Asmongold's First Cuphead Stream | FULL VOD

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guys I'm not sure what this game is gonna be like it could be a big [ __ ] [ __ ] in my ass or it could be fun this game could be so good it makes me actually reminiscent of the 1920s which I don't even think that would be possible or it could be so bad then it gives me the great depression so let's see what's going to happen [Music] it's not working back to using controller um how I do it okay I have to use a controller for this no dude [Music] okay all right [ __ ] man we've got to use the controller this is gonna be awful all right yeah we've already lost you're right okay visual resolution let's take this all the way up to wait how do i okay [Music] perfect we got it display fullscreen vsync is on I don't know what that does overscan a brightness color bleed let's go back visual controls okay I'm not gonna read those I'll figure it out on my own okay boys turn vsync off okay let us begin so we're in the book once upon a time in a magical place called inkwell Ohio there were two brothers named cup head and mug man they live together without a care in the world and the watchful eye of the wise elder kettle one day the two boys wandered far from home and despite the elder kettles many warnings ended up on the wrong side of the tracks in there the devil's casino that's right kids you never [ __ ] gamble inside Cup hen and bug man soon found themselves in a winning streak of the craps table hot dog explained king dice the casinos sleazy manager these fellas can't lose nice run boys laughed a newcomer the brothers gasps it was a casinos owner that devil himself all that was activated now how about we raised the stakes he suggested with the toothy grin [Music] win one more role and all the loot in my casino is yours the devil boom but if you lose I'll have your souls the deal cuphead blinded by easy riches nodded and grab the dice for a throat this guy should play bf a good gosh cuphead no cried mug man for he understood the danger but it was too late you see those dollars in his eyes those are microtransactions Snake Eyes laugh the devil while slamming the floor you lose the brothers crumbled and fear as he wound over them now about those souls [Music] the brothers pleaded for the very wives there must be another way to repay you bug man stammered yes please miss perk up had acted perhaps there is the devil cynic are pulling out of parchment I have here a list of my runway debtors collect their souls for me and I just might pardon you to mugs so what he has to do is basically go around and kill other people in order to save his own soul that sounds great now get going the devil ruler taking the boys out of the most rude way out the most rude way you have till midnight tomorrow to collect every one of those souls otherwise I'll be the one collecting yours pup Hanan bug man were terribly frightened and ran away as fast as they could come on bug panic cuphead we have to find elder kettle he'll know what to do oh what a fine pickle you guys have gotten yourselves into what do you mean a fine pickle this kid literally sold his soul to the [ __ ] devil to roll the dice once like that's not a pickle bra light that's like that's like the whole grocery store like that's a massive [ __ ] mistake what do you mean a pickle I know you don't want to be pawns of the devil why not but but if you can't if you refuse I can't bear to imagine your fate you must play along for now collect those contracts and you'd best be ready for some nasty business that means that we're gonna have to suck their dick for the dead the hey look at that straw that's on his head he's already equipped you're deader friends won't be very friendly once you confront them really I thought they'd want me to give them money or take their money that's crazy alright well then it looks like we're gonna have to fight them like they'd be like a boss or something I wonder if that's what's gonna happen then you just never know do you you don't play with you can play at the keyboard I don't play with the keyboard I'm gonna play with the controller and I'm gonna make a fool out of myself while doing so I'm going to try with the controller okay I've got a practice or blood-borne somehow I'm gonna beat every level first try anyway so why don't I try in this game just to get the hang of it in fact I expect they'll transform into terrible beasts wow I really hope that doesn't happen that would be so disappointing and upsetting can you imagine that take this potion so they won't hang you out to dry what is this The Legend of Zelda alright cool it'll give you the most remarkable magical abilities now go to my writing desk and use the magical ink well there you need to prepare yourself for a scrap that's a fight by the way for anybody who's under the age of 84 that's not used to using that word okay tutorial wait why did I read this hold down the crouch good [Music] okay X what's X look at that dude I'm a [ __ ] guy walk the stand place right bumper oh okay so that okay got it [Music] five shoot done oh no I lock it shoot okay got it Wow Perry slap press jump while airborne the nullify your interactive pink objects they also build your super meter okay pop them off pop off pop them off ho I'm already dead when you're dead Powell with one well-timed Perry on the ghost two-player mode only oh cool so it's like super like dosha silent x move an upgrade attack that requires one super control KP [Music] okay so this is some Dragon Ball Z [ __ ] alright got it but coins okay I've got corns now I'm a Texan well this game is [ __ ] easy I already beat it basically holy [ __ ] look at this okay the Alma pop this dude off yo what up brah dad [ __ ] you dad make me do tours I'm gonna kill your ass okay I can't do that alright so exit alright let's exit this area though you whatever he is right oh wow the elder kettle okay so I'll go back in here I thought I had to go to that guys like the inkwell right wasn't that in his house cuz I can't go up there [Music] what you're not a good know wait what what is this what was that noise am I the only one that heard that yeah I'm getting known you'll have to lay out all those debtors to move on now shake a leg Wow okay all right so this is let's see do we have any mail there's no mail whoa [Music] okay I don't know what any of that is oh there's Terrance the the bridge carrot hey fellas looks like you're in for it now huh well I used to be the same way always getting into trouble of Terrance did you also make a deal with the devil and you have to kill people that oh the devil a debt in order to repay yourself and get your soul back so it's not eternally damned really mr. carrot that's crazy I'll read it for you guys it's okay shoot run and jumping but now I prefer just scrolling around and going to the pictures to the pit he's talking about movies by the way let me give you a hand to take this Oh [Music] three gold coins oh boy [ __ ] yeah all right let's see what the shopping Oh I'm gonna kill him wait I want to see what's in the show business is a graveyard the Botanic panic difficulty selection simple irregular let's go with regular I'm gonna beat this so [ __ ] fast one is what up [ __ ] get a little wolf okay okay what up [ __ ] oh yeah suck my [ __ ] dick wet silver faster now [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you in the ass how do I beat his ass whoo I'm beating his ass it's a carrot watch him watching the top watch the top that's a pink one I probably should go and jump on now right wait Oh No well I thought that I was supposed to get that because it was a pink thing you know Dylan's making the Tavor oh I've been [ __ ] cheating okay alright that guy's dead good okay alright we've got big big carrot now okay all right pop it off pop it off boys wait what is this who's this and Ross from Star Wars how do I hit him [Music] okay how do I hit him his hands his hands that's too hard [Applause] come on man nobody can do that well then how do I get hit because my fingers messed up that's the controller dude the controller is [ __ ] broken okay moving out of that okay there we go there we go there we go choose [ __ ] hands dude just put the hands I'll pop your [ __ ] hands off all right let's go let's go let's go avoiding never get hit get these [ __ ] carrots for [ __ ] flying dildos let's go [Music] how long is this gonna take [Music] do what Sue Ann old [ __ ] do it see what happens I don't even know if I'm hitting him guys might hit him or not [ __ ] I looked at check let's go let's go actually play the game pork rinds and for you what's this chaser okay hard an extra hit point but lightly weakens her attack power spread short range with great damage if you can keep your eye on the target you will not take damage during a - a great defense maneuver roundabout great coverage with average damage aim backward for maximum range so I don't know enough about this game to be able to determine if this is a good decision or not okay like I have no [ __ ] idea okay so let's go talk hole goods kill this guy okay I thought I could jump down alright so we're gonna have to let mr. mm stay there for now what's this a forest Follies running gun [Music] oh yeah what the [ __ ] suck my [ __ ] dick okay that was [ __ ] [ __ ] I should have never even got close to getting help find her wait how much was to tell him I can't [Applause] [Music] god damn this is the first level I'm I can't I'm never gonna beat this game okay we've gotta fight wait no dude that was [ __ ] there's no way that wasn't [ __ ] dude a hundred percent that was [ __ ] okay all right that's just like Mario dude okay [Music] how do i okay [ __ ] I get it now like I was just doing it wrong dude that's all I was oh I died on purpose I'm not gonna get hit again dude I'm not even gonna get hit this time I got even one I don't want to waste any time getting here that's [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that didn't count I didn't know I was gonna do that like that that's a complete [ __ ] okay there we go top it off pop it off pop it off wow I [ __ ] up the exact same thing again well you know you don't mess a success and also you don't mess with failure either you just do the same a piranha plant I hate those [ __ ] man I've only got one health left [Music] what did I get for a grade of B - man I feel like I'm back in high school okay I need to Perry though I did [ __ ] amazing guys holy [ __ ] I didn't know I was just good at the game okay let's go jump over here okay can can I talk to this tree grupe Legrand in a ruse of OOOs difficulty selection simple irregular I'm not a simple man I'm a regular man and so all right let's go [Music] [ __ ] alright let me try that I'm gonna try that one again I didn't know that was gonna happen [Music] this is like Bowser in Phase three in Super Mario World nice try you dick sucker [ __ ] you what not huh no dude no dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm beating his ass dude [Music] how they're supposed to know that [Music] [Music] Oh No don't [ __ ] me in the ass don't [ __ ] me in the ass there we go there we go big damage big damage [Music] shut the [ __ ] up I'll kill him this time for sure don't worry about [Music] [ __ ] would you do because I thought he's gonna bounce off the [ __ ] side I'm gonna get a dr. pepper dude like I'm sick of this [ __ ] [Music] i'ma be honest I'm not here to get it I'm not okay good okay okay good good [Music] hahaha what the [ __ ] [Music] okay all right got it this is this is a tutorial box I just need to learn how to play [ __ ] retry [Music] no Jude does he no no no dude [ __ ] just reach retry retry retry retry retry it okay I got it now I understand what to do no that's [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] okay all right I go over this way I go over this way okay all right we're learning I'm [ __ ] know I thought he was gonna do that okay here we go here we go phase three not today not today not today I'm Papa's ass off I'm Papi's ass off dude here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go run away run off the literal God the literal God in action right now not today yes [ __ ] you suck my [ __ ] dick I am so good at this [ __ ] game holy [ __ ] I am a god Wow okay good watch I'm gonna get a grade-a dude this is gonna be like PE class I get an A [Music] to algebra instead okay [Music] so wake up soul contract goofy Legrand a [Music] the devil's office they're speaking in satanic you got the goopy LeGrande soul contract that's great let's go over here see what's available over here oh this is my girlfriend look at that mouth look at those dick sucking lips that's beautiful begone spirits away you're real I was about to Oh hit you at the old Paree move I wasn't because I don't know how to use it that's how you deal with ghosts around here only a nitwit tries shooting someone that ain't really there [Music] speaking of not be in places Gucci fellas mind moving on you're spooking the fish okay it doesn't do anything all right okay [Music] [Music] call me the little regard watch this [Music] [ __ ] ass what's that good [Music] my winning boys I was searching for magic and got trapped by those girls speaking of magic I can't say anymore there are other mausoleums around equal aisle I just wonder wait Oh what what are they gonna do if I broke that [ __ ] up you unlock the new super cool dear me you mustn't forget that magical super Earths have to be equipped in the menu before use really I didn't forget that because I never knew okay all right magical super arts okay super art one devastating beam a devastating fact spills from your head horizontal only ground or error okay okay awesome let me I'm gonna go talk to this girl again so I hear you gave those belts so I hear you fellas gave some so I hear you fellas gave so I hear you fellas gave some of them ghosts what for glad someone finally sorted them out might make the fishing even better here then again might not well yeah those are basically the two options right okay so I guess we'll go up through here [ __ ] this I'm gonna go kill that boss I'm not gonna get beat by a garden where's the garden yeah I'm not gonna get beat by a [ __ ] garden bro I'm gonna treat this like like in real life I don't shower so I will avoid all the waters good avoiding nice [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is there it is dude right there right there right there eat the dick eat the dick you're hungry [Music] [Applause] go get that damn it look at that damn it Curtis oh there it is see all I had to know was to know what to do and I beat his ass that fast that's an egg that's an 800% [Music] [Music] okay you got the route the route packed soul contract okay got it I'm gonna fight this guy huh I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm putting my mu off in the bank for all I know the devil probably controls that place too this guy's been watching Infowars I'll never get a hold of my gold if I spread it all around and if some Joe happens to find a corner too good for him that's what I say harem okay I guess all right so we've got Scrooge over there we can't do much with them ribbing croaks and clip joint calamity Oh [Music] I'm already beating the game do it see what happens what all right got it [Music] do it do it come at me come at me see what happens there it is I can't handle this this is nothing wait what the [ __ ] this is [ __ ] hard where's my Estes last I need to heal but all like I knew he's gonna do that okay okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know I should pair it okay [Music] [ __ ] goddamn it [ __ ] have just killed just [ __ ] kill me just [ __ ] can just killing just [ __ ] just [ __ ] just [ __ ] kill me okay just [ __ ] kill me I'm so [ __ ] good at this game holy [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] good at this game alright here we go alright alright alright there we go there we go ez game ez game he's again he's the game he's the game you think I'm gonna stare [ __ ] frogs do it do it happens [Music] what I got confused because he wasn't doing a thing all right do it [Music] okay here we go pop it off pop it off voice that's the devil [Music] [Applause] [Music] yet [ __ ] goddamn it [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] up [ __ ] man [Music] alright no hits and stuff no hits this time no damage no damage no damage here we go maximum focus [Music] hey how's it going that was the danger boy right there why is he shooting saturn's at me all righty now he's gonna go in the robot mode all right now he's gonna suck the other frog into his yeah there we go all right quit cats okay we're good not cats not cat [ __ ] it's cats [Music] come on give it to me give it to me hard yeah you love it oh yeah artists not cats all right we're getting the bull this time there it is there it is you just played the game until you beat it easy flawless skill execution grade-a [Music] okay great attempt so far really really good let's be honest here guys I've really been doing great actually proud of myself I'm so good at this game holy [ __ ] I'm good at this game Wow all right let's go back over you got the ribbing croaks old contract alrighty boys so we put them in jail wait I don't want to do that so we put them in jail we went to the shop we got to go talk to him let's go back over there all right what's that you two want to fly in a plane like I do huh you're not sitting in any cockpit till you study those blueprints [ __ ] that like blacks you have to do this airplane blueprint oh wow okay so why should I shoot my special is B that's what if I drop a bomb tear out peri is a the shrink is why [Music] okay oh I can practice okay where's my beat can I be okay a lot Perry okay watch okay so I hold that oh I shoot little baby bullets that's great only in America okay and let's say all right we're good popping off popping off popping off popping off we'll get that dude I'm gonna get an A in this tutorial hundred percent boys okay all right I'm ready I know what to do we're going to the hubble space craft threatening what Oh the hose be damaged so okay so we're fighting stuff to Betty Boop wait no now we're fighting a bowl [Music] waitwhat [Music] okay [Music] talking my ass Popkin my ass dude why did that happen [Music] pointing avoiding [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this is the bull mess with the bull you get the horns we're not getting the horns cuz I don't get hit see that he's afraid of me you won't hit me I don't blame her okay now she's dead you the tornado right no talking [ __ ] [ __ ] okay good I made it that I've got a lot of practice all right moving on to that okay now we have to fight Cupid [Music] [Music] yeah there we go there we go big damage here but no I thought that was a mighty way would be wait there it is dude I knew I could do it wow man I can't bleep you're gonna have price what does B do who knows that [ __ ] was easy all right we got the hill the burbs soul contracts that's good all right easy game now what tree truck tree drop treetop trouble okay here we go I thought that I could carry [Music] [Music] I'm getting that I'm on a mission voice I'm on a mission let's go I'm not gonna waste any more [ __ ] time I want to deal with woody the dick pecker [ __ ] out again there we go there we go [ __ ] we got a bumblebee I hate bumblebees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] this is too hard we're all these bumblebees coming from man where's the nest I need some [ __ ] rain look at his nose I don't like it okay good [Music] how I stand still there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is I know what this is gonna do [Music] [Music] okay y'all boys I played Mario all the time this is easy for me this is so easy I play this game for fun dude I'm having fun that's how easy this game is [Music] I didn't know I could do that okay all right we keep going all right there we go we got all right we're gonna watch out for Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer yeah we'll follow that up man what the [ __ ] okay all right we're good a small bit but okay good yo who said I can't do things with the controller who said that vandeman [ __ ] sad dude listen it I'm not even gonna get hit this stuff when we get that look at that uh that walk okay good watch watch watch see that see that okay good I'm gonna get oncoming y'all ready for focus I beat his ass okay good there it is whoa I was getting impatient you know what happen somebody get patient I [ __ ] die oh boy thank God y'all I almost I almost [ __ ] that up okay all right yeah let's see what I've got two gold points alright there's no way I didn't get a B on alright that's pretty close to a B boys like for me I remember like one time I got a C+ in a math test and I thought I just won the [ __ ] lottery I just guest on all those questions I was amazed actually I was so happy there's one time I stole the answer key actually from my from my because I basically like my teacher this is Darren altima - and there's like four of us I'm like she hated all four of us and she had a sub during the day of the midterm and she this sub was so stupid I thought he was stupid back then I realized now that he was actually to tie out of his [ __ ] mind which by the way good call on him I told the story yeah I did tell it already this a long time ago so I'll tell it again so there were two versions of the answer key because I told the teacher sorry the substitute teacher that I couldn't read the time on the clock because they didn't teach us that and he was like man I can't believe education has fallen so far he turns around I pick up the answer sheet I hand it over to my friend and we just copy down all the [ __ ] answers but we were the only people smart enough in the class to realize that there were two different versions of the test so we did some of them ourselves aka getting them wrong and so we all got like 80s and 90s and everybody else either got a zero or a 100 teacher comes back and she suddenly thinks that were the only four people in the class with any integrity and we're now her four favorite people after we stole the answer key for the midterm miss Gonzalez was a [ __ ] [ __ ] like I actually I hated her oh yeah of course it is what are you looking at there my chirp huh it's not my fault I've been busy fighting off those casino de betters now I better save up to get my blade fix oh [ __ ] so help me I wish someone would bust that King dice one all right let's go is this animal because I'm alright so basically like alright let me try that again that was just [ __ ] okay see that that's me right there okay [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate these acorns bro like okay alright alright I got it down I got it down I know what to do can I kill that [Music] all right focusing out why can't I kill it only what the [ __ ] wait what man like that was [ __ ] stupid there's like that's honestly like these games like okay alright let's go go again [Music] how'd you be okay man that was my fault [Music] all their boomerangs focusing now focusing now focusing now focusing now [Music] that was my fault that's actually my fault okay that's the first time I made a mistake all the rest of the time out there just all this time it's just the [ __ ] okay hey dude what can I say I am so good there it is okay let's do where I'm at [Music] super meter that's me okay see plus we're getting better you service yeah yeah it's actually easier okay okay soul contract carnegie carnation alright that's that's fine all right should we go left or right left or right boys what do you think I'll let the chat beside we go one or the other we go left a lot of people are saying left okay let's go left all right you'll ban anybody that said left the guys are [ __ ] stupid yeah ban anybody that said left you guys have no idea what you're talking about okay alright let's go what's in the dye house oh okay oh this is like was he singing [Music] [Music] [Music] damn they made a whole song this is good this is right what the [ __ ] Wow okay well a nap it looks like you really put on a wash on them what's a kabob awesome but you whatever the [ __ ] so I already beat the whole game guys hang on thank the stars I caught up with you I believe I found a way out of this mess that you're in hot dog you have your strength is growing and you'll soon be a match for that no-good king dice and maybe even the devil himself that's Activision golly do you really think I do but you'll never get close to the devil unless you already have those soul contracts in handy only then will you get a chance to turn the tables on that theme so when the time comes do the right thing okay Jesus all right the [ __ ] is this [Music] Wow yes we're in like a little oh we can go in the pond let's go for a swim through all your battles and all my rhymes you have failed and perished 16 times okay didn't I die in the tutorial - no wait no no I did 16 that's pretty good dude yeah okay alright so this guy just keeps track of how many times you [ __ ] up okay let's go on the elevator the carnival kerfuffle alright that's a word that you don't hear a lot all right whoa relax wait okay got it all right now what now what oh [ __ ] okay I'll kill that [ __ ] [ __ ] wait this thing this is actually hard oh my god alright let's go got it the timing god that's me do it right now there it is okay good I'm hitting every duck dude you'd say I'm getting my ducks [Music] that was funny stupid how many dogs are there how many dogs dude oh I have to at the head wait what's up yo this [ __ ] is hard okay yo alright alright this is the first real boss dress this [ __ ] was easy I get hit by that okay I didn't know the duck oh [Music] right I got hit by the light bulb dude of course I'm so [ __ ] stupid man okay I'm gonna use B right now Curtis I was just testing something out there I was just testing something out that wasn't actually I wasn't real it doesn't even real truck that wasn't real try every duck is gonna die every duck [ __ ] every duck that's the goal of the game alright alright alright as soon as I as soon as this guy pops off I do beat as soon as this guy pops off I do be ready now how do I hold myself a place to [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] all right focusing up focusing up right now [Music] I made it I made it okay okay that part was hard oh [ __ ] what man how am I gonna die on somebody's head my crew I mean you're gonna say that I'm gonna die on somebody like what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] dude okay stop counting stop but it'd actually be like three if it only founded non [ __ ] deaths whoa oh that was a mistake okay okay all right all right okay [Music] okay okay dude okay okay all right all right we're back at it okay we're Gary let's go what is this hey it's like the nameless king except for you shoots off your shoes he's a [ __ ] golfing god damn it come on do it see what happens there it is there it is okay all right perfect no more mistakes [Music] I should get on this okay that was [ __ ] stupid now I'm sorry you know what just you know alright [ __ ] it doesn't matter because I just won't get hit again doesn't make a difference [Music] okay how do I hold my character in place how do I hold my character in place I'm playing on xbox controller like I'm [ __ ] this up right bumper okay okay all right that's the only reason I lost what I'll prove it to you guys this time I'll win without even getting hit watch everybody watch everybody watch watch right now [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] man [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a marathon not a sprint [Music] oh I see I did that because I hit the wrong button that's not my fault if I hit the wrong button that's not my fault okay here we go how am I supposed to know he's gonna do that [Music] do they real okay I hate donkeys I actually [ __ ] hate donkeys there's nothing I hate more than a donkey [Music] that was that was [ __ ] stupid dude that was okay that was my fault I won't get hit [Music] there's too many buttons man that's why I'm having so much trouble is there's too many [ __ ] buttons [Music] see what happen or II now he's going [Music] okay so the yellow one does the attacks hope I beat him no I didn't [Music] okay what do I do okay easy who's this baseball I hate I [ __ ] hate baseball dude okay excellent progress so far excellent [ __ ] progress so far all right let's go we'll do it again what a run what a run perfect game play just [ __ ] just you'd [ __ ] just reach just [ __ ] just [ __ ] me just [ __ ] retry if I die - I'll [ __ ] duck I'm quitting [Laughter] all right phase two let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] okay alright that was a [ __ ] of a donkey that was a [ __ ] of a donkey he can't hit me here right [Music] that was our [ __ ] of a donkey again okay good all right boys three big dicks I'm gonna drop all three big dicks right on it okay here we go it's actually really good timing [Music] I never get hit by baseball's soon since gonna be like middle school I'm never gonna catch one I'm never gonna catch a baseball sorry dad [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I knew that was gonna I was right there I was right there why did I [ __ ] myself why did I [ __ ] mice okay let's do it again shut the [ __ ] up okay let's go try it again do it shit's hard whoa boys you're paying attention I was reading chat go [ __ ] you guys by the way y'all are good y'all good [Music] count my [ __ ] deaths I feel like I'm stuck up on us right now everybody's just praying for me to [ __ ] fail I shouldn't use that I really I shouldn't say that actually you know it does matter it's donkey ass looking [ __ ] dude I hate donkeys [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did I mess that up [Music] I'm dead dude I'm [ __ ] dead like I'm sorry I'm [ __ ] dead like this is there's no way I can avoid dominate baseball's dude there's no [ __ ] way there's no way I could've alright I'm gonna do it [ __ ] this [ __ ] call me the literal God here we go [Music] we all knew that [ __ ] was gonna happen but we all knew that was gonna happen like that's not like I mean let's be real like that that we knew that was gonna happen it's not a big deal he won't he won't okay I'm I save all my bombs for the last face and this face [Music] I'm avoid all dog food I might kill I'm not gonna kill any dogs there it is this better not be the yellow one that's right that's my thought I'm building I'm building up momentum right now this is the easy one [Music] Michael Michael oh actually that's not my foot that wasn't my fault because I didn't know if I hit him I take damage that wasn't my phone okay let's go the faster I get him the faster he's got big damage right here one two three [ __ ] you for [ __ ] you [Music] Suzette's can unfair no the same thing happened I get through I get through that first new strategy this is called ad management I learned this in WoW [Music] watch watch I'm playing the game wrong that's why I'm losing it's not because I'm making mistakes I'm playing it wrong I haven't made any [ __ ] watch [Music] won't matter I've got a new strategy I've got a new strategy I cannot lose with the strategy I literally cannot lose to the strategy okay like don't worry about it it does not I feel like a [ __ ] [ __ ] I haven't killed this boss this is so easy what half of my depths are gonna be on this boss I have very bad time multiple tasking multitasking [Music] [Music] okay all right I'm building up momentum building up momentum [Music] I don't care okay come on die die die there we go okay good now we're gonna get the Train watch watch my strategy I'm gonna use my kamehameha's for the ads I'm gonna clear the [ __ ] room what get ready [Music] [Music] first try boys there it is first try pop it off though this b-minus [Music] oh that's good that's good okay easy game Pepe the clown were putting him in jail [ __ ] you bet people out suck my dick alright let's go never heard of a barbershop trio if we can't find our fourth member will never sound right again be a pal and let us know if you'll spot em won't you know I don't want to do that let's go into your the pyramid peril all right we're gonna fight Cleopatra let's go that's all added [Music] that was [ __ ] you actually got hit by that stupid [Music] [Music] this parts easy [Music] okay do it come at me come at me come at me what the [ __ ] boys a mummy [Music] okay so d all right [Music] [Music] alright now I'll have 1 hp right yeah I do got it ok good alright next face I pop off next phase I pop off next phase I want to drop a [ __ ] nuclear bomb [Music] [Music] all right no damage no damage this time wait that's a cat how many cats do they have oh there it is there it is okay nine hundred percent focus right now nine hundred percent focus there it is that was [ __ ] stupid dude that was an off-screen attack man I feel like I'm playing deep three again I'm gonna kill Baltimore VTOL make them do more damage I can't believe this game is cheating okay here we go I hate this [ __ ] does this face is hard art focusing up right now [Music] it's easy [Music] like I'm never gonna get hit into space way there's no way there's no way I'll ever get here there's no way I ever get hit [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] okay I'm doing fine I'm doing fine there it is there it is okay all right add management add management admin whoa [ __ ] the space might take a little bit longer it's okay okay good all right dude now we pop off on them now we pop off on let's go [Music] [Music] how do I handle that does that hit me okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good all right we get into that phase we're gonna be fine do not [ __ ] me do not [ __ ] me do not [ __ ] me do not there you almost [ __ ] me moving out of that okay good all right 100% focus guys 100% focus we go through this phase it's gonna be easy all I do is avoid okay there we go we beat him already it's just that fast alright as soon as he comes up we go off on here we go [Music] [Music] control guys what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow there it is great whoa that's probably the best more I've got there it is holy [ __ ] that was easy god damn I'm good holy [ __ ] Wow okay all right let me go to Jimmy the great all right cool the Jimmy we got him okay who's this good timing fellas I just added an upgrade on your aeroplanes you can now wall up your foes with bombs just switch it switch your weapon whenever it strikes your fancy try it out okay awesome okay there we go [Music] I just assumed that was stupid [Music] okay good what she wants me to come in there with her all right [Music] [Music] I'll go to the shop after I beat this boss okay everybody wants me to go to the shop I'll do that it's a gumball [Laughter] [Music] okay now what all right so who's gonna break in all right so now she's mad I'm gonna stay away from her [Music] okay okay no dynamic voice all right we're fighting a candy corn thank God I got [ __ ] shits man how the [ __ ] do I [ __ ] that up [Music] okay all right we're good we're fighting Princess Peach oh okay all right fighter got it okay all right she's giving me head that's [ __ ] stupid [Music] listen I I died there because I read chat every time I've died it's because of chat everything I've never died on my own wait what the [ __ ] is this was just a waffle I hate waffles pancakes are better than waffles waffles suck dick thank god I get to kill a waffle yeah waffles are [ __ ] garbage nobody likes waffles okay this is the easy part [Music] they're [ __ ] garbage you don't hear about International House of waffles you know why because nobody [ __ ] would go there because it's disgusting okay here we go I'm gonna save everything for the last box yeah you hear about the International House of Pancakes you know the International House of waffles is called the [ __ ] Halloween haunted house wait what the [ __ ] it's a house of terrors okay all right here we go can I heal [Music] Waffle House all right you know what I've never heard of that I've never heard of the Waffle House you know why because nobody goes there nobody goes to the Waffle House it's [ __ ] disgusting I don't like this boss really annoying so I get hit by him I did [ __ ] okay I can't get hit again please don't give me the Karen [ __ ] you came to the Karen [Music] that's my fault the carrot is too hard to deal with okay good yeah you can't beat the carrot give me the waffle [ __ ] I hate this one I should I like this one this is good okay [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] game alright let's go let's go do not give me the [ __ ] waffle do not give me the one yet I hate this run [Music] okay I understand his behavior now I [Music] have defeated the candy corn if only that men that would delete all the ones in real life [ __ ] [Music] that's [ __ ] stupid okay good all right I need at least two wives all right this guy's real easy I deal with [Music] [Music] okay here we go oh boy all right let's go [Music] all I need is timing [Music] all I need is timing that no no no no no no no no no no no no dude because that's [ __ ] no because it was no dude [Music] everybody knows that was [ __ ] okay [Music] okay good all right that's the hardest one you me the candy corn again give me the candy corn the first time in my whole life I've ever said that sentence [Music] [Music] he's onto me [Music] all right one more [Music] [Music] [Music] alright dude here we go here we go I don't get hit I don't get hit I don't get hit I don't get hit I don't get hit [Music] told you guys I don't get hit I never get hit dude there it is ez game ez life let's go back to the [ __ ] store there it is easy [ __ ] game let's go the literal [ __ ] God yeah you're goddamn right all right where the hell are we gonna go now let's go back to the store we'll see what the store house okay [ __ ] that I'm not going through door number one baroness von bonbon okay so we just captured a little Debbie that's great so where the hell do we go now wait how do I go back to the store is it ahead I think have to go back to this store right okay all right we're at the shop pork rinds Emporium there's pork rinds right there okay long range with below average damage no aiming required I probably should get that that's an additional health point but Whitely weakens your attack power short range with great damage you will not take damage during a - seems really good great coverage with average damage I'm gonna buy a smoke bomb the first carry move is automatic okay well I never use parry anyway so I don't need that should I buy a hard no okay I won't buy hard short-range with great damage if you can keep poster target [Music] okay fine I'll try it what's this here medium-range with good damage with a slower rate of fire oh I like that actually um let's see your first fairy moves automatically to do I guess I'll just buy this right maybe I'll carry more coffee super meter it continuously fills in addition to what you are oh that's awesome wait you got to equip those new purchases if you want to look at them we'll get you a quick card your bums okay okay okay so this is like my passive right so this has events in my Jeff that while talents do you've got four of them and half of them are passive all right so let's try it let's go back to the carnival and we'll see where we can go yeah yeah I know people have a job so they don't really have time to play a video game so they have to make the gameplay itself that way nobody can lose how much does this game I don't [ __ ] know like I bought it like a while ago okay let me try how this works okay so how do I do my second attack okay good start oh wow I'm really good at this game huh [Music] it's because I'm using the other weapon date like if I use it I use it right up and I've never done okay go this [ __ ] is exactly like Mario [Music] oh oh it's just because it's a platformer you think I'm just a grand with Mario all right the music is a [ __ ] same basically it's got the same the same melody then I'm talking how many balloons are there how many bowls I can't do this I can't pin this hit me no okay all right that's fine I thought I had the jump over that every time okay so like you've literally got magic koopa you've got the same [ __ ] music it's a same goddamn thing [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Music] I made it that's literally a [ __ ] Nazi goofy you're gonna tell me this isn't like Mario there's literally a [ __ ] magic koopa all right whose asses beat oh yeah I think I beat the level yet we've got a pretzel I've got a fighting I hate pretzels music what is he shooting convert for ketchup that's not ketchup [Music] come on get over it get over it there you go get over it I've got one help dude I can't [ __ ] myself I have to play safe [Music] [Music] [Music] funny practice makes practice makes great hoho it even looks the same as a magic people here tell me it's not a [ __ ] magic koopa [ __ ] idiots it's a goddamn magic koopa come on man you're too [ __ ] slow don't you [ __ ] me there you go I'm not gonna take any damage this time - not today not today there you go look at that speed look at speed [Music] I'm going into focus mode now that means I'm not gonna make any more than whoa [Music] [Music] okay all right calming down calming down calming down hundred percent calm no ketchup cup not mustard I hate mustard mustard gets on your shirt and it never comes off you have to buy any shirt [Music] yes Bravo boys that's a [ __ ] a holy [ __ ] that is a [ __ ] hey we know it's still level double stars me - that's an A there we go not a see pretty [ __ ] good okay who's this you can't catch me unless you take a shortcut that's what some punk did last week this is it's the only way they could have beaten me to the rides say maybe you could show me where the shortcut is around here it's right here you don't [ __ ] it's right next to you okay she's blind okay Aviation aviation action aviary action alright let's go do it let's do it see what happens see I'm afraid of a [ __ ] what now what am I getting killed by Yoshi for I [Music] only got there all right dude okay let's go [Music] no more damage see now he's mad dude he's I'm beating his ass feathers [Music] I never take damage he's so mad dude he thinks he's gonna hit me with a [ __ ] feather wait what the [ __ ] this is it this is like the first Boston super Legend of Zelda he's bald that was my fault I was looking at his hair [Music] [Music] there it is okay last boss [Music] are they get them from here [Music] [Music] [Music] are they real I [ __ ] hate birds actually I like birds by [ __ ] hate this bird this is the worst bird I would not give this bird my McDonald's fries [Music] [Music] now he's mad now he's mad now he's mad now he's tired dude he tries to do the flippity-flop like I give a [ __ ] see this see this see these avoids I never get hit next face come on Broadway go to the next phase how many feathers do I need to avoid come on [Music] okay all right focusing what is this like scuffed ride of the valkyries what was that okay good come on come on come on come on come on come on there you go there you go [Music] okay all right good no damage zero damage not even oh that's a bad boy okay good there it is all right [Music] [ __ ] piece-of-shit fat [ __ ] boom I'd make a joke about World War two but they probably get mad about that one there it is there yes I love it [Music] easy [ __ ] game dude yeah we're sending him over to KFC a brand new record that's the best grade I've ever gotten so [ __ ] easy zero out of three Perry I don't Perry why would I Perry Wally warbling wall-e warbles an easy game oh there's another shot mausoleum part two oh this is my favorite part of the game here comes mr. Lane I think this is parts [ __ ] stupid watch this oh oh I can hit multiple ones [Music] honestly this game does remind me a lot of Super Mario World like ireally alright so I'm gonna tell you guys right now I'm having fun like this actually fun game [Music] do it see what happens the [ __ ] god dude you think I can't handle that if i knew i knew if i route it around here i could find something special for you but i didn't know if i get trapped again thanks for saving me a second time take this magical super art and i'll see if i can find you another what i get [Music] cross the astral plane to become invulnerable for the astral plane the [ __ ] is this like your shaman so you have spoken with the Quadra stew watery being across the isle that is something few others can claim ok that's great alright let's go to the shop alright pork rind is over here too he's uh this is a franchise ok what else can i buy it round about i don't care about that super meter continuously fills in addition to what you can earn should i get the coffee i think i want to get the coffee [Music] Shai get the coffee no oh I want I should get the lobber I'm gonna buy the lobber cuz like you do like that yeah I'm gonna buy it okay what do I get now hold the attack to increase damage no rapid fire so precision is key okay so I'm not gonna use that one alright let's go back over good attempt [Music] under construction so I beat that level I've beat this level oh let's talk to these guys at you what do they want okay they can't they don't know what to do I beat this over here okay I guess I'll talk to them all right through all your battles and all my rhymes you have failed and Parrish is 40 good not good at all okay let's look around here so I did this I did this shop I talked to this guy can I go across here not really okay Oh can I go through here I knew that I was just testing you guys wanted to make sure funhouse frazzle let's go I want to make sure you guys know what's going on [Applause] [Music] what's going on [Music] [Music] I killed the cars [Music] I have to do that that's really hard and [ __ ] dogs man [Music] [Music] okay okay okay we got them okay all right I'm just running through this [ __ ] dude okay I don't know how I didn't get hit there good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] this level actually [ __ ] this level like this is a stupid [ __ ] level oh I thought that's work okay before I tried it didn't work okay you know what I hate this game [Music] [Applause] all right do it do it see what happens [Music] my heel I need my Estus flasks all right good let's make some progress no more mistakes boys I'll run right through these guys I don't give a [ __ ] I play this game for [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] goddamn [ __ ] duck [Music] okay here we go here we go [Music] no more mistakes zero [ __ ] mistakes that was no that was [ __ ] dude because he didn't do that before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] this dick sucking duck got it okay good I'm going in right now am I gonna waste any more [ __ ] time we're gonna get right back to where we were right now no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] God [Music] [Music] [Music] shut the [ __ ] up [Music] just really [ __ ] tonight you try [ __ ] try the game [ __ ] you so much [ __ ] you [Music] I'm not wasting any time dude no time being wasted [ __ ] man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we got it holy [ __ ] that was annoying god damn that was [ __ ] annoying holy [ __ ] Wow god damn we beat it that's how we play the game boys that's how we win the literal God let's go let's [ __ ] go all right holy [ __ ] that was annoying like I I don't get it at all man okay all right never parry just like Dark Souls we'll look dude it works alright Jesus Christ man okay do another one where the hell do we go now oh we have to go this way okay all right you got it all righty wait oh did I beat it what's this hey there fellas come to watch my little show have you they say juggling is a bit like carrying I wouldn't know that tough at first but soon you can string them together swimmingly I'm hoping to someday get four four in a row yeah that would be something wouldn't it yeah it would fiery frolic all right people apparently think this is gonna be a hard boss for me watch [Music] he's what [Music] oh I see it now okay okay all right let's go let's go do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again let's go [Music] okay cut the fireball alright moving out of that we've got the tail okay [Music] got him all right we're ready [Music] we've made progress what [Music] I don't know why I did that I might kiss you I just see I threw that one in the garbage brawl I actually I threw that one in the guard that's okay let's go it's an easy game easy game incredibly easy game [ __ ] just [ __ ] do it again [ __ ] do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again I keep going through the [ __ ] map [Music] truth that [ __ ] meatball at me again I'll suck your dick wait no no no I live somehow I live no that was stupid okay all right here we go [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] that's my call cause my fault totally my fault right there told away my fault [Music] we'll get that avoid you see that avoid I never get hit okay all right all right kamehameha is right now wait okay watching him now I know where they're at now I can watch their feet I'm watching it with my peripherals I'm never gonna get it now see that's peripherals peripherals right their peripherals [Music] [Music] no damage is done no damage you got the wiggly tail there we go there we go there we go I'm not gonna die this piece of [ __ ] throw out the pasta this boss actually I [Music] didn't say I wouldn't dive in gravity that I didn't count that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's go now I know it's here I just I didn't know what that face was okay now that I know what the phase is I know what it is and I won't mess it up I literally never I never make the same mistake twice [Music] I don't need more wife so I'm not gonna get hit it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter at all okay watch I just need to know where my eyes need to be that's all alright parently it wasn't there okay we'll do it again okay let's go [Music] [Music] No [Music] all right here we go let's get it done [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] know what yes this is it boys this is it okay all right we got him blast face blast face the chimera [Music] [Music] [Music] hey that's the last mistake I make that's last mistake [Music] I'm not gonna make a mistake [Music] like this is it this is it this is the kill right here guys listen people might be laughing right now we'll see who's laughing whenever you're done laughing [ __ ] goddamn it I'm not gonna get hit here I'm not gonna use anymore no okay all right come on we got him we got him we got him we got him together okay they make a noise that's how I know [Music] [Applause] this I hate this [ __ ] boss I'm so [ __ ] shitty at this game like why am I so [ __ ] bad okay let's go [Music] [Music] right in this [ __ ] eye dude like I even care like I even give a [ __ ] dude like I even give a [ __ ] dude [Music] that's the only one that's why one hit you doesn't matter okay let's go next face [Music] damn is bosses [ __ ] annoying [Music] [Music] I'm winning dude I can't believe I'm doing this well yeah I don't even give a [ __ ] let's go okay all I need to do is not get hit that's all I need to do like literally like I don't there's nothing I'll tell you to do besides just not gonna hit okay this is next face next face okay let's go let's go just don't get hit just don't get hit I think my two of these [Music] dr. got again I'll play like [Music] all right got it we got it we got it we've only got one life again I don't know why I can't [ __ ] manage to get through this face up oh my god dude [Music] they're coming a [ __ ] on [Music] okay [Music] all right all I have to do is just focus up on this face okay this is the hard part I get through this phase I beat the boss [Music] let me off [Music] [Music] got it got it okay okay okay all right we're making progress now [Music] okay I made progress let's go do it again do it again if we need to let's go come on do it do it [Music] okay all you need to do is just watch my character that's all you need to do dude I wonder if I'm ever gonna do this right Matt I didn't hear that [Music] it's that one right there but always get that's the one that's the one [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] there it is [Music] no [ __ ] man [Music] [ __ ] retry it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] meatballs man I'm so sick of these meatballs I [ __ ] hate meatballs yes [ __ ] God [ __ ] I can't even retry the game [ __ ] where am I the headsets let's go what what happened my [ __ ] retry again dude read some [ __ ] reason [ __ ] guts [ __ ] where's my headset alright where's the [ __ ] where's my [ __ ] hat just do it again do the [ __ ] again let's go [ __ ] [Music] [Music] all right all right [Music] all right take second fix my hair like I'm obviously I'm I'm not doing very well right now let me just take a second I'm just I'm deteriorating so let me just take a second and calm down okay just taking a second calming down and I'll be fine [Music] okay let's go no more mistakes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] all right let's go this is the way it goes boys this is the way I have played video games I start good and I just get worse it's really fun I [ __ ] hate my wife I hate this [ __ ] this is [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] okay this is it that's right you like that [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is there it is okay next face next face let's get it out of the way get it out of the way hi I'm Vienna's heavier than me there [Music] [Music] easy easy easy no mistakes easy no mistakes easy no mistakes no mistakes let's go [Music] [Music] there it is boys there it is [Music] [Music] there it is boys [Music] [ __ ] talk [Music] [Music] [Music] miss embarrassing boss's [ __ ] easiest alive ah great I hate my [ __ ] life dude that's great the double dick okay that's good that's fine okay come on all right let's go at least I got I got through the first one we're making progress no no no no no [Music] got it all right [Music] I'm just I'm not understanding that mechanic like I really feel I'm doing something wrong like because I I should be able to avoid it like it's not hard okay I feel like I'm just good really just racing wrong I'm not understanding what to do it's fine I knew what to do I wouldn't make this mistake [Music] oh no I meant I just retry I'm the Nama just keep going cuz I don't I join that dragon ability okay cuz I really just feel like mustard thank I'm a madman so I've never been happier to [ __ ] die dude I've never been [ __ ] happier to [ __ ] die dude I'm so happy thank God yes please [ __ ] me in the ass [Music] the stuffed Bowser piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] keeps killing me goddamnit come on [Music] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] alright no more [ __ ] no more [ __ ] no more [ __ ] you alright no mistakes you're heartless [Music] there it is good charities did [Music] [Music] there it is this okay all right phase three [Music] [Music] boys third is boys Nerdist whoa yeah [ __ ] you dragon suck my dick yeah whoo got'em [ __ ] yes that's how you do it didn't even get hit [Music] [Music] this is what I check yep no not checking deaths okay so oh I go over here okay got it all right so I'm talking this guy pink well I on three all right what what is this looks like I might have underestimated me a cup face so you gave it to them debtors but good go on over to the next island lots of fun times waiting for you there hahaha that's right let's [ __ ] go the little mugs might have some fighting them I'll say that much they're making minecraft Adam debtors you see there was something special about those fellows well don't be too sure yet boss I think there's something fishy about those two don't blow your load dice if these are two little Fink's try anything I'll be waiting alright we see how it is oh we have to go to Trump Tower honeycomb Harold rumor honey bottoms all right [Music] [ __ ] stupid game [Music] what does this do if explodes all right got it [Music] all right all right now what okay oh great I forgot about the [ __ ] triangle of [ __ ] dr. tribe the triangle a [ __ ] death God you all right let's go why does he say hey blow [Music] [Music] I'm sweating [Music] I have to surprise them and get about that okay good all right I'm gonna pop off on her as soon as she comes hop on [Music] [Music] this is the triangle [Music] okay that's [ __ ] awesome I know what [ __ ] this I'm Dario come on do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again duty and do it again let's go [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] alright here we go I'm not gonna get it by an angel angles [Music] I'm actually [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] game [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna get mad about that that's the way it goes sometimes you get it sometimes you don't okay here we go [Music] these triangles are way too hard to do like nobody can be priests triangles it's actually ridiculous nobody could do that [Music] [Music] nobody can feel the triangle [Music] is that mcconnell making that noise who's making that noise [Music] [ __ ] god [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] I'm joking right now I'm actually like choking like good this is so bad don't be in the middle [ __ ] you're in the middle it's hard for me to see man it's hard for you see these [ __ ] these platforms that's why it's you [ __ ] up [Music] all right we're good we're good we're good all right focusing up focusing up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good luck all right good okay all right let's focus let's get this done here we go here we go [Music] no more mistakes [Music] triangles three of them okay [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] what am I supposed to do [Music] [Music] they real oh my god what if I try this I [Music] don't even think that helps it seems like it's the same [Music] I'm making a lot of progress using that ability okay so I just I want to want to see if it's going to be good okay now [Music] like I don't know what like life alright are focusing out focusing up no no [ __ ] this time what [ __ ] I'm not gonna overthink this just gonna play a game [Music] just play the game just play on the game that's all I'm doing is playing the game I'm just playing her game [Music] [Music] I'm just I'm practicing okay I don't know why this one's give me so much trouble [Music] [Music] okay all right we'll take it we'll take it we'll take it let's go triangles two triangles [Music] chicks man what am i what am i doing man and like I just I just okay I'm alright I just okay alright let's go let's go [Music] [Music] all right good let's go we're trying I don't know if I even should use this [Music] I don't understand I understand what happened you like I'm just playing so badly right now [Music] I just don't get it what am i doing man oh my god like okay let's go I don't have the mold I can't multitask man like it's just making me make mistakes every time like I used to God I just keep [ __ ] up [Music] music [Music] [Music] [Music] all right for making progress [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just too many things for me to think about that like I can't concentrate on that many [ __ ] things [Music] okay let's go let's get to the next face let's get this time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay good [Music] okay [Music] [Music] all right we did it that was actually really good that was really good we made progress there massive [ __ ] progress okay here we go massive huffing damage massive [ __ ] damage okay let's go there we go that's big that's really [ __ ] big [Music] I got it this time I'm not gonna [Music] that was I I'm not happy about that one like I just played like [ __ ] the whole time like I got to focus man my fingers started jittering I'm actually surprised I killed it okay good Jesus Christ all right thank you [ __ ] god [Music] [ __ ] is this I can't go across oh we've got a pirate over here alright what's ISM if you're if you're gonna need some tips if you want to ki haul these deadbeats start by mixing up your weaponry can't expect all your arms to work the same for every foe mix and match landlubbers that's what I say [Music] it's true let's go okay I don't know what I'm supposed to hit here okay Hospice hit this or am i winning I don't even know it's [Music] there's no way he's got this much help dude there's no [ __ ] way I've gotta see the pirate [Music] they're right yes yes yes I had to bait the shark your skills be like my buried treasure just a myth [Music] [Music] wait right here it's a squid wait what the [ __ ] Oh give me a [ __ ] break dude we got it it's a shark it's a shark I saw okay no just so fast man there's no way I could have reacted to that [Music] [Music] okay i'ma beat them to some I'm gonna be in this thing okay let's go yeah [ __ ] those hit me well those don't even hit me all right [Music] okay back up these are sea dogs there's too many of them okay got it [Music] [Music] it's too much there's too much going on right now there's too much [Music] are they real okay let's go [Music] all right now we have to see boys there's four of them right nice this is huge progress right now massive [ __ ] progress perfect yes [Music] [Music] okay all right all right I play this really slow I'm gonna play it so in sync okay slow and safe slow and safe here we got them [Music] [Applause] okay so whenever he closes his eyes we've got to make sure he doesn't do the [ __ ] thing all right let's go this is easy easy game ez game ez game I'm gonna beat it this time hundred percent and I'm we're gonna get hit not even gonna get hit won't even get hit nice and slow nice and slow nice and slow that's the shark [Music] okay too much going on right now too much going on right now who's playing the defense I'm playing it defensively [Music] got it [Music] that's it that's it dude that's it dude that's it [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] game [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] game [Music] I was actually really good I'm not even mad I'm not even I'm not mad I'm not mad I'm not mad let's go good [Music] okay who's this it's a start man this is so much Reena focus on like I can't [ __ ] do this okay here we go here we go all right all right all right next face let's go what is wrong with me dude like why am I not just doing this right [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right focusing right now [Music] [Music] [Music] coming out price man like this is too much this is just too [ __ ] much like oh my god like this [Music] I'll try this see if this is any better [Music] seems like a swing walk damage alright alright I'm just not gonna I just oh my god okay alright let's go again [Music] [Music] okay like multitasking is probably my biggest witness as a player and like this like this like this second face is like [ __ ] there's so much multitasking you have to do you have to watch out for the barrel you have to watch out for the guy shooting the things there's too much I I can't I can't do it like alright come on let's go come on okay we got it we got it we got it we're fine all right here we go [Music] [Music] understood I'm not doing it man I'm not doing it like [Music] let's go [Music] all right I'm just gonna play this really slow I'm gonna do it the way I need to do it okay no showing off nothing just doing it right I'm just gonna play the game he's gonna play the game gonna play the game that's all okay here we go [Music] [Music] yes Jesus Christ man holy [ __ ] we got him we [ __ ] got him there it is boys there it is [Music] [Music] like I just holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] red and white I don't know I don't know I do we're trying to give me a vice up way dude all right we beat it we beat it we're good okay check deaths no man like I've been playing like trash there's no way I want to check that we're cops looking good I am I never get hit I killed everything it doesn't matter we gotta care about this Hedgehog [ __ ] you crab guys this is blade guard sauce I don't give a [ __ ] about crowler [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] it let's go okay alright let's try it again maybe I should just use the the normal gun seems like this isn't really helping [Music] [Music] so he doesn't even do damage yeah he does yeah I'm just gonna use one if this bullying sucks so a way I can beat this guy cuz you just gonna cause me more [ __ ] trouble [Music] there's no way I can't I can't beat him alright alright let's go yeah Peter there's no way he's got that much oh alright you know what I'm just gonna retry this one right now [Music] [Music] I'm gonna be the person I don't get a [ __ ] I'm gonna beat at this time I don't give a [ __ ] one watch [ __ ] man I'm addressing again this is what happens to me man let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take a second okay obviously I'm uh I'm just getting worse okay focusing let's get this done let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I figured I have ID invincibility so I just took it okay all right well making progress all right we need actual progress let's go do it again do it again we made that we were able to beat the Frog that time okay we can do it again so [ __ ] frustrating like I really hate how I play video games man like I really really hate it I don't know why I just say there's no I've never been able to like get over this all right I just [ __ ] like I play so well and then I just deteriorated this is exactly what's happening like my decision-making is just like [ __ ] like I just I just get worse [Music] [Music] [Music] ok we got it we got it we got it we made progress here we go [Music] [Music] I don't even know what to do there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] broke the [ __ ] controller god dammit where's the piece [Applause] [Music] man I'm getting I'm getting really mad I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give it one more try I'm gonna play this hundred percent I'm not gonna put it in any [ __ ] for this I'm gonna play it a hundred percent I'm not gonna go try and go fast and not gonna try and do anything I'm just gonna try to actually win this one okay let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Terry it again our crack all right let's go again [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know how that happened but somehow I didn't die I guess each weapon has its own special [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we've got to watch this is it we're gonna do it right now [Music] [Music] I hate this [ __ ] gun dude like it's because of the gun I'm doing it wrong like I never do it wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright here we go alright this actually my last rock if I don't kill it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I'm just gonna quit sorry guys I'm I'm obviously too tilted and angry to keep playing and it's just wasting time and I'm just looking like an [ __ ] I'm done sorry yeah I'm gonna call today
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 600,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, cuphead, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, rage
Id: e9VybJsN9i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 4sec (13924 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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