Coin Pusher season 2 episode 12

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher so today we're not doing any buy-ins we're just using tokens we've won from previous games there's about a thousand of them there see they got two great big towers in there some of those bitcoins and some 20 bills so let's see what we can do hope everybody's having a good day i know i am for me it's uh saturday night i just got off work i'm not sure what day this will get uploaded but we'll see so i'd i've made a couple of videos where i lost quite a bit ended up not uploading them they just i lost too bad so i normally upload everyone anymore if i win or lose but i just felt really bad about it i didn't want anybody feeling sorry for me so i just didn't upload them so we lost we ended up losing about a thousand of our tokens i played two different games and ended up losing about a thousand tokens so this is the last of our tokens of our freebies that we'd won from previous games so hopefully today'll be better looks like we're about to get those 20 bills that's some good pushes there that's what we need is some big pushes huge push oh yeah hopefully those towers will stay standing up a little while i'll get them a little closer to the pave before they fall over so they want to push them so far those bitcoins they got no value at all so i'm not really too worried about getting those but maybe they'll maybe they'll at least give some good pushes when they fall down there so the tower on the left looks like it's about ready to touch the glass it's getting real close [Music] i definitely want to hold on to me as many tokens as i can get i kind of messed up and lost quite a bit of oh that was a big push i've lost a lot of my tokens it's nice not having to do any buy-ins i'd like to keep it that way we'll see oh it's towers getting close so [Music] well i'll get that 20. i can't believe how far up that bitcoin is one not all the way up there at the top i made it all the way down there this thing's moving fast yeah i want them to fall over see if we can't get that other one i did it at a good time too it's the base of it so close to the edge should start getting paid out real soon start making some big money [Music] nice we're almost to 15 000 subscribers so when we hit 15 000 subscribers we're gonna announce the winners for the 10 000 subscriber giveaway whether that happens to be before this video gets uploaded or not we'll get to 15 000 though announce the winners i'll just leave a comment in the comments section of that video of the 10 000 subscriber video then you can go check it out and see if you want i think they'll be five winners i think five people will be winning nice uh set of ear buds [Music] i forgot all about putting the link up i told everybody i'd put a link up to see exactly what they were getting but uh that's my fault kind of just forgot all about putting the link on there feel bad about it but it is what it is [Music] nice just got there the tower to fall so yeah i guess i could put the link on that video whoa nice made some good money there this is all profit too see anybody got any good ideas like what's your favorite brand of rototiller i just got an old one my uh my father had given me it works okay [Music] it's time to get a new one thinking maybe husqvarna is anybody else troy built did they make one i don't know if i want to get troy built though i just i don't know it's never really cared for this stuff seems to be a little too overpriced for what it is escavarna though that's what i got as a mower i've had real good luck with that [Music] probably ought to get the oil changed in it i haven't changed the oil since i bought it and that was that's going on probably eight years it's probably probably a bad thing to keep the same oil in it for that many years but just keeps on mowing that yard anyhow let's get back to the coin pusher we just made a hundred bucks there y'all wow i think we got some of those bitcoins didn't we i wasn't paying attention i think we did so yeah they pushed through real quick oh wow look at that oh that's gonna fall probably the same time that'll be a good pay there's got to be oh probably 400 bucks right there not to mention the ones on the left quite a bit there too those blue ones are 50 each the green ones 25 bucks and the yellow ones yellow and black ones are 100 bucks each i want them all i'm gonna get them all that's the goal i need to learn know when to stop though kind of went way overboard on one of the games just played way too long that right side is not moving oh yeah we got that bitcoin finally fell off the right side more money [Music] oh wow it did it we got it there's still a bunch in there we can get though let's keep going i probably got like 50 tokens left we'll get those in and check it out and see what we got yeah that's all i got left let's get those in hopefully we can get some big pushes oh butterfingers got me again darn it all right we got two left let's get them in and we'll check it out see what we got all right all right we got 2440 bucks that's awesome that's pure profit there baby there are two of those bitcoins shiny bitcoins they got no value but they're pretty neat tokens booyah we still got a whole basket full token so we didn't lose any tokens all we got to do now is just get the rest of that on that right side and we're set i think we'll use the old skill stop see if we can't get so messed up on the right to fall let's go for it oh yeah pushing good nice keep it up let's do it 25 chips but there it is another 25 bucks nice ah let go of the skill stop and wait for it to get oops sorry about that wait till to get back over there on that right side and hold it again that did real good get back as many tokens as i can we haven't lost money in a long time so even the ones i i deleted we didn't lose any money we just lost lost a bunch of tokens that's always a plus oh butterfingers i'm trying to hold this skill stop down the old pesky little token slipped right out of my hand oh wow that was a real nice push ah got me again old butterfingers oh yeah another one of those bitcoin things wow [Music] doing good yeah i'm feeling it today i'm on my game doing good we're going to stop when the right time this time ah those bird fingers though it's getting hard trying to push them quick though looking for those big pushes nice nice warm honor [Music] all right come on oh yeah there's hundreds about uh butterfingers again i i'm sorry i ain't doing that on purpose i gotta hold this skill stop button down or moves back and forth oh yeah oh yeah they're we're working it out real good wow like 825 bucks there or so well i guess 845 you count that 20 bill i'm gonna give it a little more now i'm gonna let it go back and forth for a little bit don't want to load it up too much on that right side oh yeah nice uh i'm gonna stop holding that skill stop for a few sounds like it would be easy but holding your hand still for 10 minutes or more pushing a button got my whole body twisted sideways to reach it it's just a bad location if they would have put it on the left side of the machine it wouldn't be so hard but or if i was just left-handed if i was left-handed it'd be a lot easier [Applause] [Music] when i was in kindergarten i i broke my right hand i had a had me in a cast i didn't break my hand and broke my arm my right arm so i had to learn everything i had to learn how to do everything with my left hand my writing and everything else i got pretty good at it but that was just for a few months and then they took the cast off i just went right back to using my right hand so i pretty much lost all those skills i'll give it a try maybe we can reach retrain ourselves i don't know no i can't no i can't can't do it i kept myself real bad on my left hand oh nice about a oh it's been a little over a year now now i have no filling in my this this finger here there's no no filling at all so it's just really hard to i just don't think i could do it it's just numb it doesn't move like it's supposed to i'm not worried about it i get by just fine i just can't use my left hand instead of my right hand definitely not complaining could have been a lot worse so we got what we got there 300 bucks see if we can't get that 300 bucks and we'll call game over and we'll move on over to another game for another video [Music] i'll paint it over there and give you a little preview of what it is here in a minute as soon as we get as soon as we get that 300 bucks 200 bucks to let's go it we can do it oh wow it's right there come on big push wow it's going tada we got it nice i'm going to go count that see how much we got i don't know i'll get that right back all right all right 1675 bucks it's not bad we got one of those bitcoins too all right all right we have 415 bucks it's all profit got three of those uh bitcoins and tokens oh yeah good on tokens we gained a couple on that still right around a thousand so we'll move over here in a minute and play that game over there i don't know if you can tell but it's got one of those dice on it so hopefully we can make some big money on that well if y'all like what you're seeing please hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed and we'll see you on the next video y'all take care now
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 34,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, high limit coin pusher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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