Aussie Coin Pusher EP 116

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[Music] jason from aussie coin pusher here well what do you make of this hey looks pretty um coin ways let's just start with that down the bottom tray here looks pretty good um there is a as you can see there is quite a nice gap that gap is probably a solid two inches two inches wide so [Music] i've tried several times to count that and i can't count it okay thank you bar top tray light as normal uh before i get into this uh i just got a quick apology to make i made booboo so this uh this all happened uh on the day that i found out about the skydiver um and as you all know i was pretty messed up with that so um i had a comment um are you trying to get us pissed um and i naturally took that as the way i played the game because i played pretty badly trying to piss somebody off um and apparently that's not what it was so i did um in the comments i left a comment saying um if you and i did and i was wrong so bob absolute deepest apologies mate um yeah no excuses as far as that's concerned so um but i'm a man of my word um yep i'm first to apologize if i'm proven or if i know that i'm wrong so 50 coins say good day jay all right andy still got his pants on um all right let's see what i can do with 50 coins so top looks really light i don't know how i'm going to go with this i do have the other 100 in my car um if i need it so all i can do is just start pushing and see what happens as normal i'm just going to take it easy [Music] i just don't want to see what's going to happen do i need to split the game in half okay i think i'm thinking i'm gonna be i'm gonna play on the safe side i'm gonna split the game in half i'm only gonna play the right hand side so until i can start getting coins to fall i think that's the smartest move oops [Music] [Music] come on jose stay in your own lane i had a comment um somebody's son was saying that in one of my games i should have been staying in my eyes the game i lost on i should have been staying in my own lane and uh yeah he's dead right so oops like i can afford to be doing that oh you know there's not that many coins on here looking at it why did i think there was quite a lot of coins maybe i was just mesmerized by what he built possibly i might be in a little bit of trouble here [Music] all right i've got a lot of confidence [Music] all right looks like it's just going to automatically want to try to fill that gap in least resistance what i need to do is i need to get that 50 off if i get that 50 off i'm laughing oops oh nice i just knocked the whole thing down totally wasn't meeting that wow i'll take it all right now what do i do come on just give me some kind of a push i'm in trouble here for sure not yet i'm not what i am is in the that's where i am oh i've got a little push on on the right hand side oh yes i got one coin oh bad i'll tell ya that's what i've got left three coins i've got one that's just dropped i've got to stay to the far right hand side [Music] that was my last coin come on oh no all right i got one coin um you know what i'm just gonna go out to my car and grab that hundred i think i don't think i'll waste my time with one coin uh i'll be back [Music] okay um so what i did was i went straight out to the car grabbed the hundred went and swapped it came back in went to grab my one coin and there was four coins in there i don't know where they came from uh i'm 100 sure only one coin fell uh yeah i'm gonna go back on the computer when i get home and um take a look see where see if actually the others fell or if they were already in there hopefully already in there well right now i've got 24 coins so oh that would have been good all right let's go okay that moved okay now we're getting some movement come on do oh i need lots more of that i got like five coins left [Music] i'm definitely moving the whole tray the whole tray is moving so that's good i'm just gonna i've got two coins left i'm just going to wait for the right hand side ish all right come on oh that was close all right let's tell it up so we got i got like 15 coins there that's not too bad i'm not really worried yet now i'm going to get some coins this round thank you [Music] it seems to be bouncing a little bit [Music] here and i know i haven't double stacked too many coins but yet there's a lot of double stack coins on the top so i don't know what that's all about yet that's my last two coins all right let's tell it up so what i got okay i've got about the same not too bad [Applause] what i need to do is push a chip off get him to land flat he'll give me a nice push thank you even coming because right now i'm as nervous as a chihuahua oh no chase god that was so my fault right there that was my last two a nice little drop come on all right let's tell it up so what i got yeah it's game on now hey oh yeah [Music] i've totally forgot to guess i wonder if it's too late nah i don't think kurt will mind um i'm gonna go i'm gonna go outrageous i'm gonna go 130 coins if i get 130 coins i'll be so happy i really can't see it but hey you throw something out there i mean kelly does every day so i'm thinking a series of two okay that was my last two coins nice and again all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] okay we're going right now hey um i'm calling 50 coins [Applause] and that is thick take a look at what's about to come off [Music] so [Music] i'm just speeding the game up just a little tiny bit more coins i get the faster i can go i'm doing my best to land them flat [Music] [Music] oh that was a nice one oh listen to it that was my last two coins oh we've got some good pushes then all right let's tell you that's what i got nice okay so mike said um that one there wants to escape i'll put him there for you mike sorry so i don't drop him mike said uh regardless of um of how the coin falls whether it falls from my hand putting it in the slot or it falls from uh from when i'm holding them as long as it hits the carpet that's it it's a shot any excuse man i'm sure you're an aussie right i think i'm just going to keep pushing i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing so i can speed it up a tiny little bit more if i can get a handful of coins i'm happy with my timing so far it's been pretty good [Music] all right i reckon i can get that 50 off the one on the right hand side that's a package oh nice [Music] [Music] oh i can see that [Music] so listen to it oh 100 in the middle nearly came off let's have a go [Music] let's see how far that just shoved the entire tray the whole tray just shifted forward i reckon that probably easy quarter inch okay let's tell you that see what i got well i only saw one of them in there at first and uh i instantly thought yep your little beauty it's bourbon time then i saw the other one in there it's like nut suck up flowers first bourbon's gotta wait now um by memory which is absolutely awesome and you guys know how good my memory is up to his shirt was a hundred coins that's up to his shirt so i'm calling 100 coins [Music] oh there's some stacks of coins in there come on drop that 10 i need a bourbon [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ah that 100 looks like it wants to come off too so let's have a go ahead [Music] come on push it off thank you [Music] all right time to land them flat again clean that tray up a bit [Music] [Music] look how thick it is that is really [Music] thick [Music] so [Music] oh so oh that 50 wants to come off oh nice i totally missed it there's my last three coins thank you i'll take them all right let's tell it up to what i got 80 bucks sweet that's 150 in the red uh coins yeah we're doing pretty good on coins i still reckon we've got 100. oh sammy did you say good morning oh thank you oh wow so [Music] okay [Music] [Music] a lot of tools wanted to come off i don't know which oh nice with the push [Music] yep oh it's all happening wow come on get the handle out of there he wants to come off oh nice [Music] so all my coins all right let's tell you that up see what i got all right take a look at that hey 220 dollars oh yeah with the profit all right i'm just gonna get that all up here coins i didn't see that there's another 20 bucks down there all right add him into the telly i didn't even see that go in um but definitely add that he'll watch this there you go 20 bucks i'm getting the camera chase oh man that's what it is um so yeah so i decided uh i was gonna go to the bar and grab myself a bourbon i thought you know what no i better not i'll go get my pink instead so get some on my pink okay i've got to remember that 20 bucks is in there totally didn't even see that didn't feel it it's funny all right let's get cracking all the money you seem to be on the right hand side well that's good for me because i'll play the right even better [Music] [Music] [Music] so come on come on give me a push ah every time i say it [Music] uh oh i missed that totally missed that but i just got i did get my 20. oh just see that i just caught the ass end of it um that means the back end uh you know the little you know what i mean um that was huge oh wow i can't wait to clear this one out so crack it might crack it oh i can't believe i dropped another one [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so one coin let's just drop it there and nothing's gonna happen i'll bet you okay i don't know if you noticed or not but um i'm actually playing this game a little bit faster than normal uh yes i am double stacking a little bit on the top nothing special um yeah there's not a massive amount of coins getting double stacked down the bottom either i am keeping an eye on it but what i'm trying to do this is sort of this is the back end of the experiment that i was doing yesterday um i noticed when i was going slow landing coins flat i still got the big build ups um so what i was i thought to myself on my way down here today is um how about i just simply when i get the coins of course how about i simply just go fast and just see if i still get the same build ups so at the moment i'm calling no um well not yet but they're they are there but they're only small very small i'm not even worried about them so anyway i'm going to tell you that's what i got okay um don't mind me i just took a swing and swigger that pink and oh man it doesn't taste nice 170 bucks nice i'm pulling in the cash at the moment yeah i'm going all right if anybody's wondering what this is this stuff is that's magnesium um i drink it from my back uh coins yeah look at how many coins we've got we totally gained heaps of coins i'm calling at least 140 there [Music] all right let me hear you singing voice [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah it's a waterfall hey that looks like a waterfall where i'm standing [Music] [Music] oh no yeah i'll get it together in a second that hundred had to have been sitting an inch from the edge that just pushed it all the way into the hopper wow so so [Music] okay i might be getting a little bit careless here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank you that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] that pays for the game right there 250 bucks nice oh a few more of those would be bloody nice wouldn't i um i'm still calling 130 140 coins there definitely as you can see on this side here that side's good this side here it's a little it's a little chunky um so uh yeah i mean there's a lot of coins in there if i can get them off oh man i'll be swimming in coins right now i think i just need to get some coins off the top [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i never got the 50 off right let's hang for that 50. i just got to get the timing right i totally stuffed that up didn't i oh there they're a shark and dice come on [Music] that was a loud one [Music] now that's got to push it off that doesn't push it off oh what come on oh no pass [Music] all right what do you reckon how does that not push it off [Music] you watch i'll drop one coin in there probably accidentally and i'll end up knocking it oh off i told you so what i don't want to do right now is take my foot off the pedal um if i do that that's going to build up even bigger i just need to keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing that's all that's all i've got to think about which means i've just got to keep dropping coins in fast i'm trying to get them to land as flat as i can and as many as i can [Music] one to two coins falling off the edge is only gonna hinder me that's gonna make it harder [Music] oh yeah that's what i was looking for okay that's my last four coins all right let's tell it up to what i got another 50 bucks i'll take it i maybe lost some i'd say we lost some out of that so um i'm calling about 125. [Music] if we can stay above 100 coins that is a bonus in itself [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh the right hand side's about to drop so okay what i'm seeing right now is you can see the left hand side on this side here so split the game in half you can see there's a lot more double stacked coins pretty much from the center heading to the left all on top and i'm talking about the bottom tray here the reason why that is and i know exactly what what's happening here because i'm such a right hand dominant dominated and i also think the machine's got something to do with it too it does the pendulum only stays on the left hand side for like half a second but it it's it stays on the other side for like three seconds um so yeah i'm not sure if that's just me or or what it is but because i'm putting in coins a lot faster on the left try to compensate i'm double stacking a lot more and you can actually see it because this game will give you all the information that you need if you know how to read it so and that's what i'm learning right you know i'm learning how to read it that's what deb's teaching me kelly's teaching me a few others are teaching me how to read the machine so my little breadcrumbs you've just got to know what they mean and then you can fix it it's all about [Music] learning [Music] [Music] so deb close your eyes [Music] all right what did that do there's a lot of coins i just dropped yeah that's a lot smaller and it's a lot closer too i was a bit worried that that was just building up and just you know it's going to get to a point where i just can't shift it that's why i just dumped in a heap of coins um seemed to have worked anyway let's tell you what i got [Music] all right well i don't reckon we've lost any from the last count so i'm still calling 125 in there so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i didn't see it but that was loud made me look down [Music] hmm [Music] so all right so we're not getting any movement out of where those chips are so i'm just gonna pound it [Music] cool come on that's my last three coins [Music] okay that's good um so what i'm doing is i'm getting the coins out from underneath these chips and that's that's the key i mean if i can get them out from underneath them that's going to also one stop them from sliding back and also he'll push them in all right let's tell you that's what i got well even after those big pushes i still don't think we gained any i still think we're up around the 120 130 mark i was half expecting about 150 no worries then but i mean i didn't see what was falling that was the problem i could hear it [Music] so all right there's one of them [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] nice [Music] yeah so i just noticed something every time i get a big push have you noticed um i've just noticed it that every time i get a big push i dump in five or six coins like really super fast i don't know that must be just a reaction because i really don't know that i'm doing it i just i just noticed i do it then i noticed it a little bit earlier too [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh nice pushing so [Music] come on don't slide back don't slide back that's my last two coins nice double stack chase all right let's um tell it up see what i got we got us a 50 bucks all right you go up there with your mates and we gained coins absolutely gained coins i'm calling at least 140 coins actually i've got a question for you someone left in the comments that they uh they recognize i'm really off with my counts with my coins um and i'm sort of wondering how that's even possible they could even know that because i'm holding literally this in my head i mean can you guys literally count that accurately more accurately than i can i really don't know i can't see it i asked how that was even possible but i don't know if they responded or not unchecked so [Music] hopefully that's just stopped them from wanting to go backwards i noticed the hundreds in those 50s they were still sliding backwards i thought smashing a few coins clear the path whoops totally wasn't watching what i was doing [Music] all right i'm trying to get some coins off of the top deck [Music] oh [Music] see what happens when i get impatient oh man but that's not entirely a bad thing well i don't think so anyway come on i reckon i'll get that off in one hit if i get a big enough push [Music] so [Music] [Music] yep come on i'm so close i haven't got i've got like five coins left come on please of course one had to stick stick behind to say g'day didn't it i got my last two coins all right let's tell it up to what i got 150 bucks nice um probably 140 coins maybe 135 a bit hard to tell all right what i've got i've got a nice pile all across here i can easily get that i reckon obviously the 50 and this little pile here i've been fighting this pile all day so i'm not too sure if i'll be able to get that pile but i'll definitely get the 50. so my plan is right now is no double stacking because i don't need to be wasting coins anymore i'll clean the top deck off and if it looks like as if it's piling up again well i'll just have to smash it again [Music] oh so close [Music] [Music] nice i'm going to keep going with my handful because there's still a lot of coins hanging over [Music] i probably got like 20 more coins [Music] oh okay i can definitely see them building up [Music] and my phone's ringing that's what message banks for nice uh what should i do should i have a crack at all that i reckon i should with that [Music] all right let's go oh that means triple second okay the battery just totally died didn't even see the flashing light all right let's keep going i got us a new battery we are good to go for another hour oh i don't need to keep going do i see was just doing it on his own for me i'm gonna go see our watch all right no need for me to put them in hey that's pretty clean so i'm very happy with how i've done today uh i bet there's a few coins on this side here yep sure is but uh yeah i mean i don't know how many coins that's gonna take to get off but anyway i'm more than happy with what i got today so i'm gonna go clean the machine out tell you everything up and i'll get back to you wrap your gurglers around that hey nice oh yeah yeah that is not bad not bad at all okay so the telly's go i've got 1060 bucks in chips i end up with 144 coins totally can't remember what i guessed um it was up there somewhere i don't know i got no idea but that's worth 432 bucks i'll take that any day of the week add both of them together is 1 492 uh minus the 350 because don't forget to go to the car and grab the other 100 so it's minus 350 to play the game and total one hundred profit forty two dollars so um kelly's been trying to work out is there a uh attack you know like a tactic or a an amount that dave puts into these machines um and i have noticed when i clear the machine out like this although this time i've got 144 coins and that's quite a lot um it always works out roughly around the same anywhere between 900 and 1200 type of thing so um yeah i mean that's that's sort of thing that he's put that he's putting in here so that's why that's four to one pretty much um that's good money dave if you're listening mate yeah it's it's not that great um you know sort of lift your game with your buddy uh and if you're not listening yeah this uh that's you know i'm absolutely wrapped with that um on the dogs i won't bid on anything that's less than you know one to one pretty much so um yeah i mean anyway i'm gonna go catch all this in and i'll be back in a second okay um i absolutely love to play games uh like silly buggers you know type of thing there's a thousand bucks here so what i did was um the tips jar it's got a lot of five dollar notes in it it's got a lot obviously a lot of um coins in it the occasional twenty dollar note i just put 142 dollars in it [Laughter] [Music] unfortunately there was nobody watching um so rose was serving another customer and i just went up there and just put 142 bucks in it but can you just imagine the look who i don't know who gets this money i got no idea i guess the staff get it when they see you like that type of uh that's what i like doing i love doing that sort of stuff but i've got a thousand bucks here i mean that is more than enough for me i am really really happy so i've more than made back the money that i lost and give you a quick update on the house too um it's going good hopefully finished in the next week so yeah i'm gonna have to obviously take a day off um fly up there have a look make sure everything's you know up to scratch and then um yeah and then fly back again so probably very unlikely i'll be able to get a video done that day unless i actually get to um i can't do that today i just haven't got the time for it but um that's my plan so um so yeah good news about the house so um good news about that thousand bucks hundred and forty two dollars i wonder what they're gonna say holy who put that in there oh it's funny anyway uh if you like what you see give us a thumbs up uh if you want to see more subscribe uh and bob once again mate i do apologize and yeah that was my bad my my fault my mistake i'm a man and uh i'll absolutely apologize so i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,244
Rating: 4.9660058 out of 5
Keywords: Jackpot, winner, profit, coin, silver, gold, money, gambling
Id: DMT5Yv7c7cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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