Asmongold Reacts To "All 15+ Orc Clans in Warcraft explained in 15 minutes" | By Platinum WoW

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orcs play a very big role in Warcraft lore because of this there are a lot of clans from all walks of life that originated on Draenor and even Azeroth you've probably heard of the clans like the Frostwolf or maybe the war song but there are other clans that you may have never heard of before which is a shame because some of the lore behind these clans yeah their corner easily the most creative and captivating lore and all of Warcraft and you don't even know about it let's go over every single clan in Warcraft history and discovered our culture and what makes them unique let's start with the brutal lands of gorgrond to talk about the Blackrock clan the best clan was founded in the caves of gorgrond and her name Black Rock clan is actually the best clan of all everybody know that's a fact after the order they harvest the claim is they're just excellent craftsmanship of what the badass is meant a monolithic Forge was created the circle look at that plane would ultimately be one of the main driving forces there's a big boy right there fall under cool dance control in the book tied Jeff Ward jayna says that their skin is gray from being inside the Blackrock Mountain but that's on Azeroth but in The Chronicle book the black white works already have gray skin and varrock served white who was a member of the Blackrock clan has green skin but then other characters like each rig still have gray skin Hall so in southwestern gorgrond all sides the dragon ma clan aka no lore shamash in orcish what means cry the Beast relax who are two-headed dragons that are native to Draenor the greatest warriors of the dragon while clan have insignias carved out of dragon teeth and died in black blood oh [ __ ] I think they don't Azeroth the dragon mall would be the ones responsible for obtaining the ancient artifact called the demon soul oh [ __ ] much of the red Dragonflight the Lightning blade is a minor clan and northwestern gorgrond these guys why only was mentioned in Warcraft adventures a canceled Blizzard game wasn't it in Warcraft 2 wasn't the lightning Boyd clan and Warcraft 2 maybe it wasn't I don't know I remember there are a lot more orc clans than Warcraft 2 no it wasn't ok I might just be selected remembrance so it's probably not canon but I'm gonna talk about it anyways alright the process of becoming a member of the clan was to hold aloft their acts at the highest peak in gorgrond you'd be struck by lightning not one not two but three times what the [ __ ] why would this reason there probably wasn't many members of this clan and speaking of no wonder there's no one do you ever hear about the goal is the wild 18th a certain adding gamma and bloodlust they have had to constantly fight the breakers a race of stone giants driven them into big boys or a barren wasteland and the primals a race of plant creatures wanting the turn Draenor into a lush jungle what the last call was right in the middle of this never-ending conflict that's actually pretty cool and in order to survive they match savagery with savagery we never heard about that laughing skull welcomes death learning not to fear it but the laugh in the face of it during glorious yeah badass yeah we did the taemin jungle is the most hostile region with an all of Draenor was this bike planet orcish claims still find a way to survive the caves within the dense forest yeah I'm with a dark power at the forks couldn't kill raagh some works found glory within these kids I thought skill rock was awesome madness the ones that fell into this dark power became the Bonjour clan what the [ __ ] clan named after their willingness to resort the cannibals this clan is also known for covering themselves in the bones and organs of their enemies in battle the orcs that found a way to harness the power within the jungle became the bleeding hollow clan what a clan of dishes and shamanistic orcs that clunker survival in the harsh jungle our fighting hollow once had a sickly leader who's the father of kill Rock Deadeye wait rolling the vault of eye is a chamber filled with the skulls of the clans former members kill rug performed a ritual which involved carving house own eye to see his own fate sometime their mission will show much what of the model kill raagh as the leader of the now powerful bleeding hollow clan yeah and envisioned a glorious death that involved him smiling in the face of his enemies this vision did not suit his father so it was then kill raagh assassinated him leading the clan to a glorious new my god damn Lane the jungles for their own rather than hiding fear that's actually badass what the [ __ ] on the other side of draenor know a much more peaceful part of the orcish clans mady's were always like the good guys yeah I'm so sick of the Frostwolf clan brawl like give me a [ __ ] break like that it's just I don't like it man like it's just it's Stu they're [ __ ] yeah like what the [ __ ] as peaceful as orcs can get the frost Wolf's are the good guy clan yeah focus is community and adapting to live in a harm community around me a [ __ ] possible skipper names and animals they tame and the ritual to tame a wolf is a go out into the wilderness and the friend of Frost wolf alone those who fail die and those who succeed now have a lifelong companion the frost wills are unique in the fact that they try and control their bloodlust not letting rage consume them or their greatest enemy ostrich was named cash tracker the only orc known the fight in the blood river war this is now an event shrouded in orcish history and only yeah the dark scar clan have ever been mentioned in lore cache tracker also wielded an axe called cereth ill during the war a randomly axe that is in classic that's great so clan was basically a carbon copy of the Frostwolf clan that dwelled in the east waving white frost fire at the end of drainers lifespan there was a schism eat food which caused much infighting between the clans the white claw was one of those clans that was easily bullied by the others and eventually faded into history one of those bully clans was the thunderlord's once there actually a white claw clan or was that just like a joke my guy i know i don't even know what to expect anymore yes there was holy [ __ ] this clan was much more hostile compared to the others in frost fire yeah they set out to dominate the lands or ever been adapt to it they were known screen big-game hunters hunting large creatures like the garage yeah this is awesome cuz I've taken down an elephant the thunderlord's also set up their villages and the skeletons of colossal claw cells were once giant creatures that first shaped Draenor yeah I'd be badass within the grand you can find some of the most fierce fighters Draenor has ever seen I never heard the Burning Blade clan was most known for their blade masters blade masters are basically orc samurai that have mastered the use of swords they've mastered the black horse they have the ability to slash their blades faster than the orcish I can even see and also have the ability to create mirror images of themselves this used to be an ability that you had in Warcraft 3 like there's a Boyd Master hero and they could blade storm and they can make mirror images I actually thought that we were gonna get mirror images for warriors like it actually makes more sense for where your set mirror images than for mages too because mages are stupid and warriors are not like I would love to see warriors I'm like like a mirror image ability where like they mirror image and all four of the mirror images [ __ ] bladestorm to [ __ ] out of somebody to be awesome how do they have this ability I don't know maybe arcane magic or something who cares it's just cool laughter yeah second war on Azeroth The Burning Blade split into two groups one group was the blade masters that continued to follow the Horde and the other side of the clan remained loyal to the Legion and became the searing play assets a clan that mainly resides with the surge fires chasm is a very minor clan that barely got any screen time who there's no image available Hawks a nasty disease that made boils swell on their skin and they vomited blood this disease wiped out 70% of the clan and Guardian said it was the drain eyes fault it was a false flag may the naaru bless you let's load the claim to go on a killing spree oh my god in brutal sacrifices to appease that perfect to cure them up their sickness the Dre and I really didn't like that and they wiped out the clan shortly after the war song are easily the powerhouse in the grand war song intimidate their enemies with war cries I guess these guys are kind of given an instrument called yeah those guys all right what does a bull roar [Music] also tame wolves much less Ross fools in order to become a wolf writer a war song yeah that was really [ __ ] cool I go to the lands of the enemy kill a bunch of enemies are c'mon portals put a trophy of those enemies on the rock then go subdue the largest member of a Wolfpack then ride him to the highest peak of Nagrand and if the orc truly tamed the wolf he'd be fine but if he didn't he'd be bucked off the mountain by the wolf to his death yo wasn't there a quest for that [ __ ] wait within the spires of robot or the edgiest group yeah that's awesome an ore has to offer the shattered hand clan was founded when car gasps blade fist started a revolution to overthrow his / captors yeah blade fists life was already cut into pieces so his last resort was to destroy his own hand to escape from his shackles he adorned his nub with a makeshift blade and set out to annihilate his ogre leaders all the other orcish gladiators in the arena followed his lead thus the shattered hand clan was for why they all cut their hands off dude this ritual of cutting out a bunch of morons now a defining symbolic feature of the clan all members of the clan are required to smash the left hand with a rock until it's utterly destroyed then cut it off then cauterize it and then attach a weapon to it the purpose of the ritual was so members can learn to enjoy the pain given to them and that the pain was a driving force to make one stronger the sentiment is also shared in their rituals after a victory when a battle goddang hours of the clan will practice self-mutilation and cut themselves and cover themselves with piercings as a way to celebrate their victory Jesus reason it's difficult to tell base season member of the clan have scars from combat or from themselves Oh shadow moon valley there is well the shadow there yeah there he knows they're known for being deeply either wearing corpse face one of the more peaceful clients on Draenor their power came from their knowledge of the stars above them and they tracked down their movements record patterns the scene to the feature okay mystics of the clan would carve runes into their skin with ceremonial bone needles to speak to their ancestors they also dabbled in powers of void but overall they were kind of just a bunch of chill astrology nerds that was until NER Zhul their leader accepted catharsis his apprentice and he manipulated the shadow moon plan with the help of kil jaeden and ultimately combined almost every claim to becoming the Horde I say almost because there were clans like the red Walker clan who resisted joining the Horde and then destroyed yeah notice my eyes - we got the Horde was still a powerhouse they don't even have a picture all the third is day and went to Azeroth now I just I feel like Ner'zhul they've always they did nerds a little dirty man like ner'zhul is the first [ __ ] lich king he should be way more badass than he is and we never even get us we never get a chance to really see that like this guy like I know gold Dan I feel like gold Dan should be like ner'zhul should be as powerful more powerful as a gold Dan but not as malevolent you know like I don't know I felt like they just didn't like him being a 5-man boss like what the [ __ ] is that look over like a bunch of lore there but you get the general idea this video is more about the culture behind the clans rather than the main overarching story now before we go to rise Rock I need to talk about the last clan on Draenor what is it and that's the flower picker clan you see the flower picker clan was an easter egg in Warcraft 2 but by warlords of Draenor beta there was some mysterious flowers in all the zones if you interacted with the flowers it would make the members of the iron horde run away in fear and a mysterious aura could appear and stab them in the back this little Easter Egg moved during the warlords of Draenor beta Whitely because it was goofy to goofy in an expansion where we time-traveled to an alternate universe and the main bad guy at the end is forgiven after committing mass genocide because he kind of helped us fight a demon at the end yeah [Music] [Applause] brah I'm getting off-topic so the orcs invade Azeroth and this is where Warcraft 1 starts right in Warcraft 1 there are the warlock and the necrolyte clans but these are probably just a shadow council and the shadow moon plans portimão where they got their official name given to them the black tooth grin clan was created as an offshoot of the Blackrock clan by war chief black and Sons rend and main here's a fun fact about these twins they were artificially aged by warlocks so does that mean that wreden MAME have the mental capacity of little babies well of course they do because all works do that's why they're stupid what do you mean of course yeah this is every or Kaiser all right that's not even likewhat is this a rhetorical question sorry boys like look at all these dumbasses men all let's cut off our hands huh huh [ __ ] morons how are you gonna hold your dick with two hands if you cut off one of them how are you gonna do that it doesn't make any sense a baseball bat you have to use it with one hand that's weird how you gonna pole-vault you can't do that are they potty-trained can they tie their shoes do they know their ABCs the black tooth grin clan were mainly used as Scouts and to join the clan members would need to knock out one of their teeth the black tooth would ultimately turn into the dark horde within Black Rock jeez but before that they helped assist in chasing down the storm River clan the storm really small didn't they work with ogres was ran by Gould Dan in the second war yeah during the war the Horde planned on attacking Lord Iran but the day before the attack right Dan mr. rivers and the Twilight hammer clan a clan founded in Draenor that was about using void magic but not founded by an orc just pieced out and went to go find the tomb of Sargeras so cool Dan could be even stronger yeah mode of transportation to get there was giant turtles that the storm Weaver claimed wrote a topic of koridai in the storm River yes good chunk absolutely hammer would ultimately die within the tomb yep the rage war was a clan that was created to have an enemy for the Alliance of the fight and Cataclysm this is the only clan ever created in world of war craft and despite it presumably being just a throwaway clan is mentioned in the book tides of war and is featured in BFA really okay so I saved my favorite clan for last what's it gonna be it blows my mind that no one has ever talked about this clan because it's pretty freakin wild this claim is only mentioned in lore from pieces of paper from a journal that has scattered around the rugged lands of town long steps what though yes in Pandaria how did an orcish clans ear who the hell know me they're part of a storm Reavers there's no bones but here's what they're about so in this clan there are like nine war chiefs and it's kind of like one hive mind of war Chiefs kinda like a democracy I guess that doesn't want in these journal pages they also talk about how their fighting style is like a swarm of killer bees and really and safe to say they're nothing to [ __ ] with that's right it's the RZA the GZA old dirty bastard inspected deck you got Ghostface Killah the Method Man right Padma chef the master lock is this okay [Music] okay I was due didn't hit me going man I'll be honest and happy going like whenever really kind of whenever I could tell that something was up is never they said they had more than one Warchief dude there's no way they're gonna have more than one Warchief what the [ __ ] is that I think the Horde the Horde can't even have more than one more chief and their Democratic is possible right before as as Democratic as works can be at least let me see her which clan was your favorite the intro was disturbing protect your neck of the wu-tang clan coming in okay great so basically an otaku clan like what they have the ability to slash their blades faster than the orcish I oh okay alright I see yeah that makes sense alright yeah this is actually uh this is pretty good I didn't even know about half of those [ __ ] cleanse I remember back in Warcraft 2 like the orc clans is like much more of like a thing and then like by the time Lau came out they just kind of were like ah yeah you have the gorks and there it is there's the orcs and they there's nothing else really to it I really like that honestly Elma lightning was good yeah yeah he did who cares about work clans I think they're cool dude like having like a second faction we're like you have like your clan and you know you can go there or something like that or like havoc your character kind of look like that that'd be awesome man like I'm surprised I didn't talk about that more I like that a lot [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 519,316
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold platinum wow, platinum wow, asmongold orc, asmongold orc clans, wow orc, wow clans, wow orc clans, orc clans, orc, platinum wow orc, platinum wow warcraft, platinum wow lore, asmongold lore
Id: M_Ju3b-n_Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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