Asmongold Just Can't Leave EU! TRANSMOG COMPETITION (Alliance)

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last week's eu transmog competition was one of the most incredible and highly contested competitions that we've ever had it was so difficult and so challenging that i thought the eu deserved one more chance to give their opportunity for the alliance and to give a chance to see what they could use and what they could put together if they could go anywhere close to what eu was able to do on horde last week spread out a little bit guys [Music] arc mage drizzle locks from the guild performance so this is a pretty basic transmog obviously you've got the ebb and chili what are you doing okay you've got the ebench okay all right you're gonna show up the [ __ ] weapon i see how it is so you've got the ebonchill the mage tower appearance the chesapeake air from tier ix the shoulders there from blackrock foundry and then a few random pieces from legion like the gloves and the boots there nothing really too impressive or too amazing this just seems like a basic frost made transmog this is a solid 5 out of 10. i completely agree with you guys this is nothing to get excited over this is nothing to get a big dick over hey man love your streams keep it up all right well let's see what your mount is okay this is pretty much what i would expect i'm gonna be honest with you man this is probably the most bland and boring transmogs i've seen in a long time i've seen a million of these before drizzle come on man like let's see something a little bit different let's see something a little bit more unique you're just gonna go and get on one of the same little discs like you've done before everybody's done this before everybody knows this like you've just got a bunch of crystals on your shoulders it's like you're a [ __ ] shungite vendor we don't need to see that this is nice short but is it unique no is it special no it's just something that we've seen a million times before and we don't need to see again this is an n a spy if we've ever seen one ourselves gentlemen let's go to the next one drizzle nice try hunt master yen from the guild goroninsky republic i kind of like this this is pretty good so she's using the dragon riders harness which is an item that comes from island expeditions with some worlds of draenor leggings and boots there i think this belt comes from legion and this weapon here i believe is actually the challenge mode appearance for uh beast mastery hunters back in miss back in uh not this matar back in legion with the mage tower i kind of like this what do you guys think i mean this is fancy it's fresh it's new it's exciting i like it what do you guys think you like it it's it's not amazing right like let's be honest it's not amazing but it's still pretty good [Music] we've seen a lot of sets like this before though i actually think that her hairstyle actually makes this set way better i don't know if it's just me but that's kind of the way that i see it clean like my dick wait what all right let me see your mouth [Music] yo just forget about that she's gonna get on that yeah listen if i had a dollar for every time somebody was wearing a set like yours and i got on the legion class order hall mount i would probably have about ten dollars that's too many dollars while your armor is unique it's too vibrant in order for it to fit with a drab mount like the mount that you're using right here it doesn't necessarily work very well and while it does work thematically that's the only way that it does work it's generic and it's boring it needs to be better guys come on we got to see some better sets this is a six out of ten maybe a seven but definitely a six this one's a little bit weird too i don't like it but it's definitely an improvement let's go to the next one fat short man okay all right so just my average viewer okay let's see what we've got here that's the tier 14 shoulders for shamans right there that mace comes from i think that comes from blackrock foundry this shield comes from wrath of the witch king i actually know it comes from specifically blood queen lanathel and 25 man heroic next ramos or sorry icc and then let's see what else he's got he's got his tcg tabard as well with his uh engineering goggles and those leggings right there and also the boots come from ulduar for shamans actually i think that's for hunters yeah nevermind it's for hunters okay why why have you chosen to get on the alpaca why have you chosen to activate the alpaca at this time what about the alpaca makes you think that it's time to use it [Music] okay that's a good argument sorry now spat short man is this one better does it matter if it's better because you've already been judged on the alpaca fat short man this is a shitty bad set i don't like it the set itself is interesting but overall i don't think that it's really that great you've got to work harder riding the brown [ __ ] that mount is worth more than a car and your transmog is worth about six cents better luck next time it could be a lot better let's go to the next one wow this is cool this actually is cool i like this holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] awesome okay just give me one second so that that uh that face mask right there is where the monk tier sets that came from mr pandaria or maybe from ward's rin or i forgot which one those shoulders there also come from and the boots there come from a legion pvp for i think rogues and then the swords there i really like these swords so these swords are the iron horde sabers that come from blackhand on either heroic or normal mode i forgot which one with the dreadflame enchant which is the 2400 enchant that you could get from bfa this is really really [ __ ] nice and then the tabard look at the tabard that is one of the pvp tabards that came out and i believe season three i really like this a lot it could be season two though i could be wrong and that belt there comes from trial of hour this is a nice looking set and the reason that i like this is because the colors are completely [ __ ] original there is nobody else that uses gold and purple in the same way i mean gold and purple you guys know me this is gonna be pretty hard for me to consider this is not a bad this is not a good set i mean this is a this is a nice set dude this is a really nice set show me the mount [Music] i don't know how to feel about this i feel like it sucks if you want my honest opinion i think that it sucks i don't think this makes any sense in terms of amount in the set like i really don't i think this is a dog [ __ ] ass mouth like this is a ruined scent like why did you get on the hippo why did you get on the beefy boy why does the beefy boy fit with your set of course it doesn't well then why are you riding it what are you doing you said time to assert dominance what are you dominating the last place to assert dominance over who i'm above you [Music] you're so dumb man of course you're a gladiator anybody that's a gladiator at this point got their [ __ ] brain fried by bfa you can't hold it against them man it's been a hard expansion for everybody so listen it's a it's a rough game it's a rough time you do your best man 410 thanks a lot for trying man uh i uh i guess you did a good job or something like that let me go to the next one okay azaris the insane from the guild yoga pants okay i actually really like this this is some tribal set going on so he's got obviously those shoulders right there the tier 11 set for shamans that helmet and the gloves there are the argus set for shamans as well the bow here i think comes from somewhere in warlords of draenor but i'm not 100 sure about that the belt comes from throne of thunder the boots are from ulduar this is really nice like this is actually a really good [ __ ] set it's flashy it's crazy it's awesome man i like this a lot azaris azaris hit us with the mount i want to see the best mount that i've ever seen in my whole life get on that mount let's go [Music] wow [Music] damn damn that's actually really good the corrupted felboar holy [ __ ] man i love this this is incredible and the fact is like not only does it match the colored theme but it also matches the pokey theme so he's got little pokey boys coming up from his shoulders and his helmet and then he has poke boys coming up from his uh mount as well this is really really [ __ ] clean azaris this is amazing i [ __ ] love it what do you guys think this is i think a solid [ __ ] nine out of ten at least this is a nice [ __ ] set this is a big dick set good job azaris i'm proud of you very very proud of you let's go to the next one good job fair egg of the deeps this [ __ ] sucks this is one of the worst sets i've ever seen in my whole life there we go what the what the [ __ ] [Music] shout out to my mythic plus team having to play with a rhett but at least he's rank one raider io world season four can tell mccool to get an autograph for gold okay yeah i'll make sure to let him know that i i kind of like this like i i really do because like so so you're using obviously those older shoulder although our shoulders for druids but if you look at the old war shoulders and you put them in an aquatic transmog there's no way to say that it's not just coral with pearls on it instead that's what's so [ __ ] clean about this is he's completely changing the paradigm of what the shoulders are supposed to be and he's making them something different now these weapons right here now these weapons these are called the clickety clackers and these are from um i don't know where they're from i think they're from the boss their boss in uh in nash guitar but i could be wrong about that yeah they're the quickity quackers they're very very useful and um obviously you don't want to get them near your private parts but regardless the helmet is really really nice too that helmet i believe is one of the elite helmets from pvp uh no oh that's what the elite helmet from [ __ ] uh woody caller from ashara's eternal palace this is really really good you know what mount it will be honestly this works the thing is like oh the cloak the quote turn around turn oh dude look at that cloak dude oh my god oh my god that's a crabby cloak that's a crabby male that's a crabby set this is a nice [ __ ] set man vareg i'm proud of you i think you've done an incredible job this is a really really nice looking transmog and i'm impressed by the quality of skill that you have been able to show he's crying because of it good job eric great job he [ __ ] at the beginning and better be taking notes let's go to the next one wodis the argent champion from mcgill's house arnett this is [ __ ] awesome this is like the original terry and forgering from vanilla wow he's using the little helmet that you could get from the uh the bonnet that you were able to get from the legion invasion thing those shoulders right there from furious gladiators as well as the gloves as well i think those could actually be one of the raptor which came pvp shoulders it could actually be i believe specifically those are the savage gladiator shoulders am i right or wrong about this oh [Music] dude dude the boots suck the boots do suck a little bit of a dick right but he's got the canteen right there for water he's got the weapon right there that you get from the broken shore for paladins if you buy the little special box the leggings right there from the garrison bunker this is and also the tabard this is [ __ ] amazing i love this what do you guys think like he's also using this the cloak is it it's actually pretty good i'd say the cloak is pretty good i like it a lot all right get on the mount get on the old mount you're on the old mount [Music] this is great like i i honestly think this is like straight up [ __ ] like this is long dick paladin fantasy there is nothing wrong about this this is the argent charger that you're able to get from a hundred coins back in the argent championship which came out like [ __ ] patch 3.3 this is from a long time ago man i like it a lot yeah if this is if this if you guys were celebrating no no november i think that some people might have already failed these are three good sets in a row nice [ __ ] job load with us this is amazing i love the paladin transmog this reminds me so much of original tyrion forgering i think that you absolutely deserve some acknowledgement for how good this set is now let's go to the next one [Music] jerebel legend of pandar oh i'm a honey mead brewmaster it's good for hair growth [Music] wow wow brilliant absolutely [ __ ] brilliant i would have never expected that listen so obviously that weapon right there is bow wrist it's one of the uh i think the the coloration on that weapon is actually specifically the heart heroic version of beaures and it's one of the random drops from uh throne of thunder it can drop from any of the bosses besides raw den that belt right there i believe is this a uh i don't even know it is this a dragon soul belt that's hard for me to say and then the shoulders and the gloves there are also a monk set as well i forgot which set it is let me go ahead and double check myself because i do forget these things sometimes even myself rangefinder spalders okay you know what i kind of like this i'm not like super impressed by it but i kind of like it what do you guys think the title jezebel legend of pandaria yeah i see that within the guild brb my cat's on fire yeah i get that man yeah and before be mount i don't think it's gonna be the beam out oh because she's a honey mead brewmaster like i know you guys are like thinking they're like oh yeah of course she's gonna get on the [ __ ] b mount yeah duh like yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so obviously you're gonna have to get points to this because it has some degree of originality in it you've got a set that's completely different you've never seen something really like this before nobody ever uses that weapon and on top of that they have a story that goes along with the set that's reinforced by the mount that they're riding i think that's good what do you guys think and it's a female void elf set yeah which is a pretty big positive right there in itself yeah i think that's good that's a solid seven maybe an eight even good job jezebel great work sportsmanship i like it zombreel storms in from the guild wink curve well she's a draenei female so she already has so the helmet and shoulders are obviously the tier two set for shamans uh that chess piece right there i think is one of the i don't even know where the [ __ ] that chess piece comes from actually and then the leggings there come from the trial of our the belt's just the istick belt from the beginning of legion and then let's see what's the weapons here this weapon is this weapon is the heroic version of the axe it comes from the dark shaman the twin dark shaman in siege of orgrimmar and the shield this shield drops from the first boss in trial of the crusader on 25 man okay the boots i do think are kind of shitty overall i think this is a relatively mediocre set [Music] i think it's mediocre okay sportsmanship is nice but you have to be a sportsman yourself and today you're dropping the ball boots are difficult on a draenei i know they are but the fact is that how the [ __ ] does the ice stick belt match with tier two i'll tell you how it doesn't [Music] let's see the mount maybe he can take it home with this mount but i feel like this is not looking good for him right now this is not looking good at all why is the crotch going uh it's an std honestly that's really good like all things considered that is really really good zombrol like storm scrub this is actually nice like what do you guys think like this isn't this is a genuinely good mount like maybe i'm crazy or something like that but whenever i see this i like it i think that it fits really well together and it works really well i like it a lot man what do you guys think thoughts now let's replace it there uh apparently got the belt the amount saved yeah i think it's really good man it's ugly as [ __ ] no i don't think so i actually think the colors work really well and i like it a lot zombreel nice [ __ ] job this is much better than what i originally thought that you were gonna come in here with even though the transmog is a little bit mediocre let's go to the next one the belt does kill it i think the belt sucks too and so do the boots you've got a lot of work to do oh wow [Music] prideful gladiator at this holy [ __ ] you've got the shoulders right there from xavius the helmet there from cruel gladiator elite set for uh pvp the tabard from what is this this is one of the pvp tabards which one is this tyrannical gladiators to bard look at those daggers right there oh my god cataclysmic gladiator shiv with the boots and also the leggings there also from the elite set for season three and the chest piece from the elite set for season three in legion and then the gloves here where these got some conquerors terribly gauntlets i didn't even notice that those are the odor gloves that come from 25 men and then this belt right here i think is also from the grievous gladiator isn't it prideful gladiator same model and that's actually the elite version because it's red this is incredible and then look at the cloak right here oh this is a tyrannical gladiator's cloak too prideful gladiators bro this guy's flexing [Music] dude like the the [ __ ] eyes the eyes sell it man and then he's also using the enchant from morrow to drain or pvp this guy is flexing about his pvp achievements in like three different ways he's got the [ __ ] tabard he's got the elite set that came from a previous expansion he's got the cloak that also came from previous expansion as well all three from different seasons and he's wearing a and he's wearing a rank one a rank one title that is impressive that is really [ __ ] impressive if this let's see the mount [Music] let's see the mount [Music] wow wow this is really really good this is the honor level 250 mount this is exactly what i'm i like to see whenever we're talking about [ __ ] edgy transmog okay this is like red and black this is big dick red and black okay most of the time whenever people go with a transmog that's red and black it's i'm a little itchy boy this is some actual real big dick [ __ ] i love it this is really really good man you guys like it as well [Music] i do this is great and i'll see what his current rating is right now let me see inspecting pvp 2600 that's pretty [ __ ] good nice job man good work this is a bad ass scent it actually looks ferocious and i think the eyes are what makes it really really good battle ward fun night from the guild morally fuchsia so let's see what we've got going on here those shoulders right there the swift steel pauldrons that come from blacksmithing and uh in black temple that belt right there is from uh let's see that's from emerald nightmare for paladins and so is the chess piece those are both the mythic version of the paladin set and then that tabard there is the uh let's see that's the [ __ ] what is that one that's the storm pike taggart from uh from marathi rafi [ __ ] god damn it it's from alterac valley i got too many things in my head man like it's weird i got too many things in my [ __ ] head and the shoulders there uh yeah i already said shoulders the gloves there are from uh the they're from nighthold and then the weapon of course is uh the untamed blade from razer gore and bwl i get too many things in my head i get confused and then of course the helmet right there is from black temple now this set i'm gonna be honest with you this guy stole my set i don't like it i i really don't like to see things like this like if people steal my sets look at this give me one second i'm going to pull this up what did you think about the set as one i thought it was great when i wore it i thought it was really great it was an incredible set listen you're set as a downgrade from my version damn i've not seen that video yeah nobody did it only got 60 000 views but basically [ __ ] irrelevant listen i understand what you're trying to do i understand what you're trying to work with but unless you have a really good mount you're not gonna have a good time here let's go i have no mount good because let me tell you something with that weapon you have no chance of winning either we gotta try a better job annie would be disappointed better look next time hey azmed it's my second time being here the the game mods line the camera hoarder ring a bell slightly yes it does i i like this i i actually like this a lot okay so you've got the world world defilers helmet the world defilers uh chess piece as well with the uh 25-man heroic dk set from wrath of the witch king icc with the shoulders the gloves the boots and also the belt and then these leggings what are these leggings dude the okay this is so good this is so good because the chest piece here he's wearing a shirt underneath the chest piece that actually makes the shoulders and the shirt match together this is so [ __ ] clean i love this helmet and i love it whenever people use the helmet this weapon right here is also a poly on the soul render that comes from kel'thuz sorry kil'jaeden it comes from a killjaden and sunwell plateau this is really [ __ ] nice man this is really really [ __ ] nice what do you guys think it's a brutal gladiator sword i don't think it is i'm pretty sure it's a polygon yeah it's a polygon nice try next time i think this is good i really really like the colors on this i know a lot of you guys are being shitty about this you guys are saying that it's bad i can understand why you say that but i just want you to understand that you're wrong about that opinion and it actually is really good sim let's see the mount that's really good that's actually really good wow uh this is great like all the colors are reinforced throughout the mount it matches in terms of colored theme and also in terms of theme in general this is [ __ ] amazing i i love this man this is act he straight up save this set with this set or what sorry with this mount this is awesome like this took a set from being you have to understand chat hates almost everything unless it's a female character this takes your set from being let's say like maybe uh like a seven to being like an eight and a half or a nine i think i really like this a lot i know some people might disagree with that but i think this is a really really well put together set this is [ __ ] amazing man chats coomers yeah i know they're kumas let's go to the next one this is really good great job man i don't even know how to say your name sam rented in good job aegis warlord of drain world of draenor i'm gonna guild morally fuchsia as well look at them they've all this is their whole guild right here i kind of like this yeah i actually kind of like this man this is good um let's see so you've obviously got tessa man roth right there that's just a chess piece it's a shirt that he's wearing he's not even wearing an actual chest piece the belt right there comes from moroid's drain or pvp those leggings there are the cataclysmic gladiators leggings for warriors and then those boots there i think come from moroid draenor the shield is the challenge appearance shield and then also the axe what is this axe take out the weapons dude the axe is this is such this is such a big dick play for him to make so the shield obviously comes with the flail and he chose not to use the shield with the flail but to instead use a completely different weapon that admittedly i don't even know where it comes from i don't even know what this is what even is this plundered black tooth face what the [ __ ] is that i don't even know if i have that that is an incredible play right there i really like this a lot and overall i think this is a pretty good looking transmog what do you guys think it's from iowans yeah i can see that because it's anything that says plundered is obviously from islands every single thing is from ponders yeah what do you guys think i think this is a solid like eight or nine yeah i like it a lot good work aegis if you get on a mount it's big dick enough you could actually be placing in the finals here no pressure but there's a lot of pressure now i want you to understand something ages this is the mount that i've used many times with this set and the fact of the reason of why i did that is because warwick's raynor had not released by them there are plenty of other primal options with wolves that have spikes on them and little horns on them for you to have to ride this busted ass nasty worn down piece of [ __ ] that looks like the top of it got colored on by crayons we don't need to see this mount anymore man leave it back in 2013 where it [ __ ] deserves this is a dog [ __ ] ass mount it doesn't work it didn't work that well back then but you had to make do now we don't have to make do anymore we have better choices and you didn't choose them good try but not good enough he was so close he was very close but unfortunately it wasn't good enough trying to make my demon under transmog that isn't about to fall from the edge but still screams demon hunter and create the theme of an early age demon hunter i like this [Music] like straight up i actually really like this a lot what do you guys think i i feel like this is [ __ ] badass it fits so well together everything about this is awesome look what do you guys think this is [ __ ] great so these weapons right here which ones are these these are the ones that used to come these are the war waves that came out in patch 8.2 with the the kilt here this is the isn't this the wild heart kilt that came from the tier zero replica wild heart killed holy [ __ ] illidari wow i really like this a lot this is a completely different take on demon hunters that we've never really seen people use before and whenever i see people that go and they use something that's completely different that impresses me i've never seen somebody do this take on demon hunters before this is really really good the belt doesn't match it does if you're talking about like an early age demon hunter i think that it works very well [Music] let's see the mount hit us with the mount dude don't fail us [Music] this is evora the fierce chimera only tameable by those who are chosen by the spirit of ashenvale bro like this actually works what the [ __ ] [Music] like it it works because like our hair is purple as well like this is like because these old mounts i could see this actually being like a night elf demon hunter mount because it has like the nature element to it but it's also fierce because it's got two [ __ ] heads [Music] i like it like i i actually really like this a lot what do you guys think it's a chimera yeah i like the better without the mount i actually like the mount a lot i think the mount works really well because it's completely unique and and like you guys have to understand this is not like an illidan [ __ ] training the illidari during legion demon hunter this is like an early demon hunter at the very beginning of like the [ __ ] first stage of the game this is what a demon hunter would look like and based off of that i think it's [ __ ] amazing like straight up i think this is really [ __ ] nice man good work great work it's an interesting theme and i like it a lot titan slayer yasiraj i'm the strongest of the old ones in human knight form you thought the titans had defeated me you thought they destroyed my heart and pandaria fools we are the ones who heralded the coming of the one true king i will have my vengeance on the titans well of course i didn't think they got rid of you what if they need to use you for a new patch two months from now or two years from now think about that the helmet right here is a tier 11 helmet for i think priests the shoulders there are just the basic shoulders you're able to get in dungeons and bfa the tabard is a nightfallen tabard that weapon right there is the uh i think that weapon comes from gorfin and hellfire citadel it might be the heroic version i believe i kind of like this so it's like an un oh okay okay what do you guys think another purple one yeah it is a little bit purple but i think that's okay what's wrong with purple boys what are you trying to say what are y'all trying to say about purple purple's [ __ ] amazing you guys trying to say purple sucks regardless i like this a lot uh yes raj this is [ __ ] amazing man what do you guys think what do you think you like it let's go and see the mountain yes siraj get on the mount i mean like here's the thing right is like are you doing anything different than what 50 other people have done in the competition beforehand no you're not the transmog is original because i've never seen somebody use i think it's called the spire of the great devourer or something like that with the helmet the helmet and the weapon are really cool but this mount is just played out man it's just [ __ ] played out it's some busted ass [ __ ] bootleg version of a male muncher that people are tired of seeing this one looks way [ __ ] better like if you had started on this mount i would have liked it a lot more but and even that one that one looks really good but the first one that you went on it just wasn't good enough man not good yeah i think that one's probably the best option and tauren gloomhound yes something like that overall i think this is just a typical old god transmog and while it's unique in a way it doesn't really have a good mouth that goes along with it so i'd always say that it's an okay set you could do better you could do a lot better let's go to the next one conqueror of azeroth from the guild nightmare on elf street so what we have right here is edgy dk number 13. now this edgy dk is using the mythic tomb of sargeras helmet leggings and boots and also the mythic antorus dk chest piece gloves and belt and then also the dk shoulders that come from the spine of deathwing on normal mode for his shoulders as well with the weapon there which comes from pvp for your arms where your artifact appearance in legion so the problem that i have with this is the boots these little [ __ ] booties that you're wearing with this massive [ __ ] shoulders if this dude was trying to walk around he would fall over if a strong wind pushed him the wrong way and he wasn't ready for it this is some weird ass [ __ ] this but if this guy was a i know you're a warrior stupid that's how you have the arms where your artifact appearance weapon of course i know that here's the thing if this was a boss in dark souls you would know to hit his feet they would tell you to hit his feet this is very clearly a weakness gilgamesh we've seen this set a bunch of times is this cool yeah i think this is cool is it original no gilgamesh [Music] do not fail me with this mount do not fail me with this mount look back okay i'm going to turn around in 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 get the [ __ ] out of here one [Music] wow i meant look at my back look the cloak is good like obviously the coke and the helmet are [ __ ] amazing like actually let me see the cloak in the helmet again uh get off the mount obviously you've got invincible okay so like it doesn't work very well the cloak and the helmet are [ __ ] amazing i really really like that that is so [ __ ] well put together that is perfect so i'm gonna say that right now that is really really good but using invincible using invincible i'm gonna be honest with you man invincible looks really cool but it doesn't really match with any armor set in the game it just looks really [ __ ] cool if this is a cookie cutter set with a cookie cutter mount and the only good thing about it is the fact that the back of your helmet matched your cloak everything else about it oh come on guys you don't have to throw that much stuff on them just uh you know a tomato would do had no better fitting mount well looks like it's time for you to start farming then doesn't it let's go to the next one thought whenever you look at details work i don't know i think it's that great check my pet's name okay yep [ __ ] wow it's just about as original as your mount let's go to the next one grecish of darnassus yo yo what up um i don't know if i like this or not i think that it's kind of like it almost has an appeal it does it almost has an appeal but the lantern is just so [ __ ] low res compared to the rest of the items and it doesn't really work that well like grannis i see what you're trying to do i think the helmet and the weapon you know all that kind of stuff is okay but the boots are a little bit weird the legs are completely off color and then on top of that the lantern looks like it came from vanilla wow let's see the mount this is not good not good these oh my god look the best thing that you have going for you is your character's eyes with the helmet i think you have a really good base set going on but using the teldrassil hippogryph from the bfa pre-expansion event is probably the best choice that you could have made but the problem is that it can only do so much with the transmog that looks like this i'm gonna be honest with you it looks like you just got done questing in val'sharah i don't like valsharon better luck next time [ __ ] amber though the uncorrupted [Music] i kind of like it i actually kind of like this so let's look at what's going on here right so that helmet and the shoulders right there the world world the fire set that comes from the cocoon boxes the gloves the belt and also the boots right there are from the icc 10 man heroic mode uh dk gear and then the tabard there is from the original uh the original shadow moon valley and then the weapons there are two different off-color versions of the sword that drops from the hellfire high council and hellfire citadel i like this the reason why i like it is because he's using two colors and he's playing into it so if he was using two of the same colored weapons i feel like this set would be much worse but because he's using two different colored weapons he's actually using the blending and if you look at the blending in the gear it starts off green and then it gets purple that's really well done like the blending on the armor is really good everything about this is very very well done like i i know some people might be being you know by being a little bit negative about this stop uh might be being a little bit negative about this the cloak is absolutely [ __ ] terrible um but the weapon is great the weapons are great and i think the set is really good turn back around now i want you to look at something okay i want you to think about something i want you to imagine yourself getting on the most perfect mount that you've ever seen i want you to imagine all the pogs in the chat whenever you get on that right now and whenever i open my eyes i want to see you on that mount i'm going to give you 10 seconds 10 9 eight seven six five four three two one are we seeing a lot of pogs or are we seeing a lot of ruins um all right so listen uh i guess like the green infernal is good but it's just not really that amazing man like i'm sorry to say like it's just not that amazing like it doesn't fit the purple theme that you've got going on here now you have to if you go for a two-toned set you have to find a two-tone mount how are you gonna go with just a green infernal whenever the majority of your set is purple like the green if anything those are the highlights and then you've got this massive green ass [ __ ] mouth it's a saddle that's purple true true um big true so true very true that is true that is very very true that is real as well real and true all right i'm going to give this some consideration that is impressive i think chad is also impressed good job we're gonna go to the next one but i'm gonna keep you in mind that's good let's go to the next one corrupted dreadwing i think would have been better you're right hi asman hi chat so this is one of the uh this is obviously a warlock transmog this weapon right here drops from gruel on normal mode i believe in blackrock foundry those leggings are the leggings i think of the akira it comes from i think that's a nighthold as well the belt there comes from some sort of warlock set as well the gloves also come from nighthold those shoulders there come from mythic blackrock foundry and the helmet comes from dragon soul and then this weapon i think this weapon comes from hellfire citadel but i could be wrong about that what is that warmongering gladiator okay so it's basically hellfire citadel but it's the uh it's a different coloration so it's the same tier of hellfire citadel but not exactly the same thing overall this is a pretty nice looking set and then also using of course the shadow moon tablet as well sam is the last guy what do you guys think he actually is using a really good cloak that cloak actually works that is a really really good quote to use with this uh with this tabard yeah they're both using the same cloak what do you guys think you guys like it control c control v yeah yeah they're both green transmog i swear i planned my set before this yeah you guys standing next to each other doesn't really do yourselves any favors but it's okay they're always gonna judge the two of you guys next to each other till x hit us with the mount get us with the mount get on the mount i want to see it same with my mouth man what y'all doing man what man what what dude like dude i'mma be honest i don't think the i don't think this one's as good as the other one like what do you guys think is that is the guy one better or is the girl one better which one's better the guy or the girl yeah which one's better the guy squad w my man all right i see how it is you know what i would probably have to agree with that i think that the guy one is actually a little bit better too infernal is a warlock pet yeah i would say so it does make a little bit more sense but you could also have the warlock pet anyway it doesn't really matter a whole lot but i do like these sets i think they're interesting and i'm glad that you guys did this idea but um i think that personally the uh the guy one does look a little bit better t-rex the fact is like we've seen so many warlock sets with that helmet and those shoulders and like the the nighthold gloves for like for warlocks it's just kind of boring at this point man like let's go ahead and try something a little bit new like i don't know why we keep seeing the same [ __ ] man let's go ahead we're gonna look at the next one make them duel no it's okay can i try my other one yeah go ahead let's see it geez this kid's spazzing out let's get on near the mountain let's do what its other set is so i'm gonna be honest with you okay if you would use this set chat would have liked it a lot and this is actually like straight up like a one true king transmog tab it's [ __ ] badass chat see look at that chat's already [ __ ] like you should like you have to understand you have to play to the crowd and i i i can make some decisions on my own but i cannot if i said this set was bad i really think the chat would have blown up it actually is probably a better and more unique set than the one that you originally had though to be completely fair i think this one's much more original i like it a lot good job looks really good with santa the light of dawn from the guild blast whisper as a disciplined priest that heals by smiting enemies i tried to mix light colored transmog with a slightly dark undertone clap in the chat boys [Music] oh i feel like it's really kind of low res like there's nothing really that great about this set i mean i think that the chess piece is really interesting but it's not that original you use you're just using the priest tier five shoulders and helmet and using some random chess piece from like vanilla wow and you're using a staff that comes from like i don't know level 35 it's not really that great man like it's not original enough now obviously if this is a classic transmog competition you'd probably have some merit going but overall i don't think this is really that amazing it's a spirit hero not quite um low res yeah this is kind of low res man and i don't think low res is entirely a bad thing but it just has to be original i don't really know if this is original enough this is basically just a tier set with a different chess piece let's see the mount get off that mountain tried to mix the saddle in yeah it mixed just as well as like uh putting nails into a cornbread by the way you don't want to do that why didn't you just get on this one are you crazy why the [ __ ] would you not pick that one at the beginning do you really think that that big ass [ __ ] azer strider mount is actually going to make any more sense than this this is actually pretty good it matches your color theme really well why the [ __ ] would you ever get on the first one like why do you guys do this why do you get on a bad mount at the first time and then get on a good mount the second time that's crazy like this needs to be better listening listen yeah listen my girlfriend told me well [Music] don't you let that woman think for you man don't you let her think for you man you got to be your own man you've got to make your own decisions you've got to go out in life and pick your own mounts you got to form your own mounts don't let her like is she is her character in this competition no it's [ __ ] not that's yours [Music] don't let her run your life i will sir don't let me run your wife either i you know you're doing it to me god damn it all right let's go to the next one one idiot by the way what what what do you mean look at this [Music] did your girlfriend get that too did your girlfriend tell you to do that too did she tell you to do that no she's a smart girl then damn [Music] damn oh yeah dude so all right here's the thing guys is that this is really just two different sets this is the uh this is the elite uh gladiator demonic gladiator set helmet and shoulders with all of the rest of the pieces that come from ulduar 25 man hard modes so and then the boots right sorry the weapons right there are of course the weapons from blackhand this is [ __ ] badass though like i'm gonna say that like this is really really [ __ ] badass i love this set what do you guys think this is a set you would use a hundred percent true dude i i actually think that this is one of my favorite sets in the whole game like the uh the demonic gladiator elite warrior set is one of my favorite sets in the whole [ __ ] game i love it anomaly anomaly i want you to understand something right now you have the opportunity to show that edgy badass looking black and red warriors don't look like morons whenever they get on their mounts there's a lot of pressure on you right now do not get on the wrong mount do not even think about getting on the wrong mail this is for all warriors all warriors are waiting and relying on you to get on the right mount god forgive me where'd you get that mountain where'd you where'd you get where'd you get that mail where'd you get it [Music] where'd you get where'd you get the mount hmm where'd you get it it was a gift you know what else was a gift pandora's box and when it was opened it unleashed the terrors on the world you've unleashed your terror on us can you believe that absolutely disgusting absolutely [ __ ] disgusting a storm out anomaly your set to be honest with you is not that original like while it is cool it is not that original it's really just two different sets put together and i don't think that i would be able to give it a placing however i do think that it's okay let's go to the next one oh good oh diamonds champion of the frozen wastes wow with the dark shaman shoulders right there and the boots right there hey asthma on my lad hey what's up dude with oh my god this is really really nice with the boots right there from trial of valor i am coming from the north yes i can tell i can absolutely tell and oh my god dude that's f dude nobody's done this before what the [ __ ] man oh my god this is crazy oh dude this is awesome i love this this is dwarf thor yeah exactly man i like it a lot good [ __ ] job man like i didn't even know a weapon he was gonna bring out until he saw those those are the offhands that you had with doomhander from back in uh back in legion and now you can transmog them together yeah this is some [ __ ] falsted wild hammer [ __ ] going on i like it a lot this is [ __ ] awesome this is what a dwarf transmog is supposed to look like daimus mount get on the mountain oh he's backing up okay oh it's perfect this is wow wow [ __ ] dude the runes on the face holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's what we're looking for that's what we like to see that is a wow that this is so good is this the uh the woolly mammoth yeah oh my [ __ ] god this is a this is what you like to see this matches in terms of the [ __ ] color it matches in terms of the theme i'm gonna kick for this but shout out to my boyfriend listen he asked me to so you're telling me you're a sympt for your boyfriend now you just do anything he tells you apparently it's a lucky guy all right let's go back over to the next one listen this is [ __ ] amazing the colors are really well done the blue honestly this mount would not have worked for anyone else except you and for you not only did it work it excelled this is [ __ ] amazing i love it what do you guys think you love to see it yeah you love to [ __ ] see it man i like it a lot man this is really really good let me go to the next one [Music] what the from legend of pandaria from the gold pone stars so listen so he's using the store chess piece okay like i don't know if i can get over this but he's using the store chess piece with the shoulders from siege of orgrimmar and then the boots right there are from i think these are like aren't these like crafting these are like crafting frost resistance boots and legs from burning crusade what the [ __ ] is this polar boots polar boots what the [ __ ] is going on here why do you have a banana get him out of here get him get him out of here what the [ __ ] is this so listen it's this is almost like this guy has on frost resistance gear if frost resistance gear was still a thing but unfortunately it's not so i don't really know how highly i'm gonna rate this he's good i think it's unique okay it's definitely unique let's see the mount no no no there's no reason to cry it's all right but the gloves are just super low res the gloves are [ __ ] garbage let's uh actually for this set that works pretty well for this set this one works actually pretty well what do you guys think i kind of like this yeah this actually looks pretty good man it's nice it's very well designed i think that overall it's a really nice set the brown sticks out too much yeah i feel like obviously it could have been a little bit better but overall i think this is really well done i like it a lot i think this person put in a lot of effort into this and i can see why uh i can see why they did i think this is a very very good job man i like it a lot let's go on to the next one this is good though i like it good work i'm proud of you it's a seven to seven eight i know matches yeah it's all right i think it's unique at least like i'll say that for sure like whenever i see a transmog like this it's not like super amazing or anything like that but it's unique and it uses a color theme that's very unused i'm impressed by it regardless because it's always good to see people trying new things let's go to the next one the fabulous okay [Music] i will attempt to be unbiased okay i hate pandas i think they suck i think there are pieces of [ __ ] i think the belt that you're using there from emerald nightmare lfr and giorgio's staff of pure moods from a g [ __ ] in throne of thunder and the shoulders there from the antorus set for monks bro this guy's this guy's dealing with more balls than a porn star look at this this is ridiculous he's got [ __ ] like 12 balls on his character this is incredible i don't want to see this this is nasty there's almost a charm to this but i want to emphasize the word that i said just a second ago almost get on a mountain poobie let's see the mount wow that's [ __ ] awesome that's actually really [ __ ] good wow i'm so glad that this game isn't realistic because if it was this little [ __ ] crane's legs would break let's try and carry fat ass going around dude yeah right dude listen this is [ __ ] amazing like this is a set dude i i really think this is a set that would only this is what i love to see man is somebody has a set that just looks like trash but you go ahead and you put a mount on it and it just ties it together perfectly like this set went from being a two to being like a nine like this is really really good wait what do you guys think like i really i really like this a lot a 9 what the [ __ ] yeah i mean like the color theme especially with like one of the riding cranes and having it reinforced throughout like not only his primary color of the set but his secondary color as well that's really really good man i i don't know guys like i like it a lot good [ __ ] work man this is great poobie i'm proud of you man i'm [ __ ] proud of you like you came in here as a panda and this guy might actually get a placing dude i'm [ __ ] impressed same legs what's this picture y'all were linking around what's this give me a minute let me see what what's this picture y'all are linking around all right that this mount can run at 100 speed okay it doesn't matter how skinny the legs are if you're running fast if you're going fast it's about it's about the form it's about the being focused on on running fast okay same legs it's not the same legs okay mine are about deers are strong too yeah i'm like a deer man that's completely fine there's nothing wrong with it it's aerodynamics exactly let's go to the next one [Music] yo what yo what oh my god those are the offset tier five shoulders that come from ssc and tk the helmet that came from the tier 13 set for warlocks and dragon soul the chess piece that came from the tin man version of the tier 8 set for warlocks and ulduar and then also the staff that he's using that comes from the priest artifact appearance holy [ __ ] this is nice wow this [ __ ] came straight out of meanest morgle i love it god damn he has a second one they'd like to show all right well we want to see it let's see the mount first though let's see the mount i like it a lot yeah i i love this [Music] that works that works dude that's the abyss seeker or abyss one that comes from mistress chasing in and uh sargeras this is great man i i [ __ ] love this this is really really clean like the reason why i like this so much is because i have literally never seen somebody use those shoulders before those shoulders have been [ __ ] irrelevant throughout all the transmog competitions i literally cannot remember a single time that somebody has used those shoulders and i don't think anybody has ever used that version of the pre-start effect appearance weapon that is really really nice can you get off the mount so we can see this again oh my god that's the staff that's that's really good that is really really good i don't know which one's better honestly like i feel like they're both really really good like that's the staff that comes from i think shop pride in siege of orgrimmar this is really really good nice job lilith i like it a lot good work i'm proud of you of the jungle from the guild of devastation well please let me explain something to you okay if you had to rate your transmog on a scale of one to ten what would you rate it he's like a 10 of course would you know what my rating would do to your transmog it would multiply it by zero well this is one of the saddest sorriest excuses for transmog sets i've ever seen in my entire life i would say you're an n a spy but even the na have more pride than to come into here with this scuffed ass primal demon hunter transmog that looks like you just stepped right at a timeless aisle or sorry not time was all at a tan and jungle and you're just in your full [ __ ] bin thicker or what even was it back then been thick painful like i don't even [ __ ] remember you do though because you're wearing it [Music] this is the worst set that i've seen today the reason why it's the worst set that i've seen today is because of the fact that it's so unoriginal and it tries to be original this is absolutely bad i understand that you come in here and you want to do your best but you need to know that i need to give you my best type of rating and today well your set [ __ ] sucks get on the mount i think it's bad i think it sucks i really i think it just straight up [ __ ] sucks get on the mount [Music] the green proto drake wobbly i cannot think of anything more boring and unoriginal well i see that you're trying to do something that's at least kind of good i just don't really think it's that great it's okay i think look at everybody see here's the thing right now i'm the [ __ ] see here i i do man listen i am not the [ __ ] here i am doing what i need to do i am saying what i need to say i don't think that it's that good i'm not bullying him i'm motivating him to try harder next time and that's what he's going to do isn't that right you're going to try to find a transmog that's a little bit better maybe i'm a little bit hard on demon hunter transmogs but you know what we need to do a better job with them let's go to the next one [Music] walpole you did an okay job i guess all right a chatty happy now he did he did okay the mount's okay i it's okay listen yeah i do better next time though [Music] blood champion karanda [Music] with the corrupted ashbringer off hand appearance off color appearance the shoulders right there from highmaul that are just like the regular shoulders i think those are the lfr version of the high mall shoulders they could just be words drain or epic items uh those gloves are awesome from morrow draynor that belt there comes from 25 man old war for warriors that chess piece there is from just questing over there on the horde areas and bfa the leggings are from i think that's from told the gore and then the boots there also from questing over in the interior guard sound i actually think this looks pretty good what do you guys think you guys like it [Music] yeah i think this is good yeah this i i like this this is great not the boots you guys don't like the boots i can see why some people don't like the boots i like the color theme and i think that it's good and i think the usage of the belt is definitely interesting i don't really know how how well this is actually going to go but the reason why i'm saying this isn't complete trash is just because it's original and i haven't seen people use it before but i do want you to understand the set is really not that good so let's go ahead and let's see the mount corondo let's see the mount somebody in my chat said before anything he said that he's going to use the honor level 15 mount and that person in my chat is a [ __ ] prophet i read it obviously it was a pretty easy decision to actually come to that conclusion but the reality is that this mount matches very well with your transmog gentlemen what do you think that was me okay is boring i don't know if it's boring guys i think that it's actually pretty nice uh the mount works really well with it and i'm impressed i like it a lot coronda i really like what you've done with your mount and i think that it looks really good your transmog itself is pretty mediocre so i don't really know how it's going to average out but i do think your mount is a perfect match for your transmog let's go to the next one holy [ __ ] twilight van sure twilight vanquisher oppa oppa from the guild wipe it off i'm gonna have to after i get done looking at the set this is awesome holy [ __ ] this is amazing this is the blood elf heritage armor with the shoulders the belt and the boots right there with the leggings and also the gloves there from the first season of uh legion pvp for male classes and also the chess piece as well with the helmet there from i believe that's the ruthless gladiators helmet from cataclysm is that right about the helmet here let me go ahead and double check real quick ruthless gladiators helmet how could i possibly be wrong and look at the [ __ ] bow you never see this bow this bow is the uh vengeful gladiators longbow vanishful gladiators longbow from burning crusade holy [ __ ] this is really nice this is a completely original [ __ ] set man i love this we have never seen the bow matches the mouth all right get on the mount let's see it i like it i'll be honest i like it you guys think that it's ruined i i i actually think this is really cool like would have been better with a netherland drake i actually don't think so because it would have been really low res and it would have contrasted badly with his character i i think this is really good like obviously i think that transmog itself get off the mount i think the transmog itself is incredibly well done like everything about this this is something i have literally never seen somebody try before and again i do want to say i am very very biased towards new ideas if i see somebody come in here with a new idea i am always super [ __ ] hyped to see it and i think that what oppa did here was absolutely a new idea so oppa i love this i think that everything about this is really well done and overall i like it a lot this is very very well done dark phoenix i think this is great purple does equal wind this is brown it's only got a little bit of purple on it what do you mean yeah right dude regardless i think it's [ __ ] amazing man it's a completely different theme and i've seen before and i like it a lot good job drunk catherine the guild storm's end ah i mean this is kind of like a very very hey laddie my wild number brandeis also often wear nothing to shoe off their chest but have you ever gotten your nipples frostbitten whenever you're too high up in the skies of snowy mountains no thank you addy okay i've never actually thought about my nipples getting frostbite but unfortunately because of you now i have so you know i think this is actually a pretty interesting set and one of the weapons he's using here is pretty cool this weapon right here is one of the new one-handed weapons that comes from exiles reach and he's also using one of the original doom hammer maces from uh the shaman artifact appearance and then the rest of his pieces are pretty much all of the uh they're the heritage armor for dwarves and then also some of the pvp gear for um for uh for hunters and male wearers back in uh in legion as well i think this is okay bit little baby griffin yeah yeah i know a little baby griffin yeah two heritage yeah i think that you've got the uh i think it's the the belt and uh the legs i think are heritage but regardless i think this is a pretty nice looking set get on your mount griffin everybody knew it this is really good like in terms of cleanliness this is really really good especially if you look at the feathers on the back of his head with the feathers on the griffin that is really really clean man like i i hate to say it like it's a basic set but basic doesn't mean bad basic is just really well done i'm straight up impressed by this and i think this guy actually did a great job with this set what do you guys think beard clipping uh the beard clipping i don't really give too much of a [ __ ] about that i don't think it matters overall i think this looks great man i love it i think he did a great job with this and i like it a lot less is more yeah sometimes less is more and i think with drunk cath it actually makes sense less is more great [ __ ] work a very basic simplistic dwarven transmug that works very well good job i'm proud of you let's go to the next one titan slayer native so let's see what he's got going on here i think the best part of this set is the fact that he's dual wielding the strom car weapons there's the original base artifact appearance of strom car which is the arms warrior artifact weapon he's also using the boots right here these boots are pretty [ __ ] weird those are the boots that come from the first boss and uh the grothy world breaker that's the first boss in mythic from argus all the rest of these pieces are pretty much all of the shadow ends pre-order set minus the helmet that comes from world questing and zuldazar and then also the belt that comes from i believe that's the wild gladiators belt from pvp and uh let's see yeah wild gladiators belt from pvp back towards draenor so i kind of like this but i feel like it might not be original enough by the way asthma what thanks for the new world beta king yeah sure dude sure my pleasure what do you guys think yo what do you guys think the helm killed it i do think the helmet looks a little bit stupid bro like i'm gonna be on the helmet it just it comes out of [ __ ] nowhere it's like you've got this badass [ __ ] titan slayer transmog and then you got this weird ass [ __ ] [ __ ] going on on your head dude and then also so much of the set comes from a store set that's not really that impressive to me because you're wearing like there's only like two pieces really that are different than the full set man like how's that supposed to get my dick card let's see the mount okay here's being wrong and here's being right you're like right about here you are so close to being right but you're still in the wrong category this was so close to being a hit this is like whenever somebody is like trying to hit a baseball and they hit it and they just hit the very tip of the baseball and it goes like this and then it just goes into the back and they still get struck out that's exactly what you did you just do the little boop and that's it yeah that's a foul you got three more chances not that good native you almost hit a home run with that mount you almost did but unfortunately you gotta take another swing let's go again what would have been a home run i don't know funny figured out inquisitor grin gwenfell [Music] kolteran monster hunter and witch slam specialist at your service wow damn fat geralt yeah fat geralt dude the old fat witcher yeah i guess so dude listen i like it man i think it actually looks pretty good like in terms of like a bfa transmog like everything about the theme works really well and i do like it man yeah what do you guys think yeah he hunts hamburgers exactly yeah what do you guys think yeah it's like fat gale almost yeah i don't know like i feel like there's a lot of uh a lot of comparisons being made do you guys like it or not i kind of do actually i think it fits really well together gwen fell let's see the mount once you get on a good mountain i don't always slay the beasts i hunt sometimes i capture them bend them to my will and force them to do my bidding what the [ __ ] i'm gonna be honest i don't think this mount works that well it almost makes me feel sad for the mount you ever seen like a really really big person try to ride a miniature horse and you feel bad for the horse gwen that's how i feel right now listen i'm sorry to say this needs to be a little bit better it needs to be a lot better honestly fat gerald a little bit too fat for this mountain you got to try a better mount man it's like it even like this mount even emphasizes your belly man like i mean come on like you gotta try something better than that i i just i don't think this is gonna work a whole lot let me go back to the next one and we'll see what else we've got all right blood champion jackeye lieutenant jackie reporting for duty i've been sent on behalf of ward yugamon and castle natharie to ensure that only the best looking adventurers join us in rev drift vanity is a very important part of our people this is actually really this is actually pretty cool so like let's see what he's got going on here um those boots right there and then also the shoulders are part of the wild gladiator set for pvp back in warlords of draenor the gloves right there come from heroic argus and also the helmet comes from her like argus in the uh in in antorus the sword of course is the lionheart executioner and then the chess piece there the chess piece is the most interesting part about this entire set the chess piece is the tier seven the naxxramas 25 man dreadnought chess piece recolor from 25 man max that is really nice and then of course the belt right there is one of the pvp belts that i think comes from warren's drain road as well and the leggings come from the antorus warrior set i like this like this is really good what do you guys think like the belt sucks i don't think it does i i really don't i think this is actually pretty cool weapon sucks i i do think the weapon is a little bit low res okay i will give that to you guys i will agree with you guys the weapon is a little bit low res but that does not mean that the set is bad i think this is a great looking set and i really like what he's done and how he's put it together i'm very impressed by this and i actually like it a lot this is really really good yeah i could enchant the belt of the bellar i feel like it could be a little bit different but overall i like it a lot this is a rivendraft transmog before shadow ends comes out and i'm impressed by it i like it a lot good let's go to the next one fireward freak so he's going with an asthma gold transmog oh wow i i don't know why i forgot about your mount sorry freak uh give me one second jackie get on your mount sorry i don't i don't know why i got confused get on your mouth the mighty steed and i have a history above the time of the month i saw kirian drop a white-haired man into the skies the scouting party was sent and returned with two of these all right that's clever the mighty seat and i have a history yeah yeah very very [ __ ] clever listen i actually think the warforged nightmare would have been a better choice than invincible i hate to say that a storm out would have been a better choice but i genuinely think that it would have been am i right yeah i feel like it i feel like it would have been much better overall i just don't really feel like an invincible it's just like it's such a hard mount to make a transmog around and i don't think that you really hit the you didn't really hit the nail on the head you didn't miss it but you just kind of [ __ ] up okay like that's about it it's not amazing it's okay i would say it's okay but it's not amazing let's go to the next one time walking see there's no way it's too blue now this this is really good like what do you guys think about this i i really really like this earth ripple i don't even know what shoulders these are these are [ __ ] amazing man like a chest is [ __ ] i think the chest sucks too personally so a lot of the other pieces i think are so [ __ ] good in this set man this is not actually a fireland dandy set only the helmet is from firelands and i think maybe the off hand is too but i don't remember um overall i like this a lot it's just it to me i feel like what is this offhand here molten scream yeah probably from firelands actually besides that the weapon there is from words of draenor pvp and i think it's like the warmongering gladiator slicer regardless i think this looks really nice this is a fireland set this is a fire mage set that also is kind of evil at the same time and i like that man this is a firelands mage yeah what do you guys think the color of the fires don't match i think they basically do like they don't suck they don't they match well enough for it not to be noticeable that they don't match this mount right here this is your chance to prove all these [ __ ] wrong do not get [ __ ] not oh swinging a miss swinging in a mess that's the [ __ ] up that's the [ __ ] up dude that's a big old [ __ ] up listen i'm gonna be honest it looks like dog [ __ ] to me this mount doesn't work at all it doesn't fit with the more intricate nature of your set it's very basic it's very plain and it's very well designed your set is not you know what's really sad is that person throwing the rotten orange on you actually made your set look better get off [Music] it's perfect wait you guys like it you guys like it all right get back on it get back on let me see it let me see it again [Music] uh all right you know what it's not as bad as i originally thought it was okay especially whenever like so whenever we originally got on the mount i didn't see like the uh the chest here with like the fire coming out of it i think with the chest with the fire coming out of it it does look a little bit better yeah sure but is this really something i get super excited over not really like i think this is an okay looking set but it's not really a winner in my mind i just i don't know i don't think it's a winner like am i wrong like i don't know like chat pressure no no it's not chat pressure okay i know the chat listen here's the thing guys i know that chat sometimes likes to disagree with me and that's okay but sometimes i can agree with them sometimes i don't overall i can see where you guys are coming from whenever you say this is a cool looking mount and maybe this one might have looked a little bit better i i don't really know but overall it's kind of hard to find him i i i think this looks way better like yeah i think this is way better like okay i'm not the only person yeah this is way better come in here with this mount next time and you might actually get a placing i like it a lot good job let's go to the next one predator carmoda from the guild the new alliance i've never seen somebody that's made the amount of it's made me want to faction change more salam akanum uh yes of course so uh what do you guys think let's order well i don't know what erder is murder for a league okay that's cool i don't play that dumb ass game so i'm just going to assume that i didn't read that overall so this guy is a primal [ __ ] okay this guy buttfucks sabertooth tigers that's impressive he's got one right there on his t-shirt there and then the uh obviously the leggings right there come from kul tiras the belts from the lfr version of hellfire citadel the weapons i really like the weapons that helmet there comes from a quest line in terror car forest which is extremely rare not a lot of people have that this used to be very a very good way of telling that bad warriors were there what is this your rip fang paw i don't even know what the [ __ ] that is yeah i don't know what the google earder it doesn't really matter a whole lot to me man if it's some league thing who gives a [ __ ] charmoda i like it but let's see the mount [Music] check cloak that's pretty nice that is actually pretty nice man this this guy lives off the [ __ ] land okay here's the problem with your cloak though is the helmet is so the craghorn reaper what the [ __ ] oh my god wow i uh i'm kind of a fan of this yeah what do you guys think i i like it in a lot of ways is it supposed to be nunu and womp i have no idea what that is but regardless i think this is really really nice like i kind of like the reason why i like this is we have never once in a competition had somebody use this mount as a mount in a trans mount competition and anytime that we have somebody do something different in this way it automatically impresses me because they're doing something new and they're doing something unique i love to see people that are trying new things and doing new things this is awesome to see i'm very very happy to see this man good [ __ ] work charmoda i like this a lot i'm proud of you [Music] good work let's go to the next one check pat jamie atkinson who the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that suppose what's that what's that supposed to mean i can you can wha what the [ __ ] are you talking about i can't google it i'm gonna google [ __ ] i'm not gonna look up some [ __ ] i'm not gonna look up your pet the hell out of here swedish right-wing politician [Music] he's a cat irl okay yeah whatever who gives a [ __ ] he's a swedish trump well he's gonna build a wall and he's gonna keep out i don't know who the [ __ ] they i honestly i'm beyond i don't know what i don't know what the bordering countries of sweden are i'll be honest i don't know listen and people think like here's what you guys need to understand like this is not about like being an american i only know where like five states are i know texas florida california oklahoma's on top of texas four states there it is four states i don't need to know where they are doesn't matter to me it's irrelevant oh even i know more than you thank you this is awesome this is actually a really good set greetings oh so great warrior i'm an old archmage that lives alone in a tower on a small island i love this straight up i love this this is an incredibly well well done set so he's using the mage tower artifact appearance for the frost weapon the helmet right here this is one of the helmets that comes out of the hollows end event with the dude these shoulders and the chest piece and the belt right there from the uh what's that emerald nightmare and the gloves what are these gloves from is this from uh stone wrapper stone warper wraps isn't this from like uh blackrock foundry i don't even know this is really really good this is straight up it has from karazhan no it's not um i love the [ __ ] weapon i love the helmet i love the shoulders i love the chest piece i think this is actually a really really well done classical mage set from like a fantasy perspective i love this man this is a straight up [ __ ] wizard i like this a lot let's see the mount mr wizard show us your mount i just use mountains if i have to get to my old buddy i already does the job nicely usually i just teleport okay so let me go and explain something to you get off the mount [Music] you're very lucky you can teleport because that mount sucks that is an absolute dog [ __ ] ass mount the transmog itself is amazing i love it but the mount is not i don't like the mount yeah i i don't like it i really really like the transmog but i don't think the mount looks that great man he tried though oh yeah he tried i mean that's great that he tried i'm very happy that he tried it was good though i don't think that it was that good like get back on it again let me see again let me see it again [Music] i can see why you guys like it okay like i can see why you guys like it can i at least say that i i can see why you like it i don't think it's amazing personally but i think that it's okay how about that i think that it's okay it's high fantasy it is certainly a high fantasy amount that's definitely true check the saddle on the back yeah i think it looks okay the cloak is pretty shitty though but overall i think it looks okay you know it's fine uh not i guess it's just not what i was expecting more so than anything else let's go to the next one [Music] oh my god oh my god [Music] i have something to say asman i bet you do i bet you do let's hear it it seems like more and more people have discovered some kind of add-ons or third-party programs to get in faster so it was really hard to get in with my bare hands i recommend to change the group name to something else to prevent botting okay thank you i appreciate that i will look at and figure out a better way to do it thank you i will try something different i will make different names or do it on a different character or something like that obviously this is very important for me to preserve the integrity of our competition and make sure that we always make the right decisions and we do the right thing we'll figure out what it's going to be though where am i cool he's uh he's chilling i don't know where mcconnell was that one guy hmm i really kind of like the boots the belt and the weapon i actually really kind of like that read chat [ __ ] what did he say again one more thing oh [ __ ] sorry step back a bit and close your eyes ten nine eight seven six five four three two one uh okay all right let's go to the let's just let's just go to the let's just go to the next one all right i don't even have anything to say i have nothing to [ __ ] say shameless beyond shameless okay beyond [ __ ] shameless let's go to the next one that one guy from the guild royal night elves i actually really like this a lot i think the helmet and the shoulders and everything matches together very well i think the red on the on the weapons accents it in a quite interesting way and i think this does look good it's like a desert blood warrior or something like that i think it's cool uh not amazing not incredible but i think that it's nice get on the mount let's see the mount this it better be a good mount by the way not a bad mill a good mount that one guy camel oh oh wow oh wow okay that's a really good choice i like it a lot nice [ __ ] job that one guy oh my god i like this a lot this is really really clean man like i've never seen somebody use the scorpion mount on a desert transmog like this before the colors work really well i just enjoy this yeah good [ __ ] job an elite version of edwin ben cliff yeah something like that this is really cool yeah this is some [ __ ] yeah like the scorpion king or some [ __ ] it's badass man i like it a lot good work park i've you see what you made me do do you see what you made me do listen i'm gonna go and explain something to pankrut the dreamer here's what this is this is the kind of set that i see these girls on twitter using as their profile picture and if i ever wanted to stalk them to see if they were hot in real life i have to scroll through 40 different [ __ ] pictures of achievements that they've gotten in wow to find one goddamn selfie this is too much i am sick of this [ __ ] what is this garbage man he's using the wings you're gonna use the wings are you [ __ ] kidding me man i i dude i i cannot [ __ ] deal with this there's too many people they're using these [ __ ] sets and it drives me crazy it drives me absolutely [ __ ] crazy using the wings and you know what the worst part about this is the worst part about this is that it's really good that's the worst [ __ ] it's actually really good like i'm sorry like it's actually really really well done like the colors are amazing like the fire lands gloves and boots there are really good the tabard there of the i forgot which tabard that is the bfa tabard i believe is really good the weapon is perfect like this is really great why do i have to why do i have to say this is a good let's see the mouth okay pancreate let's see the mouth [Music] okay [Music] okay i feel a little bit better about myself i think obviously the mount is interesting but i don't think that it's a great choice i think that it's an average choice it's an okay looking choice but it's not necessarily something that's perfect like i'm very glad that i'm very glad that you didn't get on a perfect mount because if you did i would feel like kind of an [ __ ] having to not give you the placing because you're wearing those [ __ ] wings honestly i think this is really really good like even wings not even included this is really really good i'll check your cloak in a minute that one guy this is a this is a great set i'm sorry to say this is actually a great set cloak is very good that's the firelands vendor cook i like it good job i'm proud of you i actually do like to settle on the purple unicorn is 10x better i don't know thanks asman yeah of course day night day in night vengeance incarnate now i'm going to be honest with you your set isn't bad it's boring this is a boring set how many dk sets have we seen that are just like this this is a good set it's not a bad set but it is boring why is it boring let's talk about it number one the only two cool pieces that you have are the helmet and sorry the shoulders and the chest piece that obviously come from the emerald nightmare dk set you have also the belt that comes from pvp and worlds or draenor with the starting dk sword wow i think that's interesting can somebody is what are we are we in another plague here like why is it raining fish today why are we why is it raining fish get him out of here yeah what is this god damn day and night vengeance incarnate listen this does look decent okay but it only looks decent if you get on a really good mount i could see this doing well but you have to get on a really good mount a really good amount the ice bound frost brood vanquisher i think that's actually his ice bound or blood yeah it's icebound so here's what i think think that you're a death knight and i think that you can't stop reminding us that you're a death knight that's what it is i think this is boring day and night the night is literally in your name it's daylight savings today so i'm gonna save you a spot in the top five and we're gonna give it to somebody else inquisitor again well i already looked at you yeah i already looked at you dude [Music] what the [ __ ] dude all right gentlemen get on your mounts i will be raiding you on just hey hey hey calm down calm down boys calm down calm down everybody go ahead and get on your mounds let's go ahead and rate everybody horde was way better yeah the horde set was way better imagine swift gloom hoof i don't need i don't need to imagine it dreamer i actually have it or pink red i already have it tell me what you guys like tell me what you don't like all right so i'm sorry for my bad mog you don't have to apologize for having a bad transmog okay all right gentlemen you've all come in here and you've done a relatively good job some sets are shitty some sets are not but at the end of the day you've come in here and you've done a pretty good job and i want to say that i thank you all for coming in and being such good contestants there's been relatively little uh spurgory and because of that i am impressed now gentlemen it's time for us to pick our top five place is a set that i never thought that i would give fifth place to whenever i saw it in first place sorry the first time i thought to myself you know what it sucks dick but then you know what whenever he got on his mount it was so well done it was so clean it was so nice i think bobby deserves fifth place like i actually think this is really good i'm going to put my biases i'm going to put my racism aside and i'm going to do what's right i am going to give bobby fifth place because i think that you deserve it i think this is a really really nice looking set and i think that you deserve some recognition for it bobby congratulations you did a great job and i'm proud of you fourth place poppy what country are you from i forgot probably what country are you from norway all right good shout out to lads on ravencrest alliance we're a norwegian guild recruiting something not sure what but they told me to shout them out there we go fourth place [Music] fourth place is going to go to somebody who i actually really think deserves it i like this set a lot it's a basic set but i think that it's still really well done fourth place is going to go to load wikis the argent champion this is an incredibly well done paladin transmog not only does it remind me of the original tyrion forge ring in vanilla wow but it also reminds me of the argent crusade in a positive way this is an incredibly good job there's nothing wrong with this set i think that it's incredibly clean and it deserves some genuine recognition i love this load wikis good job i'm proud of you and you are getting third place fourth place good job proud of you good work now country lord wikis what country are you from i always forget about this i don't know why i'm forgetting about this but i am load because what country do you hail from bulgaria thank you all right baldgaria y'all are so stupid this is embarrassing third place third place i saw it i loved it i think he deserves it third place is going to go to azaris i think this is [ __ ] amazing i i love it this is a this is an amazing badass set everything about it is super clean and honestly i think that second and third place are about the same by the way second and third place are about the same i love it everything about this works the mount works as well i generally just think this is a really really nice looking set and i like it a lot good [ __ ] work azaris i'm proud of you you're a great player and a good person let's go to the next one i like this a lot good let me go ahead and give him a little mark here actually i can't give him that one [Music] what country are you from what country are you from lazarus norway again all right hey there it is norway again second place second place is going to go i think you guys know who it's going to go to second player place is going to go to prideful gladiator of this i love this this is just a straight-up [ __ ] badass set this is just a it's just a straight-up [ __ ] badass set man this is really really well done man i love it this what country are you from what country are you from this sweden all right all right let's see how it is now first place some people might disagree with this and i would call those people wrong first place is going to go the dimentus champion of the frozen wastes he absolutely deserves this this is an incredibly clean and well done set in a way that's unique that we've never seen before i love this the fact that he was able to combine the uh the colorations on his head with his mount as well i think that he deserves first place for that it's incredibly unique it's very well designed and i think that he deserves first place for how well designed and how good this set is and how well its mount matches with the set i like it a lot good [ __ ] job dimethus great [ __ ] job you are first place diamontis what country do you come from greece [ __ ] yeah man an actual greek god x that's a round of applause for these people here you guys have done an amazing job obviously i do think that last week's was a little bit better but this week's was really good too there are some really great sets and i'm very proud of you guys i will go outside real quick because i know a lot of people usually have uh have like a little group outside that they want me to look at i'm gonna do that very very quickly gentlemen great [ __ ] job great transmogs today i think you guys did an amazing [ __ ] job you only said four people shut up i didn't okay let's go down out of here yeah some of these uh some of these actually do look pretty good i like this one here the reinhardt transmog this is pretty badass yeah that one's good a few more of these are actually pretty good too all right let's see what this is oh wow damn that one looks good there's only war look at that that's badass too that's like a 90s comic book villain i like it you're like a [ __ ] a cartoon villain that's [ __ ] weird oh that's good too damn yeah these are actually really well done wow the first ones on reddit yeah i can see that these are actually really well done laura mess as well what the hell is this damn yeah some of these actually some of these sets are really really good so much better yeah i like the i like the chaos space marine set right here this is [ __ ] awesome man uh it's actually really really cool about lilith the priest it was really hard for me not to give it a placing and if i was going to give it a placing it would have been third or sorry sixth place a hundred percent i like it a lot yeah i like this one a lot too like overall i really really enjoy this one a lot a lot of these are great you guys have actually put a lot of work into this and they've actually done a great job i'm very impressed by these sets excellent job these are really really good i'm gonna go ahead and just look through all these real quick good good good good gentlemen gentlemen we have had an incredibly great transmog competition today we've had a great stream and anyways guys it's time for me to call the day thank you guys everybody for coming out and being part of this i really appreciate everybody watching today we had an amazing time and i appreciate everybody watching so until next time boys peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 792,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold eu transmog, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold eu competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold transmog comp, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold eu, asmongold competition, eu transmog, eu transmog competition, asmongold alliance, asmongold eu alliance, alliance transmog, asmongold best transmog competition, best transmog competition, asmongold best transmog, asmongold best competition, asmon eu
Id: 0uTPL3Xey9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 0sec (6900 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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