Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Speedrun in 56:55 (WORLDS FIRST SUB 57)

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thank you hey Damon uh I did Seeker yeah the the funny thing is the patrols of the enemies basically you just have to quote out once for like the air tree I don't know if you need to quit out for the the lion he didn't hit me in the few times that I tested it but I in a run I'll probably quit out for the lion just in case because it's kind of scary oh I'm sure something will probably happen there Seeker this is Elden ring we're talking about after all what's my PB uh 5716 foreign what's up Pepino uh I think I cut out too early surely didn't I I think maybe not no I didn't okay that was such an early I felt early but I guess it's fun what's up Pete foreign have I managed to master the new skip I don't know about master but I could definitely do it in a run now I might mess it up but we'll see it will Summit Horan to treat him with just don't mess up yeah hey pranksy thank you for the prime sub man are you kidding me hey defiance I don't know if it's worth quitting out on that door I kind of messed up my inputs though maybe a maybe it would have been okay probably just need to warm up that wasn't very good whatever dude I'm gonna keep going that was really bad but I mean it well it wasn't terrible but not not good by my standards I'm just gonna try to do like a warm-up run here yeah I mean you're not wrong blanks I'm still gonna be angry about a bad early game though well not angry but on unhappy but honestly though with all these new strats like I I really will basically continue like any run at this point we have what 20 seconds of time saved now it's pretty crazy I could literally just like [ __ ] die to like DTS and still get like sub 57 now or some [ __ ] that's a bit of a stretch but every run will be PBR record I mean if every single run I finish somehow manages to not die or get memed on anything yeah sure it's not like the run is so free you can just like [ __ ] fall asleep or die to bosses or like forget what to do but you don't need like insanely good RNG to get record that's the thing some Souls games get to the point where like you literally just need God RNG and eventually this run will get to that point I think once this run gets well God with the new Strat I don't know maybe once it gets like 56 20 56 15 maybe that'll be like well maybe that's a bit much I don't know but yeah like it this category will definitely get to that point as well that was awful yeah I don't know blanks I mean to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if force uh I wouldn't be surprised if he just like did runs without the new Skip and just tried to get a good run without without it but I don't know maybe maybe he'll do it I want I really wonder how the skip is gonna be on keyboard mouse I feel like it's going to be absolutely horrendous but Maybe not maybe it's fun you don't think he's doing the new God skin Oh interesting this old flesh summer best is really low what's up he doesn't have sub 56 doesn't he is I mean isn't forces some of us to like 25 seconds slower than mine he has a 55 he must have a rabbit he must have a rata beast one cycle in there unless he's doing something or he has [ __ ] up colds um yeah I don't know about that blanks that's probably why that one guy came in here and was like uh I actually think you have a lot of time to save in your late game hey Azul thank you for the three months like the thing is with a run like this there isn't really even much like at a certain point the sum of best pretty much just gets like close oh my [ __ ] god it just gets like close to perfect like you can only do the segments so fast after a certain point foreign I mean maybe force is doing some straps that we don't know of I don't know I haven't really watched his runs in a bit if I had to guess his Golds are probably [ __ ] up though now I'm kind of curious he headshots fire Regina phase two yes so do I he does plus eight at the grace after the Archer okay interesting is that really better though I guess maybe his boss fights are super clean I mean yeah because the boss fights are literally like scripted I think like literally the entire end game has been scripted down to a science because of all the different Runners malakith if he runs at you malachith dies if radagon gives you one good attack he dies if Eldon Beast gives you the Rings he dies well actually that's not true if he gives you the Rings and then Eldon Stars unless maybe he's surely he's not skipping the freezing grease no [ __ ] no way no way he's [ __ ] skipping the freezing bruise I don't know I'll take a look at myself later I mean the only thing he's not doing is the new godskin strap right I don't know if he has a one cycle rat abuse though so some of us should be like more or less the same as mine which isn't too inconceivable he got one cycle rather Beast okay his one cycle radabies might even be faster than mine all right oh my God these [ __ ] blinds are flapping in the wind dude I gotta I gotta get ah I gotta [ __ ] tape them down or something this is oh my God I want proper blinds bro this is so [ __ ] annoying well they're triggering you yeah they're triggering me too bro I'm just gonna close my window I guess when I get a chance I already fed up of the house it's not the House's fault bro I have shitty [ __ ] paper blackout blinds from my last house that I just am temporarily using because install ordering new blinds literally takes like two [ __ ] months at least if you want them like custom okay maybe not two months but it takes time oh my God whatever I'm gonna keep going with the run I don't give a [ __ ] yeah I guys I know if if only you guys actually [ __ ] posted that before I actually got to the merchant it's not your fault I mean it's my fault but still like the bow yeah guys I know that was like 30 [ __ ] seconds ago I'm gonna be like Plus 25. can't wait to beat blanks by like one second with this run all because I like forgot to [ __ ] buy the bow and then blank speaks to you by one second again uh whatever man it's a warm-up around that it's fine guys I'm I'm not resetting I literally haven't played Elden ring I haven't ran Eldon ring in two days two whole days yes hey asios thank you for the raid oh I need some water thirsty has the Enron moved in yet no what got me into streaming um I don't know just watching other Dark Souls runners I got into speedrunning when I was watching sigalemic do sm64 back in like 2013. or maybe that was even longer ago now oh my God these blinds are flapping so hard bro [ __ ] sakes dude no not as gdq run wait maybe it wasn't in 2013 then I don't know man he did he did like a month of like 140 six attempts or something I don't know it was really slow at the time but it was really cool thank you nice almost died but I'm still alive am I gonna run re4 remake well I'm gonna play it first but uh that's the plan my man what's up foreign what difficulty will you play I mean I'm gonna play professional presumably but if there's a harder difficulty than professional I'll probably do that I am an Old Glory perhaps foreign oh hello yeah I mean this pace is pretty bad Chad but the new skip is Gonna Save Us a lot of time on Gold free yeah this run is pretty bad but it's okay it's good practice I haven't done runs in like two days so it's okay foreign foreign I shot him in a small dream power in fear of the night that you preached was this the new skip no new skip is in Langdale thank you foreign please don't hit me with your [ __ ] nice blanks foreign it's definitely consistent I mean I was I was getting it like I think I got it like four or five times in a row at one point that's just yeah it's it's just going to take some practice oh [ __ ] I forgot to pop the Rune Arc hey Charlie thank you for the four months man foreign I should heal and quit out once I run past that guy I think foreign a little nervous now even though the pace is really bad [Music] okay no I'm not going to use the ruin Arc it's okay I don't need it I mean it would have been nice to have but it's not the end of the world not bad foreign foreign baby husk the only way and become my purpose or I'd like to the flame him and guide share them with me thank you hmm interesting all right hey bergero I'm doing all right the runs are going all right we uh pulled off the new skip first try so that was pretty pog oh I'm gonna quit out so I don't get memeed on the elevator now we pick up a somber five and Caleb foreign that God tier run that I botched last week isn't really a good run anymore anyways I mean that's that's the thing about like and I mean I knew that like I knew that anyways but I was just really frustrated at the time but like there's always I don't know you should never really beat yourself up about a run at least if it's like a new route because like like this route is pretty new it's kind of silly to assume that you know like I could unders uh like it makes more sense if you're like let's say you're grinding sm64 you know that that route is more or less set in stone they're like celebrating a two-second Time save at this point or like half second time saved so yeah point is there's a lot of like my summer best has gone down so much since that run the jump off torrent I don't do the jump off torrents anymore that jump sucks man I'll be honest though I actually thought I would have golded gold free by a little bit more there than 13 seconds I thought it was going to be like a 20 second gold because of like the time losses on the other segments I mean the fight was pretty good well I had like 20 seconds to save there because I had a really bad fight yeah but the boat the bow incident isn't relevant chat because the thing is well according to my timing which I I mean I I'm 100 sure I didn't mess up my timing but well actually I don't know maybe maybe I should double check but um I saved 13 seconds on the gold free segment but I Lost You Know You're Gonna Lose You're Gonna Lose like eight seconds uh because of buying the bow Plus uh the ruin Arc and picking up the the golden ruin 12. I messed up the bow cancel after Lane Del skip yeah so I mean that's like a second and a half or like two seconds I don't know I'm pretty sure my gold I mean maybe maybe the maybe I could have done the fight a little bit better it felt pretty close to like perfect but I mean I don't know yeah I saved 35 seconds but I can already save 20. and I'm just saying like a really good Gold free with the new skip should save like 20 seconds yeah that was ideal gold-free RNG so I don't know thank you I need to fix these blinds after this run a jet Lex thank you for the three months [Music] um yeah I think so blanks I don't know I did um actually no I think my level up was good after godric because I mean I I believe it should it should be about 20 seconds saved on Gold free and then you're gonna lose like eight in the early game right that's that's how that's what it should be so I don't know my gold my gold on Gold free is pretty insane though like I I think when I got my gold he died like right next to the fog gate or some [ __ ] the timing was to get to the skip yeah I believe it's around 53 50 yeah like 53 seconds hey Tay wraps thank you for the gifted sub to steampunk foreign I'm not going to do the new Fire giant jump I actually haven't had a chance to practice it that much because I've been so busy lately oh my God these blinds I'm sorry they're driving me [ __ ] crazy man I just I don't want to take too long of a break good fire Giant's such a long segment I know man foreign [Music] ER [Music] unless foreign [Music] no not really blanks thank you I guess it's just for like safety but I don't know oh do you mean at the end yeah yeah at the end I go wide because I hate getting off torrent it like bugs out a lot oh I forgot to do the bow cancel here I haven't whatever I haven't practiced it time to get nervous I mean I literally lost 20 seconds running back to the merchant on this run feels bad man [Music] foreign are you all finished moving I mean we still have moving takes a while but we've got like we've got desks build we've got a all the furniture kind of where we want it so yeah we're getting there yeah so the reason the Beast man killed my run that day was my fault by the way I I walked too wide and he saw me early which is why he killed me on that one run oh no stand up skip landing on okay hold on I can't I can't focus on that right now blanks boost foreign no he's not trying to distract I just I can't pay attention to that right now foreign foreign magical thank you for the 26 months man I will not have it stolen from me foreign istic thank you for the 15 months man thank you to stand before the Elden ring I commend your spirit oh god oh this is not good oh no I that's fine what happened I just reposted him at a weird angle which I wasn't sure if that was going to affect anything what's up kdub foreign oh bro how does that Miss Ed how does that Miss what thank you [Music] foreign foreign oh my God 56.56 Ulta four baby let's go all right throw us up 57 on the first run back from a two-day break with a 20 second mistake oh my God 56.55 let's [ __ ] go baby oh feels good man feels [ __ ] good man yo floccular thank you for the 56 gifted Subs thank you dude oh man yo yeah thank you so much blocular for the 56 gifted nanite soldiers thank you for the five gifted uh dare wampan
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 940,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, elden, ring, speedrun, world, record, glitchless, dlc, from, software
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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