Coin Pusher 5000 SUBSCRIBER Giveaway!!! Season 2 episode 1

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hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher so today we're doing a 5 000 buy-in they gave us 500 tokens looks like there's uh quite a bit on there shouldn't be too hard to get our money back this is also going to be our 5 000 subscriber giveaway so any of the earbuds we get we'll be giving those out if you want one just be subscribed and leave a comment i wouldn't mind if you shared the video too i'd appreciate it all right let's get to it see what we can get i appreciate everybody that's been subscribing and all the positive comments means a lot oh yeah nice yeah we got one of those earbuds all right let's grab that out of there before it gets too full all right so we got one of those earbuds and you guys want that just leave a comment saying you want it we'll put you in the drawing come on nice old butterfingers got me though we got i think we made 25 bucks there oh yeah that was a good push wow this is doing awesome i don't know if we're going to need all 500 of these oh my goodness big Push! all right let's get that earbud to go and then we'll check it out and see what we got all right that earbud went let's go see what we got all right so we ended up with 460 bucks which was nice still got a ways to go we'll get there we got uh another earbud thing so y'all want that you know what to do leave a comment we'll get it mailed out to you look at that there's got to be 700 tokens there now doing really good so if you hadn't seen some of the other videos i've been talking about how they're switching over to tokens bit of the coin shortage i'm assuming that must be why so yeah we switched over to token oh all the better fingers got me again this person real good there's a dice in there somewhere oh nice somewhere there's a dice in there i thought yeah there is oh wow so if we get the dice it'll be a multiplier oh my goodness okay out here we get to roll that dice let's multiply our winnings so we definitely want to get as much as we i can to get as many of those earbuds for you guys and girls but i want to make my money back too do some huge pusshes wow it's doing really good so i know let's see how this does oh nice everything's getting real close oh yeah so i get a lot of questions on hey how you pushing so many porters out of there this is how we're doing it we got we can just drop drop them right in there like that and then push there we'll do it again so yeah they got this opened up so i can pretty much make it rain is what i call it make it rain all right let's get back to it oh yeah the other earbuds about to go one on the right there's a whole bunch of money on look at all that over there tons and tons over there we gotta get that that's uh multiplier though we really need to get that dice kind of stacking them up on top of each other not worried about it not yet we got so many it doesn't really matter at this point thought behind it is maybe it'll get some bigger stacks at the bottom and help push things oh yeah there it is there's that other ear bud oh i heard the house made something hopefully they didn't get that dice that would suck i'm not sure there's five thousand dollars stuff in here without that dice so i think i'm going to stay right for a little bit see if we can't get that that dice that's pretty important to me still got quite a bit of tokens a couple of good pushes and we'll be set you can see that dice we'll see how this does see that dice right there it's making us way up there i don't like to have stuff on that corner but it seems like everything gets over there kind of just stays there that's where we're going to try working the right real hard hope for the best yeah sometimes they'll have that for the new new people sometimes they'll have that red car in there which is a multiplier of two and the white truck is a multiplier too whatever it rolls is what you get i've had it land on a one before unfortunately it really sucked but it is what it is still had a good time good slowly making its way up we still have it right now well old motor fingers got me again yeah thank you all for subscribing means a lot to me oh never be where i am today everyone for all you i appreciate it you've given me so much i'm going to give back some too with the give us some back to you over those earbuds um i'll be it's just a lot easier for me to just buy them off amazon and drop shipping to you rather than mailing these ones to you so that's what we'll do they'll just be drop shipped from amazon if i can find a link i'll put a link in the description of the earbuds that uh we'll be giving out that was the last two quarters so let's check it out see what we got wow look at that we got 3520 bucks there really sweet so we haven't made our money back yet but we're getting close you got none of those earbud things so if you want that leave a comment get it out sent out to you quarters well i guess we're not quarters anymore are they tokens we've got probably seven or eight hundred maybe a thousand so we're doing really good on that we got these at the regular 10 a piece so they'll let us keep these for other games as long as we don't as long as we don't buy them at deep at discount prices they let us keep them for other games let's keep it going dice is getting closer yeah we're gonna have to stay on that right side so oh yeah it's moving nice oh yeah that dice we're gonna get it we're gonna get that dice and then we're gonna move to the left clean up over there well try to get those earbuds too but yeah this is perfect for 5 subscriber giveaway i couldn't have set it up better we don't get that dice we're just barely going to make our money back though if we do it all old butterfingers look at that one stuck on there look at that i'll help you big fish oh yeah about to get those hundreds and then that does that's the goal anyway oh yeah nice it's so close it's been stubborn but it's close it's pushing just taking a lot probably book over a thousand in there all together old butterfingers won't be long now we'll make it rain oh that dice like jumped around a little bit i don't know how it did come on baby treat me good person treat me good just need a couple good pushes right there on that right corner you can do it this thing's hungry tonight wow oh so close you can do it all right we got about 150 quarters left well tokens left it'll take me a while to get used to saying tokens i'm so used to quarters but look at that it is it's like just floating there we got it we got that dice wow let's talk and get that out that is amazing all right so we ended up at 670 bucks it's pretty sweet we got that dice too we get to roll that later on so that's amazing i've been fighting all day to get that and the chips or the tokens we're doing pretty good probably five or six hundred over here and about 200 over here so i'd say a little under a thousand let's get those earbuds let's get some more of those chips and we'll get on home it's getting late earbuds getting close it's worked out left side see if you can't get some of that stuff to move a bunch over on that left oh oh butterfingers again slippery little bitters that's a lot of butterfingers in one video having a difficult time pushing it's like we're going to get that earbud on the right though it's starting to move going for the left but we're hitting the right it's funny how that works sometimes tokens we're down to probably 200 250. so we're doing all right on tokens just get that left to move a little bit be set there's a bunch over there definitely should help pay for that college tuition so yeah sorry about that something happened to the camera i'm not sure what happened but yeah we were talking about the uh the 49 000 profit and how i had to give that back i don't know how much of that got recorded or what i looked down and the camera wasn't recording yeah i ended up having to give that back because that it was either let the girl get fired and i ain't gonna let somebody get fired it wasn't her fault they didn't train her properly i can do without it's not that big of a deal money come again and 20 bucks is 20 bucks but you gotta have some limit to it you know mean that much is a life that could ruin somebody's life all right that was the last of them so let's check it out see what we got all right we made it 570 bucks it's pretty nice tokens oops sorry about that we're doing great probably close to a thousand still wow if they'd let us cash in the tokens that'd be a bunch of money right there but they won't can't cash in the tokens for cash once you buy them they're yours you can't leave the building with them but this is how it is gonna stay left left seems to be moving everything so as long as it is we'll just keep it right there it stops paying out i'll probably quit that way i got much my tokens for another game i don't think i'll ever happen again to have this many tokens well it's like like a ten thousand dollar bond or something so we'll probably do the old snickeroo on them like did last time just save them save them for a good one don't forget about it plus they don't even know how many is in my lock box i stick them in there they take the lock box i take the key i guess they could fill by the weight and kind of judge gas but other than that it'll be pretty heavy if we can keep them all oh yeah those hundreds about to go come on earbuds getting close oh roll butterfingers again wow that's got to be a new record there all right and again that's hilarious i swear i'm not doing it on purpose tokens are slippery slippery little boogers boogers boogers however you want to say it i can't pronounce it correctly i don't think well we've got oh probably four or five hundred left so we'll go through that and if there's not a lot of we haven't made a lot by then and we'll probably have to call our quits safe save our tokens for another game it's just kind of risky at this point i don't want to get as much as i can but gotta preserve oh starting to go whatever they did to that lip they must have changed back because i think we did pretty good this time we're just to the point now where stuff on the edges don't move there's nothing i can do about that it's always been that way we'll do our best maybe double stacking them man i'll just end up losing a bunch of coins let's get those let's try to bust down those double stacks and we'll reevaluate oh there's 225 bucks about to go on that left maybe a little more nice starting to pay off i was about to call it games over too here we are though made another hundred bucks can you add in that multiplier that's a bunch of money that could be like a car payment or something well here's our last let's uh let's check it out see what we got all right we got 575 bucks here we go tons and tons of tokens probably close to 900 or so so i think i'm just going to hold on to them for another game since we're really not pushing all that great i mean i'd like to win all those earbuds i could but it is what it is you know we tried the best we could we've been playing this game for about an hour and 45 minutes and it's just not going anywhere so i'll count everything up we'll go roll that dice but we'll count everything up let you know what it is and then we'll go roll the dice that's where we messed up on the last one a lot of people commented on that so it's really nice so we're gonna do that dice we'll get back to how we did on that my goodness i landed on a five so we ended up with 29 600 bucks that's freaking awesome we got when we got three of those earbuds too we're gonna be giving those out so if you want one of those leave a comment subscribe share the video if you guys like what you're seeing please hit that like button and subscribe button and we'll see on the next video you all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 39,943
Rating: 4.9160495 out of 5
Keywords: Coin Pusher, Giveaway
Id: 0FV9m_4lNGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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