$1,000 Chip Inside high limit coin pusher.. Joshua Bartley Livestream

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ah man guys i hope that's better youtube crashed on me i have never had youtube crash i've had the computer crash i've had a network go down i've never had youtube crash so this one's a new one to me like it's youtube's offline i've never had that happen before so maybe they're having problems but i'm hoping guys that hey misty hey uh hey everybody so hopefully the quality is better i don't know if something's wrong with youtube let me know if it's still blurry remember i am shooting at hd settings i don't know take two second try yeah here again yeah i've never had youtube youtube crashed hey john hey charles renee i'm just waiting for y'all's feedback it's still very still blurry guys try to change your settings see if that's it maybe youtube's having an issue because it's clear on my side it's still grainy that's interesting i double checked yeah i didn't know if uh if it was my settings but i checked and it everything that i do guys there'll be an issue with youtube i am so sorry this has nothing to do with this and youtube is having an issue i haven't what's going on it's blotchy i am so sorry now my internet connection is perfect it's not saying anything on my end it literally says it's perfect hey ed is that better clear now all right all right never mind i figured out what the problem was so i bought this right here a wi-fi extender well when i went down to see eric crashed and i think the wi-fi extender is broke and that's why because it this one right here so maybe that's what it is maybe the wi-fi extender was all right good cool all right guys so here it is i'm gonna let them know again so if you missed the rules the first time that we were talking there is a 30 minute there's a thousand dollar chip in the back let's see where you can see right up there all right that's a thousand dollar chip however i have 30 minutes to buy it if i do not or to win it if i do not get it into 30 minutes then it drops down to a hundred they will come in at the 30 minute mark and verify that uh outside of that there's very little in here so here's the issue we counted up earlier as one two uh see 100 200 three hundred four there's a little over four hundred bucks in here and i got five hundred dollars invested so as soon as they come in and see me we'll go ahead and get started but we got to try to get that thousand dollar chip now another thing is this is the one that i can throw quarters in or it does hit itself uh also there is a that surprise bag but it they got it in the worst position that we could so again today was a 500 buy-in suit i'm just waiting for them to pop their head yeah there's probably something good inside that bag there would have to be because there's technically if i don't get that there's not all right all right cool seven or six okay awesome all right so they're going to put start time at 7 10 but we can go ahead and get started so let's go ahead and get this thing working all right that's crazy somebody said they still haven't got anything i don't guys if i ship the stuff out and you didn't get it i have i literally you might want to call your post office that's probably the best route and tell them that you had somebody from west virginia send you something over uh before christmas and that hasn't arrived because i have been getting the ones that said non-deliverable i have been getting them back so i don't know what else to do uh today was 500 and this is what i don't know how many that actually is i'm like a lot guys they're used to the time of day it worked out to be like 18 and 75 cents or 17.75 for uh a 400 poker racer hey josh school over corn pusher i is in the hospital now for second degree burn the right foot look forward to oh no coke and rosie i'm so sorry so sorry about that yeah i hate to hear that all right so let's see good morning sorry guys i'm looking but uh i am trying to see if i can come up with a game plan then i'll get back into the chat just i'm thinking i'm thinking just left and middle for now because we got to get we got to get that thousand dollar chip remember sides are closed today thank you misty and so look this is what we're doing um the sides are closed 30 minutes so at 7 40 will be our time is up we need to get focused on that thousand bucks there's nothing in here i mean a lot of lawyers lose big oh man they had a bunch of towers in here that time that i've been waiting they all fell it's crazy yeah somebody asked the what happened to get second degree burns man i hate to hear that now airy north carolina mayberry i know i told you all the story about oh mayberry experience definitely cool place games thank you buddy thank you so much i always enjoy coming over to you i've been guilty of not getting on youtube much here lately but i always get uh i always like going over to your game two uh channel buddy and check me out seemed like a pretty cool pretty cool guy you're not a kid almost a kid but that's what happens when you get older everybody's kids yeah there's unfortunately guys we have some people in here that uh work for the post office and they can tell you about how they tried their best but they were so overwhelmed so overwhelmed and you know they they uh cut short on manpower so therefore tony thank you so much for the super chat you were awesome thank you so much for the support of the channel all right guys this is my last handful here we already got this thing almost off the top thank you jerry yeah they they need some i might want to act like i'm an expert and i know exactly what they need what they need but i can tell you one of the things that's going to fix it is they need the proper help there we go 500 investment i can double it double it all right so that's my last quarter let me go in here and collect real quick [Music] wow this is huge wow amazing return that was more than what we started with thank you phil i'm trying to get a good system going once i get a good system going then i will make sure i redraw his comments i just want to make sure that uh i got my fingers going to the right right right c racing through that is amazing that that makes no absolutely no sense i literally packed and believe me you're not the only one there's a bunch of people that said they have not got it um i haven't got the new chips in they're supposed to be in this week i forgot today was a holiday but if you all didn't receive a channel chip you have to send me an email again with your address and as soon as it comes in i can't afford to send that out prior to enough just because that would be a lot of money but i will make sure that it's legible there's enough stamps on it but even when there's not enough stamps they send it back return to sender i've had that issue happening too i don't know how to calculate my postage guys this chip is getting moved up here we are technically three minutes involved because they said go till 7 10 for the start time and it's already in the middle of the field now it's going to slow down once it starts hitting that big barrier of quarters but i think we can do it i seriously do and if you get it everything else from that point it's just bonus money ah thank you so much hey tennessee altera i'll tear up all right guys i appreciate it everyone's saying josh just focus on getting a thousand so let's do that let's uh let's focus on getting a thousand dollars and after that we'll chat enjoy ourselves tell stories do all the fun stuff that live streams offer ah my fingers are stuck so this one i'm gonna have to show you all what this uh the coin drop looks like on here it's uh it's real thin and it's hard to get filters in there fast where like other people's channels they have the ones like flying j's has where it's three open slots so you can put it in two different spots at once or this one's one single one that twists back and forth so guys did you well let me ask you questions about that later when i can actually read what you're saying back but it was pretty cool playing the new game i always love new games man and they got enough of them here enjoyed going down and seeing eric yeah out carol i finally got that right i said remember you switched to save it seven times and get stuck in your head right so we're down to uh 75 cents all right let's go down here and collect extremely quick all right excellent so it looks like we got about thirty dollars in cash all right it's moving up there so while i can't read what you're all saying i want to tell you a story that happened and guys i gotta tell you this one's affecting me too by the way for those of you all that don't know today is jeff clark's birthday birthday in heaven so when i first started the arcade when i left the railroad i went to work for the railroad for a little bit and then i took a little bit of a buy out and i told myself i was going to take that money i always wanted to own a business i used to own a couple small businesses but i wanted to do like a shopping plaza style business and i told you all the story i was looking around my area and the two things at the time i keep in mind this was years ago the two things that they didn't have around here was one something for kids to do and two before all the insurance and stuff came on the phones and you bought it you were stuck for it they didn't have a cell phone repair shop so i initially went with a cell phone repair shop i invested the money i got all the equipment and then from that point i uh learned how to do it well i could tell really quick i wouldn't enjoy doing the cell phone repair business it's too too detailed oriented and then that's a lot of money to you know to mess with somebody's thing so i went with plan two to find something for kids to do right here so i opened up the arcade i've got all the stuffs trying to figure out how do i buy the stuff where do i get it at started buying games i found a small storefront to start it off with well i put an ad out in the paper for help and i asked for people that had experience working on games guys thousands almost there and i had this gentleman come said he's been in the business for years his swears his resume looked and him it looked amazing there's a big push oh it's right there guys we're doing a good time well the guy i paid him a lot of money needless to say a lot of money to work on the equipment that i had because i couldn't afford to buy brand new well the day that we opened i had a bunch of people there i think arcade matt even came up for it and uh i already had a crane wrap started where i put cranes and storage and stuff all right let me shut up real quick while this gets close because we're almost there got plenty of time all right i'll tell you the story if i can win this thousand that'll make me a lot happier telling you story oh baby this is my last quarter all right i'm gonna go down here collect one switch oh so close [Music] guys that bag is closed too that bag is super close so maybe we can win both of them all right so i'm just going to focus on this chip for a second then we'll get back to it man i'll tell you when they close those uh sides off this thing is a beast guys if you're leaving messages for me i'm so sorry i'll be we're almost there it is right on the edge come on baby can we get it oh man 10 minutes in we might be able to clear this out pretty quick come on baby come it on wait a thousand bucks oh my gosh a thousand freaking dollars all right hold on guys i gotta go get it real quick but here it is all right i'm gonna show them this thousand bucks guys that means just we're up 500. give me one second i want them to see before hey i got it i got it thank you so much we did it guys i'm instinctive thousand dollars 500 bucks not a thousand but 500 bucks man awesome so they know we got 10 minutes all right so now i can take my time trying to get this bag off there is no time limit for the rest of the stuff all right whoo man my heart is beating thank y'all so much uh i know it was see it makes me seriously maybe i'll start doing that on these time limit ones where i just focus get these things taken care of and then wait until we achieve the objective and then i'll come back so yes uh there was a only difference with the time limit i had 30 minutes to get the thousands if i didn't get it within 30 minutes it turned to a hundred dollar chip so that was the time limit for that all right so let me finish this story because it's it's a big so anyways i worked in ems most of my life i worked in ems long before i went to work for the railroad and i met a lot of good people well one of the guys that i had met he ran with a different fire department uh he was a great guy his name was will really stopped in one day to check out the family center and he had talked to me on facebook prior and really had worked part-time for different places carnivals and stuff well i'll back up a little bit that guy i told you i was paying to work on the games the day that we started the family center i'm sorry that new game was kind of annoying um like half of my games didn't work games that did work like he literally went in there and broke games that were working and i was like man this guy i paid him thousands of dollars by that point [Music] and i don't think he knows what he's talking about well so willie came in and just came in for free didn't want any money and found out that guy was a crook and he had been scamming me and from that point on willie took over the family center um helping me out he's he stayed with me till the end me and him went tennessee we went to north carolina all kind of different places together um also really uh came extremely close with bray and glenda um very lovely so really something a little bit like jeff really had some heart issues uh that was my last quarter let me get quite quick [Music] so uh really we've always stayed in touch after the family center went down and stuff we always stayed in touch well willie just got sick about a month ago and at first no one really knew why he was sick and and you know with his heart he goes into the hospital a lot well it seemed like things were getting worse and worse and worse for him and the next thing you know he had all this oxygen therapy and was happening issues breathing well then it came out that willie had covey and uh guys he fought so hard for a month and then finally two weeks ago they told his wife that if his stacks oxygen saturation rate doesn't improve within two weeks that they were just going to make him comfortable and let me you know just naturally pass on which that's when i realized how serious it was a couple days ago willie wife was up there and i had put him on his stomach for a while and they had rotated him around and then uh his sass dropped back down to the 80s and then they could hear gurgling so when they took the tube out i think he passed away pretty much not long so anyways long story short lost another good friend 2021 is not starting off anything better than what i thought 2020 was so i say all that for numerous reasons one there's someone you haven't talked to a long time or maybe you used to be close with and man it doesn't hurt just to send them a message and see how they're doing and check out this one and thankfully i was able a lot of dudes do willie really used to come on this live stream i'm sure you all would probably see uh probably seen his uh messages he would come on here all the time he was actually wanting to come play against me owner of coin pusher so that's that's what's been happening here it's been terrible all right so i'll get off the sad stories and stuff but i just wanted to you know like i told you it's all my mind's out my mouth and uh he was only 54 years old like young just like jack so take this stuff serious man i don't care whether democrat republican independent from mars whatever political affiliation that you consider yourself take this serious mars belief i'll tell you what oh thank you so much huh yeah i miss what was happening but guys if you if there's an issue with something approach me this is not the place to do it send me an email i'm not a business this is a channel channel i don't know mark i hate to hear that yeah he was such a good dude man willie had he used to say it doesn't make sense to say it out loud unless you were there but he used to scare bray every time he'd walk up to him and said squirrel jack rabbit now you know you're from west virginia when people say squirrel jackrabbit but he'd come up behind bray and pinch his leg and say squirrel jackrabbit so that came like him and bray's little thing together and uh when he would stop by here see how we were going that's the first thing he would yell when he seen bray all right so we got here let me get you all caught up on where we're at here um since we have time now that red bag is going to get caught on the thing so we got okay we got a hundred then we got uh see 10 20 30. uh 40. i think that's two twenties six i said maybe eight but never fear because we have that so we're hey i'm happy man anytime that i'm up i'm happy there must be something big inside that bag because what i've noticed last time on this one like the other coin pushers if it gets stuck you can have them move it and this one you can't and they put this one that bag in this one so i have a feeling it would take a lot to get that i don't know what's in there but it's probably something but we're gonna still try to win it uh i understand i understand oh that's why i always say to you all seriously guys life is short it really is man i blink and i'm 39 getting ready turn 40. i'll blink it's going that quick i don't understand living your life in anger miserable you know the whole concept of going to a job you hate coming home to a house you hate you know i just if something's i'm always one of those you know when times get tough find uh learn something to break that and change things we only got one shot going around being miserable to other people because it reflects how you feel on the inside [Music] all right all right somebody said loaded up the issue is you all can see in here but i can't i can't really tell where it's landing but all right loaded it up all right guys so that was the last one let's go down here and collect see what we got oh boy man there's so many quarters underneath this game geez man i found quarters i know i've been under here for a while i'm big on brother all right guys so we got a hundred chip and we got a 20 stack 900 chip is for gameplay same thing for these right here those role of quarters are for gameplay misty says win the back i am curious to what's right misty you're actually getting a bag sent to you i put all your stuff inside the bag what's in the box i'm in philly neons good night josh thanks so much for being here oh i'm throwing it on top of each other all right so i got an idea i don't think this is going to work but let's try let's try to ah yeah that's not going to work that throws it right in the middle i was going to say if we could get that thing to fall to the uh geez sorry i'm now playing sloppy all right so let's do this there's a 50 chip right there let's let's focus on getting that and then we'll go over towards the back hey everybody come on big push oh come on second wave yeah i apologize that my video schedule has been kind of messed up i tell you one thing i did do though um friday i didn't get back to late um so or uh thursday so i ended up recording a video on friday and then stayed up till 8 o'clock in the morning editing that thing watch the sun come up man but i had to have it out man ah come on all right let's go down here and collect that thing is not moving too well oh that was a good return second wave oh here we go man i seriously feel like i got the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders by winning that so quick yeah you're right in the game you're right buddy hopefully that thing can come off now i'm sure if it's stuck inside the shoes they would have to give that to me don't have these machines from new jersey yeah i would imagine probably because new jersey has uh um what is jersey's vegas what is it called uh wow i'm having a brain atlantic city thank you that's it i think a lot of places like vegas and stuff like that that have uh the slot machine style ones they don't have these a lot of them you find in states that don't um well i'll take that back pennsylvania has coin pushers and they have one we have there's a couple of those casinos i don't know i guess it's just up each state legislation [Music] whoa amsterdam yeah yeah right right now i like how you still braid and that's interesting b r e y d e is it still pronounced like brayden yeah yeah i should say that like joe said they they don't have high risk corn pushers guys and seriously i live in a state that's pretty some things are really strict one but there there's a lot of other things that they're not like if you want to look up look up funny state laws in your state and you'll find some like weird state laws let me go down here collect real quick and i'll tell you a funny west virginia law oh so there is a town in west virginia and last i heard this was still a law but on the first sunday of each month you were allowed to take your spouse onto the court house steps in assault her now that's the only way you could do it so the first sunday of the month legally you're allowed to take your wife to the courthouse steps and assault her check that one that's great does anybody watch um uh what is his name huntington west virginia is that where it's at it's still a wall how crazy is that man yeah quicker dave portnoy the guy that owns barstool sports he does a pizza review because he loves pizza i think i'm going to create my own version of that and do sweet tea review and arby's you get a bad grade because your sweet tea tastes like water brown water susan says she played on the cruise ship that was the first place that i played life first time i ever played a high risk coin pusher was on a cruise ship now why whether they i came up with the name high-res coin pusher there i don't know what they actually call them but when i first played it i said how can i come up with a name to signify that this coin pusher has a lot more money involved than a regular but it costs more money to play so i was like you know they got high limit games and high games you ever saw so or whatever they actually call them i have no idea carry lunch on main street could you imagine being a police officer through an arrest and they say would you would you get me for officer brother you had your lunch pail on main street there and according to law blah blah blah blah i'm taking you in boy i agree mark i do although i gotta say man my favorite is uh popeyes i don't know if it's my local popeyes or what but seriously you will have type 2 diabetes by the time you're done have a good night brandon yeah i'm not i'm a big fan of the fast food but i do i do drink their tea sometimes i think i told you all before mcdonald's for a lot of times has a bleach taste not that i've ever drank bleach but by the smell that's what bleach would taste like and i'm thinking it's what they use to clean it oh live in texas now yeah that's uh they've been putting a lot of new pop pies around me they're they're actually really nice i guess that chicken sandwich they came out with really helped out the business and then uh kfc they started closing them down over here which i like kfc ah that's right cindy a woman to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking whoa i'm telling you man all you got to do is just look weird state walls in my state and you'll find things that blow your mind true right that was officially my last quarter oh no brian that's not good clorox chewables are better somehow i missed that we got the 50 but we did get it there we go all right oh jangles tea you know i know i've had those angles too but um i have to try it again video schedules no more messed up than last year whoa that was huge holy moly i can't believe we did it every time i forget about it i look down and see a thousand chip i can't believe i did that 500 bucks just in 10 minutes 500 all right brian i will also legal to hunt camels yeah because we know that camel population issue we're having in the states oh man i know they passed a law finally making it illegal to eat road kill in west virginia and when i read that i was thinking man oh sorry we are definitely i know the stories the memes and the wrong turn movie that was supposed to be about west virginia and then people like pulse deliverance and all that when they have to make a law that it is illegal to eat roadkill just maybe just maybe we deserve a reputation it's illegal to fish for whales sunday in ohio yeah because we all know that your whale population there in the higher rivers is terrible hey steve you're just on time it's illegal to put salt on a railroad track that's interesting hey caesar yeah no more possum stew right oh all right so that was my last quarter again all right so my phone's been going crazy let me just make sure everything's okay normally my phone doesn't make messages like that not there and let's see what this ah sorry sorry i was reading this i was getting emails sorry somebody was talking about not receiving any mcdonald's guys if there's anybody on here that i do not acknowledge i promise to you it's not on purpose i ignore no one the only people that i actually ignore is if i can see someone putting something ignorant and we all know we can't have a live stream without somebody coming on saying you're in your basement you're fake or something to that nature so that's the only time that i'll read something and i will ignore it outside of that if i read it i promise to you'll get a response from it and i'm just going to be honest with you and i know some people can understand it some people can't when i opened up facebook truly it was such a blessing to communicate with you all but guys please understand you know my channel has grown thank god thankfully i'm so blessed for that but i see why some channels don't offer say that because sometimes you get overwhelmed like i mean it's nothing for me to have 700 messages at a time asking usually i get asked where can i play this at so maybe i just need to start normally explaining how to look it up on this page but that's normally the biggest question hey josh i'm a fan where can i play this out is there another 50 chip i can't see i'm trying to look boy you love that song didn't that i wish it would turn out awesome [Music] so what did you all think about uh where's the cookie chip out what am i missing you want to see something i don't see it dropped oh brayden said bye josh i'm going to watch dr pimple popper now you know what i can't say i blame you because i have somewhat got binge watch her channel too and i'm getting all queasy on my stomach and like oh my god but it's like for me you gotta look oh you're right there is a 50 another 50 in here wow samantha said however the shelley acres i have now i will tell you this samantha i've i've went there and watched quite a few bands but the most of my time that i've been spent there was working at the county and going there when it's hot out and everybody's passing out and then they call and i walk up to them they're like i'm fine i'm just sitting down then i got to do a report on it then once we're there and they see us we i mean there for hours so yes most of the time that i go to shelly acres is for an ems call when they have a concert but yes i like shelly acres and poor greg you know he passed away i paid to hear that i knew greg uh not very well but you know i knew him from doing that and also his uh i am friends with the lady that owns the german shepherd place right beside it that's where we got all of our shepherds from she shiva springs really good for instagram mark said kfc uh sweet tea tastes like sugar that's probably why i like it oh man i am terrible between sugar and salt hell yeah oh yeah awesome well you probably did see me i've seen them quite a few times there i think they played just about every year i think they're going to do a memorial concert for greg this year but i'm not sure if they're going to do any more concerts of course someone covered has a big part of that too but actually shelley acres is really close really close to where i play at all right guys my son's calling so i'm gonna keep on playing but i can't ignore my son you all know you know how it is buddy hey i'm on the live stream yeah i was wondering i'm waiting to see you what is there is is there any way i can call you back all right i'll be well i love you so much you want to touch on speaker say tell everybody how all right give me one second though all right bobby you're on laughs uh you're on the speaker all right you sound really enthused there all right bobby well i'll call you as soon as i i'm done we're there's not much left in the flamethrower you got to come over and say hi all right i'll talk to you soon i love you bye all right guys anybody else i wouldn't ignore the phone but you all know anybody's parent can't do that to your child [Music] yeah i don't know either yeah if you've seen ems take them out samantha normally it was me i think i worked about every concert they had me and my get that ammunition i agree man there is a lot of ammunition on the uh on the edge here just like that that's right got three all right hopefully we got a good bit of ammunition this time because that one actually i'm already at my last quarter oh thank you margaret yeah i braced i can honestly say and believe me how i say this i'm not saying that unplanned children mean any different to their family you all know that that's not the case but i waited until i was 29 years old until i was ready to have a child and what i told myself i wanted to be at a point in my life that i'll put that person boy or girl above only any what need or anything that i could ever have and so i think that i made so many promises to him when he was in his mom's belly about what kind of dad i was going to be and believe me i'm not perfect i make a lot of mistakes what i do with gray sometimes i think i put him in more grown-up situations than we should be in but uh it's kind of how i was raised he's number one he's number one me he's number one in glenda's eyes he's number one and his mom's eyes he's number one and his grandparents i mean it's really really blessed she's right all right all right guys i this one i can really it's because it's not clear it's because it's that silver or whatever that is i can't see when i drop it where it's landing let's go ahead and uh let's see if we can get the right to fall so we can get yes i guess there's nothing there on the left i mean that but that's that's hundred dollars thank you there is a restaurant in alabama that serves roadkill wow don't think i'll be going to eat there anytime soon tastes like car oil and urine or whatever else is on the side oh jerry here jerry jerry city's death you can't hear me so let's just say this thanks hey bray's on here there he is my little man so me and little man are having a guy trip this weekend a dude trip he didn't get a chance to go down to eric's arcade and i told him i said i'll make up for it so i'm taking him down i'm gonna take the car this time so we can get there faster but i'm gonna take him to the arcade or make a video a huge trip so guys let me know what's you all pick took care of it oh i'm sorry um flights for as good as a fluffy one i have to record tomorrow my wednesday video so your options are this one the base hole the price is right or the sk uh the one that's got the all the lights in it the silver stripe which one would you all rather see i'll let you all pick i'm gonna start doing that let you all pick what video you want to see this is the bonus hole tennessee's grass [Music] venison as long as it's open super strike oh we're at a lot of crossroads here i love the fact that they uh bring themselves all this one man i'm already out of quarters all right we need to get a strategy going i'll tell you what i need to do and you can tell me if you think i'm wrong but i think i need to get this off so i feel like this is holding up these quarters maybe not and then i can get ammunition you can get knocked down i'll tell you what uh let's try this that didn't work um the bonus hole is good from the aspect that i can record two cameras on it and if you don't like seeing the uh the shoot camera i can do that on the bonus level i can technically do it on this one too but this is on the other side of the room and it's kind of a weird setup over here [Music] come on baby all right somebody said try to play the movement so you can spread it all right sounds good hey there's mark i was wondering if you're going to send your text i'll send out a app mark so from what i'm seeming to see i just made up a word or actually added an improper word to what i'm saying what i'm seeing ing is a lot of people saying the bonus hole with uh the loot can sounds good to me let's see what they got going on the bonus hole all right burnish hole has gold in it all right i don't know if it's going to be around here but right now it has gold in it that's cool i'm glad you all like the loot cam again guys i can't take credit for that the loot cam came from we play you win guys if you all haven't watched the channel they are the most creative people i've ever seen totally i watched the live stream the other day and he cut her hair with a flowbee i even knew they made fun of these anymore um asked any gold luck with gold lately no i can't say uh ray's channel is uh brayden and dad vlogs braden and dad vlogs guys i'm gonna tell you right now so anytime a coin pusher channel comes up it shows my my thing how many coin pusher channels high risk coin pusher not just someone like matt that goes and please you know the token one how many think are out there now because i can tell you how many i counted it's crazy extremely crazy that's my last quarter already come on baby give me something all right that's good 12 you're getting closer thousands oh thank you geek out i counted 17 total and that counts me 17 channels now that do high responses it's crazy can you make it rainforest yes i can and i noticed the other one didn't fall down yet normally by now though the one that's automatic comes down by now all right i'm gonna play the middle for a second because i need to get ammunition like it's getting low come on baby oh that's so close yes you were oh thank you mark oh there you go all right last quarter anything nothing oh we got the cash i don't know if you all seen that but the cash fell out the one that was under the bag 20. oh man we are going over there didn't do well with quarters though let's play in the middle again frank's here he was here at the beginning at least i can't answer that one sophia i i cannot oh thank you misty hey mods are you all noticing that messages are coming up that are blocked by youtube already i keep seeing it pop up [Music] aussie corn pusher is who i need to see yeah it's like youtube's blocking the people's comments already that's interesting i've never seen that happen before oh i got you okay that's awesome oh i'm big yeah just like that one thank you steve all right pours on the ground so yeah that looks like that's stuck i agree check things out before i'm done okay i definitely will guys and seriously i told you a long time ago i started getting complaints people that were thinking that i was all about money and i didn't want anyone to think that so i kept my mouth shut i told y'all just play and watch but i do appreciate anybody that does that i truly do but i just want you all to know the truth that i'm just glad you're here watching hit that like button everything else joseph he likes to see if i push i didn't get much out of it but there it was that's how you can tell the difference because it's like ten dollars [Applause] yeah john's on here valerie he was on here earlier so i found this site you all might already be aware of it but there's this site that you go to that you can it's all about charity donations but for each donation you get you get a certain amount of entries to win like cars or trips to meet up with celebrities i've never heard of it before but i thought a pretty cool way to donate to charity and also have like a nice bonus oh here we go this is a big one maybe not i'm glad it helps y'all relax trust me somehow i've managed to make myself bleed off a coin pusher now you explain how that happens hang makers push i like james uh snowplow bush oh i appreciate that all right so that was officially my last quarter i was waiting for that to fall off all right ah we're doing that we're doing okay that is not coming off that one is hidden just the opposite direction and the bag so we'll i'll just play it down to uh play it down because we don't have any more quarters and then see we'll do an add up and see where we're at a seasonal name for the word push hey i'm down for that i'm trying to get ammo built up oh come on baby all right see if anything happens here [Music] um no i don't get the roll of quarters if that falls that is like a hundred dollars worth of slot play so the next time i play or if i do a buy-in i can use that instead of real money it's kind of like when you go to the casino and you get that card it gives you free uh [Laughter] amv said put two dollars in at once let's see if we can do that on here problem is i can't see where it's landing yeah i can't i can't it's hard for me to do it on this one and plus the game is uneven it's rolling that's right so i've been looking at coin pushers to buy for myself i found a few i'll tell you what i liked was that pearl one that i played the air but that thing is expensive i can't afford all that you know what is this hold on guys a little ride here we go that's a little bit better come on baby oh this was a bad one not a good one at all now we should put rolling and i accidentally dropped that from the ground that was done some are like steamroller somebody should play with that there we go that's what i needed made it rain the edge on this one's not too awfully bad it's not like some of the other ones that are all jacked up i don't know how the thing is not fell off yet oh this one's better yeah we did better at this time it doesn't look like it we did all right i'm gonna play the left side here real quick oh what is happening it's dancing that thing is right on the edge too how that's not falling i have no idea i gotta play put it in the right a little bit just because there's quarters getting ready fall off there come on baby all right come on something big second wave oh that's a good one oh there's the music did you say you called me my phone didn't ring [Music] yes something really good oh what fell 100 slot play went down terrible awesome all right so that's a bonus that's another good win i'll take that now we're going to focus on this bag guys let's see if we can win the bag i mean that rolls heavy all right so that's a hundred dollars in slot play my mom's basement is crazy i know i told her not to do laundry while i'm down here could you imagine if like all sudden i had a laundry noise in the background and yeah dad dancing upstairs like those geico commercials i have a clothing problem what is something that would only be in the house make it my ringtone right yes they are worth a hundred dollars for a slot so i got two i got 200 so next time i play when i come up to record the video i'm definitely not going to use it for a buy-in for this because i i don't know if i knew like there was something huge inside that bag but heck it could just be a 50 chip you know you just never know a rooster in the background yeah something like that just something that's obvious but you're definitely not at where you say you're at or like somebody yelling down dinner's done he's like no i swear to you i'm in a casino all right kids fighting right yeah it could be a gold bar that's how i'm gonna try for it but i just don't know i think that's a splinter i don't think that's a cut cause every time i touch it feel like a splinter rooster in the background oh messed up can you see a 50 chip uh i don't see a 50 chip not saying that's not there it might be underneath the bag josh when you're done playing with your little friends dinner will be on the table wouldn't that be hilarious or what would be best is i don't think we've won hold on let me go clock real quick oh no what would be best is one day i turn the camera around and i'm in my living room there's like the tv glenda's there eating supper german shepherd's walking around that's funny i definitely would not do a live stream all right come on baby oh last quarter you got to be kidding me 50 ship right middle gas are you messing with me right middle hold on let me get down below i do not see a 50 check all right guys so that was my last quarter we'll sit here and see if anything comes off but in the meantime let's go ahead and count here in my i'm in my boxers that would be awesome no shoes on hey katherine all right that's i will do that because i did find some quarters earlier oh i found a quarter on the ground hold on i found one two quarters good deal i don't i love it it could be the machine behind it you might be seeing the reflection because behind here is the bonus hole and that didn't work all right let me go down here real quick and see if i can oh i got a quarter oh all right let's see i got it through the right side because that's where everything's at oh you got to be kidding me how did it not fall oh all right so we'll sit here i'll collect i think that's going to fall maybe that'll fall from a good spot but let's see how much money we got i'll go ahead and start off with this to get that pro machine just set one of those thirty thousand dollar silver bars beth you're you're right you're really right but then again i think uh glinda would have my butt if i put her on camera like literally so we got 200 for the next time that i play and believe me guys that's a huge help for me i mean huge help all right so we got 100 200 and i'm just going to show you this real quick that is awesome i'll take it and let's count and see taking quarters out of the couch uh i just think it's funny like the dogs like i'm sitting here playing but the dog just jump up on here and you see them like pop their head in i'm like no maxie get out of here this is daddy time oh there it is all right awesome i knew that was going to happen all right so let's see yeah i got the simple bars for bray's education he can go to harvard with all that money i got himself 10 20 30 40 all right there's 40. 60 80 100. all right so that's uh what two three that's thirteen hundred all right so i'm happy with that now let's go get these quarters and see if we can so whoa this is good paul wow that was a big fall or it turns around and i got like a big kitchen table and my whole family sitting there eating or i accidentally don't turn the camera off and i'm truly in my neighbors shed and he comes and starts his mirror up and you see a mirror oh i don't know that would be funny i love it i will put a video out sometime and uh i don't think one quarter all right i think right there's where i should drop it but i'm going to act like it's not me i'm going to act like i'm somebody else's channel and i'm busting me and then happy like walk into a shed or something oh awesome didn't say i caught him i caught him it would be i know i seriously have thought about that for a long time like someone to record me walking into something stupid like have me walking into a basement which again i've told you all unfortunately i don't have a basement at my house but i got family or walking into a shed oh wait whoa see i told you it was worth it put up the kings of ming inside right exactly man i think this takes up a lot of the garage too man that was huge i'd be like one drama alert or something there would be so many people so many people saying i told you so i knew he was a liar i knew it we got him we did it together i used to like doing videos like that just little comedy sketches man guys we're getting back into the game or the best one is turn around and my grandma's there in her pjs and she's like good job sweetie so proud of you all right so we're going to do it again oh it reached wow sometimes this happens when i turn the camera off a bunch of quarters fall all right so we're at thirteen hundred dollars five hundred dollar investment so that puts us up eight hundred dollars when's the last time i've ever had that much money count like a gold bar or something like that but when's the last time i've won if ever i have to go to the bathroom i'm sorry brian yeah me too guys seriously when life hands you lemons you gotta make lemonade what's gonna happen is eventually i am going to put a video out to show where i play for my own reasoning not because i feel like my back is against the wall and i got to do it with a point i know that don't make a lot of sense to people but because it's not going to fix it once i put that video out there's still going to be other stories guys when i used to play flying j's people used to tell me that i used to own the point pushers there and i was playing on my own like i literally it doesn't matter where i play there's going to be school might get in bed wow i might have to get the cup back seriously i might dump this out this is good that's funny can i get along yeah off all that silver normally seriously normally oh i think a big thing fell it did in area 51. all this time you all thought that area 51 had aliens boy were you wrong they got high-risk coin pushers in there for the soldiers it's a government experiment all right so we got the official man that's how things work out we're down to nothing and we just got the other 100 buy-in so that's 300 that i will have towards the next game so if it's a big buy-in it won't be so bad oh we gotta get the bag now but you know what's funny and this is what's funny to me oh hold on here we go oh man all right i gotta get this thing out it's too stinking heavy about there we got that holy moly man just when you thought this thing was over look at that chris my man guys i know i don't say it on live stream so much but seriously if you haven't downloaded winner winner please go give them a shout out guys they they sponsor the channel and these bad times that i have and everything i can do thanks thanks to them and their niceness and guys i seriously i know some people here's my here's the key how i played winter winter you can watch other people play and if you look up you'll see an eyeball and you can see how many people want it if there's a lot of people most likely people are playing go in there and watch how they lose or they win or wait until they loosen something up there's some of them that are to me impossible to win like i have i can't win it but others uh other games are really easy so another thing i do is i'll go in and play the easier ones and save up my tickets but i mean seriously they're a huge part i enjoy talking to them i'm joined being a part of it and the facebook page man we've been uh almost it's been about every week and a half i've been picking two winners uh which they ship it straight to you i don't have to handle anything make sure you do everything like that but guys the link down in the description show them some love you know mark there could be gold in there i think chris chris always reminds me on the live streams on the video i say that's why i say right at the beginning wow we're still doing great also if no one has on wow really that's cool man i've been killing it i won that stinking uh pokemon jigglypuff or whatever it was and i traded them for 15 000 tick tickets and guys there is so much you can get on there for 15 15 000 like it's crazy [Music] that does look like one like a small or bigger version of it come on baby ah somebody said show this out of the cup so i was saying something earlier you know what's funny one of their spots that they were at uh the one paw when joe came up i showed the outside of it and then i also showed the inside of it so i have actually shown one of the spots that i play i don't know if you all remember that which video that is but i have done it oh [Music] wow unbelievable flicker big apple liquor then there's big apple and big apple liquor there's two of them joe not available in australia no unfortunately not right now but they're working on that and they're also working on for those of you all that like to play from hey catherine those you all that like to play from your tablet or your uh your computer they're working on coming over to that too so they're moving up guys and if you have an issue during game play everything is recorded everything all you have to do is go click one in your play history put reporter problem and they get right back with you and they'll fix it [Music] i've never had an issue with that within 24 hours it's always fixed oh thank you so much renee have a good night grandma getting up at first for me here it goes sweetie play a couple more for me there could be a chip underneath that honestly i'll just keep on trying to get it uh the coin pusher last i haven't talked to john about that a long time last time i talked to him they're working on a ufo catcher i don't know if you all ever played the ufo catchers but they were trying to get that installed first because they thought they were gonna make more money on that or i know they ran into some issues they were programming it and stuff but they ran into some issues with getting it up and i can understand that's probably kind of hard to do if i could do it believe me i would start my own act from the time to this channel i thought that would be amazing at all so that was my last quarter again yeah all right all right so here's the deal i don't know i'm going to run one more through this the bag's moving when i push on the glass so that tells me it's stuck against the glass if it was stuck down in the chute a little bit i think i could uh get down to the claim as a win i'll ask them oh it could be well and any other one i can except in this one honestly guys there's a chance that well there's there's no way that it's not something in there but you know you like to think it's something huge but then again it could literally just be but i'm gonna ask them if that's considered a win [Music] whoa i just can't see how i can move that thing any further if the bag would collapse a little bit he would go hey hey danielle walter i tell you what if you're having an issue winning oh that was big maybe now it'll fall got some of those quarters out of the way there's one as a baby chicken if you scroll down a little bit there's a baby chicken on there go over and play that one that one is to me one of the easiest games they have to win it's it's so easy so if you're having issues winning right oh that was bad on top of each other come on josh wow we've done good though we've cleared this thing out all right let's go collect all right so let me uh one of my yellow quarters yeah there is one right there what game was that what game did they have at the yellow quarters or something yeah i came this far right oh if you don't live in the states you know what that's it joe that's exactly what it was if you all remember it's been a long time ago but they let me go in here and paint the coolers red blue and yellow to see how the game plays and then i took the quarters that i did that and put it in paint thinner and got it off and a couple of them it didn't come off and that's exactly good memory joe see if the magnet will move the bag i actually don't have i haven't uh near them i know i'm not saying that right yeah the red quarter yep red and blue quarter which i have that in my drawer just because the red is almost all the way off it's a bummer come on baby oh that was big all right i'm gonna put this through here then i'm gonna go ask them oh there it is oh all right my phone is ringing i can't watch what i cannot watch well i'm gonna end it after this i'm gonna see if they can consider that i win i i think it is i mean it's off as far as it's going to come less important to me it's stuck up against it again if that you know i was gonna say if i could push that bag in a little bit maybe it would fall it very well could be copyright something that's the new one that's that new pirates chest i considered getting myself a fall machine but it won't fit to my door and i don't want to put anything in the garage my garage is like 10 degrees man it is so cold in there we went through and insulated the uh the doors uh last year too to make it not so cold man it's cold in there when you walk through there you get your far cheese winner winner chicken dinner i'm thinking of honestly trading in the quarters i have or the tickets i have to get the winner winner chicken and carrying around with me like a little pet how do you get in the basement that i don't have right i record the video this this is how back and forth i am i record a video with a tour of my house which i've actually there's plenty of videos that show it's two stories joe's been in the air matt's been in there but i'm going through just to show then again i always go back to that the same old thing the reason i didn't put it out was why do i need to do that i somewhat said your name correctly diamond miner ivan hey buddy how are you doing hopefully things are going good down your way i think most of you all are on the channel know about diamond minor ivan but he's a great guy he's got an awesome channel man just click on his name it'll take you to this channel and you can go hit subscribe he's got a lot of cool stuff and he helped bray and i be dying when we're down there all right guys so look yeah no i know i know tomorrow yeah no i trust me i know what you're saying trust me yeah i know i know the difference between the fake and the real kind of thing all right guys i'm going to say something to them about this bag and uh see if i can win it i told brad's gonna call me back and it's already getting close to nine so give me one second i'll be right back well i didn't even need to say anything you're watching so guys they gave it to me and this was in it the 2 gram gold coin that's what i was worried about but luckily i didn't do any other i can't get it fall well anyways it's a 24 karat 2 game gold that's uh that was a lot of fun that day told the story to someone today how you found i know jason i'm telling you right now ma'am i'll forever be grateful for you we got it sitting up on the edge and every time i see that diamond i think of you for sure man i definitely appreciate everything we're going to come back down it's probably going to be summertime but i definitely want to come back down and try it again just for fun you know i already got a diamond from there but i just doing something with your family is uh is huge you know but uh so anyways guys so we have thirteen hundred dollars and i don't know if there's more of them in there or not but they gave me that but the biggest thing right here is this that's a huge win that puts us up at uh five six hey i literally had to count on my fingers to figure that out again wow my brain is fried but guys thank you so much for your support i greatly appreciate everything another fun live stream in the books oh wait a minute somebody said check my paypal let me check my paypal um so i think after what everybody was saying that um the uh bonus holes which you all want to see play next so i'll do the bonus hole with the uh loot cam so that won't be the next one i'll come up here tomorrow and record and then the video will be out on wednesday so i greatly appreciate that happy holiday to everybody how'd i forget that today's martin luther king day happy holiday to everybody all right let's uh pull this up right quick misty thank you so much for sending money to the paypal you are amazing thank you so much misty i greatly greatly appreciate it thank all of you all so much for all the support i tell you all this all the time but this channel literally means nothing without you all it means nothing like look it's i don't know how anybody could ever get complacent in a channel and not people that enjoy watching the channel they lose that i have no idea because you never have to worry about that with me oh thank you fast ismo thank you so much for the super chat guys all of you all are uh seriously just amazing um i appreciate everything i'll have that video out wednesday i'm trying to plan a video for facebook this week too so if you're not part of our facebook make sure you go over and like it follow it i'm gonna do a live stream there i've been telling you all when to do it i think i'm gonna do it um so keep an eye out for that also we've got the new pirates chest here too so that adds some fun i was hoping that they would have that game open today so i could switch the camera over to record even though i cut off oh yeah apparently all right guys thank you so much have a great night don't forget to go over and subscribe to jason diamond minor ivan uh download winner winner and everyone else amv games joe all the people that have channels that are part of this i greatly appreciate all of y'all hopefully get support back to you all have a great night amazing win and i am going to actually pay a bill with this instead of putting it in the pot i need to pay a bill so all right guys good night you
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 22,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine
Id: VVq5w8pSmKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 1sec (6601 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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