Asmongold VS Sanctum of Domination + CINEMATIC FINALE | Shadowlands New Raid

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i'm making the raid right now gentlemen let's [ __ ] go asmon gold sanctum of domination boyce are you ready to kill sylvanas ten long years of the villain arc and today it ends today we kill sylvanas oh [ __ ] i like that it's boulevardo all right guys everybody zone in zone out and zone back in dude this place looks cool what the [ __ ] this place actually looks really cool yep everybody come back after this how many people went off the edge there one oh it's a tank great all right what the [ __ ] siphoning anima what don't pull what the [ __ ] this is really cool if this is actually how it works everybody move up this way the terror group has 45 million health 45 million hp now i want to go ahead and explain the way the boss works the boss is the first boss in the dungeon and also these powers vary so widely that i assume he's very badly balanced and he will either be incredibly hard or we will kill him with basically no effort whatsoever so everybody move up just play the game avoid the mechanics that are on the ground read the mechanics do it right all right pop off so much unstable energy big numbers boys big numbers all right huge dicks big dicks let's go he's already at 85 percent okay hungry mist all right remember just move together move these different areas let's go guys come on be smart be smart how donut how donut how donut how doughnut how how do you do doughnut doughnut doughnut man are you kidding me is this a joke i'll allow it okay we will allow it this will probably be a mistake and we'll see what happens i'm trying to be a nice guy and that usually never never works well whenever you play wow you see not in your guild i have no idea if he's in my golden rod let me see if he's in my guild he isn't my guild how the [ __ ] do you die to that you have a 2k raider io score what are you doing okay it's fine i'm not going to worry about it too much right now okay i'm just gonna assume it won't happen again hungry missed again i was moving with the group yeah um sir dead eye apparently that's accurate you have two of them keep it up he's at 50 health guys just do it again hungering mist you guys know what to do we've done it before there we go nobody should be getting hit by this nobody should be getting hit by the avoidable mechanic all right one more one more guys there it is um king it got hit by kung by are you kidding me man are you [ __ ] kidding me this is crazy someone got hit big damage guys let's go big damage let's do it you guys got it all right there's the transition here we go i don't know if he's gonna do it again just kite him around kite the boss around as much as you can just run literally just run focus guys focus he's got 500 damage buff so if you want to tank him pop every cooldown that you possibly could do good this is really wait that's this is smart yeah they just taunt them back and forth what the [ __ ] damn okay all right that works out real well all right i'm arm spec as well good job guys great work got him boys got a voice oh [ __ ] we got ourselves a [ __ ] conduit congratulations guys what do we get so we got a necklace a 226 netflix area fortify our perimeter okay lady proudmoore we could use your expertise okay what are we going to do the terror crew's essence is still tethered to its master we can use that connection to open the way into the fortress above the jailer will unleash all his fury upon us we must not falter [ __ ] prepare yourselves the sanctum of domination awaits oh so now we actually joined the real raid ebenblade secure the portal oh [ __ ] so this is the real raid right here their main forces to us champions find a way to thwart the jailers plan all right guys let's go pull these mobs i feel like this area does look cool this looks like you know what this reminds me of this is like if they had done if they had done icc in current year i'm assuming this is going to be an aoe but it's normal mode so it won't kill me yeah i was right yep kill this guy then we're gonna go yeah i think that the raid mount looks really cool actually looks [ __ ] badass with the trash you get stitching embers oh really okay well i haven't really gotten any so i guess i shouldn't worry about it that much okay um this probably needs to be okay let's see oh it tries to grip us off the edge i see oh damn this place looks badass this reminds me a little bit of like antorus you know holy [ __ ] wow damn dude [Music] why if you have a chain pull it towards the back of the room and pull the ad in very simple okay let's go he says as we evaded him multiple times during the cinematic or during the intro quest damn like the jailer and like his minions really you're dumb like they get tricked and like [ __ ] over all the time man these guys are dumb as hell move out of that yeah just move out of the swirly boys it's real easy don't worry about uranium balls he's done okay obviously you want to move the other side guys like obviously he moved to the other side come on go all the way to here use the chain to teleport over come on you can do it okay let's go we've lost i think five people that's fine all right let's go guys get on the ice get on the ice desolation beam i have to move away yeah move away with desolation beam if you have to okay it's super important can you stack these i don't know if we can stack these or not remember these things have to die at the same time we need more people to come over the other side more people come over to my side both at the same time guys and now we go back to phase one great job so far we're doing amazing i'm really proud of you guys good job that's a seven percent okay kill that one good job it's dead all right now we go back we do the boss again it's that easy guys it's literally that easy just do the same thing again okay i was just showing you guys that you can do it okay i was just showing you you could do it it's totally fine i was not even remotely close to getting hit guys is it it's totally okay it's not like i was reading chat or something like that whenever i was doing the boss fight that's totally not what was happening okay let's get ready for the next uh next set of ads this fight is really dude these fights are cool like i actually like this fight how you have to like go all the way around that's badass man remember same time guys same time yeah these are these are good fights okay and then the other one's about to die i'm just gonna kill this one now good all right let's swap it over kill this one and all right all right mega dicks mega dicks mega dicks mega dicks mega dicks megadix guys megadix move out move out no reason to get hit by that keep it up other way around okay circle around guys circle around circle around everybody say thank you to the person that dropped the uh the black pool in this area say thank you uh really appreciate that and that is a dead ass [ __ ] good [ __ ] job boys there it is boys oh i got safeguard that's so good for pvp [ __ ] yeah dude okay we got it let's keep moving okay what's the next boss we have to talk about the nine the dark uh packed sylvanas struck with the valkyrie forged a bond with the jailer through years these wing and sisters faithfully served the dark lady now even if it meant sacrificing himself on her behalf now sylvanas calls her nine valkyr to fight for her one last time so there's like three not nine so there's the nine right there which are actually the three so sylvanas only has three valkyrs left so that means that sylvanas isn't immortal anymore or the valkyr can't sacrifice themselves to keep her alive anymore if we kill these right i mean like i don't know what happens at the end of the fight so maybe not but we'll see where will she go to the shadow lands uh no she goes back to deviantart no that's where sylvanas goes okay we got this one down nice [ __ ] job boys actually feels like a raid look up oh so uh yeah i think we've seen this before huh yeah i think we oh there's professor puter's side there oh there's centrogosa okay yeah yeah yeah i've seen it yeah yeah we've seen this okay good wait who guess who it is you fight a battle you cannot win we will stop you sylvanas jesus christ get out of here bolvar dragon a fallen king without a throne thank you for your defiance [Music] it's so sad all right let's go people with frost debuffs need to stack up purple circles need to be soaked sounds good let's do it okay big damage guys let's go pop off try to interrupt these casts too if there's ads that spawn we want to focus over the ads good job with the grips uh that's some sort of a thing that we probably should just move out of yeah good job guys donut if you get hit by one more mechanic in this entire raid i'm going to kick you out of the guild and the raid too many mistakes so far man okay good and we need to stack up for that circle again remember that okay wings of rage make sure to move out of that i think it's bad if we get in that circle remember we're gonna be kill uh kill signi first yeah kill her if we're gonna stop as soon as the third one comes down all damage on signing pushes player away okay kill this ad good job soak these soak these soak these soak these oh that was really close guys um yeah kill cygni first kill stigny first get out with the it literally says big bomb get out with the mechanic that says big bomb okay good that one's dead perfect interrupting her great voice okay kill the other one great job guys great job kill kyra obviously kill kyra clear out the ads great work nice [ __ ] job there it is dude there it [ __ ] is dude call the valkyrie slay them all okay this is the hard part of the fight i'm assuming right okay now she's gonna do the spinny thing so just get ready for that yeah you see that it's super easy guys it's super easy it's just like we're mourning you all right we all stack up on this good job great [ __ ] job guys keep it up just keep avoiding keep avoiding donut i'm looking at you i am the new eye of the jailer i'm always watching you donut fragments of destiny i don't know what these are just do whatever you want to do with them all okay what is this going to do you are all out match oh purpley things purpley things go to the perpe things good job guys okay get in those small bombs that means that they're bombs but they're small so move out with the small bombs don't die i'm gonna rally be in for that yeah so those are like the big bombs but they're smaller that's pretty much how they work right yeah i think the graphics are great like everything about this fight is cool uh this does remind me a little bit of like uh you know an anime fight where like all the other enemies like you fight only the main guy and then the other enemies waiting their turn it's like a 60s kung fu movie yeah move out with those debuffs guys um hire quinn go ahead and rally next time we get low like right now rally right now yeah rally right now uh there's a shield so she's in a shield move her out of the shield you notice that she's taking less damage okay good okay good yeah let's move her out of the shield good these are super easy to avoid be in the right position make sure to be in this one too okay good job make sure i use my buff there that's an easy ggg is that an easy gg there it is boys there it [ __ ] is dude nice job guys nice [ __ ] job so we got stygian embers i got a ring wow and okay um uh yeah so uh uh yeah not not not come back around yeah let's go back the other direction okay guys no that's not where we're supposed to be how the [ __ ] do i get over there uh just jump take a leap of faith i have a feeling that's a mistake i have a ver i have a very good feeling that's a mistake just jump just jump off asmin what's the worst that could happen shut up you shut up i know exactly what it is this area looks really cool though like i have to say like the whole the size of the raid is so [ __ ] badass man i love it let's go ahead and look at the next boss uh let me just go ahead and double check what is it remnant of nurse oh [ __ ] intended to herald the jailer's reign on azeroth the first lich king ner'zhul proved unworthy in his master's eyes the last remnants of the fallen orcs twisted soul were encased in the spiked shadow steel condemned to everlasting torment for his failure all who cross paths will share in his suffering that's kind of [ __ ] up no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way there he is all right let's go it's garrosh release oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] see that that's the war chief right there that's a real warchief not oh let's talk it out nope big dick boys big dick boys huge damage guys huge damage it's already at 90 health insane guys keep it up okay get into this wonder come on man quit playing games all right grip these ads and move out with that it's the same stuff with argus why would you move in with that move out uh everybody swap over kill the ads interrupt them interrupt them interrupt the ads i had to interrupt that one there myself grip these together grip the adds together guys come on massive damage let's go cleave them down okay torment it's going to do the same thing again get right here move out of that just turn around whenever we cast that just turn around and look at it it's super easy to avoid remember whenever these mobs come up again we have to make sure that we get them gripped together to save time spread out with these move out with these move out with those debuffs let's go guys come on stay focused good job so far we're doing great it's at 60 percent oh [ __ ] okay turn around other side all right move over here good job great job great job keep it up you guys are doing really well just play it out and i think we're gonna get ads again pretty soon so get ready for the ads i'm assuming we're gonna get ads maybe not tormented eruptions okay it's these right here it's this one right here come on come on moon boy come on moon boy vivora what are you doing bro what are you doing bro move over here get out of the cast like it's easy if he's gonna do it then just don't let him yeah just don't just just don't man good job this is like the safety dance except for it's easier than vanilla wow i don't want to see any mistakes no complaining good job okay that seems to be all of them all right good job keep it up nice nice nice okay torment just be in this area here just be in this area be smart with what you're doing you should move out with them don't have the steel to break me jesus dude garrosh is such a big dick all right go grip them together grip them together that knockback was really stupid keep it up nice job guys nice job with these grips amazing job at the grips okay i'll fight them right here okay other side i like this mechanic it's cool make sure him about with that okay dude i want to know what happens with garrosh after this okay all cds all cds all cds let's go this is the uh it's a burn face rally um bash cutter rally after my rally's over keep it up guys keep it up there we go boys there we [ __ ] go nice job wait so what happened to garrosh what did you just despond what the hell happened he got yeted and deleted and deleted oh we pulled aggro okay let's get this done oh this is ner'zhul oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] seems good to me oh oh that's a good idea go to cat form that's good because cats don't take falling damage oh well i guess the game's not realistic is it yeah it's really not that bad guys to be fair to be fair if heroic leap worked properly that would not have happened everybody's ready let's go ahead and pull remember the faster he dies the faster we can have people die it saves us a lot of time so yeah if you get the debuff remember take it over to moon and that way nobody gets knocked back by it and don't don't dispel it until like everybody is uh until the guy's in position good job okay good job now we're gonna have a debuff going out remember don't get knocked off do not get knocked off keep it up guys keep it up okay move out with those meg what are you doing okay let's go all right get ready for the next orb uh don't res anybody someone did again no meg deliberately did not listen to instructions okay let's get this done get on the orb get on the orb okay good job remember take it over to moon take it over to moon take it over to moon good job you monked up good job all right remember we're stay on boss big damage on boss great job man great job we'll figure out why meg didn't do it after this because if we're gonna have like a listening problem then we'll just replace him okay i asked very little i asked very little of people but the one thing that i ask is for them to listen and follow directions i allow mistakes but not just not listening are hunters so stupid why why why i don't understand okay how many people died from that two people okay keep it up guys keep it up 30 we're still probably gonna kill it here so there's no reason to get upset who is the person that got it there who was the other person i forgot what it was what was his name okay all right there we go keep it up guys avoid avoid guys avoid good avoids wait why is he wait he turned into lord meroguard what the [ __ ] okay kill the orb kill the orb good job nice job keep it up okay [Applause] get these orbs ready get these orbs ready line them up to get the orbs yup let's go kill the orb kill the orbs cleave down these orbs let's go guys come on get them down you have knocked back again good job great job so far get ready to kill the next one big damage guys big damage suffering at cybrock there you go good job great job cybrot okay focus focus focus run out donut good job donut good job ignore these ads and kill the boss ignore these ads and kill the boss let's go okay nice [ __ ] job nice [ __ ] job good [ __ ] work guys oh i got mortal combo [ __ ] yeah dude and i got shard of dizz uh what's the next boss payne smith rosnell let's go after him what the [ __ ] is this bro is this like every tour gas mechanic in the game look at this holy dude this room is so cool this room is so badass man i love it so let's see what we need to do here paints with rossignol sadistic mastermind who spent eons protecting deadly traps found in tour guests he relishes the screams of his victims testament of skill listening with the magnificent delight as they echo throughout the tower's desolate halls all right let's go pop off boys pop off okay good job so far guys let's keep it up obviously i have to move out of that circle just kill the balls you obviously have to kill the balls kill the balls and get through the hole it's obvious austin how do you how do you die to that okay so as soon as the axe hits it i see it just makes spikes there donut's dead okay stay focused guys just get done this is an easy boss really great job on positioning by the way tanks keep that up okay good job great work okay now we have to do this again get ready guys avoid that okay keep it up your torment will stand eternity let us see your capacity keep it up all right let's go go ahead and uh wipe it up guys wipe it up i i really don't know what to say guys yeah didn't you guys play fall guys okay moving out of that good job guys we're doing great so far just keep it up yeah you guys are doing really really well i'm very proud of you make sure to pop your cds again if you can if they're short cds that way we can push them before the transition okay good job and i think we should be just fine here he's perfect okay perfect you guys are doing really well right now like everybody's doing really really really well just keep it up like really really really good job guys like this is crazy good these are the kind of improvements that i knew that we could make this is so much [ __ ] better see like people do get better like they can get better it takes practice but you do it right see that was [ __ ] perfect nobody even got hit by a red thing amazing guys keep it up let's kill this boss okay good job kill this guy perfect good make sure to move out with that move out with that remember the faster we kill him the faster he's dead big damage guys keep it up use your cds just try to think about this right like you know like what the timing is going to be just make sure that you guys are popping every cd you can like really pushing them through this this last phase is going to be super hard so i want to see everybody alive for it besides that one guy do not use your battle revs we're going to save it for a tank let's go okay i should not have done that that was stupid of me okay it's not gonna be in right timing just make sure to move out of it easy there we go yam okay the moment that it's not in the right position people just like lose their minds okay this should be an easy kill or easy transition okay is he gonna interrupt it okay move into this this is gonna be really annoying okay there's two of these going off the same time nobody should do this wrong good job great work great work remember after at the end of this we pop heroism at the end of this we pop heroism [Music] do not res anyone do not res anyone we need to save it for tanks we need to save it for tanks aura or austin i swear to god if you just let yourself get ticked down i'm gonna be so mad at you keep it up we got it guys we got it this is an easy kill this is easy gg okay tbc waiting room okay um go ahead just pop cds pop everything pop everything pop everything burn him down burn him down let's go guys huge [ __ ] damage huge [ __ ] damage guys let's go he's already down 10 this is great okay kill these ads remember we we have all the other mechanics okay all the other mechanics plus extra mechanics bonus mechanics actually it's not even bonus it's the same [ __ ] that we already did great movement great movement keep it up this is free damage right now free damage literally the freest damage you've ever had all right we have to do one more set of balls one more balls of steel get to the edge and now we're gonna have balls we're gonna probably have it at the same time just be prepared for that there it is okay there it is there it is kill this ad good job really great movement dryro really great movement great movement uh if we have another one i would probably rally for it if people aren't topped it's a mistake of mine i should have moved forward this is an easy kill guys this is an easy kill save all of your cooldowns if we have them save all of your cooldown for the next set of balls because we're probably going to get it tart and chill man chill bro like you've got to keep yourselves up you monked up [ __ ] up keep it up guys keep it up there should be a ready for raiding achievement for this boss huge damage yeah just go to that edge you're probably gonna have to good job rally good job good job just kill him just kill him just [ __ ] kill him just [ __ ] kill him just [ __ ] kill him got him boys that's how it's [ __ ] done nice job nice [ __ ] job where's my loot wait wait yeah i didn't get loot either wait am i the only person that didn't get any loot damn dude well i'm gonna put in a ticket i'll tell blizzard that there was a bug um it was supposed to give me the gloves and i saw him for a second and it just they disappeared and i was so close to getting it but it just didn't happen man isn't that [ __ ] crazy isn't that nuts wow man this game's messed up okay let's go back over here so we have to get to the uh the [ __ ] crown of gorgoa the hour has come to make you pay for the indignities i suffered at nexramus now at long last you will kneel before cattle so oh jeez kelt is on all right let's go over to um i've heard that this boss is bugged so let's go over to guardian of the first ones i think this guy looks really cool pulled by the jailer's chains from a distant unknown realm this malfunctioning guardian seeks to protect the inscrutable knowledge known as ciphers it uses the last of the power of its power to obliterate any who would come and plunder its secrets of its en enigmatic makers okay everyone's ready let's go all right guys let's do it big dick big dick god damn it i always do that i'm so stupid okay so these are the radian energy i'm assuming am i getting a buff from this no i'm not okay spread out with that good job the center oh that's i should have known to move out of that like that i was [ __ ] not paying attention that's my fault okay don't get up by that again that's stupid as [ __ ] to get hit by let's go this boss seems pretty free honestly yeah make sure to move out with that disintegration taunt good job he's already 80 health guys this is the easiest boss in the game easiest boss in the game guys activated purging protocol then we're supposed to stand in this or some [ __ ] you know i think we stand in that or some [ __ ] i don't really know okay maybe i i don't know bring him bro maybe we bring him inside this oh i see i see okay take him out of there doesn't he like explode whenever he goes to full energy or some [ __ ] i guess we're gonna find out really [ __ ] soon okay maybe not okay i'm just gonna move out for that make it easier for everybody okay great job guys don't res anybody okay don't raise anybody we're doing really insanely good on this boss let's get back to one shotting every boss okay let's get back to one shotty sixty percent okay move out of that move out move out guys move out guys everybody move out good job great work everybody keep it up you're doing amazing i'm very proud of you i almost got hit by that [ __ ] again dude like i'm such garbage at that oh okay these things are in rage timers i'm now understanding it purging protocol after the first or second one then we move them in there we go okay good big dick on him big dick on him big dick on him we have to big dick on him guys big dick on him come on move out of that move out of that we don't want to have we don't want to get by a meltdown okay good job okay remember we need to do a lot of damage here i'm going to rally i'm rallying here rallying here good job so far just make sure that your health does not reach the zero number yeah do not do not allow yourself to activate the zero number uranus uranus what are you doing uranus iran is dead too it's fine it's only a healer to heal other heroes just heal more okay yeah just heal more keep it up we're taking damage here it's not a big deal though just heal more wait i literally almost got hit by that again i don't know why like my brain just is not like ready to [ __ ] like calculate that into like my avoidance mechanism in my brain uh battle reza rain whenever we get a rez battle reza rain uh batch cutter rally yeah like we need to do big heels okay like i'm talking like big dick heels like not just big heels big dick heels and also like this boss needs to die here because we're gonna be running out of the things okay move out guys this this boss has to die here he has to die let's go don't die stop guys stop dying stop dying stop you guys stop dying stop dying come on focus focus focus if he casts it again we're dead we can use cds through it we can probably kill him as long as we have like 10 seconds into it okay mega dicks mega dicks boys mega dicks 3 million health guys push the numbers push the numbers let's go two come on move out with that just everybody stack up whenever he's gonna do it everybody stack up and we're just gonna [ __ ] spam cds move out i am so bad at this game i'm so sorry i i i was standing in there like an idiot okay he's dead good job that's totally my fault nice job boyce that's a [ __ ] one shot that is a [ __ ] one shot boys there we go all right now we have to do fate scribe uh coo raul what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] fate's correct once the face trapped entrusted with corthia's countless secrets amos sworn seized uh rocalo and bound him to the jailer's will with tour gas power at his disposal rocalo seems to author a new fate for the shadowhands okay here we go said mackonwell had big spoiler ahead okay what let's let's watch the cinematic after this poll okay guys uh the spoiler is not a big deal for me um yeah i just i want to see what happens and i think that's what that's what i'm gonna do okay earn it i am i'm paying an internet connection yeah to access youtube what do you mean yeah i absolutely am okay yeah i did i'm busting my ass man like it's like four it's like eighty dollars a month i gotta pay i pay eighty dollars a month man god damn okay and then oh there's the tank mechanic okay let's go be smart do it right okay big dick on ad big dick on ad big dick on ad let's go big dick on ad here we go guys all right perfect okay good job stay focused guys stay focused let's get these ads down get those interrupts out too oops i'm going to get hit no i didn't that was close i like that mechanic dude these mechanics look so badass okay let's get over to that ad there we go why am i not hitting the boss what's going on here what is this okay it's bugged out or something um all right move out of that there we go are they final fantasy mechanics i have no idea no it's the visual of it it's not the um uh it's not that it's it's a visual it's not the mechanic itself if that makes sense okay we're about to have first transition okay okay okay i guess i'm just going to go on the ads yeah if you know what you're doing with the uh with the runes just do the runes everybody else kill the ads that's what's smart to do good job we got one of them i think good job great job great job keep it up guys we're almost there get the other one around really really good work guys keep it up there we go wow nice job guys nice [ __ ] job kill the ad first okay let's kill the ad first let's do it [Music] okay we're doing really really well let's go yeah this is great like i'm very proud of you guys okay remember we're getting him to 40 after this 40 percent just play it right move out with the debuffs this is an easy boss this is the easiest boss in the game guys remember easiest boss in the game whenever we have the second res up let's go ahead and res yams yeah we should be able to get him up after this okay let's get on the ad i'll just slow it too good job guys good job keep it up i'm very proud of you guys yeah really good job with positioning on the boss there really helps us a lot with the uh okay these shades of destiny are like [ __ ] up move out with these move out with those there's somebody in the in the raid with that just try to move out with that good job faded conjunction what the [ __ ] is that oh yeah it's these that's right okay i'm gonna rally for this one i oh i thought we were too close right let's do it stay focused guys stay focused get that [ __ ] ad down get that [ __ ] ad down long dick on ad long dick on add please move out with those debuffs okay i should have paid attention to that um it's okay if i get hit once they're probably okay if i probably get hit three times on normal and twice on heroic and once on mythic okay move out with that good job all right and we should be pushing right in just a second here let's go beta conjunction about that okay let's get the [ __ ] out of there all right perfect remember try to push fade scribe here we're going to go into the last transition let's do this guys we can kill him big dicks guys big dicks oh yes huge dicks let's go try to grip these into us okay try to grip these into us get those interrupts out grip grip we have five death knights come on guys let's go okay despair there we go good bash cutter's dead um let's go ahead and get a rez out for uh for bash cutter get a rez out for batch cutter uh it's okay for us to rez kill these ads make sure we keep interrupts out as much as we can good job great work guys just keep handling the runes okay just do the runs the right way good we did it we did it okay listen we need to rearrange these throughout the fight we're gonna need to rearrange these throughout the fight so just keep that in mind avoid balls avoid balls avoid balls avoid balls good job big dick big dick big dick big dick remember guys play it right take it home get him to the edge so we're not [ __ ] this up okay stay off of those [ __ ] runes if you don't know what you're doing stay off of those [ __ ] runes get him away extemporaneous fate that means he's casting it here and now it is occurring at this very moment our fate is being written do you write sins or tragedies please don't [ __ ] this up good job good job keep it up transition good big dick right sen okay you're right sen's not tragedy it's good let's go let's go gams is still dead res yams after our second all right we have another one do that one do that one do not [ __ ] us in the ass do not [ __ ] us in the ass get those runes get those runes we need some more have more fuel on these shades of destiny come on come on remember it's not just the boss it's the ads it's not just ads it's boss it's not just the ads it's the boss and the ads and the runes and also the other mechanics in the game as well that you have to also do move out with that good boom that's what happens okay let me let's watch the uh watch monster cinematic sylvanas is fate we present the final cinematic from sanctum of domination raid depicting savannah's fate at the end of her encounter all right boys oh [ __ ] the joy got the ball what the [ __ ] oh wait is once again [Music] oh [ __ ] he collected all the infinity stones [Applause] jesus the way is opened we already have what we need [Music] true dumb [ __ ] oh look at that [Music] what the [ __ ] is he gonna do [Music] what the [ __ ] bro this is the best part bro this best [ __ ] part no [ __ ] no [ __ ] he's not even looking at her he he don't even look at that [ __ ] she's like get the [ __ ] out of here he don't even he's like no uh uh i don't want to see it she got her soul back rate the jailers transmog so basically what happens is that they have to in order to get the last infinity stone uh the jailer has to break it out of uh one of the other powerful members that he's going up against and after he does that he obtains full power and at the point where he's in full power he can teleport away and he's obtained absolute yeah he's obtained absolute power over the over the universe or let's say over infinity they did the exact same thing they did the exact same thing literally thanos yes literally thanos and he even did the grab like he did to loki he even did the [ __ ] grab i mean like obviously thanos was a little bit different but like still so is this sylvanas's soul is that right like what is the crystal i guess he gives her soul back to her she has blue eyes does that matter yeah does that matter like she's a high elf um i'm pretty sure unless she's just started watching my chemical romance and listening to them uh that doesn't look like a high elf she's still dead okay let me see what she's what he says [Music] oh it's another cliffhanger okay um so regardless of what anybody thinks of the cinematic i think the jailer looks [ __ ] badass like he he looks [ __ ] awesome man he looks absolutely [ __ ] awesome and uh yeah like that that's so cool dude scuffed witch king no bro no way but i i don't think he's got the lich king at all that's not what he had great design like he looks [ __ ] cool man and like also so let's talk about it right so obviously he got the [ __ ] ball it turned him into it turned him into that holy [ __ ] and that just looks so [ __ ] badass and then yeah that that [ __ ] was [ __ ] funny dude he just grabs that [ __ ] like this is what i expected bolvar to do man that's what i expected bolvar to do with those arms yeah dude put on subtitles uh what's the subtitle let's see i put on subtitles i don't think it probably has subtitles yet does it i will never oh i guess it does you just did you spent how long okay okay i'll skip back [Music] that's not that big of a deal yeah that's not that big of a deal because like she just remembered arthas saying that i will never so yeah that's gotta be her soul yeah so he gave her soul back to her the yeah actually thanos everybody knew sylvanas was going to betray him at the last second like as i said nobody knows what sylvanas's plans are they're so complex and so meticulously thought out that even the writers don't know and that's why they always get surprised every time a new patch comes out this this scene does matter right this scene definitely doesn't matter because it creates a distinction between arthas and uh and anduin because arthas always kept jaina's locket remember that and anduin droppingness is meaningful she gave her her soul back that was stolen to her by the witch king yeah like you can see that like if you go back and you watch like let me see if i can pull it up here watch [Music] see hmm see damn eyes aren't blue yeah but like ever the whole thing is blue i mean it's obvious that i mean it's kind of obvious right that it that it's sylvanas like it's it's obviously her soul i mean like i don't think we really need to to like that that's clearly what it is she's been working for the jail for 20 years yeah reality could mean uh wow 2.0 for us yeah i don't really know thumbs down yeah people are not happy about let me let me refresh i'll read some of the comments and we'll see what people have to say about it everyone's seeing this coming blizzard you think you don't but you do savannah's honestly written like edgy 14 year olds d d character well everyone 100 right redemption's only worth arrows as i said i think that what they should do with sylvanas it's it's a very obvious it's a very obvious ending so azeroth is still plagued by the undead the clear solution for sylvanas is after they deal with the jailer they force sylvanas to be the new lich king so she's given eternal life like she always wanted but she's imprisoned for all of it like that is that is the best ending in my opinion i think that is the 100 best ending uh it it checks every box it nobody is unhappy about it it's completely [ __ ] fine man they'll make her a hero they'll just kill her um i think that the one thing they should not do and guys i have to have dinner with my dad like i have i have to go like that's really the truth i i have to go i cannot finish the raid as much that would like to finish the raid i i cannot go or i cannot finish we're gonna have to finish it tomorrow i have to i have to go have dinner with my dad i told him yesterday that i would do it today and so um we are going to kind of wrap things up here i just want to make sure everybody understands that why did sylvar zoval just not just kill bolvar and jana and thrall bosses never try to kill them once they already have what they want well the reason is because it's just the same as like thanos right so you have to understand like to jayla right now so think about like sylvanas arrow and how powerful sylvanas is did you were he he doesn't even look at her like the jayward is like so much more powerful than any of them it's like they're just complete it's like they're they're battle pets like these are like battle pets compared to the jailer it's his power yeah number one it's also his power yeah like a titan well this guy's probably more powerful than the titan especially now that he has all the souls like thanos yes like thanos exactly like thanos so yeah that's what i think anyway thank you guys all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it this was almost an 11 hour stream we popped the [ __ ] off today i'm unfortunately i'm disappointed that we weren't able to finish the raid but we got to play more final fantasy and it is what it is and until next time boys playing on stream no i will not play any final fantasy stream until next time excuse me until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 664,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold shadowlands, shadowlands raid, asmongold raid, zackrawrr, sanctum of domination, sanctum of domination ending cinematic, shadowlands cinematic, asmongold sanctum of domination, asmongold cinemaitc, shadowlands new raid, shadowlands raid cinematic, sanctum cinematic, new raid, cinematic, patch 9.1 raid, patch 9.1 cinematic, patch 9.1, 9.1 raid, wow new raid
Id: KAruBQo8sK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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