Asmongold Reacts To "Zul'jin did NOTHING WRONG - Amani Tribe Lore" | By Platinum WoW

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zul jen did nothing wrong what do you mean he did nothing wrong he's a troll he is a troll like i don't understand of course he did something wrong in my last video i said that the next video would be about every troll tribe and their unfortunate fate but when doing research i came to the conclusion that the amani and their leader zul'jin needed to do something wrong by existing i i hate trolls like i've never liked them it's like wow is built on hating trolls it is what it is racist [ __ ] well it's not my fault man their own video money history is filled with brutal wars crushing defeats and valiant attempts oh it's a picture from the warcraft 2 handbook all throughout history they've tried to preserve their home from knife-eared prissy little elves and their allies exception himself embodies the trolls fanatical vengeance for the elves yeah guys the [ __ ] conventions that was completely justifiable the force of lordaeron are amani lands other races are just living in it okay well if he's a good guy then why would we kill him after the sundering the trolls found themselves in the forest that would eventually be called northern lordaeron the trolls lived relatively peaceful lives not having any real competition with other races until the raid came out oh no not again yeah after the war of the ancients the war that made the whole world explode the de facto leaders of the kaldurai malfurion and tyrande realized that having a society built on abusing arcane magic was extremely volatile and any elf caught using it would be banished really i don't even know strider a highborn who felt like it was the elves birthright to use such magic left with the rest of his snobby highborn friends with a vial of pure energy from the well of eternity wait so basically the the blood elves are crackheads and they got kicked out of their house because they're crackheads and so they're causing trouble for people on the other side holy [ __ ] man i guess that you know it makes a lot of sense over time these elves would become shorter have paler skin have blue eyes just like they eventually turn into the high elves yeah because they're high because they're heads this is holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wolves sailed across azeroth and landed in an area that would be known as lordaeron right the armani's ptsd instantly kicked in they knew the destruction elves brought with them and without question the amani instantly launched ruthless skirmishes to squash to elves but their sophisticated magic always seemed to put them on top these skirmishes fostered the elves of hostility between the races that would continue exactly for the next thousands of years and eventually the elves established themselves in the lands of quel'thalas and built the moon city right on ancient troll ruins the armani held sacred which only strengthened the animosity between the two races the elves also created the sunwell a pool of infinite magical arcane and light power that they could feed off of but the elves they learned their lesson from last time the last font of limitless power attracted the burning legion that oh yeah you destroyed their society yeah nobody likes so the high elves of quoth loss set up rune stones around their city that you know what let me just have an elf explain what these wait that's like a person but he's only got one leg or he's got four legs stones do i bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks do you know what pyramids i gotta move i gotta move that powerful because you know doc's docks banned on twitch so i i can't show them on the stream it's like a you know big [ __ ] thing and remained in the forests of lordaeron preferring to attack the high elven convoys rather than launch a full-scale war though money continued to remain a thorn in the elves side for the next thousands of years that's why you have to get rid of never letting them forget yeah who claimed these lands in the first place [ __ ] them man i hate these trolls the troll war the tenacity of the um caught the attention of one of their old allies the zandalari saw potential in the forest trolls their bloodlust and willingness to wage war against the enemy's trolls would be exactly what they need if they ever wanted to become the once great empire they used to be although the amani had persistence they lacked significant leadership and magical empowerment a savage troll by the name of jintha was named the warlord of the emani and oh gents were pushed forward towards the kingdom of quoth a loss and empowered by the lower gods they worshipped what the files quickly realized that they were in big trouble you needed to find their own aid in return at this point an asterian sunstrider son of dathamar sunstrider was the leader of quoth a loss and this guy's a [ __ ] badass man that's uh kale those dad and like this guy like he's the one his helmet you get his helmet from uh uh the from kj yeah this guy's a [ __ ] badass sunstrider son of dathamar sunstrider was the leader of quoth a loss and traveled down to the human kingdom of aerothor it was obvious that once the trolls were done sieging the elves they'd bring their rampage to the humans so in exchange for the humans aid sunstrider promised to train exactly 100 humans in the ways of magic king thordan agreed and at first the humans were quite clumsy learning this new power look at that dude oh my god my kitty now it was clear they had a natural affinity it is what it is man that's a it's a aoe proc before it the mages remained in the human capital of strom while two thousand soldiers into their trap little did gintha know he was playing right into it the berserk controls turned on a dime and pushed the humans yeah all the way back to the alterac mountains while the elves of quoth the loss followed closely behind and dipped up their heels the humans stopped their retreat at the base of the track mountains fortifying in preparation to launch their secret weapon the armani thought victory was in their nuclear bomb but little did they know they were already dead oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] in an unprecedented event never seen before god damn hundreds of mages use their combined might to rain down a firestorm bringing troll and alike in a roaring blaze that ended the troll wars in a matter of generations thousands upon thousands of people lost their lives that day the trolls that survived the inferno quickly broke ranks and were hunted like game in the forests the sea that's the thing man they just they lit them [ __ ] up man it wasn't even a big deal [ __ ] mages dude yeah that's what they get that's what they get they showed up and now they're taking over that's the way it goes like night spread and you got job done get mages to do it it's true like how many stories in wow end with a warrior solving a problem [ __ ] none of them none of them saw in with that it's always a mage or somebody that has like magical [ __ ] abilities that solves the problem like it's it's sad man it really is brock cigar are you kidding he didn't do anything he got like one hit on sargeras and sargeras killed him tourists that they lived in first they're doing forests they called home thousands of years before any elf or human even existed the armani's bitter hatred for the outside world grew ten times that day and it would take another two thousand years for them to retaliate once again yes yeah maybe grom that's true the warlord over the next house joseph kony the elves influence continued to expand the armani continued playing the role of the boogeyman in the forests but a new leader that rose the power reinvigorated the tenacity of the tribe once again who's a stupid ass stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] his name was zul'jin this warlord's grades on elven villages became infamous the amani raiding parties would zerg through elven villages destroying everything in their path before they could even retaliate see that's how they had to i'd take a piss back that that's how they had to do it because they're [ __ ] they can't take them on head-on because they get the ass beat burned up okay give me one second yeah this is a good video i like it all the battles were decisive victories for the amani but it was no way to win a war zul'jin believed the annihilation of the elves centered around the destruction of the sunwell yep in order to destroy the sun well he'd need to figure out how these rune stones around their city worked there was only one way to get this information good old-fashioned interrogation zul'jin captured lorthimar lady liadrin and two other elves whose names are not important and isn't it isn't it telling that all the important elves in the game now are the ones that got captured by a one-armed troll i mean that's pretty [ __ ] embarrassing i mean the the the [ __ ] blood elves have fallen pretty goddamn far did you wash your hands why would i wash my hands i got a clean dick why would i i never want don't need to wash my hands man chill out put them in a torture chamber and filled it with hallucinogenic smoke to blur their sense of reality do you want the [ __ ] back now seeking vengeance and we gonna start oh my god you the war lord preached how these were troll lands wrongfully stolen by the elves and that they were the real villains he talked about how the amani never oh wait he's got to learn and they would never stop in their endless need for revenge yeah to extract the information stabbed the elf in the stomach drawing the blade upwards and then smearing his own face with the elf's blood the torture continued until liadrin freed herself to inflict the same pain she went through during the torture back to zul'jin oof owie my bonesman and then they teleported he got he imagined like he he had him [ __ ] caught like oh oh no wait this is what an idiot dude troll like and that like who plays a troll and feels proud of like it's like oh yeah dude i play a troll man like dude it's so sad it is just so [ __ ] sad i'm sorry guys it's just the truth although zul'jin relished in the pain he brought on the elves he did not get the information what a stupid ass thankfully sometime later what a stupid surprising new ally okay the second war that's the one after the first one this is south of the eastern kingdoms a new faction called the horde rampaged across the lands this new orcish threat was a force to be reckoned with and although they had not been on azeroth for long they fostered the same hatred the amani had for the elves and humans alike dude i get so mad like i get so [ __ ] nostalgic whenever i see these pictures man these were the this is the first game i was like old enough to really play and remember i remember whenever i was a little kid looking at these pictures back in the day and it just was so [ __ ] badass humans are the worst yeah yeah yeah uh i don't know it's just crazy for me to go back and see all that stuff man there's really gin was captured by humans and placed in an internment camp but was freed by orgrim doomhammer the warchief of the horde at the time the two sparked an alliance but for zul'jin's aid he had one condition the only way the amani would join the horde is if the high elves were annihilated fanatical wait so thrall carried zul'gin so like zuljin didn't even do anything you're just getting carried the whole time for vengeance would never be quenched until he bathed oh i don't know why i didn't know he held the king in his hands and forced him to watch his city be scorched in flames oh my god just like how his defenseless brothers burned in the troll wars all those years ago no this guy's crazy uh uh dude chill out well the horde's plan was to originally just attack the capital florida ron the amani seemed like a very powerful ally they could not ignore so they helped zul'jin in his struggle against the high elves zul'jin guided the horde forces up north through the eastern kingdoms rallied his amani war bands and quickly started their conquest on quel'thalas gul'dan and his warlocks study the magic behind the rune stones that protected the city and severely weakened their power which greatly helped the horde in the battle you guys make me sick okay make me sick it's pathetic game design thinking and balance that's just one second okay okay the high elves in turn called upon the aid of the arcades and the war raged on at the gates of quoth a loss yeah until the cunning elves harnessed the power of the sunwell to unleash a spell not seen since the great sundering and that is the plot armor barrier what the plot armor barrier created an impenetrable shield that stopped the horde from advancing at all it was at this point gul'dan kind of just disappeared to go on his own quest for selfish power and orgrim decided that they were wasting their time at the end of the day because it was a waste of time to destroy this stupid lord this was just a side mission yeah despite zul'jin's protests the orcs left and did just wait yo mcconnelly put you in the video man yo he put mcconnell in the video look at that listen again mission and despite zul'jin's protests that was that that was [ __ ] him dude you you know for a fact that was [ __ ] him he [ __ ] learned it dude he just [ __ ] backed up and left man i said [ __ ] that [ __ ] did just that the amount were left with their own devices once again this was the closest the imani ever got to victory so they continued to fight on despite lacking in numbers their bloodlust clearly blurred their judgment and the elves use this try and destroy the trolls yup once and for all that's right history seemed to repeat itself as the elves haphazardly burn the forests rounding up as many trolls they could them in the hundreds himself was cornered at lake deromer god damn he was captured and chained to a stone where he endured an endless torrent of pain to the elves was a monster a beast yeah that lurked in the woods that massacres their friends and family but zul'jin was no monster they popped this [ __ ] high out dude [ __ ] them dude in order to escape zul'jin had to pay the ultimate price and cut off his own arm and escaped into the forest oh that's how he got away or that's how he lost his before we continue our story let's get out our notebooks because we're gonna to control physiology that's insane i had no idea blizzard writing in lore trolls have the ability to regenerate body parts yeah there are stories of dedicated troll wardrobes yeah there was like a regeneration passive ability that you even did did you get that in in and wow i remember you had it in warcraft too you'd be able to go like the berserkers that could regenerate they're flying themselves alive there's a long time skin for their drums and then we're generating it back is and there are even stories of trolls being totally disemboweled and living zul'jin on the other hand did not regenerate his eye or his arm because he's stupid why is that we don't really know for sure because we know that if troll's body parts are cauterized it doesn't grow back but that never happened to him yeah because some others like just think that the reason he never grew his armor because it's cooler by choice to give his war bands a symbol of hatred for the elves what the [ __ ] the physical representation of what they took from the trolls does that make practical sense to command an army with one eye in one arm no no but is it badass yes it is badass to be fair yeah it is actually pretty badass over analyzing yeah a bit he never originates from a more true enemy zul'jin woke up to see one of the most beautiful sights what is it the opening of ak or zg oh look at that [Music] arthas comes to save the day it's one of the most pogerous moments in amani history and they weren't even involved yeah apparently one of the heil's own people betrayed them disabled the plot armor barrier oh no his scourge armies sieged the elves to use the sunwell to resurrect kel'thuzad um that's a long story for another time to be fair it's like there's no way they were gonna beat arthas i mean he's the [ __ ] lich king the lich king and like back then that meant something like he's the lich king and he had frostmourne like or sorry wasn't the witch king by then well regardless i mean he's [ __ ] like he's got frostman he's a badass like he's like the prince of order on turned into a death knight he's got frostbite he's a [ __ ] badass they wouldn't have a chance we can talk about later the point they had 90 of the elves died that day yeah let me say that again 90 percent oh yeah that is there it is this was the hardest time to strike yeah i bet it was happening to the isle of quel's to claim the sun well in the name of the trolls [ __ ] then it was blown up killing all the trolls and uh that combined with the devastating defeat the amani had and the second war beforehand kind of stopped them from really doing anything to capitalize imagine being a troll like imagine being a [ __ ] troll like it's just like oh yeah we have a rich history of losing all we do is lose this event the elves were renamed they used fel energies to help reconstruct silver moon after their devastating loss and that fell radiation made them have green eyes in the forests zul'jin pace back and forth in frustration the imani needed something anything to muster the strength to squash this what a clown once and for all the tech sword malecrate a witch doctor who offered zul'jin aid in the form of quote-unquote dark power exactly find out what the stark power is perhaps it's demonic maybe it's the cathraxy general kitthicks that's the money shield way back on primordial asphalt it's just some [ __ ] but you know what i think it is though it's blizzard propaganda that's right blizzard propaganda to make the amani seem like the bad guys when truly they're just trying to defend their own lands well that's the money adopted that's what happens is like if you can't defend it you don't got it it is what it is like that's the way it goes in the game but man these are they're [ __ ] trolls yeah if you can't defend it you don't got it is it really his apparently not quote-unquote dark power and grew until the events of tbc when the zulu man raid was open the players this was also another big moment because this is when the blood elves joined the board you know the only outsiders they ever allied with in their existence another strong reason to hate everybody around oh yeah that doesn't make any sense i think we know where it is yeah that is dumb players charging the zulu man holy [ __ ] kill every troll in sight and zul'jin's valiant attempt to restore pride back in the amani is ended damn maybe me fall but a money empire never gonna die that guy's dead dude like i remember mad dude the first week that we ended up getting uh we ended up getting zg down i didn't know any of this lore at all about this character like i had no idea i was like it's just some green dude we gotta kill like that's all i really thought about him back then you just want to help his people i just want this to but in cataclysm the amani are back with a new random leader they pulled out of their ass and then yep okay well they die again yeah as i said do we farm that guy all the time man like you just go in there kill him he's dead he's done it's over and just go do it again it's a joke that that new raid not as good as the old uh old anime empire and then in mr pandaria they helped the zandalari in the throne of thunder and then you think the elves are the biggest losers yeah right look to to be honest we all know we all know what we're thinking here the elves were asking for it you want to know what the empire of the armani has become what is it an alleyway and get this the zandalari the spiritual leaders who are the epicenter of troll culture join the horde thus being allies with the blood elves and the only way for the amani to survive now is to be total servants to them and you know what the zandalari let the horde do i just beat the [ __ ] out of them whenever they want there is literally a world quest where you just roll into the ammani alleyway beat the crap out of the cycles of the loa and then leave the story of the amani is just one good job because there are one two three four five six seven so dirty they're troll dungeons and grades all throughout warcraft's history but you as the player kill them all it's like you [ __ ] dude that's so good man i didn't even realize that so many dungeons yeah there's a lot of them so they just happened that was an hour away for target practice like uh yeah and then they have to [ __ ] do [ __ ] for the blood elves now it's great look at you wow you monster the punching bags yeah basically you made zuljin cry how do you sleep at night nobody that's the cat eyes from the crying sad cat isn't it i don't know how i know that but i do hey i don't do this often but follow me on twitter you can get exclusive content like this that's smart finally selling out for his twitter a very smart thing to do okay thanks bye he'll get better yeah he'll get better it takes a while to get you know uh to become as shameless as i am with uh uh with like doing a selling out you know but uh you know he did what he could and uh it's good enough uh remember aeon machinima let me just link the video for you guys so you can watch it go ahead give it a like give it a comment give it a whatever the [ __ ] dude and uh yeah i think it's a uh it's a good video it definitely was i liked it a lot yeah exactly read the cara description in a dungeon journal de cara description and dungeon journal let me see here uh zulaman okay yeah to fulfill the power vacuum left in the death of the world warlord zuljin the remaining trolls of the amani war tribe chose their favored champion dracara the invincible to reclaim their lost glory yeah well that didn't happen did it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 193,650
Rating: 4.7674031 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold platinum wow, asmongold platinum, platinum wow, platinum classic wow, wow lore, asmongold wow lore, platinumwow, world of warcraft lore, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic, asmongold drdisrespect, drdisrespect, platinum wow drdisrespect, zul'jin, asmongold zul'jin, platinum wow zul'jin, zul'jin lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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