Asmongold Reacts to WillE Quitting WoW Full-Time Content Creation

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so this is quite the strange time to be doing this video a lot has happened over the past week or so in and around blizzard and just the classic wow community as a whole i wanted to do a video about the state of the channel how things have been going and the plans moving forwards initially i recorded this on the day before the lawsuit took place but such a lot has happened since that point in time that i felt as though i needed to redo so here we are i'll try and do it in one take and just go through everything that i need to i want to start off with a bit of law about myself how i kind of got into this so i used to have a job at somewhere where i worked for my job and there wasn't much to do during the day there was just a lot of free time this was in the run-up period 2 classic where i was super hyped about it yeah in this free time i'd write videos i'd put stuff together about class guides because i was so hyped for classic wow when it was about to release i imagined had some kind of interest on i don't know online stuff youtube all of that and if there was ever a time when i'd have a chance to try and do it then this was going to be it so i fully committed myself to going into that avenue and doing it to the best of my ability the first video i ever put out was off the back of me having played old school runescape for a very long time and i couldn't see anybody else that had done that type of video and after that i put out various different things but it wasn't till i tried the class guides where things changed initially i did the paladin not my views on that the mage similar story and i did the hunter and that is where things changed something happened the youtube algorithm gods picked me up and decided that it was going to be my time to shine and the video absolutely exploded in growth yeah that's one thing omaha i think i should attend gifted subs i appreciate that this is important to uh to keep this in mind if you're thinking about making like youtube content especially is every single time you take a shot you're not going to hit and especially at the beginning you're probably not going to hit a whole lot of times most of the times you're not going to hit but the reality is it's going to take a while and then eventually you will get a hit like for my videos it took me quite a while for me to like really have like one or two videos that like really resonated with a lot of people and started getting popular and then once you do it once or twice it becomes more and more popular it makes it easier to do it again i went up around 20 000 subscribers in about the space of a month and a half which as you can see from the current amount it's absolutely insane i'd sit there at work i'd refresh the page i'd see more more subs crazy useful likes coming in it was truly unbelievable that this pipe dream this seemingly impossible thing could actually be happening same thing happened i remember in the weeks running up to classic i remember each new class video i do tremendously well and i remember putting out a community post where i was apologizing for wanting to try running ads on the videos which i hadn't been doing at all to that point in time despite you only needing i think it's 1 000 subscribers and 4 000 or live hours watched which sounds like a lot it's not really that much not and i woke up in the morning one day to check it after the first day i'd been running ads and i saw the amount and i was like wow maybe this is actually something i might be able to do maybe youtube isn't such a dream after all and so i remember whenever i was in a so i was in business school and i had started the youtube channel and my goal with my youtube channel the only thing i ever really wanted to do with my youtube channel was make enough money from the youtube channel that i wouldn't have to worry about making uh money and having a part-time job while i was in college like that was the only thing that i wanted to do is just make enough money to where i don't have to worry about getting a part-time job while i'm in college that was it that's classic lawyers i did the right thing at the right time and the algorithm decided it liked me since then i've continued to grow the channel i've kept on with the content as classics gone through and it's grown and grown up to the point where i hit a hundred thousand subscribers i thought about two months ago which is an absolutely phenomenal feat i never thought i would get to that thing you always hear it from every single youtuber who does this but it happens for a reason it's a lot of people and you only can really feel amazed and thankful that you've gotten there i'll be honest whenever i like this might sound really [ __ ] i mean it's asthma gold right so what do you expect whenever i put out my videos i knew they were the best because i was the best back then i was the best player and i'm making videos and they're the best videos i mean what's the surprise there i mean obviously they're the best i mean what what do you what do you mean like oh verified i've got the silver play button on the way which is rather nice they didn't send me a code for it i had to go and ask them for one instead but since it's hit that point and the channel's crossed that margin and especially as we've gone from vanilla over into dbc things have really started to frankly stagnate on the channel it's not growing anymore at all it feels like i'm treading water i haven't experienced this before even when i started the channel i already knew there was going to be a point in time where classic was likely to fall off sorry cody came over we had to talk about very top secret things uh that's all it was i did not know i did not poop my pants everything is completely fine i'd have the choice okay everything's totally fine audience is enough where i can continue or to branch out and i've realized whatever i put out there in terms of videos there are people that are going to love it and there are people who are going to [ __ ] hate it because that is the nature of doing things online all i can ever do is put out things which i think are entertaining and engaging because that's what keeps me going youtubers streamers anyone in the content sphere online really what they're putting out always shines when they really love what they're doing and i enjoyed my time throughout classic and moving into tbc i do still enjoy elements of it with the retail version of the game i never had too much interest in creating content around that had classic not existed i just wouldn't have started the channel whatsoever around this subject but the more things you try and put out on classic the more apparent it becomes that it's difficult to put content out for a game which is entirely solved it's a finite game it's the same as uh this is the same problem that like dark souls players have for example is is they have like the issue where at a certain point you can only recap the story so many times you can only talk about uh you know this boss so many times that i killed this boss many times and you can tell whenever there's going to be uh you know there's like recycled content and obviously like whenever there's an elden ring video you know that like every dark souls content creator puts out 15 different [ __ ] videos about it because that's the one little [ __ ] shred of content that they're able to do and it sucks because i know that very well because i've streamed wow like i've streamed wild for years and so i know exactly how that feels but it's a finite game and you just can't build a channel if you want to have like a you you cannot build a sustainable channel in the long run off of a game that has finite amounts of content practically any other game ever it's always in a position where it's moving forwards and new things are added so the people who are making content around it can guide you as to what the changes are what's seen as good and bad what the new updates will be all these different things but for classic everything that happens moving forwards is absolutely no secret we have zero class bouncing we know what the mechanics of every single raid will be as for roughly how difficult we'll be we'll know which bosses drop legendaries we know which items are coming out in later phases all the arena teams are already known in advance what will be the best it's all just solved we know what's coming and i understand people like videos for the entertainment value and just to have things in that kind of format to watch with your morning coffee with your dinner whatever it may be but it can be difficult to find enough things which i think weren't a video and that i should be putting out for you guys and that you would find entertaining i look back to some of the stuff in classic and some of them are just really [ __ ] and really bottom of the barrel stuff and even and that's just the [ __ ] truth because and this is the same problem that i had with uh with classic wow is that after the first month of the game i was out of content and i told people this was going to happen before a classic wow remember back do you guys remember back whenever i was playing um burning crusade and a burning crusade was going to come out and i kept telling people over and over and over i was saying over and over this is not gonna last this is gonna be content for a month and then it's gonna be over and everybody was saying no you're gonna be playing it forever it's gonna be content forever you're gonna love it forever and you know what i was right as when i was putting them out back then i thought this is just these are crappy videos i should be doing better than this and i have tried to branch out to other areas of world of warcraft during the time in classics such as the expansion reviews which i can hope you tell i put a lot of work into those even though the voice quality on some of them was absolutely abysmal the class guides again i can hope you tell i really love doing those because i can put so much more time and effort into them but in between that i often feel like i'm putting out filler and nobody wants to watch filler on top yes we have a player base which the majority online at least actively really dislike the developer blizzard or activision blizzard they can't wait to get to the end of it people can't wait to get to wrath of the lich king and have made their piece of classic and say okay i'm done with this game now the negativity is overbearing there are a lot of bad actors there are a lot of serial complainers who are in every single video about world of warcraft ever telling you dude there's some people like you'll see them in the comment sections of wow videos and the way they type like they don't really use punctuation or capitalization and they just type about how like activision is the illuminati and something like that they're just so dumb man serial complainers no they are it's just it's sad to see him man it really is that you should quit and how bad it's gotten they're on the forums they're on the videos that blizzard puts out it's just absolutely pervasive throughout everything they do yeah i'm not going to apologize for that because blizzard deserve it they honestly warrant this not true any individual within the company but just the way i've treated the people who play their games over the years and how they've constantly failed to listen to feedback constantly said no this is our vision you will like our vision and their vision is [ __ ] and in classic leaving things in the game which were either easy to anticipate or just broken beyond belief and easily a visible issue like that which again other people have been doing content on i barely have the energy to say look this is bad again and again and again it just feels like i'm yep repeating myself endlessly and it's bad content blizzard have had the lawsuit put against them recently which shows issues dating back to over a decade within the company and those being seen as normal we've had people have been founders of the game quietly leaving or now having these allegations placed against them it feels like just another thing on top of their never-ending bad pr poor decision-making that we just see again and again and again from blizzard i remember i looked up blizzard controversy on google and there was like seven different results from like the last five years it wasn't just this it was just like that that's like just this time it's like i expect nothing but i'm still disappointed yeah regarding the content in tbc i can say for the time being at least that i'm still enjoying raiding on it in fact i read it on two separate characters the tbc after you've got the initial content out of the way you have your badge gear you have your crafted you've got the consumables banks you've got your flying you have the harris pilton gigantique bags there's not much to do tbc is raid log the expansion and that isn't going to go away with new tiers opening up either interest in tbc has fallen off very quickly since they initially launched and players worldwide are looking outside of blizzard and seeing there are a lot more cool titles out there which are worthy of their time and as somebody who's roughly in the mmo sphere at the moment but sticks themselves to the niche of just classic it's such an exciting period of time to be in the position where i'm at we have riot games who are working on an mmo headed up by greg street ghost crawler we have final fantasy explosive growth at the moment we have ashes of creation which is a long time often in alpha but again promising something very different to what we know to be an mmorpg these days i am really excited about ashes of creation i played the alpha for a little bit but it was very clear to me that the alpha was a technical alpha and it was not like a gameplay alpha so i didn't really get into it all that much but i'm very excited about the game and it's just like i i feel like this year and next year is going to be the year of the neckbeard like we're having so many big games come out and so many big content patches and everything there will not be a reason to leave your house like you won't need to do that anymore and you'll be done with it you won't have to we have the new world beta which is looking very interesting and is due to launch yeah i'll get to heaven toward next year i'm in no way surprised that players are choosing now more so than ever to take a look around and see what else there is and that there is more to mmos than blizzard that the idea that people have only been sticking to game because of the sunk time fallacy or that yeah it sucks but there's nothing else better has not been true for a long time potentially gonna be a lot of free time in tbc and that's not a bad thing it's a game at the end of the day you should have fun with it not feel as though you are required to log in daily to make sure you're getting your daily fun and as players have started to divide up and look at new things in my spare time i have been doing that as well i've been playing a lot less wow since tbc has come out mind you i've always flip-flopped between several other games in my free time so this isn't anything too unusual for me so i think that's the same with a lot of people was like many people are variety gamers to an extent and it's just that now there's a reason to to do more variety gaming i think that's what it really comes in down to man people forget that mmos aren't designed to be played all day every day there will never be enough content for that well there was for a long time and wow and i think that there is in final fantasy in a lot of ways and the reason that there is is because there are people to play with the people are the content the game is no longer the content yeah people no there are people that play final fantasy all day they're logged into the game all [ __ ] day they're not actively completing content they're not doing any of that they're sitting around talking with their friends or leveling an alt job with their friends and again it's with their friends if you have mmos create replayability through socialization that's what really makes things replayable what i'm trying to say is on the channel the classic content isn't going to disappear yeah i want to make sure that i'm focusing on the best content or the most interesting things rather than feeling as though i need to fill the gaps with stuff which just isn't very good because that's how youtube and the algorithm encourages you to make videos to make sure that your channel is consistently growing i want to bring the videos back to more light-hearted stuff and more entertainment rather than things born out of frustration or being critical in every single video that i make and having some kind of reverse effect on me about making me less enthusiastic about being able to write videos about being able to edit stuff and about what i do in general when i started off doing this job purely out of passion for the game and what i'd like well i think that's the way a lot of people would want to do things right i think that's it's sad right it's definitely sad that it's like you'll see like certain like wow content creators and they'll do things like top 10 trees in vanilla wow stranglethorn vale and like it'll have 3 000 views and there'll be like five people no i'm not kid like crandor yeah but crendor does it ironically so it's good these are people that don't do it ironically because the crindor videos were funny because it was crindor these are people that are doing it because they have nothing else to do and you look at the comments and people are like man that's whenever the game used to be good dude the trees nowadays they don't even look like trees anymore well i can't man this is before activision ruined the game and like you just read like if you go back and you've tried to find like well this is a good entertainment exercise right is you can go and try to find some of the videos who uh you know this is like a clearly a classic wild content creator that's ran out of content six months ago and which are the people that are sitting around and staying around they're gonna be people that are like complaining they're like man bro i can't believe you dude um you have a sponsor now you're just like blizzard man this is the last video i ever watched of yours bro i thought you were a real one alex was right and like that's what it was and like yeah these are these are the kinds of people that think like this it's my crayons yeah with the channel most is branch out from just classic world of warcraft to mmo content on a larger scale doing general critiques of the genre which aren't just purposefully always tailored to classic doing first impressions on a number of different games doing news about upcoming titles or revisiting old mmos in general particularly at the moment likes of final fantasy 14 new world and eventually ashes of creation are a particular interest to me honestly i'd like to be able to put out things around anything which catches my interest enough and i'll be able to continue the channel like that i don't want to alienate people of sub for wow and there is content which i still want to make around the game particularly the raf the lich king class series but as you can imagine that shouldn't be coming for some time assuming wrath of the lich king will be a thing of course but if i even just look at my videos recently the final fantasy one i did has been one of the most successful ones and honestly i had a really good time looking into something new where i am clueless and i'm going in as the new guy it's very enjoyable to do the thing is though i could just write out a lot of mmo players that are looking for and trying to find that uh they're trying to chase that dragon you know they're trying to have that new experience that they used to have but they don't anymore and i think that's the way like there's a lot of people like me for example like they want to have that experience of going into a new world and being a stranger into strange land again so like whenever you see like a content creator that does that that's why they get so excited about it i could continue making videos for tbc i could make videos for wrath of the lich king but as i did when the channel first took off at the start of classic and i committed to it then for that i want to recommit to it now and make sure that it stays around and that it's not going to just fade out over time as mentioned earlier it's such an exciting time to be talking about mmos now there's so much new that's happening that's worth talking about i feel as though in my niche i've really liked the ability to break out and explore different avenues of things that could be entertaining or informative for you guys there just aren't many classic content creators left these days for reasons that i've gone over bad season shows recently decided that world of warcraft has come to an end for him which it's a dead game that's finite and the community it sucks like there's literally no positive it's like you have dead games like there are definitely games that don't have like a big community but like at least the people that watch it are are like cool but the people that play classic wow almost every single one of them are zero skill boomers that think that dark souls 1 is hard like they're like oh man dude dark souls man i tried now i mean that was oh bro like take me back to molten core which is something i would have never really expected he's been about forever three times as long as i have yeah madness i believe he has one more wow related video coming out and i've had the opportunity to speak to him several times and he's one of those people who just can't seem to dislike i know this is the biggest risk you can do with a channel trying to branch out from what made you successful read it i've seen comments on mad season's video saying much of the same but sticking with classic in the long run would be going down with the ship this is the dream job for me what i'm doing now i [ __ ] love doing youtube is absolutely amazing but in order to continue growing the channel things need to change both in content wise and allowing me to do different things creatively it's not going to happen overnight the world of warcraft content isn't just going to instantaneously vanish for me but it's definitely going to be reduced compared to what it's been so far and i've always been bad at saying this but thank you for sticking with the channel it's so easy to get bogged down in negatives especially with blizzard and classic but positive comments even just one of them can really with your day and make you know that what you're doing can make a difference it's worth continuing to do and that it's worth the effort everyone that's given me a chance who's allowed me to be part of your classic journey to anyone who supported me from the time when it sounded like i was recording in another room with my stretch screen resolution to everybody who's watched so far thank you i just want to get this all out here on one video and just let you guys know what's going on with the channel and how i'm feeling in light of everything that's been happening recently i hope you give the new stuff i do a go because i truly love what i do and i think i can show that better than i have been doing in a long time only trying to do classic the guys it's crazy to me that like i've watched this video five times like i was thinking about right is like i've watched this exact same video five times not this one but like from other people saying the same thing you see you see what i mean i think that's about everything i've got to say so i'll see you guys in the next one very soon sucks content career is waking up i i think it's just more that uh people are not really uh you understand like being a content creator is a job right you gotta have people are they're gonna wanna do what's gonna work for them right what's gonna make them money and like making uh recycling content from an 18 year old game 16 17 year old game it's just not really doing anybody any favors like i'm just gonna be completely honest like it just [ __ ] does not do anybody any favors and that's always been the case so i feel like that's kind of the uh that's the thing [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 363,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, wille, asmongold wille, wow wille, classic wow wille, asmongold classic tbc, asmongold burning crusade, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic wow dead, classic tbc dead, asmongold classic wow, wille quitting wow, asmongold blizzard, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard sued, classic, tbc, classic tbc, wow, quitting wow, unsubscribing, quit wow, asmongold quit
Id: _QMFLU8fd8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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