Asmongold First EU HORDE Transmount Competition

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sup y'all it's me it's your boy Yasmin gold and today we are doing the first-ever EU horde trans mount competition because of that I want to see you guys playing at a very high level I want to see you guys transmog being at an even higher level and your amount selections must be flawless you have the chance to represent your entire region here not only your country but the all of EU use it wisely and use it well this is EU uh-huh this is EU let us begin the first-ever EU trans male competition [Music] tier-2 warlock just me some shoulders with like what's this sort oh it's this dagger here this is the dagger that comes from Mannoroth from mythic Mannoroth and hellfire citadel with the helmet from visions bro this looks [ __ ] good this looks really [ __ ] good war master do we all from cave flowers holy [ __ ] this looks good Wow I'm genuinely impressed by this nice [ __ ] job shot to petra my girlfriend there you go man don't get the horde players they even have girlfriends I don't know if I really believe this this might be too good to be true let's go ahead and let's see this guy's mount this is a really really really nice-looking transmog I think this is very well done this is super unique original and it looks great show us your mount nothing is off the Undercity plague bad okay in terms of theme it's very well done this is a great theme to continue with my concern here is the fact that the colors do not really match very well overall I think your transmog alone is better than your trans mount I'll definitely go there let me go to the next one Panzer Harold of the Titans from the guild Looney Tunes okay so fury Warrior hidden artifact appearance shoulders right there from the class order hall the gloves and the boots from the mythic Blackrock foundry set the chest piece there from where is this just BC and from I can't even tell oh the chess pieces from mythic Blackrock foundry as well the belt right there from hellfire citadel afar and no leggings from I think somewhere in rapid a witch King and then the helmet there I really like this helmet I think the helmets a very interesting choice the helmets from tinman old war it's the powered and offset helmet what do you guys think about this set yeah what do you guys think about this Sun I think that it looks pretty good yeah I like it okay alright well let's go ahead and let's see what this guy's mounted alright we've already got we've got a decent looking set so far but let's see if he can do a mount to really pull this together the class order hall mount I actually think this looks really good this is really good like the the the undertones on his chest piece and his helmet match perfectly with the saddle and like the other [ __ ] rapping on the the prototypes helmet there this is really really really well done this is an example of the mount saving saving and what these guys have like this is something like the the transmog on its own wasn't really that amazing it's kind of like the opposite of the first guy where the guy had a perfect transmog but the mount was a little bit scuffed this guy didn't have a perfect transmog but the mountain was [ __ ] amazing so we've got this right here I think this is a really really well well put together set and he's got this mount right here and everything about this looks really really good can you get back on it real quick so we can get a better look at it before I before I move on yeah I want to see it real quick look at that it looks like he's oh [ __ ] dude he's flexing on a man alright yeah it looks like he's supposed to be on it I think that's the best part about this like he's supposed to be on this mount and weapons don't match I don't know what it is man the mount is really [ __ ] big so I like it a lot we very rarely see people using a class order or Hall mounts so I'm impressed by that on its own I think this is a pretty well put together set and I like it a lot this is good let's go ahead the next one I'll give him a second to get off of it EMU champion at the frozen wastes from the guild esta navarro ok dagger right there from old war the offhand wait this offhand isn't this off end from the bender and shattrath from level 70 talisman of Kalecgos I think that it is but I could be wrong about that it's been a long time the shoulders right that for mythic Blackrock foundry the chess piece there from the mage set from old war and then the helmet also from old war for the priest set this is a very interesting set I like this a lot I think that the offhand really [ __ ] gets this like this is a nice looking set this is a very very nice looking set it's clean it almost looks like he's supposed to be like a dragon aspect in disguise you know what I mean this is really really good what do you guys think about this what do you guys think you think he's a spy he was not a spy this is a decent-looking set all right let's see what he's got get on your mouth Ark match disk mythic Jane amount mythic Jane amount so I'm gonna give you a couple of points for the fact that the coloration matched very well I think the coloration did a great job it's not my hairline mount [ __ ] stop it just [ __ ] stop it this is a very very nice and well put together set and I think that it comes together very very well mu proto Drake is better there's a number of things that could be better but that doesn't mean that this isn't good this is a very very nice-looking mount and it does match in terms of color with the guys transmog but unfortunately I don't think that it matches very well in terms of theme this guy does have kind of a wild elements type thing going on but I don't know if that's really gonna win what do you guys think guys I'm actually kind of curious about this if you think this is a good set or not see to me I just think that it's okay like that's all it really comes down to is it's just okay and that's it mediocre it goes well since he's a mage that's alright he says mercy does it not thank you does that mean thank you yeah does okay thank you I appreciate [Music] black color the fabulous from the guild bindi bindi Wendy's so this is a pretty interesting transmog it's a plate transmog and he's using the words of draenor shoulders the helmet that you get from a quest line and terror car forest the belt right there from the benthic set the boots they are from I think those are also warlords of draenor the gloves that come from old war and then the boots it's kind of hard to tell I'm not really sure the chest piece I do feel is really really low res but this guy looks [ __ ] awesome like this is actually just a [ __ ] awesome trans mop this guy is basically he's a worgen but he's even better than that which isn't very hard to do but he's a lot better black color this is [ __ ] badass like this this trans mug and this is one of my highest compliments that I can give this transmog it has a feel to it and to have that means a lot great job black color amazing job now let's go ahead and let's look at his mouth if he has a mouth that's really good this could absolutely just completely blow [ __ ] away this could be really big okay here we go he's got the big old beefy boy big ol fat boy you know I mean that that looks really good I'm sorry but that looks really really [ __ ] good like this set has a personality this set just feels good to look at it reminds me of like you know like a [ __ ] ancient shaman or something like that riding on a boar he's gonna teach you how to [ __ ] how to smoke weed or something and it's cool it's just [ __ ] cool yeah it's like yet scuffed wrecks are exactly this is really really good I like your set a lot I think that it fits very well even your shield which looks really good the weapon I'd even look at your weapon actually okay you just got one of the one of these I've seen a hundred of these these are for my kit and quad this looks really really nice yeah this is [ __ ] badass see you guys like this one then huh it's very bland but it looks like a full set but yeah that's what I think that I like about it the most is the fact that it is like this like really bland looking set but it still does look very unique and different I like it a lot then and yeah this is really good black color I am very impressed by this great [ __ ] job winner winner I don't know if it's gonna be a winter winter but we'll see what's gonna happen okay laser storms in from the guild Requiem [Music] what do I think about this this is a really interesting combo of gear like with that chess piece right there is a warmongering I think it actually the wild gladiators chess piece for warriors that bout right there comes from beasts or tarmac and mythic back Rock foundry those shoulders there and also yeah just the shoulders come from throne of thunder heroic the helmet and the boots air come from the mythic emerald nightmare set for decays and the gloves in the legs air come from the an taurus set for warriors and then the swords there are from heroic flame bender k Graz in in Blackrock foundry as well this is really interesting I think that boots are a little bit odd yeah we'll get these weapons [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I feel like okay so the belt is a little bit odd the belts a little bit odd because you have like this like solid [ __ ] plate set and then you have this belt going on and it's hard to look at it in that same way but the boots are a little bit awkward too overall though I really like this set I think that it looks really good laser now we better see a good mount of you I want to see a real mount a real [ __ ] milk give me one second the Drake is that the Drake of the four winds of the Drake of the north wind Wow okay okay okay I'm kind of liking this what do you guys think about this set I'm I'm kind of impressed to be honest with you I think this looks really good you guys like it yeah he's like the storm king something like that I feel like this looks really really good I don't know if this is gonna be a if it's gonna be a top 5 but it certainly is impressive and I think that the amount the thing with this mount is it it's a storm Drake and he has like a Thunder King transmog basically so I like the fact that he's taking something that's a established theme and having the mount reinforce the theme as well I think that's very important the Mount matches in terms of colors vaguely and it matches in terms of themes very clearly and because of that I think laser this is a really really good set I like it a lot this is a great job I also really like what you did with like the chess piece for helmet and the shoulders especially I think this is really really well done good [ __ ] job let's go to the next one trippy God X as Roth's champion from the guild the High Council hmm so is using a lot of the old war items right using the old wire chess piece belt and and I think also the boots I could be wrong about that those shoulders they're from Lords drain oars not words rapido which King as well I actually think this is very well put together so a TBC boots oh wait yes they are those are the tier 5 offset of rogue boots aren't they boots of effort was striking I think that they are yes so those oh my god this is not a full set guys I don't know why y'all are saying this is a full set it's absolutely [ __ ] not this is very very well put together every single piece is really really good the only criticism that I could maybe have is with the gloves because I'm not a big fan of the gloves the helmet looks a bit awkward but that's not really your fault that's just because the helmet looks weird this is a demon hunter it's not solid green with a bunch of spikes coming out of them this is something new it's different I like it a lot good job all right he's got a lot to lose here he came in with a very unique trans monk the armor fits together perfectly check behind it doesn't know : alright this mount could win or to lose it form Trippi God choose wisely [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that looks [ __ ] good dude holy [ __ ] that's badass look at that that's a that's a vicious one is that vicious black bone Steve holy [ __ ] man look at that that is [ __ ] impressive look at that one right there man I am very impressed by this one this looks really really good demon hunter emissary yeah this like this looks like a [ __ ] it's like a death knight and a demon hunter at the same time like double hero classes that is that's [ __ ] amazing I love it I think this is incredibly well done this is just this is awesome like I I'm gonna screenshot this because I just like the way it looks like that's really really good trippy God holy [ __ ] dude that is amazing I'll do it one more time make sure I actually get an idea here yeah this actually looks like a [ __ ] NPC yeah wow I didn't even know this mount existed to be honest with you good job let's go the next one mouths I'm the camel hoarder miss upend are you five man dungeon legs and boots chess piece they are from the dark for war front for Horde only shoulders they're from the Cathedral of eternal darkness belt from mythic mythic Hellfire Citadel specifically from Gore fiend and then the sword is sulfur as the Lasher from ZF and then a boots are also from or sorry the gloves are also from the dark for warfarin this is a very clean transmog what I like the most about this transmog is the fact that he matched the the thing right here with the shoulders he matched that with the belts with the belt skull as well I think that's very very good I like the coloration and I also really like this set in general now soul Thrace is very low res but I'm going to allow that because the chains in the middle of salt raise match the chains on the midriff here as well this is an incredibly well done set and I think that everything about this fits together very well I'm gonna go ahead and look at the cloak - oh my god [ __ ] perfect white dude something about it to me man like if you have the right cloak that's that it dude that's it dude the cloaks are so important this set matches very very well and the fact that she was using the mists of pandaria legs and boots as well even with salt race think about this and how impressive this is using a vanilla Wow weapon with a battle for Azeroth set and it makes sense all right we're ready hit it hit us with the mountain and that's how you do it see that see that nubbed well and that's how you [ __ ] do it that looks really really good wipe it this is really really really good I'm impressed by this what do you guys think I I think it looks really great and holy [ __ ] yeah this is these are some big dick sets he used on another level bro if na if we're going back over to na next week if na doesn't just start flexing their [ __ ] dick I'm gonna be upset whenever we go back over there dude this is [ __ ] incredible I really really like these sets a lot yeah this is really really well done it's like the mount was designed for her MOG exactly man like this set fits so well with the Mount you've got like the [ __ ] leather on like the saddle there look at that that's clean dude that's clean as a [ __ ] good enough good [ __ ] job man good [ __ ] job I love this I'm proud of you dude I feel like II you like these guys are taking themselves pretty [ __ ] seriously look at this god damn alright let's go to the next one elver Eon the indomitable shoulders right there from those are that as the orange go which means that it's a drop from LFR version of Dragon Soul spine of death wing and then the helmet there is obviously one of the corrupted gladiators helmets all the rest of the pieces are actually just not called wrestle the chess piece the gloves and also the legs they're all come from the original skull amount set from vanilla Wow that belt right there is a very unique belt it's so unique that I forgot what it is wait real karate belt that comes from this raid that's from the bug tree Oh what the [ __ ] I didn't even know that oh my god and then the boots right there from Lords of Draenor and then he's also using sulfur acyl assault rage the last room Wow what do you guys think about this one just to transmog first I want to I want to get this out of the way what do you guys think about this transmog ah I think that it's really clean personally I think this is really really clean what do you guys think it's alright but nah I don't know I like it I think that it looks really really good the weapons don't match I think that it kind of does because it's got the old-school menthe set obviously like the real pain point here is like the it's the detail in the armor versus the shoulders and the rest of the gear even the helmet doesn't look that good compared to those shoulders these shoulders are really really well done and we'll see what's gonna have El Lord or something like that yeah this is almost like a like a Burning Legion executioner or something like that okay [Music] purple on the helmet matches the sword handle wait oh [ __ ] you're right god damn god damn dude okay alright let's go ahead we're gonna wrap around let's see the mount everyone it's time do or die Riven there [Music] why did you choose this mountain what was it about this mount that made you pick it I'll go ahead we're gonna give him we're gonna give him an option on Oh from behind and oh it's the purple there matches the purple on his helmet Oh in terms of color okay you know what okay so in terms of a color match I think that you're like a this is like a solid seven but in terms of a theme match it's like a three man like that's a [ __ ] three and that's that's a big number okay it's just it's a week week week three it's a gin I'm giving you a generous three it could be even worse than that the theme doesn't really work that well fair enough yeah your transmog does have a unique theme to it and I like that but the amount it's just not really quite good enough let's go ahead we're gonna move on Riley of the jungle are those a shaman gloves from the tier 10 set for from Wrath of the Lich King and the shoulders there that dropped from all tracks in in Dragon Soul and the helmet they're from the mythic Blackrock foundry set for hunters though leggings sorry the boots they're from the what boots are those those boots are from Legion those are just like questing boots and that belt right there from run of thunder and then obviously Doomhammer around I wouldn't even seen that dude the thing is not really there okay so I really like whenever the helmet lights up and it fits very well with your your other pieces what do you guys think about this I'm kind of uh I don't know really what to think about this I don't know if it's really that good or not what do you guys think he looks like a shaman totem that is true yeah like that's the thing is like without with with goblin shamans they're not really the shamans it's like they should just be able to be totems you know cuz they're so small I'm a little boy true now this is true okay yeah you can't be a shaman you can only be a totem all right Riley you're gonna have to blow our dicks off with this with this mountain man the infernal dire wolf from glory of the Hellfire Raider I'm gonna be honest with you I don't like it the set is too ok all right let's go get it out of the way come on ok good so anyway um this set it's so vibrant that it's almost impossible to make a set that actually makes sense with this because of how vibrant and how bright it is and joke of the Horde no no it's not joke of the Horde it's just uh it's a mismatch based off of like what I like isin the wolf in the helm match well oh yeah hey um overall I don't think it's terrible I'm not saying it's awful I think Wolf's eyes match mine yeah I guess so C's got like the eyes right there and then the eyes of the wolf that is a really cool looking thing but I don't necessarily think that really saves them from the set what do you guys think about this what do you guys think about this I think it's okay I don't think it's amazing I think this is an okay looking set it's relatively well done he put a good amount of effort into it and I can respect that a lot of times you have people that come in and they have like these you know some of the sets are mediocre they're not really that amazing and it is what it is so you know what I think this is a solid you know it's a solid five it's a solid five to six it's not awful but it's not amazing either it would be top five and n/a I swear to God up DNA transmog this week come next week come out and they suck I'm gonna be so mad fire ward are law from the guild CCA this is a really basic set those shoulders right there are from the tier 11 normal mode made shoulders from Cataclysm the helmet there comes from I think that's like what is that like war mongering gladiator or something I don't even remember but yeah this does look really really nice in terms of its its theme I think the belts a little bit low res but this set actually could be a contender if it has a good mount [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's really good I like this a lot dr. strange I mean something like that so that the colored theme is [ __ ] on points the the like just overall theme is on point as well this is a fire mage on one of the fire things yeah this is really really well done I like it a lot fire Ward are loth even using the title from Ragnaros this is really good man very very well done do you guys like this chat for you oh my [ __ ] god guys okay alright that's not for you guys like you're not supposed to be watching that guys okay there could be like there could be kids watching you can't let that happen so listen this that looks really really good the amount matched very very well I like it a lot good [ __ ] job our loss I'm proud of you great job okay let me go over we'll look at the next one crashing thrashing oh here he is Zulu from the guild heck w okay so this is the guy that we went out of our way to invite into the group this guy is ready to tank black fathom deep sin classic wow he's going to hold a grow on one non-elite inside each pack while the elites run after the casters and the healers and kill them this is what Zul wall was ready for now I do have to say I think that the chess piece sucks all the rest of your pieces look like they came from 2004 and the chess piece looks like it came from 2024 it's like the it's way different it's way more well designed and because of that that's a big issue to me like it's way too far it's way too far in terms of like it it's it's detail what about my pet it's part of my set there are distant so Zullo in a guild called kick w with the withered little guy called asthma and bald whenever I'm thinking of twitch chat these are the ones that are spamming in chat who are you sub two on Twitch xq c kv hook okay there we [ __ ] go mad I was expecting a different answer to be honest but that's good enough so well good job great job let's go to the next one mine oh you're mad I forgot all about your mouth I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I forgot about your mouth I don't know why I just got confused alright soul wall hit us with the mount man oh that's okay listen yeah he's got the long boy all right yeah yeah yeah see I know he's not gonna win man he's not gonna get out all loops oh man I accidentally got on the mail muncher as von dude you know how it is when you click the wrong button come on man give me a [ __ ] break dude yeah I see how it is Zuul yeah winner winner not quite not quite yeah it looks decent enough but it could be much better let's go ahead we're gonna move on to the next one we're gonna see if we can find anything else it's any good okay let's go so well I'm not proud of you blood plague from the guild old foes I like this I'm gonna be real with you guys like I actually like this but here's the problem is that this set itself so that weapon right there is une tasse clave of Rouen and because it's orange inside the circles that means it actually drops a mythic manner off that hellfire citadel the helm right there is one of the corrupted too gaudy aters helmet and then all the rest of the pieces there come from the I think that's Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria just plate random set so listen I this is really only one set without a shirt on this is a full set without a shirt on and I don't know if this is something that I'm really gonna consider very seriously this guy has to have a mount it just completely blows my dick off my clean off out to the moon in order for me to get really impressed by this I'm gonna be honest with you guys this needs to be really really good like the aesthetic of this is really good but the creativity is very well which is always like a weird dichotomy to go through but I think that that's kind of the way I see it the aesthetic is kind of weak for this I would say so his chest blows my dick off I bet it does alright let's go ahead let's see the mouth hit us with the mountboard blade [Music] you know what the funny thing is this really kind of exposes a lot of people in my stream did watch my stream and don't even play wow this isn't the mail muncher it's not like it I know it looks the same but it's not it's not even the right one it's not the mail muncher this is a black worm that comes from visions you have to get this from doing all the five mask visions so this doesn't match at all like I get like the theme kind of fits together but it doesn't look that great I don't think you have a golden set with an orange glaive and then you're riding this weird [ __ ] that just what a weird slug thing it doesn't make any sense to me man I don't like it anyway yeah he blew the only dick he blew off was his own well he's riding it right now actually but listen it's an okay looking set but it could be a lot better I'm not sure I'm really a big fan of this it's average at best mind breaker or under aught would have been wouldn't had same killer but I don't have it yeah that could have been a lot better like I think that the the under rock mount would have looked a lot better but sometimes you have to do with what you can and if that's what you did today then unfortunately I don't think that it's gonna be good enough Blood Plague good attempt the helmet isn't from the same set yes I know that but besides that everything else is [Music] this is pretty good this is actually I like this I have to say like I actually I think this is really really good what do you guys think I think this is really well put together so that's the Shadowlands pre-order chess piece belt there no not the belt just the gloves and then their shoulders in the belt right there isn't that the pride prideful gladiators yeah prideful gladiators belt and and shoulders there the helmet right there is the chosen dead helmet that comes from that coloration is [Music] normal mode I believe I think that's a normal mode normal mode I'm not under percent sure and let's see what the rest of these are the staff I think the staff looks really really good - which staff is this again let me try to remove shaft of blade shaft of glacial ice shaft of glacial ice I think this looks really good what do you guys think let me we'll get the cloak yeah you're right let me look at the cloak wow wow wow that's good that is really really well put together I like this a lot hats well great job okay now this transmog I also what I really like about this is the title this does look like like a Titan keeper transmog and the herald of the Titans title fits really really well together this is a dedication to a theme and I like to see that hatch well let's see your mouth [Music] the azor Drake from Malygos in Wrath of the Lich King the colors are perfect oh I think this could actually be a winner this might be a placement weapon has the same runes as the drakes neck wait really holy [ __ ] this is Contin yeah the dragon this dragon used to be high rest - that's the funny thing is like whenever this dragon came out it was the coolest looking Drake it was the highest res Drake and now it just looks like [ __ ] I'm this this is very very well done like hatch well I I I'm honestly gonna I'm struggling here guys I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pick a top five this is really [ __ ] good guys like everything about this is good yeah as extra stuff on it yeah I know but is it from the I've eternity yes it's from Malygos it used to originally be only from 25 men and then they changed it yeah this is really really nice I like it a lot hatch what do you guys think about this set what the armor yeah it's in the top 40 yeah I think somehow it'll make the cut eight out of ten seven out of ten okay that's pretty good then it's actually very good okay let's go ahead we're gonna look at we're gonna look at the next one then this is very well done hatch well I don't want you to think that you didn't do well I'm proud of you you're a good person a good boy and you're transmog is extremely well done her IDIA of the jungle from the guild Ghost Wolf Clan using obviously the mythic Argos scythe with blood draining in chant the monk tier helmet the gloves right there from za and the chest piece of the Horde and I don't even know what the what this kilt is or anything like that so I like this set a lot this is like a blood matron or something like that like overall I think this is really clean like everything about this is clean as [ __ ] dude what do you guys think about this yeah I'm genuinely impressed yeah it looks good well no like here's why I like it I like it because it's a unique theme like if this person has a good mount this could actually be a this could be a contender that's how much I like this set I think that it's very very well done title doesn't fit now it doesn't fit that well but the title isn't really part of it unless it wants to be overall I think this is just a really clean and well put-together transmog and it's a theme that we haven't seen before doing unique and different themes is something that means a lot to me because I feel like that's what really does it's what really discerned somebody from being creative or allows somebody creative to discern themselves all right or IDEO are you ready let's see Oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I mean it looks like she's supposed to be there I never expected to see an infernal like this actually fit with anyone's transmog I'm gonna be a hundred percent I'm gonna be a hundred on a stack okay like this is not what I expected at all but it fits so so [ __ ] well nice [ __ ] job dude this is really really clean and I like it I like it a lot okay I think that it fits very well together and everything about this is really really good Blood Plague very very well done dude very well done good job I'm proud of you is he a hunter I think it's a druid actually yeah it's a druid this is really really good the amount fits together very well it dude what is it with these EU people like these equate blood but I didn't mean Blood Plague sorry I just read that sorry I Rydia sorry I apologize I said the wrong person's name yeah dude these --use these EU uh these contestants are just so much better than na like I don't even know what to say they're just blowing na out of the [ __ ] water it's just [ __ ] I better see some good sets next week guys all right you can get off there so we can see everything what is this here Hika bane of the Fallen King from the guild Orgrimmar gangsters okay so we've got a really small wait is this a bull Pyrrha is this a bull Pyrrha using Brent ROH okay what will allow it and he's using the grievious gladiators helmet belt and boots and gloves there with the relentless gladiators leggings the chess piece from Tin Man Aldo are the seeds breaker set and then also the shoulders from normal mode spine of death wing we've seen a lot of people using these exact same shoulders now one thing that I feel like is extremely clean with this set and I hate to say it but the Volpe era actually works very well because the red the red parts on the shoulders here fit very well with the tail and the defer of the Volpe era this is really good like it actually is really good now the transmog itself I think is relatively mediocre alright and I just like that one little part of it that looks good now we're gonna have to see a really good mount in order for this to actually get a placing because as you guys know I am racist against Moe Pyrrhus so I'm gonna have to see something that's we well done Hika hit it [Music] amber primordial dire horn I'm gonna be honest I'm not having it I'm not having it I don't think that it fits that well together I think that it's okay but it's not like great I don't know what do you guys think do you like it or not I'm just so I'm so uncertain about this I can't say for sure how I feel about it what do you guys think I like it texture plus color match seven out of ten ten out of ten I don't think that it's a ten out of ten in any way but I do think that it could be it could be looked at positively if you look at it purely from a color perspective and I think it's all right all right all right all right guys fine it's not terrible but not being terrible is not the best way to look at it okay let's go to the next one Rouge the proven assailant what do you guys think about this I think that it looks pretty good yeah I mean like it looks like kind of a it's like almost a vanilla Wow rogue and with the Karen haircut the tier a tier 3 helmet there and just so random chesties I don't even know what these items are that's the thing Gandalf the gray thing must attend gifted subs I appreciate that looks like an NPC slash twink yeah something like that I don't know I think this actually does fit together pretty well and I like it I actually think it looks pretty good man Devil May Cry yeah it's like almost a like a special NPC or something like that I've always liked the face masks in general so you know I'd say that's a positive just right there on its own and the daggers I think fit very well together - what - even are these replicas hi warlords Razer okay all right let's see the mount I don't know what she's gonna pick what is this even gonna be riding on the white [ __ ] okay I think this is actually the ivory [ __ ] yes this is the ivory [ __ ] this is from the talons vengeance questline or sorry reputation it is also a quest line I believe from Legion this is a very rare amount you hardly ever see these nowadays I actually think that especially in terms of like the theme of the mouth how do you get this Mel from assassinating people and if you look at that character there does this character look like an assassin you're goddamn right it does this is very very clean in terms of a theme the theme of this set the ivory [ __ ] mitch mixed with the with the assassin transmog I think is extremely clean and very well put together I like it a lot what do you guys think about this goddamn that's like a lot okay alright that's good you know I think this looks really really good ruch we're sorry rogue great [ __ ] job this looks really really nice I don't know if this is gonna be a winner I'm not gonna say it's gonna be a winner but I do like it and I appreciate the originality I'll say that for sure I do appreciate the originality dualist Paladini Paladini alrighty so the shoulders right there from the I think actually these shoulders are the PvP horde shoulders check pet sick Andy ok classic Andy I see yeah it makes perfect [ __ ] sense man I think those shoulders and also the shield there is from the PvP notorious gladiator set the chess piece and the legs there are from the she's wearing a miniskirt bro I I don't know how we you're not gonna give this a win man how are we not gonna give this a win it's no it's not a skirt it's a miniskirt dude this is good Crouch I can't go down that low okay man it's not gonna work overall I think this looks really really nice what's the weapon you got going on here okay some weird piece of [ __ ] it's not really that amazing so obviously the shoulders in the shield are meant to go together and I think that the chest piece and the legs here fit together very well is also this is a sandal re-set we've seen this many times before I feel like this is extremely well-put-together and very very clean now I don't really know about the no feet no socks and no no shoes on that's a little bit odd to me okay I'm not really into that but overall I think everything else does fit together really well what do you guys think about this what do you guys think I haven't found the perfect match I suppose none all right let's see the mountain I don't know what she's gonna go with oh okay okay you know what I feel like that fits really well like if you I feed these my misty eyes I match the title with the mount and the PvP transmog pieces the mount armor with mine and the eyes of course wait so your character's eyes match with the mount oh my god this is some serious attention to detail this is really really well done holy [ __ ] boys what do you guys think about this I really like this I think a lot of the vicious mounts aren't used that much because we don't have that many PvP Andy's in the game anymore so I I think it's good like the the set is really just a combination of two different sets so it's hard really for me to take it that seriously but overall I think this looks really [ __ ] good Paladini this is great this is a great looking set at great transmog yeah this is awesome like it fits together so well with that mount man that's what I like a lot you know I PP n DS in an ink it's not competitive region well I think we have a lot of them in an a - wait there's a lot of big PvP ego Andy's in an egg trust me let's see here thanks yeah of course this is great good job what is this Lilith yeah it's like the Lilith set from like Diablo 3 or Diablo 4 excuse me it'll be out in five years I kind of like this uh that that's really really badass like what do you guys think about this one I I don't know I feel like this is like it's a very unique warlock transmog because obviously it's a warlock transmog cuz the helmet and the shoulders there are sorry helmet the belt there are from the the tomb of Sargeras set for warlocks I like this I think that it's genuinely really well done and I like how the shoulders and everything else are very small and then the helmet is very big and imposing like I know it's kind of a weird look and it's something that you either like or you don't like but I like it like it's a unique idea and it looks different like for me I like seeing people trying something different and actually having it work so I'm impressed by that now let's go ahead we're gonna look at our mounts my nope like it's almost there okay I want to say that mine it's almost there you did a very good job you really did this that there is a storm out that I could use [Music] can I show you yes that is very clean but the theme doesn't really match your own armor theme I'm gonna have to say that this does look really good the grinning Reaver does make a lot of sense even though it's a storm out even though it's a storm out I still think that it makes a lot of sense and it does look pretty good what do you guys think about it I like it a lot I don't know if this is really a winning set I personally don't think that it is but I still like the set and I feel like it fits together pretty well what do you guys think that's way better you know I don't know I think it's better than the first one but overall the mountain isn't really that amazing it's okay though let's go to the next one Darkspear Revolutionary crabby I don't know why but I really thank you bro I don't know why but I really like this armor set I think this is badass like I don't know I think it looks cool so those are the ICC rogues shoulders and also the swords there are also from ICC they dropped from Paris or future side and ten men it's got the face lifter and the daggers they are from or sorry the belt there is from the daggers on is from Warroad to Draenor the Tabard there is from Shadowmoon Valley and the Burning Crusade the helmet there is also from I think BC as well this is a really cool looking yeah I know you guys don't like it but I think it looks [ __ ] cool ok like I do I like it a lot ok shoulders are off yeah I don't know I like this a lot hi guys I think like the the Tabard with like the helmet fits really well together ok I know chat and I are gonna disagree with this and it's ok chat and I disagree on a lot of things so let's go ahead and look at the other quote here [Music] I mean it's alright it's okay it's not terrible but it's got to be better than not terrible okay so let's go ahead we'll look at the mountain this has got to be a big dick mount in order for us to take this one seriously and that is not a big dick mount that is a pelican it's a flamingo Pelican I don't know why you would get on that mountain I genuinely do not know why you would get on that pencil dick mount that's wonder this somebody in chat said that this is a pencil dick [ __ ] skips leg day forever amount look at those legs those are skinnier than mine check pet okay same here wait what do you mean certain hairline you know what I'm gonna agree with chat now this transmog sucks this is a dog [ __ ] asked transmog chat was right all this is really this is just it just keeps going man it just keeps [ __ ] going hey just they can't stop it man alright crabby alright crabby thanks for coming [ __ ] dick ass I'm an M&A soy I can tell Wow finally we meet Wow holy [ __ ] I like this a lot what do you guys think I I think this is really really good this is like uh the gloves in the belt right there from the chosen dead set the helmet right there is from the the helmet right there come on chat the do stuff um that's annoying this is really really good the helmets from the what is that the [ __ ] [ __ ] where's that where's that from the dark shamans in siege of Orgrimmar that's right and then look at that weapon and the shield dude this is like a classic Wow [ __ ] shaman right this is a classic Wow Farseer holy [ __ ] hey hey goat [ __ ] won't you keep it to yourself over there okay settle down listen this is really really good I like it a lot you know the weapons yeah the shield right there comes from a rare spawn in this is a rare spawn is [ __ ] I forgot what his name is I probably members name I think about it's a rare spawn in razor fin downs and that dagger right there is I don't know what the dagger is actually where is it blade of eternal darkness wait the blade of eternal darkness from princess in Mardin that joker spent over two thousand runs trying to farm and he's using the Royal Seal of Alta Ross wait yes wait he has two full kill to the five son oh my god of the five of the five Thunder this is crazy oh my god these are the original items from all the way back in the day plus eight fire spell power unmonitored this is from the za or sorry CG original set it's holy [ __ ] Onyxia scale cloak best of the five thunders bindings zendo Arion heal arrow medallions bring a black rock band of the icy depths this is from the original sceptre of the shifting sands questline julian defender that's a shield that came from what's that shield from [ __ ] oh my god his actual dagger is the fang of an axis this is a this is a dagger that drops from this guy spent a lot of time in zg man he spent a lot of [ __ ] time in zg all right let's see the mount I'm ready I'm ready great white coat on great white coat oh so this is an original vanilla while the armor points matches my eyes of transmog helm I kind of like this I know chats not really a big fan of it though so chat what do you guys think about this I hate Koto's it's very very low res but this is like a traditional like classic Wow Bar C or transmog like whenever I see it that's what I that's what I imagined what do you guys think Wow the big blizzard bear holy [ __ ] okay is it and this is this is who I think it is isn't it yeah this guy has every achievement in the entire game yeah it's the mall he has every achievement in the entire [ __ ] game honor level 500 look at that honor level five [ __ ] hundred holy [ __ ] every achievement in the goddamn game dude with the gladiator mouth oh my God all of the heritage armor sets every exalted reputation every oh wow that's the wrathful one isn't it he's been gladiator twice oh my god every pet battle achievement every expansion feature achievement everything the war effort part of Azeroth visions of nosov collections he has everything appearances legacy look at this all of the proving grounds all of the original quest lines the original paladin charger dungeons look at all this all of the old war achievements all of the original old wire humans tribute to skill champion of old war this is for that was immortal old war the immortal hand of a doll oh my [ __ ] god very early you got that very early uh yeah that's really early I didn't wait I thought that didn't mean I thought the expansion come out then oh oh right that that's right because it's in the 12th not not June but it's okay this is the day month okay it's a day month in than year because it's EU okay oh my [ __ ] god battlegrounds look at that dude master he has the original master of deep wind gorge professions player-versus-player holy [ __ ] all of the original stranded the ancients achievements as well arena master two currencies expansion features slash plate is unknown he's his slash plate is so high he doesn't even know what this phenomenal weight he has also as roth's champion realm first level ninety shaman the original original Wow collector's edition too [Music] oh [ __ ] the original zergling as well this is an actual wizard very rarely are we in the presence of a true wizard but today one is graced our presence Wow that's [ __ ] insane dude and the transmog looks good at the same time that's a bit of a bonus man okay yeah this is [ __ ] impressive I talked to this guy a couple of times I do have a job and a lovely girlfriend chat is ridiculous that's right they're there rationalizing and ease don't worry about them you don't have to think about them they only do that because they feel bad that you have more points than they do and they have to figure out a way to rationalize why that's the case I understand that it's completely fine it is what it is sannen good job let's move on dissing the tactician from the guild LF noemi's okay so this is the PvP shoulders and gloves right there from and also I think maybe legs but I'm not a hundred percent sure from an tourists the helmet there from mythic night hold I don't know where this belt is from assistive prideful gladiator belt I'm not sure the knight fallen to bard and then the subtlety daggers right there from from there Denmark there you go [ __ ] Denmark okay dissing this is a very very nice set I like it a lot what do you guys think about this one what do you guys think I like it a lot this is very very well put together and I think it looks great PvP Andy he is a PvP nd but it looks good purple equals easy win oh it's true I forgot about that yeah if you come in with my competitions of the purple set according to chat you just always win that's the way it goes [ __ ] stupid ass chat all right let's go Disney let's go into your mouth see your mouth go ahead the two million gold spider [Music] hmm wait a minute I'm thinking okay so I don't think that the Spyder fits very well with anybody's mount to be completely honest with you I think that it looks okay but it's not really that big of a winner I don't think it's not fitting I think it's fitting in terms of being like a creepy scary transmog but the helmet here makes me think it's like the witch king or something like that so I don't know what that's what I would go with but overall I think this set does look really [ __ ] badass but the mount just doesn't really fit it that well the mountain doesn't fit it that well at all the set though is really really good you guys agree with that I think it looks pretty [ __ ] bad ass though what helmet I think that's a do the PvP helmet or a would sister see that one would've looked a little bit better but I don't think it can compete with the original guy over there that set looked way better than than what you've got going on here okay I think the helmet right here yeah it's the elite fear with squad theatres helmets so you can't get that one specifically anymore but it does look really [ __ ] badass he needs an ad school yeah some kind of a mount like that yeah this does look really good though Oh hunter champion of the frozen wastes this bow right here I think comes from Malaga it's not remembered exactly where it's from the helmet there comes from opulence and in battle of desire war the istick belt and shoulders are from the first-tier region the gloves there come from tier ten set four shamans in yeah I think that's a shaman set in I see see I like this this actually looks really good this is what it would look like if Sylvanas actually ended up taking me the lich king's throne yeah this is [ __ ] badass what do you guys think some kind of war bringing frost Queen yeah I see that I don't know I think this is really well put together good [ __ ] job all right let's see the Mount ice infernal woo frost planes battle bore okay okay all right you know what this actually looks pretty [ __ ] good I like this this is really really clean it's not amazing right I'm not gonna say it's amazing but it's clean it fits the theme it fits the color theme overall I would expect something a little bit more refined okay because you have like this [ __ ] I mean this [ __ ] were in a crown okay like any girl let me tell you something if there's ever a girl if you see a picture of a girl and she's ever wearing like one of those crowns or tiaras watch out like please be careful like that is a that that's like it's just be careful okay just just be careful regardless I think this set looks really really good it's very clean it's nice if a guy's wearing a crown Hey hey you know a let's go type confidence but if a girl's doing it now she a [ __ ] no I'm just kidding okay listen this set looks really good but if you're looking at like a blood elf or like a blood elf transmog like this and you've got the amount here it feels like a blood elf a blood elf would ride a little bit more like a little bit more prestigious and refined and a higher quality mount than this this big ol [ __ ] ass you know what I mean yeah it's just a big old [ __ ] ass dewdrops not beating you what happened man well I I don't know man I've gotten lazy that's why Quinta nice job Oh what the [ __ ] is this first out of this neither one of them are not good but I feel like also the the bore is a little bit better than the Jane amount I would agree with that fire award cross iron so that's the throne of thunder helmet right there the Mogu helmet those shoulders there I come from Blackrock foundry the gloves there come from the an tourist set obviously to booze blazing long sword which looks amazing the belt right there from the Warlock sent in a tomb of Sargeras this is really good this is a fire land Andy but he doesn't have any gear from fire lance holy [ __ ] this is really really nice I like this a lot man this is a badass set all right cross ire listen to me this is one of the biggest big dick sets that we've seen all day I want to see you come in here and I want to see a good-looking mountain don't let us down do not let us down primal flame saver Oh war Forge nightmare sorry I hate them too what do you guys think I think it looks good like I'm gonna be real with you guys like I actually think this looks good there's nothing bad about this or anything like the colors fit very well everything about this fits very well together and I like it a lot just everything about this is just really clean what do you guys think that's 9 out of 10 5 out of 10 spit on them no no I'm not gonna spit on them I think this looks really good the mounts not amazing but it's okay the colors fit together very well the theme is intact and the armor on it matches his armor too I would say everything about that means that it's actually a pretty good-looking set yeah pureblood Firehawk I would have gone with the primal flame saber but I don't know how that would look regardless I think this does look really good regardless of it being a storm out though and the farther away from it that I am like from right here fire mage the only option was this yeah like this does look really really good yeah don't let anybody tell you this isn't a good set this is a badass big dick set good job let's go to the next one play gu weed your shoulders right there I don't even know where the rest of these pieces are chosen dead boots let's see what his weapons are okay it's just got the random mace I think you get that from like the starting quest and uh for the battle for water on or something I don't remember exactly where that's from wait brough okay all right I see how it is all right play good this is actually look it's pretty good what do you guys think yeah what do you guys think I like it I think that it's okay it doesn't really like blow me away you're super excite me but I do think that it does look pretty damn good it's a it's a seven I taste a six but you know what it could go even higher with a good mount plague ooh let's see your Mountain hit it the mag har wolf it's simple and I know that we've had a lot of very very extravagant sets recently so you guys see this and you immediately think that it's low quality or low res I'm gonna be real I think this is good this is a very very nice looking set I like it a lot and I think that it fits together very well now out to moose yeah I think this does look really really good the gray doesn't match enough no I think it's actually good it's straight up a good [ __ ] set man I don't know why you guys are acting like it's not it looks [ __ ] amazing would be a placement in a yeah this probably would be a placement in the name I think the colors being like very subdued does make this fit together very well and I like it overall this is a really really good-looking set set is good the mountain is not yeah I mean this set doesn't the mountain it's just it's average it's an average looking mount it doesn't really make the set any better or worse look at the pet okay that's clever dude I like it a little baby Winston xqc alright okay good enough plagued ooh good job man Dragonslayer no so Orr's a razor deck from the guild Raven's wing I'm fairly certain that this is the worst transmog I've seen all day I think this is actually one of the worst sets that I've ever seen nothing about this matches at all you're using the maces from siege of Orgrimmar general nazgrim using the shoulders they're from normal spine of death wing and let's see let's that chest I can barely even tell the gloves they're from the cataclysmic gladiator said he says POG that's not a pong it's the opposite of a pong that's a it's a gob yeah it's a [ __ ] gob opposite of a pong this is dog [ __ ] you have to have the best mount that I've ever [ __ ] seen let's go this is all up to you buddy it's all up to you okay the Ironbound Wraith charger I'm gonna be honest this is probably the best mount that he could have gotten on and you know what that means it means it still sucks this set is the highest this is the lowest effort set that I've ever seen at least today it is this is the lowest effort see why is this thing throwing DS all and he's throwing nuts at me okay yeah I see what we've got going on here yeah this is a this is what we like to call a spy this is an in a spy okay he's getting on a mouth today okay he's getting on a mouth that I don't have I see that this does look pretty good their shoulders fit very well with the with the rest of the [ __ ] that comes off of the mount I like that a lot but I don't really think this is gonna be a winner because it's just all the rest of the transmog it's just so average and mediocre you know what I mean it's just it's whatever to me man all right let's go to the next one it could be much better much better Titan Slayer Elden from the guild battle-scarred you seen the chest piece from the Zandalari said the shoulders and the gloves from the pre expansion sorry pre-order I said that thousand times the pre-order Shadowlands thing the waste of time the leggings in the boots are mythic trial of our and the sights of the un-- maker from normal mode Argos and then the helmet they're from them I don't even know where the [ __ ] that helmets from it's some guy I don't know what the [ __ ] this is regardless I think this set is okay but I'm not really that impressed by it I think that it's just an average-looking set that could be much better and like that's ten of ten I think that the the chest piece here does fit relatively well but the Titan world-soul I think the other one that we saw earlier that basically used this exact same theme was a little bit better so we're gonna have to expect to see a super super super good mount like not just a good mount but a super good now Elden let's go the infinite time-waster the scythe matches the mount perfectly the scythe really really looks good I like it a lot should have used a timeloss proto Drake no I don't think so I think this looks much better because it's much darker and I think it matches the set too generally I like smaller mounts or like average-sized mounts I guess not just smaller amounts I think this is really really good the mount matches very well with the set I'm gonna move back a little bit so we can get a better idea of it yeah this is really really clean I like this a lot ldren good [ __ ] job like the color and like the gold on the rest of his armor matches really well with the stuff that's on his uh on his mouth this is really really good looks like a Protoss almost something like that good job Elvin you guys like this one or not I think it looks [ __ ] great I'm gonna be honest I think it looks really [ __ ] great the Elden good job great job [Music] okay Zia Ziya [Music] let me explain what I would do with these time let me explain what I want to do with your subject right this is your set all right actually no let me tell you how you actually found your set oh there it is oh you're that dude oh my god if you didn't get the connection that I was trying to make what I'm trying to say is that your set is trash it's not good in any way I don't like it maybe somebody else might like it your shoulders and helmet combo it's an interesting idea but it just didn't work very well let's see the mount let's go with the mouth [Music] actually that's pretty good like Oh see you've got like the feathers on your shoulders and on your helmet that actually is pretty good now I don't think it's amazing right and like of course a lot of this does come down to personal preference I don't want you guys to think that all this is all just asmin gold just [ __ ] talking about what he likes right but at the same point at the same point it is like a certain point is subjective so some people might like this I personally don't I think the shoulders fit very well this is the dread raven it came from the warlords of draenor collector's edition I like this mount a lot it's one of my favorite mounts in the game actually this does look good the helmet and shoulder combo is interesting but I don't necessarily feel like this is a real winner this definitely did improve I want to say this too this definitely did improve the set and by having it improved the set I think this does mean weapon with helmet weapon with helmet uh I don't know I don't think that the weapons fit that well with the helmet I feel like they're kind of awkward and weird and too big but I think your mount does fit as well as it possibly could and you know what that's good enough good job Zia Sarah Jen the Kingslayer from the guild Pascoe so that belt right there I kind of I feel like the belts a little bit off it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense everything else about this dough is okay it's it's okay these sets are all okay so let's not get too excited over ourselves it's just an okay set but the helmet and the chess piece and the legs and the gloves and the boots I think do look decent it's just the shoulders and a belt are so awkward and so weird what are your weapons here the [ __ ] are those are those pvp swords the [ __ ] is that oh yeah wow so these are PvP weapons for Horde only any Greeks and chat all right let's see your mouth [Music] ceratin make your ancestors proud [Music] okay surgeon I'm gonna say I'm gonna say it's urgent I thought that I was looking at the worst transmog whenever I was looking at Zia but now that I'm seeing you I realize that now I'm looking at the worst transmog this is not only a terrible transmog but also the mount doesn't make any sense at all why are you wearing North's alright get out of the way stop listen this is just awful I'm sorry to say it doesn't match at all this is a [ __ ] in the ass and not in a good way Sarah John I want to see you do a much better job next time I am I am ashamed of this absolutely ashamed Sarah Jane better luck next time dark Syria the undying miss sipping Daria Belton gloves from the five man dungeons and normal the DK starting helmet and leggings that chess piece there from I think blacksmithing in classic Wow those shoulders there from naxxramas are sorry ICC 10 man heroic and then this site there that comes from I believe either I don't remember which one it is it doesn't really matter regardless this does look decent after seeing these other two guys this is like you know was talking about like you know school presentations this is like you have one guy he goes up there zone your guns too well so my presentations about volcanoes and they go boom oh that's it that's all I god I'm doing and so that's what that guy yes this guy's over here my presentation is I forgot to do a presentation and so once we get over to this guy something that's just a little bit above average is viewed as being really good just by its by its proximity to other things that are bad so DAC Syria okay it's a very nice cloak I don't really think that it matches that well but it's okay let's go ahead we're gonna see the mouth let's do it okay this is a very popular mount now I think at the moment that that first guy got on the mouth everybody now is trying to get on that exact same mount because of how well the first one win yeah you already [ __ ] know it man okay dude okay he gets on the soundless mount I see what's going on here purple equals wind they're also trance mugs aren't as good and they're still purple okay now let me go ahead same wait this is the chess piece of my hair wine oh my [ __ ] god I'm so [ __ ] sick of this [ __ ] listen this is a very nice set the mount fits very well I don't really think this is a winner because it's kind of awkward the set is okay it could be much better but it's okay it could be much better it's a good mom it's not a good mom it's an average monk I think a lot of people could do much better than this it's a little bit below average even I would say what the [ __ ] is this bro and deal from the Gila blended with the shoulders right there from the dark store warfront the helmet from legion questing the chest piece belt legs boots and gloves all from the starting event weight all from the starting gear for warriors what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this with the swords they're from that that's one of the artifacts towards from fury warriors ok alright it's a replica gear yeah whatever who gives a [ __ ] replica boots and gloves oh yeah you're right those are the replica boots and gloves aren't they let me go ahead and double-check yeah okay these are the generals boots and gloves you're right about that it wasn't a full set it's just a chess piece the belt in the legs okay all right big mount I want to see a big mound here big mountain [Music] if you were watching this France mock competition for the first time you would think there's there's only six mounts in the entire game it's about it yeah there's about six or seven mounts in the entire game everybody's been using the exact same mounts listen what do you guys think about this I think honestly it fits pretty well together like overall why I didn't really want to like this I did not want to like this but the helmet and the shoulders especially whenever he's riding the mount is extremely clean and everything fits together and it blends together very very well I like that a lot what do you guys think you guys like it's very very good I agree I think this is really nice [Music] works together but not great overall well you know what I think that's okay this is a really really nice looking set I like it a lot this is an example of what I like to see in the trans mount collar this is somebody who came in here with the transmog set that many people didn't like they thought it was mediocre they thought it was you know not knowing that great but you know what this guy came in here and he did something different he did something new and that was good enough great job man great job let's go to the next one captain Curran from the guild march of the merlocks this guy is the captain of the SS gachi shoulders right there from free hold the helmet there from I think island expeditions the chest piece of Orgrimmar it's a harness of Orgrimmar and all the rest of the pieces are from vanilla wow this is a pretty interesting looking set I'll be honest I hardly ever wait oh my god he's using the fish mace and the [ __ ] steering wheel oh my [ __ ] dude okay all right let's see the mount buddy come on tread weight Oh albatross Wow okay okay you know what this is pretty decent what do you guys think about this I think it looks really good yes so [ __ ] clean yeah I think that it looks really clean - Captain Karim nice [ __ ] job man like all the colors fit together really well the mount matches the theme really really well I was expecting him to use the dread lake or something like that or maybe the crab that this is actually such a better choice than both of those this is really good Karim yeah you guys like this a lot okay all right I'll take it seriously then this is really good [Music] what the [ __ ] is this are those the gavels that you're ador gavels that were actually recolored for the for the burning not bra cheese battle for Azeroth BOE items at the beginning of the expansion the chess piece from the tier 11 heroic DK set the leggings the leggings from normal mode firelands the DK tier 11 heroic shoulders the DK siege of Orgrimmar mythic helmet the gloves and the belt right there or sorry gloves oh the gloves and the belt from the ICC 25 men normal mode warrior gear this is a pretty interesting set this is basically he's almost a Balrog okay he is almost about wrong he's not a fire lands and E because he has one or two pieces of firelands gear on okay like we're not gonna listen you can't call everybody a fire lands and E just because their set has fire on it all right please guys have some [ __ ] dignity please this needs to be better hands go are you ready get on your mouth I want to see you [Music] all right be honest this is just it's just not it's not for me men III think that this is yeah it's not a fire lands Andy it's just dog [ __ ] Andy he's not he's no longer fry oh and Andy it's just dog [ __ ] Andy I understand that you're trying to do a fire transmog maybe other people might enjoy this maybe they might like it but those people are not me I think this is an average at best transmog and a dog [ __ ] at worst transmog this set is generally a [ __ ] I've seen many [ __ ] in my life and this is only but one in a long list of scars in my memory hands go this could be much better salty fresh mix wag if this is a competition to have the most generic and boring demon-hunter transmog you would be in first place your name reminds me of a kid that's 14 probably or 16 actually you're probably like 32 or something you know but that's why I came here yeah this is this is the most generic demon hunter transmog that I've ever seen you're using the nightmare illusion from xavius with the xavius shoulders with Kurush vision of Sargeras of the belt in the boots right there from the tomb of Sargeras rogue set and then the weapons that you have dropped from car gasps blade fist and mythic highmaul and then you're not wearing a shirt listen I don't even know what mount you could get on that would make me feel like this deserves a placing but let's see what you've got for us now muncher no actually he's not okay I thought that I I thought I had called him man okay so we've got the we've got the old midnight now so the numinous are not the old man I'm out the new midnight now this does look pretty good I love this mount I'll say that I really really like this mount a lot but I'm sorry I don't think this is really gonna be a winner man what do you guys think it's okay but the transmog itself is just it's so basic it's so basic man I don't know what the hell you're thinking shoulders matches the hooves I agree I think that looks okay there's a number of things that are alright with it but there are just too many demon hunter tropes that are going on here for me to really be impressed by the originality this is mostly a [ __ ] and partly okay the shoulders in the hooves are the best part of the set and I do like this mount a lot I might just be biased though this does look okay red and black is always basic to you that's because I've seen a thousand of them oh [ __ ] zoltan champion of frozen wastes with the ice bein chestpiece the shoulders from the bastion of Twilight trash the size of a hoon the leggings from also the tier 11 DK set the belt right there from some other random [ __ ] set that I don't know and then the cobalt boots from blacksmithing and Wrath of the Lich King and then the engineering goggles from I believe either wrath of the lich king or Burning Crusade Zoltan can I be honest with you guys can I be honest resulting or not can I be honest with them I feel like I'm on a cop here so one [ __ ] after another this is a [ __ ] carousel these sets right here I keep looking at them and I think to myself what the [ __ ] this is not good so this is so bad this is such a bad set man I don't know what the [ __ ] you were thinking with these boots and those legs like there's so much different I don't even know what to say this doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all to me man what are you thinking what are you doing Zoltan are you crazy let's see them out come on Zoltan we're all waiting on you I'm colorblind honestly that's no excuse you'd have to be completely blind to think this would make sense I mean invincible I'm surprised more people don't use invincible for different transmog sets so it's not saved okay it's certainly not saved just because it's invincible you guys are pawing at invincible like it's 10 years ago like guys stop it's not even a big deal listen assaultin you're transmog I can think of better transmog like that in my sleep this transmog could be a thousand times better and unfortunately it's just terrible this is not a good set at all I think that it's mediocre at best and honestly I don't even think it's that I think that it's just complete trash I don't think it's good at all it could be much better Zoltan you need a lot of work man you are supposed to be bringing glory and pride to the EU and instead you're doing this instead I don't know what to say man it's got to be better let's go to the next one Grandmaster boardís come you know what what do I know Zoltan what do you want me to know - Judi with the 10 gift to give me subs thank yours could Judi thank you thank you thank you okay all right you know what it's gonna be so [ __ ] funny we're sorry 20 gets to give yourselves I don't know why I said ten I'm stupid I'm cuz you did 20 getting these ups Zoltan yeah I got this oh you did aw look at that dude and this that's so cute man Zoltan if only you could get a fashion sense you wouldn't have just made a [ __ ] fool out of yourself suck a dick Grandmaster board a caster from the guild in you Wyndham the khalaq sita bard and this big boy okay all right are you done now are you done now Zoltan okay yeah I see that you have some mounts that I don't have I get that yeah okay he's colorblind it's real funny okay let's go to the next one grand master board a scarf I really like this I know I'm kind of I go through a number of sets and I just expect the next one to be bad but I actually really like this a lot I feel like it's very well put together the colors are unique you have a very traditional you know very regal and well designed monk transmog and I think that looks really good I like the staff a lot I think it matches really well with your Yorta bard and then also with your with your shoulders everything about this looks great so you know what let's go ahead let's take a look in the mountain let's rock my hair oh that's wrong you i daughter of jade [Music] I mean this is kind of what I expected I mean really I would expected something like this so this is clearly a Miss append Aria transmog I'm not amazed by it or impressed by it or anything but I think it does look really good and she's [Music] and then she's got the mound at the same time so you know what this actually does look pretty good I'm not biased cuz I hate mr. Pande are you okay like I actually think this does look really good I can recognize a good set whenever I see it and Borka cast iron actually this does look pretty good man that looks good great job let's go to the next one [Music] hey asthma my parents are watching please be nice less than three your parents are watching I'm sorry guys I really am I'm sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] ass piss dick penis [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] eat [ __ ] smoke weed do drugs doing drugs cocaine heroin [ __ ] [ __ ] smoking smoking [ __ ] smoking [ __ ] [ __ ] all right choke so it's gonna be you last time you're able to use the computer again for a few months coach Jody with the ten get the tier two subs ten gift 80 or two subs thank you very much coach Jody could Judi let me see it Cajal tea I think it's Cajal tea right it's hard for me to pronounce the name hopefully I got it right chokes this is what I would like to call a basic [ __ ] set this is a straight-up basic [ __ ] set your parents you're gonna have to apologize to them okay this doesn't look that great you're using a helmet right there from the cruel gladiator set for paladins the shoulders from Ragnar arose all the rest of the pieces from vanilla Wow and the sword right here I forgot where the [ __ ] this sword comes from but it's somewhere in BC I believe let me go ahead and read the name send RI word wait I think it's actually a starting weapon from the from blood elves listen this is an average best set I've seen hundreds of these before I really want to see a good mount here I want to see a really good noun come on okay remember what I was saying about a firelands Andy you guys remember that this is a fire winds Andy almost it's very close here's the problem with your set all the rest of your pieces see Blizzard no longer makes chainmail bikinis because of feminism or some [ __ ] so you don't have any high res models to go with with your leggings in your chest piece unfortunately so we don't really have a whole lot of the stuff that every guy pretty much wants to see and also most girls because there's a small subset of people that complain about it now so you had to use something that was low res I understand that check Pat okay let's check the pen oh that's good you got me dude oh man look at that you got me god dude I can't can you guys believe that he got me [ __ ] chokes listen to me man listen to me this could be better it could be a lot better while you tried your set is just a little bit too generic and boring for me it's alright as man I love your stream I'll be better dad I thought you said your parents were watching aren't you gonna have to explain to them later on why you're calling a random streamer that you don't even know dad huh I have two moms and I'm dead all right okay okay let's go to the next one shout out to de Vera arena master - power from the guild la Swagger's Wow look at this we are having a competition it's how many boring demon-hunter trans mugs can we fit inside one competition well so far we're looking at two this is a [ __ ] of a set I think that it's mediocre at best and there's nothing about it that I particularly like the helmet does kind of look cool and I think that your chest piece with the helmet does have a unique vibe of a demon hunter set but it's killed with your monk leggings and your boots that will as well your enchants on your weapons don't make any sense and the weapons come from Wrath of the Lich King five man dungeons and I think they look like dog [ __ ] this is a bad set this is a bad set I like it actually well if you like this set you're wrong okay - power hit us with the mountain here's what the mouth let's see it what Darfur wait it is Ghost Rider oh my god III you guys are right like this is [ __ ] man like what do you guys think about this guess like this one I I kind of do like this set just looks like it's garbage but like the the mount is [ __ ] good dude like this is a good [ __ ] mount like I'm mad max yeah this is some [ __ ] Mad Max Ghost Rider [ __ ] this is awesome I like it a lot yeah this is a [ __ ] turnaround this is the kind of [ __ ] that I'm talking about guys this is what we like to see in trans mount competitions somebody comes in here with a mediocre transmog that people are really divided on some people liked it but most people I feel like didn't I didn't like it at least and you get on a mount and you're just big dick in it he's just big dick in it that's all there is to it - power good job great job remember whenever you'd say I get a placing 100 whenever I say you get a placing 100 I remember somebody did you steal his idea did you steal his idea is this is this faulty purple equals when I don't know if this is gonna be a placing I was in last week's transmog comp he stole mine oh I see that so the witch hunters harvesters is the weapons the leveling gear in in Legion for the chess piece the legs the belt and the boots the gloves right there from the starting gear for warriors their shoulders from heroic tomb of Sargeras for four paladin's and then also that's one of the masks from the visions in for his helmet what do you guys think about this this is not gonna be a placing I'm pretty sure it's not but if this guy comes in here with a good set maybe we'll have to take it a little bit more seriously I don't know what it's gonna be like but we'll go ahead and we'll see what he's got for us sub song we've seen this I haven't seen to the whole lot alright go [Music] [Music] okay I just got the mythic night wolf the mountain I'm gonna be honest with you man I think it does look pretty good what do you guys think you guys have seen this yeah I think that I've seen it too like overall I like how he's holding the weapons and everything like that that looks really [ __ ] cool actually I get it does look pretty [ __ ] cool and yeah the cloak does look like dog [ __ ] don't get me wrong it certainly does this is an okay looking quit spinning around bro like chill out listen I like it a lot but I don't know if it can be a placing we've had a number of really high competitors here and I don't know if this is gonna be good enough but what I will say is it it's decent marika thulium yeah yeah yeah maybe a little bit saw this last week I believe that we have now our last one Mara Mouse of the iron vanguard I like this I actually I like this this is kind of cool now I'm saying that because I like how I like how a turd it is I actually I think this is really good now if he doesn't have a mount that can really just tie this together and take it home then I don't think that we're really gonna have a winner in here but we're gonna have to see yeah he's an under City Apothecary exactly this is really nice all righty get on your Mountain I was gonna use the bat but people over used it you can use the bat you can use whatever you believe to be the best whoo the vile fiend Wow that's actually really good that's actually better than the bat hi this is really good what the [ __ ] God Day updo god I am dope what do you guys think about this holy [ __ ] man I like it a lot Oh what do you guys think I don't know man I think it looks really really good oh it looks nice yeah I think it does too I I'm a big fan of this I don't know really if I'm gonna uh if I'm gonna give it a placing but what I will say is that it looks good this actually does look pretty clean and I I feel like this is what like if I was gonna see an NPC like this in-game I would think that he would look like this this is gonna be a hard decision for me to make man boy we've had a number of good sets all right everybody get on your mounts that's not your mount that's not your mount Blood Plague get the sheep [ __ ] everybody get on your mounts gentlemen I will be picking my top five of all these different contestants and then you all will decide which the top one is and I will have fan art commissioned of their character I know that I'm very behind on that before anybody reminds me trust me I'm fully [ __ ] aware of it McConnell is my calling here McConnell what do you think what what do you think who should I pick for the winner yeah oh no go around let me see okay this is a hard decision say it's hard man [ __ ] man like this is so hard me to decide I understand that many of you may disagree with some of these decisions that I'm about to make but these are in my opinion the top five in order best transmog of the competition number five one of the biggest dick players I've seen in a long time very impressive one of the most impressive competitions I've seen or compilations I've seen here we're gonna give fifth place to Zanon from the guild superbia with every achievement a completely unique transmog I've never seen a set like this before with this mount that matched in a very unique way this reminds me of a classic Wow even Warcraft 3 original Farseer this is unique it's different its original and it's nice I have never seen a set like this before and because of that we're gonna give him fifth place and he is from Denmark oh yeah he was pretty good yes was good this guy had every has every achievement in the game yeah I mean nuran like everybody need you has that video Chiba yes congratulations Anna good job 4th place 4th place it's a hard decision for me to make but I feel like it's the right decision and I will have some runner-ups after this 4th place is going to go not you is going to go to mouths een the camel hoarder this mount fits her character so well so perfectly the armor itself is unique and different and I feel like this is very clearly and plainly a fourth-place transmog this is a big dick set say it with me big dick set with a big dick mount this is really good I like it a lot mouths een from Frostwolf nice [ __ ] job what what country are you from what country you're from maozim Germany good I'm proud of you Germany yep yeah they did that thing a long time ago but that's a long time ago third place third place is going to go this is gonna be a little bit of a contentious decision but I believe that it's the true and the correct decision to make third place is going to go the tamer black color for the guild venti Vindi Wendy's I like this set along it's unique it's different the amount faites fits with it perfectly and I think that he deserves a set he deserves a acknowledgement for the nice set that he has I like it a lot I understand that a lot of you guys might not necessarily agree with this and that's okay we are all wrong sometimes and you guys are wrong now but here's the fact this is a really really nice-looking set the amount fits not only the theme but also the color theme of the set and because of that we are going to give him third place this is a third place transmog I hate to do this but there are two second places there are two people that get second place I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm going to do it what country are you from black color I forgot to ask it's not top six it's just two people have two people get second place okay the world will never know France okay there we go second place is going to go half to our off this is an incredible set the color and also the theme of the transmog is flawless everything about this fits very very well together I like it a lot and I really do believe that he deserves second place I think this is incredibly well done and I like it a lot I know some people might be disagreeing with me just know that you're wrong oh [ __ ] this is a really really nice looking set no I didn't know they're [ __ ] mad right now dude no dude our loss deserved it he had a good set it matched really well and even the theme of the mount and the color theme were both working and because of that I'm gonna give him second place for this this is really good now this is a co second place this is all right this is our second second place our second second place is going to go hey country oh yeah what country are you from Spanish what country is Spanish yeah what country is is Spanish near France wait Spanish is a country Spain oh I was like what the [ __ ] Oh I'm Spanish okay all right cool dude all right [ __ ] yeah I was so [ __ ] confused for a second there and the others co second place is going to be captain curve I'm from the guild mark to the merlocks this is an incredibly well done transmog and I think this is really really nice and I like it a lot and he's riding right there on the on the white bird these are our two second-place champions Karim what country are you from Sweden good man first place I'll be honest whenever I saw it I thought to myself wow it's incredible it looks really really good and you know what many of you guys also agreed 1st place is going to go to trippy god X as a Roth's champion from the guild High Council that's the transmog set was unique interesting perfect and good and yeah it is purple it looked good as [ __ ] trippy God your mount matched perfectly with your armor and everything about this is extremely clean and well done I think this is far and away the best and the first place transmog there are some people some doubters in chat know this is the best one you're wrong this is the best one I like it a lot great [ __ ] job some people think purple equals win purple does not always win sometimes it does if it's good enough great job trippy god I'm proud of you now the chat let's see if you guys disagree with our one through fifth place winners please join me at the top of here and we're gonna go ahead and let the chat decide on who the true winner of the competition really is yeah trippy what country are you from Greece all right those are your six contestants that you can vote on now gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna make the I'm gonna make the poll right now all right gentlemen voting is over and the greatest transmog according to chat chosen by chat who will have artwork done of their character is trippy god x purple again Jesus trippy God X I feel good about this because this is the one that I picked this is the one that I wanted and you know what trippy got X message me on discord and we'll figure it out we'll get your [ __ ] done and we'll have your stuff picked up what would you would have picked what would you pick trip pick it up yeah it's the best one yeah yeah up trippy got X book behind [Music] okay all right oh okay all right trippy God ex you are our winner let's go a round of applause for trippy good people wanted me to zone out to see what's going on outside I'll go ahead and do that real quick as well oh wait what the [ __ ] [Music] double-scare aborts hey wait hisses new oh my god he has the new mound what the [ __ ] double [ __ ] scare Awards oh my god guys I'm gonna take this invite what is this holy [ __ ] how'd you even get the new Mouse Wow this is he you huh this is EU aha this is EU and they like everytime you go over to EU yeah like they just like want to show off like how organized they are you know how much of a know life they can be you're like how many have we had to share boards that just show up there ia what up take a look at this and then you got these guys they're just chillin with all their [ __ ] mail munchers look at them all this is [ __ ] ridiculous everybody here is riding him out that I don't have look at this is I can't even believe it how does everybody have this mount except for me this is crazy cuz we're better in every possible way I guess that must be it right Jesus guys this is [ __ ] ridiculous absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous Wow accepting Crona efficiency yeah I guess so when you get a male mantra we're gonna riot no that's the worst part is like once I get a male mantra they're just gonna all get on gee mods there's they're all gonna get on the [ __ ] rajani serpents instead like there's never a point where like I can get away from this like oh you did two mailboxes and you got it that's so cool man that's awesome wow man these guys are so lucky and fun jeez I can't believe it Wow how they're sitting they're such good people man listen thank you all so much for coming I appreciate your participation the EU viewers you guys have brought your A game and you've brought your A game so much you brought your A game and your B game at the same time because that's how many games you guys are bringing I've been very impressed with your competitions next week we will return to n/a to see if n/a can reclaim its throne as being the transmog hump hub of world Warcraft EU you guys have done very well I'm proud of you I'm very proud of you very [ __ ] well alright boys thank you very much for watching today I really [ __ ] appreciate and until next time and until next time boys this [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,145,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold eu, asmongold competition, asmongold transmount, asmon transmount, asmongold transmount contest, transmount competition, transmount contest, asmongold eu transmount, asmongold first transmount, asmongold transmog, eu transmount, asmongold eu horde, asmongold horde, asmongold horde transmount, asmongold transmog competition, eu horde, transmount, transmount eu horde, horde transmount
Id: 0G0rCssFpo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 46sec (7786 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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