A͏s͏mongold Reacts to "The MAGIC of Warcraft" | By Platinum WoW

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this video is sponsored by nordvpn world of warcraft is a fantasy game and you can't have fantasy that's truth out [Music] on your adventures in azeroth you'll find different forms of magic that can range from holy and righteous to pretty flowers and nature and fuzzy cute animals that's nice and even abhorrently evil and downright demonic forms of magic the origin of most of this wizardry is based off of the most fundamental aspects of the warcraft universe before there was an azeroth there was nothing but you can't have nothing without something so in the nothing there was energy that came from something okay the most basic forces in the universe are the light and the void these forces are the yin and yang that keep each other in check wait so this is a legitimate real video yo i thought this was gonna be like a [ __ ] video like a hundred percent i thought this was gonna be a [ __ ] video that's crazy without light there is no black abyss of darkness without darkness you can't shine the brightest light and oh well bro we are getting really deep so uh okay so there's these cosmic forces they clash with each other uh that's how life is born on the universe there's the titan dudes blah blah blah blah uh azeroth is there and here we are now okay great these cosmic powers can be tapped into the form of holy or shadow magic first let's talk about holy that's from the imagine if the pope actually had super powers and he does the force what do you mean that is what holy magic is for the humans at least in order to call upon the light to aid you it requires your complete willpower to harness this mysterious force in faith that what you are doing is completely morally right what the [ __ ] if you aren't completely faithful to the light and don't have the required positive vibes you'll fail the vibe check and the light will not aid you mcconnell failed the vibe check that's obviously why shadow ends rep paladins suck pretty much makes sense yeah i mean there you go everything is now explained uh that's all there is to it man not surprised at all the church of the holy light is founded on three virtues to make sure that you have these positive vibes respect and noticing your place in the universe and strive to fight for its well-being the tenacity to fight this life and realizing that even the smallest actions can change the world for the better and finally a balance of compassion and consideration if your aid will transfer to a positive change in the universe i'm waiting for him to [ __ ] like be like psych that's scientology or something like that like but is this real in the game following all these rules will allow a member of the church to manifest a world of honor and justice wow now keep in mind light magic's morality is based on the person that is wielding it a perfect example of the light being used in a harmful way is the scarlet crusade who think the outside world is full of unclean heretics tainted by the evil stench of hey hey hey focus here we're talking about critical aspects of the lore of course the outside world isn't full of infested monsters but the scarlet crusade illustrates how faith can turn into devout fanaticism that makes them close-minded lunatics yeah they're nut cases that's actually really [ __ ] cool like i feel like a lot of the uh the like extended or of the game is actually pretty well done i wish they spent more time developing it so people would be able to appreciate it more because i think this stuff is awesome i i wish that we saw more of it in the game actually it'd be great read the [ __ ] in the book so who cares about the books i want to see the game i've also accessed the powers of the light through different cultural means sunwalkers worship the sun and she which manifests into using more sun-based light attacks wow you also have the draenei who have direct communication with the naaru who are pure manifestations of light you even have the light forged draenei who are basically super soldiers who have let their bodies become a vessel to dispense lights justice so they're taking steroids and there's even the blood elves who enslaved a naaru and sucked out its life juice what else being dicks whoa yeah no totally haven't heard that one before yeah it is what it is it's the way it goes but what if no matter how much faith you had the light still abandoned you for the forsaken this is the harsh reality they must deal with priests suffering from undeath can still call upon the light and it can still heal them but it is just excruciatingly painful in fact jesus channeling holy magic and being healed by it can have a side effect where an undead can regain their senses they can taste the decay in their mouths they can smell their rotting flesh and feel the maggots falling beneath their skin so yeah it's it's not fun being undead in fact bro like bro what that sucks yeah i didn't even know this this is [ __ ] insane so they can feel the maggots in their mouth no wonder the undead priests are always so angry i'd be mad too really depressing actually and that is why can you jerk off if you're undead can you or not no so yeah what if you pull it off [ __ ] oh my god undead who were once members of the church of the holy light have transitioned to a new form of practice what is this is this shadow while holy magic focuses on the emotions of the heart like hope courage and comfort the powers of shadow incite emotions of the mind like despair doubt and panic in the light you stand together as one but in darkness you are alone fanatical in your pursuit for indescribable power i always thought that undead shouldn't be able to cast holy spells i thought that was stupid jesus the [ __ ] god damn shadow priests play off this characteristic of the corrupt of influence of the mind yeah it sounds way cooler the void involves writing the fine line between immense power and utter insanity yes your mind falls victim to the old gods that's really cool within the forsaken the cult of forgotten shadow is where many summoners of the shadows lie but users of the void are in old god cults like the twilight hammer or even the [ __ ] yeah i guess so and speaking of evil corruption oh my god oh oh it's legion the powers of fellow videos just as it's more addictive than the void the most infamous users of this corrupt of magic are the burning legion of course infinite army filled with demons that called the twisting this plane of existence was created when the powers of the light and void clash together on a cosmic scale and this is where a lot of the fell and other magical energies reside everywhere these are like leftovers the warcraft universe was once uncorrupted but under the command of the legion they've been tainted and twisted the obvious thing so then where are the uncorrupted succubuses their draenei um yeah we need to find we need to find this out like blizzard really needs to look into this storyline a little bit more and see what's going on or the eredar who used to be dre and i but accepted sargeras's gift of power and they turned uh they turned red oh and and mean and because they're yeah also draenei who have been affected by fell but have rejected its influence have transformed into the malformed broken see that's what's kind of weird man is like i never like this this [ __ ] change look at this guy here look at this guy oh wait wait one second let me just pause it and and real queen and angry also yeah look at that it's like a normal dragon you have been affected by films that's like these broken guys have transformed into the malformed broke look at that look at that ugly ass [ __ ] i think they did such a good job about like doing this whole uh uh this like degradation you know whatever you want to call i think this is really really [ __ ] good it's awesome fell hunters are also a great example of fell's influence okay this is what they look like now but this is what they used to look like these demons can also be summoned by practitioners of film really in order to summon one a soul is created how about that all right this is a good video what is this now warlocks are not inherently evil per se but when your class revolves yes they are warlocks are inherently evil anybody that says otherwise is 100 wrong uh warlocks are completely evil and unlike they are but that's okay that's the thing warlocks are yes no we aren't yes they are uh all warlocks are evil and um they control demons man they control [ __ ] demons they they use people's souls that they get from that's [ __ ] that's evil that's evil [ __ ] like if there was a boss and we're like what did this boss do wrong and then we said well he summoned demons and he stole people's souls after he killed him we'd be like damn that seems like a bad guy we got to go take care of him but you can play as one of these in the [ __ ] game they're evil man a hundred percent evil death knights uh warlocks around sucking the life force out of innocence harnessing chaotic and corrupting magic and being shunned by most of society it's kind of hard not to be the bad guy using fel is sort of a get rich quick style of spellcasting exactly it takes time to learn but you can get a pretty high power level relatively quickly compared to practicing other forms of magic what he's trying to say is playing industrial warlock requires no skill which if you've played arena recently you can attest that that is the truth but the side effects of being a warlock slowly turning into a demon everybody hate you the sudden urge to burn down orphanages oh yeah vomiting and also having the need to help your friends by summoning them and giving them cookies so they aren't that evil hooray i think warlocks most warlock players are like they're like people that were all black and black in high school yeah they're people that were all black in high school i i would say that's pretty much the easiest way to like make an analogy to what a warlock is yeah if you were all black in high school that that's a war walk 100 percent while fell represents chaos right it's counterpart is arcane magic wait really a form of magic you know that that requires order holy [ __ ] and now oh [ __ ] that takes too much work let's just go back to phil think of arcane magic yeah that's way too much science of warcraft in order to hone such magic again years and years of study in places like dalaran okay stormwind's mage quarter or zuna or really yeah something like that one of the reasons why it takes so much studying is because how diverse the magic really is you can shoot pure arcane magic or you can manifest it into fire or frost there's abduration configuration transmutation annihilation evisceration mutation but really there's a lot of stuff what do you do with arcane from making muffins to teleporting around the world and by the way um according to holy [ __ ] in the game apparently it is possible for inexperienced mages to blink into walls furniture or even other people and they suffocate and they die which is horrifying they need to put that in the game wait they they really do they need to put that in the game they need to do like a like a glyph or some sort of talent that allows your bling to have no cooldown but if you blink into a wall you [ __ ] die like blink has no cooldown but if you blink into a wall you die like that would be so [ __ ] badass or like it would be stupid and broken and everybody would hate it but it would be so [ __ ] funny if it happened for like i don't know a week or something like that yeah a book reference that's what they should do that for april fool's just make it like an april fool's joke to like any time a mage blinks into a wall it just dies it'd be amazing a lot of the magic focused places on azeroth are built on top of ley lines think of these kind of like azeroth's blood vessels yeah like things only problem is the burning legion loves finding these high doses of magic and corrupting it so users of arcane need to find a way to mask the high arcane dense locations they can do this by setting up rune stones around their city do you think they'd figure that out make your city float in the sky yeah keep it away those are not foolproof ways to make sure that you are protected no they're not no no no sometimes they get in there the [ __ ] is the mages have kept something powerful locked beneath dalaran to protect them is it right nordvpn the sponsor of today's video what if i told you the burning legion is real and are cyber hackers trying to steal your information with nordvpn you can mask your eyes [ __ ] anywhere in the world like the uk stormwind orgrimmar okay well yeah maybe not those last two but anywhere else in the world and enjoy the internet stress-free knowing that you are safe wow how only do you get the best cyber security on the market you can have the six connections and it also unlocks region locked websites like netflix and if you don't like it there's a 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dalaran like kilthis is very frustrated with the whole concept of morality getting in the way of their studies and that is why many mages have fallen into the dark arts known as necromancers oh yeah celtic used to be amazing it's just the art of raising the dead and honing the craft of necrotic magic [ __ ] over time their bodies will slowly decay causing them to wither into the very creatures they raise into unliving that's [ __ ] cool some of the most powerful dancers are liches of course these high-ranking necromancers have had their souls linked to a container called a phylactery in order to kill which for good you must destroy their phylactery the most famous lich is kilthuzad and in classic we didn't destroy his factory and gave it to some random guy that's why in wrath of the lich yeah i don't know how the [ __ ] that happened why didn't they just break the [ __ ] thing flying i thought it was flackery but like it doesn't really matter right uh it's like yeah why did that happen the conquest yeah it's like you finished the whole [ __ ] thing and like to be fair though like the quest reward was pretty good so i could see why you wouldn't want to destroy it but still classic yeah so what you what they're saying here is that rather witch king and like all this other [ __ ] is caused by classic andes classic andes caught made everything go wrong that's what they did man classic [ __ ] andes king he returned and then we defeated him again apparently he's in the shadow lands now where we'll probably defeat him again does he have a flackery in the shadow lands too anger cruelty vengeance i bestow upon you my chosen knight oh [ __ ] i have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new dark age death knights are another example of powerful wielders of death magic yeah these warriors were raised by the lich king himself dude death knights i still always wonder like look at that [ __ ] picture man like dude that's two-handed frost yeah you're right um should i have gone dk in wrath honestly the only reason why i didn't go dk and wrath is because my mounts wouldn't carry over and if it wasn't for that i would have gone dk because i had just spent [ __ ] months firing for the amani warbear and i did not want to lose it and now i'm not moving back i'm not going to dk now but back then i think that i would have done it yeah and boy it's a yeah no i still would have gone dk dk was just so [ __ ] badass like i i think dk is the coolest class in the game in my opinion it's either dk or warlock warriors are just the thing is like in war in the in the war of the game warriors are like they're like a footnote it's like yeah so the warriors were fightings and then actually the mage did something important you know that's basically what happens it's [ __ ] sad imbued with magic and trained to be the ultimate killing machines to serve as a weapon to force all of azeroth into one death many of the death knights defected during the battle of light's hope chapel and despite them being free from the lich king's grasp they are still machines of death yeah it's true all that knights struggle with an urge called eternal hunger which is an unstoppable urge to inflict pain and suffering on the living so he's going to kill them yes if death knights don't scratch this itch they'll fall into madness and go on an unstoppable murder frenzy which is the most badass and edgy thing i've ever heard in the warcraft universe yeah that's i'd love to talk about it more but we have more magic to talk about that's [ __ ] insane so dks are programmed to be serial killers what the [ __ ] yeah that's insane like yeah i know dude is sending a cold shot yeah of course man they're ticking time bombs now i know why they're all [ __ ] man like everybody the guy that we our raid leader in wrath respect from he was a priest and he went to playing a dk instead this guy he never had to worry about going on a rampage because he was always on a rampage like the entire night would just be him yelling at us that was it it was the whole thing and it was great like i enjoyed it a lot yeah it was great great time buddhism is the total opposite of necromancy being a druid is all about trees beauty of the living world and probably never taking a shower the first druid ever was malfurion who learned the ways of nature from scenarios yeah knowledge boom and the way drones have such an intense connection to the world is their ability to access the emerald dream you can't say every time somebody's bald or every time somebody doesn't take a shower i can't say every single one of them is me okay like it just doesn't [ __ ] work that way like it has to be more to it than just that jesus is a magical realm created by the titan freya to represent a blueprint of how azeroth should be formed oh wow it's a version of azeroth not affected by intelligent beings that altered the lands so the dream flourishes with natural life that's incredible in the plane of existence we live in druids take a long slumber while in the dream and during the slumber they gain an incredibly deep connection with nature which translates to harnessing its powers uh-huh i'm awake i'm awake there are so many how they turn into a bear druidism one can expect that's insane they're druids of the claw talon fang grove well what about the fire druids scythe raccoon ant muskrat no because just like nature druidism is incredibly diverse but druidism is just one aspect of nature are there boobs really that big and real in real life or not real life but like in the game i don't think they are like i've looked before i don't think so we're gonna have to go over to to val shura but i don't think that's the case is just one aspect of nature that deals with living things but the other side of nature is more primal and deals with the elements that are the building blocks of azeroth since the world's very creation the elements of water fire air and earth have been in a battle for supremacy the shamans are mediators who keep the elements of our world in check jesus making sure one is never stronger than the other and harnesses these raging elemental forces to strike down their enemies that makes sense the relationship between the shaman and the elements that's a badass election partnership a shaman must be in good standing with the elements and work in their favor in order to harness their power i always thought that was stupid like i guess like it was and it wasn't like i i think that like it was kind of cool in the way but it just didn't really make sense whenever i first started thinking about it you know what i mean it's like it was like wait what the [ __ ] i got like you tell him what to do like to just go kill somebody and then suddenly he thinks that you're on his side like i don't know it just didn't really make a lot of sense servants of the elements yeah exactly and why the elements would be friend immortal yeah it's a little bit odd but uh i like it in terms of like the like the the type of player that would be a shaman you know it's like the type of guys would be a shaman are people that would want to befriend like a waterfall you know these are the kinds of people that are like yeah yeah this guy plays a shaman in game yeah if you're trying to be friends with a waterfall yeah or like a rock or something like that not necessarily rock but like a really really cool looking rock not just any rock but a really cool looking one i i don't know man it's weird i don't know the goblins i hate these people then there are goblins this is one of the most goofiest racing class combos in the game goblins are greedy little monsters all about making as much money as possible with the smallest amount of effort yeah they don't really care about the world at all no they don't yeah the goblins are like elements are business partners who have been convinced to sign a contract which seems reasonable but in the fine print it states that the goblins can harness the powers of the elements for their own personal gain what i feel like this is kind of a bit of a stretch to make this connection what happens if they don't fulfill the contract what do they have to go to court what the how the what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] like i no really i don't understand it at all like element yeah elemental court it's like you make it it's like making a contract with like a roach like the elements are like these super powerful [ __ ] like omniscient forces and the goblins are like they're green like that's that's like the only thing they have going for them is they're green yeah the elemental justice system dude it's so [ __ ] ridiculous i i don't understand it all there green yeah that's all there is to it uh uh at the end of the day who cares at this point wow class and race restrictions are kind of just arbitrary lines in the south [ __ ] contract with the is all the magic we'll be talking about how do you sign a contract with ragnaros like wouldn't he set the paper on fire like about today there are other sub categories but i guess they have east sides in another video yeah he used docusign it's okay i'll see you guys later this is a good video i liked it uh yeah it's funny gaze into my eyes and witness your doom oh [ __ ] okay this was a good video i'm glad that i got a chance to watch it i i know that i had wanted to watch it the other day and so i'm glad that i finally got a little bit of time to uh to take a look at it and look into it there's the video right there i just linked it for you guys so you'll be able to watch it and uh that's basically it okay yeah good video yeah i would say so i like it a lot it's very very well done i mean with the contracts here let's see here um let me read the uh the con the the comments here i mean platinum i was nearing a historian of wow i have to watch his nordvpn ad i'm sure it's the same person which i like that was the exact thing that i thought of man that was the exact same [ __ ] thing that i thought of and uh platinum while all craft gets to win that's actually a really good idea i probably should do that uh yeah it's a great idea have you got the strongest form of magic the magic of friendship okay spongebob uh let's see what else we have uh someone needs to make these kinds of mods this is doreen the [ __ ] is this uh we're talking about critical aspects of war okay dude uh is most fundamental aspects of the warcraft universe blah blah blah yeah i didn't even know about any of this [ __ ] man i had no [ __ ] idea so uh it's definitely interesting to see like kind of the advanced lore behind the game because i i never had any idea about this at all and i think it's really cool to see like the other options and things that the game has maybe the real magic is the friends that we made along the way uh no i'm pretty sure it's actually just the fireballs man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 721,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold platinum wow, asmongold platinum, platinum wow, wow lore, asmongold wow lore, platinum wow lore, world of warcraft lore, warcraft lore, platinum wow magic, wow magic, magic in wow, lich king, illidan, uther, world of warcraft magic
Id: qQrlGFEgiU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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