Is Asmongold a Bad FFXIV Player? Reacting to Zepla

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hey buns so a couple days ago i got a dm from somebody who said that they had heard me talk about bad players can you get into more details of that because i suck and playing team games and raids are a pain for me because i don't like talking to you just get good i just want to play the game solo if possible but really just be good can't now they had heard me talk about bad players in the context of a conversation about boosting someone else had brought up the argument that if you pay real money to level your character it's more likely you'll be bad because you'll end up with a ton of high level skills that's true that you have no idea 100 percent that's of course assuming you don't take the time to you know read the tooltips and figure it out but i had countered that by saying that you can absolutely be bad without boosting like as far as i know there's it's it's a it's kind of like a like a degree of certainty so like if somebody boosts their character there's a higher chance that they're going to be bad at what they're boosting than if they leveled it themselves but the chances are still pretty [ __ ] high either way no alternate ending to heaven's word where harshaphon teaches you how to slide cast but i thought this was a really good question that a lot of those fighters might once more damn like what happened that's just that's [ __ ] up qualifies as good wow or at least decent to me being bad means that you're not only performing like [ __ ] but you also you're not willing to perform better anyway you won't look up guides you won't read your tool tips you are willfully ignorant or worse you've even got such a big ego about how you know everything that you think that there's nothing that any other person could say that could possibly be helpful to you because you're just you're above that man who the universe revolves around like you think the sun comes up just to hear your crow i think there's a really big and important difference to be made here between being bad and learning because yeah as i'm fond of quoting jake the dog sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at it i remember being new yeah uh winning looks a lot like losing until you win that's the truth is that you you have to lose and you have to [ __ ] up in order for you to succeed and i just didn't even know what to focus on or what was that and my attention i'm a little bit scattered i have to [ __ ] up a lot sometimes i [ __ ] up the same thing like five times and i didn't know like what's where to focus it i was just kind of flying by the seat of my pants through the story having fun wherever i could find it and not stressing too much about anything in particular but however whenever i did join a static and there was a helpful person in my group who let me know hey do you know your dps could be a little better hey do you know that material is really important or hey did you notice that your dots keep falling off i didn't know any of that but once that was brought to my attention what is materia gems that's crazy you know you learn something new every day and this very helpful person showed me how to use an abacus to check my damage oh that little thing when you go back and forth anyway they they were very helpful they showed me uh once i got that information i was very very receptive to it and i listened and it helped me become a much better player maybe some people would have said i was bad but i think that i showed a willingness to learn and i was very interested in all the advice i could get my hands on and i started like watching guides about how to play my job and see i have to i have to learn things by doing it wrong that's why like whenever i play a video game the first thing i do is like all right how do how can i kill my character okay all right can i jump off the edge okay can i stab myself like how do i kill my character like just so i i want to get like a [ __ ] parameter in here to understand what the world that we're dealing with is like i learned by doing well i yeah i i could say i think i learn things by doing but i really learned them by [ __ ] them up it's a little bit more honest i personally looking back at myself i wouldn't necessarily say that i was a bad player even if i was playing kind of bad at the time i think that might be another important distinction to make i mean i feel like it's a little bit too final to call somebody oh you're a bad player because it sounds like there's nowhere to go from here like this is just a label that you have on yourself and you can't grow out of it instead i prefer to say you know maybe i'm i'm playing bat i am playing bad on samurai right now it's kind of like how my dad used to say you're being an idiot instead of saying you're an idiot oh people are gonna think that that's a personal insult anyway because they're stupid and they're mad but yeah i think that's a really good way to look at it and it's like a good way like i do this to myself i think a lot of people do where like you you like say that you're stupid rather than you're playing bad right it's like you're bad rather than you're playing bad i think it is a better way to communicate if you say it the other way around never never do that and he would say look i'm not i'm not calling you an idiot but you're being an idiot you're acting like an idiot right now you're acting like one and i feel like that might be the same kind of logic i'm applying here in a lot of cases to players who are not doing the best on a job but only right now and it's natural it is a natural step in the progression towards becoming a little better you can't skip over that step of sucking well i mean maybe some extremely extremely good players can but most of us can't we gotta wade through it and not be too too hard on yourself or shame yourself too much while you're moving through that and you know it might even be helpful for you to be able to identify when you are performing poorly on a job or if there's some jobs that you are doing a little better on than other jobs so that way you you can improve because like i said before the place i think if you if you don't acknowledge that you're bad you can never be good because like if you can't acknowledge that you're doing something wrong then how can you ever do it right because if you're not doing it wrong why would you change it in the first place so it's like if a person cannot acknowledge and not see what they're doing wrong then you're not going to make any progress with helping them get better who are straight up bad are the ones who don't want to improve they are they think they're willingly refusing help they are not listening and they're just stuck they are really in that rut and that's why i would label them as bad because i mean where can they go if they don't want to help themselves it's not able to tell which jobs you are doing good at which jobs that you could use a little help on someone says what's the definition of being right it seems subjective no it doesn't whenever you're in the fire you're wrong whenever you're not in the fire you're not wrong it's that simple really like it is actually that simple and uh like if you're doing low damage like there's a there's like a an add-on that tells you how much damage you're doing and if you're doing less damage than the average for people that are doing the same thing as you then you're bad if you're doing more damage or equivalent damage then you're good there's it's actually not subjective at all there are things that are subjective inside of it right micro things but on a macro level whenever you're talking about like overall performance there are just generally accepted benchmarks that you either meet or you don't meet and that's it and that's the good thing about numbers is that they're fair numbers they they tell you the truth they don't sugarcoat it if you're a five and everybody else is a 17 then you suck and that's all there is to it it's gonna be uh that's good that's something that would separate you from someone who was straight up bad and uh remember too that being bad or playing badly now on a certain job doesn't mean you're going to be bad on that job forever and it doesn't mean that you're bad at every job in the game or the game as a whole you know i mean i think i'm pretty decent on dancer but put me on samurai you put me on ninja i would play like crap and that's that's okay i don't feel bad about that i feel like it would kind of be boring if i just woke up and it was immediately amazing at every job i mean i think that would be great part of the yeah the process of learning all there is to know about a job and practicing it and like watching how you're getting better and better like that's exciting that should be part of the enjoyment of play i i agree with that in a way right because like i remember whenever i learned how to parry in valheim like i didn't learn how to parry in valheim until like [ __ ] uh like i got up to the snow world or something like that maybe like still in the swamps like it took me a long time to learn how to parry and then as soon as i learned it i went from being dog [ __ ] to being a lot better than dog [ __ ] like it was a massive [ __ ] improvement for me you can parry what you can y'all no bro what do you mean dude you don't know you can parry you have to use listen you have to use one of the round shields you can't use a tower shield you have to use one of the bucklers or a round shield and if you put your shield up right before they attack it goes ding and then it takes the attack and it stuns the npc and they take more damage because they're in the uh they're in like the vulnerability phase yeah it's just like dark souls and you can parry like somebody could shoot an arrow at you from [ __ ] 30 yards away like sue and then you hold your shield up and then you go bing and then the guy 30 yards away will go like this i'm serious try it right now yeah at least it is for me some of the ways that you can gauge how you're doing overall is ask yourself have i been comparing trolls quest battles like solo instances on their intended difficulty okay like if you can only clear these solo duties on easy mode or very easy mode then you hate to say it but you are not doing well then you would dick suck a boy and that's the problem man is sometimes you suck and it's okay if you suck it's totally [ __ ] fine if you suck like i i've had a situation right where i remember i was playing i was doing guardian ape and sakiro and each attempt would take me 17 minutes because i didn't know that i could parry the sword in the second phase and i didn't know anything about the game it was a 17-minute attempt and at a certain point i asked myself why is it that they have these one videos and all the guides for killing guardian ape are only three or five minutes like why is why is my why are my attempts 17 minutes long and i was like well maybe maybe you have to parry him twice that's about it yeah it's that you're playing that's assuming that your uh your gear is is decent like if your gear is around the right item level though duty that's good and you're failing it on unless you put it on easier very easy it's clear that either you need to work on your rotation i killed them by the way it took 19 minutes you're not able to meet even the most basic gps checks in there yeah um you're not listening to what the npcs are telling you to do or you don't know how certain mechanics work like this you've got to be able to make it through these uh quest battles on the normal difficulty also check how you're doing on stone sky c i know it's not perfect i complain about it but especially if you're a healer like it's it's not super good all that [ __ ] if you're a healer um but it is a solid tool just to check how your rotation is i mean if you can get 80 to under 10 percent item level you can rest assured that you're performing quite well and you're doing more than enough for the normal or hard mode content at least one sign of a good player and this is especially true of sprouts is you know being able to take note of mechanics what they look like and remember that and respond accordingly in the future that's one of the things that i think there's a lot of like games have this where there's a certain type of like visual indicator that means a certain thing so for example in final fantasy blue things you stand under are generally good now there are some exceptions like you know the midgard summer fight and like the level 50 dungeon the blue thing you don't stand under that but overall you stand under blue things and you don't stand under the red things and then also there are other arrows that there are other effects where there's like a a circle and there's like arrows going in this means it is a stack mechanic and everybody has to stack now wow has the same thing whereas in wow mechanics whereas there's a circle around you and there's like kind of like sparkly's coming out from the middle of it it's like almost a bonfire of like whatever effect it is that means that it's a stack mechanic and being able to identify those patterns will immediately make you like three times better at learning fights just understanding what patterns look like in the game normally and not boosting will help you a lot with because you will have to go through a bunch of different dungeons and as you go through them you'll start to recognize the patterns of the different mechanics and uh it's okay if you mess it up the first few times you know the first two or three or four even times but if you see the same mechanics over and over and over and over and you keep dying every single time that's not good you need to check and see like what's trichtagon reminded me of this one guy that we had his name was snyder's and he had like three wives and he lived in alabama or something like that and he was a multi-boxing hunter and he was in siege of orgrimmar progression with us and there was this one ability that one of the kalaxi did in the second last fight on mythic it was called like death from above where he would go up in the air and he would land on somebody and he would die to it every time and i remember i asked him one time after he died to it i'm like sniders have you ever not died to that and everybody else was quiet he goes like this no no no and he never he never learned it we just got geared enough to where we could just do the last phase with him dead yeah he he never [ __ ] learned making he never learned the mechanic going on am i not noticing the mechanic going off am i like tunneling there's no shame though i think in dying to mechanics that you've never seen before and look we all make mistakes we all derp from time to time there are definitely been times when i have failed to a mechanic that i have seen and that's a point when i usually ask myself hey am i really tired right now do i need a break right now why did that happen do i need to focus a little harder you know you need to be able to self-reflect on that and not immediately point the finger at somebody else like oh it was actually their fault like usually when something goes wrong the first question i ask is what could i've done better was it me was it my fault or did i ever do everything all right but there are some people who and i would call these people bad players people who the last person that they would point out is themselves when they got it backwards you're the first person you need to check because uh you're the only person you actually really have any control over so it's crazy for me when people don't check themselves at all are not interested at all in how they're doing are quite lazy with their approach and their attitude and yet they go into a group content and they expect everything to go smoothly because they expect everybody else to have done their research and to know what's going on you know and by the way you know you don't have to min max to be good you don't have to be like a super pro at your job this is another one of the [ __ ] uh you know casual delusions that the only way for you to be able to like there's only two worlds right there's the world where you don't even know what your buttons do and there's the world where you're this super omega nerd that spends all day on on world of logs or final fantasy logs whatever the [ __ ] website is poring over them and like memorizing rotations the truth is like most people are probably in the middle but the people make it out that way because they just want to find an excuse to be shitty to do most of the content that is in the game having a general idea of how your job works how your spells work together is not rocket science it's not something that's going to take you five hours of youtube tutorials to figure out like literally just spend a little time if you've got some questions and ask some people in your fc or hell even in my discord server and there's there's many people that will help you figure it out it's not going to be i think some people just build it up so much in their mind that they think oh my god this this game is so complicated and there's so much to learn and it's also complex and they're so in-depth i've never been able to figure it out so it just i i think some people get intimidated and they push away from even learning the most basic things about their job it are really not hard to get down you know people kind of get into this this is another problem that wow has too is that like some people like they just they over hype the idea of being good at the game and being serious about it and they just take things way too [ __ ] seriously and they just blow things completely out of proportion whereas like really it's not that big of a deal mode of it's one or the other it's either i'm gonna chill and be be like more or less lazy and not pay attention to what's happening on my screen or i have to be like super super super high-end and i need to like be the best and i've got a min max and like oh i've got to be super into it it really isn't one or the other it's more or less like a spectrum between the side and the other side it's really better uh if some people would make more of an effort why not put in a little effort instead of getting super intimidated by their perception of how difficult or complex things will be to learn it can take weeks or months to become incredibly good at the job you are playing but in the meantime you can be you're me it takes just a few hours i mean you can be all right you can be decent you can be an asset to your team you can be someone that people want to have around that people want to invite to their groups it doesn't you don't need to be a wizard like you don't need to be a 90th 99th percentile player just be good at what like this is what i've always looked at in like games right mechanics are more important than damage if you can't do mechanics it doesn't matter how much damage you can do because you're going to be a liability but as long as you can do the mechanics and meet the minimum dps requirement i am happy with you take a whole lot of work to get to that point this is a fairly simple video i just wanted to get my thoughts out to reply to this person who asked me what is my definition of a bad player because as i said i think there's a difference between someone who was a bad player because they just are a bunch of nubs don't care about getting better yeah and there's someone who might just be bad at the job they're playing right now and that is okay it's okay to be temporarily bad so long as you are actively working towards becoming a little bit less bad because it's natural to have that bad step it's completely fine if you suck dick at the game the problem is whenever you volunteer other people to suck dick with you so like if you're going around and you're playing by yourself and you're garbage at the game who cares but if you're going and you're cueing up into dungeons and you're queuing up into trials and [ __ ] and you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing and you're wasting everybody else's time then you're the [ __ ] but if you're playing solo you can suck at the game as much as you want process as we've been over learning process is good it's something to be embraced it's not something to be afraid of you're the answer to get super defensive about either be or to shame yourself about because it shouldn't take too long for you to go from bad to half bath maybe go to from how bad it's like decent good okay all right but i really think that every single player has the capability to improve to the point that they can do all of the high-end content in the game i really do think that and i don't think so uh i think that like most people like most people besides like extreme like for my mom for example like she could not right because she's she's old she's got problems their [ __ ] eyes like she's not gonna be able to do it but like an average person like you in chat like the odds are you mr 24 year old guy with you know relatively good vision and a gaming pc [ __ ] you don't got an excuse learn to play that i have probably even a more charitable yeah there ain't no excuse for you and a lot of other players might but i have a background as a teacher and um i think that certain people just give up on themselves way too soon and they don't see the potential within themselves i have that happen to me sometimes you channel i try to encourage people i get tilted out of their comfort zone a little bit challenge themselves i can't be surprised by how much improvement that they will see but i want them to enjoy the process of improvement as well i think the only thing that will keep you playing bad and that will prevent your progress that will hurt you more than anything else is you either okay not believing that you can do better i can see that are you refusing to look critically at what went wrong and asking yourself if you had any pardon what went wrong if you uh if there's anything you could have done better if there's we had people like this in my guild uh and i remember like my guildmaster would never know what to do with them and i think that they would just take a day off and then let me be the raid leader by the next day that person wasn't in the guild anymore they were done he didn't delete it they were out and the odds are they were the ones that quit but i didn't kick them i made them quit because there's some people like that bit that they just don't they don't know what the [ __ ] to do i used to be a dick man like and i i don't feel bad for it at all like that's what they deserved the government there are ways you can change or adjust to to do a little better are there any aspects of the game that you would use i'm not addicted do you remember like are you good at a job are you good at something in the game but you remember a time when you were not so good at it and what helped you move from there to where you're at now i think that might be really helpful for people to hear about in the comments section down below if you like this video please consider supporting the channel on patreon you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of light thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye and uh honestly like i think this is a good point uh definitely like being bad at the game is just uh uh it's wasting other people's time i think that's the worst issue with it when does chad get to suck some dick i don't know guys actually i'm not sure probably soon i think soon is a good idea [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 409,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold FFXIV, ff14 vs wow, wow ffxiv, zepla ffxiv, asmongold zepla, zepla ff14, zepla final fantasy 14, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, mmo, mmorpg, ff14, bad players, asmongold bad, asmongold carried, asmongold ffxiv bad, asmongold fail, ffxiv bad, ffxiv fail
Id: wizg4YG2LJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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