Aussie Coun Pusher EP 53

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here so i'm looking at this machine here and there's not a huge amount of money on it and then maybe 300 so i'm risking 250 to win 300 that is not the smartest financial move i've i've made but there is a reason why i want to play this game take a look at the coins the coins look quite thick um they look quite chunky it actually looks like somebody might have even played this game um so what my plans are the game next to me has got silvers on it so they've got silver 50 cent pieces or half dollars up on the top tray i'm not even going to try to tackle that with 50 coins so what my plans are if i can get like 400 out of this out of this side here total that's including my 250 bucks i'll recast all that back in and tackle the other game with a little bit more than 50 coins that's my plan anyway so let's start pushing [Music] so i've got joe with me today he's having a bad hair day so nobody mentioned anything about his hair oh that was sweet straight away [Music] all right so as usual thanks you know thanks to gene go for the coins first forget about everything else that's on the deck uh and that's exactly what i'm doing so i'm just trying to concentrate on not double stacking my coins right like that and going for coins that's my goal right now thank you jane oh come on don't do that that bugger got stuck up there hey that wasn't my fault don't blame me oh yeah that was all me [Music] [Music] you're a winner i've got one coin left all right let's go check see what we've got [Music] so we actually went up a bit i reckon there's probably about 55 maybe 60 coins there i'd say somebody's definitely put some put some coins into this machine that's good they did all the hard bar whenever you start a game you always expect to lose coins and then you just slowly build them up from there all right nice there goes 10 [Music] bucks so so [Music] so so last coin all right i'll take it all right let's go tell it up see what we got okay that was a bloody good round for me um 10 bucks thank you and there's probably 70 coins [Music] all right we are on the board look out we're on fire i'm coming for you more so oh our father just fell down thank you so that guy i got stuck somewhere wow i think i just devil's double stacks about three coins in a row then [Music] come on give me a nice big push one coin left i'm just going to wait right about there maybe [Music] all right let's tell it that see what we got okay back to about 55 coins i reckon plus the fiber let's keep going oh i wish i'd stop double stacking i think 100 bucks just fell something fell on the right hand side i didn't see what it was i'm not very observant that way so [Music] so i think 20 just felt okay that was my last point all right let's tell it up so what we got oh i just turned the camera on i just missed it 140 bucks hey what a rip around that was i did not know the second one went in um coins yeah there's probably 65 maybe 70 coins there plus 140 bucks so that was a really good round for me all right let's see if i can do that again [Music] i can't believe [Music] can't believe those 50s are still standing so oh my god there [Music] thank you oh it's all happening two coins left [Music] all right let's tell it up see what we got what an absolute rip around that was another 25 bucks right there [Music] you got there with your mates uh coins i'm doing really good on coins so there's got to be 80 coins there right now so i can hold 100 coins in my hand without dropping them mostly so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] sure i'm working on them oh that was huge [Music] come on get that 50 off that'd be nice okay i got one coin left oh i got the 50 off and a 20 in your face let's get telly it up all right another 70 bucks hey all right you go up there um so joe's in the game now um i've had to hit recruit his services so there's about 90 queens in there possibly even 100 so i really didn't want to drop him all over the ground so i asked joe if he could do me a favor i'll buy my drink later [Music] i think [Music] so i've got a question for you um for those people that are actually watching my my other channel the channel i have with my daughter yeah the beach medal of the technic channel can you just write in the comments what do you think of it um we've had to cut it back to one one now so courtney's pretty much stopped being very pregnant so i couldn't use my daughter too if you ask them um so uh yeah just just leave in the comments what you think of it if you do if you do watch it [Applause] if you guys are so good with your comments i mean you're very honest and that's exactly what i want exactly what i need there's no point in saying it's a good video if if it's you know i mean if you think it tell me a and tell me ways to fix it so that goes with this with this uh with this one as well you know all right come on i'm going to clean up the right hand side just a little bit the top deck [Music] so come on i've got a feeling seymour seymour is punishing me or not so two coins and i'll take them all right let's tell it up see what we got all right there's probably about 80 85 coins there that's all right i cannot believe that 50 stack is still [Music] standing so [Music] come on mr bots give up your bounty [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh nice another 10 bucks okay that was my last two coins come on oh yeah all right let's get telly let's see what we got okay another tenor twins yeah we're doing really good on coins i mean there's got to be 100 coins in there for sure that's exactly what i wanted all right let's keep [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh thank you oh what have we got on there it's like 160 bucks oh what is holding those 50s up [Music] [Music] whoops i'm just going to wait for a little bit i just want to play the right hand side right now that was my last coin come on all right let's tell you that see what we got all righty another fiber hey you beauty coins 85 coins i reckon not too bad not too bad so we're going up and down we're hovering around 100 coins 80 coins you know 190 if i can stay around there i'll be absolutely wrapped another 20. thank you i did not just drop that i did i'm sorry hang on [Music] getting hard to hold [Applause] [Music] so come on 50s [Music] so all right just for a little bit i'm just going to concentrate on cleaning up the right hand side this thing so we have way more coins on the right than there are the left so i just want to uh try to get some of those coins off the top so i got one coin all right let's go tally it up okay i've got to be very careful here so back to 90 coins i reckon 20 bucks yeah i try not to drop them i've already dropped them once i'm glad the camera is off all right that top on the right hand side that's looking a little bit better i wouldn't mind getting just a few more off [Music] [Music] come on oh pull forward pull forward oh 150 bucks come on dude i got that wheel spinning i'll tell ya [Music] oh [Music] well i've got to come up with a plan what am i going to do here so what i'm looking at right now you've got 100 in the middle obviously i want that uh i think the 20 is going to fall on its own i reckon the 10 will probably fall on its own i've got to bring the 50s up too um so but there's a nice chunk of coins right there so what i might do is i might try to hit it from this side and hit it from this side that'll help push the 50s up and maybe it'll push the whole thing forward [Music] let's give it a go i don't need the 20 to be sliding back that's not in the plans okay last coin on the right all right let's go tally it up see what we got okay 10 bucks then coins not good not good on coins probably 55 coins there so i've made a mistake somewhere i haven't seen what i've done yet so i will work that out in the meantime i'm going to continue working on my plan and that's probably not the best start [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah can't see a lot of movement going on in there oh come on oh that was nice i don't think i'll get some coins it fills up some gaps oh i've got two coins left then i'm over to the right oh well done nice double stacking all right let's go tally up see what we got okay probably about 50 coins not good not good love you seymour that's a sound i need to hear right now come on [Music] that was my last coin all right let's go tell it up see what we got ah 50 coins maybe yeah i reckon 50 coins probably 45. that's all right i mean if you just take a look at that that whole uh bottom tray there i mean that's that's a lot of coins wanting to come off so i'm going to convince it um that's what it really wants to do oh the whole bottom tray moves ah keep it coming please [Music] come on seymour you got such a good voice mate i want to hear you sing oh that's what i'm talking about it's still a nice chunk right here oh that was a massive chunk of coin came down there [Music] come on thank you okay i got one coin and bounced all right let's go tell it up see what we got okay there's probably like 75 80 coins in there [Music] [Music] oh a big push [Music] [Music] i'll take any coins please oh nice come on it's getting a nice little bulge there at the moment [Music] come on come on make daddy proud whoa one coin in two coins out again maybe [Music] thank you [Music] so i reckon these notes are going to be really stubborn to get off that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got okay not too bad not too bad probably 65 coins [Music] all right i'm hoping i can probably get at least maybe the 10 off the 50 off this round well that was difficult all right let's go for that 50 chip oh yeah so it's my first bonus chip and i've got two more on there bonus menu i've got them off the top oh last coin come on give me a nice bite give me a nice one hey i'll take them all right let's tell you it up see what we've got [Music] all right seymour you're a pain in the butt i had my hand right in the way then i am so sorry i didn't even know that was gonna fall 60 bucks plus whatever phil just then i got no idea what that was but um 60 bucks bloody aussie timing i'll tell you um probably about 75 coins biggest fall of the game and well i have my hand in front of the camera yeah good one jose all right [Music] all right oh they got the other 50. [Music] so what i reckon's gonna happen here um that hundred dollar note there that's not gonna go up over the top of this so i have to literally shift that entire big bulge to get that 100 forward that's not as easy as it looks so i'm i'll just keep pushing and see what happens i'm not going to walk away from 100. i don't mind walking away from a 20 even at 50. but yeah 100 that's a bit hard so [Music] [Music] [Music] holding one more coin come on do me proud huh let's tell it up see what we got okay 50 bucks yep thank you very much up there with your buddy uh coins probably about 70 75 coins but we're doing all right [Music] i think it's going to take me some time to get that hundred off though i hope [Music] not so so the way i look at it every coin thank you every coin that falls off this part here is one step closer to me getting that hundred bucks that's why i look at it all right hands up if everyone's dancing right now right yeah boy i must probably just telemarketers [Music] so [Music] who just strangled my duck who strangled my duck hey [Music] hey that was my last point okay let's tell it up see what we've got okay um we've got to be 100 coins in there so uh joe's looking pretty healthy right now that phone call yeah now that that actually was work that's all right so i'm just going to be watching that 100 very closely to see if it's moving if it's not moving i'll come up with a plan attack it from both sides like this and see if i can't twist it around perhaps yeah okay so it's not moving it's it's moving around on the same spot so it's not actually coming this way nor all these coins so what i'm going to do is i'm going to attempt this i'll try to attack from this side i'll try to attack it from that side and just take away pieces at a time eventually that'll get small enough where i could just push the whole thing so left and right hand sides and so oh so [Music] so so there is actually another way that i can do this um so pretty much what happens is the coins will always take the least of the least resistance to get to the hopper so if i could actually put them directly in front of that and what will happen is as it's pushing the coins will literally spread around it like this but as i'm spreading it around it coming around it's going to be taking coins out so or literally pushing coins in that's what i don't want so if if what i'm doing now is not really working then i'll try that way it's actually amazing how much thinking you've got to do strategies all that sort of stuff when you're dealing with coin pushes well developed shot over there like a bullet [Music] so okay that was my last three coins all right look oh that helps all right let's tally it up see what we got okay uh 85 coins are open um so we've got plenty of coins to be uh experimenting with this this is how i learn so i need to uh think you know constantly think about different strategies uh different ways i think about what you guys filming uh best options there so i like to try them out for myself because i mean sometimes you guys will say something but on this particular coin pusher or the way i play is probably not good so i always like to try things out myself but at the moment i think we're doing okay with it yeah i'm not seeing a lot of movement going on whatsoever so i don't know if playing the right hand side is the smart thing to do i'm thinking maybe just the left hand side you're over here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you're beauty there goes the 20. [Music] all right so now i'm going to change my tactic again [Music] i'm pretty much going to concentrate on the left-hand side there's less on the left on this side here plus i want to push the 50 over anyway and i'm hoping that in itself will chip away at that 100 pack stack so i don't really want to put too much in front of it i'm only holding two coins all right let's tell it up see what we got okay there's about 65 coins plus the 20 not too bad i'll start panicking when i get down to about 40 coins yeah ideally i'd love to get one of those 50s off of that up the top there that would give me a good push if i can get it flat [Music] so so [Music] so i got one coin left oh it's hoping to get the 50 all right let's call it up see what we got [Music] okay so whatever i'm doing it's not working so the payment back so i've got about 50 coins here so now i'm pretty much just going to concentrate on the pile unfortunately i don't have the experience not like josh uh where he could look at this and say okay this is exactly what you need to do i don't have that experience so i've got to keep trying on a trial and trial and error really until i find something that works oh thanks i mean joss josh to me he's got queen pusher god so yeah i absolutely love your channel he's great [Music] he just knows what to do all right let's get that 50 off thank you now i'm just concentrating on the 100 oh snapping duck that whole section just came off 50 coins in it well that's good that's good that gets more out of the way this little bugger should start moving shortly [Music] [Applause] hey that was my last coin oh yeah it's definitely shifting forward now all right let's go tally it up see what i got all right 50 bucks thank you and yeah i've got to say 100 coins i can't not say 100 coins it may be 90 in there but doesn't 100 just sound so much better however many cool oh yellow yeah what a mess all right let's keep going [Applause] [Music] so basically um what i'm thinking now i've tried finesse i've tried tactics both of those have failed now i'm just going to go straight in brute force before if all else fails brute force [Music] [Music] so oh yeah that was a nice one [Music] oh come on [Music] good [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got we are absolutely hovering around it what is it with that hopping around 100 [Music] so oh that's a silly one all right best drop of the day well it's getting closer seriously dude you picked the wrong person to fight with [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] oops okay i've got one coin left come on okay let's tell it up see what we got okay there's about 80 coins so uh i think i'm going to start up there on the right hand side of the top trail and start getting some of them off [Music] [Music] so it doesn't drop in the coin outside are you sliding back you little snake [Music] oops so all right so that just cleared the path for it [Music] and slides back [Music] so okay one coin left it's probably the worst place i could have put it all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] all right the back up to 90 coins yeah i really don't know how to play this apart from just attack attack attack i'm good at doing that so so oh you are stubborn all right so i'm just going to have a quick look in my bag and my filming bag i may have one more tin of kick ass in there if i can find that chin i'll open it up and then i need i need something [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] come on last coin come on come on thank you all right let's go tally it up okay it's probably about 75 maybe 80 pushing it coins in there i'll tell you what if i start losing too many coins i'm going to have to leave that hundred in there it doesn't make sense losing uh 120 bucks to win 100. oh that helps [Music] oh yeah i don't think i have a coin problem anymore [Music] oh i wish it's hundred bucks i could have gone to work and earned it faster than this so hey okay that was my last three coins and nothing happened all right let's get it up see what we got uh 75 80 coins i'll have to work out where the fast forward function is on my editing program i get the password for this i do apologize for the videos for the length of the videos so [Music] so oh yeah okay so i'm just going through all the comments in my mind um just sort of try to help me out a bit here i'm just trying to think of what what you know what everybody tells me to say in certain certain instances i'm not going to say your name because i don't have permission but slower is faster faster is slower i actually understand exactly what he meant by it so sometimes dropping three coins is not as good as dropping in as one coin so only give that a try right now because nothing else seems to be working so i do want to empty off the top tray just a little bit anyway so i apologize if this gets a little bit boring for you but i want to give it a go [Music] okay that was my last coin well absolutely nothing happened that's all right let's get tally up see what we've got all right i reckon we're back to about 65 coins probably 70 coins so [Music] [Music] so oh come on you're killing me here oh there's no crawling back i got one coin left [Applause] oh thanks all right let's tell it see what we got okay um yeah 55 coins so not looking good right now i'm not too concerned there's a lot hanging over my battery light is flashing away on me oh that helps oh come on come on better not say that all right um that's what i had left so uh there's no need for me to put any more in so uh yeah okay i'm gonna put that in i'm gonna try for that lump and that one you talked me into it you guys are a bad influence on me i'll tell ya [Music] it's mainly you janice you're the bad influence on me yep i think i'm happy with that okay i'm going to stop i'm going to keep that i'm going to tell you everything up i'll get back to you look at that bottom deck hey all right um yeah doesn't that look nice looks very nice so um i'm absolutely more than happy i didn't expect to get this much so um all right so the tally goes i got 150 bucks in chips i've got 415 dollars in notes and i end up with 58 coins so that's 174 dollars i have all that up 739 minus the 250 bucks i paid to play it um 489 total profit so 489 dollars so i'm just going to put another 11 towards that out of my own money and go for 500 bucks on this next game no one's played it so um yeah but first i'm gonna have a break hopefully somebody will come and play it if i pack the camera away that's my plan anyway um so yeah i'm gonna have a bit of a break and uh firstly i'm gonna cash in this money and i'll be back in a sec all right i got 450 bucks yep you're beauty thank you very much um so what i've done uh 39 bucks to the tin i wasn't going to do that i was just going to put the whole lot towards this game next to me but if i lose then uh i haven't given anything to the tin so um so i decided i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to give the money to the tim now and that way if i lose the tin still got its share so um so that's what i've done so 39 bucks to the tin and i'm gonna have a bit of a break now and rip into this next next game beside me so uh if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next video that one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,781
Rating: 4.970696 out of 5
Id: VsCjCd0hNvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 3sec (4623 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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