Aussie Coin Pusher EP 92

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[Music] good day jason from the coin pusher here what a day yesterday hey oh man uh oh i was so sore it was ridiculous and i was laid up in bed i had no regard to my body in that game i'll tell you um yeah what a blast had an absolute ripping ripper game uh my missus 160 bucks on those scratches she literally scratched the whole lot 100 of them in about two hours oh just she's bad on them 50 coins okay joe uh 50 coins playing this one so i'm taking a look at it and i see a couple of things that i'm i don't know about obviously the first thing notes on on the top nothing on top of them yeah that's that's not going to be easy to move secondly what's this supposed to be is this like a funnel type of thing does he want me to try to put in the middle get coins down there um as i said before i'm not an engineer but i do have common sense they're sitting on top of the coins so surely wouldn't the whole wall chips just move under with the coins that's what i'm thinking um i'm not going to play his game i don't want to i don't know what's under there so i'm not yeah i'm not just going to go the middle i'm going to get the whole thing like i always do i'm just going to forget about the hundreds i'm just going to concentrate on not double stacking as much as i can oh we've got a bit of movement that tells me there's no gaps but see what i mean i don't know what they're for whether it's just there for looks or he's actually trying to get me to uh put the coins in the middle of the game i don't really know but the whole things are moving and that's exactly what i thought would happen [Music] i spoke to dave this morning and that he was he was happy he was yeah he was glad i actually thought he'd be quite shitty that i want his gold but man i used he was actually quite happy about it so it surprised me i mean he reckons he's got heaps of it i know he goes metal detecting um him and other people so uh yeah should be interesting anyway [Music] so i think to games like this the trick is is just to ignore everything on it don't look at the chips don't look at the money at the top just completely ignore it pretend none of it's there and just play for tokens that's it and that's what i'm doing right now so not a lot of coins fell from the top so i'm guessing there's definitely holes and gaps underneath all of that totally expected it i'm getting good pushes now [Music] yeah that game oh man i totally never played like that before hey oh what a game uh i got one coin left [Music] all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] i reckon there's probably like 45 coins there so i reckon we definitely lost some but not many that's a good thing but we've learned heaps i know how the game's working now coming i haven't double stacked a single token yet i'm a little bit impressed with myself mind you i am dropping a lot of ones single coins that's not my fault that's stuck up there that is totally not my fault i'm not taking the blame for that one oh but that's a good thing [Music] when i get more coins i might just bombard those hundreds and see if i can't get coins sitting on top of them to weigh them down that might be the way i do remember a comment being like that [Music] [Music] [Music] i got one coin left i'm gonna go right in the guts they're on the guts not much happened all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] all right there's got to be like 80 coins there and i've totally forgot to guess again i am so bad at that um so everything's happening the way i thought it was going to happen it's just shifting the whole lot straight down it he simply just set everything on top he should have put them on on the actual base that would have been a little bit more concerning for me good for me [Music] oh i might get that off i'm totally not trying for it oh that's stuck up there that's not my fault i'm not taking the blame for that oh that one i've got to take the blame for [Music] that was a bad bounce [Music] i reckon they'll come off i can get some coins on [Music] i'm not sure oh that was my bad [Music] i'm not sure if that's gonna try to come off or it's going to get pushed back on well let's just drop a few in the guts and see what happens though [Music] oh we're getting movement we are getting movement i'm gonna go again oh i stuffed it up stuffed it right up then nice oh look at this bloody coins holding it off there hey come on there goes one yes you're beauty so that's how you do it nice now i gotta get him not to get stuck [Music] all right back to the coins one coin left [Music] all right let's take it up so what i got okay suck up flowers are taken care of hey not that i should need them um oh man she was so surprised i i could still see your face um i don't know 80 90 coins maybe 100 i'm not too sure yeah her face just absolutely lit up when she saw those scratches [Laughter] oh so funny that wasn't my fault that got stuck [Music] now i honestly don't care too much about double stacking uh me personally i just think well you know if you double stack a coin it's gonna fall off and then you're gonna get two coins rather than one fall off so [Music] gives you bigger bushes oh it's not great when you've only got like 10 coins 20 coins you do your best not to but the other like 80 coins right now so i really don't i honestly don't care too much about the double stacking side of it i know people really hate it for some reason but i i think it's wasting money but it's actually uh it's it's not i can't see that it is [Music] nice another stack of tens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come up [Music] would it be nice if that whole thing just came off in one pile oh that will definitely set the alarms off that was my last coin oh i see that move oh this is one coin well let's tell you that's what i got alright couple of bourbons you're beauty hey stack them up there with the other ones coins yeah there's probably uh 110 coins i reckon [Music] let's find out let's see how accurate i am oh no not even close all right so i can hold a hundred coins just uh i can get more coins on there so i'm saying 90 coins i was only 20 out [Music] my [Music] listen to it that sounded alright [Music] [Music] now i think what i'm going to do is i want to play the center a little bit [Music] more [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what i'm slowly trying to do at the moment is i'm trying to stock up the left hand side without using too many coins to do it i've noticed it's starting to get stuck down here and that's probably because i'm not dropping enough coins on that side obviously being right-handed the middle and the right hand get the majority of the coins plus this machine for some reason seems to spend more time on the right so i'm just trying to um load up the left-hand side to get more coins to fall give me bigger pushes natural side is obviously the right hand side that's the side i like to play that was my last three coins by the way oh we've got a bit of movement adam all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] another 20 bucks nice [Music] coins yeah i don't reckon we lost any coins so probably about the same probably about 90 coins [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] apologize for not talking and uh talking too much my back is actually still sore from yesterday [Music] holy you hear that that way scared the crap out of me that was nice that was thunder um we're having a bit of a shitty day today it was raining when i drove over here but uh that would suck i wonder what would happen there blackout hey oh no [Music] [Music] oh it would be bloody funny but there's my last two coins oh man let's get the out of me all right i was wondering what the hell that noise was whoa anyway let's tell you it looks what i got oh hang on now let's tell you i'll see what i got [Music] okay we definitely lost some coins that's not too good um let's have a look oh not that many no not that many it's probably like 75 or 80 coins there yeah that's not too bad all right let's just keep going [Music] [Music] i don't want to go nuts just yet simply because 90 coins or 80 coins whatever i had really isn't enough and you can lose those pretty quickly but now i'm getting some good pushes [Music] so [Music] [Music] nice oh that was loud huh [Music] that was nearly as loud as that thunderclap that we had okay let's get the out of me there's my last coin as you can tell i stepped it up a bit [Music] all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] 140 bucks nice stick them up there uh i don't reckon we lost too many i'm sure we did lose some but not that many not that worried about it yet i totally did not drop that [Music] if it didn't slide down the glass it's not classed as a job [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] all that stuff on the right i need them to fall over and it's too heavy [Music] so oh [Music] see more did i break you hey you're getting over to oh yes sir like me [Music] i've got one coin left drop it to the far left [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got yikes all right this is where i need to be really careful so there's probably 50 coins there [Music] all right so as i thought what's happening is this stuff is really heavy and it's just chocking it all up i'm not getting any movement out of that this side is starting to move so i might actually pick on that a little bit if i can get some of that stuff off and obviously i'll target the middle now i have to start getting some coins off the top because i need them in the game [Music] nice i totally didn't mean to drop it [Music] that's what i'm talking about i'm still going to take it easy i don't have a lot of coins so i've got to build those coins back up [Music] again so [Music] oh [Music] oh there's another thunderclap it's still going stay on power stay on power we've obviously got a electrical storm going straight over the top of us [Music] probably the first time in about three months i've seen rain was my last two coins all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] all right at least i've got 80 bucks out of it that's not bad i'll take that any day of the week coins and maybe 55 probably more like 50. so i don't think we lost any coins anyway oh come on it's not getting stuck [Music] that's probably half the reason why you don't see so many coins going down the left-hand side then you do the right they don't get stuck on the right hand but they do get stuck on the left hand all the time [Music] all right that's what i cooked yeah that's what i wanted get some weight off of there okay now the queen got stuck [Music] watch that one i'm trying to watch this guy over here ah this is my finger daddy oh hello dude i mean they get stuck up there they just yeah it's amazing another 20 bucks i'm gonna want to get that one on the right that'd be nice it's gotta be like 50 bucks there problem is i'm not hearing a lot of tokens falling i need tokens [Music] nice of course i totally missed it again that's what i want token that was my last piece oh no chase really all right let's tell you that's what i got two hundred and thirty dollars you think i've got a profit now yeah i bloody have got a profit 50 coins maybe something like that we didn't really gain or lose this would be a better a better judgment for me oh yeah come here i wonder if there's ever going to be a time i don't drop coins there's probably like 55 maybe even 60 there all right let's see what i can do [Music] so [Music] oops [Music] [Music] i wish those hundreds would nick off down there i can't really see what's going on [Music] oh there's a knife that was my last coin nice all right let's tell it up to what i got all right nice 50 bucks so we just had another nice big clap of thunder then uh coins we are increasing coins you little bloody ripper um 65 coins i reckon i don't care how fast we increase just as long as we increase [Music] salad do [Music] so oh the lights just flickered then oh please don't go out are you serious look what's in my hand i didn't even notice it wow another one i've still been getting coins from all around it oh i'm blue isn't it oh maybe i've already lost it [Music] [Music] come on if i can get those hundreds down sideways [Music] nice oh yeah oh that was so good now let's get rid of that other one so i can start seeing what's going on [Music] there's my last three coins all right let's tell it up so what i got 170 bucks so hard to show use hey [Music] um should i put that one in my pocket now i better not i'll put it up there i've just got to be careful somebody else might claim that oh coins it's probably like 90 coins there now my 85-90 coins i've given up trying to get pants on joe [Music] there goes 30 bucks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i totally missed that [Music] so oh seymour i think you need a holiday [Music] mike [Music] [Music] i think i've broken that i think sumo has finally gone nuts just like i have [Music] [Music] so [Music] there's my last four all right coins tell it up so what i got another 90 bucks nice honestly i didn't see any of them i didn't see any of them fall down i heard them oh i got some nice chip stacks going at the moment coins yeah i think we lost some but not many not many so yeah maybe you lost i don't know 10 or 15 coins all right i don't even really have a plan i'm just uh really just trying not to double stack too much i really should come up with a plan so um i might just start aiming for the middle a little bit more [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so here comes another clip of thunder that makes me nervous what i need to do is i need to get that 100 off because if the power goes out um the other chips on there that's not a huge amount of money i'll be demo if i got to leave that 100 i'm sitting like that just because the [Music] power [Music] okay there's my last coin [Music] nice all right let's turn it up so what i got all right back to about 95 coins i [Music] reckon [Music] i didn't really want to do this but i'm actually going to step it up a bit i'm going to go a little bit quicker because if the power goes out i can lose quite a lot of money i don't really know what they uh what the rules are about that so as you can hear and see i'm gonna step it up a bit i will lose coins out of doing that maybe another 40 bucks [Applause] [Music] come on just go get that 100 off [Music] oh it's not moving [Music] oh nice nice all right let's try to get some of this other stuff out of there although i'm dropping coins fast i am really doing my best not to double stack them it might look a little bit um reckless but yeah i am doing my best not to double check them we got 50 70 bucks [Music] so okay there's my last coin [Music] all right let's head it up so what i got [Music] 140 bucks nice very nice coins yeah we definitely lost some coins then for sure so there's probably like 85 coins maybe 80 coins i know when it gets up to about here get in camera that's about 100 coins so and as you can see there's a lot of gaps there i'm going to go through once more i don't lose too many of these kinds [Music] i'm just gonna get some of these coins off the top [Music] foreign [Music] well 40 bucks is getting closer [Music] come on keep pushing [Music] wow [Music] that was a total waste of coins want it [Music] [Music] come on give me a push like i need hey no that wasn't a push [Music] that's my last two coins all right i want to go again because just take a look at that the whole edge is all overhanging gotta have a crack at that all right let's tell you that's what i got so i expected that for sure um it's probably like 80 coins in there at best probably more like 70. [Music] i'll tell you what if we can drop all of that uh yep we'll be looking good again [Music] you're so nice if i could stop a second nice i'll take that every day of the [Music] week [Music] now the queen got stuck and i'm glad because it was in the wrong spot anyway [Music] watch over hanging again [Music] nice we must get that 20 bucks off [Music] so hmm [Music] i probably won't get them because i don't have enough coins at the top [Music] [Music] so all right that was my last coin straight into the gap i reckon all right let's tell you that's what i got 10 bucks nice problem is i lost way more than 10 bucks there way more um and when i'm still looking at it it is still overhanging what quite a lot there's quite a lot of coins there i mean i've got i've got my money on that's what 30 40 even could even be 50 coins plus the 20 bucks i think it's going to be worth it if i give it one more go one more go if i can't drop that 20 in this round and somebody else can come and drop it because at the moment i'm losing more in coins oh that helps [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on push it off oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so oh it wants to go [Music] come on i've only got like 10 coins left [Music] okay that is my last coin all right i'm at how do you walk away from it look how thick that's getting uh that's insane all right look i'm gonna tell you up and make a decision [Music] there's maybe like 65 coins there i'm gonna go again i'm looking at that and no i can't leave that it's not gonna take much to come off [Music] that's some of it nice [Music] so i reckon right about now is where i should be stopping [Music] [Music] it's gonna fall any second that is gonna fall so ah about time oh come on knock the coins off no let's see i'm stopping oh my god i don't know what to do i don't know what to do the top looks quite light now that's going to absorb some coins i've got that many left i'm just going to throw them through just see what happens you never know i could get lucky [Music] okay that's it i'm not even going to put my five six coins there's six coins there i'm not even going to put them through um all right i'm gonna go tally everything up and i'll get back to you all right totally glad i kept playing totally glad there's got to be like 80 coins there plus the 20. oh look at that oh man considering i had like what was it like 50 60 65 coins and now i just turned it into that good decision uh lucky i think i got very lucky so anyway um i'm gonna tell you everything up and yeah i'll get back to you guys [Music] all right i've got the 200 bucks in cash and sammy is holding the rest hey and she's bulging again nice alright so the tally goes 200 bucks in cash i got 820 in chips i had exactly 99 tokens it's like serious 99 it couldn't give you a lot one more uh 99 tokens so 297 bucks there um add everything together it's 1 dollars minus the 250 that cost me to play uh one thousand sixty seven dollars so that's my total walk away profit uh obviously that's not what it's going to be because i like to give stuff to the tin anyway i'm gonna go catch everything in and i'll be back in a second [Music] nice all right thousand bucks there's a thousand dollars right there um not as good as yesterday but i'll tell you what hey [Music] but who cares i don't care if i get three dollars profit all i care about is getting a profit you don't want to go home losing it's the worst feeling that you've got to face the misses all right so what i've done is 67 bucks to the tin um the reason why i did that for is i just wanted the even thousand dollars i do owe my wife some flowers you guys have been giving me plenty of about that um so i'm gonna get her some flowers i gave the tin fair bit yesterday so i thought well i might be able to get away with your 67 for it for today so um anyway that's what i've done uh i do need to go to the server i get my misses some flowers uh the flowers from the service station they come from like a florist this is what they tell me i don't know if it's true or not they come from a florist they are really really nice looking flowers um and they're quite cheap too so um well i mean 20 bucks is like i'm sorry to say it's like the cheapest cheapest bunch of flowers they got and i'm not cheap please none of that in the comments um yeah no they're just a really nice bunch of flowers uh i don't need to be going home with half a florist in my car anyway um if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe um please no cheap comments i shouldn't have said anything because i know janice is going to jump on that hardcore uh go on knock yourselves out um yeah and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,772
Rating: 4.9874606 out of 5
Keywords: gold, silver, money, gambling, fun, funny, coins, coin pusher
Id: crroQ5cG450
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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