Asmongold Rates ALL Classic WoW Dungeons & Makes a Tier List with Viewers!

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the fact that black fathom deeps is actually a jumping game and back then you weren't really able I mean you could summon people I guess but unless you had a were like you couldn't really do that so you had to advance through those trials and there were a lot of people my mom she could have been in that video she was very bad at jumping okay and like you know getting around like it was she was alright there were a number of times I had to go and like you know do something from her because she couldn't get to it on her own right and I'm not trying to be mean but it's you know she was not she's not very spatially aware okay so we're gonna get black fathom deep Sabine I don't think the dungeon was anything special I don't think the dungeon was an account sure no it wasn't a countering because she was an adult and I was a minor so I was helping her and that's allowed in the TOS I've read every word in the TOS I know all the rules on Twitch on like a YouTube on Wow I know all the [ __ ] rules and that way the reason I know all the rules is if somebody pisses me off I know what I can [ __ ] them for okay black fathom deep or sorry Blackrock depths just get that out of the way it's obviously one of the best dungeons that they've ever made Blackrock depths I really liked it a lot and I would say it's obviously an STR dungeon many years ago I could do the run back from Blackrock depths in thorium point all the way to the to the the entrance I could do it without even looking at the screen that's how many times I died I would walk home from school fast so I could get a group because I knew if I had to start after 5:00 p.m. I wouldn't be able to finish the dungeon before I had to go to bed okay it was a beautiful time Blackrock theft is one of the greatest dungeons I've ever made Dyer mall I think dire Maul is also an STR dungeon III think that it's also an s2 your dungeon because there's so much in-game depth that comes out of dire Maul that I really think that it deserves it's at least an A okay it's at least an A but I feel like with all the different ways that you were able to do dire Maul and the different like types of because it's a it's a dynamic dungeon right especially for the tribute runs and all of that it's something that's unique that you didn't really see a lot of times before then so I would actually give dire Maul yeah the dire maul buff was very it was very flexible you're able to go in there from different directions and I just think in general is a very very good dungeon farming the books with the jump runs yeah exactly so because there are so many rewards that came out of dire Maul I think that made the dungeon it's so much better than it would have been naturally so I'm going to give dire Maul tally quest you're right and also the 0.5 quest as well we did that on stream we're gonna give dire Maul and s that's an easy s no one we're done my opinion on no Morgan I don't like it III just I don't like no more gun I'm gonna give it like a C number gun had a lot of depth to it but the depth was pointless there's no reason to figure any of the [ __ ] out it's like imagine playing a game but you don't give a [ __ ] about anything in the game and so you just run through it randomly and it doesn't [ __ ] matter I do that all the time it's there's like all these like punch codes and key codes it's like what is this am I trying to unlock a safe or just play a [ __ ] game it's too much man so I would say no Morgan is a sea level rate or a dungeon okay I'll probably just call them raid interchangeably lower Blackrock Spire I think you guys are way too generous let's be a little bit more realistic okay Blackrock Spire it was alright Blackrock Spire was was it was a nice rate it was a nice raid full of nice works and there were a couple of good things about it the best thing about about lower Blackrock Spire was the fact that it was the the dungeon layout was really good I think the dungeon layout for Laura Blackrock Spire was the best part of the entire dungeon I'm going to give lower Blackrock Spire I'm gonna give it a beat it was okay but it wasn't amazing Mara done like ah Mardon like what what do you guys think what site what should I read more easy D I think a lot of these decisions are actually influenced purely by our personal experiences in these dungeons back in the day because I see people saying all this is an s2 your dungeon and other people say oh this is a [ __ ] d tier dungeon this dungeon sucks here's of course this is true right of course so let's go ahead we're gonna try to be a little bit more objective and by objective I mean everybody is agreeing with my own personal experience so I'm going to say Mardan I'm gonna say it's a good rate very good done just wished now why is it a good dungeon I feel like the very end of Mara dawn like the last like five bosses where you jump off the the the waterfall and then there's like the hydras like in front of you that part of the dungeon is thematically one of the best parts of the game in classic well because after you've fought through the slimes you've dipped down the satyrs you've freed peeper whatever the [ __ ] his name is and you descend out of the mountaintop or out of not yeah into the mountain and off of the waterfall and into the very core of Mars on itself you go up to the highest peak and you defeat the The Golem and you get the helmet because you need rolled on it even though you already had another one because just in case the one that you had broke now you'll have a second one to pounded in the group is [ __ ] pissed Hey Hey so then you finally kill him you go all the way down and you look at this this pathway it's a long curvy pathway with very difficult bosses to trash and you see the last boss you woke up and you're inside of a giant gaping chasm and you look down and there's a crocodile boss below you that was [ __ ] awesome I'm gonna get Mardon and a [Music] people don't like that rating that's fine everybody except me is wrong what else is new rapes fire Kasim now let's be honest about rage fire Kasim okay can we be honest please okay like really I mean it was just [ __ ] I mean like it was a dog [ __ ] don't like it was so like the bosses had no mechanics it was effectively just a bunch of it was instanced trash and I mean that in every single different way that you can use the word trash it was a shitty dungeon and the mobs did nothing I'm sorry it wasn't that good razor fin downs now this is a personal favorite of mine I used to farm razor fin downs at level 60 to farm small radiant shards and this is all I would do to make money back in classic Wow so I actually have a lot of experience with razor fin downs I would say I'm gonna think it's a B I'm gonna say razor friend downs is a B you can take the high road or you can take the low road if you take the low road you fight the the [ __ ] guy that drops a chess piece so it's the only way that I know about him is names like - Kosh or whatever the [ __ ] then you go down and you fight more dress fire I I think that's his name and he's jumping up and down he's dancing and people like wow that's so cool and you beat his [ __ ] dick in and then you go up down the button you go down and there's a giant abomination you beat his dick in and then you descend up the spiraling [ __ ] Mountain and then you're fighting other bosses that are rare spawns that can drop that sword Excalibur and you get up to the top and you fight whatever the [ __ ] the Lich's name is and you beat his dick in - it is so good man this end up yeah because you'd be backpedaling back then huh cuz everybody was yeah that that's why it was an amazing dungeon I liked it a lot I would definitely give it a B now razor fin crawl however I don't like it I never liked it how was it a fan sorry I just I I didn't like it at all I'm gonna give razor fin crawl I'm gonna give it a C it's a solid scene it was confusing it was hard to navigate the rewards were mediocre the bosses were [ __ ] it was just a it was just a shitty dungeon it was a shitty [ __ ] dungeon I'm sorry to say but that's it hard to navigate yeah it was hard to navigate okay it was like oh yeah yeah you're gonna say yeah you're so smart you're able to navigate the dungeon well listen listen okay I did it like twice here's how hard it was to navigate whenever they introduced across route the cross Rome group finder if people died and rfk they to leave the run because they wouldn't know how to get back they couldn't know they couldn't get back to the dungeon whenever they got back to the dungeon they couldn't get back to the party that they couldn't do anything I'm absolutely going to say that yes racer Finn crawl was dog [ __ ] and it was hard to navigate that's every dungeon racer Fink crawl was special and so was Mardon actually I remember nobody knew how to get back to Mardon as well because there are the three different entrances and that really always made things very fun alright Scola montz it is at least an 80 or dungeons does anybody disagree speak now or forever hold your peace I think it might actually be an s tear dungeon but why is it an s tear dungeon one thing that made school a Mont special is that it had an alchemy lab inside of it which made it relevant for the entire expansion for engineers or not engineers for alchemists I feel like Scola Muntz was genuinely in a way scary do you guys remember like in school months whenever you drop down where all the zombies were at the bottom and like that female boss was and like you'd be like oh [ __ ] that was badass I'm gonna say skull Mons personally was an st or dungeon or the ambience and everything about the dungeon was flawless I'm gonna give it the Ness shadow Fang keep pretty easy dungeon the layout was really well put together the rewards were above average robes of our girl I had him you had him we all had him if you were a caster you better [ __ ] have it I would say overall shadow Fang keith was a good dungeon does it deserve an STR though I don't think so shadow Fang keep the reason that I have these dungeons is STR dungeons is because they were either just so but they were just so involved in complex that it just made them timeless or they were just absolutely amazing of what they were I don't think shadow Fang keep innovated at all in dungeons and I also don't think that it gave any sort of unique reward and it wasn't perfect at what it did in a way that other dungeons weren't so I'm gonna have to say shadow Fang keep I'm gonna give it a name it was a really good dungeon but I I don't think I could in good faith in good faith give the dungeon anything more than today Scarlet monastery now this is actually for dungeons right because you had scoured armory scarlet graveyard Scarlet of monster armory graveyard Cathedral and scarlet graveyard Cathedral halls was it star library library yeah I think scarlet monastery was good what is it really an ass most of the dungeons were just there is nothing to them there's nothing to the dungeons like you literally get in the Scarlet graveyard you went down you went over you went down you killed an interrogator you went up and you killed the the skeleton guy right who cares it doesn't who gives a [ __ ] scarlet scarlet library you went in there you killed the two guys you got the little the the dog thing I forgot even what the [ __ ] that was you killed our canis Doan and you killed Herod and then that was it like I it was boring [Music] I mean guys it was [ __ ] boring like a Herod shut it come on like you got the loot oh wow yeah scarlet monastery was good in one way that it was the first time that players actually got badass-looking Luke okay that's a good point that is a very good point get mad all you want but this isn't a personal opinion this is a fact I'm looking at this objectively scarlet monastery was not asked here like it wasn't the only thing that would maybe make it s tier is the ashbringer event later on and maybe some of the lore that surrounds it it is an a and I think even that might be too much it was okay [Music] it was okay guys listen listen listen listen just white man bro come on man like there was nothing original or dynamic about those dungeons they were boring they dropped they dropped a pretty good loot which is the main reason why people wanted to do them and there weren't really a lot of other things to do in that little level period okay unless you wanted to get killed over and over in stranglethorn bail so everybody was trying to do scarlet monastery for the year now was it actually a good raid no it wasn't you will get scarlet Monistat scarlet graveyard it's two bosses pointless the gear that drops sucks that there's no real point of getting I just guys I've just weighed my camera died [ __ ] okay there we go I gotta fix my hair now [ __ ] now I've got a guy I've gotta make it look good from another angle okay that's fine you also dead you have to raid dungeons that have played the game well we'll play the game in a bit too cuz I was gonna do the dungeons too but actually how is so dead that after I'm done raiding dungeons from a previous expansion I'll actually go and do raids from a previous expansion - there you go what would you recommend for a first date Diggy's what would I recommend for a first day so here was my first date as I said I met her at a hapless gone and we were it was me and rich and like two other dudes and Zack and I think like maybe oh I think like tips was there something like that and as fond I think was also streaming and we're walking out and my girl Izzy and then like three of her friends ran into us and this is the first time I met her I was like yo what up I give her a hug I was like yo you want to go to Taco Bell mean we're just gonna go Taco Bell and she's like okay and then so we go to Taco Bell and you know what it was great honestly it worked out perfect and it was not even a big deal okay yeah that's not a date well yeah it is wait what do you mean how's that not a date but yeah it is of course it is come on all right you know what guys people can talk [ __ ] all day one Taco Bell is [ __ ] great and I don't feel bad I laughing yeah work it at the end of the day it worked at this is a thing as people can make fun of me they can say that I'm stupid they could do whatever but at the end of the day it [ __ ] worked alright and laugh all you want but it [ __ ] worked did you talk to her today yeah yeah of course right I mean like I did she rate top of cabana better yeah talk with cabana was better okay alright let me go ahead and start this alright nevermind we niz that mess behind you only worked if you ain't okay dude alright well let's go ahead and let's get back to the dungeons okay there's some really really disgusting stuff going on in chat I don't know why I have no idea why what what that is but anyway let's go and look at this next one I'm following you don't give s m and s no it's probably not even the name honestly I if I I only gave it an a to make people happy I would have given it a B naturally actually you know what [ __ ] you guys alright stockades the stockades let's go ahead and be honest about stockades let's just let's be honest okay guys what look not only is it in a very very convenient location okay hi I can't do it I can't do it all right all right it's a date it's a date it's a dungeon sucked everybody knows the dungeon sucked it was a dog [ __ ] dungeon everybody hated it it [ __ ] is trash there is nothing redeeming about stockades I would say that it's probably one of the worst dungeons that Blizzard has ever made and I don't like it at all so we're gonna go ahead and give stockades a D now strap l'm okay spray-foam this is where things get to be a little bit more exciting because we're gonna look at both strap l'm live side and Stratholme dead sight now the live side of Stratholme I think was absolutely amazing the way that you descended into the Scarlet halls you fought through the undead you found the barricade between the undead and the living you broke through that you killed all the living people and then you found out that the commander the main man in charge of the scarlet crusade was none other than bounders our and found Azhar was right there and there was no way like you had no idea that was what was gonna happen so bounds are finally [ __ ] shows up you see this dry and dreadlord you're like wait I thought this guy was in charge of the Scarlet Crusade and then you kill bounces are and then the scourge overwhelm you and then they start biting the people and you have to fight your way out of the dungeon that was [ __ ] badass we're gonna give strap alone alright you know what let's talk about the dead side you into the dead side you go into the dead side the cannon event and strat live exactly there's a speedrun first draft whoa I like that a lot you have to beat down the ziggurats and there was also a mountain it was the only dungeon mount inside classic while dungeons for those reasons I'm gonna give straw um either an A or an S okay III think that it deserves a name everybody's saying yes here here's what I mean to say okay whoa is it better than any of these three dungeons is it better than Scola mounts is it better than the iron ball is it better than BRD absolutely not you guys think so all right we'll give it to this I'll be reasonable with you guys okay I'll give it to you this time it's an S IP yesterday oh yeah the ith event so we're gonna yeah strap on we're getting even an s okay sunken temple [Music] get mad nerds you mad okay sorry about that boys I'm back I'm back okay just one minute why are there try-hards in chat you guys mad you guys mad about something simple I'll tell you why you're mad because you don't know how [ __ ] navigate you don't know how to count to eight you don't know how to jump down you don't know how to get up why you mad about something temple is because you can't navigate anybody that understand something temple is a God among men in classic Wow out of breath why I ran up the ran up the [ __ ] stairs like two seconds dude like that's hard to do dead minds nostalgia is a very strong factor in this decision I understand a lot of people want me to rate it very very highly because it was a great dungeon and you remember and you have great memories of doing it and let me tell you something I do too it was incredible they had a three phase fight mr. smight at level 15 multi phases my opinion deadmines is not an s it's just not but it is an a deadmines is absolutely an egg one of the best dungeons they've made BC know some PC it's DM it's an a it's a high a it's a hot it's a very very high a it is the closest a here to an S alright the closest a are you know what let's actually do that I I'm curious about this we're still don't have a straw fall from previous day which one is it DM PC that's right that's right that's right you see you see here's why I'm right okay so here's all right yeah this is no you guys are right because it is DM it's absolutely DM and anybody that calls it VC is a [ __ ] idiot here's why because every single time you see somebody post you're gonna shift-click their names let me tell you a little secret if they're a level 50 they're not talking about deadlines and if their level 18 they're not talking about dire maul you have to use a little bit of context clues here okay all the man ah I'm gonna do something that I am a little bit biased to at about level 38 or 35 or so a young asmin golden was invited to his first real guild this guild had aspirations of rating and to me I was still level 35 I couldn't even get to level [ __ ] 60 so I was like damn these guys are ready to go I join a raid for old man a ten man rape and after three hours we find ourselves at the last boss the sword drops and they guilt trip me into greed rolling on the sword is boring like the dungeon was boring it was a sea it was a pouring pouring pouring vinegar so many of the bosses had relatively no mechanics whatsoever remember whenever you'd go and you'd fight the the maiden or whatever and you'd walked to try to use the little item in the middle to summon her and it would zoom your [ __ ] camera in right on top of you because the weird [ __ ] clipping issues with the little town that was there inside that room remember that [ __ ] [ __ ] I was so annoying alright this is not bias okay this is a [ __ ] fact and it still does that does it I wouldn't be [ __ ] surprised listen I am a hundred percent certain that all the man is not an A or an STR dungeon the only good part about old man was the very end because that's the only part that has any sort of variety every other part of the dungeon is you're in a [ __ ] cave you're in a mine and you have to deal with these random [ __ ] mobs like all the man was dog [ __ ] it was a dog [ __ ] ass raid I doubt it and I usually I don't even say that a dog [ __ ] ass rain get mad all you want but that's the facts now wailing caverns I think wailing caverns sucked I just think it's suck I I don't think it was that good I mean the only things that were good about wailing caverns okay there's a few things that were good about it number one is that very very interesting boss variety okay it actually had like a giant Stegosaurus as a box I thought that was really cool I thought the way that you have to deal with the different the different like leaders was cool and I think summoning the last boss at the end was really cool that's definitely true very very true also there was a set that was associated with wailing caverns which made it more interesting and also you were able to get deviate hides from well actually I mean now that I think about it wailing caverns did really have a lot of utility I don't think I can even say that it's not bad even though I want to the jump yeah the jump the jump was pretty hard it was the best for twinks yeah jump was hard whoa you can say that it was easy you can say that it was easy and yeah I think that it's easy now but back then whenever you were playing on some [ __ ] some potato that had a USB cord [ __ ] stabbed into it and you're too worried about going to storm one because you think it's gonna crash your computer and you don't want to zoom in too close to a fire because it's gonna lag out and burn up your you know Radeon 15 or something like that yeah no I I think that yeah the jump was hard and your mothers keyboard that she bought for you whenever you were five years old you know and you see you can play [ __ ] kid pics like a Windows 95 no it was hard I'm gonna give whaling caverns an a because at a certain point there are dungeons where you just can't get past them if you're not good enough you either make that jump or you don't and if you don't well then you have to run all the way back over there and do it again and then let's say you don't a second time everyone's laughing at you go they think you're a [ __ ] idiot because you are that was nostalgia ranking it's not nostalgia ranking at all I'm looking at objectively these are like objective things right you let's say now you're panicking you're upset because not only if you missed a jump twice but now your group is making fun of you and calling you stupid you panic and you miss it a third time you are now visibly sweating your hands are shaking on your keyboard your group is making fun of you telling you if you don't make it this next time they're gonna kick you out of the group and unfortunately the tank of the group is your guild master and you know that you're gonna be out of the guild too if you don't make this jump your entire life depends on this one moment you walk up to the ledge you backpedal slowly away you get your running start and you jump and you [ __ ] make it everybody in the group three people say thank God and the fourth person is afk because they have to wait so long they went to go make dinner that moment you overcame something I swear to gun yeah he's afk another guy laughs at you but you keep your spot in the group and you keep your spot in the guild because even though everything was going wrong at the end of the day you did it right and that's why it's gonna give an A better stories and then geo - yeah exactly real story what was probably the best story that I haven't classic about that something like that I don't know I really don't know let me think new Belle you're a video pretty positive I might read that I might watch the Belle your video after I do this okay Scola Muntz s Vanja dude come on man Scola montz was amazing I think that it was I thought it was [ __ ] great read the video yeah I'll read the video and then I'll uh I'll watch this to your list about that okay let's see now zoo over at this wolf arakh you were able to stay mounted yes co-op be testy you know that was part of it man like imagine like dude I'm at remember what if ever you would fall down and like the constructs would kill you and everybody call you stupid that was special Zilpha wreck you got the big dick sword you're right soul three is the Lasher and you know what would you do a sultanate still a sure you know what you're do with it you'd replace it with ice barbed spear the next level as soon as you got 51 you wouldn't want to use salt for a slash it wasn't a good but you would have it and it would be yo yo yo yo that's an epic voice and in the immortal words of my boy Jeff I don't replace epics with blues and Jeff stayed true to his word and he sat there using his sword destiny until level 60 and he was able to get the unstoppable force he did not replace epics of Blues he did whatever he wanted carrot trinket that's right carrot on a stick you got carrot on a stick from zolf iraq as well you were able to summon an extra boss the gauntlet thing where you're at the top of the [ __ ] the pyramid or whatever the hell it is the and then you have the guys coming up and you're fighting them all at a time and then finally you get some tank that's super overconfident he's like are you are dude I can just [ __ ] take all this let me go down there and then he goes down there and they swarm him in he [ __ ] dies or maybe he doesn't die and he lose his aggro and they kill all the Heelers then people are mad at him and then you have to do the whole thing over again then you ride back over and then there's one guy that can't afford his mount yet so you have to walk and then so he's walking distance you're like waiting for him and then finally get over there and the derp bird is you're sitting there waiting for the guy that's walking and then find at that time he gets over there or somebody on the group that actually had them out when afk and then you start the event you're doing it with four people then you wipe again group falls apart then you have to do it all over again okay that's special that's what gives it a day so for acts of [ __ ] a I love it it's not an S it's not it's not an S this is the list what's your personal favorite my personal favorite dungeon is Blackrock depths I this is the Blackrock depths in my opinion is probably the best dungeon they've ever made [Music] [Music]
Channel: CatDany — Asmongold Highlights
Views: 374,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, asmongold, highlight, oddshot, wow, world of warcraft, twitch fails, stream fails, catdany, catdanny, funny, moments, chat, twitch chat, mcconnellret, mcconnell, compilation, cat, cat dany, cat danny, clips, Vertual Exchange, Kel'Thuzad, Battle for Azeroth, world of warcraft clips, asmongold reacts
Id: pPY-6jrpV7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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