Aussie Coin Pusher EP 61

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g'day jason from the coin pusher here so this one looks a little bit on the interesting side um top tray looks very light bottom troll looks okay the right hand side looks like as if it's way but way more than this side here i can see some gaps although i can see gaps all over the place uh money side of it there's probably only about 500 bucks in there each one of those stacks of tens uh is fifty dollars so i thought hey why not um it's not gonna be you know massive profit game or anything like that but i did get word back it's only verbal i don't think they're going to give me a letter for it but um they did say that any coins one on either side of this machine or other machines can be used on any machine that i want to i can win a hundred coins on here and take those hundred coins and play the game next to me if i've got time um hey bonus you beauty um so yep so that's what i'm gonna be doing from now on um yeah i'll be saving coins i'll be saving buckley bucket loads of money too i reckon all right uh stock standard 50 coins um hey jake so let's see what i can do with it i was thinking about starting with 20 coins i wonder if i should have i reckon i should i didn't know how that top tray was going to react since we're going all right oh take a look i should have started 20 coins although this top shot is very thirsty come on oh wow oh that's more like it oh no i did that's my first double stick for the game bugger i'm sure there'll be plenty more see come on that top tree seems to be acting a little bit different to what i'm used to why is there holes in there that's what i'm seeing at the moment oh as long as i keep falling off i don't care that was my last last two coins that whole tray is shifting all right let's tally it up so what i got all right i've still got about 50 maybe 55 coins oh i totally forgot to guess again didn't i like um 85 coins you guys have been absolutely whooping me in this game all right so i'm gonna stop when i hit 85 coins that was nice how about that game yesterday i'll tell you what i reckon i took a chunk out of my jocks come on so the game beside me that's actually got a little bit more money in it than this just the bottom part doesn't look as good three coins left come on give me a push all right let's tell it up see what i got all right i reckon i've gone up to about 60 coins up is good down he's bad i'm in one of those moves i'm actually in a really good mood now they've said you know they've sort of said that i can use coins from either side listen to it i keep putting two coins on the left oh my father got stuck in there i've got to remember that's there or knock it down oh no yeah i think sweet oh a man really nearly dropped all the coins oh what am i doing i got one coin left all right let's tell it up so what i got all right so i've got your fiber you can go up there i reckon there's probably about 80 85 coins in there so you know what i'm stopping i'm just kidding um please don't throw your remotes at the tv or slam your phones on the ground oh thank you oh what am i doing i keep forgetting the lift that's shocking got my big push i know i shouldn't be playing like this but i just can't help myself oh i did it again come on start pushing some of these stacks off that'd be nice you probably noticed me playing just a little bit faster than what i normally do i'm trying to get everything off as quickly as i can so i can jump on the next side there's a couple of people here that have been looking in here i'd really love to give it a go oh as soon as i drop them on you straight away oh it's all happening now i reckon if they will go over together that set me alarms off for sure so there's my last three things all right let's tally it up to what i got all right 10 bucks stay up there more than 100 coins in there so probably 110 115 coins i'm actually holding stacks like that now i know i shouldn't because i've got way more chance of dropping them all but i can get more coins in so come on come on push them all over i'm not going with any tactics i'm literally just going with brute force that's my tactic right now come on bigfoot i think that's antenna hahaha whoops look at that none of them double stacked except for that one dude oh bugger me that was nice the last one sorry boy am i giving you a headache mate well i have to admit my timing is absolutely smack on right now that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got holy 130 bucks hey you can't complain with that can you i mean i knew some stuff was falling but i did not know that much went down ah sit all out there nicely uh yep joe is definitely got a lot of coins in so uh probably 140 145 coins i've dropped one on the ground you're serious so i'm just learning this to all the newer guys um i'm just learning this how to play coin pushes you know i've never really i mean when i was a kid yeah i used to go down the royal show and play them uh and i used to stay there all day literally but just playing the coin pushes but tactics and all that sort of stuff i'm still just learning this but one thing i have learned timing is the key as far as i'm concerned you get your timing right and you can smash coins in there and you get them all to land flat with an odd double stack like that and yeah you're gonna go right oh come on as soon as i mentioned double stack oh come on nothing nothing happened who's the mother coins so another queen got stuck up there why not oh i'm holding one coin left stick it to the right oh bounce all right let's tell it up so what i got all right 10 bucks thank you i totally lost a heap of coins then probably near on half of my coins not quite but now on um i'm just going to have a quick look to see where i went wrong i know the top deck is looking quite heavy right now um so that's that's going to be my first thing to do i'm going to start emptying off the top deck uh apart from that i don't really know what i did wrong so i'll be as i said i am just learning so i'll keep an eye on everything and see what happens but right now i'm going to empty the top deck and that's not the best way to do it whoops my bad oh another tenor thank you oh that sounded good i mean i know sue moore seymour is the name of the machine uh i know seymour does this he'll give you a bunch of coins and they'll just take him back off yeah uh it may not be anything i'm doing wrong at all but i'm just playing it safe just in case that it is i don't want to do anything stupid and lose all my coins so come on whoops that was a bigger okay i'm holding one coin left all right let's tell it up see what it got all right i've got another 50 bucks yeah okay even playing as careful as i did there's probably 55 coins there at the most maybe even 50 coins i mean that's sort of telling me right there i mean i don't know but i try to use a lot of common sense although i played very carefully and i didn't double stack bugger all i got bugger all so i'm wondering if it's just seymour being a pain in the butt could be let's find out i'll get some pushes going and just see what happens another coin got stuck thank you oh come on another five's gonna go over okay that's my last two coins of course i double stacked the last one all right let's go have a look okay that's the good news hey another 70 bucks trying to drop them all 55 i don't think we lost any coins but i don't think we gained any either so we'll just keep going keep going with the pushes what's the worst could happen i could lose all my coins but at least i'll learn something out of it oh whoops was just a bad drop that one maybe oh look at i did it again come on let's start getting some of these coins back that's what i'm aiming for right now everything else down there if it falls it falls all right one one coin left oh thank you all right let's tell it up see what i got all right got another 10 bucks coins yep a lot better on coins so there's probably 70 70 coins in there i reckon for you new guys if you're wondering why i don't count my coins literally after every time i pull them out of the machine if i stack there and count them i would run out of filming time i've only got certain hours i'm allowed to film in it's their quiet time so once 2 30 my time hits that's it my camera has got to be in my bag and they uh these guys are pretty strict so now they're good enough to let me film in the first place so i always abide by the rules even then some you know even i'll go even further than that you know i try not to piss them off basically might will say come on give me a push another 10 bucks oops i knew that was a mistake as soon as i dropped it come on oh that was a great push okay that was my last coin looks like seymour might be might be giving my coins back all right let's tell it up to what i got all right another 20 bucks all leads up coins yep we're starting to climb again very slowly but we are starting to climb again alright i'm calling it probably 75 80 coins in there the easiest way for me to tell put them all in my hand at the same time like that okay there's probably more like 70 coins in there something like that i can hold 100 coins comfortably in my hand without dropping them all that sounds so good so so i had to do that at least once oh whoops i got one coin left if that yeah i was just going to say if that doesn't fall that's what i'm aiming for all right let's tell you see what i got another 40 bucks no sorry 30 bucks uh i need to go back to school where's my calculator i might need a calculator to add that up sorry i'm just excited i'm already starting to play the play the next game in my mind i shouldn't be doing that especially when my coins are on the downhill slide hey um yeah on the downhill slide so but either way there's probably still 65 coins in here so i don't think we lost too much we did gain another 30 bucks i've just got to mention something oh nice nice uh i think this is how you pronounce it thigh t-h-u-y um he gave me an offer that a madman would say no to no um i am a madman i just asked my wife he asked he would fund all of my games right 100 so he would pay for my buy-in 100 um now i don't know if this guy's legit i'm assuming he is uh i reckon he probably is uh he offered to pay for my games and we simply go halves he'll take 100 of the losses i mean how could you say no to that the reason why i am saying no to it is because it would simply turn into a job i would feel obligated to get everything as much as i could off of the top tray bottom tray everywhere sometimes my back doesn't allow that to happen so and i know when to walk away so it's not me being stupid it's not me being you know a worse i'm walking away from a hard machine it's simply sometimes my back is so sore i can barely stand so um so look i appreciate your offer i really do it is a kick-ass offer but it would literally turn this into a job uh and it would put too much pressure on me so i would literally stop having fun it would be a money thing that that would be it so um so i appreciate it as i said but uh yeah i'm gonna decline thank you what a top location i'll tell you what though if there are ten thousand dollar buying or anything like that i definitely definitely think about taking up come on that was my last three coins yeah there was three it got stuck up there and decided to double stack itself all right let's tell it up so what we got all right another 50 bucks that's the good news i'll show you the bad news uh yeah not good it's about 50 coins oh man i do not want to go under 50 coins that'll be a disaster all right so the left looks like it's holding a lot of coins so i'm going to play center left mostly literally gonna stop double stacking as much as i can just as i say that good one i will play the right just every now and then i've got to keep the machine moving that helps come on big push i would have done with a small bush oh i'll take that one i've got two coins left oh look at it hanging over the edge like that are you thinking all right i'm gonna tell it up see what i got all right i've got another 30 bucks never hear me whinging about small denominations um there's probably 55 60 coins there so we're we're on the up 61 coins oh come on oh there's a huge push not much fell but that's a huge push so come on push it off i'm looking at this guy just here oh there goes got one coin left i reckon about there what do you reckon all right let's tell you it up see what i got okay um coins yeah we're doing really good on coins um so somebody literally just came over to me while i sent me at the machine spoke and it was scared the crap out of me because i wasn't expecting it and he was asking me how long am i going to be and i said well what's that for us if you can play with me standing right here so it's fine i'll just go on the other side of the machine he said no no that's right he's going to wait so it doesn't look like i'm going to get to play the other side that's a bugger i thought he was more than welcome to come in here i will tone everything right down but he said he's gonna wait so i'm just gonna have to wait and see what happens the same because i was really looking forward to taking my coins across there i'm trying to bite oh oh nice i'll tell you what the left on this machine does not like moving you've got a bit of room that pushed half inch i reckon i've got two coins left i'll get them to the left or they're supposed to be on the left all right let's tell you that's what i got okay yeah we're doing really good on coins so it's probably 80 85 coins in there somewhere oh another 20 bucks here's the right hand side's pretty much cleaned out why did i drop that yeah my three coins that i'm dropping out giving me uh big pushes like they used to just waiting for the left hmm oh come on i've moved it a little bit hey that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got oh one more oh 20 bucks not bad at all coins uh yeah went downhill again so yeah it's probably like 75 coins in there i think what's happening is i'm getting a big bunch of them right here and it's just not really shifting it much yeah hey you thought my hand was still on the way didn't ya all right too bloody quick for you mate yeah they're not moving on the left at all are they you think dropping that many coins you would have pushed it all through the glass wouldn't ya that was my last two coins oh yeah we're getting a little bit of movement out of it all right let's tell you it up see what i got let's take a look it fell it landed right in the back of my hand too so 10 bucks i'll take it they love my coins uh yeah we had some good pushes then um yeah that's nowhere near as big as what it was so i'm still going to keep going so i want to target pretty much all the center and all the left i just want to see what's going to do when it comes to my skill level 95 of my skill not that i have a lot of it i think most of it's just us um but i think 95 percent of it is all middle right hand side it might be like five percent to the left i really don't know how to play the left so i'm just going to force myself to keep playing and literally see what it does as long as i'm not losing coins then it doesn't matter if i can learn something out of it then that's awesome nice i notice those three chips i think there's three there uh they just keep sliding back so i probably won't be getting those so so you are a stubborn game am i mrs reckons i'm stubborn that was my last coin one did get stuck up there all right let's tell it up see what i got okay right about now is where everything is telling me jase do not put any more coins in the machine you need to stop so i've lost yeah quite a few so but but and not seymours um i can target this little piece and i can target this and i can see where i'm at the next big drop i get i can stop any time i want so i think that's what i'm going to do because right now i'm lucky to have 55 coins nothing's shifting really see what happens i know last time i left some stuff on the deck like i'm doing now and i end up stopping i popped a bit of heat for it and people just don't understand unless they've played this machine well that's pretty good on that side oh there's loads of coins loads of coins uh a couple so okay that was my last two coins and when the other one decides it wants to play the game there he is all right i'm going to tell it up so we're at okay so once again everything's telling me to stop if you could see all this from my angle from my angle you could see the entire bottom tray apart from this little tiny tiny section here everything else is overhanging and i mean there's a lot of coins there so i'm gonna go once more that's it once more see what happens i'm probably up to about 70 coins uh i think i can't quite remember what i said right at the start i think it was something like 80 80 something coins so hey i'm gonna do whatever it takes to win oh nice but the problem is you guys are just too good at guessing i've got to think outside the square just to try to feature that's all that's fun too nice now everyone's yelling at me stop jay stop yep i know yeah okay i'm stopping i'm not gonna put that through um i'm gonna keep that maybe this guy's not gonna play this i don't know what's going on i can't see him anywhere so he's probably just sitting there bar i'm going to tally this up with whatever's in there and i'll get back to you all right i think we did really really really well um not bad not bad at all so um okay so the telly goes i got forty dollars in notes that's fine i'm happy with that uh 410 in chips uh 71 coins so whoever gets the 71 coins well done uh that's 213 dollars uh added all together 663 dollars minus the 250 bucks i paid to play um 413 that's my total profit what i'm going to do is i'm going to hold on to the coins i'll cash in the chips and i'll cash in the notes and when i say cash in the notes when i win a note like this i don't take that paper clip off and put that note in my pocket i literally that note with the chips and all the other notes um they go over the bar and she gives me a different 10 note so and she's asked me to keep that you know keep doing that because it saves them having to sit down and fold up all these nuts and put paper clips on them so that's why i say when i cash in my notes so i'm going to go ahead and do all that but i'm going to keep my coins i don't know what this guy is doing so um look at the end of the day if he plays it and he plays it well i'm going to hang around as long as i can then um yeah i'll just cash him in but uh if he leaves a lot you know a lot on there or i don't know what he's going to do so um you know if the game is willing enough for me to play and there's enough on it then i'm absolutely gonna play it so uh and obviously i'll record it so anyway that's what i'm gonna do i'll be back in a minute all right 150 bucks that is total profit 100 profit so um yeah you really i don't care i really don't um with me uh i've been told i'm weird uh when it comes to money look i don't ever want to be you know i don't want to have so much money that i don't know what to do with it either you know i'm the type of person that i'm happy to leave this um i would have left more on there it doesn't work it doesn't matter as long as there's some kind of a profit and i'm not losing money obviously nobody likes losing me included any profit 10 bucks 50 bucks hey i'm happy with that no worries at all i got 150 bucks so i'll put 63 dollars into the tin um for those that you don't they don't know who that who or what the tin is um on the bar there's a tin um it's i don't know um let me guess it's about where's my fingers about that doesn't matter i suppose it's about the same size as a paint tin maybe big money box i don't know whatever um and it's for the um autism children so it's a donation tin i see people putting money in all the time so um and i do the same thing i put money in it providing i want a profit i love getting a profit so that's what i've done um i'm gonna go grab myself a bourbon i'm gonna see if he plays this game uh i might even watch just to see how he plays this game and uh yeah i'll see you guys the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,855
Rating: 4.9856629 out of 5
Id: 3rL_BvpYtDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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