Asmongold & Mcconnell Play Elden Ring Together for the First Time | Elden Ring Co-op

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okay all right all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go bro bro why did you do that [ __ ] gentlemen i uh i promised this i said i would do it and today is the day that it finally happens every single from software game i have taken the same approach the same strategy and to be honest i've had the same success absolute flawless victories every single game i have been able to defeat every boss without any struggle today we change today we do something a little bit different today i'm going to go and play a brand new class in a brand new way i'm going to play a character that either scales with something like arcane or intellect i am going to completely go outside of my comfort zone i don't know what this is going to be like i have no i've never done this before in one of these games faith paladin oh no i'm not going to go faith paladin that's stupid who would want to play that absolutely not they eat your [ __ ] food i don't have it what do you mean i don't have it that's why and now and now you you've started the thing and it's it's going to be on youtube and they can't cut out the [ __ ] 40 minutes of dead air like [ __ ] you've already begun the thing and you can't like go back to reacting and it's like now now the whole the flow is off i didn't i thought you were ready touch gold summon sign that's me that's me summon hurry did you uh yeah did you get the summon yeah i made my character look exactly like every weave ever okay all right let's let's let's try out let's try out some combat before we go up against the tree sentinel okay let's try out some combat all right so we've got this guy right here and make sure we pick up these hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey that's not how wait whoa wait wait wait wait wait are we getting invaded yeah we are we are we are wait where is he where is he right over where where is he we're getting invaded i see him i see him i see him i see him okay okay okay whoa watch out watch out watch out watch out the boss watch out okay all right go around go around okay all right now where is he so here's what i think we do he went this way you okay all right all right let's go get him uh i don't see him he's on me i see him i see him i see him i see him i see him [ __ ] okay all right let's let's all right all right what are we gonna do here he's going he's trying to try no no no no no no all right all right get away from him get away from him let's go up to here go up here go up here okay so yes all right hide behind here hide behind here you won't see us he's so stupid he's not gonna see us put your sword out so we're looking we're looking pretty good so far okay he thinks we're over there okay all right all right go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go for him go for him right here get him get him [Music] get him get him get him get him get it get him go get him get him get him again i'm running i'm running i'm running there he is right it hit the bullet run run run [Music] i'm running i'm running i'm running running running okay i have to iso okay okay okay okay okay that's mine all right we got him low he he's good he's good he's good he's good okay let's do this and let's do this okay all right so we have to we have to rethink this i see him he's right over here i see him he's right over here i got him i got him right over here forever here yes i got him all right that's one one hit he he healed he's just got him got him go go go go go go go go go go now go it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine i'm running out of mana nice got him all right all right there we go bro got him [ __ ] it's a tree signal it's a tree sitting we gotta watch out we gotta watch what do you wanna do uh i actually don't know what to do i actually i i literally do not know what to do i don't know how to handle this okay how'd he get through the password i don't know how did he get through the password okay so let's try to kill some of them yeah there he is okay okay all right all right all right all right we can't get him we can't get him we can't get him he's gonna get away yes all right all right just let's let's fight these mops let's fight these mobs you can't dude you're dying bro i am yeah you took three damage stop here let's come back up here come back up here and we fight this guy over here here all right all right all right all right here we go ready nice nice bro there it is okay that's how it's done i love anime bro oh my god naruto's my okay all right all right let's go all right make sure to get these uh these flowers i got him i'm getting him again oh my god no bro no you're not no you're not no you're not no you're not gonna stand me i'm out of stami he's bro you he you hit him once should i put on the other weapon and try to kill him here let him all right let's go he's gassing himself out bro okay okay okay okay all right we're gonna let's take him out let's take him out that's such [ __ ] that's such horse [ __ ] there you go there you go there you go come on come on bro get in there get in there dude god shut up i'm trying just eat nice nice nice nice guys bro that's oh [ __ ] all right all right go he's got his weapons out he's got his weapons up watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out this is where the dragonflies are be careful nice good good hit good hit nice nice nice big damage big damage oh [ __ ] heal what are you doing [ __ ] all right [Music] all right let's go what is he doing he's emoting at the ground he keeps pointing [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right let's go he's lagging why does he roll a piece of [ __ ] uh i'll avenge you man i'll avenge them there you go oh my god he's so fast what huh bro it's gonna hack you he's gonna hack me don't pick up [ __ ] it's okay okay okay i'm not gonna i'm not i'm not gonna pick up anything i'm not gonna pick up anything okay let me kill this skull and see what's inside the skull good all right great golden rune has been obtained so let me go back and try to summon you again okay you're the same spot yeah okay all right i'm gonna i'm gonna do this and it should let me wait i can't i i i'm he's still here no he's not [Music] he's still in my world there's no way so okay is there no way to do co-op without being invaded i'm hearing moaning if there's no way to do co-op without being invaded then we can't do this it's unless you use the mod all right let me let me focus on this okay invaders can teleport three times per invasion oh what he he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone all right i'm gonna try and summon you okay i'm gonna try and summon you he disappeared okay here we go okay what the who the hell is this it's just some random guy how the [ __ ] did this guy get here all right all right let's fight the boss that's him no it wasn't okay there's mcconnell all right let's go let's go let's go towards the cave okay let's go towards this there's a cave up here i'm pretty sure let's go okay like password i don't think i did all right let's go okay oh is this a dungeon it's a dungeon yes it is i love dungeons we'll get this guy over here let's kill this guy over here there it is there it is there it is nice nice there it is good job all right let's go [Music] what what what the hell why can't we all right let's try to kill these guys over here hey let's try to kill the horse guy okay let's do it [ __ ] it let's go all right so i think all right so you can distract them and i'll do all the damage okay the tree sentinel yeah this is going to be an easy fight my family no it's going to be fine it's going to be fine i must avenge my family no we're going to beat them first time for me all right all right i'm gonna i'm going to use i'm gonna use my attacks right now all right i'm going in now big damage [Music] i didn't do any damage okay good nice all right 86. good okay uh okay all right all right all right focus focus focus okay okay all right you go in watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out there it is there it is big damage here big damage big damage he's doing the thing got him oh what all right all right distract them distract them okay all right all right all right get get your heels back get your heels back we got him i don't have any more i'm out i'm freaked out this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine stop calm down calm down come down nice okay big damage there okay i'm gonna i'm gonna need you to come in you've gotta come in all right all right there we go good big damage big damage he's half health already oh okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine i can i can handle it i can handle it this is an easy boss okay [Music] there we go all right avenge him i'll get him i'll get him i'll get him there we go okay [Music] this is so easy all i do is do magic like i don't even have to do anything are you telling me like this is the way magic players play the game [Music] and they had the audacity to tell me that like i'm overpowered is this a joke like it's all i do is run away good job there it is bro i completely forgot how to play how it's one it's one you just you hit r1 and then he dies i might not be able to actually finish him man i'm kind of worried i'm not going to be able to okay let's see i'm going to get i'm going to get my mana again i'm almost out of mana dude like you have no mana i know i know that's what i'm worried about okay there we go big damage [Music] there it is okay by the way if you kill here we have to kill him in my world too what yep okay that's how it works all right there we go good this is easy all i do is just click one button hit even auto whoa well summon me up let's get it dude and while i wait all right so how do i get some hydrate how do i summon just summon me okay how do i like i have to all right let me see how this works okay so deflected i didn't i didn't get deflected like it was just like some weird thing like uh i can't see your thing oh do i need to uh do i need to use this again okay um that's where it was last time yes okay all right i use it again okay there we go and now i'll pop this okay all right bro you have to get it right this time what the [ __ ] you have to get it right you're blaming me for that bro don't bro me who died you died too [ __ ] ass who died first [ __ ] ass man all right all right let's let's go back let's go back and and we do the cave and then we fight the big boy we do the cave then we fight big boy let's go no dumbass you have to summon me inside the cave what no i don't here try to get what you do that's why it was blocked out let me see let me see what happens yes let's just make sure i don't know this it's true i don't believe you i want to see it so it goes why is mccool so rude shut up you have no friends finish and finish them finish them finish them good all right so what look we can go right in through here it's no problem it's blocked off bro okay all right let's go kill the signal okay all right so here's what we need to do like you can't like both just wait for him to go for me and then you go for him what do you want me to do i get one shot because my character doesn't believe in having armor what do you what do you mean he doesn't believe in having armor my character's back story is that his family was killed yeah by tree sentinels and he doesn't believe in armor okay so if he if we kill the trees no he can use armor again no no that would make sense in the story now you're [ __ ] making up [ __ ] it's all made up nice is made up dude sure here here all right all right all right we go right [ __ ] what are you doing okay okay okay okay all right all right big damage there it is big damage good roll good roll there it is i'm doing mega wizard dps [ __ ] there it is big dick big dick on boss big dick on boss there it is good nice [Music] i do i'm doing huge damage he's coming it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i'm actually really good at this game like i won't die i can't i can't watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out all right all right there it is all right right there big damage right there good okay see he can't get me he can't get me like even if he wants to he can't okay there we go there we go yeah he chopped the tree down i saw that it's fine good good good good good good all right i'm doing big damage doing big damp [ __ ] oh boy he can shoot it at you oh my god all right all right big damage again big damage again wait for an action wait for an action [Music] there it is good all right all right all right i'm all right all right all right all right all right get aggro get aggro get aggro heal heal heal heal all right i got his i got his attention nice there it is okay okay all right all right dude heal again that's my last heal brother oh that's you bro that's you that's i'm going to the cave let's go to the cave yeah let's go dunge i love dude the dungeons in this game are so sick this is the this is easily true i put this game in top five ever made uh top five ever made let's see you've got i think it's better than dark souls one i do i think i think it's it's i think it's the it's the best game i've ever made yeah yeah yeah it's actually really really good okay all right i'm at the cave i'm gonna use the remedy and then i'm gonna be fine okay here we go it's right in front of the grace okay all right so i'm gonna use let me use remedy first okay and i see it i see it it's gonna happen okay here we go mcweeb dan's game okay oh i'm being summoned yeah yeah wait where where do i get the lantern where do i get the lantern from the merch oh my god i didn't buy at the store how much money is that worth okay that's a church all right all right we're gonna have to do this without the uh we're gonna have to do yourself a lantern okay all right all right but be careful be careful be careful okay there's a dog there's a dog watch yo you're going in so fast like you're going in so probably what what are you doing all right all right all right big damage big damage big damage big damage there you go there you go nice i am not afraid of anything okay good it's actually like pretty much all my damage to be honest like but it's okay okay we killed all them good good job oh fireflies dude good job good job all right we get all this stuff get all the stuff get all the stuff get all the fireflies we might need that for some other summoning [ __ ] okay there we go all right all right all right stop stop stop stop let me focus who's this oh wait no no no okay all right okay are you ready i must avenge my family [ __ ] [ __ ] get on him get on dude what what what be careful be careful all right oh my god you got him you got him did that count did that count bro that actually counted that straight up counter we actually killed them we actually kill them good job we actually got it wait i didn't get any loot what do you mean i didn't get the loot bro yeah we got him we had that was teamwork that was teamwork i didn't get the loot no no no we're good though because i got the talisman like we're good yeah we're totally good here let me go get the loot well i i i don't know let's not worry about that that's fine that's fine it is one of this here let me go down here and where's all my stuff okay i got a thousand runes for that man they really did not want people to play with each other in this game okay all right we'll go to entrance only the host gets loot jeez wow you need a mod for 2x loot okay let's try to let's try to [ __ ] beat the tree sentinel then okay let me let me just do this i'm gonna i'm gonna do this and that way i can uh level up how do i level up i can't that's right i don't even have my thing ready to level up yet okay let me go back to the uh when we go back to the church and we'll try to fight tree sentinel again we can beat him get the mod yeah we'll figure it out you are maidenless i'm afraid it's okay this boss will be really easy for us to do like the only thing that's gone wrong is like i've died it's weird because like i'm not used to having two different magic abilities it's hard to keep all that in like your head because you've got like the magic abilities that you have to do and like well that that's actually the only thing you have to do but no [ __ ] [Music] all right all right let's let's go ahead i'm gonna use i'm gonna use the remedy okay using it here we go and let's go ahead i'm going to reset this all right there we go mcweaves dan's game is being summoned what's up what's up thank you gifted sucks thank you daniel that doesn't even make sense damn daniel back at it again with the subs it is damn's not it's okay so you have to pay attention this time dude like you you can't all right all right all right all right we go all right all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go big damage okay all right good no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine he's behind you bro what where is he [ __ ] no he's up there he's up there he's up there he's up there here here uh let's all right you handle him yo stop stop stop bro stop stop stop okay all right going in no hey [ __ ] i'm poisoned i'm poison okay bro i'm poisoned i'm poisoned i'm poisoned i'm poisoned okay try to get him stop healing man stop heal stop i i i'm just trying to get away i'm trying to get away i'm trying to get away i didn't kill mcconnell no i didn't ah you killed me i can't break through his wall [ __ ] bro i'm farming plus ones dude oh my god like i just got dude i've gotten so many plus ones today here let me get my let me let me [ __ ] let me get you again all right i've got three left okay where is this all right let's summon mcconnell and we'll try and do this again we have to go in on them as fast as possible this will never work no it will work right now it will work trust me it's gonna be fine we're gonna summon mcconnell and we're gonna go it'll be easy all right all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go bro bro why did you do that [ __ ] okay all right all right how about this since this boss does reflex i'm gonna use my sword i'm gonna use my sword and both of us we go in on melee okay i'm not gonna take any risks i think that's a smarter thing to do level up i can't here let me get one of these all right let's try this again okay let's do it all right hopefully we're all right yeah uh we're just gonna mage mage is easy dice just re-summon mage is op you're gonna use a sword instead no it's because it's gonna reflect it onto mcconnell and i i don't want to have mcconnell die all right i know it's stupid all right all right don't run in there like give it a minute let's think about what we're gonna do we don't want to just like run in and just like try to fight him like wait for him to like all right all right let's go let's go let's go let's go come on watch out shout there you go come on all right all right good oh my god i got hit okay healing the oh to god dude watch out watch out get get heals heal heal heal i'll distract them i'll distract it i'll distract him okay three okay okay all right all right all right chill chill chill chill we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it what you're you're good you're good you're good you're good okay all right that's big damage on him right there okay there you go there you go there you go take him out take him out all right all right all right all right this is all me this is all man this is all me i'm gonna take it out i'm gonna take him down this is an easy boss there it is it's not fair it's not fair he can just do that okay all right all right all right focusing there it is there it is i'll take him out nice got him all right he's under half this is an easy boss oh you need like all right bro shut the [ __ ] up okay all right all right all right this time this time i have i have a plan so what i'm gonna do this time is i'm gonna go and i will all right okay why don't we play together like we are we're doing rain yeah i i know that but like it's not working because like you like you're like all right so use your other spells no it's okay it's okay it's okay it's gonna be fine we'll summon him in we have to wait for his attacks and play off of his attacks okay we can't just run in all right so we wait for him to turn around get behind here all right i'm going in i'm going in i'm going shoot him with magic shoot okay okay fine [ __ ] it i'm gonna shoot him i missed okay there it is [Music] okay there you go there we go there you go there you go hit him right in his ass him right in his ass [Music] big dick damage big dick damage here big dick damage he's dodging watch out watch out heal heal heal heal heal i'll get in there here's got aggro on me okay there you go there you go there you go there you go teamwork nice all right all right i need my which one was i doing okay all right i'm not used to my keybinds all right get ready to watch out in case he does one of those things okay [ __ ] okay good good job good job all right i've still got two potions left he's already a third of health big damage here there is huge [ __ ] watch out [ __ ] okay okay okay it's it's fine it's fine there it is big damage big damage oh god dude nice nice nice there it is what all right get back in heel get back kneel get back and kneel get back anneal all right all right i got a zag i got aggro there it is good are you good there it is there it is there it is there it is big damage watch out whenever the shield goes yellow you have to roll dude okay no it's fine it's fine it's fine get back get back i hit him with the triple i hit him with the triple wait you're added you're out of juice i'm out of juice okay all right let me let me let me do the thing and then you can just all right nope there it is there it is good we've got him here we've got him he's on the ropes oh god okay don't go watch out watch out watch out roll third is good third is huge all right be careful be careful i'm gonna run out of mana are you out of potions yes just play it safely don't you [ __ ] all right it's fine it's fine i'll finish him i'll finish him i'll finish him i'll finish him okay i'm ready i was lagging bro no this game lags [Music] okay all right i can handle this i can do this i can do this okay right now bro got him well you got him yes wow i avenged you thanks man i just got this really cool weapon no you didn't really i feel like i did i feel like it's really good it's not it got nerfed let me see like all right so could i equip this like if i want to oh it says i can't equip it [ __ ] dude i bet it would have been so good oh my god where's mcconnell he died at the last second we did all we did pretty much beat it though all right we have to go up to that other area where all those guys are at let me let me heal and then i'm going to i'm going to re-summon you okay here we go go fetch molena yeah i'm going to do that give me a minute let me focus here there we go all right we've got a lot we've made a lot of money too we got a lot of money out of that one can i have some nope all right let's go it's a team effort i've heard that before can give weapon to mcconnell i don't know how to do that okay so you know how to fight this guy right okay all right that worked out so just be be safe okay like i've got out my wizard staff we're gonna be fine all right right here right here that's you that's all right good teamwork good nice nice nice nice huge damage i helped out there a lot actually okay okay got him nice okay so this is the be careful be careful this is uh our this is a shield boy all right all right turn them around okay good job that was me that was me that hit him there be careful be careful it went right through them finish them off wait a second wait a second we have the elite the elite the elite will come good roll i got the elite on me i got the elite on me i'm doing big damage to him i did 600 just just run away just run away holy [ __ ] i got him i killed the elite i killed the elite that's a lot of [ __ ] mob i killed the elite it's fine whoa wait oh it's a lot of mobs wait a second wait a second what do i do holy retreat retreat okay okay okay all right [Music] oh my god i'm a wizard this is insane oh they got destroyed did you guys see that this is insane here let's let's make sure we get this okay uh i'm gonna open this up make sure we get everything else around to this area okay lord sworn is great sword we're not going to use that but we have it just in case dropped weapon from mcconnell if mcconnell wants me to drop a weapon for him i will i think he has a good weapon right now i'm pretty sure he started his samurai so that means he has the katana the katana is very good because it does bleed damage wait did we literally aggro everything in the entire cave yeah or in the entire area like the entire camp i got a flail too okay great dude have you ever had a have you ever picked up a flail in real life no they suck [Music] this isn't even hard like i just i just hit one button and they die i i'm just thinking right now of all the people who are trying to invalidate my places that was i did that and and and do you see what i can do now like yeah yeah but the halberd is opie though no it's not yeah how's it over it's opie if it was overpowered listen if it was overpowered it would do more damage no here let me go up here i have to talk to melinda and then i'll resummon you give me a minute oh no we got invaded give me a minute there we go i can't [ __ ] i can't [ __ ] i [ __ ] can't i [ __ ] can't do the thing i can't [ __ ] do the [ __ ] thing so he can no it's not about he's right here does he have a horse is he on a horse where is he [ __ ] he's right there okay okay so nice nice nice nice nice nice nice go for it [Music] go for it go for it [Music] i'm a wizard at the same button over and over bro are you [ __ ] kidding me is it was it that easy i don't even know what to say wait i can't i can't talk today i i can't talk to jesus here what is this what do i do now send mcconnell away i have to unsheath mcconnell how do i do that you gotta kill me okay okay that worked out all right here it is dude oh [ __ ] we need to do the giant too i think we can handle him that shouldn't be too hard okay greetings traveler from beyonce's [ __ ] drink i am don't drink a raw one i don't have actually yeah i do i do i do have now ready boys ready that's right i offer you an accord okay have you heard of the finger maidens they serve the two fingers offering guidance goddamn some good [ __ ] to the tarnish but you i am afraid are made in this they had to say the line play the role of maiden turning runes into strength to aid you in your search for the elden ring that's some good [ __ ] you'd only take me with you to the foot of the earth tree i'm gonna accept her and it's settled summon me by grace okay turn runes into strength okay ah another matter i bequeath to you this ring a ring which ring is this oh yeah it will summon a spectral steed named torrent okay treat him with respect okay all right let me level up your runes let my hand rest upon you yo i'm gonna put it down at margaret no no no just put it down here put it down here trust me your thoughts okay your ambitions the principles you would follow all right how do i know what's making me do more magic damage [Music] but where does it say i'm more magic damage um the marked one it says defense versus magic but not offense versus magic uh r1 okay and does arcane do anything no it doesn't okay let's do intelligence i i can't believe i'm putting points into intelligence like this is so weird it is it's it's so weird i don't understand this at all like what's wrong with me like i okay all right let me use these here i i guess i might as well get a little bit more levels [Music] and i'm gonna sell mcconnell in just a second okay level up and we're gonna get another point into health okay i think health is what i need okay i'm dying a lot okay back and i think we should be good all right so um are you here or do i need to summon you again oh i see you summoned me there it is okay here we go press q go back yeah i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get more health okay i need more health obviously health is very important dude whenever i killed that whole camp full of guys with that ark thing that was so [ __ ] cool holy [ __ ] that was so cool wow okay all right let's where's my horse what horse i can't summon my horse okay let's focus focus focus focus get on this guy here first okay he's dead all right let's focus on giant focus on giant come back come back come back so he can't shoot us [Music] okay this is gonna be a while all right get get back get back get back there it is big dick oh you hit him in the eye big dick big dick yep that's right big dick okay okay okay oh he's got a sword it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i'm gonna use my heat okay there it is got it big dick mcconnell mcconnell watch out i got him i got him not i got him dude this is op [Music] this is insane i'm a god like i'm unironically a god and i'm not even trying this is even my final form i'm just i'm just killing everybody okay we have to kill this guy before he does the thing okay run up there and kill him got him all right good job okay we summoned everybody anyway okay good job good job good job good job nice nice nice well played okay let's go left uh we will but first we have to see but to take a selfie all right all right fine i'll follow you let me heal up again dude magic is really good wait a second around toronto wolves just keep running okay okay fine fine i'm gonna keep running watch out watch out this guy does a lot of damage mike don't [ __ ] around on this guy don't [ __ ] around on this guy where you at i'm right here wait a second wait a second there's a guy behind you this guy behind you [Music] what what the [ __ ] what dude i feel like magic is really good can can he do the ever jail with me i'm assuming because like that mod said it's a bonus thing does it work or not no okay all right let's not do it yet let's fight the giant he should be over here after that we're going to try to get margaret gotta wait for the mod uh i'll message that person if somebody could get a contact with him and let him know to message me on twitter or something and i i don't know what his twitter is or i would message him myself dude how do we know that the add-on isn't just some point yeah our credit card information you know it probably is okay i think it's right here this is the guy yep yep all right go go go go watch out watch out watch out okay not the birds dude i all i do is win no matter what yes yeah money on your mind i can never get enough this is insane i i look at this watch i'm i can't it's on nexus jet okay i'll look at it after this okay let me go get this item oh what's this where is it where is it okay what did i get oh golden room quest one okay i'm gonna kill this eagle [Music] okay nice all right so now what okay we got a foul foot and starlight shards i don't know what that does okay so all right all right all right let's go up towards margaret don't stop okay i've got to heal too i want to make sure i'm full health all the time it's anger unga body finger anger all right all right focus focus focus focus stay out in i bet he's gonna have like a big stick or something like unga bunga you see what i'm saying where is he this is where the [ __ ] did he go there he is right there he's right there he's right there it's right there he's right there whoa what the [ __ ] [Music] watch out watch out watch out watch out i got buried oh my god bro how he's so fast he i think i'm gonna lose this one guys guys i feel like i'm gonna lose this one like is all right i say we come back we hit this properly when the add-on comes out [ __ ] make it happen shaken big look let me let me just go back and get my [ __ ] let me go back and get my [ __ ] levels okay let's go back and get my [ __ ] levels um you got j ram i'm just i'm just i yeah real [ __ ] funny guys aha big funny big funny i ki i got killed by a ram i know that i [ __ ] know that that i [ __ ] know i died to a [ __ ] rail i know i died to a ram you're mad let me get my [ __ ] health back here let me go back over go back over here i'm going to get i get my seed i'm going to level up no i'm not going to get my thing no no i'm not all right let me go no it's not a big deal it's not big deal all right okay let the dogs out let's go what the hell what the [ __ ] that was easy like i just i just click one button and they die like i don't even need to think about it like that's it they just they just die that this is ridiculous okay okay let me get let me get my levels it's okay all right so bubble up we're gonna put three more points into intelligence back and we're gonna use uh [ __ ] what are my spells that i can use memorize spell menu okay i've got literally two spells okay all right so that's all right we don't really have a lot of options here okay so let me go ahead and item craft and we're gonna make uh yeah we're gonna make these and we're gonna make three of them and i'm just gonna keep making more of these until i don't have to worry about them anymore okay all right let's try and do this it's fine flask thank you thank you i forgot about the flask okay let's do that uh flasks add charge to flask there it is great allocate flask charges uh we're gonna do we're gonna do a little bit more a little bit more wizard juice okay mcconnell where's your thing i died you didn't die to the wolf did you no i died to the cross bolt oh my god it does like no damage it did all damage did not you weren't there to see it i know here let me loot this stone sword key okay i can use that we can use that soon let me talk to her everyone's been grafted everyone who came with me they crossed the sea for me they fought for me only to have their arms taken their legs taken even their heads taken live like a scent you're gonna die like a sound stuck to the spider did you know if you're grafted by the spider you become a chrysolid it's quite a lock when you think about it sitting sideways you're all on your own and heading to stormville castle boys in the days i suppose that's me oh you've come to be one with the spider well that makes us two peas box on top of screen i know you guys don't like the box but i have to have it gary you know having your arms cut off yeah i i know that you guys are not fans of it but yeah i just have to do it everyone else but i'm just too scared oh nothing but a craven jesus chill out why so people don't see that's where my password is going to pop up whenever i uh mcconnell you don't tell me you died again are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me like is this all right keep talking all right i'll keep talking i know can you oh the poor thing deserves someone braver than myself and the spirits look rather fondly upon you what is this [Music] spirit calling bill you can use ashes to summon i never did this oh i can't summon them during multiplayer okay it was a pleasure tom can you pass on a message for me if you see the little chrysolids in stormville castle yeah tell them i love them and despite my craven heart i'm sure i'll be joining their club soon enough i'm finally getting the hang of this whole pain thing you know okay i'm at the grace by marcus oh wait you're by margaret oh yeah [ __ ] okay all right all right i'll make my way up there okay let's see all right all right all right wizard mode activated [ __ ] what hey hey deep [ __ ] hit me got his ass okay good all right let's heal let's heal all right there we go good let me try to make my way up to morgan it's okay i'll meet up back with mcconnell there this is crazy like is [Music] we're going to turn target into a pickle [Music] a pickle a pickle can you believe it oh come on nice shield it's just this is unbelievable i don't even have to do anything who's this oh it's a raccoon okay all right let's get margaret here we go we've killed everything here let me restore my stuff and then we're going to fight his ass all right give me a second i'm kind of nervous about this like i i think we're probably fighting him too early i think we should go fight like the dragon and jasmine okay all right you're right you're right okay uh i'm gonna use all three of these so i can level up again nice all right so we're gonna get one more we're gonna get one more level here level up okay all right we have to use one more item i'm an idiot guys i'm not going to die to margot like it's it's the easiest boss in the game like there's no way i could die to morgan well i mean i mean that that's not really true but like there is a way that it could happen it's just not going to i have 500 health uh i actually you know what i'm not sure about that okay a little bit nervous here guys i'm going to be honest killing certain bosses will walk you out of co-oping the rest of the area uh that sounds like [ __ ] i don't believe that okay here we go all right he's not he oh he's it's damn i thought we were gonna get past him emboldened by the flame of ambition all right i'm not even worried big damage there it is there it is there it is watch out tail mo watch out he's going tail mode there it is big dick i'm big dicken okay okay all right all right watch out there it is big dick in them big dick in them big dick in them big dick okay watch out watch out watch out what's up watch the [ __ ] tale there it is that's big numbers big numbers on them right there come on [Music] okay okay okay okay okay all right focus focus focus there it is good roll good roll watch out get heals get heals i'm gonna go a big dick on them i'm big ticket on them i don't have none i'm big [ __ ] on them right here [Music] okay all right all right stay focused watch out watch out watch out whoa all right all right i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him i gotta i can take him out i can take him out i can handle oh big [ __ ] on him big [ __ ] on him big [ __ ] on him let's go big [ __ ] on them big [ __ ] on them [ __ ] it's so laggy bro like this game is so lag bro like oh my god if it wasn't for macau like that's dude like what that's lag man like cause i always think of your game anymore at that point i know that's why you like me out that's how i know it happened what all right all right so let's let's think about this let's not worry about that okay so you have to you you have all right so whenever he's gonna go with the sword i have to get away from him whenever he goes at you with the sword man like you have to do that how dare you no no i'm just saying like you just have to get away like that's not my fault like it it's look do not we do not sub to this man no hey don't don't push me i will i will cost you okay all money sorry don't push me okay all right all right just just focus and let's get this done here we go all right we got one hit on him there it is this lag again man this slag this lag is getting so laggy okay all right big dick big dick on a big dick and on big ticket on them oh my god holy [ __ ] how do you flip the script on me like that okay all right all right get back get back to back all right i'm going back i'm going big dick on them right here big dick on a big dick and on a big dick okay okay okay all right okay good all right all right big damage okay watch out watch out camera's on there it is there watch out tail he's tail tailing he's tailing there it is [Music] okay let's go over there cycle okay okay i got i got two manas i got two manas two manas no healths two man has no health remember remember he does the w he does w that's a w right there watch out tail okay good good big dick on him big [ __ ] on him big [ __ ] on him big [ __ ] on him watch out watch out that's tail that's tail big dick it on him there it is come on finish them off finish them off bro finish them off i'm out man get him get him get him get him i got him all right right here there it is holy [ __ ] oh my god give me a second all right all right let me get my level so let me get my levels the hands of the fell bro we beat his ass we beat his ass too early for margaret let's go back we gotta go back there's other ones we gotta fight we gotta fight the other ones beat the other ones yeah dude that was the easiest fight i ever had my whole life people thought oh oh you couldn't you can't beat him yeah i can watch here okay i don't want to go to roundtable hold forgive me i've been testing you typical woman whether or not grace truly does guide you and whether you are fit to face the challenge that entails it seems my worries were unfounded true torrent had your measure from the very start whereas i merely pretended there is but one other thing i can do to offer you guidance i can take you to the round table hole gathering place of tarnished champions guided by grace i ain't not do that i ain't not do that well nope shall i touch level up level up we gotta beat more bosses okay i'll go back to the church all right share them with me i do one and i do two three four the principles you i i do big intelligence okay i want to do big intelligence okay so now uh all right now i'm on mr matt and so i have to go back to church is is that it let's go back to church travel are we going for arcana build it's going to be like intelligence and arcana yeah wait what the [ __ ] a pleasure to meet thee tarnished i am the witch rena i'd heard tell of a tarnished hurtling about atop a spectral steed and upon looking into the matter the talk i surmise is of thee thou art possessed to the power no to call forth a spectral steed named torrent i can't call the as i seed hoped i was entrusted this for thee what's this former master spirit calling bell oh calling forth spirits oh from ash and return to the earth the spirits will obey thine command but briefly okay as they recall battles past now it is thine to do with as thou wishest forgive mine in truth i doubt we shall again meet but all the same learn well the lands between how long will it be i wonder before the tarnished tire of a basins to the two fingers oh my god i don't think i ever went through that dialogue before i didn't even know what the hell that was randy killed millions yeah all right let's see what mr mr guy has to say well you're back okay purchase okay um [Music] uh i don't think i need any of this stuff yeah i feel like i i really don't need to know any of this okay uh let's see here it was like yeah yeah pots why would i buy a pot why would i buy a pot he doesn't sell a lantern like there's no answer like give me a minute all right let me see what i can what i can upgrade okay strengthen armament okay spend runes okay so equip weapons oh so i i can upgrade i upgrade my staff the same way like you'd upgrade anything else is that right like oh okay okay i didn't know this i've never done anything with magic before okay mcconnell do you have your summoning stoned down mcconnell okay give me a minute well well he does whatever the [ __ ] he's doing i'm gonna do something else he died it's okay i'll be right back i'm gonna go and i'm gonna try to fight the uh the boss i'm a little bit nervous about this to be honest with you guys like i really am i've never really played a magic class before and i'm like not i don't really know how it works like i don't know like what's good and what's bad with like using magic and [ __ ] you know crucible knight that's fine crucible that'll be a joke like what are you talking about like that's the easiest fight in here all i do is walk away from him and he dies watch i probably won't even get hit here we go watch this he's getting destroyed [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] damn it okay this guy is such a [ __ ] sucker [Music] [Music] i don't think i'm gonna have enough mana [Music] like i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna have the mana for this like he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me for sure [ __ ] i'm trying to kill bargain okay alone [Music] i focus focus focus i can beat i can beat them [Music] there it is there it is come on come on [Music] big dick big dick on him big dick on him okay i think i'm gonna run i think i'm out of mana man like i feel like i'm 100 out of mana [Music] oh man like i'm getting really i'm getting nervous like i'm starting to get nervous this fight's going on too long [Music] big dick big [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] get that heal let's get that heal it's a long day man [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro like yeah right yeah [ __ ] right bro do you want to summon me mcconnell yeah okay how though all right let me go back over there how you using i need a thousand do i need a thousand souls does he need a thousand souls to summon me no just craft this is just the finger it's the golden finger thing you need to put your sign down okay um so how does this work so if i go over to the tunnel um i think that you need to level up mcconnell dude what let's kill margaret okay all right that's fine where do like where where can i summon you what do i have to do i'm going to use the thing put it by the thing okay all right i'm going to use create a summon sign for cooperative multiplayer yeah that's it okay it's down [Music] [ __ ] what elena's talking to me ah [ __ ] what do i do what do i do just ignore don't let her control your life assign the remedy to quick menu yeah oh okay here we go it's time girl honey [Laughter] [Music] if you kill godric you won't be able to uh co-op in limb grave i i don't think that's true okay so you're gonna go through and then i go through right help wait i don't have my flasks okay okay two watch out today watch the tail watch the tail bro i said i got hit by the tail you dude okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine big damage big damage big damage let's get them down there it is there is nice nice nice nice pickup nice pickup i got one more mana level there you go go in on them nice nice big dick big dick big dick big dick oh that's a bleed proc holy [ __ ] dude [ __ ] watch out watch out watch out roll roll roll nice nice nice i'm almost out of mana that's pretty much all my damage all right i'm gonna go i'm going in i'm going in sword mode okay all right let's go watch out watch out watch out get those heels take it take it out take him out take him out nice bro yes there it is [Music] [ __ ] boy what a [ __ ] boy i got his ass beat that's easy dude [ __ ] easy now go back to the go back to the [ __ ] church i'll summon you over there go back to the church that's the easiest easiest boss i've ever done my whole life the the huh yeah i've never done an easier boss than that my whole life i've never it's been the easiest boss i've ever done all right level up and we're gonna get one more point i think here's what we should go with intelligence let's go with more intelligence and so pretty soon as soon as i get a weapon that scales with arcane i'm gonna use it but i just don't have a weapon that scales with arcane so we have to we have to do what we have to do okay let's go i open the map again oh gee balance by the way okay are you trying to are you trying to diminish my skill is that what you're trying to do right now because i i just i just want to know like ahead of time so i can just you know i i know what's going on yes okay yeah i thought so that's not true we have to get more of these flowers too arcane is a luck stat no it's not it's an arcane step it's like for special kinds of spells like uh like art like uh arcane explosion arcane missiles arcane blast arcane dream a lot of arcanes okay let me use the remedy here and uh inventory how many of these do i have i have four okay all right whenever you're ready just uh put down your stone bro i'm actually a god like i'm not gonna i i don't wanna like i don't wanna brag a lot but i am just like you can charge but like i'm actually doing so well uh arcane is luck hood off i don't know if i can take off my hood i like the hood to be honest with you yeah i think i look badass did mcconnell just beat that that boss so well no wait you ready yeah okay oh it's not down are you sure that you have it down well it's not down use the finger oh it's up now it's up now okay here we go meteorite staff and caleb i heard i saw your mess this is the like seventh time you've typed that in chat yeah i saw it the first time yeah i i i saw that message i i i know listen we will have a rule that if there is a spell that is too overpowered that 80 percent of the chat agrees i am not allowed to use i will not use that spell but that will only apply to up to five spells okay this sounds arbitrary it is i just made it up i literally just made it up okay it's gank [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is he 2 000 where the [ __ ] is he where is this dick sucker where is this dick sucker where is he holy [ __ ] wait he's not even taking damage he doesn't even take damage like this is like what he got me bro he got me oh my god you can tweak in this game dude really i didn't notice oh you can twist i didn't notice that wow what a surprise dude what the [ __ ] that's crazy i had no idea you could [ __ ] twink in this game where's your [ __ ] stone i'll i'll resurrect you church again terrible okay it's down all right here i'm gonna go back and it'll be fine all right there's probably a cool down on it anyway it's not a big deal i'll just go ahead and rest again maybe that'll make it spawn professional no life here i mean to be fair i mean dude he killed you in like one second like straight up like you just got like you gotta kill them like it wasn't even close i mean what do you want me to say dude i mean i died fast too but like i mean at least i got a couple of hits off on him i mean you know like i'm saying he's a twink what do you want he's got full goat armor and i'm [ __ ] i'm just i'm just so i'm a weave i'm just saying like i did i did do some pretty good damage to him change your password so you can't join that's not how it works unfortunately okay all right let's go okay [Music] [Music] yeah yep let me get this one right here i got 143 souls now we go down here i think there's the dragon down here now i don't know how we beat this dragon without the uh uh without the horse like we can do it we can do it wait a second [Music] [ __ ] he bought he dodged okay he's dead we got him all right just a minute let's focus focus focus think about this think about this don't make any rush decisions just be smart with what you're doing okay all right all right there's the dragon that's the dragon okay we're good there's a dragonfly on me this is right here you deal with the boss i'll do this i'll deal with the dragonfly got him alright he's down okay all right all right just watch watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out i'm getting i'm going on i'm going on them i'm going on them okay heal there we go 300 oh my god okay big damage there big damage there huge damage okay okay all right what we have to do is i think that was a good try i actually think that was a good try we did pretty well to be honest i don't know if we can beat this guy all right let's let's try one more let's do one more attempt let's do one more i'm gonna see if i can summon you we're gonna be good okay yeah let's go by the way i was actually really serious about wanting to get that nathria set it's so cool yeah i know we need to run nathria but like the thing is like it's just so it's so hard to it's so hard to get people that aren't [ __ ] garbage like i'm just going to be honest i'm going to go horde i'm actually going to go over now that i got glad i'm going to i'm going to switch to horde so you got gladiator you didn't know no dude i can't believe you didn't know i mean you could just go to youtube and type in grayson gets gladiator with mcconnell formica for mc yeah with mcconnell and flop and just watch the youtube video that's on youtube right now titled grayson gets gladiator with mcconnell you could just watch it okay on grayson's channel on youtube no we'll look at it i will watch him all right can you stream for gladiator i didn't even know that all right let's go [ __ ] man like i'm only 2100 i don't even have full gear [ __ ] what rating are you you're only like 2 400 though right i'm 25 15. all right all right let's just let's try and beat this dragon let's try and get this guy out of the way okay jump down here okay birds bird aggro for a dagger door dagger bird bird there's a bird right behind you know that modern day birds are descendants of uh dinosaurs man you know that's what all right get the dragonfly okay what i can't i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it okay just focus focus he's right you you see him do you see him where are my souls dude i don't know okay so we have to we have to focus right here this is where the dragon all is let's go okay this is no problem all right just run away here it's not a deal dude i can't even i i can't even do damage okay i'm going in going in going in going in holy [ __ ] i actually can't take another hit okay okay okay okay okay all right it's fine it's fine that's fine let's get over go over to him again okay there i did 200 to him right there two one that was big damage okay that i hit him with the w i ended with w all right he's like half health watch out watch out watch out i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him i can beat him i can beat him dude i rolled that dude i rolled that you didn't roll back okay all right let's go down let's go down to the [ __ ] cave let's go that w we cannot beat that guy like i'm gonna be honest like he is too hard he is too hard let's go back what cave um we're gonna go down to the bottom it's the cave down at down at here yeah we'll go to this cave down here yeah we just go to that cave we keep getting levels because that boss is really really hard like i remember whenever i fought on the first time it took me like an hour to beat him okay okay there we go good and let's see where i need to go all right i can't wait oh my god oh my god i'm actually gonna fall off i'm gonna fall off like i know i'm gonna fall off like it's just uh it's gonna happen like you know it i know it literally everybody [ __ ] knows it like i'm just gonna fall off like an idiot like this the same thing has happened to me every time i play this [ __ ] game all right don't they esta la cave um uh yeah right is that was that did i do it right okay so we come down here and it should be right along this edge south of you yes i know that i know where the cave is i know where the cave is and i know where it is not okay we can easily beat this boss easily beat this [ __ ] boss okay i found it it's right after the the monkeys okay dude i feel like the more i do it the more i'm starting to feel like magic is like really kind of like it's it's good like i'm not gonna say it's overpowered but like i'm gonna say it's good i don't know where the [ __ ] you are come on i'm right here on the map i'll be right back i take a piss it's not overpowered okay if i subtract where i am from where i'm not then i can find out the position of asthma and gold and i'll know where he is man i should have gone live dude holy [ __ ] oh man i gotta poop i gotta poop bad i gotta poop bad dude i gotta go i got a food i hope he called i gotta poop uh now are you talking about yo what up not much to chill okay um do you have your summoning thing up yeah okay good let me use my my level up thing and then i can use the other thing all right inventory oh my god i only have one this is actually my only all right we have to we have to win this one okay do you have a lantern no ah i okay all right okay all right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute whoa whoa whoa what where'd she go holy [ __ ] wait wait bro calm down calm down calm down calm down i don't even know where are you wait there's monkeys well how are you just killing everything wait what the hell monkey's aspen i got i got one i got one i'm monkeys monkeys monkeys monkey on me monkey on me got him got him got him nice job nice job nice job nice job a pickle whoa wait stop stop stop this this is where the bosses those were bosses okay here so here's what we do i'm gonna come in slow i'm gonna handle the ads you try to distract the boss okay yeah okay i'm running i'm running i'm running okay okay i got one i got one we got one let me handle these adds got em big [ __ ] big [ __ ] big [ __ ] got him we got him i got him nice holy [ __ ] we got his ass asman what goodbye okay teleport out all right good go back to the uh all right all right teleport out go to the um um just a second let me see where is this okay actually i don't i don't need to be here right now i don't need to be here that's only for pyromancy stuff wait should i go there wait should i go to the pyromancy stuff dragon magic okay but i don't know how to i can't see i can't see i gotta okay i i think i'm going the right way okay okay boy where where where i'm at amana i'm out of mana okay all right let's go look at i think i've got to go this way i think this is the right way and then i go up this way and then i can't i can't see i can't see where i am did i make it oh i [ __ ] made it okay we're good there we go holy [ __ ] all right so let's see what i can do with my pyromancies i think i have a dragon heart don't i i'm pretty sure i do [Music] okay we can meet up at like the first one right outside of the uh the gate i think that's the best idea okay let's talk to this dude what what are you talking about dragon fire dragon claw dragon bite i don't have any of the dragons that's faith okay yeah yeah yeah all right all right that's fine i'm not gonna use it then okay let me teleport over there then yeah we teleport over to like the first area and then cave of knowledge what the [ __ ] is the cave of knowledge knowledge the [ __ ] was that no oh it was the first area i was like so confused that's arcane and faith okay all right let me use this and i should be able to can i level up here no i cannot okay oh my god what happened to you all right i'm gonna use my remedy now what we need to do is we need to go over towards like the uh towards the area where the um uh that one thing is [Music] you just follow me it'll be fine uh where is am i doing just put down your stone put down your thing i'm gonna put you down if you don't [ __ ] drop the attitude no attitude i'm just asking i just want to know where it is okay there it is good all right here we go so we need to go towards this area and we should be able to easily beat anything in this area i think there he is i have arrived good let's go we need to make sure that we also pick up those urgery leaves so i can keep summoning you okay um how the [ __ ] do we get over no no what are you doing what is this who is that dude pot friend irl oh do this in real life do this in real life do this in real life jump if you'll leave if i do it i'm not going to take any item don't think anyone just do this in real life jump if you leave if i do the thing [Music] [ __ ] just okay all right all right i i think he's distracted all right well how do i [ __ ] um okay all right can i okay i'm gonna re-summon you again i'm gonna really summon you again did you get summoned dude you didn't do it because he didn't jump i'm worried that if if he if i do it that's whenever he attacks you're really not going to do it in real life he's jumping [Laughter] you actually did it oh my god oh my god what a game okay let's go we got to go down this way we don't want to fall off this time okay all right focus focus focus we don't want to accidentally uh get killed by these things or fall off the edge um don't want to have that happen you know because it would be bad oh my god that's oh actually almost fell off there just a second what's this oh i can level up my weapon again nice okay so i think we just go over major pod alert pop alert major pod alert what was this are we getting attacked dude i need to get my weapon leveled up like i can't one shot these things i think that thing's attacking you i ain't scared okay sure i'm never scared oh wait there's a guy on a horse uh all right focus focus focus focus guy on horse gun horse gun bro he keeps moving [Music] it's actually annoying be careful be careful oh my god okay um wait a second this dragonfly could actually kill me kill the horse okay just a minute wait what we're yeah there we go good job i didn't even know that could happen ow okay it's fine let's just don't worry about them just don't worry about it just don't worry about it okay so we'll go over here and oh there's a bunch of mobs bunch of mobs over here i'm over here wait can i just can i do what i think i can do this is crazy like my damage is just ridiculous look at that we just win it doesn't even matter look at all we look at all the stuff we got okay so let's look around here and i don't know if there's anything to look at here looks like a bunch of nothing sliver of meat okay let's go let's go through here i guess oh there's a side of grace let's get this too i need to get more of these archery leaves like honestly if there was like a hack that i could just use to just have infinite amounts of them i would do that you ever done shrooms before no man watch this watch this this is so good like i i don't even need to i don't even need to do anything anymore i just win every fight this is awesome okay let's go down this way [Music] there you go nice good job okay all right so here we go we're going to go through this and this should be no problem so i got quarters on back for 25. um yeah uh what the [ __ ] does that mean you want a gram what that zaza holy [ __ ] [Applause] watch out watch out watch out get behind you get behind your get behind you okay okay we have to think about this all right no thinking okay okay i'm gonna wait after the next shot come away from that shot all [Music] bro you're not dead are you there's an invisible wall wait what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude uh i think i'm dead okay let's get through that let's get through that wall let's get through that wall so you've got a ride over there uh yeah let's get through that wall and then we just i really summon you over there it's not a big deal what a bunch of horse [ __ ] that is okay give me a second i've gotta get through this myself apparently okay i'm just gonna get through this all the way there we go okay good get through here get that okay all you have to do is just yeah it's super easy it's super easy okay we should definitely wait for that mod to come out this is fine this is fine this is horrible it's easy look at this look at that damage this is only the beginning i'm gonna be honest like it's really [ __ ] fun killing two mobs at the same time like that's actually [ __ ] badass okay let's talk to her give me a second am i typing my name the servants there i i can't i swear my good father decided himself to i serve and they've since come my favorites please would you mind in my soul please thank you then please i'm gonna take her let her deliver it to my father i'm gonna i'm gonna get i'm gonna give her the letter i will do it i'll be a good boy all right let's just get to the next bonfire and then i'll be able to summon you okay and then we go into the castle all right might as well pick some of this stuff up smithing stone two it's two smithing stones okay the [ __ ] oh whatever who cares all right where the [ __ ] is the bonfire oh it's right over here okay i see okay i should be able to summon you after this okay here we go and let's see here no i'm just guys i'm doing my best all right like i'm hungry i have to admit like magic magic in this game is [ __ ] op this is crazy i mean this is really this really is great i mean that's what i really mean like this is really great turn tonight why would i do that uh that boss isn't over here okay you see where i am yeah okay good just drop your thing and i'll be ready whenever let me see what this is all right yeah whatever all right so what can i buy here uh i need to buy another sewed storm uh sewed storm d there's like four of them wait there's a secret boss at night here i'm pretty sure it's not here it is here you idiot yes stupid yes it's here it's here all right fine fine fine okay i'm going to change the you don't know that how did you not know that because i'm an idiot apparently i don't [ __ ] it i didn't know something about the game that's right i didn't know something about gamer bro yeah that's right oh i've never fought this boss before uh i don't know how this is gonna go to be honest with you i really don't okay you ready holy [ __ ] watch out watch out watch out watch out i got it invaded by recusing not gonna worry about not gonna worry about let's go i'll deal with the soldier i'll deal with him wait no he's fine he's fine he's fine he's fine watch out watch out watch out i'm out of mana [ __ ] he's running at me stop okay all right all right okay [ __ ] [Music] oh my god [Music] okay i have to kill this guy all right all right what do i do what do i do what do i do should i read someone mcconnell i'm actually getting [ __ ] okay [Music] this boss is so is this a player or is this a guy it's a [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] player that's a player look uh you know sometimes you get out sometimes you get caught it's a [ __ ] torch that's that's my saying [ __ ] you man did you died yes let me [ __ ] get my stuff back and get my stuff back i'm gonna get my [ __ ] the special root thing if you get on the ledge you can use magic and kill them bro like i like here let me let me use this one right here and i'm gonna use this we've resumed mcconnell and it's gonna be fine okay i'm not worried about it okay inventory and we'll use this there we go all right we just resummon it's gonna be okay rest first yes i will rest and we'll go tonight again past time until nightmare okay give me a all second and we should be good let me just get mcconnell in here we're gonna do this this is gonna be easy there he is all right bro you know it's crazy yeah dude we used to go not so when you got like two to four thousand viewers bro yeah we used to go crazy yeah there's a lot of people you're 52 000 now it's a lot of people it is let's go let's just get this done all right focus focus focus ow watch out [Music] i can't hit him he keeps running away okay i'm doing now i'm doing big damage [Music] bro uh this is this is not good [ __ ] oh can you please take this seriously can you please like we have to beat him here you're you're telling me to take it seriously i got one shot i got one shot dude you got two shot you didn't [ __ ] heal i saw what you did i didn't have time i had the bleed effect on me bro i didn't have the bleed because it all does it did i got blended out i blood it out that's that's not the way it works in this game that is the way it works by a white ring and this yeah from round hold the help of invasions yeah i'm gonna look into that don't worry about it okay let me try this here all right i've got the remedy out we're gonna be okay let me just change it to daytime we're gonna be fine past time until nightfall let's go you got one shot yeah true all right mcweave dance game let's go he's not that hard his bosses are definitely harder on a horse no they're not easier easier on a horse now it's not with you watch i'll show you how i do it let me go in on them first okay [ __ ] ass why does he move away he shouldn't even be able to do that he moves so dude i can't even hit him okay there we go there we go there we go big damage mcconnell watch out okay okay i've never fought this type of mob before actually i did once before it's not true dude i can't even hit him he's so fast maybe i should use the uh i should use ark survival evolved [ __ ] no no not that no this ability actually works okay there it is nice nice huge damage huge damage [Applause] he's half health he's half health good there it is nice nice nice nice job nice job nice job i'm big [ __ ] i'm big taking okay all right all right all right we're gonna probably knock him off his horse focus there it is are you out of heels yeah be careful and i've only got one more what the [ __ ] was that okay all right horse is getting really low okay [ __ ] ass [ __ ] watch out watch out watch out all right okay it's all on me [Applause] oh [Laughter] oh my god just use the shield it doesn't matter i'm getting my ass beat okay all right we need to think about this in a better way because this is clearly not working all right let's give it one more try let's just let's go in a hundred percent and we beat him here okay i got one more left in me all right that sounds good let's do it i have one more item okay it all comes down to this all right now guys don't forget if you enjoyed today's content there will be more of it especially next week once the mod comes out so don't forget to sub to your favorite streamer right now if you've got a free amazon prime account you can sub for free right now or you can just sub on your own or gift some stuff they're not going to sub they're not going to or you can sub to your favorite people you can give subs to your favorite people in chat like some of the mods the some of the mods are very cool how my mods not sucked my mods aren't even sub this is thank you guys thank you appreciate the subs thank you guys thank you my mods aren't even nobody subbed i have i like my ratio of like viewers to subs is like 0.5 [Music] so there's people that have like two times as many subs as they have viewers i'm like the opposite god shut up you're rich anyway i'm just talking i'm just talking well i can't talk no not when you're rich okay all right all right stay focused he does that thing we're actually doing really good okay that's really good [ __ ] got him big damage there big damage there just just heal just heal the seal just heal [ __ ] [ __ ] he gets getting me with that thing okay watch out watch out that's the one that [ __ ] me too [Music] just get him off just get him off the horse and then we win how did i get hit by that just just get him off the horse and win [Music] oh my god all right all right all right focus there it is got him okay yes yes yes big dick on them yes yes big dick goodbye asmin i'll see you tomorrow yup see ya night ride or flail that's a good one gentlemen i'm gonna just chill for a bit i'm gonna relax run some ads have some fun enjoy myself and uh just kind of chill out i'm gonna be honest this was fun did you guys enjoy that uh champ thank you guys very much for watching i appreciate it thank you i thank for to get gifted yeah did you guys enjoy this was it was it fun amazing all right good we need to i'll see how this mod [ __ ] works and like if it makes it easier i'll just do that because like it's like a lot of like little stupid things you know what i mean so we'll see what i can do all right i'll go back over here and uh make sure i loot all these things i'm glad that went so well it'll make it seamless like actual co-op yeah yeah that's what i'm hoping for i'm gonna try it out as soon as i as soon as i can okay and uh that should make it easier check out the mod on youtube yeah i just need to talk to the person and i'll see if i can download it and [ __ ] and uh we'll go from there but yeah thank you guys very much for watching uh i'm gonna be back on obviously tomorrow morning uh same time usually and uh you know talk about some other stuff do some other stuff might play some more of this um i i kind of want to do vaulting again but i feel like this is more i kind of want to do this if you want to be honest i kind of want to do more of this because i just like this game and i like playing it and i i'm not really sure but like as soon as we wrap that stuff up as soon as trial's over and everything we're going to be getting ready to do final fantasy i promise that i've delayed it many times my plan is still to do it just because i know a lot of people have wanted that for a while and it will happen [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 761,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 53sec (8993 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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