Aussie Coin Pusher EP 78

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here so um here this is uh this is interesting there's a little bit of money on it um but i'm not really here for the money right now obviously the money is good and i'm not going to knock it back i'm really looking for the coins um if i can get my 250 bucks back absolutely brilliant but if i can get more than 50 coins that's even better because the game next to me looks sick but i can't play at 50 coins i would get totally smashed um so i need more than 50 coins so i got me 50 coins here um and i'm hoping for i'm gonna say 85 coins if i can get 85 coins play the other side that's also my guess um i'm gonna have a really good crack at that other side all right let's get stuck into this it doesn't look like as if the top tray has been touched since yesterday [Music] so i might be into some real good pushes [Music] today [Music] it's already playing really nice i don't need to be double stacking [Music] that's another stinking hot day today 37 degrees celsius at the moment probably hotter [Music] oh yeah i'm getting some good pushes [Music] i can't believe he hasn't changed it yet i was totally expecting that to be right back up really high again so that's my last two coins [Music] nice all right let's tell it up see what i got got way more than 50 coins hey there's probably like 65 coins there little bloody ripper [Applause] all right let's keep going i don't really want to go nuts with putting the coins in right now just want to go steady steady nice and easy take my time with it um more coins i double stack as every coins less i've got so i know eventually it comes off the top tray i just want every coin i can get my hands on right now i don't want to be playing this game for too long oh nice 10 bucks and a nice push how has he not changed that top lick yet that is crazy oh this is insane [Music] another 20 bucks come on but you know as to uncle jay i've been working hard today totally forgot [Music] [Applause] so oh come on be doing that i haven't waited then oh no chase cut it out okay that was my last point all right um just want to quickly say something about the ads on the channel um i've spoken to courtney courtney's my daughter so i've spoken to courtney about it and she basically just said well you know every every youtube channel out there that's monetized has ads um so look i don't think there's much i can do about the ads but i've done a bit of personal research so you can get ad blockers uh i don't know how well they use how well they work i've never used one you can even go premium if you really hate the ads that much i do apologize for them it's totally not me um i'm saying yes for ads obviously i've got to click that button um but you know i put a lot of work in you know to doing these films i think i deserve something small back but um it's youtube themselves um you know putting a bunch of ads on so i asked courtney to watch one of my videos any one i said i said just choose one i said watch it from start to finish count how many ads are on it she said there was 11 ads on it uh okay mind you you know i asked her which one she watched and it was a long video so yeah look i do apologize for that trust me it isn't is it's not me putting those ads on not the amount that's going on it's youtube i don't know they just need the money i guess look i do apologize for it look into the ad blockers if you need to all right let's tell you that's what i got all right i've got 30 bucks hey you little bloody ripper that's a start um yeah i'll let joe out i think if he doesn't want to wear pants i'll keep him facing this way so we'll keep it clean um i reckon there's at least 100 coins in there at least 100 coins oh no one coin down near my feet [Music] holy nice oops my bad made a thousand camel fleas infest my armpits bet you haven't heard that one before [Music] [Applause] absolute rip-off bushes this is where it starts getting exciting for me um all the big stuff's sitting right on the edge so this is going to be loud and it's going to be fast and i do like a bit of loud and fast that's all happening [Music] sweet oh 20 got stuck i sort of expected that to happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh thank you that was a paper coins i'm working on it [Music] i got one coin left all right in the guts well it's supposed to be all right let's tell you that's what i got all right hundred bucks so i said it's 130 i shouldn't really be keeping track i don't like to keep track anymore uh coins yeah definitely didn't lose any coins uh i say g'day sammy hey um yeah it's definitely more than 100 coins in there [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's really not that um that hard to double stack on this machine [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh that one about fall over nice listen to it oh man that is insane well i thought of another way too i might be able to keep the eggs down um you're going to get a lot of adds for the obviously the longer the video goes the more edges that are going to be on it just you know that's just common sense if they're that much of a problem um maybe what i can do is on the longer videos so the videos that go for an hour which is nearly all of them i can split that up into two days leave it in the comments if um you know if that's something that you'd be interested in me doing so i mean i've got no problems on doing that [Music] so the long games will just go over two days rather than one that's all i mean if it was me personally i wouldn't want to do that i'm one of those people that can sit there for four hours just watching something no problems [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh now i can't get this 20 off okay i've got one coin left i'm just going to stick it towards the left hand side or in the guts whatever deal this choice all right let's tell you that's what i got all right payday uh 110 bucks yep you little bloody gripper [Music] i'm not 100 sure but i think that either gets us even or gets us very close to it so i haven't lost any coins still well over a hundred coins [Music] i'm gonna keep going [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh nice [Music] so [Music] so come on oh there's holding too many coins i'll end up spraying them all over the floor [Music] all right so the left hand side is actually really getting chopped up so i might throw some extras down there [Music] ah something here we feel [Music] okay the machine oh i missed it again when you're trying to put coins in as fast as i'm trying to put them in often i stuff it all up and they get stuck oh thank you [Music] oh wow there's a lot of double stacking going on there all right there's my last coin that i put in let's tell it up see what i got [Music] got 40 bucks that's not too bad i can get a couple of pizzas for 40 bucks uh that is bad uh we've lost a lot of coins so it's probably like 90 coins there um so yep i did not keep an eye on that and that's my punishment so i'm going to slow it down to two coins limit the double stacking get some coins off the top tray [Music] so totally forgot [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that is totally a boring way to play in it all right back to my fast way as you can tell i don't have a lot of patience i've never had my whole life i've never had never been a patient person i'm the type of person at work [Music] it doesn't take you 10 minutes to do a 10 minute job all right it takes you six minutes to do a 10 minute job and i've been like that my whole life and it can be a little bit hard on you know on the guys i'm working for because i sort of half expect them to work as fast as i do which i am learning that's not the that was a good one but yeah that's that might help you understand a little bit what i'm about when i um when you know [Music] when my attention span gets stretched um yeah i don't really have one so i'm fast i like to do everything fast well keep it clean um so yeah you know i work fast uh even walking along the uh along the sand with me uh my metal detector i like to do that quick too now courtney hates it okay that was my last lot of coins and look at that triple stacked it all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] all right 80 bucks my little um chip stack is getting quite tall what is he like three and a half inches tall uh coins yeah uh not good on coins so i've got to keep remembering that that's this is why why i'm playing this machine in the first place everything on the bottom trail sort itself out eventually but i've got to be a little bit careful i don't want things to get blocked up in it because then i'm here for hours trying to unlock it i'm just going to be really careful i've just got a i've got no choice i have to slow it down a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so huh look he got stuck up there [Applause] what i need is some really good pushes that's what i need there's only one way on here to make this thing give me good pushes [Music] [Music] that's my last two coins all right let's tell it up that's what i got all right another 70 dollars right there hey i'm earning it faster i mean i'm earning it here fast and i can earn it at work uh coins yeah we didn't lose any of that time so that's a good thing yeah there's probably 80 coins there [Applause] cross [Applause] i'm not expecting to get those round twenty dollar knife either i wasn't expecting it right from the start but you never know you just never know with this machine [Music] nice i never know i might get that 20 night i just thought it'd be rolling around the place [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up that's what i got right another 10 bucks coins yeah we're actually doing a lot better on coins now so up over 100 again i reckon [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] i'm trying to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] gosh [Music] all right let's concentrate a little bit more on the right hand side [Music] [Music] come on give me that push we all dream of [Music] all right i've got enough coins for one little burst let's see what it's going to do [Music] totally stuff that one up okay that's my last coin [Music] huh take a look see what i got um probably back to about 90 coins she saw but i have found that this machine will do that regardless of where and how you drop your coins it'll take coins it'll give you coins it'll take coins it'll give you coins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice so i went metal detecting uh yesterday yesterday being sunday [Music] what is that noise that is that is totally coming from seymour it sounds like happy music seymour that's awesome um as i was saying um yeah it's not quite what i've been teaching there here there buddy there went middle detecting yesterday yesterday being sunday totally found the best gold ring it's got five diamonds in it um and when i went to test the diamonds because i've got a diamond tester the batteries in my diamond test were really low and i think it's giving me false readings so on one of the diamonds i've got it came out it came back as real and the other ones that came back as fake so um i think the batteries are just too flat on my tester so i'm going to get some more today yeah what a nice surprise nice gold ring with diamonds in it nice bush do okay that's my last three coins all right let's cut it up see what i got [Music] all right well i don't think we lost too many all gained um it's about the same so i'm guessing there's like 110 all right so i just want to concentrate a little bit on the right hand side try to get rid of that clump [Music] [Music] [Music] that 20 is totally stuck up there thank you so come on bigfoot take a look at it that's about to go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hmm not much is happening [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on oh nice i think that might have been 20 bucks [Music] [Music] trying to get my coins in fast i've just totally stuffed it up again all right this is my last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up so what i got [Music] all right 70 bucks and cash and chips so i just wanted to pop it in my hand get an accurate reading so there's about 90 queens there oh no what ellie dropped them wow 70 bucks that's awesome so i'm basically right now i'm sort of thinking towards the end game [Music] so pretty much what do i need to do now so things don't get stuck and it's going to take me another half an hour to get them off so that's what i'm thinking now uh that's pretty much where i'm up to so that hundred that's behind the twenty here um he's going to take some getting off that's gonna be hard to get off i'm hoping that 50 on the right hand side is not really too hard i'm not even worried about the round twenty second around 20s for 20 notes but i really don't think they're coming [Applause] off [Music] [Music] [Music] so i need to concentrate middle to right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so pretty much the game has gone stagnant that's what i was trying to avoid so in other words not much is happening [Music] so right about now this is where you can quite easily lose a lot of coins if you're not careful i'm just going to slow down my uh the amount that i'm putting in there [Music] so just like that [Applause] [Music] there was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got all right 100 bucks you little bloody ripper coins so while i was digging them out some coins fell on the back of my hand but yeah there's uh yeah not a lot of coins in there let's have a look this is the easiest way for me to tell [Applause] probably about the same amount of coins um there's probably like 85 coins there i reckon let's just keep going see what happens [Music] nice so i'm gonna try this patience thing out [Music] gosh [Music] so [Music] oh it looks like it wants to go on the right hand side oh yeah now we're moving [Applause] so okay so i'm starting to think that a a well-placed well-timed coin is probably better than bulk like a lot of coins i mean i already sort of knew it was anyway i just like to have a bit of fun [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i've got one coin left and see if i'm gonna put it right in the guts uh that's right in the middle [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] okay pull it back to oh don't pull it back to about 90 coins that's good so [Music] come on you can see it's building it's like a storm it's just building it's gonna come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah this is killing me [Music] now it needs a couple of really really good pushes oh nice [Music] so [Music] that was the worst lot of dropping i've done in a long time [Music] [Music] all right as to be expected um we sort of lost a few coins so there's probably like i know 70 75 coins my timing all of a sudden has turned to and i don't know why maybe it's urban time oh that's what i was waiting for i knew it had to happen all right didn't really do a lot where i needed it the coins are still in the way [Music] nice one coin oh this game has turned into a tough [Music] game [Applause] so [Music] so what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get rid of all of that uh get rid of the coins in front of all that so i can drop a hundred get rid of the coins in front of that so i can drop the 50. these two 20s i've pretty much written them off i didn't think they were going to move right from the start now it's pretty smart really i can get him to go down the hopper sideways is a different story hey that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got yeah there's like 75 coins there i reckon um got some gaps there so that's the area i'm aiming for uh not so much for the coins well obviously i want the coins but i need to clear it let's clear it i'm just going to white [Music] oh oh nice nice all right that hundred should move around no problems now [Music] i sort of figured that 20 was going to do that i was hoping it wasn't but you never know [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right got 100 that's a bonus now it's got to get that 50. [Music] so the only reason why i'm playing on um i've only got like that many left there's like four i've got a massive between these two 20s just down here here i'm down this way i'm down here um there's a massive coin queen um pile right there that wants to come off same as over here so i want to try to get maximum amount of coins as i without can too many and without doing that that's my last point so i can play the game next to me alright let's go check it well we've got 120 bucks that's not bad at all [Music] yeah i don't think we lost any coins i still think we're we're like right there that's close to 100. i'm just going to go through once more uh i don't want to lose too many um but i'm pretty much chasing the coins that 50 i get it bad luck if i don't so i'm not worried about it obviously i want it i'm not going to lose my coins getting it all right so zero double stacking please [Music] [Music] nice [Music] oh oh that's my first one this round [Music] oh that drift is on the move that's good [Music] [Applause] so [Music] foreign [Music] whoops my bad [Music] so [Applause] you little beauty that was a lot of coins [Music] there's my last three coins all right let's delete them all right totally the best decision totally the best decision that i've made all game was to play that extra round um probably up to about 130 140 coins now i'm going to do it again but just i'm just going to be very careful i want to try to get that 50 but we're still dropping coins [Applause] i don't really want to play the left hand side at all if i can [Music] hmm i might as well throw 42 over there [Music] [Music] um i don't really know if i should continue on i'm pretty certain i'm not getting that 50 if i do it's going to cost me a lot in coins i'm not hearing a massive amount of coins falling so i'm just getting a little concerned yeah bugger that's it that can all stay there look i'm going to put in like 10 coins see if i can just knock off this little pile just right here if i can knock that off then that'll make me nice and happy yeah that 50 just slid straight back oh now look at it it's all the way across oh i can't walk away from that all right look i've got that many coins in my hand there's probably like 25 coins i'm going to see what i can do with them hopefully i can drop 26 coins that'd be nice [Music] so [Music] oh two more coins [Music] yeah that's not worth it there's like six coins there at the most so i'm gonna keep those they can go and see me um i'm gonna tell you everything i'm gonna get back to you totally did not see that fall so that was a nice surprise reaching there i'm like what's that 20 bucks a little guilty uh coins yeah we didn't lose too many um maybe some we lost but that's not too bad so i'm going to continue that into the next game that way um but anyway i'm going to tell you everything up and i'll get back to you all right absolutely decided to stop it was the right time and it was a good time hey take a look nice love it when it bulges out of the top that is so good so good okay so the telly goes i got 290 in notes i've got 450 in chips i got 124 coins 124 coins oh lolly excellent now i've just got a specialist game next year i'm so i just can't wait um so 124 coins is 372 and everything together it's one thousand one hundred and twelve dollars minus the 250 bucks that it cost me to play is 862 that's my total profit but i'm not cashing in my tokens i'm using those to play the next game so pretty much uh the the notes and the chips added together 740 bucks um so i'm going to take the 250 out of that put that aside that way the next game is completely for free i love playing a game for free so i'll be back in a second [Music] man i love doing that i don't know why all right so i've got 400 bucks right here so pretty much what i've done is the chips and the notes added together 740 minus the 250 dollars that it cost me to play is 490 i've got 400 of it 90 went to the tin now what that means is every token that i've got i've got 124 of them is complete profit i've already paid for this game now and i'm going to use the tokens on the next game so 100 free game you little bloody ripper oh i can't wait i don't even think i'm going to stop to get a bourbon um i think i better stop to take a breath though i might collapse so if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and i'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,381
Rating: 4.9877677 out of 5
Id: EkEC2Xq79fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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