Asmongold Finds Out He's Being Impersonated...In GTA 5

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so whenever this happened and like the meme started everybody was asking me they're like is that you man dude is that you dude and i'm like no dude it's not me dude they're like yes it is dude i'm like no it's not dude okay let's take a look at this it does i sound nothing like asthma but one time i said okay dude and you guys are like oh that's asim and gold no is asthma goals third alt or whatever you do burn it's not a i'm my third my third day [Music] how many people do you need punch me i'm a warrior dude i don't punch people i'm not a monk dude you need i dare you to call him strike me i dare you to strike me yeah you gotta challenge me to a duel dude yeah strike him down down he should accept my duel right now powerful okay boys i better not lose the duel oh [ __ ] i got my axe all right i like it this is good charging boys oh going for the stun i like this this is great strike me here comes the bladestorm boys pvp dude spin away boys okay here we go boys who comes to execute [Laughter] oh my god [Music] is dude [ __ ] dude 265 dude for a glory of the [ __ ] meal dude 230 plus tax you know everybody has to pay tax unfortunately [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude why are they going up and down so much i don't know dude [ __ ] dude stop talking about it boys [ __ ] dude okay dude i'm getting made fun of my girls this is i thought this was role play not supposed to be real what the [ __ ] look at his eyebrows gloria's eyebrows someone please get me out of here dude what's going on look at the [ __ ] eyebrows okay [Music] i just all right all right this is i oh i i just i now i don't even i don't know i like i i don't know what to say you know what i mean like now i i don't even know what to say get a bunch of mac and cheese come on in yo that's [ __ ] up that is [ __ ] up come on in exactly makuu oh and it's even playing the original music what's up y'all it's me it's your boy asmr bronze can i get an autograph bro i [ __ ] i'm a huge fan i'm a [ __ ] i'm a two year sub okay dude oh you want to come to the transmog competition for the boys oh i don't play wow i have sex clean dick clean person see it on your bank alt dude wait what level one bank all standing outside the auction house 24 7 sniping all my freaking mouse dude all the raw mats dude [ __ ] dude you're the guy that's taking it off can you really just go around and [ __ ] say that constantly oh my god yes jesus is that really what is that really what i sound like is that it [ __ ] dude hairline isn't receding my mom would beat you in a duel i haven't showered in weeks but i got a clean dick boys what does that even tell you obviously not possible you don't even shower for weeks and then your pee pee is clean no way jose just tweeted at mcconnell and make sure he saw this full set andy dude who the [ __ ] is mcconnell i'm about to storm it's just stunned dude warriors warriors got it boys okay this is the worst place elite class boys i really like my favorite part about this is the fact that like the outfit that he's got on right there it's that's pretty much that's pretty much it this is yeah it's lifelike what do you play dude farland said andy boyz classic [ __ ] transmog that was clever fireland said ending and it's all red i like that as though oh here comes a hammer over at the judgment boys that was pretty good i'll give you that one fury warrior dude get blaze storm dude and you're dead [ __ ] dude i'm sorry my man there'll be all right oh you're shouting tell us your class wait is he actually is he doing what i think he's doing oh my god oh my [ __ ] god good voice listen okay dude okay dude jesus listen boys this right here okay dude sheldon knows how to look like a badass as a rogue boys right here take notes dude he's just got yeah another this out to mcconnell boys should have known better to wear purple we could obviously boys that's brutal man sister rogue mask nine armor but exclusive to rogue's only boys purchased purchasing dalaran yeah of course beautiful boys i love myself some purple boys i mean look at that [ __ ] boys wins almost every competition okay dude you want to get kicked from the rain boys shut up dude listen wow this is actually i i can't get over how pretty much accurate this whole thing is yeah it's so accurate what the [ __ ] say this is the winner but i'm saying it's a pretty damn good set because i thought it was a full set at first but you're right shoulder pads are separate from the the the two this guy's watching my stream rogue set and he's playing the witcher music space mission boys this is uh straight out of humane labs exclusive back in um 28 he's just following the script yeah the fingerless gloves of ash ketchum not too bad boys you can see his braces that's what i like to see dude that's what i like to see boys it's about the um as many times as he's probably died in his lifetime as a rogue which is not very much if that's like 10 deaths right there that's probably how many kills he's probably got in the past hour alone dude [ __ ] dude see what you asked think about it nice hairline purple equals when okay dude hello there oh state your name in class uh like i can't even say it now i can't even say it because he just said oh that's actually that's literally exactly what it is every single time that's the best part about this is that this is literally exactly what it is okay dude well i'm gloria i'm the storm cleric i'm level 13 and uh i'm the queen of posi vibes and caster of lightning bolts i love you what's your class the only party vibes i'm seeing is you being locked up behind bars because this is a lot of a decent exposure i'm seeing this that's true no i'm wearing shorts what got the war bear wolves oh my god straight from uh the winter spring [ __ ] farming i know that [ __ ] obviously uh we've got the we've got the geek squad turtleneck straight from best buy you have to be an employee back in 2015 to to snag that okay i thought from the merchant of walls [ __ ] dude you got a reskin from walmart dude [ __ ] dude is that a tcg or store okay i tell ya i think it's store-bought boys he's got a store-bought transmog boys that looks like a top hat yeah 100 this is a [ __ ] store-bought transmog this is amazing i love it listen man sir topham hatt might need to go find thomas the tank engine and get the [ __ ] out of this raid boys because this transmog is not it let's go next one all right name class uh i'm kelly i'm a rogue flash uh engineer by train i'm surviving and uh channeling the hamburglar today um so uh yeah i got the the goggles that give the uh the ability to scope onto the hamburgers and stealthily acquire them without being so yeah of course that's the um flexible flexible ectoplasmic specs yes of course you need a arc light spanner blacksmith hammer absolutely uh you need to make uh get three warm-fed gear assemblies five so this guy's played well before two umbrella tensions yeah give or take boys requires 85 shadowlands engineering trainer from mechanist al gore from orbis yeah he's he's got yeah he does play he's had she's a retail boys retail over here but i like how she keeps her roots dude not only does she have her little schematics boys she's got the burger shot mask does he say do i say boys that much is this really is this really what i do i i mean i never even knew this yes god damn i didn't know it was that bad yeah that that's a lot of dexterity it's still [ __ ] see the face boys that [ __ ] at least gives her 50 evasion give or take boys this is a good set okay if we were going to a beetlejuice [ __ ] musical all right boys well i also have stripes because i've been to prison but i broke out a beetlejuice musical that that's good all right you will always see shelley so you're giving us lord you're giving us lord you're trying small yeah exactly you don't want to take anything i'll take it i'm acquiring more hamburgers okay you are what you eat and i can see that in your transmog style and lore it's going to add some points definitely going to be a top contender for sure boys yes i am an undead chaos marine jesus yeah this is so he actually did do a full transmog competition and this goes i'm gonna move up a little bit because he's just going through all the different people etc this is this is that's actually a good question is this better or worse is this better or worse than an n a alliance transmog comp because that's kind of like that's what i was guessing better yeah it probably is honestly it probably is d by my arms i have had to replace my old ones with human arms and then they got quite quite uh the road rash when i was in this accident oh my god very very epic battle occurred yes shelley to try to top her off with some uh real physical and emotional damages as i can hear from your uh story here dude i'm quite experienced in battle and you can see by my arms they have all the warfare and the scars yeah of course you can see that you're more scarred up than an edgy sixth grader now that's the kind of [ __ ] like the best part about it is what i like a lot hey look i didn't say it we've got the uh we've got the war helmet of desert storm like a 2009 boys we've got the uh train wrecks fake mass face mask of stalling boys okay and then we've got that actually you know what i can see that 80s i actually can see that neon laser tag t-pose sweater now these pants are uh size 32 waist and it's honestly that's actually what i wear the only thing that's carrying these pants dude is your boots you got the shin guards of protection straight from soccer practice i remember wearing those shin guards and getting getting rashes on my shins after only being on the field for 20 minutes and i want to go home and play world of warcraft boys okay that's accurate yeah this is a very very accurate representation i like this this is great different and as well has a story to tell i can tell this guy's probably from the eu boys probably from the eu what's your name oh because it looks good plus um i'm a pally that's why i have the r on my chest okay dude right pally boys okay dude uh so molly how do you guys know who all these characters are i'm so confused how do you guys know all this uh they watch no pixel that's crazy it's like a tv show people like watching it okay i don't know like i i guess like to me in a way like i don't know if i would ever enjoy doing the role play and maybe like the thing is to me is like i felt like if i get into it and i do it it'll be really really [ __ ] good but i feel like i wouldn't get into it that's what i worried about uh your role play yourself no i can't roll upon myself you did it on russ though i didn't role play on russ i just shot people man like i just shot you that's it i like that's it i see somebody i [ __ ] shoot him it's not too hard to do regardless this is a this is a good video i'm not gonna watch the whole thing right i'll skip ahead past the whole transmog contest and uh then we'll uh we'll look at the rest of it okay oh [ __ ] dude it's got the four strength force damn leather belt i couldn't not give this first place it's not the purple okay listen dude okay here we go i may not make it out of line fargo deep mine i'm just kidding i'm a fury warrior i'll be fine oh my god you won't want to say stealth the whole time dude wait so they're going on a dungeon raid dude okay boys jesus we've done old war together we've done on together boys we collected 99.5 percent of all of the [ __ ] things dude is this is this a speech and in here is a 0.01 of the remaining 5.5 percent we need oh my god so we're gonna go in this fargo d mine dude yeah this is actually pretty much the way that i would say it too take the candles dude and get her [ __ ] loot boys you and me together dude wow okay i let's go let's go dude [ __ ] dude copper node jesus dude dude equals asthma inspirational meaning i have later working oh my god okay you know what this [ __ ] dude multiple veins dude oh my god i just got 10 copper ore boys [ __ ] dude okay you know what this actually is pretty [ __ ] funny i i like this a lot new world yeah i thought really was you on gtrp i genuinely believe there's probably at least like three people in this chat that are like man he's [ __ ] with me this is him that's him he's trying to play this off like it's an alter ego this is some weird like black mirror [ __ ] like i don't know what he's coming back on the stream to do but this is weird this is weird i yeah like he thinks that we don't believe that he just got exposed well he did yeah he did get exposed actually thought that yeah genuinely i i feel like a lot of people really believe that uh this is [ __ ] hilarious okay let me just say that uh yeah [ __ ] this is absolutely amazing i love it man [Music] that was good man that was really really good hidden footage from his break yeah [Music] exactly [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 445,805
Rating: 4.9645605 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, gta v, gta 5 gameplay, gta 5 funny, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 funny moments, gta 6, gta 5, gta 5 glitch, grand theft auto v, asmongold impersonated, asmongold has been replaced, asmongold gta 5, asmongold gta V, GTA Online, GTA, GTA V, Grand Theft Auto V, Grand Theft Auto 5, gta 5 rp, gta 5 nopixel, gta v nopixel, gta 5 xqc
Id: J17KYtOLrbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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