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hello it is time we are here i am here with asthma gold and we are going to be doing a real life tier list i really feel like i'm in my element here you know usually we go out and we have fun we do like real life things yeah but just sitting in front of a camera eating fast food i really think i'm gonna be able to handle this and uh we'll really have a good time guys uh we brought out a lot of really uh the the known favorites the burger kings the mcdonald's as you guys can see and we'd like to actually give you our expert opinion on exactly how these things really work and what the best kinds of hamburgers and fries are here now i don't know about nick here but i've been eating fast food i have a 20 i'm 30 right so probably 29 years of experience eating fast food what about you nick uh i've been eating fast food when i was in the womb my mother would actually specifically eat okay like church's chicken so i'll get some of that fried crispy chicken so just uh just to get you started the right way it's like the same way they have like they put a like a speaker next to the womb and they have like mozart yep she did the chip she did it she did it for fried chicken okay and that obviously turned into my love for hamburgers i can see so that's uh that's pretty much what's going on here that's amazing i uh what's your favorite favorite my favorite fast food so my favorite fast food now this yeah this is it's very specific okay and i don't eat it often maybe once or twice a year but it's it's dutch kfc what the [ __ ] yes uh kfc from the netherlands all right is the is actually my favorite food on the planet what's the difference it is just a million times better is it because they use like real chickens i think it might be that wow it might be the real chicken um but the thing is like so you know when like you get a hot wing here in america it's like drenched in this hot sauce oh yeah yeah what they do over there the hot sauce is somehow cooked beneath the breading so it's a it's a nice crunchy uh like chicken but it's hot that seems like a how does that even happen oh my god i don't know how they do it wow okay but so it it's tasteful it's not just like this overloaded no like just a bunch of stuff and your hands don't get covered in like whatever no it's and i'm telling you whenever i go to europe yeah i schedule an eight-hour layover okay in amsterdam i leave the airport yeah to go get this kfc you go there once or twice in eight hours uh twice if i can i go with my friend marco and it is dude it is you have to try it and even their fries are really good that's crazy like i i know that remember back do you do you eat windows a lot yes okay so do you remember back in like 2005 where they changed 2006 from around there they changed the fries for wendy's and they used to have no they had no skin on them and then wendy's decided to put more skin on them i thought that was so stupid yeah and i i i ate them afterwards and it's like they just basically agreed to stop trying yeah like they're like we're not even gonna skin our potatoes anymore and we're going to act like this is a good thing for you like i can't believe they even let this happen like i've been waiting i've been talking about this a lot recently because i just ate well i ate the fries and now you just pull them out and it's like a like a soggy like a dog dick that you just pull out and you really it's disgusting and you pull this thing out and you eat it and it's got this sea salt like this is kind of a magical thing oh my god wow sea salt i can't believe it and it's kind of weird because i used to always think mcdonald's fries i mean these were okay you know but i mean never mcdonald's fries and uh i i never really rated them that high but now that wendy's has just they've taken in dropped the ball they took the ball they threw it away yeah and i think we're gonna have to rate the mcdonald's fries a little bit higher i don't know what do you think it all depends it all depends it all depends like um fries yeah as long as they're not bad you know like it's hard to mess up fries i don't know about that wendy's didn't really so is it unedible or just not as good as it used to be that's not as good as it used to be because i remember back in the day it used to be good yeah but it's it is it okay is it edible when you go to wendy's do you still eat them yeah i still eat them like cool because yeah why the [ __ ] was it it's literally the exact same paradigm as wow yeah like wendy's fries started going bad about the same time that wow did no really and it's like it's 10 years later i still [ __ ] eat them every day and i still complain about it but i don't forget how good it used to be you know it's what it used to be man it was great the wow players paradox man it's just we're just living in the past you know it's uh yeah like remember back like you know back in wrath and you think about like wrath of the witch king it was like five years ago finds out it's 12. oh wow yeah i have to go down it's 12. yeah yeah i'd have to i think i should might be longer than that oh my god yeah so we've got the burger right here yeah and one thing you might notice if you look at the burger oh there is that one yes okay so that's the fly it's okay um that's it it's it's more accurate it's more authentic that way yes and so the burger the first thing you want to look at whenever you look at the burger is that the mcdonald's hamburger paradigm is the same paradigm as a lot of uh a lot of people on tinder and so they have like their profile picture and you see this and they look beautiful they've you know they're 20 pounds lighter and then whenever you meet them you find out that profile picture uh was whenever they were in freshman year in college and now they're 26. so uh this is the 26 year old uh using their freshman picture in uh in college or sorry in in on tender so what i'm really trying to get at here is that the mcdonald's hamburger presentation is one of the worst absolutely and it's absolutely one of the worst and another one of these i want to go ahead and give you guys a little bit of a tip here is that if you ever want to get a big mac but you don't want to spend the money on it okay because [ __ ] them right and uh get order and make double and then ask for big mac sauce and they will do it is it the same thing pretty much yeah oh wow and so that that's something that people have done for a long long time now mcdonald's has kind of caught on to this over you know the past like 20 years because the more people have talked about it it's like you're kind of exposing the secret yeah and um now they sometimes don't do it or they'll charge you for a big mac anyway or you know it's some kind of [ __ ] but like most of the time it's because the the person there feels like they're being taken advantage of you know it's like you're the guy yes and it's like you're getting played by this jackass in a car listening to katy perry it's like [ __ ] you i'm going to charge you for a big mac anyway exactly yeah [ __ ] him i'm an american let's do it first bite hmm what do you think um it's all right what about you i think it's all right no it's it's all right who's the problem with mcdonald's is mcdonald's they're trying to make they try to make a new chicken nugget every three years when for the past 30 people just wanted a better hamburger and that's the problem with [ __ ] mcdonald's is that quit trying to make all these special little cool foods that nobody wants like a caramel frappuccino with uh you know chocolate in it like what the [ __ ] is what is this shake shack is this uh culver's no man like just make a good hamburger you know the last mcdouble i ever ate i was driving home and i took a bite out of it and i looked at it and i said i'm never going to eat another one of these again oh my god yeah and you remember so many individual burgers and why don't you want to eat anymore well it's because i didn't want to yeah it wasn't good like it was i mean it was all right you know like mcdonald's i just feel like it's so weird because like mcdonald's is the hamburger place but the thing is i go to mcdonald's i get chicken really yeah chicken nuggets i get mcnuggets i get 10 10 mcnuggets and my mom would take me and then she'd give me six six mcnuggets so whenever i got older i would i moved up to ten yeah and then you know back in the day mcdonald's they're they're trying to cheat us i'll tell you guys something they used to not charge you you guys they're younger in here there's like probably maybe four or five people under 25 in here yeah this is a very very old community i can relate a lot of milfs yeah um so uh the amount of uh the the barbecue sauce that you used to get at mcdonald's it used to be free you used to be able to just go up to the counter and be like bro can i get another barbecue sauce and they would just give it to you they would just give you the barbecue sauce so it's not a big deal now it's 29 cents wait what they charge you per barbecue sauce and they even have it like rationed out to where they will only give you so if they give you a six piece they will give you one if they give you a 10 piece they will only give you two and if they give you a 20 piece get this they'll only give you three three you should be four what's the yeah what's the [ __ ] math there yeah and so on top of that yeah it's ridiculous so i like i feel like i i like i don't even want to get them as much anymore because i feel like i'm being you know again taken advantage of you know they're [ __ ] with me they are yeah it's too much money man it's way too much money yeah that's crazy it's insane yeah so the question is now after we we the after we've had it we've tested the fries i personally like the fries i think i think mados fries are great yeah like that's just me personally where on the list i'm feeling like it should be around the b absolutely b absolutely i think mcdonald's is absolutely a bee what do you guys think yeah the reason i think it's a b guys is because uh the burgers uh they've had a number of uh you know misfires with these burgers and um they've got their chickens great uh the drinks are at least cheap even though they're not doing styrofoam cups anymore the only place that the styrofoam cups anymore is jack-in-the-box which used to sell drinks for dollar and then they stopped doing that and uh other than that i mean it's pretty much just mcdonald's and the fries are good too they've had the same price for like 100 years or something and uh don't mess with success yeah i think b is a solid rating yeah i think b is absolutely where it should be all right there it is all right the burger was bad it might have looked bad but it tasted like a b like it's it's like i would i would if i ate the rest of this burger i would i would actually be like kind of satisfied because it tasted pretty good yeah yeah i mean for sure like the only reason i didn't eat more of it is because i know we've got all these coming in yeah that's the thing i actually want to feel the rest of it but cool that's good so what we're going to do is we're going to put this all the extra food into this bin here um i always put it out there either way yeah i don't know i'll put off yeah it's we're not gonna like because everyone hates when you waste food you know so we're not gonna we're not gonna publicly waste we're going to recycle it we're going to recycle it yeah we're going to recycle the food yes we have to move wow okay take a guess uh okay uh uh dairy queen wendy's winnie's yeah oh here it is oh [ __ ] all right here we go okay we got ourselves an extra okay here gentlemen you want to hear oh you're right look at the skins that [ __ ] dude look at that oh my god yeah yeah get let's let's just see a close-up of that and then we've got oh that's a big boy wow oh my god okay thank you yeah thank you thank you thank you all right i'm gonna oh this is hot i have a confession okay i cannot remember the last time i had a winnie's burger really yeah why i just don't usually i usually i love the wendy's nuggets so i always get the nuggets when i go there yeah dude i'm not gonna lie i know why there's flies in here because they came with the no they came with the trash bin oh the trashman had them and that's why because there's usually nothing in this room that has like any sort of life in it yeah but let's just check it out dude so you want to take a look at the fries first since we got this right here so as you can see wendy's just gave up um they gave up they were like you know what we're not going to worry about cutting the skin off the fries anymore we're not going to worry about cooking them to the correct temperature we're just going to get like basically wendy's had a problem that people kept complaining that the the fries were soggy and the way the wendy's decided to solve that was they just had them soggy from the beginning and the weird thing about wendy's is that yeah like ashley didn't know this and many people don't know this but this burger i can tell just by the wrapping this is one of the rip-offs this is a rip-off what and this is this burger um ashley was this probably about five bucks yeah yeah it was about five bucks um that's [ __ ] everybody knows it and uh like you open up the burger right and it's got a bunch of this green [ __ ] on it i gotta get that off there and uh it was it was it was okay i don't think it was anything special it used to be and i don't think that i would order this over the chicken nuggets no uh so basically i have like a tear list in a way in my head of whenever i go to wendy's i will decide there's like three different things i usually get four things really yeah is actually so do you i'll talk about that afterwards it's very important but i'll remember it it's a frosty keychain thing and um so the main thing i get is the six nuggets right six spicy nuggets and um the thing with the six spicy nuggets is that it's just it's it's a dollar fifty right which is like kind of a lot of money it's a quarter per nugget but they're really really good like the chicken nuggets if i'm ever feeling sick i don't get chicken noodle soup i get spicy chicken nuggets if you're feeling sick spicy nuggets spicy nuggets because it'll it'll cut it out it doesn't matter what it is it could be like it's your medicine stomach ache covid anything you just eat them and that's good not sponsored by winterfell you just say spicy chicken nuggets well i mean that distract you if anything you're not gonna have to think about it yeah and so like that's like the tier one right and so i always get nuggets and then i will usually get value fries because the difference between like medium fries and value fries is like value fries are like 70 of the medium fries yeah medium fries are twice as much [ __ ] that and so anyway you're mid maxing well yeah yeah it's also like i i don't want to have a bunch of foods and i'm not going to eat like why would i want to do that true to waste yeah it's pointless and so i i did that and then uh like that's tier two and then tier three is the uh the chili right i usually get that but if i'm feeling really hungry i will go and i'll get a double stack right but that is at the bottom you know it's definitely no double stacks mean two patties yeah yeah use two guys but i want to say so basically wendy's i want to let everybody know this and this is a really important thing is that every year wendy's does a little charity thing and the way the charity works is that they have like a little keychain or you can put on on your keychain and every time that you buy something at wendy's you can present this little uh thing i don't want to go down it's in my car and i want to go down and get it because it'll take me like forever it's probably like lost but uh you can present it and every single time that you buy something at wendy's they will give you a free frosty and it's a small frosty it's like this little tiny frosty thing they used to be the original uh small frosties but then they downgraded them into this like weird like water cup thing that they give to homeless people because they don't want to give them an actual drink cup and so that's what they do and uh anyway so you get this little tiny thing and basically uh if you redeem it like five times or six times you're already making your money back yeah and then every time after you that that you redeem it for that year because it lasts for a year you're literally stealing from wendy's and you like it and i steal from them every single week how many do you get like a year uh i probably go to wendy's like maybe 20 30 times a year overall okay maybe more like 40 times sometimes if i'm feeling good that's not just so did you eat like fast food every day yeah uh well maybe not like every day but like pretty much every day you read a homemade meal yeah my mom makes me steak okay yeah yeah i like steak and i also like uh other things that have to do with steak dude i swear we're like the same person yeah yeah like because that's what i eat yeah just stay i have no words oh it is well how do you feel about the burger melina this is not good because you took everything that's good off i still have pickles and yeah yeah i mean yeah he rearranged it more than anything yeah i took the pickles off there's no pickles there's no tomatoes you don't eat a burger for the pickles and tomatoes you eat a burger for the meat no you no you eat the burger no that's a hot dog you eat a hot dog for the meat in the middle of the bun you eat a burger because it's you stuffed with a lot of tacos with like relish and all that stuff yeah chili cheese hot dog burger burger is what you put a lot of stuff on yeah okay so let me see we got the writing here um moana what would you rate it that burger that i just yeah yeah a c okay all right nick you want to be a little bit more serious here i think at it's best it's a b i think that wendy's and this is by the way i want to make sure that you guys understand like this is this is just for the burgers like wendy's overall i think is obviously like an s to your point absolutely yeah it's s tier overall hello yeah but if you tried wendy's for the first time today and this is what you ate and the only burger and you you didn't have a bias point of view what would you rate this burger what would i rate it i'd say it's probably like a bee and it's behind mcdonald's yeah i would say it's behind mcdonald's like the burgers like wendy's is great like wendy's is ester oh absolutely if you consider all of what wendy's has to offer but if you just look at the burgers the the dave singles the dave's doubles the baconators especially the [ __ ] baconators like the baconators how much like they have like two extra slices of cheese that don't need to be there yeah and it just kills the bacon taste it's disgusting true burger king burger king now you didn't jabed us and get us the the impossible whopper no thank god i'm not gonna eat that yeah it's not me it is fake that's what it is so i really do believe uh like look at this right here they're so heavy they fall down this right here is what wendy's fries used to be like this is burger king is carrying on the tradition of what wendy's fries used to be and if you look at that hamburger you look at those fries right there there's no skin on those fries they're just delicious just want to straight forward huh have you guys ever had it where you went to burger king and the guy at burger king did the biggest bro move possible and he put it on the ring he put an onion ring on top of your fries never on top but i've had it in there uh the best thing is like the burger the the thing that you can smell it whenever they do it and just makes you feel better like i don't even like eating them but i like the smell so here's the issue i'm having right now aha this bun feels old and stale it probably is it feels like it's an old bun let's see what it looks like this literally could be something like an abortion oh jeez not in texas you got that right brother this looks it looks something else dude pickles are just stop pickles are just a plenty so what's with this is there gonna be mayo on every single one of these oh my god so i'm just not a pickle guy if i eat the pickle it just tastes like pickles i have a rule yeah it's called green equals bad blue equals good blue equals good yeah so if anything is blue i will eat it if anything is green i will not eat it wait what is what is what is blue what is blue uh usually things like uh like blue flavored uh gummy worms yeah or like blue kool-aid slurpees sour patch kids yep but like what blue would come on a burger nothing nothing yeah hopefully nothing yeah exactly hopefully nothing so we got the burger someone said mold mold oh blue cheese you're right but i don't eat blue cheese that's disgusting is your burger kind of like stale too honestly like i don't even care if it's stale it doesn't matter to me doesn't matter it doesn't matter to me okay okay all right i'm gonna give it a bite what is this a whopper this is one thing like look right here so like you use the pickle to clean up so clean it off right and you can put your thumb on under the pickle and that way you don't get your hand dirty did you eat them now you're norwegian how do you feel about that as a as a non-american i think that's eight here yeah it's a it's a big dick burger i mean they are burger king they're not wendy's where they have a whole bunch they specialize in burgers it has it in the name you know what i mean like it is literally called burger king it's not mcburgers it's mcdonald's it's not like i don't know let's say wendy's nuts but like i don't know like that's the only joke i could come up with but like yeah burger king is delicious i i think burger king is one of the best burgers out there like unironically it is i do too and uh the only thing i don't like about burger king is that they're nuggets like oh here's the thing right it's like if you if you have if you can make ten nuggets for two dollars man that ain't chicken no like i don't eat them just because sometimes it's even less than that yeah it's like i don't know what is what that is but i am like just on principle i see it it's that cheap it's like i go to the store and there's like the store brand it's like the normal one is like you know 18 and the store band is two nah man like there's something [ __ ] up with that there's no way man there's no way so burger king drinks however our problem um yeah well the medium drinks are paper drinks okay they're start their cardboard drinks and those cardboard drinks if you leave them on your desk for about it will leak through it four days uh four days it'll leak through and then i actually had a science experiment with a wendy's cup yeah from back in 2005 or so and i actually have left this wendy's cup on my uh on like a chairs on a chair it's like a shelf and it's been there ever since 2005 and i've just like been watching like the soda week out of it for the past like 15. is the liquid gone now no no it's still there because it's like it's like crystallized back into like uh it's like you know how like in uh you know the prehistoric age they had you know these little moths that would get inside of ammo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's crystallizing wow yeah it's crystallizing at this point are you trying to make oil ars tier what do you think i think this is like a very very very high a tier burger like this is like the highest eightier or the lowest s here yeah i think a i think front row a yeah front end i think front row a all right chad thinks a as well what did you guys eat for mcdonald's it was a quarter pounder it wasn't even a big mac okay i think the only thing that would go in the str for me would be a big mac for mcdonald's that is the one thing in the world burger best burger [ __ ] ever it is so good the big mac yes the big mac makes me feel weird because it has that middle bun i'm not gonna eat that that's stupid yeah i'm not paying for bread yeah i don't like that middle bun it's like what are you doing here and how did you get here that's stupid but i don't like it it's a supportive cushion it's weird it's just weird no it holds up all the mustard mayonnaise and ketchup together with the pickles it keeps it together it's weird it's perfect i uh never had a big mac in my life because i just look at it and i know i don't want it like i'm not yeah i'm not gonna eat a burger with three buns like that's just a that's a cheap trick just to get you to pay more for less meat if i had to guess this is is tips here oh no but i think this is gonna be shake shack five guys you can tell oh my god don't be careful actually don't drop that it's a hundred dollars show them the bag so the way you can tell look at the grease coming from the bag this is american five guys yes how much was that bag you're holding actually 45 bucks with no drinks the drinks are like three bucks there yeah like imagine that imagine trying charging three [ __ ] dollars for a a plastic cup or sorry cardboard cup it's it's disgusting yeah so let's go ahead we'll take a look at what we got going on in here so we've got ourselves and they have these fries here these fries are these burgers are massive mm-hmm i don't know if thank you let's see let's see oh my god it is hot it is hot so this is a 20 burger it better be oh my god wait a minute so we got two burgers and two fries and that came out to 45 [ __ ] dollars yeah my point exactly two burgers two fries 45 by the way back when i was i had a different girlfriend and uh we used to go to this place called wait no never mind that was you i used to go to this place called called chili's and you get two for 20. you get two full meals two full meals and an appetizer and drinks for 20 bucks yeah we're spending 20 bucks for just this uh-huh joey's has got some pretty decent fajitas yeah they do okay so the burger itself is uh that that's much better though like the colors are more vibrant yes it's better put together i mean like obviously every burger after you take it apart unless it's made by gordon ramsay is going to look like that's going to look like [ __ ] you know what i mean yeah but this is a pretty good i can tell it's real food because i can smell it yeah i can smell the onions yeah i mean better yeah they can smell the money yeah that's true oh my god 20 dollar burger look at this i used to eat a lot of five guys when i was on keto because they do this mess of lettuce wrap burgers yeah a lettuce wrap burger yeah oh uh carl's jr has that too tomato they have these like little cubed onions i hate onions so much man oh i actually love them they make me so mad like whenever one time i uh i i went to taco bell they put onions in my burrito when i told them not to yeah i literally wanted to go back and just like slap the burrito on the window of the taco bell i'd be like you know like right no onions on it with the rest of the burrito uh the beans like a big crayon yeah yeah exactly dude i'm gonna go ahead and take a first bite okay go for it dude this is pickles is this default mayonnaise and pickles on every burger is that like the go-to i don't know like it's disgusting no i'll say that so what are you doing right now asman what did you watch i try to get get all this stuff off of the knife man i don't want them trying to sneak some some onion into my meal so the thing with five guys they're burgers here these are the these are delicious right i think these are delicious hamburgers wow wow the taste yard is good there it is the taste molena put this put this in your mouth i am full put this big meat in your mouth this big greasy meat come on please there it is bigger mouth there it is there's something about it man i'm good thank you that tastes like you can make it at home like a really good homemade burger that's a good thing though right yeah it doesn't taste like um like burger king and big macs that it doesn't taste like fast food and i don't think you guys should have included this because you cannot get it in a drive-through window um okay that's actually a really interesting but we can't get it delivered yeah but you get anything delivered true you don't think wait so you're saying five guys isn't considered fast food fast food yeah is it fast food or not guys i don't think it's fast food because i hate when people compare in and out and five guys because the price points are entirely different that's true and you can't get a drive-through it's just not the same i'm gonna google it is in and no one else five guys guys fast food five guys is a american fast casual restaurant chain it's not fast food it says fast casual restaurant what does that mean fast casual sounds like fast food to me fast restaurant that's what it says it is yeah it's like chipotle i think that's a good way to look at it well you can't get drive through shake shack it's not the same it's not on the same ship i can see that but like really because to me it all seems like fast food yeah i would consider five guys basically fast food because it they give you burgers fries and a drink and you get it in the same way you know it's pretty much the same it's the same presentation yeah they just have a drive-through window yeah they put it in the same [ __ ] bag they just don't have a window like we'll rate it but that is a that's definitely uh a contention point i'll say that for sure yeah five guys burgers and fries i think the taste of this burger is is is is for me and s yeah because it just tastes it tastes real it tastes like it tastes like my mom it tastes like home what do you think morning i i've never gone to five guys and not left without feeling sick from eating too much it's like a yeah but is it is it a good kind of sick like oh man i want to throw up i'm so happy or oh man i want to throw first off it's called the itis i don't think so i think it's um it's uh too heavy of a food it's we're talking about taste not your feelings yeah i don't no no i don't like it that much well good thing is that's true that's terrible absolutely here we go right there the first there we go boys there we go i can tell you there's probably a lot of people who are mad about burger king why are they mad about because i know burger king gets a real bad rap hair in the states yeah because they're stupid like the thing is that burger king is delicious man like it really is like they they even toast the buns like and they do all kinds of other stuff like it's char a char grilled it's not like they take it out and they microwave it like in some of these other places it's all right man do you want burger kings are good burgers you wanna hear something sad what so we we love this stuff this is our [ __ ] yeah it's killing us everything is but like faster than normal oh yeah they're like like like like my mom's projecting that i make it to about 40. okay all right because i eat so much of this i'm surprised you make it to 30. i'm surprised you're even still here dude me too especially after today's morning i went to the doctor and they did a whole bunch of tests on me and they said i'm good what about your arteries how can you test that because that's where they're going to get you through a bypass what do you mean like the arteries like it's it's not so much we're unhealthy yeah is that our arteries are covered in in this grease the truth is like i actually don't eat a lot of uh blood work yeah blood pressure my blood pressure is really good yeah um like i i only eat probably like one i eat one full meal a day and then i eat a small breakfast and then i eat half of a bag of beef jerky a day basically that's pretty much what and sometimes i'll replace to be jerky with like uh like five brownies that's it so i really only have like one big meal a day like well yeah because i used to get used because i couldn't afford three meals and so i trained my body to just have one meal and then i would just eat everything out of that one meal uh shake shack dairy queen dairy queen now this is something that i have never had in my life never had dairy queen i have never had dairy queen burgers in my life dairy queen wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute the fries are the same as burger kings yo what the [ __ ] no shot dude i can't remember if it came with you or not look at these it's the same fries am i wrong it's the same fries oh this one has cheese on it for sure is that one i don't know no way it's the same wait a minute wait a minute can someone google it does burger king does burger king own dairy queen they change their fries interesting i'll change them interesting so here's the burger the dq burger oh no this one's hard too chat what do you guys think that thing by the way chat listen it's rock hard that's because it's uh it's toasted you know like that it's not like because it's uh it's [ __ ] up oh cause it's toasted yeah it's so so like that that's because look how hot it is man it is hot as hell yeah this is hot and hard yeah wow i have never had by the way if you guys don't know a lot of your european dairy queen is a place that is famous for its dairy and beef isn't dairy beef is meat they both come from the same place so yeah yeah yes but one is milk uh-huh one makes milk true yeah so i say oh they always hide the pickles they really do no they're not tricking me so so when i was growing up the dairy queen near me didn't have food like burgers it just didn't did yours always have burgers i don't remember i always went there just for that until i got older all right i've never had one of these before i'm gonna give it a go oh oh you don't like it no this to me nope zero i'm gonna be honest i feel like they've really dropped the ball this is not good i'm gonna have to take a bite of this five guys burger just because that was so bad no you know what makes it bad though right is that nasty ass uh mayonnaise is that what that was yes that nasty-ass mayonnaise man like i never get it with mayonnaise mayonnaise is like the corrupted version of ketchup so there was this there was this rumor going around that high schools use gym mats for uh for burgers oh yeah and this is what this tastes like it's just it tastes like [ __ ] man like i'm gonna be honest like the uh the dairy they changed the fries too the dairy queen fries used to have the same uh diameter as the mcdonald's fries and they used to be a lot longer yeah and because you would get them because i get chili cheese fries at dairy queen and um it was a few bucks cheaper than the the hamburger meal so i would just go with it now dairy queen does have there are some positives with dairy queen i do think that if you get dairy queen like when you eat in and you get the right uh the right hamburger it's good it's definitely good but it's really the fries are delicious and these are [ __ ] up like this is the wrong [ __ ] fries man like this is this is trash and my dairy queen is way better than this but if i was raiding this i was eating it for the first time this would be bottom of the [ __ ] barrel yeah this this is this would be bottom of the bear i would not give this to my worst enemy what's so weird to me about this is that i i eat this and i'm like man this is awful but i know that it can be a lot better someone in chat just said i work at dairy queen and they microwave their burgers that's what some guy in chat that's not how it used to be back in the day man that's not how you used to be a lot better budget cuts yeah a lot of them and i think we'll put what do you think f d bro i mean i mean i'm gonna put this as like a i'm gonna put like right i'm gonna put right here dude i'll put right there like it's not even like all the way into a d it's like a low d it's really bad yeah it's it's sitting right there that's that's actually awesome like i i actually love hearing stories like the one you just shared somebody said she used me i had her pay for my food sometimes ooh what up that's awesome man so we got another one yeah all right um in and out i've got every single one wrong jack-in-the-box okay oh i've noticed something i've never had either what's this oh [ __ ] did you get western bacon cheeseburger it is what it is did you just like number one basic amber all right yeah we should have told her the exact ones like big mac so uh carl's jr is hardy's for those of you guys up north uh it's a different way why do they have different names i don't know yeah thank you thank you oh this one comes oh my god this looks weird look at this one it's like dripping oh my god it's squirting on me oh you have to pay extra for that oh yeah there we go let me uh clean off my plate real quick so uh what we got here is the old carl's jr and um asman chat's confused what are they confusing half of them are crazy half of them are dance gaming it's because of the mayonnaise man it's like a foot when someone sees a foot it's like do i craig as him do i dance game yeah i think that carlos jr so i i used to go carl's jr a lot and i actually really like carlos jr i think it's really good they have the western bacon cheeseburger and i actually don't like what this is cheese i don't know what the [ __ ] that is dude so wait what yeah i don't really have much of a sense of smell open that one up is there cheese on that one um there's that wait never mind maybe that isn't cheese what is this oh no yeah okay it looks like a lot like the uh the sauce they have at in and out okay chat what do you guys think so far what are the visuals looking like okay oh wait wait look at the upside down part of the burger oh my god dude this mayonnaise this is disgusting i have a towel please yeah thank you okay i hate to do this i'm going to have to wipe off the mayonnaise with this paper towel this is disgusting it's the worst like and it's not even a burger the burger's fine it's the sauce that's on the man it's like this red weird like i don't even know what it is oh this is the nastiest thing i've ever had my whole life it's gross dude okay like look man here's the thing is i am a very very picky eater okay like i like having a hamburger there are four things i like on a burger mustard ketchup cheese and bacon and if it has any of those things i'll be happy but if it is any other thing besides that a barbecue sauce is fine too but anything else besides that i don't want it like it's disgusting the sauce dude is [ __ ] nasty man like it it's so bad i'm gonna try and eat another bite from the other side maybe there's gonna be less sauce in there dog the sauce is disgusting the burger is fine but the sauce is disgusting what who likes the sauce what's that what type of sick freak likes this sauce i'm not kidding i don't know man like like is this sort of the person that likes like cbt is that the same person who just likes you know girls you know peeing on them like what is this yeah yeah what is this yeah it has to be the same guy if you like girls peeing on you you probably like this sauce i think that's probably about it yeah it's really really good totally agree like it's just just gross man because it's you're not when you take a bite you want to taste the bun you know the cheese you don't want to taste like this of dudes just came into your mouth yeah this nasty ass sauce yeah it's like a mix between common hot sauce it like i've had come in my mouth and it's the same consistency it's the same thing it's the same consistency why would you put this on a burger oh all right wait sonic yeah there we go we were just talking about just in time all right we got no which sonic is this uh that is carl's jr you don't want to oh we never even rated carl's jr oh [ __ ] i forgot okay it's a d right over here yeah it's like i'm not i think it's worse than their you know what it's better than dairy queen yeah it was unedible it has a high d yeah that's a high this is cheese oh do you guys want a peppermint i feel kind of bad i feel like it should be like the right hamburger is an a but like the base hamburger is a d i have a friend that makes furry suits now really yeah okay you wanna hear my take about furries what and i'm just gonna say this once i understand why people think it might be fun oh cause why because not like the not like the uh the sexual part of it uh-huh but like putting on like a fursuit and like annoying people oh yeah it's fun it's fun for you it's like i always think that it'd be that would be like a really cool thing to uh you know like if you get to be you know chuck e cheese at chuck e cheese yeah it's fun and you get to like make the parents mad whenever they're uh they're paying for a birthday party there yeah like pissed the dad off there's like no way he's gonna punch chuck cheese on his kid's birthday so he's just gonna sit there and deal with it exactly so asmin yeah this is going to be all you all right because i cannot eat that that sort of cheese i'll replace nick for this round with this bird okay i'm not soy we gotta show the burger off to them okay show them the burger here's the burger with the leftover tomatoes from carl's jr it has a wet bun it has about eight pickles two leaves of lettuce and uh one tomato it also has a fat layer of cheese oh my god yep so it has mayonnaise and ketchup as well and yeah again two leaves of lettuce let me try give me a plate i i can't eat cheese chat i'm not soy i just i can't do it if i eat the cheese i'll literally get sick okay we're getting a lot of dance games europeans europeans do you want to come to america what you want to spit it out okay all right okay don't be gross boy all right well asman so um sonic is famous for a lot of things yeah oh i had no idea that was sonic i wouldn't have eaten it it's not fam it's not famous for hamburgers is not and uh there's a reason for that so i used to uh i used to really like sonic and then i went there with my friend cody who was in jail for a while i think now he's out of jail okay and um he got a uh a foot long hot dog like a chili cheese coney and i realized that he paid the same amount for that as i paid for my shitty little hamburger and that was the last hamburger until right now that i've ever eaten a sauna yeah because i stopped getting them because the hot dogs are just better and there's no reason to ever buy a hot dog or sorry buy a hamburger if i could buy a hot dog so just they're superior so my question is yeah and maybe this is just me being me why would sonic make a burger that doesn't taste good well i think the reason why it doesn't taste good is because it's overloaded with mayonnaise like there's way too much mayonnaise it's like people had a circle jerk on top of this hamburger and then they just slapped it on they slapped a bun on top of it and they said here you go it's a burger bukkakee yeah exactly and uh it's just disgusting that's why it's bad it's not even really bad because of the of the burger the burgers like it the burgers suck right the burgers like these are not burger king burgers okay gentlemen but at the same time they're still not awful but the reason why these are so bad is because of the extra stuff on them and the burger itself doesn't carry it you have to have the extra sauce or the extra uh you know stuff on it so if we're talking default hamburger from sonic that's pretty [ __ ] low like i like sonic and you know what's really weird is that sonic actually has a good thing you know like if you're if you're fat and you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious about ordering a lot of food yeah well they have a uh they have a drink there it's called the route 44 and you can order a route 44 and that's a 44 ounce drink but they don't like people like you don't have to you don't have to say out loud that you want a 44 ounce drink right it's like oh we're just driving to route 44. oh it's a code yeah it's a code name and so that's the 44 44-ounce drinks and because the large see that they get you here is that they've got the large is only a 32 ounce drink and the route 44 is the 44-ounce drink yeah yeah that's the big one that's the big boy and uh that's child size in america it's the size of a child and yeah and uh so that like that's one cool thing about sonic they've got a number of like little special drinks they've got like you know 100 different drinks that you can have and uh also they have hot dogs i think the hot dogs are just better like these hamburgers suck i think this is probably our first c-tier rating what do you think yeah i like it did not make me throw up almost in the same way that carlos jr the dq one did with their uh the mayonnaise i didn't even have it so you can do whatever you want but i want to show you what's wrong what do you think finn can you go to this camera so you see this burger right it looks fine looks like any other fast food burger but the thing is that there's so much [ __ ] on this burger that the bread is wet so have you ever eaten a wet bread before to the point where you put it in your mouth it makes you gag this bread right here you can squeeze it look it's it's like a pimple it's [ __ ] disgusting all this [ __ ] at the bottom it makes the bread so soggy that whenever you put in your mouth it makes you want to gag and even the bread on the top is like that so that's this is what happens when you put a whole bunch of [ __ ] at the bottom and you let the burger sit for longer than two minutes it just turns into [ __ ] mush it is so gross and it feels like a if you ever had a hospital before that tastes like [ __ ] it slides down your throat it's [ __ ] disgusting not in a way that you guys think sexual is just like things sliding down your throat it is like eating [ __ ] poop it's so gross this is the bread ruined the whole thing to the point where i couldn't even taste the rest also this [ __ ] is so dry it doesn't even stick together but judging by looking at it i think it's it's bad wherever you want to put it i'm gonna put it first see i i think i think sonic like as i said overall if you consider all of their this is a hamburger list okay this is a hamburglar it's a c for hamburgers man like it's just it's not that good i don't know what that was it's just it's just not that good oh they're saying f because they want to put an f oh they don't like it there's nothing worse than that dairy queen there's no way yeah yeah the dairy queen one was trash that was garbage like no man like the sonic one is definitely it's definitely better than the other ones it's 100 better than the other ones like dude guys chad if you ate if you f if you if you ate that dairy queen like like you know like when when people have like like they give birth in a tub and the afterbirth floats around that's what the uh i was actually thinking about that that was the uh the same way that the uh what was it it was one we just said that the carl's jr yeah that's the way it looked yeah like after birth yeah after birth in a bathtub it had like an an oaky and oaky taste to it it's just disgusting man okay after birth yeah are you trying to quote the offense yeah okay after birth stop that's funny yeah that was just disgusting that i'll be honest and this is this is the way that they're showing up yeah i'm not really enjoying myself as much as i thought i would because some of these are really bad these uh well the thing is like these birds stop that's graphic like like like like some of these are just so [ __ ] gross that i'm losing my i thought i'd be like in heaven just rock hard ready to go you know but some of these is the last few we've had well i think a lot of people need to understand like what this list is for right this list is not an overall assessment of all of the offerings inside of the store this is just purely based off of their default hamburger this is the if you go into sonic and you ask for a hamburger this is what they're going to bring you if you go to burger king and you ask for a hamburger this is what they're going to bring you so it's not like this is like obviously sonic would be way [ __ ] higher if we were considering the drinks we're considering the hot dogs etc right but there are some things people are not happy about sonic over carlos jr let me tell you something man carl's jr has 17 different kinds of burgers like a lot of these are fine like yeah a lot of the burgers are fine i like carl's jr probably more than i like sonic burgers and i would agree with you but there's a difference between the default burger and some other special item on the menu these are default burgers yeah that's right next that's shake shack for sure okay i can tell by the bag so i'm gonna say i've never had shake shack before this is my first ever shake shack i'm excited please for love of god do not cover this in mayo yeah the mayo on everything already look how already how good let me double check this is the right one oh these are fries oh my god look at this wait let me see yours is your cheese on this one okay perfect okay chat i'm not gonna like biased you is that the word check how this one shows up look at these look at how these are showing up like does that not look like it look just look like a way better burger already that looks like the picture that they put on the map yeah like look at that oh my look at my hand i'm getting a hand cramp look at that mm-hmm look at this and push it back oh isn't that crazy mikey bring me some water i'm sorry i know you just have to do it for me i know oh dude i'm over here cramping up and she won't go get it for me god don't fall over don't you need to have a okay then all right you talked man here talk about the burgers and you have to do the tour don't you need to have like uh something with electrolytes to remove the cramps maybe you have gatorade yeah all right let's go through this burger ramps crave check this out look at this open it up look at this is the first dark lettuce i've seen and the mayo we're taking with these tomatoes and the mayo actually looks like it's gonna have some sort of flavor to it i'm [ __ ] excited i'm ready to send it first bite dude first bite thank you finn it's hot too i could actually taste the meat it doesn't it doesn't you know it doesn't remind me of my hockey locker room days or my whole team would just you know come into my mouth and just it just tastes oh yeah i can just taste it you know what do you think asmr is the first burger we've had for a while where you can actually taste the meat over the sauce yep hmm milan you want a bite you just spit all over the burger elena me and you kiss each other no we [ __ ] don't ever i kiss you no you don't i mean you're asleep most of the time that came out weird because i kissed her good night and good morning like after she wakes up yeah yeah yeah that came out really weird yeah yeah so asmr what do you think about this one it's good i think this is really really good i think this is really i think this is us here uh yeah i do too i do oh triple s chat chat what do you guys think it tastes like actual ground beef not yeah did you have the fries too and you see how they came and they're actually kind of crispy [Music] wow it's pretty good i'm esther too yeah what do you think above or below five guys i think it's a little bit below five guys but i agree with that yeah i think s here for sure i think you put it below five guys asmr so asthma wait is there a hot sub category now on twitch you're kidding right well asmr someone said there's a hot tub category on top which sounds like horseshit to me i'm good there is no way i don't believe it's [ __ ] yeah cool oh there it is there's tips all the way from california okay man thank you dude all right let's go we'll talk about that later yeah controversial we'll work on the uh burger okay yeah i'll probably talk about this for like three hours tomorrow there we go so let's see what we got going on here we got ourselves a double cheeseburger there it is oh my goodness and we also have ourselves a double hamburger oh there it is oh my god we've got so this is in and out guys this is the famous legendary in and out and so here's what's going to be really funny is if we rate this badly people are going to say oh it's because you didn't get it in california i got it in california before guys it tastes same what yeah i used to live in california here we go i just want to like you know head that off before it happens let's show you guys what it looks like two meets okay let us all right uh tomatoes very simple we didn't get onions this time but you can add onions if you want pretty solid burger and the fries are like like very unique so very unique let's give it a go and uh shout out to tips for bringing this all the way from california what do you think asthma that's good i mean internet like is good i do too oh there are onions on this it's the grilled onions yeah i just didn't eat those i eat around them i don't really like the real energy but fries are good yeah jake jake jake how'd you put domino's number two bro on fast food dominoes domino's is kind of a joke i'm so confused take these question marks for jake and bake please i'm so confused it's so bad all right in my opinion i don't think and i'm gonna get crucified for this i never thought in and out was s tier i thought it was a tier oh yeah i think it's an eightier i think it's about the same as burger king yeah like i don't know like burger king and in and out it kind of goes back and forth burger king has more things that are offered like in and out has a very very limited selection of food i knew it look at them they're losing it correct yeah it's about the same right like in and out guys it's like furbies no one cares about furbies unless furbies were like because they were popular you know it's a joke jake's so mad jake said literally eating hambur burgers dry as [ __ ] taking off tomatoes and asthma gold picking off onions like a child you can't rate burgers if you don't eat them uh as they're supposed to come disgusting grow up guys throwing up emojis all right donation points times four jake you tell us to grow up all right let's race let's race your type of versus my ctsb let's put pink slips on the line okay talk about growing up put your money where your mouth is big boy no no let's take it to the track homie all right all right quarter mile let's see who can do it faster okay all right how about that i'm ready what do you guys say dude nick you say that but this guy will get in his [ __ ] car and drive here right now and turn a stream on and stream the entire way like you have no idea what you're doing oh yeah my car is in the shop so you have to wait by the way yeah it has a little bit of issues it's in the shop so let's take a bite yeah because he drives it so fast definitely over the speed limit actually it's because i left it in the sun and it started melting true story great car yeah so i think we're gonna put can i can i have the in and out one you want to put it up there yeah okay top right one top right thank you i'll be honest i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to go to miss gifts after this i'm about to take a nap here's one more wait what there we go malena what i actually agree what you can't supersede the what the [ __ ] dude like you really think five guys is worse than burger king five guys is not fast food well then why is it even on the chart to begin with fifty dollars and it takes 30 minutes to get it there's only 45.45 there's only 45. that's for two people 45 plus texas tax okay it's 50. uh yeah all right did you tip on the delivery yeah it's about 61.65 oh okay that's not too bad so it's really not that bad it's okay yeah it's not that bad yeah okay so you see the one guy in chat at the end cell stupid [ __ ] there's always that one guy dude yeah melinda you've totally asked me you gotta fix the list dude she's totally [ __ ] ruining what we've been doing here what's going on here it's it's in-n-out burger it's good but i think in and out i am willing to raise this is my favorite i don't know which one this is absolutely cheese because it's great they could both be cheese oh not green yeah well that's yellow this one's cheese okay go for it all right oh they're both cheese i can't eat it [ __ ] we just got [ __ ] yeah so ari i don't i don't need to really eat this one because i literally eat it every day but here we go guys this is a water burger here's the thing with whataburger is that remember whenever diablo 3 came out yeah so a day after diablo 3 came out i went to whataburger at two in the morning oh yeah and i ordered a burger and my friend two of my friends uh we also got burgers and uh well one of my friends got burger and i went home and i got so sick that i remember sitting on the toilet and at the same time leaning over throwing up into the bathroom or the bathtub excuse me with uh hamburger chunks from the whataburger coming out of my nose and whenever i felt the chunk of whataburger come through my nose i thought to myself i'm never gonna eat another one of these again and for the next five years i refuse to eat a single whataburger hamburger ever because i remember whenever we went there there was like nine people behind the counter yeah at two in the morning laughing and having fun let me tell you something if you're doing your job correctly at whataburger you are not having fun so something was [ __ ] wrong and i went there and i remember thinking it's like this is this seems really suspicious guys this is really suspicious and it certainly was oh my god or you can take it off that you have a really good immune system because of all the animals you know well they were about to uh my friend jeff uh was about to go to the hospital like i actually lost 10 pounds i think i weighed like at the end of that night probably like about 100 pounds oh my god yeah it was insane man and i remember i was like doing azmodan in diablo three and i couldn't even finish the fight i was like okay guys i've gotta go like [ __ ] right now and yeah i thought i was gonna die man jesus christ almost killed me but like the thing is that i had to start going to whataburger again because i would start waking up at 11 p.m and whenever you wake up at 11 p.m there's not a whole lot of places you can go nope so uh that's what i ended up doing is i started going to whataburger again and i just kind of let it happen and so uh we'll see how this goes can we just show that the size difference between a lot of burger though and the shank burger you know why right everything's bigger in texas yeah exactly so we have half of the this burger left from from shake shack look at the size of the whataburger next to the shake shack burger that's rhyme it is massive [ __ ] it's absolutely gigantic so the whataburgers are good i think that some texans really kind of overvalue whataburger but i think that their default burger is actually very good you don't need to get a whole lot of special menu items or anything like that you just get a hamburger or a cheeseburger and it's fine they also have the a1 steak burger now that's good [ __ ] and i i've had a lot of those and then i took it off the menu and that was not good but whataburger one good thing about whataburger is that um you know how like whenever you have uh you go to the movie theater yeah and you get like uh can uh like it is a concession stand you spend like you know 19 for a bag of popcorn or something yup yup well this is the same thing right but instead of like the show being like godzilla versus king kong it's two drunk people and they just they just beat the [ __ ] out of each other at waterbury there's always a story yeah there's all like i've i've seen so many fights yeah like world star needs to be invested in whataburger because percent of their videos come from there yeah and it's like any time you go to whataburger past two in the morning dangerous there's guaranteed gonna be an altercation there will be an altercation one way or another yep if someone's gonna be peeing on the floor it's just it's something it's something that said whataburger everyone knows is one of my favorite favorite favorite foods but it is not an s tear for me it's not i don't even know it's even an a tier to be honest the reason i like whataburger isn't because of how good it tastes it's about how hard it is in my mouth okay yeah because the consistency yes it's tough like texas and what what makes it taste good is the spicy ketchup i like sticking the heart a little black thing yeah yeah i like sticking the hard burgers and the hard um chicken fingers in my mouth and then chewing them hard that's why i like eating whataburger it's not necessarily because of the taste it still tastes good but i think it's maybe an a or a high b that's how i feel about whataburger i think i would say whataburger is a in between in and out and burger king yeah yeah that's how i feel i would even say burger king might be better i don't know american is better i think like i was burger here that want to deport me after i say that but uh burgers for burgers true burgers for burgers i think burger king's burgers are better but if i had to pick one to save from going out of business i would pick whataburger uh well yeah because they're open all day like that's the thing is it like or all night like i really it's kind of like you know there will be like girls that you talk to and like some of them are like really annoying but at least they're always down to like do whatever and so like burger king sorry whataburgers like that yeah it's like if you if there's nothing else that's better you'll go to what you'll go to whataburger right yeah but like yeah well it's it's not where you want to be yeah usually i'm at whataburger because someplace else is not open yeah yes exactly i'm going to take whataburger i'm going to put it behind burger king what do you think agreed all right right there baby eight it's good you look really pretty today by the way okay uh yeah and the last one didn't show up thank god thank god should i show the chat my stretch marks that i've gotten from this place yeah sure okay this is gonna be gross this is gonna be gross let me make sure everything's cool it's just i can't show underwear can i didn't we just we got to go to the hot tub section first okay move us to the hot tub section do we want to see it no i'm not gonna show it it's fine you'll see it next time we get in the hot tub but it's just zebra stripes and this is jack in the box and honestly i'm gonna keep it plain i have to put it just somewhere in dnf thank god it didn't show up what check in the box yeah just as i said man it was like it's like they lost jesus whenever they decided to go with that bacon milkshake yeah it's like that was somehow like a like a satanic ritual and god no longer allowed them to make good hamburgers that's what happened i think somebody got landed the stream they realized what was going to happen and they didn't send it cut it yeah i wouldn't doubt it i wouldn't doubt it yeah this is this is don't you send it don't you send that burger over there yeah it is it is just not not good but honestly that's like the last thing we have to do yeah that's about it i mean like we got a lot of these i feel like you know my dad told me their day he's like he's like nick he said that you've got it [ __ ] you only stream four hours a day yeah and you're totally relaxed yeah my dad was impressed you some of me yeah wait your dad knows about me yeah oh wow yeah yeah no that's that's what will that's what we'll do not addict man what does that mean that's a good thing right yeah it's a good thing all right let's get it [ __ ] yeah we should we should we should we see the kids saying that let's get it trending oh yeah yeah definitely no no but like that's what you got that's what will never said he said that i'm made in the shade yeah got addict you know about that just you know how about that just four hours a day i mean today was a long stream for me almost you know six hours do the thing later on oh my god yeah i know i know yeah so we gotta go do that which honestly is gonna be pretty cool but honestly that's pretty much it that's it yeah i'm gonna put jack in the box wherever wherever you want to put jack in the box asmin you can yeah like we haven't rated jack in the box i would say jack nobox just burgers alone uh burgers alone let's see like i'm just gonna say this i refuse to eat there i would rather be hungry be on the strength of burgers uh yeah yeah i think it's all right okay you're right you know what to be fair it is better than sonic it is better than carlos juniors and it is better than dairy queen so you're right that's true yeah like again guys like this is not a this is not like a list overall of like every burger or everything they have on the menu this is purely as if you go in and you ask can i get a hamburger and if you do that this is what you get this is my opinion right here this is what you get yeah i agree we actually yeah pretty much and that said i might not be eating a burger for a long time really because i need to go like dude that bite that i took of that dairy queen [ __ ] burger it was not good it ruined the rest of my day yeah that was a that was a bad i need to go to the bathroom it's so sad like i don't know i was hoping i didn't even swallow it yeah like i was disappointed yeah yeah you spit it out i forgot yeah you spit it out it has just come like it has it has [ __ ] me harder than milan has ever it is just i'm [ __ ] it is bad all right [ __ ] it is bad it is bad um i feel like this did this did go pretty well i mean the fries and everything like that and the burgers like what we'll have to do i think next time since like it's hard because so many places are hamburgers if we have like an episode that's like just chicken yeah i think it'll be like way easier for people to like get it you know yeah because like now people see they're like what the [ __ ] do you mean you're rating carl's jr so low i think that was a really contentious report there uh you know thing there but like it's just a weird sauce that they have right it's just it's weird it doesn't taste good this is also all personal preference like if you if you like dairy queen you think it tastes good don't give a [ __ ] you know eat whatever you want but it's not where i'm going to go i'm gonna say that yeah that's not what i'm gonna go oh yeah dude have you tried the mr beast burger i have tried it and i actually genuinely liked it really but the way that mr beast burger is it all depends on which location makes it oh this was an awesome food truck that i went to okay those are good normally anyways yeah yeah but there's another beast mr beast burger that was out of a hotel uh-huh so that one probably wouldn't be that good probably not yeah so it all depends i'll have to try it and see what it's like i've never had one before yeah oh that could be another uh like a video an irl video a zack braar video is that forever video absolutely well i think it's about it asmin thanks for coming man yeah dude you had me rolling today brother hilarious we had a good stream did you guys you guys liked it you guys liked it was it fun that was i had fun i had a great time thank you thank you so much for coming yeah you know shout out to finn ashley all of otk for helping tips you know you guys were great bringing it in and out yeah bringing it in and out the last second uh you know melania for being her awesome positive patricia that she always is yeah of course you know just supportive all the way through man yep yeah that's crazy we're going to be going to uh to mrs now yeah a little bit later at least i think i might have to take a nap ticket poop or something it is what it is i actually might take a shower i'm greasy so uh after those burgers yeah this i'm not feeling good uh 100p it's the mayonnaise i don't black people in mayonnaise don't go well together no i'm like a white guy so like i have a like a a racial bonus for man yeah dude mayonnaise and black people it doesn't go well what's tin resistance oh man dude i'm [ __ ] but all right yeah yes just just like that never mind all right thank you thank you thank you i'm gonna go uh turn it off and everything appreciate that appreciate it thanks for watching boys see you guys
Channel: Daily Dose of Nmplol
Views: 256,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nmplol malena, nmplol sodapoppin, nmplol and malena, nmplol best moments, twitch, twitch girl gamer, twitch gods, twitch fails, twitch girls fails, twitch dancing, twitch rage, twitch gaming tv, twitch moments, twitch perfect timing, nmplol review, nick and malena review, funny couples, couple goals, nmplol and malena cooking, girlfriend teaches cooking, nick and malena cooking, cooking, twitch clips, sodapoppin, soda, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold tv
Id: R5hrUFRJB-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 19sec (4759 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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