Aussie Coin Pusher EP 118

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[Music] so i've tried to have a look at this one um i reckon there's about 800 bucks on it so but just looking at it well i'm not gonna you know i don't think i should say it but it looks easy um every time i say that it generally comes back and bites me in the butt so 50 coins that's what i've got here so um i'll have a quick guess um let's go 110 coins if i can even get close to that i'd be very happy all right so top has got gaps in it like you wouldn't believe i just want to have a look okay has a little bit of movement on the right hand side [Music] oh we've got a little bit of movement on the left hand side what about the middle okay seems to be moving i mean there's just loads and loads of gats up gaps up the top but there doesn't seem to be too many down the bottom so that's a good thing [Music] oh well guess i'll just see what i can do maybe he's thinking i can't push all that weight maybe that's the reason why he's put it long ways like he has instead of normal way seem to be pushing it just fine [Music] so i'm trying to keep an eye on what the coins are doing right now i just need to see if there's any kind of difference in the game from the last time i played this side the other side it's like i'd never played the gap that side before it was everything on it was changed [Music] okay i got one coin left all right the guts [Music] all right that was a nice little push i mean all this had to have moved at least what half inch quarter inch um so let's see what i got [Music] i did well i definitely gained coins i'm calling at least 60 to 65 coins there so um i'm not sure if you just saw it but somebody had left a massive big fingerprint right right about here somewhere so i just cleaned all that off um there i've got a thing about dirty windows especially fingerprints let's see what i can do with this handful i'm just going to go steady steady oh i got 20 bucks oh there's a couple of [Music] bourbons so i'm going to play this pretty much the same way i played the game next to me [Music] oh that was a good push i mean not much fill but it moved everything quite a long way [Music] [Music] so my prediction for this game i'm literally just gonna push this entire thing just straight into the hopper it's all supporting each unless it all falls backwards which it may do um but i think for the first half of it at least i'm just gonna be breaking bits off and it's all just gonna be going straight down i can't see that this type of design would help dave at all i'm happy happy to see it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah i reckon it will i reckon that's just going to go straight over [Music] i got one coin left i might as well keep it to the right and i'll take all of them all right let's tell it up see what i got 80 bucks nice so what i've done is i've actually written down my coin count because i keep forgetting so i've had to write it down so if i want to want it right on my hand keep it in my eyes um the heist that's really good start uh coins yeah that's really good too so there's definitely more than 100 coins they're probably like 110 hey that's it i'm stopping no i'm just kidding all right let's see how much of a chunk i can get off oh dude look how empty the top tray is that's gonna take five coins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] some of it all right how many tens are there ah looks like thirty tens three tens thirty bucks [Music] [Music] i'm not yet i'm not but i'm working on [Music] it thank you that's 30 bucks now we start to get into the big stuff i do like some big stuff i'm trying to refrain from just absolutely smashing coins in right now it is so hard [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well the 10 just went over which i was a little surprised about oh nice so [Music] oh that was all my coins too by the way i'm just trying to work out what's going on um double stacking wise on the on the bottom bottom tray it's actually really good one two three four five six seven sort of eight ish coins about two inches in um that's actually really good really good for me anyway top tray is actually really light too so um yeah where's my mounds going there's no mounds um and i got the two outsides off uh the other game i couldn't get the stuff off this little mountain the mountain's the same so i don't know i've got to sit and think about it for a while anyway i'm going to tell it up and see what i got [Music] holy snapping dark there's 230 bucks right there another 20 more and that pays for this game wow [Music] i don't know what dave's done i know he's done something you know how you get that you get that feeling you've been doing something you know for a while and then all of a sudden it's just different you know it's different but you can't see it that's what i'm going through right now um coins yeah we gained coins a little more um so maybe double stacking the top is maybe not the way to go because i seem to be getting a lot of coins so i totally see um deb's very adamant very very about how um double stacking the you know the top is not a good thing um obviously when i'm trying to get stuff off i've got no choice but when there's nothing up there i'll tell you what i'm being very very careful i'm not just smashing coins in like i normally do i'm trying to get my placement so i'm trying to get you know like um pinpoint really and i feel myself thinking a lot more about it so i don't know i just seem to have a lot more coins and i have to admit i'm loving it but whatever dave's done and he has done something it's helping me i don't think it was designed to do that i think he's trying to make the game harder for me but the more he plays around with it he's bound to make mistakes and that's what he's done i think he's done that in this game as soon as i saw it i thought man that game looks i don't want to say it but yeah it looked quite easy opposite to challenging [Music] although it might have me on this one because that is up against the glass [Music] so all right well we all know how i fix a problem yeah i reckon you're pretty close to it see more come on i want you to push it so hard you're going to crash the glass wouldn't that be something [Music] oh no okay um what maybe play one side and see if i can't twist it around now if that's the case what side do i play probably is the left hand it's got more coins on it [Music] oh that was supposed to be on the far left that's not working you know i knew it would come back and bite me in the bike as soon as i said it i should not have said it [Music] whoops come on i think it is slowly coming around [Music] it even looks different to other games that i've played that was my last three coins come on give me a push all right let's tell it up that's what i got oh we never lost any coins there's like 140 coins um yeah i don't know i don't know this one's got me i've not had this problem before i'll just keep pushing see what happens oh come on where is it i'm not going to say what i'm thinking but i couldn't find the coin slot [Music] so [Music] that's not entirely a bad thing oh thank you i wish there was no chips have you noticed it's always the bigger mounts that i can't seem to get [Music] [Music] oh boy um stubborn little turd there's no way no way i'm leaving that there [Music] come on either break apart fall in the hopper slide back i really don't care just do something [Music] [Music] um maybe what i need to do is just play the left just try that and just stick out a little bit longer this time oh no ah burger there goes the left idea oh nice [Applause] [Music] oh totally [Music] well i've got a bit of a curl going now oh thank you there's a little bit of a kill going so i wonder now if i can push it against the glass it'll fold up i wonder if i can push it hard enough i reckon it will [Music] all right i've got one coin left let's keep it to the left or the middle ish whatever okay let's tell it up see what i got well the good thing is i'm not losing any coins well i reckon i lost many [Music] still this is so frustrating [Music] [Music] all right well i'm managing to crumple it up a little bit i take back what i said too um yeah whatever dave's doing it does actually make a lot harder i mean i'm getting it here but that's as far as i'm going [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so i've got a birthday wish too um gina happy birthday mate uh um yeah have a great day uh i'm not 100 thank you i'm not 100 sure when it was or when it is um but anyway we got to be close have a great day i'm not going to start singing anybody else's birthday out there have an absolute ripper day with it's macy's birthday on monday i am not looking forward to it and she turns seven [Music] i keep telling her every year stop getting older [Music] [Music] so oh come on this is starting to annoy me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh all right that was my last coin [Music] oh how glued them together all right let's tell it up see what i got well at least i got 20 bucks out of it [Music] i'm starting to think um we haven't lost any coins so that's a good thing i'm starting to think that dave um or me let's say me i'm not as smart as i like to give myself credit for i think dave's actually outsmarted me on this one i'm wondering now because he's interlocked him like that and he actually stacked him up fairly high and having them in this line i wonder if he knew this was going to happen i wonder if he had an idea that this was going to happen they're all interlocked so they're like bricks on a house um yeah makes it a lot stronger when you cross them like this um i wonder if that's what it is i wonder if that's the reason why he did that i'm starting to think now right from the start i should have tried to turn it sideways not just push it right over the edge like i thought it was just gonna do i mean that's a whole new level of thinking that is [Music] so so oh that's how you do it chase you can't beat brute force i mean you hit something with a hammer long enough it's going to break in it either that with a hammer will [Music] well now i've got a little sideways like that yeah i reckon you're right i reckon i'll get this now [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh oh nice now let's find out what this other ones are going to do i'm guessing they're just going to slip straight back but i'm hoping they're just going to spread spread out [Music] oh yep that's what i'm hoping that i'm gonna do [Music] [Music] come on ebay tends to spread out [Music] [Music] okay i got one coin left [Music] no that was supposed to be in the middle jace i'll take it all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] payday nice hundred 410 ten bucks you little bloody ripper that was a nice one um queens i reckon we gained some coins hey yeah just short of 300 bucks i reckon [Music] but everybody just see what i just saw half of that moved and half of it stayed dead still [Music] come on [Music] oh they're moving they are moving to the hopper [Music] oh welcome to the game that's just too much time [Music] come on push it over nice i'm working on it take it [Music] [Music] so [Music] that just means one less that i've gotta get so [Applause] so so close come on ten [Music] so okay that was my last two coins [Music] all right let's tell it that's what i got 60 bucks nice [Applause] i definitely lost coins that that time i'm calling probably 120 coins maybe 130 um so i know that the top has got quite a lot of double stacked coins on it so there's probably an extra 10 there that shouldn't be there and the bottom not too bad so i really don't know where the coins are but there's a nice little mountain going on here so maybe that's where they are hopefully i can get them back this round don't like losing coins and i don't know where they're going [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll twenty [Music] totally not meaning to double stack the top [Music] [Applause] so [Music] wow this is being stopping oh no i thought i was going to get 100 it looks like it's going to slide [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah come on coins [Music] whoops [Music] this way i play is probably not ideal i'm just trying to work out why this stuff's getting stuck like it is did it on the other game too i got one left let's just go for the middle ish all right i'll take it let's tell you though see what i got all right got the 20. um we never lost any coins from the last round but i still think we're like 20 30 coins down from our highest we've had i'm guessing they're all on the top and you can see them down the bottom as well so long as i don't go too much lower i've got to get that 100 off that's what i'm that's what i'm trying for i'm trying to get that 100 i'm 100 bucks oh come on come on it looks like it's gonna go oh yeah in your face [Music] i wonder what's going to happen with this lot now [Music] so all right i'm just going to jump on the left-hand side here run the skill stop see what i can do i'm going to try to um get things moving on the left oh man am i out of practice sorry [Music] now dad the last one i had for anybody out there that's wondering why i don't use the skill stop um firstly it only stops the swinging pendulum it doesn't stop the tray tray just keeps going as you just saw so the pendulum itself will stop so um but because of the angle of it if i don't use my left hand and i try to do it with my right hand then that absolutely kills my back i mean within 10 seconds i'm basically it feels like someone's stabbing me in the back with a knife so um that's why i don't use it very often or i try to avoid all it [Music] i really think i have no choice [Music] so what i try to do is i try now to use my left hand i've been practicing well i haven't done for a while but that's my fault yep [Music] to hold the coins [Music] that's too slow for me [Music] what am i going to pick on i reckon about the 20 go for the 20 first if i can get the 20 off you know that's a bonus [Music] oh man what a pain in the butt watch out anything easy [Music] i'm hoping the 10 will drag the 50 up with it that was all my coins nah not a lot's happening is it wow all right let's tell it up that's what i got all right at least i got 100 that's nice [Music] problem is yeah that's not good is it um i'm not even sure if i've even got a hundred coins anymore i lost a lot of coins where all across look at it that's where they're all hiding um i'm going to go through once more i can't afford to be losing so many coins i mean i sell them back to the club for three bucks a coin so every coin that i put in here nothing happens i've just lost three bucks so what have you got 50 70 80 110 bucks in there that's that uh 21 coins no that's 23 coins yeah 23 coins i can guarantee i've just lost more than 23 coins so it doesn't make a lot of sense so what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and get that big pile off there's less coins that i can use [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm that gives me a few more [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh man i don't know what i should do i want to stop because i just know things are going to turn worse i'll put them through uh there's probably like 25 coins there i might as well put them through now oh what i'm aiming for is this clump right here something might happen with these things if i can get rid of that clump but if it doesn't well i'm just stupidly putting 75 bucks into this machine it's not going to back out of it i'm sure i'll drop a coin or two maybe [Music] so [Music] come on push all over all right what i'm seeing right now is the 50 and the 10 are both climbing this little mountain here if i can get rid of that big pile what i'm hoping is the tunnel fall and the 50 will follow it that's what i'm hoping that's 60 bucks i've got three coins i just want to be very very careful and very patient yeah right patient good luck all right let's tell it up see what i got i don't know i don't know let's pop them in my hand oh wow gee whiz i mean they're nicely stacked or some of them um i'm gonna have to call at least 85 coins that's um that's a huge amount of coins huge amount of coins i've lost i'm going to go through once more i just want to see what this is going to do here after that then i'm just going to have to stop on this [Music] that helps i don't need anything on the right hand side at all doesn't help on your triple stack come on at least push the 10 over [Music] oh man [Music] so [Music] as you can see i'm just going slow i don't want to use too many coins more the point i don't want to lose too many coins [Music] that's as far as my patients can take [Music] so nice 50 you didn't have to nick off [Music] though [Music] oh what am i doing playing the right hand side chase that's not the smartest thing i've done all day [Music] i'm just wondering if i shouldn't just leave it and walk away um i'm not going to put them in just yet i'm just going to hold off i want to go and have a look see how many coins i've got down there and if it's the same i'll keep going if it's not i'm losing coins i've got to stop 70 bucks just isn't worth it so i'll be back in a minute okay um so at least i've got 50 bucks at no 40 bucks chase 40 bucks not 50. hey um but i still reckon there's like 75 to 80 coins there i've got to try to make a decision is it worth trying to go for these i don't think it is i mean i'm happy i got that out of it that's a bonus so um i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to quit while i'm slightly behind um i don't want to get even further behind so um it just doesn't make financial sense i need every cent i can get right now so um i'm stopping um i'm sorry if that upsets you but that's just so it's my money so i've got i've got i've got no choice really it's just nothing's moving so i'm going to tell you everything up and i'll get back to you [Music] silence is golden in it hey oh look at that wow i mean there's 400 bucks right there 500 600 plus all that stuff underneath um yeah that is a very very nice sammy oh man i'm stoked um telly's go i got 1 160 bucks in chips uh kelly i think you smack on mate i think um there is a certain amount that he puts into these games um yeah with it i mean i think probably within two 200 bucks i reckon that's the coin difference but anyway um i end up with 91 coins so at one stage i was calling 150 coins that might have been a few too many but let's call it 140 coins to 91 coins it's 50 coins roughly where do those 50 coins go that's what i'm i i just can't work that out uh i know there's a you know there's quite a lot of coins in in these but and all the double stack maybe the top as well add everything together yeah that's probably maybe um yeah 91 coins 273 bucks so um yeah that's not bad so i'm happy with that anything more than what i actually bought like 50 coins then you know if i can get 100 coins out of that then i think i'm doing really really well so add that add those two together is one thousand four hundred and thirty dollars minus the 250 bucks that it cost me to play 1 183 that's what i got so um yeah you little ripper um nice i've got some bills to pay some big ones too for the house so um yeah i mean that money comes in handy so um anyway i'm gonna go cash it in uh the other side yeah i don't like the look of it um i think i'm just gonna be handing handing money back so i'm not going to play that um yes it's yeah no that one's very dangerous i know when to back off and right now i need to back off so um i'm gonna go catch everything in and i'll be back in a second nice nice i love a handful of cash oh come on i hate to mess your hand full of cash though um 1 150 bucks that's what's there right now 33 bucks to the tips jar um now i've got some really really really really really really good news uh really good news apparently there's just been a mix-up with the with the um with the tin um and he dave said to me just now when i was catching all this and i'll speak in a rose um the tin is coming back today apparently there's gonna be a new tin here today there's just been a big mix up um i don't know obviously no one gives me any information and and of course you know i'm not entitled to it i'm not part of the committee here so all i care about is the tin is coming back uh dave said it should be here today so what i'm gonna do um i've already thought about it what i'm gonna do is my very very next game i'm gonna donate should i do all of my profit or she'll do half of my profit what do you think um i can easily take the money out of the cheap crappy tin i've got at home [Music] and and bring that down here i can do that but i'm thinking half of my profit or all of my profit leave it in the comments here leave it in the comments what do you think i'm happy to do either i really am but if i do all of my profit the money i've got in a tin at home yeah that's going back into my business purse so um yeah as long as you sort of understand that so um i think there's like 450 or 480 or something in it at the moment i don't know i i don't really keep track so um yeah i mean that's that's that i mean that is absolutely brilliant news i am so over the moon it's ridiculous i've got a handful of cash and i've just had that news wow nice oh i'm loving it um anyway i'm gambling i mean i'm just waffling on here so if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and please leave in the comments what should i do with my very next game all of my profit or half of my profit i'm happy to do either i don't care i'm just really happy right now i'm thinking half of my profit but anyway you guys let me know
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,733
Rating: 4.9308357 out of 5
Keywords: jackpot, winner, silver, gold, money, coins, gambling
Id: KAHn0fHqBG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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