Aussie Coin Pusher EP 120

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[Music] here so yeah this one looks like it's got a fair whack of money on it so um but i'm looking at the coins and right across the front here you can see you can see the entire tray so that's going to get some that's going to take some coins to push all this off i'm also seeing a lot of holes in the bottom the top looks really good especially with all that money on it but yeah you can see all the holes so i don't know what's going to happen with this one but anyway treat it like i've never planned it before [Applause] so the right looks all right i saw the left is doing yeah it didn't really take any i didn't really see that one anyway straight away okay so the middle is definitely moving [Music] i reckon for today i'm probably going to end up with about 65 coins [Music] sweet i'll take that come on i need some pushes i'm not holding a lot of coins here oh look at this you little bloody ripper i just got a three five hey three for one [Music] all right now we're starting to get some pushes oh i've got the other 100 off [Music] i've got one coin left i just want to go right in the guts i'm sort of aiming for this or i can just do that all right let's tell it up so what i've got i reckon is you've got 40 coins there that's not a bad start not a bad start at all if i get one of these 50s off this round i'll be very happy with that [Music] i haven't got the queens to go nuts with them yet so i do need to be a little bit careful now we're getting some good bushes that seems really loud to me really loud everything seems really loud to me oh thank you that's my flowers taken care of and that was my last coin all right let's tell it that's what i got [Music] i'm calling 55 coins only because they're nicely neatly stacked well i got these flowers nice now i just need to get your drink i got my pink today so i'm going to crack into that in a minute oh 20 bucks just fell you beauty [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so nope [Music] oh did you see that 50. oh wow acrobatic i'd say all right that was all my coins should i get that 50 off come on no all right let's tell it up see what i got okay i've got another 40 bucks nice um as you can see i've written on my hand here um once again i cannot remember what i said but i'm thinking i said 65 so anyway i've written 65 that is now my guess coin wise uh 75 nice i'll take them yeah 28 20 is just hanging in there i'm going to pound this 50 though [Music] thank you 20 went down okay my timing is not good enough to be dropping four coins [Music] so oh nice come on so i bought the money down with me from from the tin that i had at home nice there's actually 530 bucks in it um so i've got that with me i'm going to see what half is out of this out of this machine and if i can get half that's worth more well that's what i give if it's less than 530 bucks well then i'll give the 530 bucks from the tin that's my plan i don't know how well it's going to go yet [Applause] so [Music] all right that was my last lot of coins all right let's tell it up see what i got okay that is a handful of cash and uh yeah you've probably seen that's grown so i'm just kidding i'll take the one off it um 90 bucks 90 bucks in cash that's nice well not entirely cash but it will be [Music] oh nearly um 85 to 90 coins that's what i reckon there all right i am noticing though i'm getting a build up of coins in the middle uh underneath these hundreds here i can see the hundreds aren't sitting flat that's what that's what actually brought my attention to it um and so there is a bit of a um what would you call that triangle so i have to keep an eye on it [Music] so what i think i might do is i might pound the middle try to push that out i'm not entirely sure that's the correct way to go [Music] nice [Music] something's clearly moving [Music] [Music] [Music] when i do this i do expect to lose a lot of coins so i'm probably expecting maybe 50 to 60 coins [Applause] but if i can get that shifted and that's a good thing that was my last two coins nice all right let's tally it up see what i got oh nice thank you um as you can see i am just balancing quincy um ah can't be by the way quick enough um so i've got 40 bucks in chips and there's got to be close to 100 tokens there because i'm barely holding on to them [Music] so let's just get them up there and look at that didn't drop one hey sorry mike the day's only early mate [Music] oh nice thank you for the second wife [Music] that might have been 50 bucks there i'm not 100 sure how many there were [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i thought it i didn't say it [Music] [Music] [Applause] i reckon i'm pretty close to breaking even so far see more [Music] nice now say it see more [Music] yep i am buddy all right i'm trying to drop all of that with the cam with the coins i've got i've got one left one left let's do it that's exactly where i wanted it [Music] little word of advice don't get your missus to make up your pink she's done exactly what i did um she must have went a scoop and a half a scoop and a half but um that is so strong is burning my nostrils oh man i'm going to take that to the toilet and tip off it out coins oh yeah we've got 100 coins um how much money we got i haven't even counted it what do we got 140 190 yeah yeah yeah that's it 210 bucks look at that mr professional at his finest [Music] 210 bucks that's a nice little payday right there thank you all right let's get all that up there have you said good morning yet joe ah oh man messy coins i'm still going to drop them on the left hand side [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] oh that pink has thrown my timing all out i reckon but timing is absolutely shocking right now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] the biggest money is always the hardest to win i suppose because i don't want you to win it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was all my coins all right so we've got a bit of movement out of that last push that was not too bad um yeah i mean it's pretty much clear i mean it's not bad at all i've got a little tiny pile at the front here or the same sort of thing on this side here but underneath all of this i've got to get all that out to be able to get all this off that's my plan okay very very slowly very slowly or mike's going to be having a headache tomorrow um yeah i'm still calling about 95 95 coins that's all right if we can hang around that i'll be happy [Music] [Music] [Music] come on what i don't want to see is mound build building up that's what that's what i look for i look for the mounds and as soon as i see the mounds i start attacking them because that can grow into a massive big pile and then i can't push them off so and that absorbs so many coins so it's best to get them while they're small i mean it costs your coins yes but in the long run it'll save your coins [Music] [Music] so so after this round i've got like that plus a small handful on my hand other hand um these ones i think i might have just heard a dog barking so i might just duck outside just to have a look see if there's a dog tied up somewhere and make sure he's got water [Music] it could have been just somebody walking past the place walking their dog very possible but it doesn't hurt to look does it [Music] come on okay i got one left nice okay nothing really special to talk about here um just the mound that's in front of all this i've just got to keep removing that um so i'm watching it it just keeps building up and building up and building up so um just got to keep knocking them down that's all i'm doing so i'm going to go check that dog or if there is a dog out there i'm not too sure if there is or not but i'm just going to make it make sure and have a look okay 20 bucks uh no dog there's no dog out there so i might have been to somebody walking past um yeah i don't know about 90 coins still sammy did you say good morning i've got the top loaded up with coins now so i don't need to do too much of that hopefully i can get some off and they'll give me some really good pushes [Music] [Music] so oh it's being stubborn [Music] [Music] [Music] so at the time of filming this uh as you all know it's macy's birthday today well uh it's monday oh nice 20 bucks so it's monday today so it's macy's birthday today it's also lorraine's birthday happy birthday mate [Music] picked a good day [Music] that's it keep dropping them [Music] that was all my coins oh yeah a little bit your teeth all right let's tell you that see what i got 20 bucks they all let up um look at that that's nice in it no there's like 120 maybe 130 coins i know about there is about 150 coins so i'm trying to think okay can 30 coins fit in there can 40 coins fit in there that's how i work things out all right let's get something else off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm starting to think this strategy is not the best strategy right now uh now i've got two things i can do here um that i know of one i can try and push it all over to the side and then pound the side and try to get it off that way or two i can slow down all my coins and just have little nudges rather than the big shoves that i'm getting right now because i think everything's just sliding straight in underneath it um yeah i mean having rolled notes facing that direction i think you'd need to be five or six coins deep in the back just to be able to push them over the edge because they're rolled i think if they're all chips i wouldn't have a problem but uh i'm going to try that i'm just going to slow it down i mean that's going to what that's going to do is get coins off the top for me as well [Music] i'm going to play the entire field [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] whoops do i drop another coin i don't think so i didn't feel it oh that's a good push [Music] oh i don't like this patience thing hey that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up so what i got i don't reckon we're losing any i still reckon there's between 90 and 100 coins they're probably like 95 so i think we're doing all right just nothing's moving right now so i just got to work out why i caught them sorry mike but yeah i didn't want to drop them all um i did drop two though [Music] yeah two bottoms up sorry not let's try again [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i was just thinking to myself i do that occasionally i just think of myself if it can't be done with brute force then it can't be done [Laughter] i don't take subtleness very nicely i'm not very good at it i'm first to admit that [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh i tried skill stuff skill stopped ending my objective no actually my opposite hand [Music] last three coins okay i've got no idea how to get them off yet but i'm still working on i wanted to go skill stop on the right hand side and just literally just pound that area and just see what that does anyway i cleaned it all out [Music] considering the top deck is pretty much loaded um i'm still doing all right i don't think i've lost many or any all right before i use the skill stop i'll try one more thing so i'm just watching all this stuff very carefully what i'm doing is i'm aiming for the middle uh i want to separate these two i'm like a shark you know always go for the one that's on its own so i'm pretty much aiming for the middle i don't want to go anywhere else right now that's horrible left hand side's fine [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay i am seeing that the hundreds are definitely twisting around a bit and everything is sort of shifting that way a little bit very very slowly but that might be the only way i can get this stuff off i'm not walking away from that nice bush didn't really push where i wanted it though [Music] i'm not playing with it anymore no more thinking less thinking more pushing jace ah now that song stuck in my head again that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got uh yep maybe 110 yeah about 110 maybe 100. uh let's give it the hand test [Music] maybe a bit 90 coins [Music] [Music] hey [Music] so i'm not sure if you've noticed what i'm doing but i'm trying to create just on this side i'm not trying not to do it on that side um but on this side here i'm trying to create more layers basically down the back there to help push this stuff over i'm trying that out just to see what it's going to do so i'm starting to get some pretty good layers there now it's going to cost me a lot in coins i understand that but so is just sitting here just playing and doing absolutely nothing so it's only a matter of time my coins will just go down and down and down and down just slowly [Music] [Applause] so when you see me double stacking like i am right now i am actually deliberately doing it and you're all probably wondering why well that's the reason [Music] [Music] so how's all my coins okay so i have noticed the 50s and the 120 is definitely going that way um this stuff here we're sort of just hanging around i ain't got it like a bad smell all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] all right as you can see i definitely lost coins i was totally expecting that so um no big big shocker there i still reckon there's 75 to 80 coins there because all neatly filed i've got an idea i'm just going to do it i just want to see what it's like i thought of this one last night see how this goes let me just i can't hold the coins in my hand so i'm only going to be able to do pretty much that much at a time so i'm just going to pop these back all right let's see what i can do here oh sorry joe i just punched joe out oh he's gotta be pissed i just want to see how long i can hold this for but i'm still using my right hand okay so pretty much what i'm doing is i'm standing right near the um the camera so i'm trying to keep my gut out of it but you don't want to be seeing my gut sticking out over here um but i'm trying to stand a lot more straight on and hold the skill stop button um with my left hand well sort of with that part of my hand because i am holding these coins um and then i'm dropping these in with my right hand so i'm trying that out just wait okay [Music] so oh i'm nearly done come on out okay that was it [Music] oh i need to drink a pink i haven't got much left now so i tipped a lot of it out but the problem is the dunny water tastes like it doesn't really taste nice at all so yeah so i pretty much just tip it out and put a little bit in um yeah i don't like the taste of that whatsoever if you're wondering what a dunny is just in case if you if you're new to the channel it's a toilet that's what australians call toilets it's a dunny oh that stuff tastes terrible okay uh no more coins mr professional where did you find us i'll be back in a minute [Music] okay uh coin wise definitely lost a lot of coins then i'm not surprised look at the top so um that was my fault i rushed that hardcore because uh yeah my back was really was really starting to twinge so i'm going to do it again but this time i'm going to try and slow it down and i might just have to stand straight a few times but that's fine all right come on just waiting for the pendulum rip right there [Music] so oh that picks up it's terrible i just gotta wait for the pinch how much let it go ah man all right [Applause] yeah i definitely don't want to do this all the time [Music] okay that was my last okay so what i'm seeing is nothing's happening so i need to shift i'm thinking about playing the middle now if i play the middle that may do something to this outside i don't know i've got no idea so but playing the right hand side like i am at the moment you can see clearly nothing's happening and they just want to keep going backwards play the middle might push them that's my plan not a good plan but it's a plan i totally nearly forgot to turn the camera i was just about to drop coins in as you can see there's probably like 50 coins there there might even be a few more they are neatly stacked let's get some coins off of the top i just want to grab some get some of my coins back [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm starting to think the gentle approach is the way to go it's nice and easy little 20 pushes at a time [Music] so okay that was my last two okay um maybe we'll see we'll keep doing it well i definitely gained coins so that's not a bad thing yeah maybe 60 coins [Music] [Music] oh whoever left that comment i reckon you're on to something here take a look at the 20 on the far right hand side oh look at you go hey oh [Music] i totally cannot remember who it was that left that comment um so in the comments just let me know who it was we use um so what what i'm seeing right now i'm going slow i've already dropped a 20. and look how close this stuff is to the edge that's a lot closer than what it was i think you're on to something here little pushes i want to keep playing the left hand side because that's like my back i'm treating that as a bank at the moment i'm trying to make a withdrawal oh there you go oh you bugger [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's definitely not helping with the notes the rolled notes the coins are slipping underneath them i got them double stacked quite nicely that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so okay 20 bucks and there's probably like 65 coins yeah maybe even more i'm gonna keep doing it as painful as it is it's a lot better than using the skill stop i'll tell you that [Music] i do apologize if this is a bit boring for you guys [Music] trust me it's very boring for me oh nice i've got a 50 off you little bloody ripper [Music] [Music] oh yes now i need to get this guy [Music] i reckon if i drop those coins that it's resting on i reckon it might topple over right i'm just going to take it real slow and easy and steady and just millimeter by millimeter just push them to the edge oh not like this oh yes it is totally meant to do that so [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh so close so close oh whoever left this comment i thank you so much i do listen i listen very carefully i'll keep it in my mind [Music] that was a little bit hard bailey didn't mean that one oh i got two left nice and gentle oh i'll take a look that might fall if those chips underneath it for uh 50 50. all right let's tell it that's what i got take a look at that that is a handful of cash 200 bucks and nice sweet coins now let me get rid of them coins or nearly just dropped a handful of them then um you've got to go 85 have to go 85 coins on that all right let's keep going nice and slowly [Music] so i've had probably a 15 minute break just to rest my back yeah that skill stop is not good for me and that's alright nobody came in and played it so i was watching oh no that could have been a disaster i could have pushed everything back then i really just want one coin at a time to fall oh that 50's about to go come on baby oh that goes 20. what i have noticed oh look at it's wobbling uh what i have noticed is i'm getting a build up in queens in here again i've got to be careful that doesn't get too big i'm going to keep going slow and i'm just going to watch it [Music] see if i get this 50 to start dancing oh nice go straight there 330 bucks to go [Music] oh [Music] so just while i can while this stuff's not that close to the edge i'm just trying to shift this a little bit just while i've got the time i want to speed it up see if i can't push all that stuff just a little bit closer before i stay down again [Music] so oh that went way back [Music] come on [Music] uncle yobbo needs a new kitchen [Applause] ah bugger what's going on nothing's moving okay what is happening though uh that was my last coin what is happening i'm starting to get a pile of coins here that's going to become an issue uh coins on this side here are mounding up some of the coins are starting to mount up on that side so i've got to be very careful um that will absorb coins very very quickly so i need to remove that i've got no choice about that or i'm just going to go down in coins anyway i'm going to tell you that's what i got [Music] nice 70 bucks and i reckon i've still got a probably 75 coins [Music] i better straighten up that stack oh and i reckon there's actually probably more like 80 coins [Music] uh so really all i'm trying to do right now is just knock off these piles of coins [Music] i'm getting some decent movement [Music] lot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that was my last coin okay still got a little mound here look at that nice little straight line that's going up there it's pretty fancy um so i pretty much just got a little mountain happening right across the front here nothing's gonna fall until i get rid of that so that's my that's my next goal okay just very carefully um there's got to be no dough don't mike doesn't need another drink um so there's got to be i'd say easy 90 coins easily 90 coins i'd even got close to saying there's 100 coins there but now i'll say 90. actually what have i got written on my hand 165 did i call it no i didn't know that's right i called 65. so i'm just going to keep trying to get rid of that mound i know that i know everything's just going to keep sliding but i just got to get rid of the mound otherwise i've got a hope to get this stuff off so there goes the middle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops i am actually trying not to double stack them right now [Music] good [Music] okay that was the last lot of my coins huh what do we got that's all gone now that's good um this mountain here is a lot smaller than what it used to be but it's still there uh this one here is still a decent size so yeah i don't know maybe i'll try slow again [Music] um a handful i'm gonna call it a handful so these two these two will try to escape let me just sub them back in there yeah i've gotta say i mean i would normally be calling that a hundred but i reckon i can still get ten coins on there so um i'm going ninety coins they're messy as well so they're not neatly stacked which also takes up room [Music] [Music] [Music] so so i can justify to myself walking away from like 50 bucks or 80 bucks or even 100 bucks 300 that's gonna hurt that is gonna hurt i do not want to walk away from 300 bucks i mean that's that that is a stack of cash 300 bucks [Music] um wonder if i should try no it's not gonna work [Music] so i really wish these notes would turn the other way i just can't seem to get them to turn [Music] so [Applause] [Music] good and a nice push so [Music] oh wow so okay last coin thank goodness because my back is killing me all right let's tell it up so what i got oh i have definitely got 100 coins there now as you can see they're all just hanging on there see that gut comes in handy all right no more marking around a little bit of mucking around okay lots of marking around [Music] ah i don't slide backwards pain in the butt so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i don't think i've ever been this this patient in my life [Music] but i just do not want to walk away from this much money in there i mean how do you do that [Music] okay you can see it's building up in the middle again and i'm not surprised it does do that when you slow down like this but i'm hoping i'm going slow enough to get at least one of them hundreds off if i can get one of them hundreds off i'll feel like as if i've i haven't been beaten well much less than what i think oh no i don't drop so many coins [Music] oh god i just gotta go so careful i've never really played the machine like this ever just like really playing so careful from babying it you might as well say i was really hoping for a short game so i can get back to macy if i can get two of those hundreds off that'd be even better but right now i'm looking at one if i can get one off all i can say is deb i hope you're proud mate my battery light's flashing i'm not surprised i've been going for three days well i hope it doesn't turn off if it does then i hope you get to see it fall oh it fell into a face seymour all right now i can change the battery or no i'll leave it running i'll let it run out oh i'm so glad to get that hundred off [Music] now i've got a sneaky suspicion i need to turn these sideways somehow i don't think i'm going to be able to get them off when they're round and they're facing that direction and my camera is about to turn off i got like 25 coins maybe 35 coins [Music] [Applause] [Music] i haven't got a lot of coins left so if it turns off i'll just play the rest out and then um yeah you'll see me emptying it out [Music] oh no not too big this hundred is constantly rolling backwards [Music] [Music] uh yeah let me get another 100 bucks off and i'll say yes for sure i've got about six or seven coins left two coins have the camera hold out last point all right let's tell it up see what i got change my batteries okay um so there's 100 bucks nice i'll tell you what you don't realize how hard i had to fight for that oh what a pain in the butt um these coins i've neatened them all up so um they will barely fit into my hand but obviously once you need them all up what i mean by that you see how they're all stacked nicely um there you go there's a pretty good picture of it um so i try to stack them like that so it takes up less room in my hand so i can actually get more in it so i'm still calling 100 coins although i can probably get more coins in there so but they all nice and neat all right now what are we gonna do with this i'll still stay with the slow i know it's boring and i do really apologize but it seems to be working so it's taking a long time and trust me my back is feeling it ah deb i'm going um yeah i've got to go to the uh doctors two o'clock tomorrow afternoon and i'll ask about the tens unit then [Music] [Music] bye [Music] so as long as i see those two on the right hand side ah as long as i don't slide backwards i can't have them sliding backwards if they're just going to keep sliding backwards i might as well just walk away because i'm just using up coins i'm not losing coins but what's the point [Music] [Music] uh so i nearly got this one turned around [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was my last lot of coins all right let's tell you that so what i got 85 to 90 coins that's what i'm calling um so i mean these are all as you can see neatly stacked [Music] so i don't really know what to do i'm just going to try once more if there's no major advancements let's call it in these guys here looking like if they want to come over then i'm simply just gonna have to stop i've got no choice about that i know i'll probably get a lot of dislikes uh i seem to get a lot of dislikes when i leave money on here but look at me guys you try playing it it is not as easy as it looks trust me and i don't like leaving money on here sometimes you just gotta know when you've eaten [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's take another look see what's going on these guys here might think about coming off if i slow down let's go slow down [Music] i don't slide back [Music] [Music] as you can see i'm getting very frustrated right now um so i think what i'm going to do is um forget about it forget about this side i'm going to have a crack at these coins in the middle if they don't come off they don't come off uh we'll be um they can just stay there as far as i'm concerned um i mean they're just constantly sliding constantly sliding i just can't doesn't seem to matter what i do go slow go fast go in the middle go this side it doesn't matter um so anyway i'm going to tally it up no i'm not i'm going to clean it out that's what i'm going to do oh this game's got me frailed all right so the good news is i'm not losing any coins huh bad news is i'm losing a lot of macy playing time and it's her birthday today all right so i'm just going to go through once more if they come off they come off if i get dislikes i get dislikes i don't [Music] care [Music] as you can see i'm taking my frustration out on it right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] so gosh [Music] so oh there's all my coins oh look at the 10 now looks like the 10 might want to come off all right let's go again i've still got a handful of coins not entirely a bad thing i didn't lose any [Music] [Music] go did you guys just hear my tummy rumbles oh my gosh i got the tail yeah i'm starving [Music] well if i can get the tent off i should be able to get the other off [Music] you can't say i'm not trying [Laughter] [Music] oh coins just fell from the other side more coins for us [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] ah stop sliding [Music] that was all my coins okay um yeah i don't know what to do about this do i keep going do i keep trying um what i am looking at is the 100 over there is actually nearly turned sideways if i can turn it full sideways i reckon i could get it off but 20 is slipping and sliding all over the place and so is this 100 over here i wouldn't mind going through once more having a crack at that um but that's going to be it uh i want to get back to macy's so uh i've been playing this game i've got no idea how long feels like for days but um anyway i'm going to tell you see what i got totally forgot i had that in there hey nice little surprise um yeah coins yeah there's definitely less coins than what i had but uh not one me so i'm not worried about it especially if i can get that hundred off if i can get 100 off i'll be happy [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] that was all my coins and i'm gonna say that's enough i'm done um i'm not chasing these anymore uh they're not coming off and if for those people that say oh one more round would have got it off i can guarantee you right now that's not going to happen on this case um i've got a better view of it than you guys have so um yeah it's not going to shift so clean and simple i'm done i'm going to count everything up and work out what my profit is and work out what way around i'm going to go so back in a minute all right look at that that's nice that's even better hey i love the greens and the yellows the rest of it's quite nice too all right so pretty much yeah i mean i'm i'm spewing that these two just won't move i really am but anyway um i've got 570 dollars in notes 270 dollars in chips i ended up with 80 coins so whether i lost someone that last one probably look at the top tray um or i was just miscounting in my hand yeah probably um dead records on i suck at that so i'm just playing with you mate but anyway i end up with 80 coins uh 240 bucks so add all that together is 1 110 bucks minus 250 that i paid to play 860 bucks profit cut that in half is um is less than a bought down so what i'm going to do what i'm going to do i've what what i've decided to do is i'm just going to go 500 500 to the tim and i'm going to keep the other 30. um so yeah so i'm going to do that so i'm going to give give the 10 500 i'm going to take the rest so um yeah i mean that's just uh just what i yeah what i want to do so this will be the last time that i'll be giving it you know a lot of money like this um i just feel as if i need to catch up there's people out there probably don't understand and that's fair enough too i've been donating pretty much all of my adult life even like when i was 13 i used to go around collecting you know money for telethon um telephone's a thing we have over here google it if you're not sure um you know right back when i was i was really young you know i still walk for days filling that tin up and then uh yeah my mate and i would used to ride our push bikes you know like 20 kilometers um to go and drop the tin off so um yeah so you probably don't understand but for me it i feel as if i that's that's a big part of my life just like playing this game just like gambling in general yikes um that was just my pad i wrote everything down so um you know what my memory is like i can't even remember who you so yeah anyway i'm going to go cash everything in and i'll be back in a minute if i'll give you a slow-mo uh all right let's make this nice and neat before i mess it all up again okay um so what i got here is 840 so um what i did was 500 from the tin that i had at home i had that money in my wallet um that 500 went into there there's like 30 bucks left in my wallet so and then what i did i gave 10 bucks to the tips jar so um yeah i might i might just do that every game you know providing providing a win of course um 10 bucks to the tip jar uh these people are that you know they got to put up with me too i mean i laugh and joke and muck around with them and you know they tell me jokes and you know it's all in good fun of course so um you know they're really nice people so i don't mind throwing something their way every now and then anyway that's what i'm going on with you little bloody ripper all right so um once again i apologize for leaving 220 bucks on the deck but yeah they've beaten me um i'm first to admit it yep they totally beat me i mean i stayed for a long time trying to get them off all i can think about is getting home to play with macy's so it's her birthday today and that's where i really really want to be right now and actually nearly never came down here my wife is the one that said too so um anyway um yeah so if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you don't like what you see give us a thumbs down it makes no difference to me whatsoever um if you if you if you haven't subscribed subscribe if you want to you don't have to and i'll see you guys the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,219
Rating: 4.9435029 out of 5
Keywords: winner, gambling, money, coins, silver, gold, coin pusher, funny
Id: PCyE61c2q9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 28sec (5668 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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