Asmongold on "Why New Players Are Quitting Shadowlands PvP" | By Stoopzz

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why new players are quitting shadow ends this is it right here [Music] oh hi what the [ __ ] i hate seeing this thing it's so sad they're making fun of them oh that's [ __ ] up dude that is [ __ ] up [Music] it is sad isn't it trying to find arena [Music] partners [Music] oh my [ __ ] god it's like i can imagine being 1800 raiding and trying to find arena partners it's probably the most painful thing [ __ ] ever it's just it probably just sucks [Music] jesus [Music] well as promised we are back again following my last lfg video and because of your help on the last video we once again have got their attention now although there was some sad humor behind the intro of this video i know that players can relate to that poor frog it happens to you nearly every expansion all of your friends you guys are the same way back to the game they tell you that they're going to go super hard when shadow lands is released and three months later they end up bottom rolling onto some other game like that campfire game called valheem what are you trying you then log on to realize that all of your friends have ditched what are you trying to say left with the lfg section with the hopes of still being able to play the game it's a good game another person you watch online maybe you're at school or work you watch zarya drop the biggest bombs combusting on some random rep paladin or you tune into peekaboo stream obliterating players at 1600 with his 190 legendary gloves hoping that one day you can be like that wow then ask them what you should do to improve and they tell you you just got to play a lot of games yeah you'll get there but when you all tab back into the game you look at your 207 eye level mage it's midway through the season and everyone has a bunch of gear and no one really wants to play with a 207 eye level mage i wonder if it's not good though you just need to get some gear right so basically what's going to go down is we we just ding today we're 146 item level and we're going to be playing with uh zilia on his alt as well so we're just going to be hopping into arena games you know kind of see what we can do what is that demon man what is this game how can we not win well let's do that you scroll up to the top of your people and you realize you have an 8 000 conquest cap ahead of you before you can get your full set of pvp gear oh and on top of that you'll need another 80 000 honor before you can fully upgrade that gear now when saying this i know exactly what someone is thinking so what bro it's an mmo that is part of the grind this is exactly what we wanted right to be able to spam pvp and get your pvp gear well i should be i i do think like towards the end of the season like especially after the first like few months like after people who have earned their full set of gear after they've had that set of gear for months or like a month or so you should make it easier to get the pieces of gear for other people like make it a little bit faster there's no reason not to i think at that point like everybody's already gotten the gear into season season still has four months left i mean that's not the way it's supposed to work though right no just grind it i don't know like i think it just it takes [ __ ] forever to do that i mean you see like you get 35 a game and you need 8 000 weren't we just talking about how [ __ ] annoying animal was i guess this does give you gear yeah sure but i just don't i don't see how it's harmful for at the second half of the season to make it a little bit easier to catch up to the people who have the gear like i just i don't see how that's it's that bad i i i really i don't see how it's that bad because people want to play other characters they want to play alts some people are newer like it's not it's not that bad here's the problem you'll see that you have 8 000 conquest to farm and in order to get that conquest you'll have to do the juicy content like arena and radio battlegrounds you have to do rated content for you know unlike tour gas which by the way if you really did buy the game for tour gas you probably also got baited by warfronts that hurts man that actually [ __ ] hurts because i did get baited by warfronts i really did i was so hyped no i was so hyped for war fronts man and i tour gas i think is a thousand times better than warfronts but still tour gas has a lot of problems too i got to get this knocked out i literally just oughta ran into this zone the problem is is when you have no achievements no experience and on top of that no gear your experience looks something like this yep now that is not to say that you won't find someone eventually but you can make your own the thing is also you can make your own group you got to keep that in mind too there's always people like they blame the game because other people don't want to play with them well maybe you know take some initiative don't after an hour you may find it the same with regards to play and your eyes light up with the hopes of finding a potential arena partner yay after the first loss you find out that that guy hoping would be your arena partner is well [Applause] and then you're back to waiting for another hour you see this is the problem who in their right mind would ever want to go through a cycle like this there is no way i would ever want to do this over again without the help of friends it's honestly miserable for a game that i'm paying 15 a month for something has to be done about the lfg system for the time being and because of the mentality of players in 2021 a solo if you have never been a rank one arena player don't even think about joining my group i can't risk losing my 1300 rating i was 2k five years ago and that matters now q system would go a long way and if i'm being honest i'm pretty confident that blizzard for me i was 2k rated 10 years ago ep soloq system but the question is when well since our last video we did get a response by blizzard which is better than we got in bfa now i want to thank everyone that did share my last video because you guys really had a part in getting this to their attention during blizzcon online blizzard came out and made a few statements on the topic when asked if they had any plans to update their lfg tool to make groups easier blizzard came out and said that they would love to and they want to hear more from the community on what we want they also said that it's something that they would work on but probably not something for patch 9.1 and when asked about soloqueue they stated that previously they believed activities like arena and rated battlegrounds should be done in organized groups however if the community feels passionate about the implementation of solo queue they would like to continue hearing from the community regarding this topic so i think that uh solo queue would be great that would be here's why i think it would be good because i want to have to stop i don't want to have to keep watching videos about it like i'm sick of watching savage and stoops videos about soul i'm [ __ ] sick of it just add it into the game and have them shut the [ __ ] up okay like just shut them the [ __ ] up i i like just put it in the game and if it sucks it sucks that's it and blizzard could be like ah you know what i told you so they did that with pvp scaling or the legion thing and they're like see yeah you didn't want it you thought you did but you didn't just do it again they'd love to but they've laid off too many people to get it done most they don't really lay off a lot of devs uh they lay off you know like a customer support the devs aren't really getting laid off as far as i know essentially blizzard is saying they want to hear more from us huh well yes i have a lot to say and in order to get to this quickly i'm just going to be honest and go down the list okay here we go let's do it i honestly can't understand how the wow team is choosing to prioritize content like tour gas which players clearly don't enjoy over things like improving the lfg system why won't chains of domination or patch 9.1 look to solve this issue what could be more important than helping players experience the reason why they purchased the game the lfg tool is how ninety percent of the player base experience all types of end game content that you have worked so hard on and easy is the lfg system is the lfg system bad like for for pve and if so what's bad what is bad about it because like what like how could you solve the problems that people perceive with the lfg system it's because of raider io i re dude guys i really think that's a terrible argument i i really do and here's why because before we had raider i o we had item level and before we had item level we had gear score and before we had gear score we had what guild you're in and before we had that we had show up at the bank steps and let this mage who has no [ __ ] idea how to gear a warrior kick you out of the group whenever you're applying warrior because you're wearing leather true strike shoulders and he doesn't understand that's your pre-raid miss he doesn't get it he has no idea he just sees you're wearing leather and your warrior he kicks you out like the entire time there has never been a golden age of oh well this is back in the day whenever you just get invited based off of how excited you are to do the rain oh wow you want to go into the rain oh come on in little jimmy come on in the molten core let's have a good time no that never happened that never [ __ ] happened never there has always been an arbitrary [Music] system that is partially correct but partially incorrect that obscures information and does not tell you the full story that players are judged on completely this it's been like this and then classic wow it's the same thing so it's like if it was better than in villa wow you add classic in now and it's the same in classic then maybe the problem isn't the game maybe the problem is the guilds the problem here is what the problem is is that they have removed the social fabric from the game and back in the day you would have somebody who plays a feral druid and the kid's a [ __ ] idiot he's a furry but he's your furry he's your furry he's your friend and three patches ago he was overpowered and you remember how well he played back in throne of thunder and you keep him in the raid even in brf when he's not as good it doesn't matter this is this is what it used to be and it's not like that anymore because you don't have the social structure you're not going to build trust with random people there's no way to make the random group finding system better there's no way so look you won't even fix it either i don't think so i think the problem let me let me this is this is a 10 minute rant in the middle of a 14 minute video i will talk about this after i finish the video efix would just be an option for players to check a box saying that they're interested in said content and the lfg tool should scan the game for other players who are also looking to do that same piece of content without you having to wait for someone to create a group or actively be looking to see if one is posted and i bet you blizzard could do this easily within a month where creating an add-on like this would take several months with much less success but sadly it is something that i have been looking into also why haven't you introduced an honor and conquest catch-up system this late into the patch cycle players have been asking for months for you to allow players to transfer their honor to alts or create a way for new characters to acquire honor faster than currently i mentioned this during the shadowlands beta and the amount of honor you need to gear and is astronomical for retail standards not to mention at this point in the patch cycle new characters are so out geared because of the absurd power creep that happens throughout the expansion that it takes even longer due to your inability to win matches in a competitive set yeah you're getting solid triple totally fine shifting poggers uh cancels combust he's dead man frick man all right well we tried that's a 1300 you say you want to hear more from the community it's extremely frustrating players have been asking for solo queue for years so much so that we even had halinka and other developers address it at several q and a's in 2000 on top of that players have been spamming the word solo queue for weeks now in the awc chat as well as during blizzcon online and it wasn't just a couple players it was nearly the entire chat you also have other high-rated players advocating i'm not really a big fan of spamming it in awc chat i don't think that's helpful or productive i think it's just annoying it's like people that think that they're doing something useful and they're actually just being annoying so not a fan of that however i can maybe talk to somebody and and see what i could do give like give my opinion on it but i actually don't the real truth i actually don't think solo queue is a solution i know that might sound crazy i don't think it's a solution i think that soloq is solving a symptom and not the disease that that's what i genuinely believe now i i'm not saying i'm not saying we shouldn't have solo q but i think that it solves the symptom and not the disease game mode and recently skillcap asked me to come on their podcast to discuss the topic as they felt it was so important arena and rbg participation is plummeting due to your inability to make changes for the game that would solve so many of these issues it's also because people got their gear like a lot of the people that do it after people get their gear they're less incentivized to do it because they already got their gear so it's not just because of that and it's also because the game is new i i feel like this is obviously like graphs like this are partially true so for example this is partially true that yes obviously participation goes down but why does participation go down for one people been playing the same game over and over and over uh whenever they bring out a new fortnight season or a new war zone season or something like that they change anything i can [ __ ] guarantee you and the first few weeks of the game everybody's playing it and then things start to level off it's not a problem with the game that's player behavior and on top of that whenever you have like power gains that are attached to that then after people get all the power gains they hit max level and whatever they're trying to do a lot of people are going to stop playing it doesn't necessarily mean that the game's bad it's just player behavior at the start i had never seen so much participation in pvp everyone was playing together but as players started acquiring gear and achievements new players were left behind due to the poor group finder tool and even if you are a long time existing player making it all this late into the patch is so daunting that most players don't even bother trying companies invest millions of dollars into tournaments because they know it will in turn result in players getting excited and potentially playing their product imagine investing a million dollars into a tournament that gets 7 000 viewers who would do such a thing but in order to compete in pvp or pve for a casual player you have to do all the things i mentioned previously before even considering to play instead of asking for funding for the awc and the competitors or any other competitive wow esport we need to ask blizzard to fund the development team so they can solve all these issues that prevent players from getting involved in the first place we don't even know when 9.1 will be released and you don't tell players how long a season will go on for instead of creating a set time for each season like other games you randomly give us a two-week notice when the season is going to end and sometimes we don't even get that this causes so many players to stop yeah it's confusing and causes the competitive pvp scene to literally evaporate into the ether there is no new content planned for the game until 9.1 and we've been doing the same exact thing for the past several months and instead of making it easier for new players to get into the game or existing players to make alt you just add a new doggo power for tour gas in hopes that it gets players excited there will be new all new powers because we know you know powers are one of the stars this is a program a chance [Music] i mean honestly so i've actually gotten to the point where what i do in tour guest is my goal is to finish it as fast as possible and as soon as i get like one or two powers that i feel like i can kill the last boss with i just skip everything i'm like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i'm going right to the end i'm done with it and i try to spend as little time paying attention to it as possible and tour gas is tour gas is a good idea but blizzard needs to they need to take some risks with tour gas they need to do some crazy [ __ ] with tour guests and here's one reason why tour guest here's one reason why i think it sucks i said this before last time we talked about it it's because the bosses are too easy they're just too easy they do like three things they have the same amount of mechanics as a trash mob in a mythic dungeon and you expect to have people get excited about doing that it's crazy their tank and spank yeah they're tanking spank with like one mechanic you have to deal with they're not they're not dynamic they don't change they're just boring i think what they should do this is my opinion i think what they should do is this if you kill a boss and tour guests and you kill it within a certain period of time a certain limited window of time that boss dies and it spawns a portal and you can take that portal to go to a lower level of the of hell of tour guest and fight the boss again with the empowered abilities that's what i think they should [ __ ] do like imagine imagine this right so you're fighting you're you're fighting the boss and it's like one of the valkyries and you kill one of the valkyries and it dies and there's like a blood portal that spawns on its body you click the blood portal and you get teleported to this massive fire lava chamber with like blood like dripping off of all the uh the the pillars around you and you have to fight her in like this massive like red circle and she has like six different abilities and she's like solid red basically with like a new animation or like a new character model and you have ads that you have to deal with and it's like a mage tower challenge and you unlock that by killing her fast enough with yeah with mage tower difficulty that would be [ __ ] cool and you could even make it and you could they won't yeah but that would be [ __ ] why though because it's fun that's why because it's [ __ ] fun i want to fight a hard but like hard solo bosses are fun man like that that'd be cool man rewards are trash then give it a better reward give it like some [ __ ] red like [ __ ] demon wings you get if you kill it that'd be badass only for veteran players yeah yeah no you're right you no that that's a good point that's a good point yeah that that's good for like the top ten percent of players or five percent of players whatever but you're right that like the bottom fifty percent who gives a [ __ ] no tour guest is [ __ ] boring there's a million problems with torquast okay like there's a million problems they just need to do they need to to take a little bit more risks with tour guest that's my advice do you guys need to be more fast paced like hades yeah the game's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] slow man like tour gas like that [ __ ] is slow i'm like just walking around oh [ __ ] it's three more non elites all right ah it's the necromancer with the skeletons all right good he did that's an elite okay all right let's pop cooldowns boom god nice cool like it it's like man give me a break i know that was a lot and i could go on for a while like why there are separate ranks of honor gear this late into the patch cycle that start at item level 150. i'm not trying to be yeah yeah this is just super frustrating because i wish i could make some of these simple changes myself i know these issues will get fixed but why does it have to take so long but i can't sit here and complain and expect things to happen without trying to do anything myself so as mentioned earlier here's what i can do to help you for supporting my videos in the past a lot of you guys are looking for cues right you're looking to get better you want to surround yourself give me gold and like-minded players in hopes that one day you can push gladiator well until blizzard decides to fix this lfg problem i've decided to create a pvp guild in fact the guild has already been created and has over 400 applications with 200 members i've been working on this for the past several weeks now thank you this is a solution to the disease this right here is a solution to the actual disease the symptom is that people don't invite you in lfg but the disease is that players are not playing together they are not in shared spaces they are not interacting with each other and trust is not built relationships are not formed and through that the groups are not made this is good and i put so much work into making this something that is worth your time i've teamed up with other experienced players in the community to give as many people the opportunity to improve pvp guilds have been dead for quite some time now and i really want to change that what we have worked on over the past couple weeks is to create the reason why pvp guilds were dead is because everybody that makes a pvp guild almost like back in the day like you knew this like every single person and hey i'm mvp back in the day was a [ __ ] idiot like it and like every pvp guild had like a stupid [ __ ] name and every person you ever interacted from that guild was like borderline like like i said today the higher rating like certain pvpers were back in the day the dumber they were and like if you get it into like you know high-end duelist level they can't even read anymore like they'll type in chat and it'll just be some random [ __ ] [ __ ] no pvpers were [ __ ] dumb back then and they had these massive egos and that's why like all of these pvp guilds just fell apart because the egos i'm glad to see now people don't have as much of an ego with the game anymore and if somebody wants to say oh yeah they do no they [ __ ] don't if you if you played wow back in 2011 and you think that egos are anywhere near what they were back then you are crazy people used to be nuts about their gameplay back then several bracketed rpg teams that will help you work your way up the ladder this isn't boosting but rather a training program for different rating brackets aimed towards assisting you with natural progression yeah instead of being on a team full of boosters you will be placed with players around your rating while being led by an experienced player that will help you with your clients i'm also using applications for this skill which you can find down below if you are interested so that i can do the lfg work for you making sure you don't encounter players lying about their achievements or being overly toxic now i currently am accepting players of all skill ranges to ensure that everyone that joins has people to play with i'm looking for as much help as i can so if you want to assist in leading groups you can also let me know right now i'm slowly inviting players as i don't want to cause the guild to become overcrowded and i don't want to leave those joined late behind this skill will be on any horde ticondrius and i know players that are on alliance may be feeling left out so i highly recommend you check out oasis that is run by cherry she's an excellent beginner community for rated battlegrounds that assists players in their consensus journey and you can find that information down below and for those of you in eu i am only one person and although i am getting a lot of help with this this project has already been quite the endeavor but maybe one day right now i'm trying to start small i want to help the people that i can and i want to give them as much help as i can before trying to open it up as a community or to do other regions within the community though us long time players can make a difference and i really hope blizzard sees this video and decides to do the same because if nothing changes this expansion that started off so great will slowly go down the same path it always has but that doesn't mean it has to be that way for you if you can find that friend group for the time being that is willing to stick with you everything can change [Music] the game sucks a big old fat donkey dick i tried [Music] jesus [Music] this is a really good guild advertisement i appreciate all of your time this is one of the better ones i've seen and we'll see you all in the next one take care yeah i i'm impressed by this there's a video right there so let me talk a little bit about this because i do think that it matters so in my opinion i think the whole idea of inviting people and playing together and all this [ __ ] that that is at the very core what the problem is and the problem with wow pvp is that there's no here's another issue another issue is that there is no place for wow pvpers to interact with each other where do they do this back in vanilla wow you would do it outside of iron forge back a burning crew sit back and burning crusade you would do it outside of iron forge back in rather witch king you would do it in the dalaran sewers back in cataclysm you would do it out in front of stormwind back in mists of pandaria you'd do it on the wall like right now let's go over and let's look right now okay you guys can't really see the whole screen it's not really they're important this is the this is the shared space that pvpers have right now if you're a pvp or this is where you live right in front of the vendor wow amazing incredible oh man i'm so excited what a bunch of horse [ __ ] that is they need to have these vendors have those vendors out in the world where you can interact with other people and duel there like rewards war mode is disabled so that's not like a [ __ ] bloodbath but you can still duel with other people in that area and a shared space is what's so important the reason why soloq will not solve the problem is that the problem is fundamentally that people are not making connections and playing with each other you need to have people make those connections and if you let people make those connections everything will be everything will work itself out you need to make guilds you need to have groups of people that you play with like i'll give you another example so go to l14s i'll go to ellen forest right now and we'll see how many people are dueling outside of ellen forest and i'll tell you what it used to be like and if you guys don't believe me here you can like ask mitch mitch and i were on the same server back in cataclysm if you went out if you went outside of ellen forest all the rank ones were posted up out there like i'll even show you guys where mitch used to stand because everybody had their own place where they would stand so let's see if there's people outside dueling there's a little handful of them there's a lit just a little handful of them dueling out here and mitch used to be right here this is where mitchell be posted up right over here about in this in this general area and this was the yeah these are probably some of these are my viewers yeah definitely but like this was like the place this was the coveted spot to be at right here you wanted to be standing right here because you were above everybody else everybody got to look at you this place used to be packed and it was just kel'thuzad everybody used to be out here dueling and [ __ ] it was amazing man like you guys have no idea it was so [ __ ] fun back in the day [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 423,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, wow shadowlands, shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, stoopzz, asmongold stoopzz, stoopzz shadowlands, shadowlands changes, wow quit, wow quitting, shadowlands quit, shadowlands quitting, shadowlands pvp, shadowlands queue, shadowlands solo queue, shadowlands lfg, wow solo queue, quitting wow, quitting world of warcraft, wow pvp
Id: ggciw_9_KRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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