Asmongold Reacts to WoW's STUPIDEST Dragon

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wow stupidest dragon wait what wrathian's not stupid wrathion's cool with the new dragonflight expansion coming out we know that there are going to be multiple returning characters whose stories will continue in this expansion one of these characters is named wrathion one of the more interesting and complex characters in the game's history the story of the black dragonflight prince has spanned over multiple expansions in the situations he's been in and the decisions he has made have been questionable what at best let's learn about this dragon's blunders triumphs and ultimately how he's been labeled as one of warcraft's stupidest dragons no no no no the origin of the black prince is in a zone you probably wouldn't expect across the barren dunes and ravines of the badlands a red dragon by the name of reyes strazza is experimenting with black dragon eggs under the guise of a goblin she simply goes by rhea oh yeah from the player characters you partake in a quest line that involves the imprisonment of a black dragon named nate sandra who is being forced to lay eggs by rhea the reason for this is she is trying to experiment and try and purify these dragon eggs of corruption okay literally almost every black dragon is corrupted and well it might be a noble cause uh yeah no it's a pretty brutal thing to do for a member of the red dragon flight anyways during this quest line you find a titan of ice that purifies one of the eggs obviously the black dragonflight does not like their eggs being stolen and experimented on so they attack the player character in the process you kill nyaxandra this questline ends with rheya being burned to literal ash by deathwing but that purified egg had found its way to the twilight highlands where the red dragonflight are protecting it for safe keeping and uh until it gets stolen how they let that happen hi this section of our story is a core part of the legendary daggers questline for rogues in cataclysm is understandably upset under her care was the one black dragon egg that we believe was free of the taint of deathwing's corruption and it was stolen away from us by thieves in the night you've found for us our only lead the rogues from ravenholt are behind this oh no ravenholt it just doesn't make sense a mongrel band of petty thieves how did they even know about the egg we'll get to the bottom of this madness wait and the red dragon moe straws travel to raven hold manor and players put their skills to the test and sneak into the building and creep into the dark death oh my god in order to find they're prized wait yo this was actually about wrathion dude i did this like 10 years ago oh my god this is the rogue quest line holy [ __ ] it was a good quest yeah i remember that and you were going to gilneas that's right mortal the prize you seek no longer sleeps within a shell here i am in the flesh i forgot about some trophy for a red dragon's mantelpiece and i'm never going back don't look so surprised we dragons are conscious even within our shells as i grew i could hear the plotting and scheming i was to be born a prisoner but i'm one of a kind a black dragon raised free from the taint of my father's corruption and that's how i intend to stay free your highness we caught this beast snooping around the caves just outside the compound holy i'm not afraid of you wait who are you you don't recognize your former prisoner shall we execute him my prince no holy i want him to deliver a message to the red dragonflight tell them that i am free of my father's madness and i will be free of them as well i am to be left alone this will i don't think this guy's stupid at all i think that seems pretty [ __ ] fair yep i like this guy yeah i already like him definitely first and only warning but but deathwing's minions may have you killed deathwing's minions should be afraid of me get him out of here damn and farad break his legs yes sir now then my new friend oh my god i have much to talk about the player character teams up with wrathion and his roguish goons to dispatch of his corrupted dragonflight relatives and deathwing himself players travel to the ruins of gilneas the tower of karazhan and even the final raid and cataclysm to defeat deathwing and claim the components that's why it was called patcher side the quest i remember once that's all done they returned to ravenholtz to discover a holy [ __ ] grizzly aftermath oh my god your eyes do not deceive you the treacherous red dragon flight sought to kill me off i hope now you see the truth about them champion you have your reward but there is one final draft yeah here's the legendary daggers by the way my prince we should leave this place in case they come back to finish the job farad i was just talking oh [ __ ] final black dragon the one who's been more hidden than any of them your highness i have never tried to conceal what i am from you yes you rescued me while i was still within my egg and i owe you my life but you are a black dragon and you share the corruption of all my brothers and sisters that is not true do you deny it the doctrine what the [ __ ] the voices in your head no no i am in control of the voices they're here to help me and what are they telling you now ferrari what do your dark masters whisper so they're corrupted by zombies oh why did you have to go and anger them you have proven too difficult to control oh my god i will holy [ __ ] the red dragon fight has no idea what they unleashed when they experimented on my egg hero strike now use your newfound power to finish him dude that's act this is actually badass like i'm gonna be honest like this guy yeah this is i will never serve but it it's not some like stupid [ __ ] this is awesome [Music] yeah didn't take that many hits it is done friend to my knowledge i am the only black dragon who remains a new age for mortals has dawned and heroes like you are among the vanguard i must go now disappear perhaps we will meet again i hope we find ourselves on the same side we did because you gave me the thing the legendary thing until we meet again you know in the beta for legion wrathion was actually in high mountain i think it was actually the alpha he was in high mountain after the neltharion quest and i ended up taking him out yeah he turned into a little a little whelpling [Music] but it wouldn't take long for us to run into the new self-proclaimed leader of the dragonflight because in the next expansion mist of pandaria wrathion wandered across this new continent while exploring this strange new land he made his home in an inn called the tavern of the mists there's also a drugged out vermin under the floorboards of the inn and in the back there's a bunch of monkeys in a hot tub yeah i remember this this is not important to our story but i just felt the need to mention it yeah this was the uh this was the place where i got my my shoulders my tier three shoulders yeah i was underneath the uh the black market auction house and i bid on them and i outbid my guild master and they didn't even know i was there yeah it was [ __ ] great the beginning of pay to win [ __ ] yeah dude a land of mystery history and opportunity also during this time the young dragon got two bodyguards who are simply named left and right that's smart apparently this is a reference from game of thrones where an old grandma also has guards who are referred to as left and right but uh i don't know i'm not a nerd who reads that stuff yeah anyways while the horde in the alliance waged war trying to claim the territory over this strange new land wrathion played a different role and helped players obtain their legendary cloaks in a long complicated quest line this quest line so part of this quest line required you to have to do pvp and there were a bunch of people who refused to get their legendary cloak because it required them to actually do a battleground and they said i would rather quit the game than do a battleground that was so [ __ ] funny man begins with wrathion summoning the player character to the tavern of the mists to discuss a disturbing vision he had if it isn't my favorite master assassin look at that i was hoping i would find you here in pandaria very good let's talk tong drinks please my father deathwing tried to destroy the whole of azeroth he was misguided of course that was it was right about one thing our world is so fragile we are a point of light in a universe of shadow a candle in a tempest sometimes i think it was the very precariousness of our world that drove my father to madness ah thank you tom oh yeah now to my point i believe we are headed towards a reckoning and no i am not talking about the current conflict between the alliance and the horde but the war deeply troubles me believe me what garrosh hellscream achieved in theramore is nothing compared to the horrors that are even now bearing down on our fragile home garrosh was right to blow up theramore he wasn't wrong theramore was encroaching on on durotar it was a military establishment it was obvious he did the right thing garrosh did nothing wrong ever and so it's important to keep that in mind do you see my concern a divided azeroth cannot possibly stand against the darkness this way didn't didn't the jailer say that wait a second wait yeah so wait i that they so wait a minute they had already done they already did this before it's not even a new thing i thought this was a totally new has to end soon before it consumes our strength i want you to know that your alliance has my full and unwavering support in this campaign how do we bring a swift and decisive end to the conflict i believe the answer lies with heroes like you yeah that's about right uh-huh yeah we must ensure that you are up to the task and then equip you accordingly so during mists of pandaria reaction had a vision of the legion invading an event that would eventually happen two expansions from now since wrath was the new leader of the black dragon flight he had the full responsibility of defending azeroth and he would stop at nothing make sure the people of his world were prepared his plan was to have one of the factions dominate and fully conquer the other so that they could be united as one so the wrathian pick the horde over the alliance wait that's so dumb he was what what the [ __ ] he better not have the faction wrathion allies himself with is entirely dependent on what the faction the player character was a part of so for this video let's just say he's playing both sides now most of the legendary questions wow it's not that remarkable and it's mainly just wrathion sending players to go do chores and gameplay related stuff but meanwhile garrosh hellscream war chief of the horde is running around warmongering around pandaria yeah it was a great time he bumps into prince anduin of the alliance who is protecting an ancient mogu artifact called the divine bell this is also one of the funniest cinematics in warcraft history because anduin just spouts a whole bunch of expository dialogue and garrosh ignores literally all of it who made the divine bell to create chaos but the pandaren created a special mallet to turn the echoes of that chaos into perfect harmony that mallet was hidden for thousands of years until now die after breaking a 10-ton bell over a 15-year-old child garrosh then runs away like an evil cartoon villain and somehow anduin survives his wounds oh my god bro i told you he's the best character in the game man that's all there is to it he found himself recovering in the tavern of the mists where he first met wrathion the first scene we find of them interacting together is them discussing the mysterious isle of thunder and the recently resurrected mogu leader lei shen that's the thunder king he's an [ __ ] [Music] why did you play that piece just now it's a pandaren board game the object is for both players to win that's ridiculous yeah true the thunder king what a magnificent individual could you imagine what his empire would be like today if it had not been overthrown and hidden by the pandaren i couldn't imagine a crueler tyrant he enslaved this entire continent but i can tell you no great empire has ever stood the test of time by crushing its own citizens except for every remember the mogu were overthrown that should be the lesson of the thunder king it's your move by the way i worry you may be too soft to wear your kingdom's crown prince anduin that's what i've been saying for like 10 years i do think i think anduin is a little bit of a soft [ __ ] [ __ ] like i do i think so i was not really like it's just like remember varian like you've got to remember like varian squared up with garrosh and beat him like straight up varian used to be a gladiator he beat garrosh and anduin like when did and would ever win a fight against anybody like animo it's just a kid man nah brawl like he's but like like when's he ever win a fight against anybody man yeah like what is this you would do well to learn some of your father's hardness are you lecturing yeah you're what two years old two in dragon years it is your move champion return now to the isle of the thunder king i will meet you at the forge where together we will create an instrument of legendary power the pandaria thunder forge is really cool what are you two working towards world peace using a mobile weapon forge whose powers you barely understand my dear prince you and i share the same goals we only differ in our level of commitment hmm come dude let us shape a new azeroth together i love rathee my friend if you blindly trust a black dragon in the search for greater power are you any better than garrosh hellscream why's he gotta be black number one number two like it's like how are you gonna use him being a black dragon against him if they already met anduin like damn bro like what do you mean by that [ __ ] like he's the one that's not corrupted god damn anduin what the [ __ ] bro please just be careful mask off huh look anduin i'm gonna be perfectly blunt with you he's talking about loot yeah that's all i care about yep he's over there the player character and wrathion then travel to the isle of man and use an ancient mogu forge to create a legendary gem this chapter ends with the player character killing lei shen pulling the heart out of the mogu demigod and then wrathion eats said heart and trips balls oh i see them a million million worlds glittering wait we stole latian's heart and wrathion ate lation's heart and we fed it to a baby wow that perfection but one above all others oh we have fallen we must rebuild the final titan do not forget that was azeroth for some reason wrathion eating the heart of a demigod is never brought up in the story ever again wrathion yeah i i feel like that's kind of a big deal you know like i mean that's a that's a big deal i mean like he ate leash did they remove the quest line oh i get it so now it didn't happen the police then travel around pandora to receive blessings from the four august songs for the sake of brevity i'm kind of skipping over this part and all you really need to know is that the celestials are giving wrathion wise advice and helping him deal with his daddy issues i remember that really it's just a lot of talking yeah welcome back champion excellent work with the celestials can you believe how chatty they were i just wanted them to hand us our reward but they would just talk talk talk talk talk i'm sorry this guy should not play final fantasy where were we oh yes i have something for you players are granted with epic capes but our story isn't over i got that coke i got the one in the middle there the tiger claw cloak holy [ __ ] that was the best item ever i was so happy the chapter of our quest line wrathion travels to the timeless isle and he meets with the bronze dragon named kairoz who is investigating this strange new island kairos i want you to meet one of my most accomplished of agents a pleasure tell us again why this island is so unique the presence of the timeless isle is proof that many things are possible beyond the boundaries of linear thinking what if it were possible to shape and mold time as you would a ball of clay i would make abilities await what new worlds could we create i like the way you think kairoz will play a very important role later in our story so just remember him for now okay so the player does a bunch of tasks around the timeless aisle by collecting 5 000 timeless aisle coins oh [ __ ] that dude i remember doing timeless aisle grinding oh my god farming frogs oh wow anybody any frog farmers oh bufo's up oh everybody go come over to bufo oh there he is oh he killed him before we got to him man oh [ __ ] bufo did yeah holy it's crazy to think that was so long ago bufo these nuts well they didn't say that back then because these nuts wasn't a thing defeating all of the four august celestials by teaming up with a giant rape group talk so the mist of pandaria ends with the alliance and horde rebels storming into orgrimmar and putting an end to garrosh hellscream's tyranny with the horde at its weakest point wrathion's dastardly plan of one faction overthrowing the other was just in reach until king varian decided to let them all live and establish peace instead that was a mistake spoiling wrathion's plan and making his venture into pandaria ultimately futile you realize like if uh if if varian had just killed all the horde leaders there and had dismantled the horde like jaina wanted we would have never had tell drastile burn down sylvanas would have never been the war chief we would be in water on right now like he [ __ ] us over man like we really it would have been so much better what he should have done yep he pussied out king fools true a complete waste [Music] you were there is it true then what happened in orgrimmar that fool came true i did everything in my power the whole world was his he needed only season yeah oh sure another year of fighting enormous casualties trying to take thunder bluff but the rest of the horde would have caved eventually exactly wrong drink now i thought hellscream's victory was assured before he turned half of his horde against him so i changed my allegiance i don't look so surprised i'm a black dragon my loyalties are my own but that idiot idiot rin hi king indeed did he allow another war chief he could have united the world under the alliance banner what a fool i was to trust his ambition i know like i know now that i think about it you're definitely right when theramore was brought up jaina was half step away from freddie oregon r2 who the [ __ ] would want to play alliance and all they do is [ __ ] themselves over yeah if garrosh was in that position he'd have blown up everybody like they gave garrosh a nuclear bomb he used that [ __ ] the same day he's like oh it's a bomb yeah is it really good i said yeah all right let's go let's use it i know i know just the place we're gonna put this bomb yep let's go no time to waste god damn man how do we lose garrosh the throne room myself like antionixia get things done enough oh what talk talk talk always you speak never do you listen damn you ignore the lessons of pandaria you see there is balance in all things edged in our very fur black and white darkness and light when the last emperor hid our land from the rest of the world he also preserved the homeland of our ancient enemy the man talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk yeah i mean like who's the [ __ ] is gonna listen to a panda like i mean i tell you man like who gives a [ __ ] like shut up shut up man talk talk talk talk talk you mistake your greatest strength for weakness do you see this you you're just a waiter i promise you this i will stop at nothing to prepare this world for the battle to come i heard this before wait that's what sylvanas and the jailer said too oh my god oh my god bro yeah wrathion pulled rank on him holy [ __ ] nothing just walk away like destroyed my inn he left no tip he is not nice damn i didn't even know you might be wondering okay wrathion is clearly arrogant but is he really the stupidest dragon in warcraft i mean he hasn't been that stupid so far but our story continues in the war crimes oh no now this book is one of the more controversial ones because the story that links the mists of pandaria expansion to the warlords of draenor expansion is entirely explained within this book yeah i have no idea how this happened like i remember whenever i heard about warlords of draenor and what was going to happen is we were going to go back in time i i remember thinking to myself yeah that's stupid but i really liked burning crusade and so if it's going to be like that i don't really care yeah it's whatever early touched on in game and in this book we see wrathion's true stupidity what why is he stupid so in the book the horde alliance are all at the temple of the white tiger and garrosh hellscream is on trial for all of his heinous crimes during garrosh's trial teren zhu reads his list of crimes and i will now quote the book directly for all the acts you committed in your name or by those with whom you have allied genocide murder course will transfer of population enforced disappearance of individuals enslavement the abduction of children torture the killing of prisoners forced pregnancy and the wanton destruction of cities towns and villages not justified by military or civilian necessity what say you to these charges garrosh he'll scream well he doesn't even have a lawyer like that's not even fair yeah this is this is like this is not we don't even get to hear his side of it this is [ __ ] no that's not what happened then garrosh smiled beginning to slowly applaud although the chains about his wrists hampered the gesture the show has barely commenced and i already give it a standing ovation jesus this promises to be more entertaining than the darkmoon fair what i will not say i am guilty for that denotes shame nor will i protest innocence for i claim no such let the comedy begin wrathion watched from the stand bro he just he just goes mask off in front of everybody oh my god yeah when did garrosh go to the darkmoon faire yeah like yeah like what about that like bane was his lawyer that was a mistake oh my god he thought wow this abhorrent psychopathic war criminal is just what i need to unify azeroth during the trial they use a device called the vision of time which is a giant hourglass that can be used to see past events the bronze dragons cromie and kairoz are also at the trial to help okay but secretly kairoz and wrathion team up to break garrosh out kyros wants to do this because he is kind of pissed the bronze dragons lost their powers at the end of cataclysm and wants to help the infinite dragonflight and be more powerful in the process oh wrathion wants to do it because he wants to unify azeroth under one banner more about his plan later okay so so during the trial wrathion secretly throws cromie into a prison and then anduin goes to investigate and then raphael knocks him out then uses the vision of time to create a portal for garrosh to escape through oh i mean i i'm i don't i'm missing the part where this guy's stupid why not show this in game no i mean this all this makes sense yeah like yeah look at this this is great they voted them innocent by the way well that's because garrosh listen guys garrosh didn't do anything wrong like you guys need to understand this is so good yeah how this is happening alternative evil timeline versions of the members of the trial wait teleport into the courtroom and they start attacking their counterparts but but then the august celestials are like no guys don't fight don't you understand why you too could become garrosh so they don't fight their evil counterparts and they just talk about their feelings but then there's also the dragon ball orcs and they come in why start fighting and oh my god look that is a really abridged version but you get the idea oh okay so ratheon's plan what is it okay here's what it is have garrosh come to no i know what the plan is you have garrosh and he's gonna go back to draenor he's gonna round up all the boys and they come through azeroth again they kill everyone and then everybody's on the same side because garrosh killed everybody that wasn't that pretty much settles it and then they fight the bad guys i think this i mean that that's it's pretty self-explanatory isn't it yeah it's that simple i yeah come on i'll be right back garrosh hill screamed to an alternate version of ryan or from 25 years ago before the orcs drank the demon blood yeah garrosh will then unite them as the iron horde and then take them to our timeline through the dark portal and then use them to ally all of azeroth under one banner to unite us and defeat the legion does that mean kill all the horde in the alliance in the process yeah maybe it seems kind of kind of counterproductive so i i don't know we can just figure that part out no no because all right so yeah he'd kill some people but then i mean he probably like yes dude thanks for the 10 subs thank you very much yeah but then the wrestler probably like ah [ __ ] are you gonna win anyway let's just do it let's just listen to him yeah it's fine though the plan didn't sound that dumb no it's not that dumb at all this seems completely reasonable but wait it gets better wratheon didn't just want to do this once he wanted to do this in infinite amount of times because that's right yeah cause you get more guys i mean i i'm sorry i'm struggling to find the point where rathian's wrong here opening up alternate universe draenors and keep growing his army imagine an alternate universe in world of warcraft history where we get 10 warlords of draenor expansions in a row does this we've already got three work of course it [ __ ] doesn't like instantly right after garrosh is teleported to draenor he kills kairoz wow so your whole plan relying on a unhinged psychopath who has constantly demonstrated his whole life that he is a loose cannon with anger issues was a bad idea who would have guessed garrosh then goes and uses the dark portal to invade azeroth but the offensive push is instantly defeated and we go to alternate draenor garrosh dies in a 1v1 and we destroy the iron horde but whoops since we made an alternate draenor we also made an alternate gul'dan who at the end of warlords of draenor is teleported to our world and kicks off the legion invasion in the legion expansion so wrathion plays a huge role in the legion invading azeroth again the that was kind of a oh so he kind of [ __ ] that one up wow well that that was that was a mistake wow that really man so that was a that was a whoopsie yeah that's why anduin punches him it makes sense now why anduin punched him yeah i would say so yeah it did yeah it would make that makes a lot of sense very thing he was trying to protect us from also let's just not ignore the last time the legion invaded the horn the alliance won by teaming up not by being under the same banner like wrathion was working towards he he's literally only causing more problems for us and with the third legion invasion varian and vol'jin die and oh hey yeah where's wrathion i oh he's [ __ ] nowhere the entire expansion yeah it's true in the alpha for the legion expansion wrathion this is a show up in high mountain yeah but during development he was swapped for a new character named abyssian who is the oldest uncorrupted black dragon in existence okay back to our main story the next time we see wrathion he just shows up in the next expansion battle for azeroth and waltzes into the stormwind throne room like oh hey sorry about that whole planet that's ringing so wait up so wait andy anduin was the only guy because look at the face look at animals fate where's that you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm back guys hey hey yo like we had look i mean [ __ ] happens guys i mean sometimes you just have a legion invasion and that's just what happens throwing invasion i sparked but it's okay because i'm sexy now and so yeah the next time we see down is during the last patch of the battle for azeroth expansion damn make up for his mistake he helps us in defeating the old god nazoth which makes sense because it was n'zoth who corrupted his father deathwing this is also kind of a soft reboot of his character since he has a new model he grew up into a drake and he's nowhere near as arrogant but he is still just as snarky for an old god who claims to see everything you are blind to the threat before you so like our guide in this patch of the expansion and we go and retrieve the scales from wrathion's relatives onyxia and nefarian to make another cloak that helps us resist the corruption of the old gods and during the final raid raphael plays a huge role in defeating enzoth himself [Music] and that is where our story ends for now oh my god is going to play a pretty big role in the dragonflies oh my [ __ ] god you'll discover what it truly means to be the leader of the black dragonflight wrathion is an interesting character a lot of players don't know the full story of because his story i like him like he's one of my favorites man because like the thing is he was doing like i like wrathion i like characters that are willing to do anything to get what they want he's going to get people killed he's willing to start wars it's interesting thank [ __ ] god it's interesting like yeah it's he's flawed yeah and he did have that one [ __ ] up where he caused the expansion but it was a good expansion right like sylvanas i would have liked sylvanas if she actually i would have liked sylvanas so she followed through with the jailer growing the conscience was like ah come on like really we're all the way we've gotten this far and now you're gonna change your mind get the [ __ ] out of here explain the players in a class-specific legendary questline from a decade ago another legendary quest line that was entirely removed from the game and finally an external book this guy just gives you a purchase and read which is why i made this video because flawed complex interesting characters like wrathion are few and far between in the warcraft universe and i'll be watching with curiosity on what the black dragonflight prince will do next yeah wrathion's awesome [ __ ] yeah oh my god like yeah burning tail drastical was just 200 iq yeah exactly absolutely that i think that's good that was a good video did the screen look like campaign screen for warcraft 3 yeah let me click on this he's not stupid at all okay i'm going to say that right now marathian is not [ __ ] stupid he's a like if i had to pick a dragon fight if we got to do that we're going to go with the black dragon flight guys like literally no shot we do any other one besides that yeah absolutely not okay no [ __ ] chance wait i wait too long have you watched the scarlet crusade one i could watch the scarlet crusade one two it's this one right yeah i never saw this the scarlet crusades rise [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 413,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: roUKyQxpeAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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