Asmongold Reacts To "The Most Underrated Items In Classic WoW" - Punkrat

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the video the most underrated items in classic well alrighty let's see three weeks my friends three weeks and we can finally return home the universe has been restored to its rightful order and World of Warcraft can be fun again it'll be hard to log off rather than hard to log in for the first time in almost a decade things are about to change for the better vanilla is basically an entirely different game only similar on the surface to BFA and one of the key differences is the itemization with this might come maybe some confusion for some of you guys you might not know what kind of itemization is right by overtimes or watch this finder you might even know my servers are back up okay let's get back on all right glanced over an item that you think is no bueno which is actually quite good so with that let's go over some widely misunderstood or underestimated items in classic Wow all right sticking to pre rain and raid items solely rather than lower level items because that's where it actually matters yeah this information will of course nobody gives a [ __ ] about love while you're gearing out for raids in the first phase of classic here we go so we got the most underrated items in classic Wow endgame now let's get into it alright so the first item we got is called heart of warm flak it drops off the last boss in LV rs lower Blackrock Spire we're in flux so on first glance it may seem pretty average it says chance to bathe air mail a target in flames for 120 to 180 fired rogues rifle but this item has its situational uses where it's actually quite good and for certain classes it's actually one of the best trinkets in the game so in general as quite a second this is pretty much any melee dps this is a pretty good trinket especially in the earlier days when your character is less affected by power creep the actual just flat damage from this is pretty significant on a fury warrior a row you name it it's pretty definite or dual in class enemy and [ __ ] on rogues it's really good especially in combination with your poison so as a rogue if you're locking up a warrior let's say or any plate wearing enemy in a full stun combo and you have constant little micro elemental times I get from either weapon procs this trinket or your poisons for your instant poison or whatever poison fine on using all those little spell damage procs actually will add up to be a decent amount especially on a plate wearing target senses bypassing his armor what's really interesting about this trinket is that it actually has a chance to crit so the spell damage or the fire damage proc can crit and another interesting aspect is that you can proc the on hit effect while in cat form so it's actually a really good trinket for feral druids let's say who cares about us I just stated it's not better trinkets for a couple different classes and one class that it's really really good on at least from what we understand with current proc rates rogues rise the ret paladin so with a lot of hockey crafting that's been done simulation based on damage it's actually one of the best trinkets and arguably one of the best in slot trinkets for many raid tears for ret paladin's okay I like to think of this trinket as the welfare version of the dark moon card Maelstrom and as a rep paladin from what I understand the best two trinkets that you could use are actually hard of worm flack and dark moon card Maelstrom okay I was reading in a pretty strong guild on Phoenix a while ago and we had a feral druid in that guild who was using this trinket but we saw it'll pop some really surprising numbers and clearly he knew what he was doing he was one of the few feral druids that would actually compete on the damage meter in the entire server so yeah if you're a melee dps and you just happened to be doing lv RS and it drops then don't overlook it it's quite good I would read so this one for my vanilla veterans out there is this a formal part of the game every little detail and are constantly correcting me then okay you're probably gonna already know this one and find that it's really obvious but for those of you guys that are actually newer to vanilla some other weird seriously and are really looking forward to get into it this time this might be news to you so it honestly this item called edge masters handguards oh yeah apparently these ridiculously good I have no [ __ ] idea about this sort of itemization style to them yeah this is insane clients you might look at this and if you don't understand how the no itemization works you might just say there's no real stats that I can recognize ya know crit there's no attack power there's no strength agility enough actually miss weird but if we take a look at the tooltip and we read it says increase taxes +7 daggers +7 and swords +7 that's referring to weapon skill and what skill is probably one of the most important stats for melee in the entire gaming I wonder why they don't increase the may stat by plus that's the thing is because they have they have axes and daggers and swords is their hit yeah that's where your higher level mob so bosses are level 63 and reduces the damage reduction on their clan Singh blows so for single target boss DPS these are pretty much the best melee warrior gloves okay they're though I think c'thun and it's a little out 44 world drop so you could pretty much get these while doing this all for racket just buy them off the auction house easy game and if you are so lucky to have that happen to you you pretty much just buy your epic riding because I've seen these gloves sell for easily a thousand gold what the [ __ ] we could piggyback off of this and just talk about weapons and I get back there's so many items out there that you might overlook because you don't understand weapons skill and how important it is see I I actually I feel like that kind of stuff is actually really cool like the weapons skill and everything I don't think they should add weapon skill back into WoW but they should add something that's like weapons skill and I wish they would have something that was more interesting I don't know I feel like all the stats in the game are kind of they're not as interesting as they used to be we've got age Corps leather gloves in molten core which has a dagger rogue are incredibly good but you might look at them at first glance and see strength I'll kind of just be a bit confused but these gloves are incredibly good if you're using daggers we've got obsidian edge blade which is also poison core and very already damn good 200 we're in the early days you could actually get away with running two-handed Fury DPS you might actually see the sword drop and it might be better than your current set-up with dual wielding once dire Maul is released we've got distracting dagger which is an incredible offhand dagger for dagger rogues for 1.3 weapons speed rocking it distracts and some other daggers belt which is just a great belt we got malla death which isn't black lair and everyone knows how good this is an offhand Oh 18:40 we've got the Anubis at Warhammer that doesn't crash first glance you might not think much of it but by the time you get into nax there's two really strong maces there's the castigate err and misplaced servo arm which also drops off trash so if you have one of those maces in your main hand this is pretty much the best offhand mace that you can pair with it giving the increased mace kill to affect both so which I wish they never got rid of the misplaced servo arm I actually feel so stupid man we used to run acts like every Friday night next 60 back at 70 and I don't have any of the old items I only have like one belt or something like that I really should have tried harder to like try to get people to trade me gear and [ __ ] I feel kind of stupid for not doing that general I guess just don't overlook weapon skill whenever you see weapon skill on an item must generally incredibly good and in my time I've seen so many dagger rogues overlook that age core leather gloves and it just boggles the mind you know just because they starve - strength they think this doesn't seem very good but that +5 dagger skill is insanely powerful so this item you're probably gonna see it around quite a bit because it's relatively easy to get yeah it's a two hander that drops in zalga rub with a really nice is really horrible brood Lords Elbert and oh mighty which is a nice pull arm with or whatever the hell about speed and an equipped chance on hit effect that says chance to decapitate the target on a melee swing causing 450 to - 607 damage like that's insane like I don't know if this like scales with attack power or anything but 400 to 600 damage is like a mortal strike at level 60 unless you have really good gear that's [ __ ] ridiculous it's really really good image this two hander is really good on a ret paladin and it's also quite good as an entry level so it's not good two hander for a PvP on a warrior okay rock is pretty good for a 200 procs relatively often but what's really interesting again just like heart of worm flock is that it can access a crit so it's nice little additional damage on top water lock I can imagine with a ret paladin who's stacking recognition or getting seal of command procs that this proc would be really nice in combination with those extra hits so hey the reason why it's good for ret paladin's is it procs what is it proc off of auto attacks auto-attack Andy's Robson's is Olga rub which is the entry-level raid that a lot of people can do so if you have just a warrior Alton you want to tell pupae on it but you don't have a 200 this weapon could easily open the door for you to have great fun an arms warrior and Warsong Gulch or rocky basin the dude I guess is a man like I'm honestly like just thinking about like all the cool weapons that the game used to add like this always makes me like really [ __ ] nostalgic because these items in the game used to make this just used to make the game so much more fun and interesting and like now we have like the Kings rest sword which is like kind of cool like that's nice but I feel like now there's just like so many other damage variables and everything else everything it's just that kind of diluted but like in classic Wow like having these items that could do these cool things we're just I don't know it I just get a feeling of like [ __ ] running ZG and getting a cool item out of there that I can use in some sort of a situation or test out and I'll take this into a BG and I'll use this against a mage and we'll do on damage I don't know it just it feels good man it just feels good everything's a stat stick yeah I mean again like blizzard's just they're so worried about me trying to like hyper balance the game that they forgot about I make it like just don't want to make it fun like I don't know man maybe I'm just maybe I'm just being nostalgic here but these these kinds of things were really fun and they made the game really interesting it's super enjoyable to see you again damage proc is quite hard that theory craft goes into it I think is all combos so let's say I've got a Winfrey proc and you get this tip rockin that's a one-shot it so you could imagine how much that's a [ __ ] one-shot yak - back in one global super satisfying and relatively underrated I'd say yeah if you see how bird of smiting and you need a two-hander don't overlook it so this one's in the same well I'd say honestly though like for a warrior wouldn't just going sword spec me better I mean I don't know you don't get the 5% crit but you also get like all the other stats out of it I don't know like maybe a sword spec would be better it's really kind of hard for me to say you're being slightly nostalgic I know I am I know because players DQ'd hard about unbalanced and blizzard force boys or diaper balance things but the thing is like boys words never hyper balanced thing so let's look at how balanced that's a really great point that you bring up let's look at how balanced the game is right now let's open this up and we will look at hyper balanced let's see MDI let's see season ok let's look at the hyper balanced of the game all classes are of course viable now and let's open this up and oh look at that Wow Wow thank God Blizzard has spent so much time hyper balancing the game right this is so this is so balanced like where is a wart where's a warlock is there a warlock in the tops where's the first warlock warlock suck dude they're so stupid dude who would ever play a warlock not even oh wow oh there ok this is a this is an Asian team they always have off-the-wall strategies ok so you have one warlock in here and where we were about to find a second warlock here any day now Wow Wow 185 Jesus Christ like yeah they need to do a better job at making the game more balanced oh yeah sure fine as the halberd it's another weapon with a sweet on hit proc it's called Al Gore's son razor it's a high-level world drop which is quite unique it's actually one of the best tanking items in the game so if wise look at the tooltip this one has a 1.3 second fast attack speed I'm pretty sure that that's the fastest weapon in the game if I'm not mistaken and if you guys understand weapons speed when it comes to tanking the faster the better so having the fastest weapon in the game on a tank allows you to generate a good amount of raid and also allows you to generate rage quickly like immediately you just stab the target that you're trying to engage with get a bit of rage and thunder immediately listen a warrior doesn't use a dagger okay you just don't you use a sword and that swords name is Thunder fury that's it you don't use daggers Italy it also has a chance on hit if don't use that articular 75 205 fire damage without considering the actual attack speed of the weapon Prague's more often than you'd think right on top of that it has +10 fire resistance which is really good in the early days this dagger is one of the best tanking weapons that you can use in the first couple phases of classic Wow not only because of the weapons speed and the proc but the fact that it gives fire resistance which is really important during molten core and can be quite useful in Black Moon layer you're gonna see a lot of these a lot of the main tanks and the top guilds on your server are most likely gonna use this that's how it was in the stellar is I remember inspecting so many main tanks or just tanks in general and some of the top gilts and even in my Gil that was pretty enclosure town adventures if you guys know that guild and our main course rocking this it's also appointing the baton off hand for hema rogues in pvp we're stacking elemental products maybe Maelstrom trinket heart of warm flack things like that maybe in am I the only person that finds it a little bit asinine and pointless for people to min/max in PvE in classic Wow like I don't know I just feel like it's pointless right because the content like it's just its baseline there's no like harder version of the content except for doing it faster I don't know I just feel like like who cares you just go in there unless you're wiping on the content then I don't know it feels like these like little min max things don't matter like the only thing in my mind that matters in classic Wow with men maxing is PvP that's the only thing that I think matters like that's why people go into neutering that's why you want to get all these different items is P I feel like that's where the men maxing really does matter because you're playing against another person that scales in the same way that you do my content is just flat combination with a misplaced serve arm it's a really great dagger and I think a lot of people just aren't wait contrary and okay sorry I don't find it fulfilling to be like a last week where hey if I'm gonna do molten core in 40 minutes but this week I just don't give a [ __ ] you just go through the rain you've cleared the bosses and it's not a big deal I would rather bring a slightly slower group of my friends and a people that would be okay with me taking maybe the bindings for Thunder then for me to try to do a super super fast run of like all super serious people it's the difference of like 20 minutes and maybe an hour to at most I don't know I I don't really think that it matters a whole lot time is money yeah but you're spending time outside of the time that you're spending doing the raid to get into the raid and do the raid I mean it's it's the time you invest in one way or another aware of it so I'd say it's relatively underrated because of that so on the auction house for like a hundred fifty gold I'd snag that bad boy although you're probably not gonna get it for that price yeah it's basically islands in your raid is basically like having a quota for letting disabled people work at a job you know you have like a couple of them and you know it's okay and with Rett paladin's it's pretty much the same thing if I no means is this a top-tier item it's just not as bad as you might think it is it's called venomous totem and it has an on use effect that says increases the chance to apply Rove poisons to your target by 30% for 20 seconds on a 5-minute cooldown it drops off brood Lord lash layer in black and lair and it's a rogue specific trinket there's a bunch of different class I didn't even know about so swag moon layer now this trinket is actually pretty decent it's good in PvE and it's also pretty good in PvP it's useful in both it's kind of similar to what I was talking about earlier with heart warmth lack and maelstrom where you can run this sort of on hit effects and so we build we don't even know relying on your poisons and magic on hit effects in private servers this was actually a massive thing because on certain servers poisons and on hit effects actually scaled with spell power but in actual retail vanilla or classic Wow I don't think that that's gonna be the case but either way it's pretty damn good I mean 30% is a huge increase especially if you already have improved poisons you can constantly be talking instant poisons over and over and over again or if you really want to make sure that your crippling poison lines on your opener because it's super important let's say against a warrior or whatever target that you may be fighting this is a pretty decent trinket it's useful to have in your inventory and if you have another one that's on cooldown you just want to reset and swap this one on it's pretty fun shrink it's so [ __ ] good why is he losing against the level 58 elite he's a level 60 rogue in blood fan gear why don't you put on a trinket that makes it to where you don't [ __ ] die to a level 58 elite this the worst trinket I've ever seen in my whole life shrink it sucks hey well and it's it's good like if you don't have anything better and nobody wants this or it was a nice one right that's quite situational you could pick this one up I've just seen tons of people pass on it before when you might as well take it this one's another trinket and it's generally only used in PvP and again it's quite situational it's called barrels peasant collar and it has an on use effect that says calls forth three servants of the house of barrel that will fight cook and clean for you and I'm clean for you wait what the [ __ ] no by the way guys those well let you know guess who has this trinket right now your boy has mingle I've got it still in the game I've held on to it ever since vanilla well and I've had it the whole [ __ ] time you mean that trinket yeah yeah you got damn right wait I need to trinket IRL no comment I mean that's sort of I guess just a little playful to what it actually does is just cause 3 minions that end up fighting for you they're quite useful as a PvP trinket and a lot of people tend to use it it's situational but I'd say the main strength of it is those three minions so if you understand how spell push back haha every time someone who's trying to smart off they don't have a shield on themselves takes damage their cell will be pushed back for each auto attack depending on their talents if they have talents to compensate for that mechanic the fact that it calls three individual mobs that are all hitting that target can actually push back the spell cast quite significantly so if you're playing a warrior and you're fighting against a mage you some of the three minions on him and maybe he's trying to cast a pyroblast or a spell on top after these polymorph to you and you might just be pushing back his cast over and over again he's still taking damage and it's just annoying to deal with i've also some healers use this so while they're trying to just live and heal they'll call the minions to attack the person that's trying to kill them they'll put maybe a shadow where pain if it's like a priest I guess and just try to live while the minions and the dot just do damage it's almost like oh man tokine works in the Burning Crusade yeah but the same kind of play style really situational about your trinket but it's quite easy to get you get it from a quest called the last barrel in western plague line okay anyone can get it you should probably do it while you're leveling up and just sort of have it in your inventory and if ever you have a use for it use it up some people just kind of think it's useless and vendor it or disenchant it but I like to use it so this next item is actually a druid specific leather work this [ __ ] is ridiculous help this is over 40 helmet so you might try had no [ __ ] idea about this helmet this is like this helmet is like the [ __ ] helm of domination for wipe the lich king but it's for Druids for whatever reason this is like the best helmet in the entire game for druids even I think at level 70 because if you were able to power shift back and forth you're able to get pretty much infinite energy doing this it's insane think much of it when you look at it and it doesn't yeah even though that's aside from just some spirit is it really important to be equipped so if we read the tool tip is when shape-shifting into cat form the druid gains 20 energy now in shape-shifting into bear form the druid gains five rage what's really important here is the cat form one where it says that you gained 20 energy why I say this helmet is actually the best in slot feral druid DPS helmet from molten core and all the way through necks there is no her helmet the reason why it's so good is you prepare that equip effect with the restoration talent the first tier restoration town called Fuehrer so when maxed out Fuehrer gives you a hundred percent chance to gain 40 energy every single time you shape-shift back into cat form this enables the feral druid to do something called power shifting yep where you're gonna be dusting while talking about our energy pool in cat form shape-shifting out of cat form and then going back into cat gaining sixty energy every single time you do that with the helmet allowing you to keep shredding and keep generating combo points it's a really cool item that literally changes the way that you play a game as a feral druid and it's also the item that helps make feral druids relatively viable if played right it's a bit micro intensive I'd say kind of on the tedious side but if you really listen this is actually really good for feral druids and I'm going to explain why is it in vanilla wow everybody knows there's only three buttons you have to press and half the time you spend afk the issue with that is that feral druids all have a DD so the power shifting allows them to keep focus on the game and not actually lose focus and go afk and just go roll around 1 or 4 so this is why it's actually a really good item for feral druids there's a meta level that this really helps they're all druids on as well as being a good item that increases their DPS enjoy that type of place as a rat paladin's no it's actually the opposite for rep elements ret paladin it's the best thing about a rat paladin is you can really just walk up to the boss and tab out and go back to watching porn and you'll be doing about 70 percent of your effective DPS well it kind of makes it a lot more fun than maybe just spamming shadowbolt over and over again on the warlock so there you go a level 40 leather work helmet that you might overlook is actually the best feral druid helmet in the entire game here so if ever you plan on playing fair EQ make sure that this is your number one priority not to mention it's actually a really cheap helmet it's really easy yet and you don't need leather working to actually make it for yourself bolts of sale right off the auction house for [ __ ] boom you have the best helmet in the game pretty easy this helmet shouldn't be overlooked let's move on now this is something you're probably gonna see around at least to a certain extent you might get as a and you won't know what to do with it it's called warmonger and it's notices 400 that has yeah I've damage per second it's really good project speed three strengths and improves your hit chance by three percent now you might look at the initial e3 strength low damage fast attack speed kind of useless yep especially for a melee but it does have its uses it's actually quite good as an entry level pre-raid item on hunters so if you want to itemize your hunter around this sword in the early days you can just get a bunch of hit from it and then not have to worry about getting hit on other items stack attack power on those items or stack crit on all the other items and just sort of itemize your character around it there's a lot of hunters that are gonna be purchasing the sword either on the auction house or if it drops for them they'll end up using it it's one of the more competitive pre-raid items when it comes to hunter it's quite unique I think it's the only item in the game that has three percent of pretty much any step from what I understand and three percent it goes a really long way in your hit rating it's kind of a niche item it gets 3% of the way so yeah obviously hunters yeah it's not hunters it's hunters hunters hunters do they you know hey hey it got three three buddy got three it got three percent hit the factors like yeah hunters they do a lot of damage and even like I remember it wasn't strength so if I remember right strength was one ap but did that translate over to ranged ap see that's what I don't remember cuz like there was ranged and melee attack power it was just so long ago it's hard for me to remember a lot of this no it didn't okay yeah it just so long raptor strike strength is 2 AP I know I thought strength was only 2 AP for certain classes strength was only 2 AP for Druids paladin's and warriors but for other classes like rogues strength was only 1 AP may be out maybe I'll be wrong about that yeah I thought 1 AD G yeah G was 1 AP it was a long time there was a reason for this right you guys remember my friend Cora is Irma Cora well Cora I used to play a feral druid and I made fun of her and I called her stupid for jimang attack power instead of strength because attack power didn't scale with Kings and I made fun of her for that for about ten years ten years I told her that she could join my classic guild and she promised me that this was like a few weeks ago then she promised me that she would not Jim attack power anymore and I told her that there wouldn't be any gems so problem solved you might not think much of it but it is quite sought-after when it comes to hunters and I've seen many of them use it throughout black lair yep so if you end up getting this one understand that has pretty decent value and don't undersell it or if you're a hunter and you're struggling with what weapons to choose or you're below the hit cap maybe you can buy this one off the auction house it generally sells for a pretty reasonable price I feel like one of the really cool things about vanilla wow that I liked a lot Square ever gonna be a stream again we'll see but I don't know maybe I can never say never may probably yes at some point Cora will probably be on the stream again one of the coolest things about vanilla wow that I really liked about it and I enjoyed a lot was the fact that you were able to start making progress towards your rating and like your like high-end PDP progress below level 60 and it felt like the entire game had like a lot more I guess like transitionary meaning so what I mean by that is that at level 50 you can still do things that influence the outcomes of things that you do whenever you're at level 60 and now in current Wow I feel like everything that you do you only really do a max level and this had this started happening in in Wrath in Burning Crusade it was more the case and this is just the nature of things being expansions but one thing I didn't really enjoy as much was the fact that the entire progress of your character and in game took place exclusively at the next level I liked in vanilla Wow where you were able to prepare and get ready for the endgame both before you actually got to the level to do it because it I think that it also created a sense of excitement and something to look forward to and something to work towards where you're like okay well I'm going to do this so it can help me in the future and something to look forward to and something to be excited about I think it's something that the games really matter like it makes makes a matter a lot in the games the end game yeah and I wish that boy xored could do something more like that in the current game I don't know how they could do that but if they ever introduced an expansion with a more expansive leveling process that you could do or maybe like an essence system that you could do from level one and then you'd be building those up more I think I'd like that a lot more than what they currently have so just more things that you can do that aren't max level that still help your character in a way that is maximal I don't know I just kind of liked that a lot more all right guys that's it for this one these are some of the items I'm in quite mind which people tend to oh good point yeah the only obvious ones to me again are the aged core leather gloves men the amount of dagger rogues that I've seen skip pokey boys they're called not dagger Oh from what I understand they're pretty much the best dagger gloves that you can get in the game til next so keep an eye out for them if you plan on playing daggers hopefully you guys learn some new information on this one hopefully this gives you a better understanding of itemization and classic if you liked the video and want to see more like it make sure to leave a like comment subscribe hit the notification bellow of course to be notified every time I post a new video I post several videos every single week you know the drill soldiers follow me on Twitch and I'll be doing some scuff the green-screen streams come classic release during the discord to be a part of the spiciest classic community there is trust me on that one thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and I'll see you on the other side peace I think this guy's improve the quality of his videos a lot I remember the first time I watched one of his videos it was actually a video about me like not really talking [ __ ] about me but you know not really saying anything good either I didn't really know what to think about it but I feel like he's done a much better job recently and creating some pretty good content and that's why I'm completely okay with watching his videos right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 542,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold bfa, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold stream, asmongold twitch, asmongold videos, asmongold funny, punkrat, punkrat wow, asmongold punkrat, asmongold classic wow, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, classic wow items, world of warcraft items, punkrat items, asmongold items, classic items, wow items, most underrated items, wow most underrated items, most underrated wow, most wow
Id: lWacl4eG2WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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