THE BEST HAMBURGERS EVER! Asmongold Fast Food Tier List

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now guys somebody asked me earlier what are the best hamburgers now i'm going to rate all these hamburgers while we wait for the event and i'm going to tell you guys what the best hamburgers are and i want everybody to understand this okay my opinion on this is not an opinion this is a fact now number one is mcdonald's now where do you think mcdonald's goes in a hamburger restaurant tier set where do you think mcdonald's goes that's right it's an s if s stood for superbly bad it's a d mcdonald's sucks mcdonald's is absolute [ __ ] dog [ __ ] uh i hate mcdonald's i don't think their hamburgers are very good the last time that i ate a mcdouble i bit into it and i looked at the hamburger and it looked like i was biting into plastic that was the last time that i ever ate one i used to go to mcdonald's almost every day and now i never do i don't know really what changed or anything like that but i'm gonna say that mcdonald's is probably one of the worst hamburger places out there mcdonald's keeps trying to reinvent their menu when all they need to do is reinvent a hamburger and people are going to come back i don't know why they can't just make good hamburgers but for some reason it's not possible for them this is completely [ __ ] embarrassing you grew up that's what happened well regardless if growing up makes you not like the hamburgers then maybe they weren't pretty good to begin with all right next one is five guys five guys burgers and fries now here's what my opinion is on five guys five guys it'll cost you a mortgage payment but you're gonna get one of the best hamburgers you ever had five guys is ridiculously overpriced five guys should not even be remotely close to how much it is but it is five guys is [ __ ] insanely overpriced i don't understand this at all but for some reason five guys is just [ __ ] it's just insane how much it's how much the [ __ ] hamburgers at five guys like i went to five guys let me tell you this i went to [ __ ] five guys and i spent 22 dollars 22 and you know what i got a burger and fries bro i could go down down i could go downtown i could go to a [ __ ] restaurant where the waiter wears a suit and pours me water out of a [ __ ] out of a bottle and it would be 22 it's insane they use peanut oil it's expensive as [ __ ] no it's not there's peanuts and bird food and that's cheap five guys is delicious but it's very expensive number two burger king now burger king in my opinion is one of the bigger see i almo i said beggar i told you guys it's going to happen one of these days it's going to happen one of these days just want to keep that in mind burger king is a great hamburger restaurant in my opinion i think it's [ __ ] amazing i love burger king i think it's delicious burger king's whoppers are good uh everything about burger king is good here is what the downside on burger king is is that they have paper cups they don't have styrofoam cups and mcdonald's used to actually have styrofoam cups but now that they want to save money because they want to renovate all of their restaurants to have wi-fi in them now they stop having styrofoam cups and they have plastic cups instead and it's [ __ ] annoying so we're going to take burger king and we're going to put burger king right here we're gonna give it an a i really think that burger king is a solid [ __ ] a what do you guys think i think burger king hamburgers are an a i really do i really think that they're delicious no way what but like all right all right what hamburger is better than burger king well let me just i'll make the decisions all right never mind you guys listen you guys i am i i am the captain here okay i am the captain you're gonna listen these are my decisions and everybody's gonna go ahead and agree with all of them just keep that in mind carl's jr now carl's jr the western bacon cheeseburger is a delicious menu item i've had probably a hundred of them i think that they're very very good i don't know if they're better than burger king or not though i really don't know and hardy's is carl's jr too right so i'm just gonna put both of these in the same place it's a sinking ship shut up shut up uh okay let's see here car all right listen i think that carlos jr is not as good as burger king but i think that it's a solid b i would put carlos jr as a [ __ ] b and hardee's is carl's jr as well i think it's up north as hardy's i think that the carlos jr is a solid [ __ ] b that's a completely reasonable statement to make man and uh yeah listen uh asthma no you guys don't understand this like i eat hamburgers like every day like i eat meat every meal of the day like i wake up you know what i have i eat [ __ ] stew i eat beef stew i finish my stream i go to bed i follow i wake up again what do i have for like my late lunch i have a hamburger and then i go to bed again and then i wake up after the hamburger and then you know what i have for dinner a [ __ ] steak i love meat i love eating meat i love the i love everything about meat okay i do this all the time that's all i like eating so yeah i [ __ ] i love meat anyway white castle let's talk a little bit about white castle white castle we all saw the movie movie was great uh harold and kumar go to white castle um there's a lot of things that were exaggerated in white castle but the most criminal of those exaggerations was the quality of the hamburgers white castle hamburgers i think only taste good whenever you're high because the reality is that they suck it doesn't matter if they give you eight of them whenever you don't even want to eat one i'm sorry they're just not that good white castle hamburgers are mediocre at best and dog [ __ ] ass garbage at worst i think that white castle hamburgers i honestly think they're a d i think that mcdonald's is better than white castle i really do i think mcdonald's is genuinely better than white castle like white castle is absolute [ __ ] garbage and i went there like i did i went there and i'm like oh bro dude we liking the movie man oh [ __ ] and then i go in there i order my food and it's like oh dude it's right there right there dude and then i go in there and i eat them and i'm like what the [ __ ] i'm like what the [ __ ] like it's so nasty it's so it's so [ __ ] nasty uh it tastes even better whenever you cook it yourself well it's hard for it to taste worse so let's go ahead we're going to say white castle we're going to put that as a [ __ ] d now wendy's wendy's hamburgers now wendy's hamburgers i'm gonna be honest i think wendy's hamburgers i have not had a proper wendy's hamburger in over 10 years do you know why because the number menus are overpriced and buying a dave single is 3.99 whereas buying a double stack that has more meat on it is only 2.49 so i've never bought one of these uh i used to buy them my dad would take me to wendy's and since it was on my dad's [ __ ] card i'm like yeah dad let me get it let me get a dave single and then like whenever i'm buying it man [ __ ] i'm not going to spend that [ __ ] money you think i'm going to waste a dollar you see i'm going to waste a [ __ ] dollar no of course not there's no goddamn way baconator bro the baconator has a bad it has a bad um ratio of meat to cheese to bacon the baconator has too many slices of cheese and it makes it too too cheesy and the cheesy flavor overpowers the bacon from the baconator so i actually don't think the baconator is really that great i can see why some people are okay with it but i tried it myself i wanted to see what it was like and i just didn't really like it i was not a big fan at all so i'll definitely say that and uh cheese editor what's this here uh demographics matter on quality of ingredients sorry to hear you wendy sucks because mine is fire well i think that it's good i'm not saying that it's bad i think that it's very good but i just don't necessarily think that it's any better than uh than five guys i don't think wendy's is better than five guys i think wendy's is probably better than burger king no these are about even but wendy's and burger king are about the same i i'd say right about the same uh you give in and out anything less than s i can follow the channel get mad all you want so in and out burger and whataburger both of these restaurants have this really weird cult following of people that think that they are identifying as a hamburger eater from these different places so it's super annoying that people do this but it is so anybody from california thinks that they're better than everybody else because they eat in and out and anybody from texas thinks that they're better than everybody else from eating whataburger but here's what the truth is i've eaten both of these i think they're both okay but they're not amazing like i would say honestly and this is as a texan i think in-n-out burger is better i do i think in-n-out burgers are better whataburgers are fine i'm not saying that they're bad but i think in-n-out burger yeah get mad get mad all you want get mad all you want they hate me because i speak the truth in and out burger i would say is an a and whataburger i would say is probably i don't think whataburger is that good like i know that you guys are crazy but i really don't think that it's that good i think whataburger is like a [ __ ] bee man i feel it's a solid [ __ ] bee and uh what do you guys think about that are you wrong am i right or wrong whataburger yeah i think it's worse i think whataburger is a it's a big b right it's a big b so like maybe like right up here sure uh yeah whataburger is a top b but it's not uh it's not anything special okay uh it's just the same [ __ ] [ __ ] man and i don't have an in and out let's see here we used to have whataburger in florida they all closed though oh listen i think whataburger is fine whataburger is good for one thing and that's if you want to see a fight go to whataburger if you want to see fights go there that's it um anytime like let's say like you just go to the whataburger that's nearest to like the downtown drinking area just go to that whataburger and stay there our whataburgers are so [ __ ] ghetto that they actually have police officers stationed there waiting for fights to happen there was one time i was at a whataburger and these two guys were yelling at each other and the police officer went to his car to like check his phone or something and while the police officer was in his car checking his phone the two guys knew he was gone and then they just [ __ ] went at it and just beat the [ __ ] out of each other and then the police officer comes back in right and he's like oh [ __ ] he's like guys can you just stop it he's like come on get get and stop it and like the police officer was so [ __ ] tired like i don't even think anybody got arrested i think he was just like just just get the [ __ ] out of the store and get out of here yeah they didn't want to deal with it at all and uh it's like whataburger is the best place for seeing fights i think fights at whataburger are the highest quality the hamburgers however are a different story so let's go ahead and look at the next one uh whataburger yeah it's not that great okay shake shack i've been to shake shack once um what do i think about shake shack ah what do you guys think about shake shack what are your opinions about about shake shack i'm trying to decide what i think about it hmm shake shack i think that it's okay i haven't really had it that often though i'm gonna say shake shack is probably like a b because i don't remember it that well and i think that if it was really really good i'd remember it better but i'm probably gonna say like this is maybe even another i've never been to this one to be fair i've never been to checkers or rallies i don't know what that is so we're just going to skip that one i'll give it a b but i don't really know this is kind of like an uneducated b so i'll say it's just right about there but uh i might have to go there again to get a better understanding okay uh white castle deserves its own yeah i can see why you say that man i definitely can alright let's look at the next one dairy queen dairy queen hamburgers so dairy queen hamburgers um dairy queen hamburgers [Music] okay they're not as good as wendy's they're not as good as burger king they're not as good as in and out they are probably not as good as whataburger they are probably not as good as carlos jr they are probably not as good as hardy's i think that they are a low b a high c low b high c where are you guys at which one make it a high c you guys think it's going to be a c uh i don't know like i would say there are b like maybe this is like my personal opinion i used to always go to burger king back in the day so like whenever i see burger king it always just kind of makes me happy or not burger king sorry dairy queen um i used to always go to dairy queen back in the day so like i would be like oh man dude that's like from back in the day man oh yeah dude i love dairy queen dude and so maybe this is a little bit of a nostalgia rating but i would say dairy queen is probably right about here it's a low b very very low b it's the lowest b is possible but it is still a low b i think that's what's fair okay have you tried culver's yeah i think culver's is great i would rate culver's about the same place as um uh what do you call it uh [ __ ] like what's uh shake shack not shake shack uh steak and shake yeah steak and shake all right now we have jack-in-the-box jack-in-the-box burgers now here's what i think about jack-in-the-box i think that it all went wrong whenever they made the bacon milkshake i think that was the turning point for jack-in-the-box where they went from glory to like [ __ ] something else they made no no you didn't know about this let me see can i show you guys this give me a minute um look at this bacon milkshake jack-in-the-box so we're going up to the jack-in-the-box man we pulling up right now all right here we go she's probably pissed because she's filming her man [ __ ] her man [ __ ] you know butt hurt over don't [ __ ] that's what's wrong okay here it is i damn it won't come through the struggle so yeah the [ __ ] bacon bits won't even come through the [ __ ] straw that's an obvious [ __ ] problem like anybody anybody should [ __ ] know that like that's like that's like [ __ ] engineering 101 yeah exactly god damn that's some nasty [ __ ] man and there it is so that's pretty much where we're at with the [ __ ] milkshake yeah i think everything went wrong after the [ __ ] [ __ ] bacon milkshake man it's so goddamn nasty great [ __ ] video yeah those guys are really funny man uh they my friend jeff is really into working out and everything he used to watch him all the time and so that's how i discovered those two guys i think they're really funny and um anyway so uh regardless i think jack-in-the-box hamburgers i think they're all right but they used to have something on the menu called a bill called a [ __ ] big texas cheeseburger they used to have a big texas cheeseburger on the menu i used to eat a big texas cheeseburger almost every [ __ ] day but i stopped because they increased the price from a dollar to a dollar 29 and i could no longer afford it i'm gonna say jack-in-the-box hamburgers are a c think they're all right jack-in-the-box really pulls ahead whenever you look at the breadth of their selection and what i mean by that is they have curly fries they have tacos they have milkshakes well they do but the machine's broken but they had they do have they're supposed to have milkshakes they were some of the first people to have the drink maker uh they had a number of different things like that they have nice milkshakes yeah jack nose it's not it's not terrible they're open 24 hours a day so i think jack-in-the-box is a good restaurant to go to but there are hamburgers alone i don't really think earned them a spot anything above a [ __ ] c man it really just doesn't work burger fine i don't know what the [ __ ] burgerfi is man uh regardless let's go to the last one sonic okay another story friend of mine cody cody's in jail now friend of mine cody we went to sonic i ordered a hamburger cody ordered a hot dog and cody got a footlong hot dog and i got this little flimsy [ __ ] hamburger and i felt like an idiot i felt like i had a literal three and a half inch dick just eating that hamburger while he ate his hot dog and the worst part was that it costs the same amount of money so the sonic hamburgers in my opinion are not that great they're okay but i'd say sonic hamburgers are probably a b what do you guys think like they're just kind of like they're all right i guess but they're just not they're c you guys think they're a c you think sonic hamburgers are a c okay let me think about that sonic hamburgers are a c okay so the buns are pretty good um the meat itself is usually doesn't really have a lot of texture and it's usually not actually hot it's usually warm which is definitely a negative and overall yeah i would say yeah probably a c yeah somewhere around to see i don't know what do you guys think how accurate am i here is there anybody who's disagreeing with me here anybody who thinks that i'm i'm a wrong boy for not uh not picking the thing that you guys wanted me to pick uh what do you guys think you guys agree no it's accurate yeah yeah yeah i don't get fast food i'm european i don't [ __ ] know yeah i guess not disagree on burger king uh i don't know about that i feel like the burger king stuff is uh i think burger king is actually pretty good i would maybe be willing to put burger king behind in and out but it's going to be like right about here like these are pretty much where i think each of the different hamburgers stand at and that's where i think that they're at we're shake shack it's a bee i haven't really have been to shake sharpen like they're once so i can't really say a whole lot burger king burgers are great yeah i think so man i think you're disrespecting double quarter pounder with cheese dude i don't think that i am at all okay i don't think i am a song we're doing bingo for the ps5 event yeah we are all right let me go ahead and pull that [Music] up [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 154,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, fast food tier list, asmongold fast food, asmongold tier list, asmongold fast food tier list, asmongold hamburgers, hamburgers tier list, fast food hamburgers, asmongold food review, best fast food, worst fast food, best hamburgers, worst hamburgers, mcdonalds, wendy's, burger king, fast food tier list asmongold, fast food asmongold
Id: Gs5iWUIVvR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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