's your name? - Chloe. - Chloe. What'd you do Chloe? - I'm a dancer. - You're lying. Oh my God. So yeah, do you know we can actually- - What? - This could be a dream team here. - What, you dance as well? - No. Well, I can dance salsa. - Mmm, kay. - But basically now, yeah, I've started doing music and I'm getting like better bookings for performances. - Okay. But I went to Saudi Arabia to go watch Chris Brown perform. And me and Chunks were basically in tears. The guy was doing all the this and then like singing. - Oh yeah, of course. - So then I said to myself, the one thing I really wanna do is learn how to dance. - Mm. - So maybe you could teach me like three moves. You know what I struggle with? You see when you've gotta do like five, six, seven, eight, boom, boom. And then you gotta change to the other move. I can't do that. - I mean, you just done it though. - No, but you know what I mean. - Okay. - There's doing it and there's looking good doing it. Do you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah. - So go and teach me like a basic, something. - Right. Do you know how to do a body roll? - No. - All right. So you're gonna start. So I'm gonna show you first. So it's like, One. - Okay. - Wait. - Ah, yeah [laughs]. - Okay, okay so. - That was sick. That was sick. - Body roll. Do you know what? I know I looked so horrible doing it. She's such a nice person. She'll tell me it looks good. But anyway- - No, you've actually done, you're sick. So I can go one, two. - No, but that's too complicated. - Okay, what do you want? - Look. So let's just do, look. Just quickly look, quick body roll. Okay. Actually I don't mind that one. Look. Body roll. - One, two three, four. I'm gonna go five, six. - Raw, do that one again. - Listen, kick and step. - Kick and step. - You know, back in the day on CBBs. [guys laughing] When they used to do the dances, this is it. - Three, two, one. - Look at this. - Kick and step. - Kick and step. - "Hello guys, Val and Maureen!" [guys laughing] This is Val and Maureen, blood. - One, two, three, four, five, six. Kick and step. - Yeah! I'll take that. I'll take that. - That was sick. - For someone that doesn't know how to it, high five. - That was sick. - Oh, you got a little love bracelet as well. - A love bracelet? - What'd you call these then? Ain't that what they're called? - It's just a bracelet. - No, but like it's little love ones. - Why? Who's giving it to you? - No, no one. But I'm just saying. That's the name of the bracelet. - Okay, 'cause I got giving this by my mum. - Oh, okay. Dope. How old are you? - 21. - Dope. - How old are you? - 26. - Oh, okay. - When was your last relationship? - Hmm. Hmm. - Got 20 seconds left. - Are you in a relationship? - I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. - Oh my God! - I'm not in a relationship. Single Pringle. - Okay. - But yeah, my last relationship was, it was kinda a long time ago. Like four, five, secondary school times. - Okay. - Don't really count them. - Well, I've only got 20 seconds left. Chloe, I really want your number. - I like where you're wearin' by the way. - Thank you. I really like what you're in. - Okay. It's done. It's done. It's done. Yeah, it's done. Congratulations, man. [crowd clapping] Is this Filly's new girlfriend or? - This could be. - Filly's new girlfriend. So I'm gonna take back everything I said about her, about her fat ass. [guys laughing] 'Cause it's my boy's girlfriend. - I'm gonna ring it regardless. But the fact that she's looking at the number. - I don't have my phone with me, but it's correct. Don't worry. [phone rings] - It rang. Chloe, I really like you. - Oh, thanks. - Honestly, get a good vibe from you. - I get a good vibe from you too. - Yeah. Like I'm seriously gonna text you when this is done. - Mm. - Now I'm talking the minute we leave this... [laughs] I swear, this girl thinks I'm gassin' her. I'm being dead serious. - The pinky promise! - Ah! [Sidemen cheering] - Thursday? - Thursday. - What are you doing in the evening? - Nothing. - Done. 8:00 PM. - Oh no. I don't wanna look. Oh, someone cover my eyes. [Sidemen laughing] - Bye, Chloe. - Bye. See ya. - And then you've got all, No Chloe, I can't let you go. I'll be honest. I can't let you go. - Come then. [Sidemen screaming] - Lemme just go over, yeah. - Oh Jesus! - Yeah, that's wifey for lifey. That is wifey for lifey. - Take care guys though, yeah? Love. - See ya. - Enjoy the rest of the shoot, man. My babes. - And now he has to go on five more dates. - Oh, she's got one hell of a great personality. - You talking about my girl? - No. [Sidemen laughing] Yeah. No, no. She's got a great, great future behind her. - The dancing, great. - How did you rate her dancing? - Hers? - Yeah. - Oh, hers is mad. No, she can, she moves. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Mad - No, you know my thing looked dead innit? - No, no, no. I think as a duo, you both looked as good as a- - Sturdy! Sturdy. - That mean she was sh*t. [Sidemen laughing] - No bro, what's that about? - How did you describe it? You said? - Said she looked like Elton John. - No, no, no, no, no. - No. You said my girl- - What was the story? - The story? - What was the story? It was, "Innit that Val and Maureen?" - Huh? - Wait, you lot was playing me and my girl. - You know what it was? Because when we could see that you was in love with her, we stopped. We ceased all fire. - Is it? - We did. - Yeah, yeah. - We definitely did. - Okay. Alright. So be real, who was the main person on you? [guys laughing] Why was you looking back like that? Like it was anyone else. - I thought it was Harry. - I really like her though. - That's what Harry said. - Yeah, Harry said so much. - It was Harry. - Harry's had so much to say. - I enjoyed it a lot. He's a really nice guy. He's not like too forward. Yeah. - He's not like other guys. - Basically you're not like me. - If there's a second date, yeah, I'll leave that up to him. But I would go on a second date. Yeah. - What do you like? What type of food do you like? - Hmm, I like expensive food. Like I'm a really high class girl, so like going to like expensive restaurants. But then on occasions I'll do like the cheeky Nandos, you know, Nandinos. So yeah, it's up to him. It's up to the vibe. I just go with the flow. - Could be the mother of my kids. [Sidemen laughing] - And you know what, I'm glad that he realised that as well. - Yeah, right? - It actually could be the mother of my children. Why's that funny? You lot not taking me serious. - I wouldn't invite him round your house though. - No, no, no. - It is, bro, if that's what you're saying. - You weren't looking at my girl's bum at any point, now was you? - What? - Bro, me and you. - Never. - Come on bro. Family. - You missed. [Sidemen laughing] - Harry! Harry! - Huh? Bro. Gimme a hug again, bro. - Harry, look, you missed it. - My bro, man, I got you, brother man. - Come on family. You know it's love. - Come on man. Always. - It's love. Okay, this next one, we gotta cut the weirdness. - This one's claps. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - This one's claps. - No, no, no. You have to, like- - You have to say listen, honestly, you should fight your mom and dad. [Sidemen laughing] - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - How'd you? So quick, innit? - Whoa. Oh my god. - That's what you should say. - Somethin' along those lines, yeah. - Say, oh. - Hey. - Nice to meet you. - Oh. - You good? - Please. [Sidemen laughing] - What? You good? - Oh, bruv, what's that? - What? - Bro, you look different under this light. - Stop. - You do though. - What? - Say, nah start clapping. Start clapping and say that's you, man. - Nah. [Filly clapping] - Say that is you. - This is you. - What you talking about? - You're a clap. - Leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave. - What? - I can't do this. - Are you joking? - It's not you. It's me. - What's wrong with you? - Wait, he's getting up, look. [Filly clapping] Where's he going? No, go back. - No, no, no, no, no. - Go back. - No, no, no, no. - Say more. Say more. - I don't like it here. - No, no. - This one's off. - No, no. No, honestly, bro, that was bad. - She looks like she's gonna a cry, bruv. I, - So just so you know, I don't feel that way. But I just got told that I had to say that in my ear for the sake of the show. Sorry. So it was almost like a little prank. I didn't mean it. - Oh my god, you're so mean. - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That's horrible. Stop making me be nasty. - Why you lookin' at me? It's JJ. It was JJ's fault. - I didn't deserve that. - Yeah, sorry. No, you're right? - Yeah. - You're all right. - Is she crying? - She looks upset. - She looks very upset. - She was close. - Filly sorted it. - Aye Filly, honestly, well done. Well f*ckin' done. - Just so you know though, yeah, I apologise. - Good. - I got a good, that was tough for me. - Mm-hmm. Okay, it was? Okay good. - Say you're clapped. You're not that clapped. [guys laughing] - Like, don't get me wrong, like you're bad, but not that bad. I'm joking. I'm joking. - Wow! I'm joking. It's a joke. It's a joke. I'm joking. - Wow. [Sidemen laughing] - Coming to the bathroom, like. - Oh. - Where's the phone? Gimme the phone. - Wait, wait, wait. Okay, I'll stop. No, no, no. Look at me. - Mm-hmm. - I promise it was a joke. I promise it was a joke. That was actually a joke. That one was meant to be the funny one. - Okay. - But the rest I got told to say that. - Wow. - Think about it. Anyone else would've just walked off and been like, "Yeah, I got my little clip, that's funny." But I've got a heart. I had to come back and apologise. Honestly. [guys laughing] - I can't do it, man. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. - You don't even know what to think, what to say. - I mean, the other girls had a good time. Like- - Oh! - I was waiting. I was waiting for a good time. - Feel free to give him a slap on the face if you like. Yeah. [woman laughs] - I don't even think she's that way inclined. - I prefer a slap for me. [guy gasping] - What? - Oh no. - What? - Here we go. - Yeah. - And now look back in. - I like how this has just gone 360. - I kind of don't really feel like you would know how to spank a girl. - Teach me. - Yeah? - How do I spank? - Okay, you need to turn around. - I turn around? - You need to turn around. I'm gonna show you where the sweet spot is. You need to get up. - I wanna show you, you show. - No, no, no, no. I'll show you before you do it on me. - I don't wanna do it on you though. - You don't? - You can just show me from far. I don't want you to spank me. - What? You think you're too big for that? - No, just don't like being spanked. - 'Cause you don't, Okay. - I just don't like being spank. - Oh fine then, well- - I don't want to get taught. I don't want to be spanked. Allow me. - Oh, you're too big for that. - No, I'm not big. No way. Humble, but I just don't wanna be spanked. It's not my thing. - Okay then. Do you want me to practise on myself? - Yeah, that would be great. - Okay. I'll use your hands. Okay. - Oi! - You need to stand up for this. Okay. - Oof. - Oof. - Oh my God. - Are you right-handed, yeah? - Yeah. - Oof. - You wanna. - Oh my God. - Oof. - What the f*ck? - You wanna get just here, [Sidemen laughing] - What's going on? - What is this? - Really Go for it though. [man slapping] That's it. So this is a sweet spot here. Just here. Where the tat is there. - Just there, yeah? - Yeah. So you want a bit slappin' that. And actually his technique was bad. - Big deal. [upbeat music] [Filly barking] - You're creep, Filly. I'm gonna tell everyone He asked to smell my [beep]. - Lady in the street and a freak in the sheets. ♪ Raining pain is my new addiction ♪ - My heart's too pure fam. I can't be rude to people. I actually can't. - Nah, she looked like she was gonna cry. - Now I get why you, man. - Do you see what I- - I get it now, 'cause there, I didn't think I would feel like that ever filming. Bro. - Retract that. - I felt so upset. - Yeah. - Think I wanna upset someone like that, bruv? - You clapped at her and then clapped her cheek. - The turn around in five minutes is outrageous. - The juxtaposition is- - Nah, 'cause she just kept it real with me. She said she's- - Aye, you read a book. - Do you know what it is? Do you know what it is? She's saying all the other girls are having fun. I'm guessing every other girl's gone in there goin' "He's lit, he's lit." - Yeah, yeah, yeah, - So she's now pissed that, you get me? - I feel like he could have taken more control. I don't really like it when I have to show someone what to do. He didn't ask me too much. I didn't get to know him. Ah yeah, I could maybe teach him a few things. So, that was just the start. - Hi. - Hi. How you doing? - I feel really bad for how things started. - Mm-hmm. - It wasn't me. - Mm-hmm. - And I like to be given a second chance. - Okay. I can do that. - I'd like to- - Yeah? - Show you who I really am as a person. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. - Filly's pullin' out his phone. - You gonna gimme the fake number because I got one up on you earlier? - Well you razzled her ass. I mean how close do you wanna get? - You're in. - She's laughing, so I think I'm gonna get a fake one. But we'll see. Put an emoji there. Surprise me with an emoji. Pick a random one [chuckles]. [Sidemen laughing] - What emoji? [Filly giggling] [Sidemen laughing] - We're going in? - Yeah. - Oof. - Oh sh*t. [indistinct] - Harry, is this y'all working now? - Put me in there as well. - Let get in there, let me get in. - Wait wait, What? - What? - Wait. [Sidemen laughing] [indistinct] - What did you just say? Bro, chill out. - Are you good? [crowd clapping] - Oh sh*t. From the boots. From the cuts. This is a career achievement. - A pussy cat and a little devil. - Oh the emojis. - You've got girls lined up. - You got Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. - You've actually got a power league team. [guys laughing] You've got a power league team. Mini power league team. You've got an attacking formation over here. She's gonna be doing in behind runs. You know what I mean? - In behind runs! - And then obviously the last one was a keeper. You know what I mean? - I've actually got a five a side team. - Little five a side team. [indistinct] - Filly, this one, switch up entirely. So you have to try and put her off you. So don't be you, be the weirdest you possible. Every ick. Like scratch your own ass, smell it. - Yeah. - Pick your nose. - Say, you know, I haven't change my bedsheets in three months. - Cool, cool, cool - When you sniff your own bum and say, raw. - No. - And I go, "Smell that." - That's it. - Do the swipe. - Yeah, yeah. And go smell that. - That is vile. - Do you know why you're a mad man, though? 'Cause if I'm being honest, see when I've had a mad situation and I've done that, it's usually this area that's- [Sidemen laughing] - Hello? - Hello. - Where's the kiss? - Yeah, come on. I've got you. [Em laughing] [cheek kissing] - Lovely. - You okay? - I'm good. - You look really nice. - Thank you. - Say rah-tah-tah. - Rah-tah-tah. Look at you. Big rolly. - Wow! - Trouser, heel, and blazer. - Are you okay? [laughs] - Yeah. - Do you know what though? - I think you need to [inhale] take some deep breaths. - I have a feeling you won't like me. - Mm-hmm. A lot of people say that. - No, I do this a lot. - I'm a bit nervous [giggles]. Yeah. I wouldn't recommend that for a date. No, definitely not. - So are you up to anything? - No. - For the rest of the day? - I'm kind of stuck here with you. - Oh, don't say it like that. [Em laughing] Like that's so bad. It could be worse. - Do you know what? I don't think this could get any worse. - Right. - No. - Don't you ever roll it into a little wall like that. [Sidemen laughing] - No! Stop, stop, stop. Stop. - Say words, you've never picked your nose, rolled it and then done that. - No. No. We need to have a serious chat about how you need to date. 'Cause this isn't, this isn't good. - But this is normal. This is life. - No. - If you was my girl, I woulda told you "Pick my nose for me, babe." That's norms. [Em laughing] - No. He's digging it out - No. Absolutely not. [Filly coughs] No, no you did not just do that. No. - What? - You are giving ick, ick, ick, ick. - How? - Like left, right, centre. - Why? - No! [laughs] I'm gonna have to go. [Filly snorting] I can't. I can't. It's over. [Sidemen laughing] [Sidemen cheering] - The noise. You have to do the noise. [crowd cheering] - That was sick. He's sick. - Absolutely horrific. Definitely the worst date I think I've ever been on in my whole life. And I haven't been on many. So that's quite a big statement. [laughs] - What in particular did you not like? - It was like ten hundred icks in about 10 seconds [laughs]. It was pretty bad. Before he opened his mouth? Beautiful. Amazing. Then he started talking. - Aw rash, she made me blush. Oh sh*t. - No. No. - She actually made me blush. - This is not a good date. - All right Becca, I need a favour. For this one, I want you to call me and then you say "What, you still on a date with this dead thing? Come home and get this kit." Or just talk nuts. - I want you to say yeah, you f*cked it up this morning. Yeah, and saying bruv, make sure you're not on no dead date with no dead thing. Simple as that. - She's very nervous. Bless her. - Hi. - You okay? - Yes, are you? - I'm good. Thank you. - Give us a hug. - That was a nice one. - Aw. - I normally come in low. Let's do it this way. - Yeah, this way feels more naturally. - I'm normally a high up person. - Yeah. See, I dunno why I went high. How are you? - Yeah, I'm good. How's your day, been? - Yeah. Good, thank you. - Good. I like your chain. - Thank you. I like yours. Yours is better 'cause yours is like, it's subtle but it's still in your face. Mine's just in your face. You know what I mean? - It is a bit. And you got it hanging out. But I like it. It looks good. - Thank you. Appreciate you. I didn't have it earlier, but the boys were gassing me. And was like "Bruv, show your chain, fam man, show your chain." - Oh, we like a hype team. - Yeah. Literally, you know. Ain't so nice to get a compliment? - Yeah, for sure. - Listen, I just got a compliment on the last date. - Yeah? What did she say to you? - Poo! - Oh, you've not been having compliments all day? - No, not really. - Why? - I dunno, I think I'm a nice guy, but I don't think I'm everyone's cup of tea. - I feel like on a first date, you always have to like, give a little compliment, you know what I mean? Leaving them hang in a bit. - Yeah. Just so you know, innit, where you stand. - Yeah. - Have you ever dated a black guy? - No. - So why are you here with? - Never say never. - Hmm. Why ain't you dated the black guy? - Huh? - Why ain't you dated the black guy? - Why am I not? - Yo? - Hello? - What's going on babes? - What are you saying? You right? - Yeah. Where are you? - What you doing? - Just on this little date with someone. A little... - A little date? - Yeah. - Little what? - A little date? Better not be no dead date, no. - Yeah. No, no. Don't watch that, babes. Did you leave that food in the microwave for me? - No. Yeah, I'm going. The shower. So the shower's there, right? - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay, cool. - You already know I did. - All right, cool. I'm gonna see you when I go home, yeah? - All right. Well. - See you later, Babe. - All right. Bye. - Mm-hmm - Who's that? - Hmm? - Who's that? - Oh, it's just a friend. - Just a friend? - It's a friend, yeah. - Oh, do you live together? Like a housemate friend? - I mean, she's staying up mine for a look while at the moment, yeah. - Is she? [Sidemen laughing] - I mean, the minute I figured you're not really into black guys. I've just thought I might as well just- - I didn't say I was not into black guys. - Go home to my girl again. You know? - My girl again. Yeah. You know what? We need to find Filly's mind, man. He's lost it. He's absolutely lost it. - My ex was not black. That's all. - Okay. - Mm-hmm. - Do you feel that black guys approach you? - No. - Raw? - No. Yeah. - Is it? - Mm-hmm. - So when you're out, it's just bear Charlie, Jacks, Toms. - Charlie [laughs] - No Kwames, no Tundes - No. Yeah, you're right. Absolutely. - No, I'm being serious. - Yeah. Yeah. Charlie, Jacks, and Toms. That was good. - It's mad. She'd probably claw a Jack, Charlie or Tom. That's why she's laughing. Oh my God, have you? Have you f*cked someone called Jack, Charlie or Tom? Please, please tell me I've got one name right. Oh, that would've been good. - Mm-mm. - Yeah. Anyway, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - I feel like we'd be sick friends though. - I think we could be. . - Do you know what I mean? - We could hit it off. Yeah, for sure. - Yeah. But it's mad how I know you felt that vibe from me and I felt that from you. - Yeah. - Don't you feel energies? Like, can't you look like that cameraman there? He's a nice man. - He is a nice man, yeah. - But let's just say you didn't know him. - Okay. - Like, I'm the type of person that I can look at people, feel your energy, and go, "I don't like you." I'm not saying I don't like you. - I agree. I agree. - But I just felt your energy say to me, "Filly, I f*cks with you, but I don't f*ck with you." You know what I mean? - No, I get it. For sure, yeah. - But it's all love, though. I have a hug though. I did enjoy your hug. And you're little thickened as well. Would have mashed you up. - I'm what? - Take care, yeah. - Oh, lovely to meet you. - You too. - Yeah, it was nice. It was calm. Pretty chilled. Yeah, I feel like we could hang out as friends. Definitely. For sure. - We'll end up crying. - What did your mind jump to when he had the phone call? - I mean, it definitely sounded like a gal, but also could have been his mom, yeah. [Sidemen laughing] - Why couldn't you just say girl? - She had one curry go yesterday and then now, she's f*ckin', she turned into Shenseea. - Shenseea [laughing]. - Get out of here. I'm like, yeah, just say girl as you would usually do. That's like me saying "On the contrary, guys." [guys laughing] [indistinct] - With this one, I want you to be obsessed with boats. - What boats? - Yeah, yeah. Boats. - The hell is going on? - Just everything about boats. Talk about boats and then eventually get to the line where you're like, "Cause I wanna motor boat you." - Oh my God. Jesus Christ. - Calm. - Hello. - Hi. - You salsaing? - Huh? - Salsa? - Yeah. [woman laughing] You okay? You're not gonna get up to hug me. - Oh, I can. - Say you look like one of my favourite things in life, you know. - You look like my favourite things in life, you know? - Who. What, me? - Guess what it is. - Do a drum roll. Say Can you do a drum roll please? - Drum roll. - Okay. - You look like a long f*ckin' boat. - You look like a long f*ckin' boat. I just love boats. - Okay. - Is that offensive? Or is that good? - Who knows [laughs] Who knows? - You look like a long f*cking boat. - A canoe. - I love a canoe. I love a motor boat. - Okay. - I just love boats in general. - Catamarans. - Say, do you remember Rosie and Jim? - Big, round, small. - Okay. [Sidemen laughing] - Say do you remember Rosie and Jim? - Do you remember Rosie and Jim? - No. - You look like the boat that they was riding on, baby. - You look like the boat they was riding on. - Okay. - Yeah. - Thank you. - Yeah. What are you into? Like, is there anything like, interesting you're into. - What I'm into, I like cards. - You like what? - Cards? - Cards. - Yeah. Like gift cards. - You're into gift cards? - Yeah. I collect cards. - So what about boats then? - No. - You don't like boats? - No. Do you collect boats? Do you have a boat? - Yeah, I've got a boat. - Do you? - There's actually a boat in my house right now as well. - In your house? - Yeah. But a little one. I've got it from Portugal that plays out. - In the gift shop? - How grave, how grove? - How grave. How grave. - Grave. - How grave, yeah. - Oh, I like ya nails. - Thank you. - Go on girl. - Have you ever been on a boat? - Well, I have one colour- - Have you ever been on a boat? Sorry. - Have I ever been on a boat? - Hm. - Yes. - What's your favourite type of boat? - My favourite type of boat? - This is so dumb. - He knows this is dumb. - I don't really know any other kinds of boat. - Just say guess what though? Let's go away from boats. What's your favourite shoes? 'Cause mine are boat shoes. - Okay. Let's go away from boats. Let's talk about shoes. What's your favourite? Do you like my shoes? First and foremost? - Yes. - You take your time though. You don't, innit? - Say you prefer your boat shoes. - I prefer your boat shoes though. - I like, I like. [Sidemen laughing] - Oh, this guy. This guy, this guy. - Can I smell your shoes? - What? - What? - What the f*ck, JJ. - What's wrong with you? - They remind me of boats. - They remind me of boats. - Do you want to take my shoe off? - Is that cool with you? Or. - I'll take my shoe off. - Yeah, I just like- - And my socks? - No, you ain't gotta take your sock off on me. That's fine. I just. - No. Take your socks off as well. Actually take your socks off. - Do you know what? Take your socks off actually, 'cause I might, I might smell the sea. I just really wanna smell boat though. I really see the boat in the shoe. - Say that [indistinct]. [Sidemen laughing] - I forgot it was in there. - Her mic's on the floor. [Filly inhales] Oh, that's the sea, all right. - He's using it like a sick bag on a plane. [Sidemen laughing] - Pretend to vomit. - Alright now wear the hat. - No. The shoe, wear the shoe. - That's gonna look like a KKK hat. [Sidemen laughing] - Look at her face. - What are you looking at me like that for? I'm the captain now. I can't hear you. [Sidemen laughing] Aye, Aye, captain! ♪ Oh, who lives in a pineapple under the tree ♪ You know that song? - Under the tree [laughing] - Under the tree! - How does it go? ♪ A na na na ma na runnin' is he ♪ - Why is he riding the chair like that? - Do you wanna get on my boat? - D'you wanna get on my boat? - I'm all right. Thank you. - Why? There's space, look. - Can I have my shoe back? Thank you. - I'm so confused. - You okay? - Yeah, I'm good. - So have you enjoyed our date? - Not really. - You haven't? - No. - Why? - Just talking about boats. - I'm into them. - You don't even have one. - Oh. - What, well in Colombia I do. - Mm. - The main reason is I just really wanna [mumbles] boat. - You want to? - I just really want [mumbles] boat. [Sidemen laughing] - Throw my boat. Row my boat? - I'm just gonna say it once, just 'cause I get shy. Okay. I just really wanna [mumbles] boat. Mow your boat. - Mow my boat? [Filly mumbles] Oh, motor boat. - Nah. Nah. Nah nah nah, hah. [Sidemen laughing] - I'm sorry. - Okay. - This has gone so left in the most best way ever. - Should I just go? - Is there anything else you wanna say? - No, I just feel like at this point I've weirded you out and you're not like... - No, I'm here for it. - f*ckin' hell, you're still here for it? - All right, say one thing I will say though is yeah, I do love boats though. - One thing. I will, one thing I will say is though. - Say that, that's the last thing you say to her. Say, I'm not gonna lie jokes inside. I wanna be serious with you. - I really wanna be serious with you. - Okay. - 'Cause I actually don't like boats. I just... - Okay. - I love them. [Filly mumbles] [Sidemen laughing] I'm just gonna go now. - Okay, fine. - Lovely to meet you though. - You too. - Anything you wanna say before I go. - Not really. - Say when I look at you, it makes me wanna sh*t. [Sandmen laughing] - Say that to her. Say that to her. Please, Filly, I beg you. - Say it bro. - I feel like sh*ttin' - No, no, no. - It's been a long day. - Yeah, because when I see you. It's weird. - Yeah. From the minute I walked in, I said I need to sh*t. [Sandmen laughing] - You're that nervous. Nervous poo. - I'm just like "Ah, I need to sh*t," Yeah. To be honest, I don't really speak to pretty girls. - Oh. What about, you've had like a lot today? - Well, yeah, it's an exception today, innit? But ask them how weird I was. - Okay. - Anyway, I'll let you go. Give you a hug. - f*cking hell. - "When I see you I want to sh*t." [Sidemen clapping] - That was close. That was close. That was close. - "When I see you I want to sh*t." - It was interesting. I don't think I've ever spoken about boats that much in my life. - Yeah. JJ, you're bad. - Also, I don't think he was in his right mind. - Yeah. Lost it. All right, so with this one, obviously she's brought out a banana - For some reason. - Just be seductive with it. Be like, yeah. Yeah. What can you do with you banana? - Why you brought that? - This is what JJ wants. - If she doesn't do stuff, you have to. - No, God forbid. Don't, no one talks sh*t in my ear about suck banana. [Sidemen laughing] - He's gonna dash that earpiece out of his ear. - All right, you okay? - You look very afraid. - Why have you got, why have you got tape on a banana? - Well, I heard about all the naughty things you were doing, so I thought I'd just come and play some games with you. [woman laughs] I heard you don't like dominating women anyways. So I thought it'd be a bit of a joke. - Yeah. - So how are you? - I'm good. I feel like you are moving to me. You are quite, you are confident though. - I'm a singer. That's what I do. I'm a presenter. - Oh, is it, yeah? - I'm a bit like, yeah, I think we kind of. - You can sing, yeah? Let's hear you then. - She talks like the guy, Lauren's boyfriend. Dushane and I just want my Lauren back. - My Lauren. - I just want my Lauren back. ♪ I need security ♪ - Sorry, that's me a bit nervous, but. - No, no, no. You got a voice in you still. I can't do that. - It's a pretty good tool. - I need to wholly put auto tune and reverb of my thing. Trust me. So, I respect it. - So what about yourself? Let's see what you've got. - Show me. Come. But let's just cut all the games. What's the the banana for? Bring 'im, bring 'im, bring 'im, bring 'er up. - Say, say, say say Filly, say, the way you're singing, you must have a deep throat. - Look how badly- - 'Cause you know by the way you hit that note, I know there's no gag reflex. [Sidemen clapping] - Wanna find out? I can't even open a banana [laughs]. - What is? - She said "Let's find out." - Vic, open your eyes. Open your eyes. - It's educational, Vic. It's educational. - No, longer than that, though, 'cause my thing's - All right! [laughing] All right, if you're gonna get down to business, let's do it then. [laughs] How big? That big? - And she bends left as well. Mental. That is mad. - What is going on. - I've got a child on the way. - I don't like bananas. - I actually pictured that as my- - I don't like bananas there. - Oh, is it? That was the show. So what's the duct tape for? - Well, do you want me to tie you up? - Tie who up? No, I'm not into all of that little f*ckery there. - I know, I heard, I heard. - I'm not into all that leather stuff. Put chain on me, stuff hanging off the nipples. - You've got chains. You got- - I just like standard. - Dry sex. - No, not dry, but everything wet up. Water park. Where when I'm, you get me. But I just like, just not little side one little side one. You know what I mean? - Boring as hell. - How'd you. - Just a little side one? That's all you've got to give? - All right, tie me to the chair then. - Tie you to the chair? - Yeah, - I've got one better for you. Put your hands up then. - Hands up? What's getting hands up where? - I was gonna tie them behind- - No, low me. I don't want none of that. - Okay. We'll leave that. We'll leave that. - Yeah. What you're into all that, yeah? - So what? So what? So what? So what we talking, we talking thumb in the ass? - Me control them. - So what we talking? What you, thumb in the [whistles]. - I'd rather you do it to me. - Oh, sh*t. - Thumb in the bum bum. Say that. - Does that change everything now? - What, thumb in the bum bum? [Sidemen laughing] - Any hole's a go. - Oh sh*t! Girl likes it in nostril, earlobe, the f*ckin' lot. - Exactly. - Oh [laughs]. - Barbaric. - Aight. What about you sh*ttin' on my chest? - f*ckin' hell. - So what, you like on people's chest then, that? - It's called Tarmacking. - What's tarmacking? - Apparently people rub it. People sh*t on your chest apparently. It's not my thing, but- - How'd you know it's called that? - Because I love a lot of gay people that do it. - Fair, fair enough. - And they like to rub it in and [slurping] get all up in there. - Would you let me sh*t on your chest? - Never [laughs] - Fair. Aight, cool. - You let me sh*t on yours? - Money talks though. - No, no, no. I'm priceless. - A million. A million. - Wait, I'm priceless mate. I'm priceless. - All right, someone says to you, think about the question carefully. - I am. - This is for everyone at home as well, yeah? Comment down below. They offer you 10 billion. - Mm. To sh*t on someone's chest? - All you gotta do is you gotta let someone sh*t on your chest. 10 billion. - I'd never. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's disgusting. - Yeah, you're tweaking. - 10 Billion? - I ain't about picking sweet corn off my chest and bits of carrot, yeah. [Filly laughing] - Little piece of carrot and sweet corn. - From fork, nah. - Yeah. It's nuts. [indistinct] I know someone out there will do it though. Comment down below. I'm curious to know which one of you nasty f*ckers would do that. Well, yeah, I'm gonna shoot man. - All right. Nice to meet ya. - I feel like you're too much for me. - I haven't even started [indistinct]. - See it there. You ain't even. - Well, I am 42, though. - Never. [clapping] Hey, round of applause. Round of applause. Yeah. Spin 'em - Thank you! - About 42, 42 where? But yeah, I'm offskies, yes? - But yeah, nice to meet. See you later, bebe. Nice to meet ya. Do you want my banana. - Nah. [woman laughing] - Take care. - Ciao! - All right, - Bye! [laughs] - Well I've had a really good time guys. I think that's all my dates done. Every date was good. Every girl was nice. Obviously in the ear I got told to say some stuff from time to time. And I think only just one girl thinks I'm a d*ckhead. And I can live with that 'Cause I went on a date with like 17. So the fact that only one just thinks I'm a dick? I can sleep easy at night. [Sidemen clapping] [Filly sighs] - Round of applause, that was amazing. - Oh my god. [upbeat music]
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Id: DUrBIxB1q0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 45sec (4365 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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