Asmongold LOSES Another Olympus Guild - Classic WoW Drama

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Oh oh my god oh my oh my god that's not better actually what the [ __ ] is this there's some gamers in that chat lost control of another guild it's almost like it's almost like I told you this would happen I'm the acting GM of the Olympus forsaken field which is really the refugee guild following the mass kick that happened so essentially the former GM was never on and many of us were starting to actually progress to the point where we wanted to start raiding many people want to interview bar is positions so that we actually had a gym with that was actually doing GM things I mean there was one in particular guy that we wanted to be a GM called interest you know them actually really yeah yeah he's fantastic and he just knows what he's doing but yeah the good news is that he came online in the GM the bad news is that when he came online he got mad and kicked everyone and didn't defend the guilt so worst-case scenario possible out of all possible outcomes so he's holding held hostage after kicking everybody up there we go yeah oh yeah that's what I'm curious about it's like how the [ __ ] is so the Glade mastered where is he in all this why did he do this did he like I mean do you guys say anything to him or like what what what caused him today say yeah he received a lot of mail um you might relate to this he got a lot of mail and he had many many many letters given how many days he was off for so he came back so a lot of letters saying please go away please let us take over he didn't respond to that well he started calling people no lifers saying it's a joke they can just leave his guild if they don't like it yeah yep and I'm then purged okay I had a chance to talk to him earlier and whispers and I asked him if you would pass the guilt we heard somebody else right he said though I asked him why would you stand the guild uh he said that it's his guilt and he's gonna be the only member from now on yeah my understanding is he's not even interested in gold okay you got my offered his bio from 300 gold and he said no hist yeah and I I asked him if he was just disband the guild he said no and I asked him if there was some bothering him like it's his home life was okay and then he told me to kill myself so we took that as a no yeah I took that as no yet yeah I can see why that makes sense okay anyway so oh oh go ahead lost control of another guild it's almost like it's almost like I told you this would happen it's it's kind of weird how I predicted that this issue would happen again that's so insane to me huh anyway carry on well you know what maybe it wouldn't have happened if you had helped in the Gildan you weren't just sitting there leveling a horde tune mr. koji em I'm not Coach iam what since when have I ever been Koji in all I did was come up with a name you're in charge of the [ __ ] sister guilds and who becomes officer and all this other [ __ ] this is all on you buddy okay yeah there was an idea one of us had you could have a dummy character it's kind of like the canary and now I know you're just ahead of the power plan and then have a car GM which has all the same powers but Kahn mass kick everyone I mean there's not a big way to prevent mass kicking because you need to have your officers ability to kick here's the thing yeah is that I think that we should focus on we should focus on figuring out a way to get the yield back and the negotiation and the compromise that I'm willing to make with the current Guildmaster is that I will be the GM of the guild and him and Lynn turist can both be Co GM's and they can run the Galvin same time the issue with that is this guy because I I talked to jigsaw at the beginning of the last Olympus nine drama and I talked to shadow sue and they seem to have entirely different motives Wow jigsaws motive seems to be based in being the biggest [ __ ] room server yeah shadow suits motives seem to be a lot more a lot more evil you know I think he just wants to go for himself you know he doesn't want to give away power he doesn't want your gold doesn't want me eating material he doesn't even want attention he just wants the guild what's the name whose base is Nydia yeah that's there this is like the Joker yes no more so III don't know what to do about this but I feel like that's probably the smartest way of approaching like that that's probably the smartest approaching because that way we can give him we can give him something and he can still be GM it's just I cuz it's like he doesn't want to be the king of nothing I mean he wants to have people in the guild so he kicked them all out so yeah but he's obviously having a mental breakdown right I mean it's obviously a mental breakdown like this is what's going on and so it's like now that we know this is happening it's like okay this is fine because we know what's what's going on so I think how do we approach the mental breakdown is a real question in my opinion I think the way that we approach it is this we go in there and we say listen you know we appreciate everything that you've done for the guild but what we need to do is we need to get the guild back and we need to make sure that we can make make Olympus four great again and how do we do that it's pretty [ __ ] simple the way we do that is to make sure that we get him to relinquish control over the guilt and I think that's the smartest way of handling it in my opinion yeah I think that makes sense but that's true rounds to this if you're the GM there's Tuco James he kicks everyone out you kick him out you invite everyone back and he never comes back right yeah and I guess it wouldn't be that bad because he's pretty inactive so having an inactive co GM is kind of the olympus thing so that wouldn't get you that it sure why don't we just do it why don't we just report him and then for guilts up and then take it that way say this guy basically ninja'd the guild okay he's supposed to be a sister guild and now he's taking it over for himself and he's sabotaging our [ __ ] and then we just take it from him that way I mean we don't have to go through any of this other dump [ __ ] like that it would help with that No yeah probably yeah it would no Horsley would recognize that there's like street like subsets of a larger mega guild cuz like technically it's his guilt yeah it's not going to deal with this like they don't want do you think boys would really wants to get involved at Olympus guild drama I can't help before you say yeah that's probably out with a ten-foot pole man like this that's the last thing they want to deal with my oh wow you know there's a guild that you know can't get along and they're having a bunch of trouble with people like that there's no way they're gonna want to deal with that at all man it doesn't make any sense of course not and there you tell us to deal with it also yeah and like that's what we need to do right is we need to deal with it ourselves I don't think that's the solution or anything like that you know what I mean do you own the copyright problem before or no as far as I know I don't then even if I did it wouldn't matter because it's blizzards IP so alright here's where I think we do I think we sit down we talk to him and we try to negotiate him inviting me back into the guild as the guild master and then him and Lin Tris being Co GM's yeah that's how I think that does I mean that's that's the preferable outcome I just don't see him coming to the table he left the discord he actually had me yeah the Allied I like guild GM rank on dis purchase whoa and the highest rents you can have you get plenty of power you had plenty of influence he just he just doesn't play the game and he didn't want to deal with it and he also didn't want to pass it like okay if he he was willing to relinquish anything then he would have passed GM or he would have disbanded the guild but instead he enjoys the troll the the reaction that we're giving him out of holding on to a zero member hilde right well I don't know if that's true I actually I don't I don't think that's true honestly I think the fact is that he that he's probably just overwhelmed by the situation in general right and he he doesn't know what to do I think that's genuinely what it is is it he's been he's been overwhelmed by so many people coming at him and attacking him that he's gone into total defense mode and that's fine with me i we can handle a total defense mode that it doesn't matter but we need to know how to approach him in a way that way that like actually makes it happen I think that's a possibility I think it's worth trying I think the bigger risk is that he just never comes online again didn't you just Susur from his gym yeah that's it right I mean problem solved we just have an Olympus for an exile through this killed once Lent result yeah it's not a big deal like I really don't think this is a big deal at all like trust me like the way that you deal with this kind of [ __ ] is simple okay like that everybody always wants something the solution and the thing is you have to find out what they want and then you give them what they want and after that you know everything else is is simple that that's all there is to it man did this work with olympus nine oh you're right it did not work with olympus mambas nine but at the same time i don't think anything else would have worked either i'm telling you what reporting reporting always works i mean you can lie to GM's you can get a stupid GM that'll believe you you can't get over its I'm telling you it's our the the highest chance of success is just a report and hope that we get a dumbass GM that's like oh okay well here you go and then we get the with you just came up like he just came online I see him okay he messaged me back he is not he's not happy or not happy either what the [ __ ] what the guilded he's being a little baby he says he's already on stream okay then mute the [ __ ] stream like you did the other day people were spamming him with like harassing he like in games all iMessage you can just letting you know you'll have to click on mail I can be a pretty good negotiator maybe I could have a chat them no okay no I mean I mean as far as like using the you know the killer yourself thing get some look as far as blizzards aware you know this isn't this isn't happening I mean you just haven't say time to reform yet that's all you're just just you're gonna report him later if he doesn't do what we say it's true that's true I could say that this guy told my son to kill himself I'm a very concerned mother and my son has a history and this is really triggering for him I'll be sorry I'm negotiating with him right now we're figuring this out right now I'm gonna try to bring him into a second channel and then talk to him there I I want to see if this is gonna work I don't know yet he doesn't want to talk to anybody else except me all right so he says his report he's reported and opened several tickets I'm asking him to send me the screenshots because he has screenshots of people that have apparently been harassing him and Olympus for yeah this is gonna rapidly become a mutually assured destruction there's a bunch of other screenshots - what do you mean as in oh [ __ ] that he said as he was video there in the officer Channel uh really supposed to done all right let me look at him oh my oh my god whoa I'm cannoli that's not very reaction what the [ __ ] is this there's like 20 messages here yeah then some of it's not stream friendly so I wouldn't pull that up on strand oh no guys definitely don't stream frankly oh my god there's some gamers in that chat there are some there are some veteran gamers in that chat oh my god okay just give me a second let me let me go ahead and look at some of these myself okay well me message him and see what he says okay okay first message here lol the best part is actually don't give two shits I couldn't care if we raid if we don't if everyone leaves it doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever I find it more amusing than anything that people are so serious about it all and then this is whenever he starts kicking he starts kicking out all the officers removing and actives and some toxic people sending me mail all because of one person okay Wow is it my wife I'm only here for fun if you want a raiding guild there's Pawnee around okay holy [ __ ] so now he's promoting more people into the guild so wait did he kick all the levels 60s out of the guild he kicked everyone out of the guild there's one person left under him nine hundred plus people out and forth wait shadows who whispered men okay what do you say he's he said I might tell you to kill yourself again good luck with that I have my chat logs recorded for last night I can report all of you to not me cuz I did nothing wrong a bland horde man see additional screenshots it proves that no one said anything non TOS against him and it also proves that yeah it's pretty [ __ ] that's going on in his head no I'm sure that people kind of p.m. done bad stuff you really think that's either normal possibility that I have a 900 person guild somebody didn't PM something bad anyway yeah yeah and go chat sure but like well what kind of mental capacity does it take to get someone to PM you something bad and then kick 900 people I can't kill it's like the button presses to kick someone out of the guilt that is so much effort this is like 2,700 button presses I gotta press people's buttons boys should know set of press buttons I'll be messaging all right wait you put me on ignore like I'm a real window licker don't get me wrong but like this guy looks way more Windows me understand if free Hong Kong's looking for a gilt Olympus fires recruiting Marriott let's focus on this before we focus on Mario Kart okay okay okay this is alright I'm trying to message him just get him to G invite me okay like that that's the goal okay so we'll see we'll see what he says okay all I want to do alright here's my goal guys is it my goal is to get our gr guild back cuz I don't want to make Olympus forsaken that's a joke there's the same with a little bit like Olympus nine how many people are online a little bit's nine who Olympus we have moved all the Olympus nine members to Olympus five well there's still a lot of people that for some reason are still in Olympus nine why I don't know why I think they're actually following dude saw like they're all those are all jigsaw elements at one point this everyone was kicked from nine so everyone knew is the jigsaw boy so they've actually gone out of their way to join and be part of jigsaw skills yes yes I think at a certain point like how big does jigsaw skilled yet have to get before we recognize it actually this is relevant we have to resolve this full thing soon because jigsaw is poaching people from Olympus for as they come up I think we could unite with jigsaw to fight shadows soon okay this guy's messaged me back alright okay alright well see what he says this could this could still work itself out all I need to do is get invited over to the guild that's it I just need to get invited over to the guild and then the problem is solved let's see if I can do that let's see jigsaw Spartacus and Olympus is Rome no listen if that's what we have to do we'll deal with that but I would prefer to just sit there and talk to them and work things out well I liked I'm I can negotiate with people right I can do that but like this other's [ __ ] I don't really know about that's a concern that I have okay I don't want to join squad w okay okay I do not want to join squad W okay just a second all right so he's we're not I don't know I'm a comma what do you think I should do man is he gonna give it over I don't know yet okay we'll just do what I told you to do what if he doesn't give it over we do the report thing yeah then we do mutually assured destruction okay we're not gonna get the go to the guild yeah but he doesn't he doesn't play Wow anymore basically or he just gives you the guilt and then everybody [ __ ] off and we can keep talking about full peer so if you weren't happy with the the forsaken name what I was saying is that we could move the people from Olympus for to Olympus v Olympus v currently has like 20 people ready to raid an Olympus for had about 20 people ready to raid so we could form a combined raid team yeah do that yeah great okay you want to know what Lane stress wants to do okay okay yeah I don't think he's gonna get permabanned either if we report him so like I don't even think that's a very good that's like a good plan to begin with like as like as interesting and as this is I really don't think this is what's gonna happen then I want to listen cannot show it together you shouldn't right no listen we will hold we're holding it together right now what do you mean like everything's fine like the prophecy yeah I think you guys made a huge mistake by pressuring this guy into giving up GM I think that by doing that it made him extremely defensive and he felt attacked and because of that he's acting out badly and if you had not done that and just let me approach him instead and you could have asked me to just let him transfer for GM he would have done it without having any of these problems you've completely escalated this situation to the point where it's irrecoverable and it's completely you guys his fault right the thing is is you have to understand that you're dealing with people that can always be mentally unstable or weird or dumb and what just wants a packs trash thank you very much for the 30 gifted community subs thank you so much man thank you thank you thank you I'm really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you very very [ __ ] much thank you so much packs trash like I'm just trying to if I did what I think the main issue is the amount of time that he went off the grid for like no it wasn't a matter of you should it's a matter that no one could and so as time went on people pretty reasonably got increasingly dissatisfied as they wanted to see progress so how about this as an interim solution assuming he doesn't give it up in the next five minutes so the discussions there are going to be ongoing with him there's a possibility of merging with other guilds that we want the nominated GM who will be online soon it later today to really discuss that and determine that that's what he wants to do so in the meantime it would make sense to have a government in exile but Owen before if it it's Vince decided that we merged we merge if Electress wants to you know hang in there and push for recovery of the original guild then we can take that route okay here's what I think that we do I think that we sit down I want to talk to him off stream and if he's not willing to come to an agreement cuz he's still messaging me like the only thing is that I just want I just want the GM back right that's the only thing I want to get the gill back that is the only goal but you guys need to understand that it was a huge mistake to have pressured him into doing this I just I think it was ever gonna end any other way once you've got a critical mass of people you're gonna have enough of a minority that are gonna do whatever the hell they want no because you guys were promoting it should've dealt with it privately but promoting what promoting like removing him as a GM and having him step down and everything of course that's gonna put them in an adversarial position of course that's gonna make me defensive of course of course that was gonna happen what do you mean he is an adversary yes but you don't want to treat him like that because then if you treat him like that he'll act like it you like it what the [ __ ] you what are you talking about he logs in and says hmm people shouldn't leave things in the mail and then he [ __ ] kicks people but why they said I mean things like know why they send mean things in the mail because they were promoting it people say mean [ __ ] all the time to everyone do you think they would have just randomly sent him a mail like no it was because they were discussing it constantly every day in guild chat and it was getting people riled up like duh look if you can't handle a little heat as a guilt master that's his fault it doesn't you know him small pickings for Europe you're right you're right about all what you're saying you're right about everything but here's the situation is that he is a GM and we need to deal with it regardless it doesn't matter don't treat him like a little [ __ ] Mayo Princess soon mistake and never should have look he's acting like an [ __ ] you'll treat [ __ ] like the princesses okay it's not about him being an [ __ ] or not I don't care about how I have to treat somebody I don't care about any of this I have one goal and that's get the guild back I don't care whose dick I have to suck for it I don't care what I have to say I don't care what I have to do it doesn't matter my goal is retrieving the guild and getting the guild back for our team [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 419,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, olympus guild, asmongold guild drama, asmongold olympus, asmongold jigsaw, asmongold jigzaw, asmongold olympus 4, classic wow drama, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic, asmongold mcconnell
Id: gyNmCjRpsd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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