Asmongold Ranks ALL Soulsborne Bosses BEST To WORST | Tier List

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this boss is very easily cheatable it's also a really cool boss it's a great looking boss [ __ ] fire on me i'm alive somehow i would say it's probably about right somebody actually just randomly asked me if i'd ever done a tier list of all the all the souls born games right demon souls dark souls 1-3 bloodborne and sakiro and i'm going to go through and i'm going to actually do them so first boss we have here the vanguard now the vanguard is the first boss you fight in demon souls he is somehow even easier than the asylum demon he's big he's fat he's slow he's shitty i think this boss unironically is an s to your boss because at the beginning of demon souls whenever you encounter him you see him at the very beginning and he is the biggest the baddest the most intense boss you had seen and whenever he finally hits you he does a huge amount of damage and he sets the scope of the game so it's not that the boss is really well designed or anything like that but his position in the story i think is really well placed do you see what i'm saying so i'm gonna put the vanguard we might downgrade him to an a whenever i'm gonna put him actually as an a i think an a is a much better position because i want to save those s to your bosses for the ones that just have really great mechanics but i do think vanguard is a really really good uh really good boss now after vanguard after you get through the castle and boletaria you have this boss right here they fey lanks now uh this boss is extremely cheesable uh in my opinion i don't really like this boss a lot i'm gonna be completely honest with you i don't think that it's that great of a boss the reason why i don't like the phalanx is that it feels like the boss feels like it's too gimmicky the boss is too gimmicky like you use firebombs on phalanx and phalanx dies and if you don't have firebombs the boss is infinitely harder it's so early on in the game that you don't get enough souls passively to just be able to farm them out for grass it's really annoying to fight this boss and i remember whenever i killed it i was happy because i never had to do it again so i'm actually gonna rank phalanx i'm gonna put him down as a d boss okay it's not an f boss but it's a [ __ ] d i think it's a [ __ ] boss uh the reason that i really like dark souls and this is going to be like something that i'm going to talk about a lot in this whole tier list here but the reason why i like dark souls is the fact that it gives you the question it tells you to get the number four and you can get four by doing two plus two you could do three plus one you can do four plus zero you can do five minus one you can do negative eight plus positive twelve you can do whatever you want as long as you reach that number four and a boss like phalanx tells you that the only way to get four is do two plus two if that makes sense now obviously i know that there are ways to do phalanx without the firebombs but i think we can all agree that with the firebombs it's a lot [ __ ] easier and it's just like it's kind of like i i don't know if i'm really going to rank the pursuer because like so that you have the pursuer that charges you and then you can go and use like the uh the catapult or the ballista and you shoot the arrow at them and like one shot them like does that really count because it's not really intended in a way but you can do it to take advantage of it right so it's hard for me really to say i'm not sure what i'm going to rank pursuer yet i'll have to think about it throughout this thing but uh either way that's why i don't like phalanx it seems gimmicky right it's intended it seems like it's intended but it makes it like so easy like how could it be intended so the armored spider armored spider wait wouldn't it be tower night next yeah i think it would be tower night next yeah because the armored spider is the one in the cave right that shoots the fire he does the three things of fire he does the the tracking one and then he falls down he does the slice and then the slice you know that that's what he does right depends on where you go after phalanx yeah well why the [ __ ] would you not do tower knight okay we're just gonna put armored spider i really like the armored spider i think the armored spider teaches the player a number of different things it's position in the story right it teaches the player how to roll through different abilities how to get a momentum not momentum but a pattern rolling pattern rolling recognition and also how to move away and read bosses to tell yourself where you're going to go and what you're going to do so like as soon as the spider starts like channeling its big ability you know run the [ __ ] away and it teaches you a lot the boss is very in my opinion fair and also it punishes you for mistakes by like rooting you on the ground or slowing you down to where you can't roll as much whenever you get the the webs on you so i actually think the armored spider is very good boss and it's a very good position for it to be in in the story so i'm gonna put the armored spider at a b okay spider's easier than tower night in my opinion yeah but i'm not just going with difficulty is not really the only factor that i'm using with these bosses i'm going through all of the factors and its position in the story the lore behind it how it teaches the player a new thing like i'm trying to figure out as many things as possible to use to go into the uh the rating does that make sense so let's see here what's this one um open image fool's idle is that right let me just go ahead and double check this uh this boss right here which boss is this oh that's right okay yes i remember this this is after you go through the asylum latria yup the [ __ ] in the church so she basically is a um a scuffed pinwheel that's effectively what this boss is and then if you go up the right side to the top of the cathedral and there's a guy that will resurrect her um i think this is kind of like just a this is just a run-of-the-mill boss in my opinion it is a run-of-the-mill boss it is a low b high c to your boss it has no real meaningful mechanics or abilities it doesn't really do anything super cool there's basically a gimmick that you have to do in order to kill the boss it's nothing that special so um yeah not super excited about it but i'd say it's probably somewhere around the sea what do you guys think see yeah c seems good yeah all right uh next one is the adjudicator now everybody knows the adjudicator it's the beefy boy now for anybody who forgot this is the one that after you deal with the uh the rolling spinny boys the rolly boys that will [ __ ] i hate those mobs so much and uh then you have to you hit him right here in this wound and then he falls down and you kill the bird because the bird is the actual boss i don't like this boss i think this boss is stupid the reason why i don't like it that much is that i feel like the the way that it tells you to hit the wound doesn't really exist that much and also like once you figure out it's a gimmick boss again i generally don't like gimmick bosses and i feel like this is very much a gimmick boss and it's also a boss that if you play melee this boss is maybe like a five of a difficulty scale and if you play ranged or you play magic this boss is a zero on the difficulty scale because you just sit there with your magic missiles you shoot the [ __ ] bird from the top of the stage and you just kill him in like three seconds so i'm not going to say this is a very hard boss at all mostly all demonstrated bosses and counterparts some of them are you're right so i'm going to say adjudicator is like a it's better than fool's idol in my opinion because at least it's kind of cool but it's still probably also a c boss i don't think it's that amazing so you know it is what it is so true a real gimmick boss yeah i'd say so now this one right here leech monger now this is the first boss that you encounter if you go into the uh the swamp arc stone uh i don't really have like a super high opinion of this boss but so this is kind of like what happens with demon souls is that what a lot of people do and like tell me if you guys played the game this is what you did too you go through one arc stone and you progress as far as you can on that arc stone and then you go back and you do the other arc stones whenever you can't progress any farther so the way that demon souls is structured it's kind of like um it's kind of like the same problem that dark souls has is that the difficulty in dark souls ramps up really well until after you beat ornstein smoke after you beat them the difficulty plateaus because you can go anywhere else in the game which is a great great cool idea but the problem with that is that whenever you can go anywhere else that means that the game has to be balanced for every other area to be the same level of difficulty that you were at after you killed the boss in an orlando so what happens after you kill two more bosses and now you're going to see the scaleless and you have a 15 weapon and you have 40 points in vitality or 40 points in strength you just roll the thing over and it's just it's not that great so i would say that uh leechmonger i had the same experience with leechmonger uh i remember i put a i think a fire thing on my sword actually you know what let's pull it up right now um asman gold demon souls all right let's take a look at it [ __ ] face all right here we go all right boys here we go the literal god right here ready walls in chat he heals himself and it doesn't matter oh wow we did like a [ __ ] fifth of my health did i automatically passively heal back okay okay dude so i never thought this boss was that hard i think the boss like fundamentally the boss is probably like a mid c level boss but my experience with the boss was so bad because at that point i did what i think as i said a lot of people that played demon souls did is they just they they would just pat you passively over level some of the bosses in the game and that's kind of like what happened right that's what happened with me so all right next boss here uh tower knight now tower knight is a uh is an iconic boss i mean you have tower night in uh basically the anor londo npcs tower knight is and also it is a joke boss too but the fact is that tower knight is so well designed so like from an aesthetic perspective tower knight is an s from a gameplay perspective tower knight is an s it teaches players not only to attack certain weak points but also to take advantage of other weak points during uh during combat and i think that it immediately tells you that because the only thing that you can hit on tower night really is pretty much his feet unless you're playing a range class or something like that so tower knight is a very easy boss he's usually the second or third boss that you fight if you play demon souls the way i did uh i think tower knight is an incredible boss and i would put it as an s-tier boss and i think it's evident that it's an s-tier boss in the eyes of the people that from software because they reuse tower knight over and over and over so they effectively just re retool tower night and now we've got a new tower night you see the same abilities every single time so yeah i think tower knight is a uh is an s t or boss is the gimmick boss just like a judicator um he is to a certain degree a gimmick boss but it's easier to tell what the gimmick is and a certain type of playing uh play style does not make the boss substantially easier i think that the boss has like a relatively like good scale of difficulty and also he simply looks way cooler than adjudicator he you encounter him way earlier in the game generally than adjudicator so yeah i think that i think he's a lot better that's why uh and an a would be fair maybe an aids here i i don't know we'll put him as a tier because i know s tier is like this is maybe a contender for rest here in my opinion is flame worker now flameworker was the only boss in dark souls on demon souls excuse me that i did not one shot he was he's in my opinion no actually i wiped on dragon king that's not true that was a bad time for me so i think flameworker is the best boss in demon souls like overall in terms of difficulty and mechanics and everything like that i think that a hundred percent uh flameworker is the best boss in demon souls so i'm gonna put flameworker as an s to your boss and i think that the reason why flameworker is such a good boss the only thing that i didn't like about flameworker is the fact that you had to jump down that well basically with like all the different areas to get back to them like i hate bosses with long run backs it just and also run backs that you can make mistakes in the process of doing you know you can fall over you can you know get hit by those sand worms it's just annoying right and i hate bosses like that but overall as i said i do think flameworker is an st or boss it's probably one of the best ones okay swipe a thousand times i think i died like five times on that boss but uh anyway i did kill him quickly the worst part was i almost one shot him i got him to like 10 health and he also another thing with flameworker is that he's one of the only bosses in demon souls it actually has a second phase most other bosses and demon souls don't have a second phase so flameworker if anybody doesn't know at about like 30 40 health he gets more fiery and man-eaters is another one with the second face uh too but uh he gets more firing and that makes him do more fire damage pretty simple right uh so let's see here the fight was good uh five times for a minute something like that okay so let's see here uh darso's two smelter demon of the worst [ __ ] run back the blue one yeah i remember that i just there were so many bad things in the in dark souls 2 it was just awful uh let's see here next boss man eaters these are the two giant gargoyles that you fight and uh the two giant gargoyles you you fight one to about like uh 70 50 health or so the second one comes down you have to fight them um i feel like the pathing and like the way that the man eaters are designed is kind of bad and i also don't like how you fight them on this really narrow corridor and you can fall off the edge or they can knock you off the edge it just feels like a lot of the difficulty for this fight is artificial and and it's also artificial in two different ways right like you can kite them around like the the brazier in the middle i it's like i think it's an okay boss fight but i think it's like a b boss fight it's not super cool having the second one come down for the first time is like a cool oh [ __ ] moment but that's about it man yeah the bridge is more the boss than the bosses are which i don't really like that i i hate mechanics that work that way so i'm going to say that's their point yeah i don't like the point though so that's why i'm rating them to be like this is to some degree my opinion no obviously my opinions are always right but uh it is of course my opinion now the all blind hero i do actually really like this boss i like the boss a lot because it does a lot of damage it punishes you for making mistakes and also you do have ways that like if you if you're wearing a certain ring that makes you i think it makes your footsteps lighter or like it makes you invisible or something like that um it makes you blind to this npc so it makes it to where the thief trained yeah there you go so it does make the boss a lot easier and it is an interesting interaction that most people wouldn't even expect so it's kind of something that like a good player knows but a bad player doesn't know so old hero again it's kind of like not that cool of a boss like and this is like i know we're starting off with demon souls and by starting off with demon souls it's kind of like okay a lot of the demon souls bosses are just they're experimental these are experimental bosses that are good in some ways and bad than others i'm gonna put old hero as another b to c to your boss i think he's better than the other ones but he's not super good and i don't think experimental is a bad thing i'm just saying that it is a thing so next one is the dirty colossus this is the npc you fight in the swamps uh let's see we can go over here where's the dirty colossus we'll see if i can find myself killing him here we go let's watch the dirty colossus and we'll see how challenging this fight was so he does a thing he does that thing and that's pretty much about it so and then you run away and then you run back in oh you have to he does a shoot thing so this is basically a fuentes area so you're over level as hell but the mechanics aren't that hard though i mean the thing is like they're really not what the [ __ ] like let's be honest they're really not that difficult so i feel like this boss is not like super uh super challenging it's an easy boss yeah i i don't know like he's a cool looking boss for sure like i would say it's an interesting looking boss but like the challenge to it and the mechanics for it are very basic very simple so i would put uh the dirty colossus again is like somewhere around like a c uh it's definitely not as cool as man eaters but it's maybe a little bit cooler than i think old hero is cooler than that so i'd put the dirty colossus right about there let's go to the next one uh what rating you're on difficulty aesthetic atmosphere and design uh everything and like dirty colossus has a cool aesthetic and everything i mean obviously it's not difficult because vanguard is that high up there right so it's tower night but just in general that's what i would say uh let's go to the next one penetrator now the penetrator is in my opinion one of the coolest bosses in dark in demon souls i mean it is [ __ ] awesome like the way the boss moves is cool uh you know the way like it tries to impale you is cool uh everything like that it's really really cool boss it's not a hard boss it's really not like i one shot it i think most people one shot this boss i would say however that it is one of the cooler bosses in demon souls and i would say especially for somebody who's not like a veteran in playing these games somebody who hasn't done this a whole lot i would say it's like maybe a high tier b or a low tier a boss i think i'm going to put it as a b to your boss because in the future we're probably going to have a lot more a's and b's too so i'm going to say penetrator is a very it's probably one of the highest b-tier bosses do new game plus seven it would still be easy you understand like it would still be easy i did it on new game plus four and it was a joke because it moves really slow you can stagger it very easily like it it's just an easy boss man that's all there is to it okay next one the dragon god now if we had s found here i don't think we have enough uh we probably have as you need a z tier uh for us fan to rate this boss however it's very hard for me to rate it as an f because it demon souls was very experimental and the idea of dragon god it's funny right it's like spine of deathwing bismarck and dragon god all suffer from the same problem a super [ __ ] cool idea that just doesn't make that good a game play you know what i mean it just doesn't make that good a game play however i do think dragon god is cool i don't like the way that it plays i don't like how tight some of the movements are that you have to make i think that it's very annoying and overall it's just not a very fun boss to progress on so i would say that it's not it's a low d but i would not give it a s a high i would not give it an f yeah it's a low d though at least it's a cool idea now i do think that we will we will encounter genuine f's though but we'll see what happens okay hello to your dragon god yeah something like that exactly uh let's see here boss looks amazing just uh poisoned by the horrible mechanics yeah exactly it's a cool looking boss and that does matter on its own okay let's look at this one here old monk oh um i feel like this is just not it's so hard to tell if this is a good boss or not because sometimes people do it with online enabled so this is the one where like the monk summons a player it summons a player or an npc so this is either i feel like some people this is either an f tier or an s tier boss depending on the way that they play the game in my opinion i think old monk is a really interesting and cool idea it's a great idea i think i'm gonna put it as like a [Music] i think it's a cooler idea than the penetrator because it allows interplay between different people in the game and it was the first time that they ever did that in in all of the series so i think that it's going to be a high b tier only because of its impact and only because of like what it represented in the series you see what i'm saying so like it's not this crazy amazing super great boss but it it did do something really cool and it wasn't awful so yeah i would say it's a b somewhere around there miura knight will remember this here's the difference with the mirror knight and with the old monk is that the mirror knight you can kill him before he even summons a player like you can do so much damage to that boss at that time you don't even encounter the player half of the time so that's the way i see it man but of course mironite is a is an interesting boss too let's go to the next one the storm king i think this boss is really cool i do think this boss is really really cool however it does run into the same problem that a lot of other bosses run into the fact that it is really really easy to do if you if you play a magic build the storm king you probably didn't even notice that it was a boss it's basically like a shittier version of yorm yes exactly but i do think that aesthetically the storm king is cooler than yorm but mechanically yarm is better so how do i rank something like that i would say storm king is such a cool looking boss i'm going to give storm king an a an a rating i will i'm going to give it an a rating i think it's just a really cool and interesting boss it sounds cool the atmosphere is great uh it's a new idea uh you get the weapon to deal with it but there are gimmicks involved and again a lot of these demon souls bosses are gimmick based and it's just really to me like is the gimmick fun to play i think that's a big factor with the adjudicator with the phalanx with dragon god and fool's idol i don't think they're as fun to play as the gimmick with storm king and the old monk that's fundamentally what it comes down to let's look at the next one made in estrella so this is uh her with her sim that's her mod right there and um i i don't know like i feel like this boss was a [ __ ] joke like this it was so [ __ ] easy man but it had a good it did have good music to it let's go back and we'll we'll watch that boss too so this is the way i beat this boss so he did an attack watch so this is what i would do i moved up i would wait for him to attack and then i would attack him so one thing this boss really does a lot of is he parries you so if you don't notice like if he parries you and he hits you it does a ridiculous amount of damage so you have to be very careful but he's super slow so like the boss's mechanics are just like they're completely one dimensional and like i killed this boss it's my first time ever fighting the boss i don't even think i ever got hit by him he just was so [ __ ] easy just not really a lot to say about it right i mean there it is he's dead so i didn't even get hit by him i think that this boss the reason why this boss is so good is that it makes the player question whether they're the hero or the villain in the story and i think because of that i'm gonna give it an a to your rating yeah i'm i'm gonna give it an a tier rating i'm gonna put it behind vanguard but for narrative reasons i think that it's uh it's gonna be rated that high it's a very it's just an interesting boss it's a war boss yeah yeah and like i think that's fine and again like so we're rating things i want to make sure you guys understand we're rating things difficulty place in the story lore um mechanics gimmicks everything like that we're rating a lot of different things at the same time b for me but that's good yeah yeah it's it's a low way right i would say it's maybe like right here yeah sure it's right here old king alons i think he's a [ __ ] boss i do i think he's a [ __ ] boss he's an absolutely [ __ ] boss and like he's just he's not hard at all like he's just he's really not hard the penetrator was harder and not difficulty how can it be a tier give him an a at least like a school principal yeah basically he permanently lowers your level yeah that mechanic is real i hate that mechanic it's so annoying uh because like if he grabs you he'll lower your soul level i think al ant is like right here like maybe even right here yeah i would rank him lower than the armored spider but higher than man eaters i think it's just a a b boss it's not that great and like there's a part of me that wants to give him an f i think it's a [ __ ] last boss because like you compare at like king alant and gwyn are kind of the same thing where like your character is so powerful by the time you get to al ant anytime you get to win that you just blow them the [ __ ] out but at least gwen has cool theme music and there's like more lead up to it i feel like with king alan like you don't even really like yeah it's like he's got the one side of the sword and the guy in the tomb as the other side of the sword and you know but like i don't know i feel like the story leads up to gwyn much more than king alant like alan just is not as it's not as thematic as gwen i would say yeah gwen is built up way better in the narrative that's a good way to say it and this is king alan's uh this is him whenever you're fighting him inside of the uh the big demon uh this is this isn't even a real boss i'm just gonna put it as an f uh it's a cool interesting boss and like yeah i like it in a way but it's just it's just there's no not really anything to it okay so that's all the demon souls bosses the asylum demon the first boss that you encounter inside of dark souls one you know what i think i think the asylum demon is probably better than vanguard because he's cooler overall i think like his entrance is way cooler his mechanics are cooler uh just in general i think he's a cooler version of vanguard so i'm gonna put asylum demon as an a because again like you're going through the game it's like dark souls is even more the case right you start the game and it's like oh man these bosses are super hard but you know you're killing those little guys and like literally within probably like the first five minutes of the game you encounter this big dick mother [ __ ] and you see him and you're like oh my god and that oh my god moment is valuable i think that again it sets the scale of the game and especially whenever you're fighting him and your weapon isn't doing any damage i think it's a it's a cool little trick the game plays on you for not being aware of your surroundings it's just good it's a good boss i would put the asylum demon as an a now the taurus demon the taurus demon is the second boss obviously you fight after you go through the undead burg now taurus demon i do really like taurus demon especially as a berserk fan uh you know nosferatu zod is is cool to see him in the game however i think it's a it's not a bad boss because like at the very beginning of the game so you have all right so there's three different things that i think make the tourist demon good one the tourist demon can knock you off the edge if you're not paying attention but if you are paying attention he'll never knock you off the edge because you're not standing there number two you have the archers that are behind you that again teaches the player to look out for their environment and number three that you can use a plunging attack on the taurus demon if you choose to against him whenever you kill the archers if you want to run all the way back so there's a number of different plays that you can make and because of that i think the tourist demon is actually a good uh is actually a good boss so i'm gonna put taurus demon as i'm gonna say he's like right here it's really hard for me to say like positional wise but i think taurus demon is actually a very good boss because of of the different mechanics and ways that you can approach him so yeah he's a great intro boss and in my opinion i think for like a first real boss he's a thousand times better than felix okay so and he's better than dragon slayer too and dark souls 2 uh and let's see i guess he's better i think he's better than fort too uh vort sucks uh let's go back to the next one bell gargoyles so you go up to ring the bell of awakening and then you have two uh what's called [ __ ] show up now i really like this uh i really like this boss fight so this boss fight teaches the player a number of things number one it teaches the player how to deal with multiple bosses at the same time and the way that they do that is the second point is it teaches the player to plan out their damage so they can get the first gargoyle low enough before they encounter the second one on the field and three it teaches the player to attack positionally to cut the tail off the gargoyle to not only stun the gargoyle but also to get his axe so i think that overall the bell gargoyles look really cool they make the entire environment of dark souls more dangerous in general and i think that because of that this is a solid a tier boss and i would put it probably right about here bell gargoyles is an a to your boss uh however the bosses are uh they're not very hard definitely not hard at all but they are they're there so let's see here the feeling of hopelessness when first time he fight him yeah i remember that i thought i killed gargoyles on my first attempt for not first attempt on my first stream i did not kill it on my first attempt i'm trying to find it [ __ ] fire on me i'm alive somehow so here we go attempt number i don't like three or something house of [ __ ] i ran into the fire and died [Music] so [Music] here we go i finally killed one of them and this was like back three years ago or something the first time i ever it was the first day i ever played dark souls i bought this boss look at that roll with that shitty weapon and like right here i knew i had it i knew i [ __ ] had it i had seven flasks left too i got the shield and the helmet what the [ __ ] that's crazy oh my face yeah at your boss right there guys yeah relief oh thank god it's over moonlight butterfly okay i think that this is one of the worst bosses in the series i think it is a solid this is not an f boss this is an l boss it is annoying to fight as melee you just sit there doing nothing the mechanics are simple and meaningless the boss serves really no purpose in the story most people encounter it whenever they're vastly over leveled and it's just a three shot it's a [ __ ] boss so i'm gonna put it as an f okay yeah it is an f to your boss good ost though yes you're right um capra demon now what was my my last attempt on caprodi all right here we go i'm talking myself up this is the uh traditional kappa demon experience so um anyway i hate this boss i absolutely [ __ ] hate this boss i i hate the boss for a number of reasons like now whenever i fight him i know how to beat him but i actually think for like for its position in the game capra demon is the hardest boss that you encounter until you go to ornstein and smoke and i think actually i probably died almost more on capper demon than i did on any other boss besides artorias in uh in demon souls it's a really hard boss and the reason why kaepernick is a hard boss is because it's so claustrophobic uh it's you have the dogs on you that are attacking you and you also have the uh the boss itself now if i went back and i did kappa demon again today i would one shot at a hundred percent because i know what the game mechanics are right so like you'd run up there i would get enough pulleys to where i wouldn't get stunned or staggered by the dogs i run up to the top of the stairs i kill the dogs because they they uh they get a little funnel into me they'll funnel right into me and then they're dead right so yeah you're facing yeah no that's that's the way you play and then you can also punch attack kaepernick and does a lot of damage so i think that kaeper demon is not as bad i would say capra demon for how frustrating it is for players i do actually think that like there's a there is an optimum level of frustration and bosses that reach that optimum level of frustration are like ornstein and smo like abyss watchers maybe pontiff right and yeah like but i think kappa demon is just it's it's too frustrating too fast it's it's just like i'd say it's probably like a it's a cc boss it's better than some of the gimmick bosses and demon souls but it it's just a really frustrating boss to fight against next boss here nameless king uh yeah nameless king is definitely another really hard one i i would know so gaping dragon the gaping dragon is extremely [ __ ] easy it is an extremely [ __ ] easy boss and i think it also looks really cool it's the first time in uh in dark souls i mean to say in dark souls that you fight an actual dragon and because of that i would say the gaping dragon is like a hundred [ __ ] percent i would say it's probably about right um like right here i would say it's right here it's a beats here it's it's right about here yeah what do you guys think no shot lower you guys don't think it's that good of a boss would 10 percent hp and zero estes before the fight even started yeah well i think that like okay see so you guys just think do you guys think it's just too easy like the boss is too easy and because it's so easy it's uh just like not a challenge all right all right all right i i i guess we can put it there with like the gaping yeah sure we'll put it behind the dirty co-op maybe in front of the dirty colossus yeah we're right here behind uh kaeper demon i would say yeah sure but i do think that for the aesthetic and everything i do think it's better than these bosses for sure so yeah difficulty isn't everything but it matters i think it does matter to an extent whenever it's too easy like the moonlight butterfly for example um next one the boss that i fought yesterday quayle um let's see [Music] this boss is very easily cheesable it's also a really cool boss it's a great looking boss and it's an intro it looks the the mechanics that it does is cool even though i don't like the explosion it does because it's kind of hard to read for a new player you might not really understand it uh because whenever she like lays down on the the spider's head um i would say quail ag is like a i'd say it's about right it's about right here uh it's a b to your boss yeah it's b for booba and also b for mechanics i think it's right at the end uh also uh quail ag a for lore yeah so the lore for quail ag is that she's actually one of the daughters of chaos you know at the beginning of the uh of the game where it's like the witch of izalith and her daughters of chaos uh quaylag and her sister that you encounter down below and also ceaseless discharge which is their only brother are all uh siblings so i think that the lore is good and also the uh the lead up to it with it being a giant spider web and like the people worshiping her like her the the simps worshiping her i i think it's cool so yeah i would put her as a b to your boss now ceaseless discharge in my opinion this boss is an s for war it is an a4 presentation and it is an f for game design so how do i rate something like that i think i'm gonna put it as a b i'm gonna put ceaseless discharge ahead of dragon god but below phalanx does that seem fair [Music] because the boss is really cool because also whenever you kill him it like uh it lowers the magma uh the lava whatever it is right in uh in lost izalith so yeah i think that d is pretty fair uh iron golem now the grab that this guy has let me tell you it's some [ __ ] [ __ ] it is some absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i would say that the iron golem is it's such an easy boss whenever you encounter it at that point like if you can go through sins fortress you're gonna kill this boss it's really not that hard and i remember whenever i fought this boss i i got a new weapon and i didn't want to use the new weapon and i went back to using a plus six long sword that i had had ever since the beginning of the game and everybody was memeing on me for it so it's a generic type enemy i i feel like iron golem is you can knock him off the edge of the map which i think is really cool i really like that a lot so i'm gonna put iron golem as a [Music] right here it's a c to your boss it's a c to your boss it looks really cool but like there's no real lead up into it or anything like that i think it's a low c to your boss what do you guys think c is about right it's better than capra demon i don't think so i think kaeper demon is a better boss overall because it plays better and it's more interesting it teaches the player how to deal with a new environment even though it's extremely frustrating iron golem doesn't really teach the player anything other than maybe knocking it off the edge but that's not the intended game design of the boss right it's just kind of like a speed run strategy that's about it it's just extremely slow you can knock its feet over the same way you can with the tower night but it's very hard like the tower night whenever you're you're damaging its feet one foot turns uh i think it turns like blue there's like more blue that comes out of it and with iron golem it's hard to really know which foot you need to be attacking it doesn't give you that visual clarity that tower knight does so i would say that it's a c to your boss stray demon also known as asylum demon also known as demon fire sage also known as an ft or reset ball or [ __ ] reskin recolor boss reused boss this is an f to your boss let's be honest guys you know it i know it everybody knows it it's an f to your boss the only thing that would make it maybe better than like moonlight butterfly is the fact that you see it at the end of the game right so you build up to it but other than that i mean it's not that cool to me um all right priscilla i'm gonna be honest whenever i fought this boss i was really over leveled i only fought it once because i hated going through the painted world about every oriendo so i'm gonna let you guys pretty much rate the boss i don't have much of a strong opinion on it i think it's a b to your boss i think it's an interesting uh there's a little bit of interesting lore of it i think i read it a long time ago but i don't remember what the lore is that well uh f for feat yeah it would be an f for feat if i was ranking it uh let's see we're gonna give it a um i i think giving it a i'm going to give it like a mid-level c i don't think the boss was that interesting or cool or anything like that i'm going to give it a mid-level c c for coomer how about that now let's go to the other bosses okay uh it's again i don't have a really strong opinion on it so i don't really care it's like whatever um all right orenstein and smoke one of the most probably in terms of people that actually played most people that did not finish demon souls or dark souls would probably recognize the asylum demon this is the iconic boss of dark souls this is the this is the point where this is the graduation of dark souls high school okay is beating or in steam and small now this is an easy s an easy easy easy s the reason why it's an s is not only because it's a great fight it's very well designed but it's also an easy s because you have uh you can decide which boss you kill first uh obviously like 95 percent of people i think kill ornstein first but if you kill smoke first you get the the ring from ornstein as well that increases like your damage in some way or another i forgot which kind exactly but uh then the other one becomes more empowered because they absorb the other npc overall i think that it's a really cool boss and i like it i think it's an s to your boss i think it is it's definitely better than flameworker yeah it's it's it's set the setting for it is amazing ornstein and smog is the pinnacle of dark souls like the game reaches its crescendo the climax of the game is these two npcs is this boss right here that is the pinnacle of the game and everything else after that is is good right sure it's not as good it's just simply not as good and that's blessed here for the future no we we're just going to use that as s a lot of at your bosses are effectively s bosses all right sif sift the gray wolf siff is obviously guarding artorius's grave and using his sword and you interact with artorias his grave and then it summons sith and whenever you kill sif you get the ring of the abyss which allows you to fight before kings i think sif is an annoying as [ __ ] boss to fight against however its position in the war and also the design of the boss i think is pretty good i would say that sif is a uh a is an a to your boss and the reason why i have trouble with sif is because honestly i'm just bad at fighting the boss that's really all it comes down to i'm bad at fighting the boss i'm gonna put sif um i'm gonna put sif below gargoyles i think that's fair s for synth no i don't think so i don't think it's an s i think it's an a to your boss i think this is fair four kings so i fought the four kings with the guardian's armor from the dlc which means that i had enough poise to just simply auto attack them to death and to be honest with you i have never done the boss without auto attacking it to death i think i'm gonna rate the four kings as the aesthetic of the four kings is ester i really like the way that they play i like the fact that there are effectively a dps check uh because you have to kill one before the other one spawns [Music] right here i think that's where four kings is right there yeah uh it's a it's a b to your boss i think this is fair uh very cool boss yet this is a totally fair boss like i yeah this is exactly where it stands pinwheel okay another boss a t or war f to your difficulty so um oh man i just don't know how i should rate pinwheel it's its own category yeah pinwheel is its own category okay so has anyone ever died to pinwheel i'm sure they have i would say pinwheel is like a it's like a c it's the lowest c to your boss so like it doesn't matter whichever other ct or bosses they have i would say that it is a seat it is the lowest ct or boss possible uh as i said it has a very interesting place in the lore uh of like the three the mask of the child the mother and the father and then like putting them together and then like uh the bodies in there with no hands or feet it's cool right but the mechanic for it is just so [ __ ] easy it's just not a whole lot man so yeah i would say it's a low level c grave word neato i think grave or neato is another one of those bosses so if you have high poise or if you have a weapon with a holy enchantment gravord nido becomes a complete joke however i do think that it's a really cool boss and i think the lead up to it is great where you fight you know basically you go into planned parenthood and you have like all of the little aborted baby skeletons are fighting you you have to break through them you have to kill the other pinwheels you break through the skeletons that are worshiping neato and then you actually enter the fight and you drop down i i hate the fights where you take damage by beginning the fight it [ __ ] annoys me it's a minor thing but that's my opinion you know what i mean so i would say that because he spawns mobs annoying it's hard because response bombs the only hard attack neato does is whenever he stabs his sword into the ground literally every single other mechanic that neato has is an absolute joke so and even that one is just basically a roll check like can it's the same as like a nameless king whenever it does the lightning uh the lightning bolt so it's like you guys think it's an a to your boss i would put neato at the bottom it's maybe above made in estrella um is it above storm king and sif i mean i think we're gonna put them about right here i mean like one or two placings is like not really that big of a deal so it's like okay like of course there's a little it's probably like the mood that i'm in at the moment so there you go um demon fire sage demon fire sage also known as asylum demon also known as stray demon another amazing and incredible boss and uh i would rate demon fire sage as a um i would rate him as also enough i think he is better than the stray demon just a second so we have the centipede demon the centipede demon i'm texting yes centipede demon is i hate this boss i hate the way it plays i hate everything about this boss i think it is such a cool idea though the way that you can cut off the pieces and you actually fight the individual pieces i think it is a solid d tier boss below i think it's i think it's below dragon god because at least dragon gob is a cool idea the centipede demon just sucks i think it's a d to your boss it's a cool boss it's a cool boss but it oh bed okay all right let's let's just move on if anybody disagrees with that um we can i'm sure win them back bed of chaos here so let's go ahead and give bed of chaos what it deserves right there you know it i know it everybody knows it even the people me as even miyazaki knows it okay everybody knows it sucks okay let's just move on see if the scaleless god we have so many of these oh my god this is gonna be such a long video wow all right i'm gonna try to speed up some of these like the dark souls two bosses i [ __ ] hate them so we're just gonna probably move on through most of those uh and we'll get to the bloodborne ones seeth the scaleless gimmick boss it's actually a double gimmick boss right because you have like the curse mechanic and then you also have the um uh the the crystal that you have to destroy i think seath the scaleless is a i think also it's weird that like his vulnerability spot which is like at his chest is the normal spot that he would fight him at i also think the sword you get from cutting off his tail is like not really that good unless you're a magic user so it's like i'd say see if the scaleless i'd i'd rate them as like a um i'd say below iron golem yeah yeah i would say below i don't know i don't think he's he's that cool am i crazy he's way better than iron golem he kills you first encounter yeah that's true yeah it's just seetha's s for war though it's kind of a good war yeah sure but it's not like that crazy he has mega lore yeah i've heard about that i've looked at just a gimmick boss it's not really a gimmick boss but there are gimmicks to the boss if that makes sense so yeah let's look at the other one dark sun gwyndolin um i think this boss sucks yeah i think this is a c to your boss i agree with you guys it's not that good no wonder gwen disowned them like we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna give him maybe it's better than priscilla okay maybe it's better than priscilla that's about it okay he betrayed the dragons seat the scales yeah i know i i watched the cinematic uh yeah so he's a low c yeah it's just not that too far okay all right priscilla is better than gwen when one i probably agree with you okay so gwen ward of sin uh send fur or cinder it's just messed up there gwen ward of syndrome i would say gwen is the highest a tier boss or the lowest s tier boss music is great lore is great boss fight is pretty easy um i would say it's like the highest a or the lowest s what do you guys think i don't feel comfortable giving him an an s rating i think i i think a is fair yeah i i think i think the highest a is fair now we're going to get into the dlc bosses sanctuary guardian i really like this boss because of how fast and aggressive it is i think that's the main thing that i like about it is like how just [ __ ] like crazy it is it's basically like the man eaters but it's actually hard so i would say the uh the sanctum guardian is i think the gameplay for sanctum guardian is better than the gameplay for sif but i think sif is just such a better lore character that it's slightly above sanctum guardian so it's like right here this this is where i would place them but they're about the same play some dark souls music not the small [ __ ] okay give me a minute so um knight artorias [Music] personally this boss would be an f but i know it's an s to your boss i i know it's an s to your boss i just played like [ __ ] and i [ __ ] hated doing this boss i really did ynf because i spent more attempts on this boss than any other boss ever and i remember finally coming to boss and thinking to myself wow i hate this [ __ ] game and that was it man it was awful so yeah that's the way i feel like i feel like [ __ ] get [ __ ] ferris boss yeah i do like the boss i wish that it gave you like more of an indicator that artorias like and this is just like an issue in general with like dark souls and is sometimes like you have to kind of you figure it out from somebody else the way that some of the mechanics work the way like whenever he does the purple empowerment thing that you need to attack them and interrupt it rather than just let them cast it so yeah i would say artorias is a uh is an s to your boss i'd say he's even better than flameworker personally uh yeah that's that's about where i'd rate them now calamine i would say calamite so calamite really is the first full-fledged dragon that you fight because you fight a number of dragons in the game but kalameed is like the first full-fledged dragon because gaping dragon is just a [ __ ] weird [ __ ] from blighttown who gives a [ __ ] right it doesn't really matter but calamite is the real deal he's the big dick seath is just a [ __ ] that's why he doesn't have any scales so we're gonna go with calamite we're gonna put calamite right here he is a high a to your boss actually i'm gonna put tower knight ahead of calamity because tower knights is way cooler calamite i do think has he has great mechanics uh it's the the lore about how ghost shoots them down is [ __ ] awesome just in general i think it's a great boss so yeah there we go manus father of the abyss the only abyss that i'm dealing with in manus is the fact that whenever i'm fighting him my entire screen is black i am not giving manus an s tier because i hate fighting a boss where the boss is the same color as the background it is so annoying i i am willing to give him an a tier but i will not give this boss a nest here because i think it's [ __ ] annoying however i would say that manus is probably right about right about here he's a very hard boss and in my opinion i think manus is one he is like an entire tier level of difficulty higher than any other boss in uh uh in dark souls one like he's way harder than any other boss he's basically a dark souls three boss put into dark souls one he's by far the hardest yeah uh calamity i think is like close second how does he lose to vanguard uh how he loses to vanguard is because i think vanguard for the first boss in the game is just way cooler uh manus [Music] should vanguard be moved down more i feel like vanguard and the silent demon are really good but it's really kind of hard to rate them as an a like where are they on the a scale you know what i mean like how do you rate something like that like i could put manus maybe like right i'll move i'll move vanguard and asylum demon down here because it's just really hard to rate war versus um like just pure war and game design reasons versus difficulty so we're just gonna put vanguard and asylum demon down with made in australia because of their position in the game uh aesthetically for one reason or another so yeah i think that's fair um and then oh coincidentally now we're dark souls 2. um the last giant it is an extremely boring fight he pulls off his own arm which is cool i don't like this i don't like it i i think it's a d boss it's a low d boss it's a low d boss who gives a [ __ ] there are i want to say guys dark souls 2 was an experimental had a lot of experimental bosses right like executioners chariots um let's see uh royal rat royal rat vanguard royal rat authority um the demon of song there's a number of these bosses the congregation here that are very experimental and i think that's cool the next one here is the pursuer the pursuer is in my opinion the most maybe with mirror knight the most iconic boss in dark souls 2. i think this is an a to your boss i think the pursuer is uh right here i would put the pursuer as a high eight to your boss and you fight him regularly and he's uh he's really cool i like him a lot i'll turn down the music a slight bit okay yeah he's cool he's cool for floating yeah he floats around and everything like that now dragon rider um dragon rider most people kill dragon rider by making him walk off the edge i think this boss is just an l boss this is probably uh better than the last giant and that's about it okay like that's yeah l plus ratio exactly it's it's an l boss um the uh this is just an f boss like the dragon slayer in my opinion it's like i'm gonna put him down here with the other [ __ ] reskins you know what i mean he's gonna go down to the bottom with the reese kids so it's not that special you fight him after you if you're playing scholar the first sin you fight the dragon and hides tower you you drop the drawbridge and you go up and you fight basically ornstein by himself um now also there's this boss here the flexible sentry this is the one after you shoot the light and uh then the ship comes in and you fight this guy at the bottom this is a cool boss i think that the way that it plays is really good and overall i would put this boss we haven't had a lot of these but i would i would say this boss is about uh it's about right here for bt or bosses not amazing but not terrible uh ruined sentinels now the ruined sentinels are the this is the boss that i quit the game on the first time i played it on stream because i uh i didn't like the run back for this boss the run back was [ __ ] annoying and uh you know dark souls 2 was the is that the game for bad run backs so uh it's just it's so hard for me to say where ruined sentinels is i feel like it's a losie i feel like c what do you guys think about low c like i'm thinking low c like below pinwheel low c below pinwheel for the ruined sentinels is that fair yeah i'd say so all right let's go to the next one bell-free gargoyles so um dark souls 1 had this boss with two gargoyles dark souls 2 had this boss with four gargoyles right down here at the bottom with three colors who gives a [ __ ] now uh yeah i think the boss sucks i do i think it just it's a it's a [ __ ] boss uh it's annoying to do um it's just yeah it's it's just a reskin who cares uh lost center i think lost center is one of the better bosses in dark souls 2 which means that it's probably shitty still but i do think that like the way that you can light up the room and fight him uh is interesting he does some cool mechanics but i feel like with the amount of plunge attacks he has especially whenever you're fighting him in a relatively dark room it can be hard to read him and i think that's part of the difficulty of the fight so i would say that it's maybe a like i'll be nice because i've rated a lot of dark souls bosses kind of low i'm going to put lost center about right here i'm going to say it's a a higher level c to your boss actually i'm going to put it up here i'm going gonna put it as a hot a very high tier c to your boss yeah it's better than cap redeem and i would say for sure executioner's chariot oh man i kind of want to give it like a a low a or a high b because i think the idea of the executioner's chariot is so [ __ ] cool it is such a cool [ __ ] boss i really f for run back alone uh no no it's not that bad like the thing is run backs are only bad if you can die like that like sir alone is a bad run back exiting users cherry it takes a while but it's not that bad i plays like [ __ ] it does play like [ __ ] i'm gonna give it excuses chariot i'm gonna say that it's right here because it's a really cool boss idea it's implemented not terribly it's okay yeah it's an okay boss fight now skeleton wards ah it's a cool idea again and i think that skeleton wards is like the manifestation of the dark skeleton lords and the gargoyles are the best metaphor for dark souls 2 difficulty but there's three but there's four you know what i mean like that's basically what it is and i would say skeleton lords are down here with like a c i think they're better than the uh than the ruined sentinels i think they're better than these two as well yeah i would put them right here i think this is a fair rating uh for these individuals uh worst come out of the pinwheels like i'm spinning out yeah the pinwheels are annoying now we have the next boss uh jabba the hutt now you fight him whenever you're going through the poison area and uh the big guys with the hammers you go right in and you fight the covetous demon now i think this boss fight sucks because it doesn't telegraph well like the bo it just it doesn't telegraph well at all and i i don't like it it's an annoying fight even though it looks cool so i don't want to give it an f but i will give it a d and i'm going to give it a i'm going to put it right here i think it's better than dragon god it's better than centipede demon but it's not better than uh ceaseless discharge yeah it's it's a d now this boss here uh maitha the baneful queen she's the one that you fight with the poison area you can elevate it she does the impale shows a few other things i think this boss is really easily cheesable it's one of the better bosses in dark souls 2 however i would rate it right here i would put it right here yeah i i put it right here she has no health it's way too easy yeah i i put it as a b this seems kind of fair it's too high i don't think it's that bad it's it's b for b yeah it's b it's just it's not super good it's not super bad it's just it is what it is okay let's just say that all right next boss smelter demon smelter demon is again one of the iconic dark souls 2 bosses it's really [ __ ] cool it has different phases it's a badass fight i would put smelter demon all the way up here i would even say it's probably better it's more enjoyable to fight against than manus personally i would say so and it is one of the most iconic fights i would say maybe above storm king as well it's probably one of my favorite fights in uh in dark souls 2. so uh yeah that's the way i feel hitboxes are wonky no your adaptation is just low the entire game is wonky because of a [ __ ] mechanic okay but uh yeah all right let's go with the other one most memorable dark souls 2. well it was so memorable they had to do it again and we'll get to that old iron king now the old iron king is uh i kind of don't like fighting the boss it's really annoying and also the hitboxes for the fire are really bad i like the way the boss looks and i think that the the way the boss plays is great but i just don't really like the uh i i don't like the the mechanics i think the mechanics are just badly designed so i'm gonna put the old iron king oh no [Music] wait where was i i accidentally clicked away where was i again where did i put him oh there he is okay i accidentally clicked the wrong one oh we're good we're good uh he's gonna go uh at uh the lowest b old iron king is the lowest btr boss uh aesthetically he looks really cool war wise he's really cool everything else he's really cool sure but it's just not really that uh that interesting of a boss right it just it plays badly that's about it not better than the first the lost center uh [Music] i think these better than the lost center personally i do um okay now we have the uh the sorceress uh scorpionist she's the one you see her on the ground and um you have to fight her that's about it so what do you guys think booba yeah another booba boss that's good winner booba the boss it's just so easy though like i would say it's like maybe a c maybe it's like a c level boss or a scuffed quail egg yeah it's a c level boss i would say so yeah there you go um royal rat authority this boss is a [ __ ] f i hate this boss i think it is the shittiest boss in the game i think fighting the rats is annoying it's just so obnoxious i don't want to deal with it i don't want to think about it um everything like that so uh yeah i'm going to give it a [ __ ] f i think it sucks uh next boss here prowling magus in the congregation they're the ones that you encounter on the way over to um uh the two-headed uh [ __ ] uh spider um i would say this is another this is a d tier boss it's it's a d tier boss it's like maybe right here or so it's an interesting idea but like i feel like how many of you guys didn't one shot that boss i didn't even know it was a box like if it didn't have a health bar at the bottom of my screen i wouldn't have known it was a boss that's my experience with that one there i don't even remember them yeah good point they were just trash mobs the duke's dear friend i think that this is one of the better bosses in dark souls 2 for sure and i'm going to give it a i'm going to put it right there look all that's actually really funny i've just like randomly rated all three of the spider bosses right next to each other i don't know what it is yeah b is spider tier yeah there you go i don't know how that happened now if you thought the royal rat authority was bad look at the royal rat vanguard this boss is it worse than bed of chaos yes it is because at least with bed of chaos they tried to do something cool with royal rat vanguard they said oh okay so uh we're gonna have a lot of rats and ah they're gonna kill the right rat well how do i know what the rat is uh it's gonna have a little thing around it yeah all right uh-uh [ __ ] boss the rotten you fight him right after you go through the uh uh toxic dick sucker valley i would say the rotten is one of the better bosses in dark souls too i would put the rotten the rotten is basically the dirty colossus let's be honest it's pretty much the same thing he pulls his own arm off he has some cool mechanics as well there's fire in the area he's a cool looking boss so yeah i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give it a c somewhere around right there now if you thought dragon rider was bad what about dragon riders so there's one with an arrow and one with a bow okay so you're fighting one but there's not one there's two it's an f um it's a [ __ ] f uh okay it's a [ __ ] boss you know what i know it everybody knows it looking glass knight this is one of the more iconic bosses in dark souls 2. i think it is the i would put the looking glass knight right below the pursuer like it would be right below the pursuer as an a to your boss it looks really cool the idea of it is just super awesome man i would say 100 as for a summoning mechanic well that's why it's a little bit above it's old monk was the first time they did it but looking glass knight did it way better so the invade makes him s i think he still ate here personally because he's very easy to do so yeah there you go sound songs where the footsteps dancer fight yeah uh demon of song again i think this is a really cool idea of a boss this is a great idea of a boss and that's about where all i have to say is like it's just so easy i would say it's down here with it's below old iron ring old iron king i mean to say it's just yeah it's a low b it's not that exciting at least it's a cool boss the lead up there is really cool yeah it is sure now this boss here we all know him we uh fought him uh in the dark souls three senders the other day uh velstad the royal aegis you fight him either right before or right after you fight vendrick um this boss is really cool he's the bong guy and i would rate vendrick [Music] right there i think that he's probably better than a penetrator but he's not as good as taurus demon or old monk overall but he's better than penetrator and the other bosses that's where i would rate uh those verses i don't think he's super easy guys like i mean he looks really cool but like the boss is a [ __ ] joke man absolute joke boss yeah um king vendrick now i'm gonna be honest guys i hate this boss i i really hate this boss this boss is super easily cheatable it's just obnoxious to fight against because he does a ton of damage randomly it's hard to predict him the war yeah yeah yeah we're gonna give him a right here i'm going to put him in a c yeah i'm going to put him right there as a c i think that is fair he is a scuffed win yes that's about right i think this is a fair rating for vendrick okay yeah better than priscilla yeah i think it's better than priscilla 100 um guardian dragon um i think we can assume how good guardian dragon is because you fight multiple guardian dragons uh as soon as you get up to the dragon peak area it is a l boss it is an l this is going to go with the other reskins down here ancient dragon ancient dragon is a really cool idea of a boss i really like the lead up to it everything about ancient dragon is really cool except for the fight the fight sucks so i would put the fight i got filtered by ancient dragon just hit his feet um yeah hit his feet run away i'm gonna put ancient dragon as a i'm gonna put him right here he's a higher level dt or boss but he's still not like uh that great of a fight okay fights so annoying yeah i think this is fair what do you guys don't think this is fair yeah i think this this is this is fair um giant lord this is whenever you go into the uh uh the like that the image of the past during the giant the war against the giants and you fight this guy this boss is just a [ __ ] f boss like it's just it's it's an f boss it sucks it's just the same boss that you see before with other giants i think it just is [ __ ] garbage i yeah it's an l boss yeah for sure thrown guardians i fought this boss after i did the dlc which meant that i was so overleveled for it i remember i made it take at least a minute whenever i killed the boss because i felt like it would just be so anti-climactic for me to just kill it that fast i don't think it's that great of a boss fight i will put thrown guardians next to the lost center here yeah and to be honest i feel like yeah yeah i think it's like right about here i don't think it's that good at that point in the game like dark souls 2 the early game of dark souls 2 is incredibly hard and whenever you get past like i'd say maybe old iron king it just gets easier the game just gets easier the more you play it and i don't really like that to the point to where like whenever you get to thrown guardians which is at the end of the fight and into the game they're just so easy they're very interesting under gear yeah but like why would you ever be under geared i don't know um next boss uh nasandra again like i fought these bosses that were like all the souls born games are like that no they're not um let's see dark souls 3 is not really like that sakiro is not like that bloodborne is not like that uh only the first two the only the the earlier games are like that okay let's see here disappointing endgame boss yeah for an in the game boss i feel like this is very low it's like uh i i don't know i would put it like i don't know like like a d like it's maybe like like right here maybe like uh [Music] like right here c yeah i think that's fair what what do you guys think like see yeah it only uh it doesn't get easier you only get better no it gets a lot easier man like come on better than pinwheel yes no i don't think it's better than pinwheel because at least the pinwheel lore is easier pinwheel and nasandra by the time you get to her in the game if you did the dlc first are about the same level of difficulty dark worker i have to admit something i'm lazy and i didn't want to level up the covenants to get darkworker i've never killed darkworker what rating do you guys want me to rate darkworker an a okay i heard it's one of the better bosses i'll give it an a rating uh maybe like right here yeah it's a gemini an s or an a maybe i should play dark souls 2 and c for myself yeah i'll give it right there all right only boss in the whole series i've never actually played grave robber varg and sarah this is the uh the three guys that they uh they repurposed to fight for cinders and you fight them in the dlc uh it's havel uh the pokey boy and the arrow guy i think this boss fight is uh it's very it it's like if you get them in the right rng it's so easy and if you don't it's so hard i think this boss is really frustrating to play against and overall it's not it's a gang squad yeah it just it kind of sucks i would say that this fight is like it's like right here at the d range i don't think it's that good man i really don't worst boss i don't think it's the worst boss but i think it sucks uh elana squallwood queen she's the one that summons the mobs uh shoots the stuff at you and you fight her at the bottom of like that big tower area in the dlc part of the fight i think this boss is really [ __ ] easy and it's not really that challenging or interesting at all i would rate her though i would put her maybe like right here yeah i think she's probably better than four kings but that's about it like a mid b yeah b for booba two hour youtube video bro i didn't realize like i thought i was gonna just knock this out in a half hour i've got all these bosses to do okay all right let's go ahead we're almost through dark souls too so let's go look at the other ones all right next yeah we're finishing this sin the slumbering dragon this is definitely one of the better fights in the game i would agree there are very few a tier fights in dark souls 3 or dark souls 2 excuse me i feel like sin is an a to your fight i would put it right here you see i'm saying i don't know the story for this boss so i'm not sure what the lore is so i would say yeah it's right here i i don't like he breaks your weapon during the fight see i never had to deal with that so i don't know for myself but yeah i think i hate mechanics like break your gear or like curse you and you have to like get the curse removed i i think that shit's just annoying i don't like it at all so yeah it's basically dragon god well yeah but it's an actual dragon you fight against now uh you guys heard about red smelter demon right super cool boss everybody liked it what about blue smelter damon so this guy is like this is the worst boss because not only is it a reskin but it also has a run back that makes you want to quit the game it is absolute [ __ ] garbage i hate this [ __ ] boss so much so yeah i'm gonna give it an f i hate it sir allen's run back is way worse yeah but at least sir alone isn't a [ __ ] reskin so i would say that all right next boss here we're gonna look at is the fume knight in the dlc fume knights of course one of the more well-liked bosses in the game is s tier um if any boss in all of dark souls 2 deserves an s tier it would be fume knight right i will give it the s tier for now but i don't know if it deserves it i do not know a fume knight deserves the stir but i believe he at least deserves a low low s tier yeah uh he he uh alone is the best one yeah but sir alone okay this is the next one right sir alone sir alone that's like you look at the his like the samurai armor and then like you get teleported into like the area the run back for sir alone is so actually yeah wait sir alone sucks wait yeah are you guys crazy yeah this boss sucks he's got the worst hitbox in the whole game he's got a shitty run back the hitbox is [ __ ] terrible no he's really cool all right give me a minute you want me to do this to you i'll do it to you i'm gonna all the sir alone simps are about to get [ __ ] rebuked watch this uh s to your boss guys oh it's an s tier look man it's an s t or boss what a s tier it's so good it's such a good boss bro [Music] no it's not an s to your boss it's a good boss i'm gonna i'm gonna rate it i'm gonna rate it like a an a i think it's a good boss but some of the mechanics for it and the run back for this boss it's just so bad like how can you possibly [ __ ] accept this is an sg boss it's just so [ __ ] bad it holds it back all right next it sucked but rates it as an a yes that's right okay let's see here wait what boss is this oh yep this is the uh the tiger that you fight in the ice area yeah um yeah yeah no this is the singular tiger uh the invisible tiger yeah i would say it's like it's like maybe right right here no no it's it's right here it's not that great it's like whatever to me uh hi hi brc so this one right here wood and zaylen the king's pets has anybody ever done this boss i hope not because it would have required you to actually get there this the actual boss fight itself is quite good it is a quite good boss fight however everything else surrounding it is quite bad and because it's so bad it is the most hated area in the entire soulsborne series you have people oh man like town was so hot man [Music] they never did this they never did this blighttown was fun it was a cakewalk it was enjoyable uh breath of fresh air compared to horse [ __ ] valley i'm going to give it let's see i think the boss fight is an at your boss fight i think that the run there is a f tier below after your fight it's right here it's actually down here burnt ivory king i hate this boss i think this is a [ __ ] boss i hate the way that it plays i hate fighting multiple mobs i hate everything about it so you guys are saying s and a and all this stuff it is a miserable experience the drop is really cool you're right the the drop for burnt ivory king like i'll show you what it is so you fight the boss and you have like you get all these different nights from around in a dlc area and you go through this giant tunnel and you're teleported into this like other place in the world it's like in the middle of the fire it's just and you have the knights come down with you it's so [ __ ] badass you have the mobs that come in through here and the knights will eventually freeze the uh uh the different areas and then you've got the big dick that comes out the ivory king he does the spins like i just feel like this boss is uh i i think this is a [ __ ] boss as i said before i really think this is a [ __ ] boss it's really hard to predict where like where his sword is going to be and like what his range is too because of just the way that it looks i i just i don't think it's that great of a boss man i'm gonna be honest like i really really think it's a [ __ ] an annoying boss yeah i don't like this first phase part of it either uh it's just there's something about it that i just do not i simply do not enjoy so he's probably the coolest lore in the whole series i will give him a high b tier rating okay this is the most i'm willing to do i hate this boss there are very few bosses that i actually hate he is one of them that's what i think the last boss the final boss aldia scholar of the first sin it's a d it is a d boss it is an l boss a d boss it's not quite an f but it's just such a mediocre fight it's so easy to do like i killed it my first attempt not even knowing what was going on it was just so weird yeah i'm just not that big of a fan man that's all it comes down to all right if you can believe it we're over halfway done all right next one the cleric beast now we're getting into bloodborne all right you guys don't know what bloodborne is it's a uh it's a game that runs at only 30 fps and it's not on the computer i think cleric beast is a really really good fight i think it is deceptively easy if you're good at fighting cleric beast it's an extremely easy fight if you don't know what you're doing it's an incredibly hard fight in my opinion i think that father gascoigne should have been the first boss and not cleric beast personally however i think that cleric beast is a great fight but it's just not amazing it's a hardest yeah it's the hardest tutorial boss carrick is easier than father i know that it's easier but i think father gascoigne he cleric beast teaches you how to play dark souls father gascoigne teaches you how to play uh bloodborne does that make sense that's why i like him more i think it should be a different fight he's optional not tutorial yeah so i would say cleric beast is like a uh i i would put it like maybe right here yeah i'd put it right there if you're not true because you're gonna use cleric for fire yeah but i'm thinking about it like uh theoretically with like new players yeah he's in the spider tier exactly low a at least i don't think so father gascoigne now father gas coin in my opinion definitely definitely a to your boss so the the lore for him is great um the the transitions are [ __ ] amazing the end of the fight being like just an absolute complete [ __ ] show um i really like this boss i think that father gascoigne is right here it is a high a to your boss it is amazing i love this fight i would say it's even above sif personally i think it would be it is the arena's awful no the arena is not awful the irene is great because you can fight you you have so many different ways to abuse him yeah i like it a lot you can get a music box to stun them yeah there's a number of things s is very hard for me to give an s okay guys um blood starved beast i feel like for the position in the game the blood starved beast is the same as it is the blood-borne kaeper demon it is extremely easy to do once you understand it because he always swipes to the left yeah he always swipes to the left so you can stay on it on the on his right side you can put you're on his left right you stay on this side on the left side and you like never get hit and on top of that he he puts a debuff on you that you have to then like farm out consumables to prevent yourself from like getting hurt by which is a really annoying part of the fight uh in the last phase if you're not if you're not within the range of where you should be and he's also if you can parry blood starved beast it is one of the easiest fights in the game or visceral strike blood sword beast uh visceral attack but if not then you're gonna have a really hard time so you can cheese easily i never did that i would say blood starved beast is i feel like again it's the capra demon of uh of a bloodborne there are ways that you can beat it easily and i would say actually it's i'd say it's the highest c to your boss because it also teaches you if you know the core mechanic of bloodborne which is like the visceral attacks then you make it easier and because it's such a core mechanic then i think that's uh that's what it is yeah it's very fair all right thank you by car amelia this is probably the worst boss in bloodborne i'm going to give vikar amelia a d this boss is a complete joke it is so easy it is so loud fight card is a good war too you guys really think that it's that good you guys think amelia is that good i think it's a d boss i think it's terrible worse than micawash yeah michael ashford is way cooler than amelia's way cooler and also i haven't rated michael ash either i think my clash also sucks the design is awesome ah i'll move her up but i still think it's a d boss i do i i still think it's a d boss i'm sorry to say it is still it's still a d boss anyway let's see here uh the witch of himrick uh hemwick uh so this is the boss that you fight before you um uh you go into like the area or you go to the castle uh which of him look i feel like this is also like a this is a d boss it's not really that hard uh it's just annoying like most people kill it on accident uh yeah i'm gonna give it a d it's not that great shadows of yharnam most council fights in bloodborne i think are they're annoying however i think that this council fighting bloodborne or not bloodborne in all these games is actually not that annoying i think that it's a well-designed fight and i like how whenever you kill one the other ones gain their abilities and also they look like nazgul big word of the rings fan so i'm going to have to give these probably an a i'm going gonna say that the shadows of yharnam are they're right here yeah they're right here or right here uh this is an a to your boss i think it's actually really cool yeah it's very generous no i like the boss i do i think it's it's a it's a good looking it's a good-looking boss it's a nice boss looking like rom the vacuous spider great war annoying as [ __ ] to play against uh [Music] i think it's like you know what we're where to go give me a second i'm gonna put it up with the other spiders i'm honest that's what i do i'm gonna put it this is below all the other spiders but it's still yeah it's like the the lore and everything for the game is really cool but like that's literally it i think that the in my opinion i think that the warren impact of rom is way better than uh that burnt ivory king like the war and impact of rom is [ __ ] amazing yeah this is gonna yeah this is spider spider tier do you forget how it teleports away well not only does it teleport away but like also the spiders that you have to fight around that respawn i think they respond if they respond um but like they do so much [ __ ] damage it's really annoying and then the run back you have that one mob that jumps on you it's so bad i hate that really it's so boring for boss is that significant i think it's it's as significant as um uh the armored spider yeah okay martyr logarius this is the guy at the top of the uh i forgot what the castle's name is called uh but he's up at the top there he has a scythe he summons the little thing you have to kill uh this isn't this is an eight-year boss i think this is an incredibly well designed boss in my opinion i think he's like all the way up here like this boss is really really [ __ ] good like best intro yeah people get [ __ ] on by him yeah because they don't know how to parry most bosses and demon souls or in bloodborne i mean to say that are really hard are bosses that you actually have to parry because most bosses you can kill without parrying but logarius is one that like if you parry him i remember i fought him this whenever i played through bloodborne the second time on this stream i fought them with a broken weapon and i killed them on my first attempt because that's how easy the boss is if you know how to parry lawrence design well lauren yeah i i one shot lawrence the first time because i was using the uh the axe and i would just like r2 spam and it just healed me through all of his damage but then i fought him again i could not [ __ ] one shot him then uh it was a lot harder uh dark beast parl i hate this fight i know i didn't miyazaki say this is like his favorite fight this fight annoys the [ __ ] out of me like yeah it's it annoys the [ __ ] out of me it's hard to see what's going on like it this isn't a yeah it is an annoying to your fight and also like i feel like a lot of people try to fight paul really early on and that's probably why they hate him which i am the part of that yeah i'm part of that too like i [ __ ] hate that fight okay looks cool but nothing special yeah i'm gonna put parl as like a right here he's right there middle middle of the pack c middle of the pack c that's about it let's see is fair i hope so the one reborn the one reborn is like if you take the tower knight out of the tower knights area and you put an amalgamation of skeletons and mechanics that no one really fully understands and you say hey here you go here's a boss fight this fight sucks this is a d fight in my opinion i think it's worse than amelia because at least amelia you get it out of the way really quick the one reborn is a lot harder and it's [ __ ] annoying so yeah that's what i would say yeah it's just it's a d fight okay celestial emissary this is the fight that you do before el britis and um i feel like this fight is just an this is just a joke fight it's really just a joke fight it's not that hard uh it's probably one of the only f fights it's like this one and the one dlc fight failed experiments or that's about it easy boss but mobs are annoying as [ __ ] yeah i one shot it now elbritus [Music] in my opinion el britis is an s tier fight the music is [ __ ] amazing and el britis in my opinion is as hard as orphan of coss or uh lawrence i think that i think el britis is probably one of my favorite fights in all of dark souls however i think that some of the ways that it would play that might take might keep it out of an s definitely not it's an amazing i think it's the hardest bass boss can we agree with that elbridius is the hardest bass boss orphan's way harder not for me it wasn't yeah okay i guess all right all right you guys don't think it's an s to your boss all right it's it's going to be right here then i'll put it as like very very high a to your boss i really like the boss the only thing i don't like about it is the charge that it does because it's just so hard to avoid it and it does so much damage and the uh what's it called the telegraphing forward is very bad yeah so i would say maybe an a for that thing just r1 stagger it bro well yeah but like i never fought it like we're fighting it like where you attack it from behind i never did that uh amigdala i'm gonna be honest with you guys i am gonna i'm gonna rate this boss a [ __ ] f i am going to give this boss an f i hate this [ __ ] boss and the reason why i hate it is because it's so [ __ ] big that you can't tell what it's doing half of the time it's so badly designed like it's one of the fights where locking onto it is a trap i'm sorry but using the game mechanics to play the game in the intended way should never be a [ __ ] trap i hate this fight luckily the first time i did bloodborne i was so overleveled by the time i i fought it i one shot it the second time i wasn't as lucky and it took me like a half hour to kill this thing i hate this [ __ ] boss who said locking on is the intended way the people that allowed you to lock on there are lock-on points if locking on was not the intended way of fighting the boss you shouldn't be able to lock on to the boss yeah the whole area is cancer yeah you have like the [ __ ] winter lanterns that just give you frenzy and you die like [ __ ] that it's i hate this [ __ ] i hate the whole area and the only dollar is just like the final [ __ ] nail in the coffin i hate it yeah and the brain what brain yeah those are awful uh you should never use auckland i'm on big bosses no i think sometimes you can uh like for like for for example like madeir or uh the first phase and nameless king yeah i think locking on is a good idea be even though they're big because it allows you to target the head and the head takes more damage uh yeah i just i don't like it michael ash mikalash host of the nightmare war perfect boss fight not so much i think that because the boss fight is so frustrating i'm going to give him a d f fight a lore yeah mid to high d do you hear our prayers yeah exactly uh [ __ ] call from beyond attack is so annoying oh with the uh the tentacles yeah uh there's that well i mean what oh he does that one other explodey attack that just like can do your whole health bar out of nowhere so yeah i don't know not a big fan uh let's see next one here uh mergo's wet nurse i really like this fight i think it looks really really cool and i think this fight's probably like a high b this is a high b fight in my opinion margo's wet nurse is like right here now i would say it's right here on the beats here yeah low a maybe high or sorry yeah low a high b somewhere around there depending on your opinion but somewhere around here i think that's fair very well designed fight yeah like the the mirror image phase is really cool just overall i do like it all right german the first hunter this fight's really hard this fight like if you didn't think if you don't think el britus is the hardest fight in the base game you probably think german is the one thing that i like about german is that he's the last boss in the game really and it just it plays well the story is good everything about this is good s i think that yeah i do feel like this is this is if there is a bloodborne fight that deserves an s tier i think german is definitely there and i think german is up there next to artorius uh better than flameworker and the fume knight personally shaming his weapon at the end of the game yeah true last boss's moon presence canonically true but uh yeah we'll get to moon presence so moon presence if you collect all three of the umbilical cords uh and then you fight german after you fight gurman the moon presence descends down and tries to consume you and does not because you are as powerful as it is and you fight the moon presence it is one of the easiest fights in the game and i think most people probably one shot it it is a formality fight i would say that it is a very high c level fight or a very i i think i i feel much better about being being in the b tier being in the lowest b tier it's kind of annoying in the game plus see i never did that before yeah i never did a new game plus with uh bloodborne okay now we're into the old hunter's dlc which is in my opinion and i think many other people's opinion the best dlc for all souls-born games ludwig the accursed this is an a to your boss i don't know if it's an s to your boss or not oh man is it an s to your boss or not phase two is just so it's so easy but like i love this cinematic bro this cinematic is so [ __ ] good let me pull it up and show you guys it's actually kind of scary so like what's so cool about this is you don't even really see that he's like a a person and that's what i like about it so much is like you can't even tell that it's a real person or anything like that and what i love about the fight is right here so you get into phase two this is the coolest part the coolest like mid-level transition i think it's on the same level as nameless game [Applause] what i love about this so much is that for the first time in the story you can actually see that it used to be a human face and i think that is just it's so good the moonlight greatsword look at his face behind it so you can see he used to be a human but like every other angle that you had seen him at before then makes him not really look human at all now as i said before i think this boss fight is just super [ __ ] easy and i don't know really if it's uh is this an st or fight i mean i'm not really sure but like i do really like it a lot um get around him hit him again oh we didn't get the visceral strike guy [ __ ] up and this part of it is super easy too it doesn't even do anything you just don't stand in front of them like that's why i think it's super easy is that mechanic that's a one-shot mechanic but like you have like five seconds to move out of it so it's just so easy i would say ludwig is [Music] he's right here for now he's right here for now i might change i i might change it later on but a is where he's gonna be at right now living failures true [Music] um yeah uh true you know it i know it everybody knows it the fight sucks so let's go to the next one uh lady maria of the astral clock tower this fight is a lot of people i think overplay this fight it's not that [ __ ] hard she literally dashes towards you and you can [ __ ] parry her at any point in the dash and it still works you just walk up to her it's a parry check yeah exactly i did it the first time and with my axe without parrying and it was also still pretty easy because you could hit her with the r2 and knock her down uh it's kind of like lady maria is like sister freed it's actually just like sister free now that i think about it yeah it's just like the just same boss basically so um for it's much harder it's hard to compare i think that lady maria is definitely an a to your boss i think she should be right here i i feel like lady maria should be right here on an a tier what do you guys think fair yeah i think this is fair uh not as good i think aubrey this is cooler albertus is way cooler and i actually think in my opinion i think a british is harder but um lady maria is also challenging too which boston dark souls looks the coolest for you the coolest looking boss i don't know yeah maybe the pursuer the pursuer looks [ __ ] awesome yeah gail is also really cool too okay lawrence the first biker so if you didn't like cleric demon what about whenever he's on fire and he does half your health bar in one hit lawrence is i don't think that lawrence is an s t or fight i don't think he's an s to your fight however i do think he's an a tier fight but i don't think that he is in high a to your fight like the other ones i think that lawrence is about where manus is lawrence is better than manus but he's at about the same place lawrence yeah he was the first guy i think that lawrence was the one that amelia was like uh like praying to or like like i don't know like mourning or something whenever you you run into her and the story uh yes it was it's just it's been a long time so like whenever i was getting ready to do the from soft uh marathon i was like i was planning on doing dark souls 1-3 bloodborne then saquiro and then maybe demon souls afterwards right so i didn't really i i only got through the dark souls war really uh i've read the bloodborne stuff before that's how i know some of it but i didn't refresh myself on it okay the last boss orphan of coss this is the probably if you think there's a hardest boss in bloodborne this is probably it what would be holding it back from an s war is a tier war zest here i mean the fight is really [ __ ] hard placenta spamming oh and phase two i think he does that i feel like if you know how to fight this boss [Music] you can get it in a rotation of like like i'm not very good at playing on a controller so i wasn't able to do this but like i've watched speedrunners and they can just run around and whenever he does like the placenta spinning they can run all the way around him and backstab him in that time or not backstone but like r to him and then knock him down because if you are to almost anything it knocks it down i could never get that right so i i think that like overall all things considered orphan of costs is an ass to your fight is it better than german i would say they're the same it's apples and oranges so much dip they're so different from each other it's hard to say it is one better than the other yeah it's so debatable it's just i i can't tell you yeah i i can't i can't say the same apples and oranges well what i mean is like you can't compare them because like so german is the german is like the crescendo of the entire story and orphan of coss is like the hardest boss in the whole game right so like coss is the more interesting boss fight german is the more interesting war okay i i don't know why i wanted to do this i am so crazy this is going on forever all right let's go we're gonna keep it up it's not we're not over boys it's not over now we're into dark souls 3. all right ludex gundyr i hate phase two of this fight i think glutex gundyr is actually an incredible uh teaching fight and i think it's actually better than asylum demon and vanguard the reason why i think it's better is because it teaches you not only to dodge but also to parry because parrying this fight makes the entire game easier so i would say ludex gundyr is an a vored it every time i see vort i think of this [Music] look at him go bro what the [ __ ] so yeah i would say um i really hate for it as a fight though i don't like his rolling attack i i think that it's just super annoying to deal with i don't know is it video is ester yeah the the yeah the video is better than the fight i would say vort is like a middle of the road beats here it's like a it's like right here i would say it's a c tier fight this is about the way i feel about it for it's a seat to your fight uh curse uh rotted great wood okay i do really like this fight i think it's a really cool idea i do i actually think it's cool like it's a good fight it teaches you positioning it teaches you movement it goes through the different areas in the game you have to deal with the other npcs at the beginning i feel like this is a [Music] mid c it's a mid c guys uh it's it's a mid c arm's a penis yeah i think that's fair can't agree yeah i i don't know cool idea and concept low c yeah i don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be okay crystal sage so i'm gonna be honest you played the game with fort tamara this fight's not really a boss fight um the gimmick and the gimmick is so easy right like am i right whenever i'm saying like whenever she can the the image that casts purple is the real one and the blue ones are the fake ones i think that's how it used to i think that's how it plays yeah and uh get behind tree that's it yeah it's really not that hard so i would say crystal sage is like a i think it's also a low tier c fight it's not as bad as you guys uh as you guys are making it out to be but um purple equals one yeah there you go uh but i do think that it's not that amazing i knew you had a soft spot for dark souls 3 okay so let's see do you want to do walnier right now if you want to think that we'll get to him deacons of the deep i think that deacons of the deep is probably one of the best council fights in dark souls i do i think it's one of the best ones it's interesting it changes but i don't think it's hard and again this is also a max heavy rolling poise r1 spamming vortz hammer user i think deakin to the deep is fine it like playing deacon to the deep with my build is like mowing the grass that's right it's like mowing your yard that's all it's literally that simple so i would say the fight is uh really not that bad but i would rate it i don't know maybe like a d like i actually no no i think it's i think it's a c i think the fight is a c and i think it's not quite as cool as pinwheel but overall i'd say it to c yeah difficulty it's not only about difficulty fahren's undead legion i don't know why it's called that it's the abyss watchers now this was me fighting the abyss watchers and i have to also put this in context of the fact that uh xqc had just played dark souls 3 and spent eight hours on this boss he spent eight hours on this boss so everybody went into it thinking that i was gonna completely get [ __ ] destroyed which i did but it didn't happen until later on in the game so everybody was like oh man let's see look at that guy right there xqc six hours here okay right there and he's like oh my god what is this watch the [ __ ] chat so that's all same guy he's really good he beat sakura before i did watch the damage watch the chat watch the [ __ ] chat people are like what the [ __ ] what there's one down so this is why whenever i did the fight on cinders on my stream i i didn't know how to do the fight i had no idea how to do the fight i was easy boss dude i already beat him no you can't do so much damage over leveled spamming all that your abyss watchers was insecure if i remember um whose name was king that was really bad sakiro inner yeah the father was really hard i i had a really bad time on that fight all right all right so now we fight this guy to skip ahead so this is me fighting the abyss watchers phase two for the first time he's slower this time i get hit i get hit i get hit does it matter no because the boss randomly missed his attack he rolls away and i just heal [Music] look at the chat i didn't even know what happened like all the question marks everything like that people are so [ __ ] pissed i'm pissed as a guy yeah they were mad because like i had played dark souls like such a [ __ ] idiot that they were waiting they thought abyss watchers was gonna be my wall now i had to replay the abyss watchers on cinders where like it has like 10 times as much health and it's way harder i actually think that the abyss watchers is an a to your fight even though i made it look like a d-tier fight i think that it's about right here it's an eight-year fight yeah i don't think it's an s i don't think it's an s but i do think it's really good lothric prince's real wall that didn't take me that long by then i had already done the dlc high king walner great idea bad implementation wall near i think is just a d i don't know actually you know what so people don't think i'm biased against dark souls 3 i'll give it an f but it's a high f all right next one uh old demon king i'll be honest i think this fight sucks i really do i think this fight sucks the only good thing about this fight is the fact that if you actually hit his head you can uh stagger him and do a uh a big attack on him right so a parry attack on him so i would say the reason why is i feel like his hitbox and his character model blocks your character from doing things too often and i that's why i don't like him uh i would say old demon king if i had to give it a rating would be somewhere around right there see i'm gonna go messy is aoe ground fire with [ __ ] yeah it was really hard to predict and to read it yeah it's just uh at the level they were supposed to oh demon king yeah i i don't know it wasn't really that bad uh yorm the giant we talked about this before with the uh i think it was tower knight or whichever boss uh about like a gimmick uh gimmick weapon jorm the giant i i don't think it's really that cool of a fight i think it's gonna be like a b fight i i really think it's like one of the the weaker fights in dark souls 3 because like you just get the the storm ruler or whatever it is so like the lore is like siegward and yorm were like good friends and the reason why sigrid was going to the uh uh to the the [ __ ] to to go to yorm right that the direction he was going in was actually to kill yorm because joram gave him that sword and told him that like if he ever went crazy at profane capital uh to kill him so like that's actually the war behind it now i think it's really cool um i'll put yorm the giant as i'm gonna put him right here above the spiders is your magi shut up okay um pontiff hmm uh i think this is a yeah pontiff is an a to your fight for sure it's right there right there what do you think is that fair better than fume knight no i don't think so i don't think it's better than fume knight i think pontiff is way cooler but um yeah it's better than film night uh i feel like fume knight the way that you can control the the area that you're fighting him in like the healing area it makes fume night more interesting estee or war yeah i remember a little bit of the pontiff war but not enough of it oh aldrich devourer of gods i actually think this fight sucks i think aldrich is probably one of the worst fights in dark souls 3. uh it's just it's so easy there's like no challenge in it at all unless he does the arrow attack it's like basically the arrow attack kills you and nothing else does any damage that's it and you can go through an entire fight of aldrich without even using having him do the aero attack at all so i'm actually going to give aldrich a d i i really think this fight especially for being like one of the lords of cinder it was really kind of a letdown i do i i just i don't think it was that great of a fight should have been way more interesting and harder no i i think that like lost prince lothric was really cool but like that was the only one that i and uh the pharyn's legion was really cool but that was it uh dancer of the boreal valley dancer i feel like is a high tier b fight i i'm not sure if i want to give it an a do i want to give dancer an a oh man oh is it is it an a fight or not it's better than ludex gundyr yeah but like the the toriel fights i feel like are all pretty good b for booty anchor hit her ass that's true yeah have a very cool design yeah it's very misleading the way you fight the f the boss um it's the highest b or the lowest day in my opinion one or the other [Music] i i think this is fair enough it might not be the best answer but it is fair enough now dragon slayer armor i feel like a lot of people sleep on this fight i really hate this fight like this is one of the most annoying [ __ ] fights man like i i hate this [ __ ] fight but i hate it because i can't please through it it's not because it's a hard fight i just hate it because i can't play it like an idiot so in my opinion i think it's a very good fight i would say it's at least a b to your fight and i would say it's probably a little bit below dancer like i think if they're also like really high b to your fight that's about it he poises through you instead yeah i know it sucks it's lower you don't think dragon star armor is that good i don't know i feel like just like how intense and powerful it is it's just really cool no i like it the butterflies are annoying yeah you have to like line this item and [ __ ] like that too knocks you off the stage yeah maybe uh either way they're very close to the top anyway all right next fight a serious um again of a character with really cool lore but a terribly easy boss fight a terribly like easy boss fight i would say osirios is up here with a c like i'd say this is a c boss fight second phase you can just roll through them and it doesn't even do that much damage yeah i would say that when he slams the baby against the four and monk will laugh yeah the instacharge though yeah i mean but by that time it won't kill you so it's like i would put him as a c i don't think he's that hard censored baby no the baby's invisible that's why he's asking where it's at okay let's see here champion gun deer hmm champion gun deer i feel like champion gundyr is i feel like it's an a tier fight it's definitely like one of the defining fights um i would put it right there i would put it right there at the top area for a because it's also a fight it's a fight that makes it to where like it the first fight with ludex gundyr it's like okay you're fighting this guy and if you carry him it makes it easier but like with with champion gundyr it's like if you don't parry him parry him it makes it a lot [ __ ] harder so i think that's what the difference is for me you need to move some bosses around i feel like this is generally fair yeah it's like it's that it's generally fair the prince is lothric um i feel like the uh the lothric princes are one of the highest tier a fights it might be an s fight it's like right here i would say it's like the highest a or the lowest s yeah it's a real word of cinder fight yeah it's really hard a for sure it's just i don't know if i'm ready to give anything an ass like once i go through everything i might move a couple of things up to s but it depends so yeah there we go i would say it's an a to your fight it's really cool the healing is amazing the way you knock them off there and i also like the fact that if you get behind lorien you can actually hit prince lothric uh even while he's on his back which is really cool too okay let's see here ancient wyverno ancient wyverno i'm going to give this fight a d this is a d fight i have never done the gimmick for it i have just spent 30 minutes hitting his feet before because there's something wrong with me nameless king the first son of gwyn removed from history for his love and friendship with the dragons this is an s-tier fight [Music] i'm going to give the nameless king i'm going to say he's about right here i think nameless king is one of the best fights in the entire game and i think nameless king and artorias it really comes down to personal opinion that's what it comes to his personal opinion which fight is better and then what's in this ontario i think it's not necessarily but soul of cinder so soul of cinder i feel like a lot of people did all the dlc right so like by the time you get to seoul cinder it's always pretty easy so like i would say soul of cinder is like below gwyn it's like one below gwyn does that sound fair because i think the fight itself is really good but it's just like actually no i don't feel comfortable putting it above abyss watchers i i think this is a little bit more fair so gwen ferran's legion abysswatcher soul of cinder and albridis like yeah yeah yeah sure i think that seems fair oh geez there was a callback yeah what plays part of the gwen music and his fight so you're right about that gwen's a joke compared to soul center yeah but soul of cinder is also a joke like by the time i got to him it was way easier um this one here look there's a reason why in every single mod for dark souls 3 this boss is removed okay we're going to give this boss a mid-level d it's a mid-level d rating for hardness not only hardness but that's a factor okay now we get into the interesting fights father ariendo and sister freed is this an s tier fight yeah yeah yeah it's an s tier fight so here's why i think it's an s tier fight uh the reason why i think it's an s to your fight is because it allows you to you you were able to approach it from multiple ways like i remember s fan spent i'm not even kidding you guys like a week and like over 300 attempts on this boss and finally the way that he killed this boss is he took off all of his armor and everything and he just learned to do the entire fight perfectly and he used the dragon stone to double his damage and i remember whenever we killed like where is this no [ __ ] way oh man it's been lost to time well i remember okay i remember this very clearly so i beat i beat sister freed in like 15 attempts i beat her really fast i got a phase three on like my first attempt and i felt so good that s fanned completely [ __ ] the bet on this fight because he beat nameless king before me even though i was ahead of him in dark souls in general and he had started after me and so i felt like the biggest [ __ ] loser uh eight minutes in that video yeah well he i remember he like gets up and he throws his controller down is this it that's not it wait what wait what yeah that's not it bro what do you mean i don't know what this is [Applause] yeah that's not it man anyway so uh i remember he finally beat the boss and he threw his controller down and he like walked out of the room and there was one time that he turned on his stream and the only thing he did was sister freed that entire day and he didn't kill it and i remember like we had to go do something like it was like train was gonna do like a cooking stream that day or something and he like he threw his controller down and he's like all right guys i gotta i i gotta go uh yeah guys i gotta i gotta go do some other stuff i'll see you later it just turns off the screen man this is the funniest [ __ ] thing so sister freed is gonna get an s okay well trent yeah it was the good days man uh demon prince i actually feel like out of all of the um out of all the dlc bosses with demon prince demon prince is actually probably one of the uh not as good fights yeah i don't think that the uh demon prince is really that great of a fight and um it's okay like i'm not saying it's bad by the way i'm i'm not saying it's bad at all but i don't think it's an s to your fight i'm gonna put demon prince as an atr fight right next to calamity i think kalameet is better than demon princes all things considered theorem prince but uh i think it's an eight-year fight yeah that that's about it okay let's go about a spear of the church i'm not even gonna think about that one all right dark eater madeira in my opinion out of all of the souls games madeir is the hardest fight in the game it is the only fight that i did not one shot in cinders madeir is actually [ __ ] hard it is the best dragon fight in the game there are some parts of it that i think are a little bit [ __ ] but i would say it is the it's like right here i think it's better than the bloodborne fights in my opinion actually no no i i don't think it's better than i'm gonna put it right here it's below the bloodborne fights yeah but i think it's right here it is definitely an s to your fight yeah it is the it is the dragon fight and uh the spear of the church here uh this is before you get to uh uh what's uh filanor and uh gail i'm just i'm just gonna put this as like a d it's just like a low like a mid d i don't who cares where it is it's right here maybe right here who gives a [ __ ] right that's about it yeah it's l of the church true slave night gale in my opinion there is only one fight that beats slave night gale and we haven't gotten to it yet you know it [Music] so that is the uh that is the other s to your fight can you show the fight i can but like doing it yourself is like so much of a better experience gale is perfect gale is the pinnacle of dark souls like yeah gale is the pinnacle of dark souls man the blood of the dark soul part is epic yeah exactly like it's just so [ __ ] good like the war around it is so good because you encounter him earlier in like the in the chapel uh right before you go to him he's like praying there and uh then like the girl who's like painting the painted world is like where's uncle gayle and you know it just it's really really cool like everything about it is s all right so now we have sakira finally kunichiro so should i rate ganichiro like i'm just gonna like i'm gonna put ganichiro from whenever you fight him at the top of the ashina temple i'm gonna put him both of those together because he's not even really a tutorial boss because you can't win or lose you know what i mean like it's just even if you beat him at the tutorial somebody just shoots you with an arrow and he still cuts off your hand it doesn't matter so genitaro uh let's let's go back to him all right let's go to the next one my name is i'll be right back and take a piss so i think that this fight is i think it is a high a tier low s tier fight personally like i really really like it a lot and i feel like it just gives you what you guys don't think so the guy on the horse yeah the scenario is really cool it's like you never really have fought a boss like that in the game like i think it's an a to your fight especially the fact they just like [ __ ] busts out there like i think that it's on the same level of it's right above shadows of yharnam yeah i think it's it's right about there yeah goribo is cool as [ __ ] yeah exactly like that's what i would say fair yeah it's right above shadows of the arm it could be below it but i don't think it's a beat to your fight it's just so much more iconic it's like wait i think the reason why it's iconic is like there's more personification right versus like dancer or dragon slayer armor which i think are relatively the same mechanically let's see next fight lady butterfly is this it um okay lady butterfly i really don't like the mechanic of this of the seed that you have to use to dispel the illusions and the way that i did this fight is that i killed her before she did the ability so you don't have to yeah i know she you don't have to this is like no this isn't a tutorial boss this is the um she's too easily broken yeah she's extremely predictable shouldn't simplify the boss fight so much yeah i mean i would say i think this fight's a b fight i don't know if it's an a fight or not but i feel like it's a it's a high b fights i yeah i think this is this is fair it's it's not super hard it's a good like so like for each game i would say let me think of a boss that like really fits well with this i would say like a tourist demon or capper demon uh in like in like dark souls 3 it would be like the abyss watchers this is like the abyss watchers of of sakiro and i think it does okay let me see here so yeah that that's that's about it okay so now we have gennichiro now kenichiro is a uh is a really good fight i think that ganichiro uh is probably one of the better fights however is gennichiro a true s i feel like the third phase is too easy for it to be a a solid s but i feel like it's about right here i think it's about right here for for rna tier what do you think feature awakened i haven't done that yet teenager destroys most of the soul series roster in terms of difficulty yeah sure but like that's not the only thing that i'm factoring in and also like whenever he kills himself or whatever he stabs himself no no that's not until oh yeah yeah never mind uh that is that's at the end of cinemax so yeah i guess that is kind of cool too yeah overall that's why i would rate them okay let's see here open image a new tab which what's this that's [ __ ] [ __ ] f i was [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] d man like i bro like they all i was so mad about this fight and then i got the mortal blade right afterwards and i was like it's not that bad i feel like the sakiro listings here were really missing out on a lot of really good fights like there were a lot of like really good mini boss fights that we're not getting a chance to see so that's a little bit unfortunate but um it is what it is like a lot of the mini bosses in zakiro i think should have been listed here like yeah seven spirit sheena guy that's like at the beginning of like where you start the game and uh seven spirit was so hard how is anything that you can mariki counter hard get the [ __ ] out of here yeah just just shut the [ __ ] up you can literally [ __ ] you can ambush him take off one of his lives and you can mariki counter him don't tell me that it was hard the first time i fought him before i learned how to play the game it took me like five hours okay that's how bad i was if you don't have it skilled it's hard if you don't have it skilled then you're an idiot so in my opinion i think that the uh guardian ape is an s to your fight i think that guardian ape is a low s tier fight it is probably one of the it is one of my favorite fights in the entire game and the only thing that would maybe change my mind is the fact of how easily it's cheesable in phase one like it's so easily beatable in phase one that i would say like yeah is it really you know whatever but like the surprise of it is so [ __ ] clean man especially since it seems like sister freed right where it gives you the tight knight slab whenever you finish phase two ignoring the cheese it's great yeah this is the first uh first time you fight the corrupted monk um in my opinion this is he only has one life here uh you can damage them with the snapseed here and i just feel like this part of the fight is not really that hard i would give it a i'm just going to put it right in the middle as a c it's just a c level fight i think that the corrupted monk fight the three the three uh phase krypton monk fight is great but besides that it's really not this is isiah uh to be honest with you guys i never did do ishin and uh emma uh i never did the two of them with um with the shura ending so i never i never did these two uh the isian and emma fights so i'm gonna have to yeah i i can't say uh you should it's so good yeah i never did do it hey it's a cool fight that's sure isiah yeah i know uh it's one of the better fights big monkeys at least in a three-phase monk it's incredibly easy to cheese uh it's not i don't think it's that easy but i don't know um anyway so let's see i i would say i'd put each in i'm not gonna rate them because i didn't do them like what like i'm not i'm not gonna rate them i didn't do them okay let's see here this is uh owl this is owl whenever you fight him at the top of uh ash in the tower and if you go with the uh the canonical thing i think this is an a to your fight i would say owl uh like old owl is like a right here it's right there yeah this is th this owl is the easy version but this fight is uh nothing compared to the other one but we'll get to that one in a minute okay so then now we have this is the guardian ape uh this right here is the guardian ape whenever he has the uh other ape with him and you're fighting the two apes at the same time i feel like this is just a worse version of the original fight like i i would put this as like a low c tier fight it was annoying to do i feel like sakura doesn't really play well whenever you're fighting multiple enemies at the same time and just in general i didn't really like the fight that much so i'm gonna give it uh i'm gonna give it a c and i feel like it's just a like all the skiro fights i feel like are really good but i might actually even want to move this down a little bit more because it did feel like kind of a reskin let's go to the next one now we have the actual corrupted monk that you fight after you get teleported over to the other world i think the corrupted monk fight is it's obviously an a right it's obviously not an s and it's obviously not a b it's obviously an a right there i i think it's right there i think it's better than goyabow i think it's worse than owl and i think it's worse than than ganichiro i feel like this is this is it this is right exactly where it should be the atmosphere is really good it definitely is because you get teleported to that like far away land etc the divine dragon okay okay uh it's like this is it's such a cool idea i love the idea of the dragon fight but it's forgettable i know i don't think so at all i think it's really cool divine dragon's such a great it's great spectacle and the spectacle of it is just so good the idea of it is so good i feel like it just it it brings like an entire different level of like mysticism that the game didn't have before into it it was really really cool and i'm actually going to put divine dragon as the lowest b divine drag actually yeah right next to moon presence is perfect i think it's a little bit better than moon presence or maybe worse i don't know it's about the same yeah they're right next to each other next owl father now this is after you uh you go back to the uh where you fight lady butterfly and you can fight owl on super hard mode this i think it's like i think guardian ape is a way cooler fight owl is way [ __ ] harder but guardian ape is cooler but i think it is an s to your fight yeah i i think it's an s to your fight that's that's basically where i'm at too owl was a great fight yeah and let's see here get your ass ready for inner father yeah [ __ ] that dude i haven't done that one yet okay and now we have the demon of hatred now oh man in the same way that gun deer is like a sakiro boss that you have to parry that got put into dark souls the demon of hatred is like a dark souls boss that just got put into sakira i couldn't kill him for the first time it took me a while like this is a really really hard fight and i would actually say the demon of hatred is i want to put him next to ludwig like i i want to put him next to ludwig right there yeah his high hp makes it different yeah but i just don't know if it really deserves that high of a rating an amazing callback towards where the series came from yeah and the demon of hatred is actually the um it's the guy that mends the stuff for you it's the guy in the little uh little area it feels too high it's either here or here i feel like actually i feel the i feel a little bit more comfortable having him right here next to lawrence and manus like these three fights like yeah yeah i would say something like this this seems quite good but like i'm thinking like does that mean that corrupted monk is better than him it's this they're too different to compare it's hard for me to say better than monk it's really hard for me to say look at the video you don't remember the fight well i do what do you mean yeah he throws the fire at you you can run him off the edge it's a three-phase fight um he does like a big fire thing where he explodes he jumps up in the air and you can jump down like i remember i remember the fight pretty well i spent a long time on it but yeah i would say it's probably somewhere around a coup de months in a good spot credible visuals and cheese aside a solid fight yeah and now we have the final fight the only as far as i know four-phase fight in any of the soulsborne games you know it i know it everybody knows it is the best fight in all of the games in my opinion and the reason why it's the best fight so there's a number of reasons why i think it's the best fight i think the biggest reason why it's the best fight there are two big reasons number one is it's the last boss the last boss is the best and coolest fight which is something that many of the dark souls games don't get right and number two in the very beginning of the cinematic it tells the story of how ishian overthrew the other guy beat this dude's ass and isian is built up to be like this like literal [ __ ] god like the samurai warlord of legend and you see him and he's like just this old guy and it's like okay you know it's you know it's that's life right and the fact that you get to go back and fight this guy in his prime is just like the fact that your character can beat him is extremely meaningful in the story you see what i'm saying like yeah the charisma the scenery the music difficulty like yeah everything about it is just [ __ ] perfect man everything about him is awesome yeah exactly uh that's the way i see it too i really really like it as prime is in his 50s apparently look bro like the guy he does what he needs to do you nailed the nightly uh yeah the lightning return it's so good yeah everything about it like it's just [ __ ] amazing especially phase three like i think phase three of eshin is like probably one of the most it's like slave night gale the last phase of slave night gail like after he uh he does the explosion in phase two like it's i think like they're on the same level so yeah uh yeah tennis prime after all the knowledge and skill are required yeah exactly so it's like that is the ranking and again this is like bass kenichiro and i never did the uh the shura ending so i never did isha nanema so this is my this is the official asmond gold sakiro bloodborne demon souls and dark souls tyrolist let me think right now if there is anything i would like to change i believe that i can move ludwig to here and it would be okay i feel like there is such a gap between ludwig and princess of lothric that it deserves its own category i think ludwig is asked here i'm just looking back and forth here this is about a yeah three hour video better than owl too ooh i think i'm not going to agree with you there i feel like they're really close that's why they're right next to each other but they're really really close gray ordinato yeah it's not that hard of a fight but i think it's really cool capper demon's 2-0 yeah because it made people quit the game yeah better than fume knight i feel like i maybe i rated fume knight a little bit too high because i feel like he's better than fume knight too i i feel like i kind of just felt bad for dark souls 2 and i'm like i gotta give one of them an st rank right so it's kind of like affirmative action or something right it's like you you're just you're putting it in there but it's like ah you know okay sure that's basically it so we're yeah we're gonna throw him a bone we'll give fume knight an s there we go and uh let's see her flameworker i don't think it's that bad sir alone was asked here no no uh where is it this is why sir alone didn't get s t here okay so that's why he didn't get asked here now well you just had some latency yeah sure uh but he was okay uh why's rnc and smo asked here the fight's so easy i don't get it well yeah i think anybody who's beat shaqiro and dark souls 3 like the difficulty of of any dark souls 1 boss is just much lower uh dark souls 1 is more about preparation and like character building more than dexterity and reaction time yeah it's so iconic ivory king ezs i hate the fight i think it's a trash fight i think it's really annoying i don't i don't like it at all uh basically general can be uh tiered to be the first time around he's just hard enough for you to one try in a second play through that's not that hard you're right but there we go i'm gonna go down here and i'm gonna show you guys the whole tier list of everything and that's uh that's about it where would you put the uh shaman warrior from sakiro i don't know what that is this is every single boss from every single fromsoft game rated and we did miss a lot of the mini bosses in sakiro especially but these are all the main storyline bosses pontiff low s no no hi a uh yeah i don't know the primerian queen isn't there yeah that's because that's a chalice boss they don't that that wasn't part of the real game i would say i never did that boss to be fair lady marie is an s um i don't know about that yeah it's pretty oh bulgarious deserves an ass no if if lady maria isn't getting an s logarius is definitely not getting an s chained ogre oh yeah yeah chained ogre wasn't even on there that's actually a good point uh please link the tyra list this is dude i i i thought i was gonna knock this out in like an hour this went on for a while man holy [ __ ] god damn man this is a long ass [ __ ] time jaws fights weren't made content but the boss fights were kind of pog i didn't do every boss fight for the chalice dungeons i probably should three hours this took to rate every single one of them poor cat danny's gonna take some time to render this one you know what i'll watch the um i'll watch the willy video because i'll give the the editors an easier video for them to upload holy [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 800,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold dark souls bosses, dark souls bosses, asmongold tier list, asmongold ranks, asmongold rates, asmongold rates dark souls bosses, asmongold dark souls tier list, tier list, dark souls tier list, dark souls boss tier list, twitch tier list, dark souls bosses ranked, best dark souls bosses, worst dark souls bosses
Id: 1RQayzyF8SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 0sec (9420 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.