Asmongold Reactions "Why has Classic been so fun for me?" by Preach Gaming

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I mean come on we've seen that a million times guys I've watched the the wipe animation I remember whenever I saw this originally I never even thought it was a big deal like I thought this was just completely normal and this was just the way that raiding guilds would work is that obviously yeah people would get really really mad and they would yell at each other and then everybody would wipe and people would get kicked out of the guild I mean that's just the way that things were supposed to work so whenever I learned that actual raiding guilds were full of normal people it was actually a disappointment to me because I thought that I was about to haves a little bit of fun okay all right let's see her watch retail player tanking in vanilla well let me just get this video out of the way okay guys I've I've spent a lot of time saying I'd do it and I think it's about time to actually doing no one's a normal person yeah I know ladies and gentlemen it's time to talk and lay down my thoughts about classic it's really good sort of like it's the best game it's some reasonable way of thinking about this because in a week where I defeated mythic Oona in the highest world kill I've had since Cataclysm it was pretty damn good because it also what I could go back and play classic without having reading a BFA that means that rating is really good if the biggest relief and accomplishment that you get out of rating is the fact that you don't have to do it anymore maybe you shouldn't be rating like that was honestly like that that's where I learned that I needed to stop rating is that every single time that we would kill a boss I would think to myself thank God now I don't have to do this anymore like that's the only thing that I would think which is just obscene it's crazy how much I've had to pull myself away from classic only to be thinking while I'm doing other things wen-chi log back in even after hitting the karate yeah I do it's 13 doesn't matter that's right just it's actually been a blessing we have the whirlwind day the leveling [ __ ] done now I could focus on other things I want to get done before the level cut raises like a breath of fresh air yes you'd like okay I have so much more to do with this character that I can go and do all this without fear of falling that's mind not being up to date with you buddy it's been such a bizarre experience and why is it so different and too little retail and no one's more surprised than me no one is more surprised than me because as you guys know in every classic that you respond and stuff and every time I was asked about classic my stance was always pretty much the same I'm very very happy that the guys who fought for classic who were fighting on the private service through all the nasteria stuff and she wants the Elysium stuff those guys I was so happy for those guys were getting what they wanted but I didn't think it was for me and that caused a lot of outrage from people who've really wanted to me wanted me to be either on the far side of I let me just add a little bit of background here okay so this was at like 3:00 in the morning and I resurrected in the water and instead of the two or three people chasing me down to try to kill me preach and about ten other people ran me down chase me down I had a Druitt go after me in water walking form or whatever aquatic form and route me at the bottom of the lake and they killed me in the water this is what happened this is like two or three days ago their argument you were either in full support as the dad against it I wasn't this is the Horde right here I considered it a different game which is why I told many people it's no different to me than people wanting to play Final Fantasy or ESO or any of that stuff yeah they're just wants to play a different game that's totally understandable but for me I've lived it through classic I was thinking am I on I was looking everybody on me I played it all the way through and I was done with that joy I have no honors I was concerned like preach if three weeks ago was done with that journey okay Blizzard asked me about classics several times over the last couple of months and obviously they knew the beta was coming it should ages me but I kept getting sort of random questions from Blizzard about classic like what what is it you're gonna test in Class A what do you think about classic what is it you're looking forward to about classic and my answer was always pretty much the same thing I'm not interested in the content this is me if three weeks ago I'm nice to the content I've done model : all the way to now another delivered that stuff that's not what I'm interested what I am interested in is the community aspects of it like that's the stuff I really want to experience again because manners like you actually know these incredible it's really really good technology it's terrible for an MMO it really has pulled out and I really don't like the way you fill areas with NPCs to give it some sort of artificial sense of life when in many ways because of phasing I might be surrounded by like sick I actually never thought of that but he's completely right like I hate I hate positive I never thought that they added so many NPC's in the BFA that it makes players feel and not realize that the games dead because you go around the BFA and you're surrounded by like all these other mobs and everything like that like wow I'm in the might of the Alliance and then you realize there's just one other dude there and he's afk he's like level 116 he's just waiting for you to complete the bar so we can finish his quest and every other you know the other like 50 people there are just random [ __ ] in pcs like I that's actually like a that's such a good analogy or like analysis I really like that a lot they steal 70 players but I would never know it in order to maintain a smooth operation of the game so that was what I was really interested in and then I got more acquire and I was like jesus [ __ ] christ man this is the game I fell in love with all those years ago it's the reason like 15 years later obviously I didn't start making content back then but it's the reason 15 years later I'm sorry having this conversation it's because of this this is what sucked me in and many of you know when I first saw world 1 yeah my friends start getting the beta I was part of a different MMO much more hardcore PvP based MMO sorry it looks lame it looks so lame I'm not into fairies and [ __ ] and elves so and the guys like oh we're running through televisions or fairies and [ __ ] falling for the fly so lame I don't know it's also slated to actually well that's okay this is what we're playing now and I fell in love with it so what is it and the big discussion I'm sure many of you have and I have had I'm about to tell you with so many of my friends so many my friends is when you try and describe what it is you love about it it sounds awful it sounds like the absolute worst thing in the world yeah it does okay so you say things like they can watch the stream and they can see people playing the light okay so you went out and you did like you got you into a zone you got like three quests one of them it's because you can show off that you're better than other people when you get to be people like it's being part of a world like that's what it really comes down to is that like BFA and Legion and all these other things all the other expansions be after wrath or games vanilla Wow was a fantasy world simulator you went into vanilla Wow and there is a separate society a hierarchy and a world that you were part of that's the difference was a red quest which you're gonna come back to by the way and it was collect ten [ __ ] board tails or something and use very very hard I was doing that because the drop rate was so bad and during that you would just like Auto attacking applying rend you know keeping shouts up you did like five buttons and hotter than that two-hour period can't relate and then eventually you got them and went back and it sounds awful it's like that's if you put it that way it's against how you spin it in context is absolutely everything if you spin it that way yeah it sounds terrible but I had the best time and I had the absolute best goddamn right you do and a lot of it comes back to the complaints I've had about BFA certainly in BFA but I've had this about the game for a long time is that in retail Wow I feel like an absolute Janus idol maniac I feel like I should be locked up and put away and why because no matter where I travel in that game i eradicate everything all life dies before my feet okay just die that's what character I'm playing doesn't matter what Gail level I'm playing yeah I am never ever not God in the game and it bothers me it bothers me yeah actually a lot of different games okay maybe some of you watch YouTube think I've just definitely don't actually I play a huge variety of from normal mode easy mode and to extreme hard mode one man I would go from a game like secure oh and have the best time ever and then we'll go and play to point hospital hospital simulator I don't even know what the hell they play some story game and we'll play it on normal because that's the what I feel is the appropriately I hate video game wow ultra hard mode all the time are ultra easy mode all the time these sort of baskets people put themselves in ok I move around and I drift from games again depending on what I want to play and when I'm playing an RPG I need them for our PG aspects I need that I look at BFA now especially after playing classic and seeing how far we've come and almost this complete 180 as to how the game started to compare to what it is now and you really see it's completely different kinda an RPG simulator sort of where it's like this is like a it's almost like a parody of an RPG it's like well it's got all these checkbox things the RPG should have kind of meaningless and they kind of don't make any sense and don't worry about it because you're the hero of every story that's basically a BFA is meaningless and doesn't make sense but don't worry about it because you're the hero of the story I think that it's really funny that so many people like like preach here vin Ruki and I think some other guys do all of these guys have all felt the exact same way and they were very skeptical about classic and now they're coming back into it and that are actually enjoying the game I'm very very happy to see that and it's great to see that there's so many people that are actually feeling the same way and it gives me hope that the game can actually get better and you go back to a world where you are not the hero in any way shape or form you're not the hero and this will have to kill you and you will lose and this is so important to me as a gamer you will lose and that's what's so vital about it and that creates these environment I give you a grow two miles at a time that's when you lose so let me take that tail of going getting the gray the gray the boar tails for two hours and let me twist it into what actually happens there is the facts is these low drop rates which on live would be unacceptable no yeah people aren't here it's only two hours to do a single quest would be unacceptable in live Wow but in classic well what it allows these people to be out in a world that is considerably more dangerous now this is also been misconstrued about hard what is hard and I see people trying to apply again a retail context to what is hard is it hard that I only have four spells to press no is it hard that the enemies just have Auto Attack no we don't need to break everything now and it's like siege craft a black fuse style mechanics or clacks er Jana where there's just an endless stream of things that can happen to you you have to react within milliseconds all the time that makes sense oh of course it comes from the father you will lose it's as simple as that you will lose pulling two mobs will get you killed which means you have to be careful out there that's a wire and tellurium when you put it like that right of one mob at a time that sounds really boring what it does you know it creates an environment where there's danger there's danger and you need to be careful and it also creates an environment where you're out there for a really long time right you're out in this will for a long time think about how much time you spend out in the open world doing something in an area right now it pause again I want to say something the outcome whenever you do a quest and retail Wow is already determined before you even pick up the quest you know for a fact you're going to be able to complete it it's designed for you to complete it there's never a point where you're ever not going to be able to complete it and I think that the fact that the outcome is guaranteed makes the quest boring now if you can't Rast that - like doing an elite level quest or like a red quest that like you know all the mobs are really really high level that you can barely even do on your own and the difference between the way that makes you feel because you feel like you actually overcame something that you weren't supposed to that's why it felt so bad asked to complete scarlet monastery is because you weren't supposed to do that I think that's the best thing it's typically gonna be world quests you're likely to be there from anywhere from 30 seconds to maybe 3 minutes if that happens to have a low drop rate like its absorbed as a riot or something like that which is just tedious and that's it you can kind of go on to the next place can return to the city where you're perfectly safe all the time this time though you're out in a dangerous world for like two hours you're not going to go back to town you need to stay out in the open world that also means other people have to be there as well because I do know that quest this puts a lot more people into an area regularly and it's also a safer journey if you do it together and that's what builds the community so much is you're both are two three four five years whatever it might be wait wait what no wait a second did he just get that dangerous and you have to worry that you don't have to have to but you both understand know each other are not friends or not that working together towards this goal it's a far better experience overall that's right a much safer journey and you start helping each other you said it's a smart thing to do some buffs to each other you start saving people when they're going to die I can't think of a single time I've had to do that in years where I have a teamed up with somebody out in the open world simply because it might get my quest done that little bit quicker but you don't need to lose you share marked X that's my mind after tail out in classic yeah many times you stick around for a little bit longer and help that guy out because you know you gonna be in a really tough situation should you leave and because you're out there in the open worlds when a quest is so few and this is what helps as well the quests are so few that you're probably going to be along the same path for the next little while so you might finish off these bear tails but letting you say some life do you have this one yeah I have this one let's go they go do those together was one single time exactly and it's just amazing [ __ ] yeah it's so much better to play that way because it's not about just the combat like putting putting on your own little boxes like this is the combat this is the quest system this is this Louise how we have to look at retail we have to look at it that way blast yeah he's broken down into those components because we can't talk about the immersion of going into Val dune it's like it's also a I want to pause one thing okay I say this again like let's say you do a quest with another dude and you get all 10 of your merlok heads but the other guys only got eight and then you leave the group you're like a pace and you leave the guy to get his last two heads even though he helped you get all yours there's like a certain amount of guilt that you feel in that and also you see that guy later on and if let's say he's like level 36 and you're 37 you think to yourself is that my fault did I caused him to not level as fast because I left him by himself and so it creates kind of a social contract like there are all these like very very small social contracts and Wow that are all over the place right so like if one person buffs you you buff them if somebody invites you to a group and you do a quest together you're supposed to wait there until both of you are finished with it and all these different social constructs make the game an environment and a world I think the social constructs even though they might sound stupid because they are stupid that's what makes it good it's good because it's stupid where's the quest located where's the rare located all right and that's about it the way classic it's like there's two three quests here that'll lead into something later usually lead in some sort of and bus zone and along the way you pick up Leyland blue her along this journey yep and what has happened yep every single time every single time I can't think of a time this has happened where I haven't had a decent play section in classic is eventually I bumped into somebody who's doing something similar and you'll see a slush say pop I was like are you doing this are you doing that Justin I've got a fire yes I've got a pause again not to repeat what preacher said again but I want to pause again respond to something that somebody said in chat it won't happen today not with the community that we have now that's not true that's not true at all even the beta has proven that wrong like it's so it's so clear and evident that it's not a this is not something that is a limited time only thing this is something that the game creates organically and it won't be the same but it'll be a lot closer than we're ever gonna get with BF of course it's not gonna be the exact same as 2006 but you're seeing the same interactions occur the same people saying the same things feeling the same ways in the same way that they felt 15 years ago I was like do you need help you know this happens is a normal opener and then you'll work it work out together and that's like what else have you got and then you'll work through that together it's like right I've got to log off now cool see you later exactly time you log on you both probably progressed to a point where you're in the next aisle to go and you'll get a whisper you'll see him again where you'll tune out what you have to and it's not just because I'm preach right yeah me whispering other people as well I've done this I've logged in it's like Oh where's that dude I was with yesterday I wonder if he's still here wonder what what if he's moved on or if I'm just gonna go to a new this is what matters you wants to come with me I've done that on stream it's no lie I've just lots of people are slush who the server see who's around recognize people recognize people from past dungeons like do you want to come along because you know that was cool we did that dungeons together I liked what you did there we had a bit of fun do you want to come with me now let's make a group and that's because we didn't like it doesn't people like that I've met in class Wow me now I've got to make my own groups [ __ ] yeah okay I'm gonna look at the guys I played with before and have a nice experience where then go with those guys I know yeah it's just bill up this story make it really reinforces to me as to pause again let's talk about something else let's talk about the idea of story I never felt the need to create a story for my character because the actual story in the events that my character went through and the people that I interacted with were a better story than anything that I could ever think of classic Wow creates stories BFA gives them to you why I never fell in love with the Walker story and even though I've tried to I always remember in my head like I just never cared about the story all and the reason is there is really no story like what I just really hope here each zone has a story sure story and so he gives a [ __ ] I remember misra Lynn Murphy I remember little tales like that well my stories are mine and it's the lore of me it's not a lore of the game I didn't need spoon-feeding or yeah I didn't need a pigtail to say yes is happening in the game [ __ ] the stories I walk I walk away with not just one story but like two or three stories yes fantastic each time I play and sometimes those stories are incredibly epic but even the ones that aren't incredibly epic is still really good and along the way it's just been getting to know people selling it why did yesterday is I sent potions mana potions that I'd picked up while I was questing to a different guy who was healing my dungeons a few days ago I was like I'll guys look at that and during them right look at that [ __ ] there you go all them and then suddenly lots of box like thanks like we just that's that's the world it's an environment and that's what matters and they miss it so [ __ ] much I really do miss it so [ __ ] much because I haven't changed my thought process is that I would rather be playing retail like that there are I'm gonna hit that point in classic where I've done I'm gonna be making good friends I'm gonna be having best jokes but it's still gonna be a world I've done before and I just it's made me so sad for retailer like I have to go so far out of my way to try and get a good experience and that's what makes me really sad about it you have to try to have find adventure in bits a hallmark of a good game so limited that well you have to try to have fun mythic raiding and that's it it comes down to visit rating because literally everything else to get the highest possible rewards whatever is entirely possible it's entirely portable you only need a +10 mythic and nice pakistani mostly polka ball and it's nameless and faceless and no communication or anything like that and maybe it's the beta people are being extra nice on the bait set but everything that i've experienced has brought the memories that this is how it was what it wasn't I think that are being a beta is probably or else and why things are nicer so those through is a niche thing or a nostalgia driven thing this is how the game was for me originally like that's why I've remember is like this is the stuff I used to do sending potions to people who have done deals with that was something I used to do like it's it's not a case of this is like this little sandbox world that I'm living in where it's just everyone's being nicey-nice and it's because it's preached that's this is all stuff I did before my name mats do anybody ever in the entire world it didn't I think that's true right is because I everybody it's not like things are good that are happening to me is because like I'm a streamer or whatever because you're having dozens of other people coming out telling the exact same [ __ ] stories it wouldn't make sense if it was only happening to me and then you wouldn't have like all these other people telling their stories and then the other people that are on wine that I've talked to that aren't even streamers at all saying the exact same thing that I am I think that obviously because it's a beta and it's a very very closed and smaller community that things have like whenever you have a smaller community social constructs and social expectations matter a lot more because you can't just hover under the radar like you could never there's a bunch of people everywhere like in crossrealms zones so I think when actually the the game comes out you will see a lot more toxic behavior but it's definitely going to be a lot closer to the beta than it is in BFA so I think overall it will be positive but yeah the beta is an extra good experience because of that because it's a small tight-knit community that's a-- this is all the things we used to do and this is how I got into guilds and things is like eventually that guy who I sent those potions to I did those dungeons with eventually got into a guild and he whispered me he's like yo I've just got into a guild let me see if I can get you in and that's how it sort of develops and grows but you're doing this with so many different people you're doing this with people that you met in Altech these are the people you met in Hills Brad you know the people you met in a Rath er STV I've fought off your level up together together or you guys don't matter they're all you had a quest to do together well that's this danger element it's it's actually been strange to me to see the game giving me quests and objectives that I that aren't immediately doable I'm supposed to do Warcraft the game gave me a challenge that wasn't immediately doable in terms of difficulty so the big one right now on the bait circle said in terms of difficulty because if he didn't say that then you would be like well every single quest it's time gated it's the warrior whirlwind ax quest they give you that quest at level 30 yeah it's realistically like a level 4 I got 35 down there like 36 or 37 weapon which will see you through 2 like forty five-plus right around forty-five until you replace it about right but they give it you at level 30 and they give you a piece of parchment telling you what you need to do for it and they trust the player to decide how they tackle this challenge I mean just I want to pause one more time and talk about young asmin gold who had the quest for the whirlwind to axe but i didn't know how to get it because i threw away the parchment because i needed space in my bags so i had no idea what i needed to turn into the guy i I really didn't remember at all I was a I had no idea I never got my ax that's why I had threw it I threw away the grocery list they entrust the player to figure out are you going to try this now because you can do this now because we've you know everyone is doing other Bator is totally possible and it happened back in classic is people with organized teams to go and get this done obvious you can't do that oh you can be more solo with it and you can do it over over a period of the next ten levels you can kind of work your way through it and figure it out and ultimately you'll get a great reward but it's down to the player to choose their adventure here's the choice the choice is the objective it's it possible to do this on your own right now no it's not but here it is and if you can figure it out and you can go on a journey or you could do something well you get a badass resort that's can do that yeah there you go can do that right now and it will give you an the reward for that will be a weapon that will deal incredible damage for the next 15 levels true that's the reward role should you go out of your way and figure something else out all you can opt to do it a different way you can take your time with it you can work through it over a nice princess one singular goal that you've been looking to over say ten levels which will finally give you that big reward and I can't remember the last time Wow gave the player that level of freedom to decide how they wanted to do things what about the water a number which expansion was the last time they were like here's the super hard thing to do you figure out how you do it right you figure it out you leave it a little leave it up to you it's pretty simple mage tower that was the last time and the time before that was the the green fire slang for war walks if you want a real answer like those are the two last times and wow what a weird coincidence that those two things are finally remembered as some of the best pieces of content that Lau has come out with in the last five years pull today but you know it's not what a coincidence elf right now it's Wow way bigger than you are so deal with it okay and if you do will reward you appropriately for it which kind of brings us to the gearing thing Young Things is extraordinary it's so ultra simple upgrades and items are stupidly rare but god damn do they feel good when you get them you're [ __ ] Ryan really good I've you excited right greens I've been so excited about greens like getting a really nice green with mail it has some its own about being excited by three guys I think retail is like I'm a little bit above that now is it has to meet so many criteria to be awesome yep and I show this in the tanking video I did is there are lots of one-handed weapons out there some of them are strengths some of the majority of our swords axes maces but I need not only that I need that to be of a certain speed and a certain type in order to really fit my criteria oh it doesn't work obviously I get the same with the too many obviously meet certain criteria in order to be attractive and when you get that one good gods that feel [ __ ] awesome you feel really good when you see the item that is properly itemized it's set up nicely even if it's braces those shoulders right there answers from those shoulders you see that mean with some strength on it or some stamina and you're like dude those are [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] you isn't that awesome is it's an immediately noticeable leap forward it's immediately notice you start surviving that a little bit longer you start seeing these crits go that little bit higher and that's a big advantage of another complaint I've had about BFA I mean everything I've been arguing about with the BFA and Legion is all becoming back to me now as to why I find this stuff problematic and again it was highlighted in the tank video is yes the gameplay is much slower but the advantages I know exactly what my character is doing I know exactly what's happening I know which cuz yeah there's white hits yes yellow his right and I Kali do one ability that's actually true poodles very [ __ ] threw a tuck this enemy I don't holy [ __ ] procs and all this noise just constantly clobbering they're gonna [ __ ] ye procs and you know you guys should know how much issue I take with Blizzard just giving us items that do random amounts of damage yeah and saying well technically a dps Tagore it did but it's nothing to do with me and I can't tell it's happening whereas when you're playing classic I know every sunder that's missed hit parry dodged it matters I know every revenge that's worked that way I know everything you spell whether I dodged I know that if I wanted my voice pop above that head that I know my own power spots I don't need a weaker I don't need [ __ ] yeah I know that that was my attack I know that it dodged and because it's very clear what's happening with my character when I press the button a clear and easy response to what happened to the to the enemy whether I did common [ __ ] sense exactly makes sense yeah because there's so much fewer going on but [ __ ] yeah I've done right there's so fewer attacks so fewer attacks yeah but I know each you don't need them that's happened I know when I see that big white hits because my two-handed swinging hits it it's because it's the button I just press if I press a heroic strike and I see that big yellow number pop up I know that's my heroic strike so I dents noticeably see the game that my character has made in terms of his damage from those braces because I'll see a larger number appear when I pop the bottom nerd big yellow xq pops up and now it's like doing 500 Plus down that's right whoa before it was doing like for something now we're over 500 and you're meeting these landmarks as you're moving up on your character and then you get a new cape that does the same thing and because it's so tactile in its responsiveness to what it is that I'm doing it makes gear feel so much better overall the whole package getting it feels better equipping it feels better using it feels better and then keeping it going also feels so saying feels better nowadays good keep that a mindless system like we've been asking keep that in mind I've been asking for for a long time stop stacking goes up with procs and fireworks and I compared it to a little bit like risk of rain where you can get so many automatic weaponry that you can stand still and all your automatic [ __ ] will just destroy things around you and safety our boil basically it's not that fun it's not fun it might look flashy and amazing and it's like playing Grand Theft Auto whenever you use all the cheat codes right it's fun to go around then you have a rocket launcher and a tank and you're invincible and you can just kill everything in one hit and it's fun for like 30 minutes to an hour and then you quit the game because now it's boring like that's basically what they've done they give people all the things that they want at the beginning and they're not able to attain anything because it's just a repeat of what they already had all this kind of stuff it might look like an entire fireworks displays shoot enough but it's nothing to do with me in any way I'm now just having a very straight one-to-one tactile feedback over what happens compared to what I did I know that when I go for a hamstring and I see dodge I know I I know that just from the yellow word that that was my hamstring that dodged right and if I get alive I don't know exactly what's going lacks an enemy very and any character I have I see a whole slew of numbers pop up from all difference from thousands to hundreds and all this kind of stuff from well I don't really know what's doing that damage I have no idea you have an analyzer that's doing that damage it really highlights how problematic that is in terms of creating a good gameplay experience who you don't even know the [ __ ] you're doing signing complicated there isn't much to dislike yeah yeah I really do still wish I would like to play retail but retail has a lot of work to do and my biggest fear is as many as said is my biggest fear is that Blizzard might and this is my biggest fear this is like being ultra public hearing about things is Blizzard might look at what's happening here and say right we can go all the really gut hardcore guys you like RPGs like heavily they'll go to classic right and that means for the guys who stay with BFA and stay retail Spurs certainly plan his current plan is for retail yep is that they will make that ever more casual and mob like mobile phone game friendly because a lot of stuff in retail he's ripped from home our phone games at this point and we've learned again you're gone yeah dad soon as you arrive buying everything in sight like the limitation oh boy enforced by gating there's nothing stopping you from just wiping out the entire [ __ ] zone when you got some agita automatic gun you can just destroy everything in sight yeah and yes sir that's actually true I can't do that in a raspy Highlands one day I'll be able to but it's gonna be a while it's just not the case I turn up in an area a new area like the new zones would be yep I'm the classic it'll be places like lights off Chapel and stuff like that and it's like you're not pointing that you're gonna get your ass kicked you've got to be careful you got to play out so nicely I'm a 40-man Rayleigh and it's completely fully might make live a bit more casual friendly because they'll push the guys who like the RPG stuff over towards classic and they will divide the playerbase undoubtedly this isn't going to be for every Bob viously you know people are going to really like being God for people who start playing wow in the later years and they like being God they like being the master of their the master of everything they like not failing right because as I said you really do have to go out your way to bump into difficulty in retail you have to go out of your way to do that and well there's so many things in the game some crossover but some people will just everything else is a [ __ ] jokes this really sucks because they're going to look at it through the eyes of a retail wow player where it makes no sense that a wolf can kill you right this doesn't make sense I just was eradicating a camp full of Nagas just ten seconds ago why am i dying to a wolf now what is this game people will have that mentality and obviously won't work but there'll be some players who were like oh I get it I get it I get it and that divides gonna be interesting to see how it plays out going forward but here we are right now I'll play classic every single day I'm leave reads now - raiding with the guys cuz I still love that yep on but the rating is still good it's classics just a better video game in my opinion and that's my son really there it is a video game thank you so much for listening guys there it is I'll see you again bye bye I want to tell a story it was already before right before I talk about the video I want to tell a story about this place right here many years ago I got on Jeff's account he was standing in this place free wind post and I was mad at Jeff I forgot why and I walked over to that orc vendor right behind him and I put every single item in the vendor there was a random level 8 character a level 20 character I traded this random character all of Jeff's gold on the very edge of free wind post and jumped Jeff's character off the edge and killed it and then made him take res sick and then I went back up there and I killed it again if you knew Jeff you'd know that he deserved it I forgot why he deserved it but he did all right if you knew Jeff you would know that he deserved it 100 [ __ ] percent ok guys you don't know him trust me watch retail player tries tanking in vanilla I don't want to go through a million videos ok so if this is like gonna be something short I might look at it but right now I want to talk about this video obviously preach people like preach are the ones that I think that it's the most important that are converted over to being fans about being classic right because one of his concerns I think is very true right is that whenever classic comes out is that gonna tell Blizzard ok well we'll just make all the hardcore players go to classic and all of the you know slot machine babies play b.fa and I think that might happen I hope it doesn't what I hope happens is that Blizzard realizes and they see how many people like classic and why it's such a good game and then they say hey what the [ __ ] are we doing let's try to make our game more like the one that everybody likes even though it's 10 years ago right and I don't know really why I don't know if that's gonna happen or not but I do share preachers concern that if they do have two games might just start developing classic or sorry BFA and the current retail game to be even more basically a phone game that's totally [ __ ] true and I don't know really what we could even do about that I mean it sounds like something that sucks but what are we really like how do we stop that from happening I don't [ __ ] know the you know they'll be more casual aren't there more casuals and hardcore players well it depends on how you define casual and hardcore right I think that the like classic is a better game for casual players I don't think that like classic WoW is for hardcore players and BFA is for casuals because there's a lot of things in BFA they're much more hardcore than classic ever was I mean you think about farming out your necklace to level 50 by doing the same [ __ ] [ __ ] island expedition fifty times like that's way worse than almost anything else in classic well especially things you actually needed to do right I mean like you could look at the winter spring cross savers and say okay yeah it's not that bad but for the most part I mean a lot of the grinds you have to do in BFA are equally a horrible if not even worse than the grants you had to do in classics so this idea that classic is somehow hardcore friendly in a way that BFA isn't is completely [ __ ] stupid and I get why people think that I do but the thing is that what preachers saying about like using your abilities and seeing the impact of your abilities and the impact of your time yes obviously that does favor players that are able to put more time into the game but that's what a game like this is supposed to do and it creates classes of players and it creates aspiration whenever you die to like somebody with really really good gear you can blame yourself you can get mad or whatever or you can try to actually get better you're an outplay them and because there are other ways besides skill to be able to beat people it actually makes the game more casual friendly because there's gonna be tons of people that play classic that [ __ ] suck at it they're always going to suck at it but if they have full tea or 2.5 and - let's say like my two minutes though they're still gonna win doesn't matter because they've got really good gear and that's the way that games work I'm counting on it let me tell you that I'm really counting on it and there's plenty of different things like this like what preach is saying like everything he's saying about classic is totally true like I've done this quest right here the cyclone Ian like three or four times for different warriors in my guild why have I done it because I felt like if we had more warriors with the whirlwind axe we'd be better as a guild in world PvP I have never helped anybody with a quest in BFA I don't think I ever didn't lead to neither why because fuck'em who cares it doesn't matter if they can't complete it on their own they suck anyway why would you like what quests would you even be able to hypothetically help somebody do there would be nothing
Channel: Everything Twitch
Views: 204,299
Rating: 4.657413 out of 5
Keywords: wow, preach, asmongold, asmongold reactions, asmongold watches, asmongold twitch, asmongold classic, asmongold youtube, asmongold highlights, everything twitch, everything twitch asmongold, everything asmongold, preach vs asmongold, asmongold duels, wow classic, classic community, classic forums, asmongold classic forums, asmongold raid, wow raid, classic wow release, beta test, asmongold beta test, wow classic beta, wow classic stress test, pilav, sodapoppin, esfand
Id: WRW03aI6bUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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