How MMO Farming Can Be Made Fun | Asmongold Reacts to Preach

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farming can be fun is farming fun what is the one thing that when it comes up you go ah and not only mmos but online games for literally decades now yeah what if i could change talk about farming okay there's something that's constantly been impressing me with squinix's model and this isn't just an ff14 gush because the system i'm going to explain does have some flaws okay it's such a step in the right i know i see his hair guys it doesn't matter what game it is whether it be your call of duty's your apex legends your mmos your any online game has all this actually reminded me um so a very long time ago uh this is like maybe i don't know like three or four months ago maybe a little bit longer than that uh i i saw on the website they had a plushy uh chocobo right because this thing reminded me right this is like the helmet that you're able to buy you know i thought it was really cute i wanted to you know i got something to make myself feel better and uh yesterday yesterday it got here and so i got my little i got my little plushie chocobo after like four months i i totally forgot about him but yeah i i ordered a little plushie i don't know why it just it i just wanted to have it and so yeah i have him sitting right over here fear and base model when they design every single system and that is how do we keep the players online all the time because they have this complete fear that if you're not playing their game you're not spending money with them and you're playing something else and you're spending money with those guys right that's it we're talking about farming you've seen every system under the book at this point you've seen prestige levels honor levels reputation levels and they're usually in some way gated or they're made really really long to keep you grinding the same thing over and over oh yeah but there's two elements of it one is the way you uh what the reward is and how you get it so those would be the levels and then there's two is the gameplay involved with actually doing it and typically this falls into the category of just playing the same thing over and over and over and over again regardless of how fun that system might actually be it doesn't matter because as long as you're playing it you're doing it all the time you're playing their game that's it so you even if you come down to like i don't know i've done this something like the burning crusade classic which many people will be playing right now and you're after that spell strike gear right you might be farming fire elementals for hours and hours and hours and i spent like 12 14 hours grinding out moats of fire and then i had to go and do the same with some other moats i did the same thing like back in the day like not in bc but like in original bc like i farmed out all this stuff myself i i farmed them out at the elemental plateau i was on a pve server so it was easier for me to do eventually build this one set of gear and you will say i felt really accomplished when i did it but for me at least i think more and more people fall into this category every single day is that you need to turn your brain off from it because what you're actually physically doing is really boring you're just grinding you're waiting for mobs to spawn you're killing them they're not too difficult then you're waiting for the next one killing it not too difficult and this is where we turn to youtube we turn to twitch we turn to netflix we turn to whatever it might be to try and distract our brain from the fact that what we're doing is an incredibly monotonous process and the same exists across tons of other games where you're just like right i need to recently a good example would be my kids got into plants versus zombies i thought that's cool they could do some shooting with some peas and pods and things like that yeah well then they started to discover like the hidden characters they started to learn about oh in the game and what did they turn into really endless grinds where they had to wait for certain events to happen and then they had to grind out like 50 pvp matches in order to earn x amount of crystals and those crystals can then open a chest which leads you into something else where you can yeah here we go reward then you need to wait for the event to come back and it can take months and it's all a case of keeping you on line all the time i think every game has this i don't think i think there are games that do it more than others but i feel like as a general rule every single game does this they have like these repeat content things now the difference is that some games do it with more core content and some games do it with less core content and i actually think that a lot of mmos in general that's not a bad thing it can be enjoyable to just do this especially if it's like a mindless task like logging in new world it's just it's relaxing and easy to do their purpose because if you're not playing their game you're doing something else well squeenix obviously doesn't have that approach we've talked about it many times now and it's such a freeing experience because it allows their creative floodgates to open because when you don't start designing something with the goal of how do we keep players online all the time when you drop that out of it when you have the freedom to say we're kind of okay if players don't engage with this it's the same thing we talked about with our bossier content and we just make it fun people will play if they enjoy it and if they don't enjoy it they're not gonna play and that's okay they'll play i think that's a big issue with things like tour gas etc i think recently blizzard's done a better job at just trying to make tour gas just fun rather than making it mandatory because i think that's what a lot of game developers do is that in order to get people to interface with systems that are not necessarily super well designed and fun to play they add in incentivization to them to just make you want to do them for for all how exactly it's still the same uh well how exactly i mean that tour gas is like less mandatory is that basically like and this is like true with like the sanctity of domination patch you didn't have to do it as many times and after you got the legendary you didn't really have to do it at all like if you didn't want to do tour gas you never had to do tour guest because you already had your legendaries that's the difference but we'll have the confidence that they'll come back for what they do enjoy when we update that and we update the game very regularly and so that whatever they enjoy will likely come back later and they'll resubscribe then they'll come back for a month or two or they'll leave and then they'll come back again and we're happy with that model because that's worked out for us so far and as we can see it's a burn that has risen ff-14 to the levels it's at now now i encountered one of these systems it's not a new system i want to be totally clear on that i want to be so fundamentally clear this system is not new and it's not perfect but jesus christ is a step in the right direction and i want to talk about treasure maps so i didn't know these existed i have now played final fantasy for about 800 hours i had no idea the system existed i have now completed the msq i finished how does he play it for 800 hours he's been playing it for like a year bro i put a thousand hours in the lost ark and it's been like a month but it's been a month good don't worry our videos are coming i've been in germany for three weeks working 16 hour days bear with me once we get back into the swing what are the treasure maps so i know for a lot of our ff14 viewers you'll know what these are but i also saw a lot of people in the chat and this is what happens when you're not forced and this concept is not mandatory who one didn't know about it two thought it was probably useful being human and three i didn't know about it weird but didn't understand that the rewards were actually really good so what is it it's to do with professions so when i say professions to you certainly as mmo gamers now wow audience what do you think of in terms of getting difficult and hard supplies right when you need those raw materials that are really tough well the first thing you got to think of is oh i probably need to farm something like a nixia to get nixie scales to make it next to your high cloaks i need to farm elementals an elemental plateau i need to grind out a reputation over a series of time because it's probably time gaming or something along those lines in order to access a vendor who can then sell things or perhaps there's a random vendor that suddenly appears if i wear a magical cloaking in the case of najtar or i need to do some sort of raid boss like [ __ ] the bloodthirsty in order to get something from that so i can never bring it long long grind right it'll be the same for those of you who pvp and fps games is like okay well i need to get prestige level 30 then i will get some sort of gun upgrade or i need to frag somebody with like 50 grenades and then i'll get some sort of grenade upgrade or something along those lines where you're just like okay i'm presented with this thing and i can almost mathematically calculate when i'll get it right and that's that's the grind i can turn my brain off i can go at it i'm just going to go into this game sometimes even to the point it seems simple enough scuffing your own gameplay because you're going to use a weapon or a tool or a utility that you don't particularly enjoy but you really want that unlock so you're going to play your character as you don't want to play it in order to find out about these things so now i've finished the msq and i agree with jesse cox on this is that ff14 is really an rpg mmo because essentially i played 800 hours of single player mmo and now that's done i'm starting to do what i always do which is okay where's the mmo stuff like for me i've actually felt the opposite i felt like i did a lot of stuff like what i usually do is i play with other people and then i transition into just playing by myself because like i played with so many people in final fantasy i did that [ __ ] all the time like i would do the wondrous tales every week i would do all this other stuff every week yeah what's this here you can play in many ways yeah i know that's the thing it's like i i think that's a good thing uh it definitely is stuff that they've put in the game i don't even know about that's not story related that's the mmo stuff and i'm now dipping into professions and i'm dipping into all these kind of things along that journey i encountered treasure maps but the system is pretty simple when you're doing various activities you can get a treasure map in a bottle now i instantly had my heart sink thinking this is probably something like azerite islands in azeroth but then you remember games like sea of thieves where the treasure maps are really fun it's like okay you gotta get that out of your head that's the cool thing it's like the idea of island expeditions was really badass right it's the implementation that was problematic just a try because that's what i'm here to do is to find out about all these integral systems for the game yeah and i found something so cool and all you do is use this treasure map you can decipher it and it'll give you exactly what you would expect which is a little picture with an x marks the spot got it somewhere in the world and it will tell you what zone it's in which is great you click on that zone map you browse the map so it's the same as lost it's there and there are in set locations although there's lots and lots of them so after you've done a few you instantly recognize where this place would be and then you fly down there and you do dig so very similar to wow's archaeology system where you go down and you dig but unlike that system there's no like you need to stand on the exact correct point as long as you're in the right area it'll just reveal the treasure box then you get a treasure box you click it some mobs spawn you kill them and then you get a reward from the treasure box which will be professional related now everything i'm about to tell you has nothing to do with professions this is the first thing that i thought genius and i mean genius does this system have to specifically relate to the reward that comes from it and the answer is no it doesn't what it has to be is fun it has to be fun first and then we can reward whatever because it won't matter the players were having fun so so far i've not described something super fun to you but wait then there's and i would guess it's about 60 to 70 percent chance that a portal will spawn and there are ways of gaining treasure maps which guarantee portal spawns every single time okay this is when i got interesting because i've excited an entire separated off from everything else raid zone what and i'm not talking about some small corridor with that i'm talking about fully fleshed out theatrical circus-like environment i'm going to be focused on the end walker holy [ __ ] that's the latest one but there are variations of this i will talk about yeah and i found this entire zone and we got a raid team together but our eight-man team is now doing this content friends are now working together to do something for an afternoon instantly so much better why because what you're doing there is so good so good come on ball oh killed it so this is the raid wait wait oh is this going to portal where's the pokemon baby come on oh wait what the [ __ ] we ride it's like a diablo portal [Music] what is this you presented with a room and in that room there's another treasure chest you get bonus rewards so not only have you already gotten your base reward from just clicking the chest outside the world now you're in the portal you get a bonus reward this is badass looking on this chest will then spawn maybe a boss maybe it'll spawn a whole bunch of enemies nothing's super difficult nothing that you can't clear in say 20 seconds or something like that so nothing big but something interesting to do and then they start putting twists on it okay that keep you engaged how is that this could be a series of mobs spawning that have numbers over their head so if you kill them in the right order you'll get yet more rewards or it'll be a treasure goblin that will appear and you have to kill that before it escapes and it's in the mix of all the aoe that you're doing this can happen during boss fights as well so you're dealing with boss mechanics and suddenly there's an extra enemy you have to ignore the boss because if you kill the boss first the enemy escapes if you kill the boss first the enemies don't count so now you're fully engaged like oh we've got to do this and it changes all the gameplay in what is just a basic simple battle arena so they're basically like affixes in uh in diablo effectively right i mean these just like different affixes that the mobs have no kind of like not really well he's just he's he's listing out things that could just be affixes in an arpg kind of okay a bunch of enemies in it and that's it up okay so you're engaged okay then you clear those enemies you get the big reward out of the chest and then a couple of things can happen they put more twists on it one of the things that can happen is you all get to play a game of higher or lower you're presented with two playing cards they can go between one and nine and you'll be sold okay your first card is two higher x card is seven lower this card is three higher this card is eight and then you can get five and you're like oh god what is this still higher essentially doubles the rewards from the treasure chest every single time up to five times oh so these rewards can massively outstrip what you should ordinarily get and so if you're playing it's gamba i mean the thing is like gambas are exciting that like every here's one thing like people always try to like they try to identify this like it's like a [ __ ] you know 200 iq thing of course it's [ __ ] gamba people love gamba absolutely that's the thing like all of the the random drops etc they get that's why people do it yeah obviously fun because you're then engaged with your players like should we go higher or lower i don't know but you also have the chance to drop out so if you get a five and you're like it could be higher or lower right smack in the middle it's a real 50 50 guess maybe we just take our rewards and call it good maybe we risk it all to get a bunch of extra rewards maybe we don't and you you have this really fun engaging experience where your brain is engaged you're not looking away at the screen you're now focused on a very simple game that actually really benefits you because not only are you being rewarded with profession rewards which is what you would want so your rare linens your logs whatever it might be you are now being offered the chance of just playing a game and this is what i adored about this you're just playing your game with your friends i think making it a group content is actually a good idea too because like i compare like group farming content like in this versus like a new world like chest runs or something like that chest runs are so annoying oh my god i actually like chess runs in some ways i think they're enjoyable and relaxing but at the same time they could be a whole lot [ __ ] better you're having fun it's good and you're making decisions you're thinking about it you're trying to risk it and do all these kind of things it's just a game of higher or lower it's nothing complicated but if you do it right you get showered in rewards and these rewards include not just profession maps but tons and tons of gill which is the money in the game but also as always similar to what i said in bosnia you're passively acquiring the uh currency okay to furnish all your alts or even your main character if you want to in raid level gear oh so it gives you tombstones is that it like yeah just so i understand so do you get tome stones oh wow uh okay yeah that is really really [ __ ] cool then the good ones too wow yeah i was gonna say like okay so this is incentivized pretty well then just possibly gearing up other characters at the same time that's just a something you don't even think about and then i ultimately i played for one afternoon i ended up capping them so i got like a an almost full set of gear for my alt character that i've not leveled up to that level yet this similar to what i do all this gear waiting for me then when that's done you're then presented with more options all right what is it right or left simple simple and i love how simple they keep it because when you're with a bunch of gamers simple works super well do we go right or do we go left and then they put more twists on that as well in that you can choose right or left you go to it and the door has many different animations that can play out it can just open for you and then you proceed to the next area where you can continue on ultimately there's a set of five which results in a mega bus and i'll get there to a second oh is that the bonus bonus look like it's gonna close you out and then let you through or it will fully close and then pop a red alert sign so you're all getting kicked out of the instance and then it could be rescued at the last second so the screen will actually fade out before it comes back so you're like oh my god we got kicked out i can't believe it on door number one or whatever and you you get to go through and the same can happen okay at like the final door and you're sat there and you're like oh my god we got the final door and this is rare to have happen i think this way so they have it go down and they just kind of like they blue ball you and try to [ __ ] make you think it's not gonna happen and then it does the last second is that basically what's going on here yes oh my god okay okay as i did this we only got to the last boss one time not that we were consistently showered rewards up to that point okay they bait you yeah yeah yeah yeah very funny all right let me see this [Music] damn that's too bad no way okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah does it fry guy brings it home with five votes jesus christ this is like the last boss well the cool thing is when you get to the last boss and you have that door open yeah is you then get a nice big boss not super difficult again not intended to be this is for fun it's just giving you rewards okay then you get the mega chest at the end which has a hundred thousand gill in it not huge two long-term players that's a decent amount of change it's a lot of fun you can get gambler again and you could get up to half a million gil each if you play this out correctly and wow that huge like tension of risk reward and at no point have i mentioned throughout this did i get my profession drop that just happens naturally as you're playing it just naturally happens in the background of you enjoying the game this is farming in a new way because for a long time the game uh game devs as i've seen through the ridiculous mmos have been playing i've been playing destiny this week we've been playing eve online all these kind of things i've been trying to reinvent the wheel of how do we change farming for the modern audience because yeah sure yeah absolutely because like a lot of people are just tired of doing like the old school grinds and i think this is just kind of like what happens is that a lot of people just get tired of having the same content over and over and over people want new stuff what a [ __ ] surprise two decades ago grinding out enemies was pretty normal i did it most of you done it most of you probably still do it today but a more modern audience with so many gaming options available to them will be turning their nose up at the idea of like i just have to farm and you look at games like new world where as soon as i started clicking those uh stones and trees and just watching a caspar fill up i was like oh this kind of sucks i actually didn't mind a new world i didn't mind the new world professions at all i thought they were fun immersive and good yeah i i enjoyed them i did a lot of them okay i need to dedicate an afternoon to just clicking trees and sticking a movie on is how i felt about it it's like okay if i need to level this up i'm just gonna have to sit here and click trees and watch youtube watch twitch watch whatever uh in order to get through this but i need to do it because i want to level this up which is what a lot of the devs are hoping you'll do they're like yeah you're still playing though right yeah yeah still playing they'll just click those trees keep playing it done and it was one of the things that immediately turned me away i was like ah i don't do this anymore because i can go and play something else where i could just be i can have gameplay i think this is one big thing this is a big factor that a lot of people are running into now is that a lot of people out nowadays are just tired of uh they're just tired of having content like just kind of like a delayed because people have less time in general nowadays and i think it's also not that people have less time it's that there's more competition in gaming now so if you don't like the way a certain game is playing well who gives a [ __ ] just go and play another game instead and i think that's a lot of things that happen right less patience yes people have way less patience in gaming nowadays and i don't think this is necessarily a bad thing i don't think it's something that like oh wow like you know oh gamers nowadays want everything handed to them well it's like yeah i mean to a certain extent you're right like people don't want to invest they don't want to invest they don't want to have to invest like eight hours a day in order to get certain rewards in the game i think that's reasonable you know people have other things that they want to do at their time and they don't want to have content that like actively makes you waste your time so yeah that's just what's happening more and more gaming it has more competition especially with mmos mmos have an older audience of people that have more of a dollar value associated with their time versus kids so people just don't give a [ __ ] about that stuff as much uh yeah there it is and the generation that grew up with this stuff is getting older and having less time yeah i think that's a really big factor absolutely that's what i'm looking for in my games why wait hours series and all those is i love gameplay i want to be playing the game clicking on a tree not really the gameplay i'm looking for man that's not the thing i'm looking for now i said it wasn't perfect it's not perfect because of course you can be rng out and if you are looking for a specific drop there's some randomness to it whether you get through the doors or not but that is so alleviated by the fact that one i'm not doing anything boring and i'm having fun i'm constantly looking at the screen right look things are the things i mentioned we're clicking the chest there's mob spawning okay i'm looking at that my tension is starting to drift away and it's like oh we've got the ordered mobs to kill okay so i'm back in the game again oh we've got all the treasure goblins here i need to do that and the music changes to let you know there's something else going on then we have to pick the door it's more engaging gameplay on a zoom call or i'm in a discord call with somebody i want content that i can do while i am just doing literally nothing else and i think that's one of the things that a lot of people just enjoy right if it's lost arc like i'm doing chaos dungeons over and over and over if it's new world i'm chopping down trees uh if it's a wow i'm farming out like random ops so i don't necessarily think this is like a fundamentally bad thing but i think that like it should not be the pillar of the game like this should not be like a gameplay pillar of you know like mindless activities that you just have to do i think that the more that they are uh like they're not mandatory basically they're optional uh is is the better right a left and then the higher the lowest spawn it's like okay i'm investing here all the time i'm being drawn back into having fun and engaging that's what i loved about this system yeah it had nothing to do with like oh you're after say a certain rare piece of hide a certain piece of leather a certain piece of uh iron ingots or something so let's go and farm 50 iron deposits to see whether that thing is that makes sense this has nothing to do with that and this is such a good idea for in letting people just have fun first rewards laser and this is how a lot of great businesses have started i know if you know this and this is a bit like out there but spotify for example if you learn the history of spotify they were like we don't care how we monetize this yet what we're going to do is make it cool this is a huge issue right is that basically people build the cart before the horse uh it's like you you have like is it the cart like what what's like the [ __ ] phrase it's like you do the the car it comes before the horse something like that i remember what it was but like basically you're thinking of monetization before you're thinking of game play you're thinking of like how can we make this a grind and retain players before you think of how to make it fun uh chicken before they the cart before the worst yeah i thought that's what it was right yeah putting a cart before the horse yeah sure so you're you're constantly focusing on things that are not about the fundamental enjoyment of the game you're considering the game is like a retention mechanism to keep people involved and like if you make the game built completely around like user psychology eventually people break out of that and then they were and then they resent that they were ever in it okay awesome let's make this system cool we'll find out how we make money on it later on yeah because the reverse happens in a lot of online gaming system which is like right how do we make money off this well we keep people engaged so that promotes micro transactions it makes our monthly active users look better and again this isn't just a wow thing this is like nearly every game and f14 still has this i'm just dipping my foot into professions overall and i just started doing botany which is like okay you go and click trees they've made it a bit better by providing you spells and combos and i haven't finished it out yet so i want to see where it goes ultimately you're riding around you're clicking on trees cool and you're bushes it sounds good some rewards from them now you do get to choose your rewards which is mwah uh but it's still there in some way but looking at this treasure map system is so good the other floor is if people don't engage with it they don't know it's there if you're not making it happen a lot of people don't know it's there and i saw that from my audience i was like oh this is actually really cool well this happens even in wow too where like i'll interface with the system that people have like never even heard of before they don't even know this is in the game and then like i'm doing it people like wow this is actually really cool i wonder why like nobody does this so like like two good examples of this are like the like you know like the world's a draenor a coliseum that you had and like everybody would just like get uh like you'd get pushed up on that elevator and then you'd be able to like situate yourself somewhere on the map and like the last person alive you know got a prize like this was really really badass and i did this and people were like wow i didn't even know this was a thing anymore right yeah the coliseum exactly the from the the chromie scenario exactly there's another one and another one besides that is like you know like that little gambling box area in patch 7.1 on the broken shore where like you go inside the little uh it's like a i don't know a bucket or something and you go underneath there's a bunch of different treasure chests and like you click on those most people don't even know what those things are and like that's the kind of good content that i think the game needs and it's things that you don't necessarily need to know what it is because i think a lot of times again they they feel like they have to incentivize playing the game all the time they have to incentivize this somehow and it's like this is incentivized too but sometimes it gets incentivized so much that people end up resenting it like tour guests i think that's really the best example of the opposite or or islands this is actually pretty awesome you have the problem of people looking for specific drops will get annoyed with the randomness a little bit even though they're getting showered with the rewards they may not want those they may be like okay i get a ton of gold i get a load of tome stones or whatever to get all this gear but what i'm really after is that one thing and there are other ways of getting those things well here's a side activity that you could do with your friends that is super fun not only that it gets better yeah absolutely this place system has been placed since heaven's ward which is their second expansion and all of them have different ones different battle arenas different styles of playing so there's roulettes they've really gone with the gambling style and i think that's really cool especially when you have some influence or even if you feel like you have some influence over it left or right is you make that choice roulette one is automated but it's still fun to see where the thing is going to land so whether you spawn a giant raid boss a weak boss get kicked out get rescued i had a ridiculous situation i'm the most bizarre rng i've ever had in any video game is in the roulette one we failed three times in a row and got rescued and i've never seen anything like that as you go we got pulled out by a primal god who rescued us to allow us to play on and gave us a huge boss in return so although we failed we actually got this now of course in the background it's like we didn't really fail the customers designed to show you well like the randomness like that i think actually makes it more interesting because like you never really know what's going to happen because a lot of times like people get into kind of uh it's like things are so formulaic that they're boring it's like you're just doing the exact same thing over and over and over again i think that's definitely true one but you still get that response like oh my god we got kicked out on the second goal rescued we're back in the game oh god we failed again rescued we're back in what is going on and having that visceral yeah it sounds like yeah and let's remember what we're doing here we're farming profession mats i've never had that in my life i've never had that in my life come on one more we've lost the last two rounds you can't make us lose three in a row all right you guys can see the uh see the reaction oh that's a good one right oh is that bad wow so they really they really [ __ ] reel you in on this [ __ ] huh holy [ __ ] okay that actually is cool chaos baby a mega win yeah such a good step in the right direction it's such a step in the right direction and another piece of the puzzle or why when you design systems without thinking how do we just keep the player online all the time it frees you up to just get wild and get wacky with it and i really hope this is something that other game devs take into account because i want to do them a lot more oh yeah absolutely whereas when i'm farming i'm just like at least for me and you guys probably feel the same in most cases just like oh my god i've gotta go if i can't play right now i've gotta go i think a really good example of like to tell if this system is good or not if a farming system is good or not is that do you ever do it after you get the rewards that you were wanting to get out of it so like for example right now like if i finish a reward system i'm not going to go back and try to do it anymore why the [ __ ] would i want to i've already done everything that i want to do there's no reason to keep going any farther than that that's it and so if you are continuing to interface with the system even beyond getting the rewards out of it then it's actually probably a good system and if you stop the second that you stop getting the big rewards that are basically mandatory out of it then it's obviously a bad system that's the way i'd say it i've had that conversation i've got to go and do fishing i've got to go i need i need potions i need flasks i need food i have to go and farm chimeras or whatever it might be okay so i can't pvp with you right now i can't do some dungeons with you right now i have to go and stand and do fishing and i need it's not case if i even want to do it i need to do it in order to do the gameplay later yeah and that's where the big difference came from so i really wanted to talk about a system with how impressed i have and how how much i feel this is in such a step in the right direction is to one okay it's profession related does the system involved in farming it needs to be professional related no okay do we need people to feel like they have to do this no um so what should we do with it let's just have weird and wacky fun with it and create something that a group of eight people can be like oh hey do you want to go and do this whereas you know how many activities do you like do you actually do large scale with your friends in mmos or anything right now not many it's usually right i think that's a big issue is that like there's not a lot of things that you want to do with like large-scale groups that like are basically not mandatory i do think that like for example like new world how you have like the chest runs and stuff like that it is good to get people together to like go around to do stuff but the problem though is that it's so easy and it's not actually uh it's not actually planned out or anything you know what i mean like you're just sitting there and just doing it that's it yeah it's optimized gambling experience well there's a lot of people here's the thing there's a lot of people that they basically have to be motivated by some sort of reward or something like that in order for them to like really enjoy and actually go out of their way to do this kind of stuff and i think that's something that people forget is that a lot of people are motivated by rewards and that's it sometimes i still enjoy monotonous profession grinds well yeah i do too right i think it's the problem is that like the more so like basically the closer that the requirement for something like this is to the core gameplay loop the worse it is so for example like really monotonous things like uh tour gas or like farming elementals and wow or something like that and like classic wow like this is very very close to like the core gameplay loop and the core player power progression and i think the farther away it is and the less mandatory it is the more i think people won't mind the monotonous grinds because they don't feel like they have to do them i think feeling like you have to do something in the game is one of the worst experiences ever trading and plus our dungeons are some do i level together this gave you another route it's like hey do you want to go farm some a load of money and a load of alt gear and get some really expensive crafting materials that we can sell or we can use or whatever yeah that sounds awesome while having a fun system that's such a huge departure from what i'm used to that i adored it so much so there it is dudes you guys have probably also noticed i should point them out uh these displays behind me these are our designs yeah these are designed by chris here in the office that one actually looks pretty cool uh this one what the middle chris will probably put a better picture yeah i'm curious about the middle one here at one um best-selling display on display it's amazing so go check that out as well yeah i haven't been there 29 discount code below awesome that's so good i'll see you again dudes bye-bye that's a decent video yeah i think so like just in general i agree with that overall because like whenever i'm looking at like these grinds i kind of feel the same way as that like i felt this way with the new world crafting etc is that i thought the new world crafting was just so it was so draining and like literally because it would just drain all of your [ __ ] resources like you would spend so much just leveling up your crafting it was insane man like holy [ __ ] and that was what i really had a problem with i really really dislike that because i felt like i would grind all day just to push forward this arbitrary system that was designed this way and it's uh yeah getting the crafties in new world the the trophies is like really bad yeah chat once new world elden ringwar we're not gonna watch that we're gonna watch the speed run after this so yeah i mean it's just so frustrating yeah craft one seventeen thousand gloves like what the [ __ ] and that type of that type of gameplay i think that players were totally fine with that in mmos 10 or maybe even 20 years ago for sure but nowadays i think people have more things that demand their attention they have better content that they can work towards and watch instead and why the [ __ ] would you want to sit around and farm out content like this whenever it's just so slow and i think that's what the issue is more than anything yeah it's very very frustrating for me to see that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 204,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold reacts to preach, asmongold watches preach, asmongold reacts to wow, asmongold wow reaction, asmongold ffxiv, ffxiv, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv
Id: 26l7pr9V_U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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