Aussie Coin Pusher EP 126

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[Music] so this is the other side um i've got no idea what that's supposed to be i've been trying to work it out for a while so um yeah i mean i can tell you what i think it looks like tv aerial yeah probably not what the horses jump over in that competition i don't know what it's called but um you know the things where the horses jump over could be something like that maybe there's horses in here i got no idea um i mean it looks impressive anyway coins coins actually look pretty good down the bottom i can see a couple of gaps i can't see much of the edge of the tray so that's not too bad the top the top looks great um there's definitely gaps up there regarding coins but nice um but uh yeah i mean there's uh there's so much money up there um i've got 91 coins this game is 100 profit so i'm thinking 91 coins i should start doing um a joe straight away 10 percent i love that idea i think it's a great idea so what do you reckon ten coins there i can't unless i count them one at a time i can't really see so but [Music] that's a start [Music] so what would it be it'll be um i've been trying to work it out my head and it's not a great thing to do at best of times but i think when you guys watch this it will be eastern night so if that's the case happy easter guys hey have a rip a day or night or whenever it's gonna be for you so i'm just trying to okay right sides moving great left hand side is not moving so good let's have another look on the left i just like to know what's going on yeah definitely um right side is definitely moving but the top is light oh [Music] another one thanks off oh wow okay we've got some movement on the left i'm not surprised i just got a push for 100 note [Music] so the way i figure it i've got 91 coins i don't need to be all that careful careful yes not all that careful [Music] thank you [Music] 150 bucks right off the top [Music] nice take a look at the bottom edge now hey [Music] hold this [Music] [Music] [Music] gee my timing is really bad oh it's good when i'm dropping two coins wow now bugger i'm really not trying to double stack them right now oh oh i got stuck come on give me a push off ah i got one coin left right the guts or go to the go to the right if you really want to all right let's tell it up see what i got okay as you can see i've cleaned them up just a little bit um but yeah that was barely fitting in my hand so i'm definitely calling 90 coins again i don't think we lost any so uh does that look like 99 coins i don't think that's nine coins that's about nine coins in fact that that's probably more like 12 coins i really should start bringing my glasses down here i hate wearing them though i know so if i wear them for long periods of time when i take them off everything's blurry i really got to get description ones that was a good push oh yes a little fiber [Music] oh another fiber [Music] ah oh i'm holding a few too many coins here oh thank you [Music] whoa look at that [Music] [Music] whoops oh sorry mike bottoms up buddy well you've been a bit dry for a couple of days so sorry about that [Music] [Music] come on i gotta get one of them off [Music] my timing is so far out it is ridiculous [Applause] oh nice and a little push that's my last two coins [Music] oh look at this take a look at it i am just about to get paid out oh you little bloody ripper all right make sure sammy's got no warn up sammy's got no more all right let's let's go 30 bucks nice you little ripper coins we did amazing on coins wow this is how i thought the other the other side would have played but no the other side was really hard um anyway there's probably i reckon there's at least at least 130 coins there [Music] [Applause] 13 coins yeah probably all right look at how many coins are overhanging at the moment oh man we're going to so get paid out i hope they all go over together [Music] so [Music] so [Music] half an inch up uh 12 mil to us australians keep your eyes on this holy oh man totally just saw that in slow motion oh 100 bucks just went down new little river [Music] come on push it off [Music] i've got to get that 50 from the top shelf but my aiming is terrible [Music] oh wow hey i'm just double stacking too many coins up there oh nice oh i tell you that pendulum does not like to hang around on the left hand side [Music] if i drop too many coins i double stack them all oh that was all me coins nice all right so as you can see left to right um way more coins are coming down on the left i can actually see that or i am also aiming for the 50 up there too um but yeah what i'm noticing at the moment the pendulum just sort of comes onto this side and then it nicks straight off on that side but when it goes to that side it will stop for about three seconds and then come back onto this side so yeah it's uh i always thought that was me but after watching that like as carefully as i am yeah i'm starting to think maybe that's not me he probably is payday hey there's 375 dollars there wow i didn't dream i didn't see any of this this game i mean it looked okay but i didn't think it looked anything special but i'll tell you what i am just totally smashing it right now see i thought the other thing the other side i thought the other side was going to end up like this game but this game is actually ending up so much better than what i thought coins i reckon we gained coins 140 150 coins um i gotta be fair what do you reckon 15 yeah all right i really want to get that 50 off of up there and start him pushing down [Music] see the pendulum's already pretty much back on the other side that's what i'm trying to say when i get all these comments saying go you know i'm playing i'm playing the right hand side well i think this is right-handed machine so you watch it's already moving back there that's already in the middle [Music] yeah i think it's a terrible idea having a pendulum in here takes a lot of accuracy away from your game but it's what it is oh look at the hundreds on the on the left what hundreds if you guys just saw that come on push it off [Music] wow [Music] come on [Music] i've got to be careful by doing this but i don't want to build up the left hand side either nice that's all i wanted okay 50 on the right's about to go down uh in the show for four tens uh five tens fifty four tens yeah that makes sense chase well done thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i see that one uh yeah i reckon i am well i think i was before i even started i give myself a big head sometimes there's my last three coins all right let's take a look getting getting a pile of coins on this side here that's concerning me a little bit the rest of it's looking great all right let's tell it up to what i got [Music] 360 bucks that is insane 360 bucks oh man you know how badly i want to quit my job quit my job and play this full-time but uh i know for a fact if i tr even tried that um they would kick me out of this place very very quickly so um yeah i'm not gonna do that so plus i love my job um coins 130 i reckon at least 140 close enough all right back to reality [Music] [Music] so so oh nice all right so that was a chunk and a half got that right all right let's start moving some of this stuff on the right hand side [Music] i do know that's not the right hand side [Music] [Music] so oh something phil didn't even see what it was i definitely heard it [Music] come on push it up [Music] [Music] oh i'm so close i think 10 bucks is holding up there thank you [Music] 150 bucks to go and that was my last coin i'll take it all right let's tell you that's what i got okay 180 bucks there nice 180 and takes me quite a while to earn that uh coins yeah we definitely lost coins then um i'm calling 110 coins in there i reckon i know where they all are uh yep yeah they're all piled up here sorry i've got to remove that pile and then i can get the 250s i'm hoping that's how it's going to work [Music] so [Music] come on push it by the edge [Music] okay so what i tried just then is to i tried slowing my coins down so i didn't double stack as many coins um but i think the problem is is i'm not getting drops that i need and i think what's happening is uh i'm just building everything up i don't think i've got a choice [Music] [Music] [Music] so nice okay so now that's done uh i still got quite a decent little clump there i'm not too concerned about that right now so yep i'm just gonna get some coins off the top you can do that quite easily now the problem with doing this i can very very easily get things blocking up again and you don't want that [Music] as my last three coins all right let's tally it up see what i got [Music] i reckon we've got most of our coins back not all of them but definitely most of them i've got at least 130 [Music] unfortunately that's the only way i know how to shift things i just don't know any other way my knowledge just isn't in that particular area of an issue that i've got again i just don't have um an idea on how to combat these piles without doing exactly what i just did so until i learn a new way that's uh that's the only one i know yeah so that's what i like to do oh nice and the other one in your face seymour come on get it off i would love to get that off nice and quick there's not a lot of coins on there this is where i'll be losing coins i mean there's some on the right hand side but not many i don't know how to play this go fast go [Music] slow [Music] come on push it [Music] so [Music] come on get over there [Music] oh yeah you little beauty now there's a nice little chunk there i've got to go for that and probably i'm going to throw just slap some at this side here not not much be very careful i don't want to be doing that too often [Music] well i don't need to worry about the left-hand side do i [Music] i would like to get some of that off though that would be nice oh come on guys what was that okay i think that was a big mistake [Music] make sure i get my coins back if i can come up push all off i've got some on the left or maybe i should be playing the left i think i should have stopped why didn't i stop okay that's right near the edge i should be able to get that easy enough [Music] oh i gotta keep going now i'm gonna get my queens back [Music] i'll get him back if i play it long enough [Music] yep so this is a game i should have totally stopped right when i originally uh thought i'm totally getting punished oh yeah i am absolutely getting punished here should have stopped [Music] come on push over so close [Music] i've got two coins left oh come on you're so close all right i'm gonna make a decision um i might see if i can't count those coins so um yeah i don't know i think i just lost a bunch of coins oh well i hope i didn't well i did pull um 150 bucks out of it so that's a good thing but i totally lost a lot [Music] that decision absolutely turned around and kicked my butt hardcore so um what do you do now do i just take the loss and say okay well that is better than nothing um or do i go again and try to take that out and possibly take that out and get my coins back it is possible to do oh man it's a big risk it is a big risk so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to get a small handful of coins probably 30 coins [Music] that's it i'm going to play that and i'm going to take a look um yeah if i get some of my coins back i'll be very happy but i mean if i lose these then i've only got myself to blame because now i'm feeling really greedy and as far as i'm concerned if you get greedy you lose and you deserve to lose as far as i'm concerned you should always be happy with what you've got always all right got that one oh yes two coins in the middle and that's all i'm doing oh thank you um no that's it i'm stopping i'm not putting them in i reckon i may have just got my coins back uh hopefully i did so um anyway there is quite a lot actually overhanging there uh i'm seeing what you guys are saying trust me um but yeah i don't want to risk any more losing coins um to do that you know what is there there's probably like maybe 15 to 20 coins so yeah no somebody else can have that um as i said you've got to be happy with what you get so take a look at what joe's got on him oh oh wow um yeah there's there's a lot of coins there um i'm going to keep them separate i'm going to count them up um but there's a lot of coins there i mean i'm going i mean look how neat they are there's probably 75 coins there wow hey cute little legend mate okay um i'm gonna tell you everything up and i'll get back to you [Music] well i think we did all right um so that's not all of them either that's just what joe's holding on to so joe was actually holding 72 tokens um well that's such a good idea dj you're a bloody legend mate i've had other people say the same sort of thing but they wanted me to put like half half of it away and all that sort of stuff well i sort of knew that wasn't going to work but 10 is an actual i didn't think of it uh brilliant idea um very very smart so i i love it um all right so as you can see oh that is so good so good okay so the telly goes i've got 400 bucks in chips i've got 395 dollars in notes i'm going to check this machine i'll get us 395. why would he put in 300 um sorry 695 why would he put 695 in there don't think he'd put 700 um so i'm just going to see if there's another fiber just floating around somewhere that i've missed i can't see anything in there but it's dark so i might ask him actually um total i end up with 195 coins nice oh man totally don't forget this whole game is profit whole game is profit i've got it from the 91 coins bloody ripper um so yeah after adding everything together one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars one thousand six hundred eighty bucks um eight hundred and uh sorry uh 585 bucks is just for the coins so yeah it's a total profit on this 1 680 bucks oh man that is just so good so um yeah trust me i need the buddy right now so um you little bloody ripper um i'm over the moon i'm stoked i'm buggered don't get me wrong i'm bugging um but i'm not having another bourbon i've only had one um i'm trying to lose weight so um yep so i've been drinking water um anyway i'm gonna go catch that in and i'll be back in a flash wrap your eyeballs around this so i was just speaking to dave just then um and he said to me guys you know we're not open tomorrow i said tomorrow's easter morning i said yesterday yeah that's fine um so i won't be coming in tomorrow either way mate i guess yeah we also closed um the monday as well uh that i didn't know um so yeah unfortunately there's gonna be a day there i can't get down here so um yeah i'm not gonna be able to post it so anyway take a look at that nice fifteen hundred dollars so there's fifteen of these one hundred dollars here um sorry i've got a thing about messy notes um so yeah um 180 bucks straight to the tin i haven't done anything like that for a little while now so um yeah i'm oh sorry i'm sort of playing with this off camera um yes i haven't done anything like that amount for a while um i was feeling a little guilty so i thought well i've got a nice handful of cash here so what would you 180 bucks so um yeah i missed out on the tips jar again but uh in a couple of days when i when i'm able to get back here then um yeah i guess i'll give something to the tipster anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in a few days
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,909
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Id: U110vnnkVIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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