Aussie Coin Pusher EP 123

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[Music] [Music] coin pusher here take a look at this look what's on top um yep a couple of round silvers oh i'm gonna have a crack at them um little chip towers uh yeah i don't like seeing those we all know how hard they are to push over so all right so let's go coins um bottom tray as you can see you can see the entire length uh that's not a good thing i don't like seeing that and i am seeing some holes so yeah i don't know how many coins that's going to take to fill up and start pushing over so i need to be a little bit careful so as normal with joe i'm sorry about looking at joe's butt but uh 50 coins [Music] let's give this a go i might just have to play one half see what it does on one left one middle and one right top tray looks pretty good with coins all right so we've got movement a little bit of movement a little bit better than nothing okay yeah i don't know i don't i don't think there's too many gaps so what do i do do i just go right off the middle and go for the edges i didn't really put a lot of thought into this so i sort of want to i've got a feeling i need to be attacking the middle not for the chips for the coins i don't know now you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go for the right and the left leave the middle wet alone just go right and left and i'll explain that in just a second [Music] how is everyone today and you like my spider um the reason why i'm thinking i'm gonna leave the middle alone it's just simply not a lot of coins there the gap in the middle is smaller than the gap on the left and the gap on the right more coins that's the reason why i think i'm just going to play left and right and just leave the middle well alone so i'm just gonna go nice and easy thank you [Music] [Music] what the whole thing i'll take that come on [Music] i've only just noticed i've only just noticed i reckon they're sitting on top of chips only because i just saw the little bit of a um sorry they're sitting on top of tokens they're not actually on the main floor if they're not on the main floor i can play anywhere i want but they're just going to go with the coins [Applause] let's just have a look hey i reckon [Music] not yet come on oh hey that was my last coin i've got a drink around here too somewhere found it stop looking [Music] all right how are we looking now um not too bad a little hanging here a little hanging here not a lot hanging over this side here so i think what i'll do is i'll concentrate pretty much middle to left leave the right alone anyway i'm gonna go tally up see what i got well i did better than i was expecting so i reckon there's probably 25 to 30 coins there maybe just 25. you never know all right so i think what i'll do is oh my god i might just go middle to left and just see what that does for me briefly and i totally forgot to have a swig right here oh sorry i forgot [Music] hmm oh guys but that's totally not my fault this sucker just bounced come on give me a push nice thank you i'll take all of that okay i got one coin left i just want to quickly throw this out there if anyone's watching this on facebook and you're not in my page um the content has been stolen please report the person and look me up because then you know you're actually speaking to me you're not speaking to them thinking that they're you're speaking to me because they act like me believe it or not yeah how low is that anyway um yeah that's it let's go tell it up see what i got [Music] yeah i recommend christian coins for sure probably 30 let's say 31 coins because i didn't say 30 coins last time but no it's probably like 35 increasing is good decreasing is bad i'm in one of those real stirring moods today oh there's 20 bucks there's my suck-ups [Music] not yet mike [Music] as you can see i am playing very very carefully way more careful than i normally play and that's because i don't have 50 coins yet i'll relax a little bit more when i've got 50 coins all right that's nice looking all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay got me suck up flowers you little beauty uh coins yeah i reckon we lost a few coins there there's probably like 25 there all right now just got to work on enough for one more bourbon i've already cracked my first one and yes it is like 10 45 in the morning but don't worry about it because it's 12 o'clock somewhere in the world i reckon i've worked out dave's thinking on this game he knows how hard it is he he knows how hard it is to knock over a big a big tower like made out of chips these are small towers which means i reckon personally common sense is telling me they're going to be even stronger um so that's probably why he's put the two coins on top of the towers because um i reckon he doesn't think that these can go straight over i don't think they're going to go straight over either i don't know how i'm going to do it but i'm just going to wait and see all i want to do right now is just get coins that was my last two coins i'll take them all right let's tell it up see what i got well i've got another 20 bucks that's nice coins there's only about 20 coins there and no i didn't forget to guess i totally did um i'm going to go if i can come out here with 40 coins i think i'll be quite happy this game's not uh i know that's a bit of a late call and i do apologize for that but as i said i'll win any way i can nice [Applause] [Music] oh that's not what i wanted okay that's my last one oh bugger so with this game here i'm and most games right where i'm about situated in the game itself i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because i know how to get this off all these coins i know how to get them off but i don't have the coins to throw in quick so you know you've got to hold back and you know by holding back they're just going to build up so what do you do do you just throw them in and hope um yeah i might have to but anyway we're going to wait and see see me i've got first well that concerns me um i do not have the hundred bucks in the car i spent it on petrol today he totally didn't even think to put it back um yeah i reckon there's like 18 maybe 20 if i'm real lucky yeah this isn't good i don't know if i should um slam a few coins in quick and that's the reason why i don't like slamming the coins in fast because it's very easy to double stack them [Music] oh nothing's happening oh no am i in the here i could be i could be in a bit of trouble here what have i got four coins i'll drop one and i'll slam the other three in well that helps a little bit oops i missed okay well that i got back more than three so that's a good thing all right let's tell it up okay um 19 coins yes i counted them i just wanted to see what 20 coins look like so let me just fix them all up so i can show you 19 coins so might be an early day for me i reckon oh i got me suck up flowers that's the main thing i just feel as if i need to just throw them in fast but if i do something like that well there's two coins i've just wasted two coins that is not good come on give me a push yeah real good push ah nice okay that was my last one [Music] oh i've got another 20 bucks nice all right let's tell you that's what i got yep 20 bucks and probably 15 coins i haven't counted them ah dave is a smart bugger in here he's got me worked out [Applause] as soon as i see silver it's like yep let's go for it i can't help it ah see that's why you don't do that for jase [Music] [Applause] oh at least i've got one coin oh there's another one oh i got two coins that's my last coin oh come on thank you i reckon i got three coins let's go get them yeah i'm totally not worried um not too long ago i had a game where i had two coins and i came out really good well i got three coins hey where do you reckon my chances are slim to none um i think what i'm going to do is i'm pretty much just going to go left with one coin and two in the middle [Music] [Laughter] okay that did not go to plan so um i'm gonna i'm gonna say hats off to dave he has totally outsmarted me today totally outspotted me um by putting silver coins very visible so i can see them on top of these stacks obviously there was i i mean i noticed there was stuff all coins in here in the first place i did see that but i thought you know what that's fine i've done harder you know i've got myself out of some pretty interesting situations but um this one well yeah not today um if i had the hundred bucks in my car and stupidly i spent it on fuel today i could have used my card um but uh yeah i wanted to buy a pie as well i'm supposed to be on a diet so um yeah i end up buying a pie as well so that's why i use 100 bucks anyway um so what have i got i got 60 bucks um do i risk it and just grab like stuff all coins 60 bucks will give me nothing um yeah i don't know um 12 coins what do you reckon 12 coins and just risk it and then risk yeah and risk not having my uh suck up flowers which i absolutely need 12 coins what do you think uh yeah right let's do it i know i should be walking away i so should be taking the loss but anyway hey you only live once [Music] 12 coins yeah all right so i'm just going to keep well sort off i mean there's a lot of coins over hanging in the middle i want to see if i can get one right on that oh that's one coin dropped oh come on top tray is killing me here oh i'll take it come on i took a big risk and dropped in three try to get the best push i could get and i've got one back good odds chase anyway i've got some coins so let's tally them up okay um i ended up with 19 coins so what i'm gonna do here is there's seven coins here um when i sell them back to the club that's 21 bucks i'm gonna hold on to those uh they're my suck-up flowers and i'm gonna literally play with these coins here so i'm gonna pop them up there and pretend i don't even have them and that's what i'm gonna play with um i can't imagine going home without suck up flour i'll be walking funny for a week all right how am i serious here jase yeah good luck with that ah no we're getting some something to fall all right i've got three coins left i'm going to wait right now oh i missed it i missed the timing [Music] hmm oh come on oh i said oh i got two coins out of that you little ripper all right let's tell him up well what's there there's like eight coins oh all man let's just got two in the guts oh i'll take it all right you can see slightly middle left i'll attack those ones overhanging oh come on i've got two left you're on the middle [Music] oh this game is just killing me all right let's tally it up five coins yikes i think there's five there um i don't have my glasses with me but one two three four yeah i think there's five there right let's have a good look i'd like to have a crack at that but i don't know if i'll get it because i reckon the chips are sitting on top of something whatever's holding them up there same deal with here so really all i can look for is here here and here they all suck wow i just don't know what to do i think i'm just going to go middle and just see what happens hopefully it's going to spread the spread the load okay [Music] that was actually supposed to be the middle that's my last coin i got something i've had better and i've had worse [Laughter] oh boy all right what are we gonna do do i try to go edge which doesn't look too good at all that looks even worse and that's actually not looking that bad but gee i don't know i don't know i think i'll just go straight in the guts again oh no i gotta miss the gap oh i'm right on the gap come on don't roll into the gap oh thank you you should have just rolled into the gap all right well clearly you all saw that nothing fell um i am not gonna spend those coins uh the ones i've got sitting up here i'm not spending them um yeah i'm not going home without flowers there's no way um yeah i'm uh i might not be able to win on this game all the time but i'm not an idiot um look it happens uh as i've as i've explained before when i lose um it's gambling you don't win all the time so it just depends on how much effort dave puts into it now this one here um he totally sucked me in totally sucked me i didn't i sort of knew the dangers but i didn't acknowledge the dangers um and look i would have played either way i mean oh come here um anyway yeah i still enjoy myself even when i lose i still enjoy i'm disappointed um but i think i'm more disappointed with how i played it there was like i don't know 10 10 to 15 coins i double stacked well those 10 to 15 coins if i had them right now what would it do i'd probably be all right so anyway look that's that's just the way it goes um i still enjoyed myself um now i can sit back and uh and sink my bourbon and uh yeah so anyway um i do apologize for that no money i do have to suck up flowers though so that's a good thing um and yeah i'll absolutely be definitely getting them so um yeah once again i apologize um it's you know this happens so um it's all part of gambling and don't bet with money you can't afford to lose so uh yeah anyway um if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more winning ones hopefully um then subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,305
Rating: 4.8414636 out of 5
Keywords: winner, jackpot, high limit, money, silver, gold, coins, coin pusher, fun
Id: YWG07gH3I-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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