Aussie Coin Pusher EP 145

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[Music] here take a look at the top tray can you see them i can see them can you see them i'm not 100 sure but i think they're silver coins um i can definitely see around 50 um silver coin that's an 80 silver that guy but look at the two on either side it look at the difference in color holy snap induction is that silver i don't know um wow they're beautiful looking um i reckon they will be anyway let's just i'm going to do my best not to be watching them yes there's flat notes in here that's really annoying but if they are silver i couldn't care if the whole entire bottom was covered in flat notes bottom tray does it does look very light i'm a little concerned with that because you can see the entire bottom tray plus i mean look at all the holes i mean these aren't small holes either so um yeah i mean that's that's amazing so but you know what take a look see what's up the top tray oh um i am totally going for them not right this very second obviously i've got to go for coins uh that's num that's priority number one that's always um even when i've got a lot of coins i still think or how to get more coins anyway uh 50 coins that's what i've got right there [Music] i've got the other money in the car if i need it so once again i just want to take a look to see where the gaps are just so i know how to play the game oh there was a bit of movement in the [Music] middle okay yep definitely getting some movement going [Music] all right oh nice [Music] oh come on guys i haven't got my glasses with me but it looks a little bit like as an animal owner and i think it might be a kangaroo [Music] all right now we're getting some some good little pushes up across here come on give me something give me something i can work with you i guess i'm still filling in gaps and there's a few gaps on the bottom i can still see [Music] oh i can see that a lot better that definitely looks like a kangaroo i'm looking at the one on the right hand side oh 100 nice [Music] double i need nice right now though i've got one coin left [Music] come on give me something i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what i got um yep well i thought i was hoping for a bit more than that but i knew it was a bad setup right from the start i mean there was a lot of gaps in there there's like 20 22 something like that i'm not surprised come on let's start getting some pushes coin slot feels way different to what it did before i don't have to push the coins in so hard so something's happened there either somebody's complained about it or he watches my videos there's my last two coins [Music] all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] well we increased in coins i reckon there could be 25 to 30 coins there [Music] so i hope you got thank you i hope you guys are impressed that i'm not going for these silver coins do you know how hard it is on fighting that urge i'm doing it for you guys it's what i nearly swore it is hard oh nice and i gotta push okay one coin that was it oh i'll take it or take a look at the middle um yeah that's all over hanging really nice and that tends about to drop let's tally it up so what i got excellent round that was a absolute bloody good round for me uh 20 bucks i reckon there's at least 50 coins there and i've got the round silver from the top i've got him off the top tray that's always a bonus [Music] thank you a couple more that would be really nice so [Music] so no i'm sorry i folded oh thank you yes i had a little go at the silver oh but i can't stop looking at it oh nice what's that i got no idea what that is i'm trying to look at the design on the back of it well that might even be the front of it i don't i got no idea i'm just spinning out over the color of them just the color difference between the round 50 and those things okay i got one coin left the middle's about to drop again all right let's tell it up see what i got 65 bucks ah 45 bucks nice um mike how many how many shots does a 20 um do you you did actually say say how much yeah yeah you when you drop a note how many shots you've got to do i've totally forgotten um let me just grab that ah yeah sorry about that uh mr professional at his finest um i'm calling 80 coins [Music] all right now we can start playing and you know what i'm wearing you know what i'm waiting for nature i'm waiting for the pendulum i'll throw a couple on that side there just to keep me going [Music] i did wait until i had a lot of coins before i started pounding it oh wow coin slot is still a little difficult to use [Music] oh my coins are so messy in my hand it's annoying me do what i'm doing now is i'm i'm going to start targeting the 100 notes uh the flat 100 notes i've got to get them out of my way so i can see what's going [Music] on i've got one coin left i'll take it all right let's tell it up so what i got 80 bucks sweet new beauty all right you'll sit up there with your mates [Music] i reckon there's a hundred coins in there i'm gonna call a hundred and well what was the last time i actually remember to guess oh man i just totally forget every game i suppose because i'm concentrating so hard [Music] i've only dropped another coin [Music] whoops [Music] [Music] oh where's the round one gone [Music] bugger i can't see it i bet you all at home can see it but i can't ah not yet but i'm getting close oh where is it [Music] no i cannot see it i wonder if it's under the hundred [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay there's my last two coins [Applause] oh nice so what i'm really really super happy about is there's a plastic surround i guess you'd call that i don't really know what it is but um these things are they're protected so if they do fall down another coin lands on top i don't think it will do any damage now i'm not going to take that risk but you know the chances of it getting damaged at less i'm still looking around for that round 50 cent piece and i cannot see it save my life it's got to be underneath all of this stuff here it might even be under here i don't know uh yell out to stop uh if you see it all right let's tell it up 60 bucks nice ripper yeah i reckon we gained in coins 110 maybe 120. um i know sometimes when a a silver coin like around 50 is when they fall you'll hear a high-pitched because of the silver content in it if i can't see it i've got to listen for it the problem is my hearing is just as good as my eyes yeah too much loud music is a youngster um i can see a potential problem happening here this hundred dollar notes twisting on me uh if that corner i don't know if you can see the corner or not but the corner is actually folding down but it's only there by millimeters it can very easily flip back up again i need to push it from this side here to try straighten it back up so what i'm going to do is i'm going to play middle left and leave the right well alone until i can get that straight there is nothing worse than walking away with 100 stuck especially right where you can see it guys what are you doing remembering me like a bloody goldfish mate so oh did it fall i don't know i've got to go and check i'll be back nope it was not in there but what i did find was 100 bucks would you believe i didn't even see it fall i had no idea all right so it's got to be under here somewhere then that's the only other place it can be oh chase come on mate oh that sounded something that definitely sounded different i'll be back well done me yep i did not see it i heard it now i was listening for the high-pitched thing and yep i heard it so um and i reckon all you probably did too are you little beauty i love these coins wow that's a nice one too the problem with these coins though what i've found is right in the middle here um in the coat of arms if you want to have a good real good this camera is really it's a real cheap one and i do apologize for that um but yeah when i get a bit more money i will upgrade but right now with these round 50 cent pieces these are 66. um i actually said that they were 64 in a different video and of course i was thinking of the the american 64 coins but these are actually 66 so i can't remember your name who corrected me on that thank you appreciate it the coat of arms right here in the middle is the highest point on the coin and that's what gets damaged first and i've noticed on a couple of the coins that i've won because these aren't in protective coating or you know they're not protected there's always marx on top of it i've got one on this one too i don't know whether you can see that i'll get my finger out of your way so you can actually look uh but yeah right in the middle here right the end of my finger um yeah there's uh there's a mark on it so that's a real shame but anyway i still have coins left let's get that hundred down oh i'm stoked i got that nice [Music] come on 100 start turning wow [Music] oh it's so close that is so close [Music] i'm not 100 sure and i didn't turn it much but i think that's my first time i've successfully turned a flat note i know as i said we didn't go march but still it did go oh yeah oh well done again i love it when a good plan comes together oh look how shiny they are are you guys like me you're not looking at the top tray you're not looking anywhere else but you're simply just looking at those two i mean just take a look at the top draft look that's starting to get quite messy up there i really should be paying attention right i've got two coins left see if i get that 50 off oh oh not not over here come on third wave bugger all right let's tell it that's what i got what a handful of cash uh 510 bucks that may very well be my best take um or my best clean out outside of a um a buy-in oh that is so sweet i'm having a great day oh no that was my coin chasing you where is it all right i'll have to i'll have to take a look at that later on um i can't believe i just did that [Music] i don't did i swear i don't know i don't know maybe i did maybe i didn't uh it deserved it uh yep i showed you all that now i see what happens when um when there's silver around i just go it's absolutely stupid um we definitely lost coins 100 lost coins so there's probably barely a hundred coins in there i don't care look what's there uh let's try to get the left-hand side one off i'm still going to grab it out there you go i'm still going to grab it out straight away don't push don't push don't push i'll be back holy snapping duck take a look how shiny that is wow um that is silver it says it on there 999 silver so what i can see is a 2021 one ounce i've got to read it slowly because it's so shiny it's blinding me uh yep 999 silver uh australian kangaroo yeah well i know it's australian kangaroo but wow hey look at it i don't want to touch the front of it or the back of it [Music] okay so that's the queen's head um sorry queen i actually thought that looked like a like a wombat or something like that um clearly the queen's head and what has this got written on it australia i can't read it elizabeth two oh yeah so it's elizabeth two one dollar a dollar that's worth more than a dollar that's crazy talk wow take a look at it look outside it is oh man let me just i've got to be careful i don't want to touch the front of it um wow hopefully this camera is actually giving this coin justice damn ah where's it sleeve took me a while to actually work out how to get this thing out i'll tell you what i really need to start bringing my glasses with me okay look at that oh man all right i'm going to put that somewhere where i'm not going to knock out um the game's still going sorry i do get sidetracked when it comes to silver [Music] i'll tell you what i do have in my car though um is i have like a 2.50 pair of glasses you can buy from the chemist oh got the 50 and i snapped them in half because i accidentally tried on them i've got one half that i know where where they are i've got one half so if i close my eye and look at it through the other half i should be fine totally going to do that when i get out of the car [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'm gonna have to look up to see who made that [Music] come on push it over now i want that coin more than a hundred [Music] dollars so the problem is is i'm always um looking at the milk oh nice oh stop pushing stop pushing oh you bastard stop pushing all right i'm back yeah baby i got it you beauty oh man yep definitely the same coin what's that got written on it i can't read it it's got something written on there is that across the coin is that across the coin i don't know can see it something's written up here i can't read that save my life i'll read it out in the car oh man i hope that tells me who made it all right let's get this hundred i just want to get this off as quick as i can i got one coin left and there it goes all right let's tell it up see what i got um yep i couldn't wait uh sue me um i had to go find out so what i did was i went and asked rose if she could read that on on it's that's just on the plastic and it says swan bullion so i jumped on my phone uh googled swan bullion brought up their website and um yep these are actually on their website for 40 bucks i thought they were actually well over 100 bucks because uh i do keep my eye open but not so much on coins more their blocks you know the bars and stuff like that not that i can ever afford to buy one but yeah so these are advertised on um on it's one volume yep that's right it's one bullion uh we have 40 bucks a piece i don't care wow take a look at them oh man i am in love um all right let's get back to the game i've got 50 bucks nice [Music] and i've got my queens back it's probably 110 115 yeah i totally couldn't wait all right it's a good thing really because i didn't want to waste too many coins by trying to speed the game up too fast so i could go find out so now i know i can play properly [Music] but i seriously do not understand what it is with silver and me i got no idea it drives me nuts i was watching this thing on youtube last night and they had a thousand ounce bar of silver a thousand ounces ah i tell you i nearly shoot myself like wow so [Music] so come on oh it's not moving oh no two coins just come flying out of sammy [Music] i didn't even drop him i didn't even have a chance i didn't even touch my hand ah sorry mike sorry mike's liver come on okay i've got a little bit of movement out of it so apparently what i see and what you see are two complete different things you can see things moving but from my point of view it doesn't look like they're moving um ted thanks buddy for letting me know that oh that moves i saw that oh yeah oh nice all right do i walk away or do i have a crack at that how many coins are there it's probably like nine or ten coins it's like 30 bucks no because look at all the gaps in the top and the top tray that's probably going to take four coins just to fill those gaps up i don't want to waste them um yep more than happy um done my job take a look at it nice and i've got silver's three oh where's your fingers there they are three oh man you don't do that um more than happy uh i'm absolutely stoked so um i am totally playing the game next to me and i've got plenty of time so um yeah anyway i'm gonna go tally everything up and i'll be back [Music] wow nice oh that is so good don't forget i went don't get me wrong i absolutely love seeing uh seeing joe full sammy sorry mate i i totally are you a beer silver it just draws me nuts i don't know what it is i seriously don't know what it is um but anyway sorry sammy love you mate um yep around 50 cent piece this one unfortunately i can't believe i did it but i slid it down the glass um yeah i got no idea what that's worth in shots um but yeah i mean as you can see i'm holding it and i've actually got the shakes silver just absolutely drives me nuts i don't know what it is about i seriously don't i could be holding a gold coin if these two were gold seriously it wouldn't really bother me too much um but yeah i don't know something about silver that just absolutely makes my mind go to jelly it really turns into it really does i um but yep i am over the moon absolutely over the moon with those two um so the telly goes i've got 685 bucks in notes i've got 200 in chips i ended up 132 coins now i'm not adding the coins into the telly on this game because i'm going to use them for the next game so at both of those together 885 bucks minus the 250 it cost me to play uh 635 bucks that's um that's not bad and those silvers um yep three of them and what are you bloody ripper oh i can't believe it ah all right i'm gonna go cash in the notes and the chips and um i might take the silvers outside in the daylight and actually go get my one side of my glasses and have a good look at them i reckon i'll be back oh yeah that was a brilliant brilliant session uh 600 bucks right here uh those coins they are better than what i thought um i had to look it through one eye unfortunately but um 600 bucks right here 35 bucks to the 10 that's what i've done um and yeah so um stunning coins and so i hope this camera's giving them justice i really really do so um anyway if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you love seven silver coins give me two thumbs up um and yeah if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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