Asmongold BLOWN AWAY By "What if Mcconnell was a Raid Boss - The Full Story"

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i'm blown away i really am i i'm absolutely blown away like this is it and this is probably one of the best like videos you've ever seen made incredible like wow if mcconnell rat was a raid boss for the sake of keeping up with continuity it is highly recommended that you watch the video titled unlocking the mcconnell raid instance dash the story before watching this one wait so do we watch that one it matters okay all right all right all right here we go i i didn't understand how it works and so we'll uh we'll just take this one step at a time gentlemen everybody relax intended to cause personal offense to be interpreted as a personal attack on the individuals included or mentioned in the video should the person or people included or mentioned in the video feel that i have not exercised enough discretion to meet with the above mentioned criteria this video will be removed should they demand that so what are you saying is if they're mad if they're mad do you see it this is where our childhoods were forged this grew up it is the birthplace of our memories memories we resent but also memories we cherish yes but today there is no memory okay world of warcraft has become a barren wasteland a shadow of its former self that's sad the description numbers decay with each passing day the community can no longer sustain itself no one asks what is going to happen this is sad as we all know the numbers don't lie the question is when for a time the starving player community at least what remains of it felt that hope was on the horizon when blizzard had released what most considered to be the most unorthodox of ray tears yet unfortunately the joy okay dude after all i remember that your lord himself was what one raid boss encountered yup ever since then no news or words of comfort came from high above blizzard fell silent many who once held hope disappeared to play other video games most of them could not bear to play this is sad a dying game bro this is [ __ ] this video is [ __ ] sad like straight up like i didn't even know what to expect about this like i'm just like thinking to myself like damn this is depressing because like i think i thought is this real or is it just like part of the story the developers have abandoned us yeah or so we thought it was until one curious player stumbled upon a very remarkable discovery let me tell you what happened that day day one it all started near boralus when a lonely player by the name of red boy god stood afloat a trusty small raft fishing 100 fish into aromatic fish oil he wasn't even halfway through on his progress and he already started shaking he was because he didn't get the shadows you see red boy god was a jittery fellow with a predisposition to severe anxiety wiped in a dungeon red boy would take the blame wiped in a raid feeling guilty over his poor performance unfortunately this all right so this is accurate because as asthma gold no listen i don't have [ __ ] asthma just chill out this is very very accurate so does this guy turn into his immediate surroundings consisted of skilled talented players harsh and unforgiving people dubbed him a sore loser good for nothing trash by the way noob head clown etc oh my god this was too much pressure for young red boy he loved running dungeons he loved raiding he loved group content he loved action but no group would ever bear to invite him let alone withstand him even for a second this question simply kept falling behind in every turn so poor little red boy retreated to solo content where he found solace in farming mounts pets toys trans mark and like today achievements what is what is going on here 69th fish that's something unusual caught little redwoods yeah i know the male 1 bewildered eyes at what he had found what was it he couldn't say what though he was as surprised as he was confused oh [ __ ] but he knew he had to investigate his fingers blazed across his keyboard as he went on to inquire the game master about his unusual discovery and with a click he sent the ticket in the meantime little red boy pondered start the quest could it be that he had gotten his hands on something he was never meant to have after all it would not have been the first time that an unintended item found its way into a player's inventory no it's not you have an open ticket wait this is a fake video yeah this is fake oh this didn't happen i was kind of unsure about it but uh yeah this is not a this is a this is a [ __ ] fake ass video okay just say that right now [Music] oh [ __ ] the gm responded i understand you have questions concerning the time worn fishing lure of unfulfilled dreams and desires red boy the gm asked yes red boy responded i am not allowed to tell you it's a mystery you have to unravel it for yourself red boy but one thing i can tell you it's a part of something bigger than ourselves i wish that gms would talk like that all the time yeah i wish i wish they would talk like that all the time because it would just make the game feel like it wasn't actually like a gm it's like an angel you know like you you call down you see a prayer you're like god what do i do and he's like i cannot reveal the path and they're like please god like i need to loot this boss but it despawned please god let me with the boss like we cannot reveal the path i'm sorry please fill out the survey for five stars though the gm's message was cryptic at best little red boy was ecstatic he knew that it meant new content not just any other content but something he could do alone and he was more than eager to do it so he went on an adventure find out more one minute later red boy had given up he realized how large the world actually is and he had no idea where to start the thought of this platoon okay i see too much disappointed in himself yeah [ __ ] this dude to fishing day seventeen red bull says it was a good time to try his luck on collecting mounts so he went over to the throne of thunder with his eyes set on the spawn of auradon as well he blazed through with relative ease thanks to scaling he killed jikkun and then put himself at a distance between her corpses no dude slow rp anticipation his mouse hovered over the corpse and no mount oh well next week for sure dude 100 wait what the flame was rekindled but this time red boy demanded answers this however the gm refused to tell him the truth back to square one i guess no this time the urge was too strong he needed answers and he needed them so good ticket after ticket his persistence was unknown the fire inside and burned white hot it was galvanized and after this is so good you're playing a very dangerous game here the gm warned him yeah if you tell me i will stop spamming you okay okay sounds like my viewers the items in your possession were left behind by an ancient entity one who has not been seen on azeroth since a time untold but you found them red boy and that is a sign it means he is coming and with him comes retribution uh what go to uther's tomb in the western plaguelands look for a metal bar door there you will find your answer oh and take the two items with you but you must hurry time is of the essence oh my god how so asked red boy because red boy his rend is [Music] day 18. this is so [ __ ] amazing this is so this is [ __ ] incredible like i i don't even know it's it's beyond everything man it's absolutely [ __ ] beyond everything so it's supposed to be like in the future and these are like clues that were left behind with like the fishing stream and the [ __ ] g [ __ ] like oh this is so well done i i i'm so impressed by this i really am as per the game master's instructions red boy went over to visit uther's who and there he found the metal bar door but that's it it was just an ordinary metal bar door you can't get through what we tried then the feather and the lure suddenly began to glow with a faint light almost as if they begged to be connected the temptation was irresistible with a click of the mouse and a bright flash the items had merged red boy looked up and suddenly right wait i gotta i gotta see that the click of the mouse and the bright wait a second the items had merged the holy vessel of an ancient champion of righteous retribution bindings of the cash seeker oh [ __ ] red boiler oh [ __ ] suddenly right behind the metal door there a green portal appeared red boy knew what this meant this is a better one what secrets lay within this is so good i never want this to be over i guess i'll have to keep pausing day 19 red boy was contemplating his recent discovery if the contents of the new mysterious raid were what he suspected to be he knew this was an opportunity it's just like whenever gandalf touched the ring it has been ages since the game offered something oh my god there was something new red boy was hungry for content and raiding was on the menu oh for this however he needed a group so he decided to contact those closest to him his guilt hey guys blizzard put a new ray today so we decided to contact those closest to him his guild wait asthma gold born back born bad born bad oh no he's not even in my guilt lettuce afromage destructible guild meetup 2020 colorized oh my god afro oh afromages zico my god and then yeah i saw ale muncher yeah i i i see that i forgot all about that yeah aphromage holy [ __ ] man guys blizzard put a new ray to the game does anybody want to go and try it out with me yeah he didn't do it what stopped him it was an epiphany if his guild agreed on making a group he would not get invited red boy knew nobody wanted to play with him why he was too much of an underperformer his dps was stagnant his ability to cope with mechanics was embarrassingly lackluster yeah there's that too what was he meant to do then he wanted to try out this new raid badly but no one would let a bad player in none unless the raid was either on farm or several tiers behind here's raid finder no not today this time young red boy was determined either he steps into that raid or no one will with this newfound purpose red boy popped open his web browser and started putting together a battle plan he trained how to become he grinded the training dummy until he has mastered his rotation his mouse was on fire his keyboard was on fire fingers blazing his goal his legacy he would make a mark on history 14 okay give me i have to take a piss guys i really i've got to take a [ __ ] fist this is [ __ ] this is absolutely [ __ ] this isn't this okay i'm back sorry about that voice we're good days later red boy re-emerged a new man his confidence was at full capacity his technique was mastered he was ready finally he let his guild know gentlemen the promise of new content quickly caught everyone's attention suffice to say his guilt was ecstatic suddenly new grade boys send him a whisper a mysterious fellow named spyro gaspina who was never really a talkative fellow until now mind telling me who is the new raid boss who the [ __ ] is that okay it's ten minutes later red boy guided his raid to uther's tomb however this is where everyone noticed something unusual the area was now flagged for free-for-all pvp so the guild simply agreed on not killing each other easy it's good yeah they're at the top red boy pointed at the metal bar door but no one could see the raid portal his guild members were confused for a moment they thought red boy was playing silly games yeah he's trolling him red boy knew that it was there it had to be he approached closer holding up his bindings of the cash seeker and suddenly the raid portal opened his guilds cheered and tears of joy content it did not take long for the guild leader to put together a group red boy waited patiently for his invite okay but as time passed on he didn't get invited what guys what about me oh no yeah uh you're not getting invited but but i've trained for this moment yeah sure like you always do oh my god we'll bring you in what we've got the raid on farm okay the best part about that is this is how i talk to people back in the day i would say alice i would say [ __ ] [ __ ] like this all the [ __ ] time man i was the biggest dick yeah this is the best [ __ ] part he knows me too well red boy was devastated this was his dream his ambition his passion yeah and it all crumbled in front of him jesus shattered glass that was until spyro gaspinar stepped in i spoke with a guild eater i have convinced him to invite you oh i am doing this for you red boy promise not to [ __ ] up got it then he got his invite oh wow he thanked his new friend gleefully thank you hope has been restored red boy was finally in it was time to raid okay uh i can't get in what no one could everyone looked red bulls away instance was bugged got nervous he wasn't sure what to do he panicked he tried searching the entire tomb maybe there was a button a lever something else to open the door with hey red boy said spyro gasping try using the bindings good idea spyro replied red boy he clicked on the bindings and suddenly there was a bright flash the bindings appeared in front of the raid floating in the air suddenly on everyone's screen they could see a purpose bar which slowly began to fill up amazing but then out of nowhere the ground began to tremble there was a strange sound outside what was happening the guild went outside to investigate only to discover that the area has been surrounded by a pack of skull level spectral normies this was red boy's chance to prove his metal alright guys we need a battle plan said the guild leader oh no wait i've got a better idea so everybody waited it was then that oh my god to red boy i read about these guys through data mining yeah they're not going to go in and hit them first are you sure about that ask red boy yes trust me trust spyro assured him red boy trusted him because red boy trusts his friends he charged headlong into the enemy fire oh no he's gonna die what is he doing everybody else yeah the question he's gonna get him killed the damage was unbearable his guild's healers had to fight oh my god to keep him alive he was this far from this platform the tanks intervened on time okay red boy you idiot what are you doing yeah what a loser spyro chuckled he was betrayed i can't believe i trusted you he's betrayed dumbass set the guilt yeah this was the pinnacle of humiliation the pain was too much for him to handle oh [ __ ] red boy was in tears he ran away and hid behind a tree oh sobbing weeping that's heartbroken in the meantime his guilt had a lot of work on their hands yeah they're going to kill them all the combat analysis oh my these enemies had a high health pool and a small arsenal of abilities that the players had to continue when a spectral normie cast an aggressive repost they would steal the last damaging ability of their target the spectral norming would then perform 10 casts of this ability in the span of two seconds you mean like harambe hey same shirt guys same shirt second ability was the knee slapper when a spectrum normally performed a knee slapper it would channel a short speech that attempted to provoke laughter it was crucial that players resisted laughing otherwise they would earn themselves a one shot this is why are football stadiums so cool because every seat has a fan in it [Laughter] the third ability was cultural appropriation which encourages skilled tank swapping every attack performed by a special nominee applied a stack of cultural appropriations wait so if you fight them too long you become one mind controlled oh no there were five of them so it was important to manage all of them well oh no cultural appropriation was not dispellable if necessary their dps could taunt and kite whenever possible the fourth ability required players to stand still at the right time vibe check was a and it would deal deadly amounts of damage and apply 10 stacks of cultural appropriation are you [ __ ] kidding me traversed oh my [ __ ] god the fifth and the most deadly of the abilities effectively acted as an enraged timer the trend apocalypse caused spectral normies to convert the numbers of tweets about a topic on twitter that was hot at the time this number became a percentage increase to their damage output in every scenario imaginable this this is so [ __ ] ridiculous dude it could not be survived this is this is this is too much man this is so [ __ ] ridiculous this actually be a dope fight yeah it's probably going to be better than some of the fights that are in the game yeah check twitter dude where the glitzy stuff oh my [ __ ] god man it's so bad no shot you bugging i [ __ ] love this man this is so ridiculous the encounter lasted for quite a while as all five normies were bound to die simultaneously due to mob mentality which made them share health okay of course this is so well designed was quite strenuous the good leader called for a bio break so everyone went afk with the exception of one guild member though ale muncher who decided to spend the time browsing his precious mound collection okay but suddenly what spyro what left the group i don't have any of those three mounts man all right so you guys know like those three mounts i don't have them i just i don't know if that it must have been a coincidence it got it's got to have been a coincidence guys huh god would have been acquainted with your thought this must have been a mistake so we right-clicked spyro's name and pressed suggest invite okay but it said that is already in a group boy is he gonna betray them he was its leader oh no oh [ __ ] suddenly like a thunder he betrayed the scores of players faced into the area in the guild's group daniel area now they were hostile to one oh no mr alemuncher started to pack he betrayed all of his friends were still afk safe for himself he had noticed that all of these players were from a foreign realm too from the [ __ ] ragnaros [Music] a damn traitor spyro [Laughter] allow me to reveal my true identity [Music] [Music] [Music] who the [ __ ] is [Music] shall be mine [Laughter] this is so incredible man oh it's red boy he survived oh no i thought see dude i thought the guy's [ __ ] name i thought it was like porcupine's [ __ ] character and he just self-inserted his own character into there so he could be part of the story like that's what i thought it was i that's insane [Music] oh [ __ ] what okay this this part's fake yeah this never happened 8.3 hey what can you say guys 8.3 92 oh [Music] oh my god oh my [ __ ] god everybody's all dead except for lettuce oh [ __ ] red boys saved them all [Music] you [Music] you would not survive in the wild you had no place amongst those it's yeah it's thorin yeah in the hobbit where he's talking to bilbo i have never been so wrong [Music] [ __ ] dude that's good [Music] uh oh oh and they're all getting teleported in shrine of the oh my god it's a [ __ ] pepe you have found entry to the hallowed shrine the prophecy said that a chosen few would achieve so indeed what the [ __ ] is this dude what the [ __ ] as a shrine's guardian i may enact a ritual to summon the lord onto this realm but it is you who must offer the key component that which the lord craves the most place this prized paper on top of the altar and prepare yourselves to witness the wonders of an ancient quarry it looks like the rent is due the rent hunt they're in hunters of course i didn't even [ __ ] see that and then the reward is you get a humming heist right heart wow this is actually very realistic i like it a 50 oh my god my [ __ ] this is so good can somebody tweet this at mcconnell and make sure he knows about this oh my god wow holy [ __ ] that is so good what if mcconnell rap was a raid boss it's time all right gentlemen all right kicks off right where it left off picks up right right up top uh-oh they're locked no dude [Music] no dude [Music] oh my god are you [ __ ] kidding me wow mcconnell rhett is a single boss ad-free encounter within the shrine of the untouchable raid instance the fight will not only test your competence in respecting boss mechanics but also your positioning as well as your group's overall single target dps in total the fight consists of four phases holy [ __ ] one additional intermission phase players may choose to engage this boss at three levels of difficulty looking for raid heroic and no normal you will not find this boss on normal difficulty or to become eligible for entertainment your realm needs to have unlocked access to the shrine as well as completing the question oh my [ __ ] god it's discovery this allows all players mechanism is wired deep into your chat history spanning all characters across your account what the text that you have at some point in time participation normal anyway yeah whatever in anime related themes you will not be able to participate in the boss encounter to bypass why you see an advanced form of in-game cookies your accountant markets ineligible for encounter participation should you or any of your past gaming team chat dictators be involved with any related to anime or furry themes this prohibited this is [ __ ] legendary man getting a new account oh my god once the encounter has been activated mcconnell red makes a grand entrance in the shrine grotto and bathes everyone in the radiant glory of his holy eminence what follows is a short speechless role play exposition in which mcconnell rhett performs the slow rp walk with an upright back and head held high so as to inform the raid group yes authority how about that dude who is this guy man jesus mcconnell now before i elaborate on what awaits players in each phase of the encounter it is important that i cover some of the boss's core overarching mechanics which are present across nearly all phases of the encounter so you know what to pay attention to what is that mcconnell's lifestyle is inconsistent and he often resorts to cheap foodstuffs with an easy and quick preparation time combined with his laziness players must take this negligent behavior into account as failure to navigate through areas riddled with discarded ramen noodle packets can cause you to slip which translates to a two second stun mcconnell red and nature damage too media no comment of relevance escapes his notice so players will need to be extremely careful because if they have at some point in time slandered mcconnell's good name this is either youtube or reddit they will be subject it's true it's actually [ __ ] true from participating oh my god boss fight for 12 months for a whole year brings with him a special cash oh my god which acts as a depository for the majority of his revenue earned through online activities this object is extremely important to the fight and there are a couple of mechanics central to the sacrosanct coffer which span nearly the entirety of the encounter however for the sake of convenience i will touch upon these later so i can put them into context first what with everything i've said in mind it's time to take a look at the fight itself now it begins this is one of your biggest mistakes ever stretch to get ready yeah of course dude time runs slowly yeah exactly so for mcconnell the time lapse between now and his last awakening amounts to that of a day which he distinctly points out through his dialogue here we go today what are you [ __ ] kidding me oh that's salty this process lasts six seconds and it is important that players stave off their attacks six second time window here is why if you attack one day he performs what a day the boss will earn a stack of plight of the downtrodden the buff application has a two second cooldown which means it can only be applied to the boss every two seconds okay however poor management of this buff is a dangerous precursor to losing the fight okay this is because there's seven stacks of plight of the downtrodden the boss will regress into a state of everlasting lethargy in which he suspends all player activity as well as his own for eight hours i don't give a [ __ ] about what my viewers want me to do man i suck dick them dude this causes players to be [ __ ] realized in silence and prevents players from leaving the raid instance premises while everlasting lethargy is active so unless you want to force yourself and your way to helplessly stare at the boss performing mundane idol oh my god sitting or walking in circles for hours always share everything you avoid applying stacks of plight of the downtrodden yeah by any means necessary if you're doing this on the fight will begin with mcconnell red automatically using everlasting lethargy regardless of the circumstances after mcconnell red has finished his brief activation routine he will finally engage you in combat and unlike his predecessor from the previous raid tier he is considerably more threatening with the damage he deals for this i have good news wait wait a minute dude where i i just i i kind of just glaze read the lfr note wait wait one second yeah looking for raid everlasting lethargy becomes active at sort of the encounter and renews automatically oh [ __ ] players may not leave the instance while everlasting lethargy is active and becomes subjugated uh subjected to watching mcconnell rep perform idle routine activities each 20 000 gold donated reduces the duration of everlasting less energy by 0.5 oh [ __ ] looking for raid it just becomes active after mcconnell red has finished his brief activation oh my he will finally engage you in combat and unlike his predecessor from the previous raid tier he is considerably more threatening with the damage he deals that's not true that is not true good news is that the majority of complete [ __ ] these abilities consist of the standard retribution palette and abilities so there is not much in terms of novelty here expectabilities such as crusader strike judgment blade of justice templar's verdict divine storm hammer of wrath and wake of ashes to be on its rotation what is surprisingly avenging wrath which is a tomb and its cooldown uh-oh the bad news is that mcconnell has fully embraced and perfected the art of the retribution paladin class which is why i don't know about that difficulty okay his avenging wrath has a 50-second cooldown instead the bright side of this bad news is that having integrated every aspect of the retribution paladin class into his repertoire some of these aspects come with inherent drawbacks such as the wheelchair struggles this isn't fair man despite being classified as a boss movement oh is this was this is that part of like his uh his event server man or a discord server the rep paladin support group mcconnell is fully susceptible to movement slowing effects their effect is increased by an additional oh that's dirty that's so [ __ ] dirty their effect is increased by an additional 10 percent when avenging wrath is active oh [ __ ] are the one form of soft crowd control that mcconnell red is vulnerable to so if you're losing the battle in melee make sure your group is actively prepared to start kiting the moss when necessary like rhett actually does suck it's terrible holy [ __ ] that's not a meme however even kiting is something you will need to be smart about this is because the boss suffers from lft which is short for low frustration tolerance this means that if mcconnell has not attacked a target at least once within the span of five seconds while avenging rat is active of course he will gain a stack of accumulating madness oh my god be extremely careful about this because at three stacks of accumulating madness mcconnell rhett will unleash an ear-shattering annihilator oh no killing all players come on dude there's no way to out range okay okay dude it's an easy wipe why are we not surprised important mechanics that players will need to pay maximum attention to is mcconnell's business strategy give me money and i'll care okay how about that give me money and i don't know what ninja this is mcconnell red to gain three stacks of plight of the downtrodden oh my god he doesn't kill at least one player within the span of thirty-five [ __ ] maybe if you guys gave me money i'd care more but you don't even give me money yeah it's true plight of the downtrodden leads yeah who gives a lasting lethargy i've already described what that does the 35 second timer however can be reset to delay you give him players can achieve this outcome by giving up a large sum of gold to mcconnell in the form of ten thousand gold it's very direct isn't it this task it's very difficult to do this in several ways action buttons which allow you to offer gold each button correlates to a certain sum of gold the first one allows you to tribute 2500 gold the second button is 5000 gold the third button is ten thousand wait so you just have to give him gold twenty thousand that's the whole fight difficulty mcconnell red does not that's the whole thing you just give him gold except dollars instead good [ __ ] dude furthermore subscriptions extend the timer by one second wait mcconnell rent accepts real world money only in mythic difficulty subscriptions increase the time limit by one second bro you don't want to get blizzard any any ideas dude it's this is hey you never know man you never know what they're gonna come up with donating ten thousand gold holy [ __ ] the timer on give me money and i will care five dollars must be offered up instead five dollars one player take note that every piece of gold as well as every dollar goes straight into mcconnell's sacrosanct coffer fighting the boss on mythic difficulty will also convert your extra action buttons for donations from gold into dollars using blizzard's new state-of-the-art in-game technology that helps integrate your world of warcraft account with your paypal or bank account don't like it's very scary for me to see that and see how [ __ ] how realistic it looks it's like yeah i could see like some kind of [ __ ] like that yeah dokie don't give them any goddamn ideas man therefore mandatory that you have this cross-platform feature enabled otherwise you will not be able to do the box you will be able to choose between making a five dollar a ten dollar donation or a fifty dollar donation 100 100 donations are you kidding me additional extra action buttons yeah which might translate to a subscription of three different tier levels tier one tier two and tier three every time you reset the timer on give me money and i will care the minimum requirement of gold required to reset the timer increases by an additional ten thousand gold so he's getting greedy the minimum requirement increases by an additional two dollars two what is my recipe for success reach leech leech leech leech no oh my god that money plays a crucial role in the fight it doesn't say note that the eight-hour duration of everlasting lethargy can be mitigated if you are under the effects of mcconnell's everlasting lethargy you may donate twenty thousand gold to reduce this duration this is 7.5 this is so difficult you can achieve the same result by donating a dollar that's almost like 0.5 reduction per dollar you just give them a dollar let's cover a couple of other court overarching so you give him a dollar and he leaves a donations mechanic of course memorizing riches causes the boss to become distracted for eight seconds should a donation worth of one hundred dollars will be offered however it's so disgusting which already renders the box mesmerizing riches will only pass all sound effects for ace oh no retribution policy is extremely punishing to those who misclick or misbehave there's a new tos man you can't harass me dude you better stop right now that's right avoid refunding your subscription at all costs as well as avoid humiliating the boss by making jokes about his name as this will net you a swift instant death lastly a very major mechanic to be aware of no mccox announcements once the sacrosanct coffers reaches eight hundred dollars from player donations certain individuals of influence across the web will set their sights on the boss with feelings of strong disapproval over his business scheme exposure to this causes the boss to lament the circumstances and show deep regrets over the way he represents himself oh no i don't really i don't like to do that because that's not who i am that's not the kind of uh oh no represent and uh in this statement wait so somebody actually wrote an article about mcconnell ward warcraft streamer began trolling his viewers for criticizing him saying he wouldn't listen because they hadn't donated or subscribed to his chat somebody wrote a [ __ ] article about this this is disgusting like this is journalism mcconnell will briefly take 20 increased damage from all sources for over 15 seconds after those 15 seconds have passed however mcconnell red casts all the pretense aside and lays his cards on the table staying true to his legacy as well as his true self of course uh go [ __ ] yourself causing him to deal 30 increased damage for 20 seconds significant factor of course in the fight still if you are going through a financial crisis in life it's probably safer to perform this boss on heroic mode yeah yeah you can't do it with a brief moment of reprise it's too hard before the unavoidable occurs inevitably after receiving at least five gold donations on heroic mode mcconnell red will start the cd spawn is the full value of his business tactics oh so he makes a conscious decision to upgrade his enterprise by casting new mandate this causes the boss to forcibly switch the rate difficulty from heroic to mythic effectively forcing all players to rely on real world currency to progress in the fight now they have to pay for the system no they have to pay him anyway oh [ __ ] you give me money i'll start caring how about that otherwise blow me oh no and that's it for phase one keep this abilities in mind respect them and once you have brought the boss down he's getting the money either way it will activate phase two in phase two mcconnell inherits all of his abilities from phase one and on top of that gains access to two new abilities this means you will have two more things to take care of the first ability you will have to contend with is flattest mimicry are you kidding flattest mimicry this causes the boss to produce vocal signals that are reminiscent of the sound of gases expelled through the anus when this ability is used i don't know what i expect i really don't two-part routine oh my first part all players must perform a quick slash fart once everyone has done so the second part of a quarter this is like players must before this is more complicated than mythic ashara like i'm just sitting here thinking i'm like oh wait what what the other ability this is insane slash you will only have six seconds to do this perfectly should you succeed all players in the group that works pretty well blessing of loose bowels buff which increases your damage dealt by five percent for six seconds flawlessly all players in the group will receive a curse of constipation instead which reduces your damage dealt by 10 for 12 seconds the second new ability is not really so nasty but a feature of the encounter that happens autonomously in phase two a new area however inaccessible opens up which reveals a hidden railroad track what the a railroad from time to time a hype train will oh throughout this time people that players will see a scam train deep of appliances to them this causes everything you cast to have a one percent chance to automatically trigger the most expensive variant of the donate money wait so he just steals me and give me [ __ ] donations [ __ ] [ __ ] the scam train once you have brought mcconnell rhett down to 45. so you have to fight him he just randomly 100 gold props it takes some time to bring mcconnell red down all the way to 45 of his health of course at that time the boss will get a solid idea on how ignorant his enemies are he taps into his faith to immobilize and silence all players and putting them into a neat classroom style arrangement the boss takes center stage and fingers his way through his pocket so as to find and whip out a long hard pointing stick oh okay yeah that's what i meant with which to help players know how to proceed with the next task it takes out a standard blackboard for teaching purposes and starts distributing a series of nouns that players must obediently repeat based on how long it takes them to react players will earn a grade what is this react fast what is this increase your damage if you are slow your damage gets reduced if you don't so you have to type your word receive a stronger damage reduction debuff due to the dangers of the fight however especially dangerous to those who cannot afford to wipe on the boss to get all the way to the intermission phase i have decided to replicate the contents of the intermission phase within this video so you can practice this specific part thank you i appreciate that without losing any money make sure to be logged in on your world of warcraft character and practice spelling out the words as you hear them here we go eat asses [ __ ] [ __ ] ass piss piss [ __ ] [ __ ] dick [ __ ] dick ass dick [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dick class is dismissed after all now is dismissed the encounter to transition there we go we're done making sure that all players it's actually pretty funny whenever you take out the context and like that's basically all we talk about this stream and all we say it's like half of the vocabulary in the entire [ __ ] stream and then i find out people have their kids watch my stream and i feel a little bit guilty but you know hey [ __ ] it stay in place once more he rp walks to take position a bit further from the players creating good enough space to offer yet another solemn prayer to the holy light the shining light of daybreak pierces through the ceiling and the heavenly powers above bestow upon mcconnell of consecrated loudspeakers these powerful audio devices generate intense sound waves so you want to avoid standing near them this is because of the loudspeakers applies a stack here we go for every three seconds spent within their vicinity which increases the volume of all audio effects whether they are in-game or add-on related this effect however is not tied to the music played by mcconaughey's playlist which i'm going to touch on soon no he just stacks up here transforms into multiple sclerosis which reduces your damage dealt by thirty percent causes sources such as rage energy or mana to whether you're awake every one second by fifty percent and every eight seconds you get stunned for three seconds multiple sclerosis lasts for 40 seconds it is simple avoid standing near the loudspeakers these two expensive devices serve as an outlet for the boss's high octane playlist which consists of a variety of songs revolving around genres such as progressive house electro house and trans that's pretty much the whole thing these songs are right by the devices unique feature labeled as crusader class amplifier which allows the boss's music to take [ __ ] players camera point of view causing it to shake rhythmically with the beats the intensity of this rhythmic shaking is dependent on these two factors the song structure and the audio volume the latter can be influenced by the loudspeaker's central volume slider which automatically increases in decibel output this is complicated three percent every two seconds i i i barely even keep up four yards the hell is even going on man what's the volume which decreases the volume by three percent for every two seconds holy [ __ ] standing in the shrine stacks of overwhelming audio power debuff which reduces your maximum health by five percent oh [ __ ] that's not good similar to the queen ashara encounter the melodic composition of these songs is also something that should be paid attention to most of the songs are structured in the following way the song starts off with a calm pace which has the basic effect of causing only small camera vibrations to the players nothing much to worry about here later on however a minor build up occurs and this not only increases the shade of camera shaking by one extra oh [ __ ] it also extends the radius at which it's coming the loudspeakers can apply stacks of hearing loss by 30. this effect then dissipates as the song shifts yeah i think so giving players a brief moment of reprieve uh-huh however a second build-up occurs and this one is stronger its predecessor as it extends the radius of the hearing loss zone by percent this is so complex first build up this is insane speaking ensues players in this video who does this yeah it's coming boys total of eight seconds if they offer a minimum donation of fifty dollars which prompts mcconnell red to pause the music every additional several years extends the duration of this pause by one extra second this is actually pretty accurate is the most pivotal moment of the encounter and if the volume slider has not been handled your rate properly will likely find themselves in trouble due to the meteoric climax which not only extends the radius of the hearing loss of his own by 180 but also causes unbearable camera shaking it is throughout this particular okay mcconnell read also okay untouchable buff which strengthens his defense significantly by reducing all damage taken by 99 percent yeah untouchable is active only during can't hear a man it cannot be interrupted by pausing donations so i highly recommend saving all of your best boss ever mine was better but yeah this phase specifically phase three mcconnell red has reached 35 of his maximum health he also inherits all abilities from phases one and two with the exception of avenging wrath this is when the fight becomes extremely intense as players will be required to manage multiple mechanics at once in the end this actually sounds harder than like a lot of mythic bosses and at 35 percent of the wizards should make this phase four begins is this the stage takes with him all abilities from faces one two and three including avenging wrath which he did not have in the previous phase the combination of all of these abilities and mechanics from all the previous phases has terrible destructive potential i highly recommend saving your bloodlust or heroism for this phase oh my god does not override the effects of wheelchair struggles so keep looking when it is necessary this defensive action made by mcconnell is draining and costs a lot of power to maintain however which ends up leaving his sacrosanct coffer in a vulnerable state causing mcconnell red's most prized cash to become attackable oh this is the fateful crux of the encounter wait him where it hurts where your raid groups oh no it's ending is put to the test to withstand the unyielding barrage of mcconnell oh [ __ ] even if your numbers whittle down even if you succumb to the relentless pressure yeah you must keep fighting you have to just keep this the donation or the ads yeah the directions stop stop stop oh no no oh [ __ ] and it's all over with the coffer destroyed at last every bit of gold and every dollar previously donated gets immediately refunded to the raid group with a multi-digit number plummets into a pale barren zoo yeah what if you like congratulations you have passed oh my god arduous chapter this is so this is so ridiculous but it is not yet over the heartbreaking sight of his hard-earned cash fading away it coils itself around his mind and soul like a feminist crushing every ounce of self-restraint that had kept the paladin in check here we go final rage overcomes a more catastrophic than righteousness tied his weapon and winds up for a destructive corrupted dashbreaker stroke which not only deals 1000 of his target's maximum health but also cuts through every form of immunity jesus this is scary man oh my god you [ __ ] stupid idiot [Music] they're all gonna what it is also worth noting that it has a 100 susceptibility to being blocked broken and powerless the madness in his eyes snuffs out the boss falls on his knees to slightly lament his so true dude his strength i mean he is only a replica dispossessed blocked with the hair moment of the encounter that mcconnell rat's soul outlaid bear causing his inner pain to flourish into a wide aura that engulfs the floor in the form of the holy ghost this golden haze acts as an extension of mcconnell red's status as a destitute person which is what he becomes in the final stages of the encounter it is through this fog to the player's humanity and sense of virtue so as to drain sorry i mean earn their money as alms yes of course and skill to jump between pieces of the sacrosancter's debris to avoid the floor is leaching which continuously grows in height and volume falling into the fog not only because of humanity it also drains 20 of your current paypal back oh my [ __ ] god please give me money oh my god wait this is wait this is my song i play this song whenever i'm asking for donations not him this is a sad dog song yeah what the hell really hard it's really hard it is to move out yep and i can't even buy food yep it's not good i wake up every day just give me money please it's rough boys please give me money it's pretty hard out there god i can't think anymore they do what they can when mcconnell red finally runs out of breath the fog dissipates knowing that nothing but defeat awaits him should he linger for a while longer the boss performs a tactical retreat eat my ass players may henceforth enjoy their spoils of war from the remnants of the sacrosanct coffer celebrate their victory at long last and that's it congratulations you have defeated mcconnell rhett enjoy the loot [Music] saltwater saltwater shanty modifies your whistle emote to carry a more attractive tune modifies your fart emote to be more rhythmic high exarch turalyon sharpening stone apply to your weapon to enhance its appearance with the army of the light theme and show your dedication increases your missed chance against demon hunter players by a hundred percent [Music] oh my god [Music] bobber vane hopes caused you to obtain invitation in the next beta or phase [Music] shoulders of electronic symphonies sabatons of the grand approacher what the [ __ ] the heel of twitch apply to your feet to increase your ruin speed by two percent players who kill you lose 500 honor bottled sonic oscillations of unhinged madness proud american buff oh my god wow [Music] wait there's more trophy of the neckbeard elite provides you with general knowledge and obscure game related trivia that's about right memoir of whoa regresses your state into the classic edition version of your class relive the past baby whoa mark's the player who's earned the amount that you did not have yet to wait this is this is good altered nyota all seer okay the physically modified specimen with its craniums with reduced you know i'm sure some of you might be feeling frustrated that i've admitted a couple of references that would have made the encounter more true to the character if i were you i would head right over to my twitch channel and let me know about what i could have done better oh you don't come empty-handed trust me nothing gets the message across better than a beefy donation or a subscription or i guess following me is enough too i guess thanks for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it goodbye that's absolutely [ __ ] amazing like there's a video right there you guys just saw like the whole like the lead up to it and like the story and everything about that like that's just it's so good man it's just it's so [ __ ] let me go back uh it's this is so [ __ ] good like the whole thing and then like the the armor at the end playing untouchable like i dude i was expecting to hear c shanty man like i was waiting for it i was like dude it's gonna happen it's about to happen it's gonna be right here here before the bald guy will react to this yeah no [ __ ] surprise i never understood this meme he's not even bald he's trying so hard to hide the fact that either his forehead is growing or he is going bald dude they just won't [ __ ] stop man i bet he's wearing the army shirt whenever he reacts to this well you're [ __ ] wrong there you go dude it's the arthas shirt it's a little bit different [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 969,000
Rating: 4.8983502 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold raid boss, porcupine monarch, asmongold porcupine monarch, asmongold porcupine, asmongold boss, asmongold raid, asmongold boss raid, asmongold final boss, classic wow, classic wow raid, asmongold classic, asmongold shadowlands, shadowlands raid, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell boss, mcconnell raid boss, mcconnell wow, mcconnell raid
Id: s5pfl2-Z7d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 29sec (3809 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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