Aѕmongold Reacts to "The WORST Elden Ring Hot Takes" | by The Act Man

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Recommend watching the original video, thus led onto a HUGE feud between ActMan and QuantumTV that went on for many months... https://youtu.be/wJjtyStwcF4

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jordzy_VidGames 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
the worst elden ring hot takes let's find out about this it's always a great feeling when something you adore is getting the attention and love you believe it deserves for me that's been elden rich the community around this game has been nothing short of spectacular in my experience people are making art maidenless memes that get upwards of 10 000 likes on twitter and reddit the subreddit itself has over 1 million subscribers now in such a short span of time and i just people love seeing all the community creations and videos being made on youtube across all platforms most of us playing and engaging with eldon ring have been having the time of our lives it's a good time and the reason i bring that up is because well there's a lot of hot takes from people who are super jealous of that i am 100 sincere when i say without any sarcasm that eldon ring can suck my dick excuse me so you know this video is going to be good but their opinions can't ruin something as pristine okay here we go so instead a lot of these people just kind of flail about making incoherent rants in the vain hope that miyazaki will add an easy mode at some point oh my gosh that's right we're going to be looking at the hottest eldon ring takes in town okay let's taste this flask and take a swig every time i show you something stupid but before all that i'm about to poison myself variety of different hot sauces now you might be saying act man that's kind of random this isn't rage shadow the reason i'm doing it [Music] what the fuck is wrong with the sponsor of today's video bespoke okay for all sorts of things see i knew it was coming they offer all sorts i knew was coming i was like what the fuck you see all this awesome hot sauce i got cake oh my god package from bespoke every month they bring in new packages so you can get a grab bag of knives couple glasses and some whiskey outdoor gear houseware you can preview the box before it's shipped out choose to keep it swap it for another or skip the month at no cost every box has a 70 dollar retail value but only costs 49. okay cool a donkey kong barrel they sent me a donkey kong barrel they sent me that's the thing you play the donkey boxes will be personalized based on your preferences and answers to the quiz i picked up the hot sauce and coffee bundles but there's i always thought that the uh these like kind of like uh mystery box systems i think they're actually pretty cool i i do i thought about ordering them and uh and doing them on stream but i feel like it would be uh like loot boxes yeah i i worthless shit yeah i think that they're a cool idea i thought they were kind of scummy really i don't know i think they're cool so many more so what are you waiting for order your own box of goodies from bespoke and if you use the code act 20 i'll get you 20 percent off your first box thank you bespoke for sponsoring this game completely different only five letters that's good probably the hot takes that blew up the most were what these three devs said about eldon ring these people were from guerrilla games ubisoft and um xanax software the fact that elder drake scored a 97 metacritic is proof that reviewers don't give a flaming poop about game user experience my life is a lie no pc graphics your performance apparently nor quest design really now what these people are really saying is i'm jealous of from software success because it overshadows my own i am insecure in questioning my career and design choices hey genius maybe somebody's just better at making video games than you maybe there's thousands of people better at making videos than me let's just be happy for them why is it so hard comparison is the thief of joy and wait your reviewers i think it's also like it's worse than that because they're not trying they're trying to rationalize why people aren't looking at them the same way because it's it's one thing if you're trying to just you know like oh say like oh my uh you know i'm mad because other people are doing it better than me right but they're trying to like tear other people down and like figure out reasons why it's bad i think that's what it is just trying to bring you down yeah exactly don't care about pc graphics have have we been playing the same game yeah nobody cares about graphics guys ux also stands for user experience and like isn't a review about the user's experience with the game no i mean isn't like act man hurt himself in his confusion these developer tweets are like way out of left field because most devs on twitter celebrate each other's success luckily the memes that came out of this were just well i think the reason why people weren't celebrating the reason why developers felt the need to defend themselves is because most of the people talking about wild and ring was so good is because it's it was better than their games right it's like this elven ring is good because it's not like what you're doing so of course they took that personally and by the way no you're actually right players don't give a fuck about graphics and here let me fucking prove it to you give me a second people do not give a fuck about graphics because graphics are irrelevant in a good game it doesn't matter look at vampire survivors look at cs go look at minecraft you think people care about graphics get the fuck out of here graphics are great if they're good and if they're not good it doesn't matter if the game is pure gold allow me to play you a brief but powerful slideshow okay if ubisoft oh no oh no are these going to be all the media oh god it's all the memes oh there it is about foot soldiers oh there's a damn wow damage meter on the music oh my god now i want to make it clear it's okay to dislike a video game that i like it's okay to enjoy something that i do not dog model this goes without saying what i care about is if your reasons are good unlike this next guy who posted one of the worst elden ring reviews i've ever seen okay here we go yeah i'm returning this utter crap because this game is terrible i don't care what anybody says you can tell someone's angry when they're just like shaking the fucking game that's the video i was gonna do a video on it this is it this is the video it's gonna be a quick upload so let's summarize this guy's very brief experience with alden ring and examine the reasons why he thinks it's trash okay all right um coming off the the heels of my elden ring sucks video because the game does suck it's a terrible terrible example of game design alden ring is bad because it doesn't follow elden ring is bad because it sucks well why does it suck because it's bad duh what the fuck did you expect yeah obviously i mean come on game design principles and no i won't elaborate on what i think those are my man that's up to your imagination not mine i cut all the way through that that beginning of the game it was very bland so i get to that guy with the mask i accidentally attack him he kills me so you arrived oh my god to be fair i think that sad is like going to a site of grace should maybe reset if certain npcs are hostile towards you i think maybe that would be fair maybe that would be an improvement but it's not a big deal by the way you accidentally attack them don't you have to do this like three times there's absolution for that yeah but people don't know that right it's like it just restart yeah he's fi yeah i mean he's already spent six minutes in the game guys he can't restart now he's locked in so this is what happened i do think that like to a degree and i i might disagree with a lot of you guys in there i do think that having these pitfalls in games does not do the game any favors i actually don't think so i i really don't think so i think that there's a very fine line between something being challenging and punishing and i i don't think that having pitfalls like this make the game better but it is funny it is absolutely fucking funny in limb grave and immediately attacked the first non-hostile npc so you must have ignored the talk button at the bottom of the screen when you walked up and hit them more than once non-threatening pose and lack of wielding any kind of weapon i respawn right to be fair i did hit one of the npc's uh accidentally once too in front of him he kills me respawn he kills me you didn't attack him on accident because he takes at least three hits to trigger aggro and i tested this he even oh [Music] man like isn't that just sad says wow you even comprehend the gravity of this choice no bruh you ignored his dialogue he's straight up like are you sure you want to continue attacking me yes you do all right gonna have to teach you a lesson respawn finally get away see this big thing horse minotaur looking thing kills me one hit all right yeah respawn right in front of the guy who kills me i'm like how was this god i would pay so much money to watch that playthrough oh my god i would watch i would want to see that so much like wow that would be so fucking funny man that would be hilarious fun how is this fun so you die to this guy a few more times before figuring out how to run away and then you run straight towards the giant fuck off golden knight on a horse yeah surprised that he's hostile i like how he's doing a recreation system but my guy decides to just start swinging wildly tell me tell me you're not making this video without knowing how to lock on i've i've never seen someone invalidate their own like what he did he probably didn't even go through the tutorial he ran right into the game he started attacking the first guy he saw the guy went hostile and he lost that's what happened like a hundred percent that's that's what happened opinions as a game critic so effortlessly so we can assume that he ignored everything in the tutorial teaches you how to lock on he could you couldn't even google this like no there's supposed to be a lock on system consult dr google press the button supposed to be a lock-on system but my guy decides to just start swinging loudly i point the camera back at him it gives me a light lock on and he starts the guy moves i don't care what anybody says oh you got to do this press in on the right stick don't attack that guy sneak past the big horse and knowing is half the battle like homie you can't just ignore literally everything the game is trying to tell you and then blame the game like how does a guy who has hundreds of games on his shelves not understand the concept of a non-hostile nbc these games are not enjoyable yes i get there are people out there that like it and this game is not a 10 out of 10. nowhere near even if it ends wild it's true just like making sure guys have been more than 10 minutes in make a new guy and just don't attack him but no i would love to watch a playthrough of some of these people like for every person that says the game is bad i want to see how they played the game because as i said i do think that as i said mike you know like having pitfalls that early into the game where you can make mistakes and uh irref like irreversibly fuck your character uh or set yourself back i think that yeah that's probably not good right and but that's the way they make these games they do they make these games these way and that's part of the appeal to them so it's like well you know it's like yeah i think this is not ideal but this is the way these games are made he gave up right there like imagine posting a review without even killing a single enemy in a souls game or learning how to lock on yes this the like this is it this is his review of the game yeah this is one of the most wretched things in terms of accessibility and gameplay and just you must have been sitting there just like why did that guy i stabbed start swinging back could you imagine inviting this guy over to play smash bros and he's like why are you attacking me it's a fighting game allow me to show you the cherry on the cake the piece the resistance to cap off this video this is not a good game it is not a 10 out of 10 not even if it wanted to i can't wait for gran turismo bro i'm so tired of this shit i wanted to i can't wait for gran turismo i cannot i am so tired of of this shit bro where these critics rated an 87 but the users rated a 1.9 i am so tired of this like if if all of the critics are rating it in 87 and users are rating in an 8.9 who the fuck is listening to the critics because obviously the critics have no impact on the way that people look at the game because if they did it wouldn't be a 1.9 and it's obvious that they don't understand the way people think because it's a 1.9 and they're an 8.7 how the fuck does this work it's crazy man like i i just like i i really mean this never listen to anybody's review of a game if it's not at least a 30 minute video like if you watch a review of a game and the review video is six minutes it's a shit review it's a it's a shit review like it go and like it's fixed now that's good um for sure but like watch the whole fucking thing donkey next up on the elden ring clown show is a rabbit hole i can't be bothered because of a donkey though apparently this guy quantum tv made an elden ring review that he later deleted people saw it was filled with terrible takes and made fun of it like you do on the internet one of these videos happened to be from a 17 year old british guy named mischief and his response video triggered quantum tv so far off the edge that he threatened to copyright strike a minor in a different country for criticizing him this also led to a bunch of other youtubers picking up the story uh which led to him thank god well hey probably by his own definitions he created a better story than eldon ring how about that that's great take this video down and remake it with a lot of stolen footage without my likeness and your thumbnail i own the sole copyright to quantum tv brand and all of its imagery assets failure to remove the soul and content will result in a take down i've already formally filed against you but don't want a copyright strike you i just want my assets removed i don't mind criticism just don't go stealing my videos from my channel what a pussy what a fucking pussy oh my god this also led to a bunch of other youtubers picking up the story uh which led to quantum making more videos and justifying his insane here we go it's like it's not enough you've got to get in there and let them know bro you've got to win you've got to win you've got to get in there fight it out man it's like you're just making it worse and worse and worse takes that you're about to see it's like a rabbit hole we don't even want to go down but i want to give a shout out to mischief his link will be in the description go check him out and subscribe pretty good content for his age i gotta say but it's it's real scary if you're a small content creator and you're just being threatened with copyright strikes it's such like ms kiff i mean to be fair 17 years old you know what i was doing for content 17 years old um we would ring people's doorbells and then run away and then record it the reactions and i also would go in the backyard and blow up tater tots with fireworks ding dong ditch yep there it is and uh that's at 17 well i was doing that really more like 15 or so but like you know we did the same at 17 yeah we did that more like 50 but it's close enough dick move to do so give that guy some support all right today i'll be giving you guys a review of eldon ring essentially i don't buy this game the name should the name of the game should be called you die again and again i suppose if you never get good then yeah you'll keep dying because that's all you're really going to spend most of your time doing you're going to die because the game has no easy difficulty there the difficulty strikes when you get to certain again people that just don't understand the game it's not even about get good you understand that like it's not about get good the only boss that i think there's a handful of bosses that i think have cheap difficulty i think melania i think people think melania is really good because it's really hard i think the fight generally sucks the waterfall ability generally sucks all the other abilities i think are fucking great i just don't like the the fact that like that one ability is like the it's like a pass fail mechanic and if you can't beat this uh you you can't beat the boss if you can beat it you can beat the boss it's like ah okay right it's kind of dumb i don't like that however every other boss pretty much like again i just want to go back where is the um uh where is this let's go back just a minute today i'll be giving you guys a review of eldon ring essentially i don't buy this game the name of the game should not be called elden ring the name of the game should be called you die again and again and again i suppose if you never get good then yeah you'll keep dying because that's all you're really gonna spend most of your time doing you're gonna die because the game has no easy difficulty there the difficulty spikes when you get to certain bosses you're just it's so unfair that you'll find yourself spending so many hours losing time away from your life so i would say this game is for somebody who really is looking for a sandbox they have no family no friends no life and they what the fuck bro he's about to turn up he's going in oh my god he's turning up what is this no family no life god damn life so i would say this game is for somebody who really is looking for a sandbox they have no family no friends no life and they have literally thousands of hours to grind away why the thousands of hours like i think if you want to beat eldon ring you've got to spend a minimum of 3 000 hours like that's like if you want to beat it as like more of a speed run type perspective right minimum of 3 000 hours this is the game the thing is like to me right it's like i played element i played every souls game alvin ring has it can be the easiest souls game like ever besides maybe dark souls one it's the easiest one if you want it to be like it is it's the easiest fucking one [Music] this is a game made for people without families yeah you can't have a family and play elderly you probably i can't understand why this guy was getting flack they have no family no friends no life you are maidenless where do you come like you just do you just like how much like i would i bet if i did a gofundme to pay money to watch this guy play elden ring i could raise over ten thousand dollars but to watch him go live like a live broadcast with his fucking camera like we could raise over ten thousand dollars to watch him play this game because i could guarantee you boys we would make it would be worth it everybody puts in 10 bucks man i'd pay yeah you put in 10 bucks for this i'm gonna be a fucking asshole today when you die everything that makes you start over so leveling up is extremely hard to start a level one the game in this difficulty level and it's not fun there's nothing fun about this game for somebody who is new to the franchise and that's kind of the crux of the issue right this is what i try to do when i criticize a game or a series that i'm not all that familiar with i'm much softer about my criticisms have an understanding that's how i was with final fantasy 14 because i didn't understand the game and then as i learned more about it i was more confident in the way that i felt about it because like i don't fucking understand the way a lot of the game works right because how the fuck like i have no idea what i'm looking at i have no idea what i'm talking about you know what i mean but the more that you understand that the more that you get and you know what's going on and yeah moments being in the game without leveling too hard well i mean everybody be like you beats any game like that if you're really really good at it right that's what i'm saying that there's fans that know more about this series than you imagine i'll make it clear you're coming from an outsider perspective and maybe try not to flame the audience you know mate because maybe what do you guys say in mr heaven's ward i put i put 300 i'll put three 400 hours into the game in what universe is three or four hundred hours into the game not playing the game i played the game three four hundred hours you want your own audience to grow and if you're being an asshole it might be kind of hard quantum just just some food for thought and then you look at the graphic style it's a joke it is literally a joke the what's so bad man look at the graphic style it's a joke yep there's no anime girls ollie thanks for five subs like i don't understand like who they made this game for where like you want low frame rates but that that for me that's a massive deal breaker i'm a massive motion buff and to do something like that is unacceptable complaining about the frame rate is a valid criticism should that be like the biggest factor in your review probably uh it depends on how bad it is uh like let me think what game had like terrible frame rate i actually think that the worst thing about pub g whenever it first came out was the performance like the worst thing about and bloodborne i think pubg and bloodborne the worst thing about those games is the performance not but i'll give that to you most of your time in the open world is spent just like running around kind of aimlessly if i'm being honest it's one of those yeah like they're it's so spread out yeah it's like nothing to spend a lot of time running around and it's very open field that doesn't necessarily have a particular purpose for being that where's the other channel you're gonna spend a lot of time running around a very open field what what's that you said it's an open world game that's crazy i would have never seen an open world game again i'd like there to be a purpose to almost everything like everything is interactable and things like that but it just doesn't feel like that the game is very interactable you can sometimes i'll go to an area in elder ring and it's like oh man i wish there was like a new cave here right like i it would be cool if they had more of that stuff but like also you know it's like this is the game it is what it is right dlc is going to come yeah i mean i think it's the coliseum right it's the dlc that's what i'm kind of assuming but like we'll see what's going to happen it's impossible to make yeah it's like there's no way you can make it perfect for everybody more i would love if they just brought out this is the same thing i said with fucking legend of zelda link to the past if nintendo every year did this shit like call of duty and they're like guys legend of zelda link to the past 23. i'm like thank god just please take my money like if they brought out a new one every year i don't give a shit like no innovation again all the water temples at the top now great sounds good i'm happy scenery around you using a particular item certain landscapes will actually be destroyed throughout a boss fight the game is very interactable it sounds like you haven't played it much and i think without spoiling any parts of the story which is lackluster by the way i think that will be as honest as anyone's going to be about this product i don't know who they made it for who did they make eldon ring for it couldn't possibly be the 12 million people of course not within three weeks again i i couldn't speak lowly enough about this game i don't recommend it and i think if you're smart you'll just play something else if i can find something good to say about call of duty ghosts and call of duty vanguard there's hope for everything find something good to say that's the review take it or leave it okay so that was pretty terrible a lot of people guess what and so did he he did oh boy oh boy so as you guys know i did a review on eldon ring as usual right like say some crazy ass shit people get pissed off about it this is why i do this all the time right it's like and then the thing is like you're basically like it's like imagine it it's like two different videos where like the first one is you're planning the seed and then the second video is you're harvesting the crop and so the first video you know the bad elden ring video it that's he's planting the seed and now he's harvesting the crop of criticism right this is what it is how are the plants plants are actually doing great i i checked earlier this morning you guys i'm not going to get the big one because it's heavy but like uh i'll show you guys a small one give me a second let me show you guys uh it's actually doing quite well i saw it this morning you guys ready look at that look at that you see that boys stain oh yeah yeah i spilled soda on my on my shirt and i i didn't want to change the shirt because it's like who gives a fuck but like yeah i'm actually going to give it a little bit more water give me one second i'm going to give it a little bit more water i think that's about all it needs it just needs a little bit i gave it a lot the other day so there we go and we don't want to you don't want to give it too much okay i'm just watering the other one too all right the other one is not doing as well the green the blue pot one is doing very well the green one is not doing quite as well i don't know why i might have to move it closer to the to the sun maybe that could be it is it getting sun it is but it might not be getting enough uh oh no it's doing guys it's doing fine look i'll show you like people are worried like look like it's doing fine it's just not doing as well as the other one that's all yeah it's so if i it's just not as big yeah it's doing fine i know i know i know i know okay let me move it down here okay good i gotta make sure that yeah i might move it somewhere else so it's easier uh easier to see bro it's dead it's not dead like the other day actually the plants were like this like this is like the pot they're like this because i forgot to water him i felt honestly i came upstairs and i saw him i felt i legitimate i was like damn man like i fucked up and so i had to do that again that didn't i gave him a while apparently for some people yeah you can say that again so i'm receiving some backlash now that i wanted to adjust with some of you because don't you want to bet this guy is going to deflect why he's getting backlash a lot of you are not only being childish but i don't think you're actually seeing this objectively okay every single dark souls fan watching this video right now had to die a million and one times to learn how to play that game using that experience then laterally jumping over into elden ring you're able to again experience that level of challenge but it's not as hard because you've already done something similar before that's a fair that that's a fair point it is that that's actually that's a fair point honestly i think i'm hot shit every every time a new from soft game comes out and i get my ass kicked again and again even when demon souls remake came out bro act man are you kidding me that game was so easy like i swear to god if you start telling me like that one of these bosses is hard no demon souls remake we one shot the last boss get out of here a game i'd already beaten before yeah it still kicked my ass that's what i love about the game they always find a way to to surprise you but you see somebody like me i've never played alternate i've never played dark souls i don't even i didn't even know eldon ring was a part of the dark souls series and you know what i met with when i talk about flaws with the series the same thing i meant with the tv world where when you mention a problem with something fans of that series just damage control they'll say stupid petty chisty catty childish shit like oh you've lost credibility because you've spoke your mind you you gave your opinion you now have no credibility with me no i think you lose credibility when you talk about things that you don't really understand and you try to pass it off as like fact or you know when you say things like okay bye bitch i don't give a fuck the reality is that's my opinion based off of playing it as a new person they have no easy i think that's fair you know like there's going to be people that are unhappy about this right and that's the way it goes it's like bye bitch no that that's it right he's it's his opinion and there are going to be people this is the reality and even miyazaki said this he said listen we know that there's going to be people i think that i don't know if they said that in the most recent one that there's going to be people that are turned off because there's not an easy mode and it's harder for them to play the game that's just the way it goes because here's the reality if there wasn't a legitimate fail case in elven ring then the success case wouldn't matter so there are fail cases in the game and you are going to have people that are frustrated with it absolutely does that make sense right grandchildren in his opinion in my opinion demonstrates lack of confidence to me no i think it's the opposite people he's confident in his opinion he thinks that he thinks everybody else is dumb like i can relate to that right but like i think that like ultimately whenever you talk about something like this you you have to have like examples and like you know things like for example like whenever i said like i think it's bad that like margaret is such a hard first boss yeah a lot of people disagreed with me but a lot of other people agreed because i'm like yeah it's like in this game it's like he has disabilities and i gave like 50 examples of like why that was the case you know rather than like just like saying it's bad and it sucks because it's bad no the graphics are dog shit are you sure about that the graphics that's our dog shit the graphics are dog shit the graphics are dog shit the way you phrase things is important like so elden rings graphics are complete fucking trash and i wipe my ass with them versus i wasn't the biggest fan of the graphics and style two sentences saying the same thing but which one do you hate more right there's a difference between like matter of fact like this animation is broken and i think the graphics are bad i think that you get you get what i'm saying language people and the thing that really pisses me off is all these fucking things to get on the on the right they'll try to say it's okay or it's passable it's shit be honest the stuttering problems uh i played the game despite that because the game was so good the the fact is like from software games have never had like insanely good graphics on like and like if you zoom in on the character models with many npcs they're not super good like they're not they're not super super in-depth like massively detailed like the fidelity is not there but it doesn't matter because people don't care it's good enough is it bad yes did it stop me from playing the game no when you look at the gameplay itself it's clunky the controls are shitty for a new person just getting in i don't know how it is for you controls are shitty if you're a new person to any game you have to learn the controls man it's not a fucking flight simulator the controls are hard bro there's only so many buttons on the controller like just learn it but then even if you are a vet you're still going to die a bunch of times right no that's true they made the game is so that the way the boss hits you it takes so much of your life away that's very frustrating level up vigor but let me just give you a little personal insight as to how i like to game enlighten me i come home from work i'm trying to unwind i'm trying to relax i'm not trying to sit there stressed out on some fucking game yelling at the screen trying to hashtag get good that's fair i think that's totally fair that is 100 100 percent fair he is you know he just comes home from work he's like ah it's whatever uh and he doesn't want to have a game that stresses him out and it's really hard he just wants to go through and do some bullshit that's totally fucking fine like and there's some people like not the target artists yeah that's not the kind of game elden ring is because that's like this mentality that all you guys have kind of gotten submitted into you guys literally sound like like abuse victims right like you're in a really shitty relationship and that's just how it is man you know you just take it on the chin man it's how it is you sound like abuse victims because you like a video what a kind thing to say dude oh what's that you like a video game you fucking abuse victim i i wonder what that sounds like huh guys yeah how does it sound whenever somebody that we collectively disagree with yeah that's what some people say about wow too people say the same exact thing difference in the game's not for me and uh the game is shit yeah i think that's what happens as well um is it a lot of times people think that the game is bad because they just simply uh you know they don't like the game it's not their kind of game it's the same thing like for me like i'm trying to think of like a few games that are just like not for me like turn based games i think turn based games are super fucking boring like there's a handful of exceptions but for the most part i think they're fucking boring i think board games are fucking boring uh i i like playing games that i'm playing like constantly popping off right popping off games et cetera there's some other games that i also don't like i've never been a big fan of league of legends i know that league of legends is a good game a lot of people really like it but it's not my theme it's not my thing that's all there is to it but your girlfriend slaps your nutsack at night while you're sleeping just just the fuck with you because you like elden ring you shouldn't be saying that's how it is or you know we just know that that's how these games are it's not for everyone a game that's not for everyone isn't a game that should be made in my opinion a game that what about people that are blind like it's just what the fuck well it's just like listen no here's what happens is like this is what happens online it is like i i get it i get it i get it it's like the guy probably has like you know his channel is like not huge right and so like then he has like now like more attention on him than ever and there's like all these people telling him he's stupid and big being rude to him and like then he just like hunkers down with his own dumb opinion and he like doubles down on it and uh then then that's it right and he gets emotional about it like that's what that's what happens to people like it happens all the time on the internet and it's not a good thing it's just like uh it's it's the way it goes like it it's just the way it fucking goes very truly dumb the thing is people are dumb but it's like people get too mad about somebody else being dumb you know what i mean like it's like the escalation emotional escalation of it is not for everyone is a game that shouldn't be made in my opinion call of duty no those are gone that's gone those aren't for kids halo reach radio rated m that's gone fable uh not kids are playing that but no it's gone mass effect sex and that dragon age sucks tales of vesper rated t not for everyone uh modern warfare is gone dragon ball z uh there's violence in that not made for everyone's fighting game not infinite warfare yeah that's made for nobody advanced that's made for even less people oh god oh getting rid of all of this oh no no more games no more games none of these are made for every single person on the planet gotta get rid of everything everything burns a game that's not for everyone isn't a game that should be made in my opinion there it is it's that simple i'll be right back and take a piss yeah yeah just throw them all away man i'm back i had to get a an egg reese's peanut butter egg did you wash your hands no dude why'd i wash my hands dude i got a clean dick why would i do that i never wash my hands what do you mean no single product on the planet can be made for everyone i don't know why people use ultimatum statements like this it's like it always goes back to the accessibility thing like maybe you just don't enjoy this thing and you should get over it i can live with the knowledge that tampon advertisements don't don't target me they don't they don't sell me on tampons i feel left out of the tampon industry and that's an industry i really want to get into because i'm such a pussy and i want every single thing on the planet to revolve around me i think that that might be one of the worst takes i've i've ever heard games are supposed to be fun transcend the reality that we have right now take you to new worlds give you new abilities you're allowed to do things that you never ever could do in the real world without consequence and be that's true because you can swing a sword around in the real world yeah i mean it's not even a fantasy game because i go outside and swing a sword around is it's not even fantasy accessible to anyone regardless of experience level like when people when people like this say every game should be made for everyone it's like okay so why do why the fuck do we have a rating system then because not every game is made for everyone because the reality is if it wasn't so ridiculously hard you had the thrill of dying a bunch of times it's really a lackluster game with shitty graphics the graphics are not shit awful the graphics are dog again i'm new to the franchise i have no idea what it is and then the problem is you're new to the franchise you act like your opinions are far more important than everyone else's it's like no your opinions are less important that's what we're trying to tell you of course when you go to the community as a new gamer you would if you would think right as a gamer you'd have people being welcoming i had maybe five people in the whole common thread like hey man you know let's do those bosses together i'll help you out you know only five people the rest of them were like oh you're a clown you've lost credibility it's demeaning you would you would think people i think the dark souls community generally sucks but it's better than it was it's gotten better in general no it's true like i remember whenever i first started playing i got shit on constantly yeah yeah they're just uh they're very hostile they constantly talk shit about you there's gatekeeping about every way that you play the game yes i think that to some degree he's right with that but at the same time i mean come on like you you've got to at least figure out you've got to at least try to play the games and understand like what's good and what's bad about them you know what i mean like in my opinion there's almost there's no game really that only has good stuff in it like there are things that are bad about elden ring like i've said before like it's like i wish this was different i wish that was different etc right but like oh i think that a lot of times people review games because this is really what i like remember what i was telling you guys before about like all the people that gave new world a review and you see their their screenshots and their level eight oh let's give a review for an mmo i put i dude i've been no lifeing this game i played it for four hours today oh okay yeah sure okay got it yeah i only have to the reason why people take that the reason why people took my new world review seriously is because i knew everything about the game and i played the game constantly that's why people want to watch reviews they want to watch reviews from people that know what the fuck they're talking about not from somebody who played it a little bit couldn't even beat the game and now you're mad about it he told them that if you like this game you probably don't have any friends or family yeah why don't you like me you pieces of shit you're supposed to like me well how are you people skills so bad you you don't know that like hey insulting people doesn't make friends you insult them after you become friends because you're new to a game that's known by the way for being incredibly fucking difficult and it's your fault not the devs fault for not thinking of every single player of all kinds of walks of life they don't care they don't care about you this game isn't for you not every game should be made for everyone he's the type of guy that you know those dudes when they're talking to a woman and they're like wow i think you're so pretty and hot and they reject him and he's like fuck you bitches it's like this is how they deal with not being included or not being accepted by people it's like the girls that'll show their dms of like hey hi you're beautiful hey do you want to come talk sorry i have to block you because my girlfriend said so sorry i unblocked you i i broke up with a bitch hey hi fuck you you stuck up bitch if i ever saw you in real life i'd slap the shit out of you i fucking hate you and i hope you die hey hi hey do you want to talk on discord sometime and that's the that that's that's the messages these girls get have you guys seen this is absolutely sad yeah they're nuts or a community or someone it's that like i didn't like you anyways i didn't want to be a part of this community and so they just like self-sabotage it's it's a challenge and it has to be for players who think every game is fucking easy and if you aren't one of those players then you are a scumbag you filthy casual at the end of the day go kill yourself man at the end of the day don't kill yourself man at the end of the day go kill yourself man this is so much why am i still getting hate oh god the thing is like i could see where somebody goes with that though right because like you think about like how many times somebody probably told him that like after his video probably like i i would assume with the amount of videos that people made about he probably a lot of people probably told him that you know what i mean and so like he's getting emotional and he's just throwing it back to him right in his mind that's what he thinks he's the graphics of as fuck yeah i know but like you see what i'm saying right like that that's how it happens like that that's how it happens and like and like people they they get hate on the internet and then they escalate it even more right and uh he cries yeah people get upset right uh wait chad knows about ltg everybody does right um it shouldn't get emotional yeah but it's hard to it's easy to say that you shouldn't get emotional but it's harder to not do that and man's actually like an aggressive toddler well he's getting attacked by like thousands of people and he has no idea how to deal with it it's not a surprise yeah it's it's not a surprise i can see why you deleted this video i can't understand why you posted it in the first place it's a mistake i'm not going to sit here and like be demeaned and talk down to because i don't enjoy a shit fest of a game you're on the internet you're on the internet quantum tv people are gonna not like you where you're misunderstood yeah that's about right that's what happens you know people get so pissed off why make a video about it planning a script and how to go about it that way i don't know like i don't know that's just the way that people do things man like i again whenever i'm explaining why somebody is doing something this is not me saying that they're right for doing it this is just me saying well this is why i think that they feel this way because of this situation right this it's caused this person to feel this way because they've been put in this position and it's like yes obviously nobody should say that it's it's it's bad for saying that etc right but um empathy you know i just i try to see things from other people's point of view and and listen to what they're saying uh with like a certain like i try to i i try to interpret what they're saying right in like a terrible event associate other people like yeah and like that's the other thing right it's like the escalation it's like oh well you know it's like you don't have any family if you like this game then somebody tells him to kill himself then he tells them to kill themselves it's like oh it's just like it it's just like i i just oh my god like i don't even want to debate whether like who's right and who's wrong like it's just so tiresome it it it's so tiresome like i i don't it i don't want it yeah no one wins it's just so and it obnoxious but hopefully by explaining this to you i can maybe kind of smooth out your aggression and your backlash again nothing against you it's not a personal attack at the end of the day go kill yourself man if you like what you're not a personality this child is to look at somebody and say that you know your x y and z because you don't like the video game i like it doesn't run that deep for me at the end of the day go kill yourself man it's a fucking game and at the end of the day i don't know about that you guys stay on the show and i stand by what i said 100 at the end of the day go kill yourself man i don't recommend it and i think anyone who bought that game frankly likes a challenge you're one of those diehard players but for most people it's not recommended and that's the video okay that was terrible all right we're gonna start with the good stuff elden ring can be purchased at places like amazon and really most online retailers okay that's a silver lining and the best thing about this game he made a part three video hold on to your butt now here's what i'll say oh my god oh my god why would you do a part three man like it's like you just can't stop the thing is like like this is one thing i've learned is that i used to always try okay so let me give you an example so one time new world dmcad somebody's video and everybody thought that it was because the person made an exploit guide for new world and i made a video and i talked about it and it then came out that new world did not do that on purpose it was a mistake and they meant to dmca the ad and whichever boomer that reviewed the fucking video thought the ad was part of the video right because ads showed up through google uh adsense right it overlaid onto the video right and so i go back and i uh i i i delete the video because it wasn't true and it was just making it was just shitting on them for no reason and so uh i delete the video and i say well this is not what they did and you know they responded to it and this is what the problem is right and so everybody whenever i made the second video was like wow so what was it how much how much did they give you to uh to to to not to to say this how much did they give you and like lie and ted right and that's what it was they got so mad they're like did jeff say he was going to take you to space next time what are they going to give you a new item like are they going to give you a mound the new world like what what do you what how much was it like you're going to you know do this stuff and like so because i deleted a video that was misinformation i'm getting hate because the misinformation they agreed with and so that's what it was and uh people got really mad about this and so i made a video responding and like you know explaining why i did it and you know i felt like a lot of times it's like you know like basically my argumentation was like how many times have you guys seen a tweet where like a tweet uh puts out a news story that's it's false and then the tweet gets 30 000 likes and then the correction that says that what was said initially isn't true uh gets like a thousand likes and did they leave the original story up to continue collecting ad revenue well i didn't like that and so i deleted the video because i thought that it was uh it was it was irresponsible to do this right and and so i deleted the video and then again they were like wow i can't believe you're pro censorship you're going to censor yourself just to help amazon even though amazon did this on purpose we know it how do you know it because they did it on purpose that's why why would they do it if they didn't do it on purpose right and so they got really mad at me and so i thought about making a second video responding to them but then i realized that you're not going to reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into and also there are some people next time don't delete the video well no next time i probably will it depends on what it is uh it i didn't make the right i didn't make the by the way this is not me like i've already decided and that's the destiny quote no it's it's older than probably me and destiny to be honest like it's not my quote either um but like like i i don't delete misinformation yeah yeah this is what well it's because people don't like amazon or they don't like they don't like new world and so they're okay with misinformation about it because they think the misinformation makes something look bad that they don't like and and like that's the way it is don't delete the video unlisted and link in retraction video no i i i i i know how to handle i i guys i know how to handle it i think this is the best way to handle it that like i i would probably i think that we did d-list it actually yeah yeah i think we did d-list it yeah we de-listed the video and then we posted a retraction that's pretty much what we did yeah and so uh again like and and i didn't try to like argue with people anymore about this because like i make another video about it because like everybody had already made up their mind yeah okay to prove that the game is terrible oh he's he's gonna prove it prove it but essentially it all resorts back to the same thing you do not need an easy mode or any kind of easier mode or even a normal difficulty option you don't screw difficulty options altogether the game is designed to be ultra hard ultra challenging that's the purpose of the game if you give it a difficulty option all you're doing is destroying the game and there's no point in playing it you know what that means guys that means this is a dumpster fire just toss it into trash i don't know how many times i'm gonna have to point to this video i did about difficulty options and souls games but i'm gonna continue doing it as long as i haven't watched that we should watch that one day we're not going to watch it today but we should watch that maybe like tomorrow or the next day yeah i think that would be good you did i don't think i did there's pretty sure i did games can be made with multiple difficulty options in mind or only one it's up to the developer's intent yeah i don't see anybody talking shit about the original super mario brothers you move and jump two buttons and a d-pad it doesn't get much more accessible than that but oh no the original super mario brothers doesn't have a difficulty option it's so inaccessible to me i can't play this it's trash throw it in the trash let's talk graphics the game was delayed four years right the game was delayed for years four years i think it was raising an eyebrow to that one it came out it got announced four years actually the game was only delayed for a month so that was a fucking lie this game doesn't really break the mold i thought they delayed it again i thought they had delayed it before that yeah i i thought that they had delayed it even even before that or did it just they just didn't oh so it just like it didn't happen okay yeah only one time okay it absolutely might have been something else from software has successfully taken their more linear enclosed areas and transitioned that formula to an open world seamlessly better than most other current open world games to date it absolutely succeeds and excels as an open world title there are no cut scenes that like razzle and dazzle and break the mold while also offering a super challenging experience the game has a toxic player base this is where they always go they flame the player base and then get flack and they're like well this is evidence that they're toxic i just told this fan base that the only reason you like this game is because you don't have friends or family no no i i do think that the dark souls player base can be toxic i do i i vaguely agree with this i i do especially to new players they constantly shit on you it's it's really really bad like i am not a fan at all that like the gatekeeping is super fucking toxic like i played the game i played all the dark souls games and i remember whenever i first started playing it it was the most unpleasant experience i had ever had they'll tell you where to go and then you go to the wrong place they get mad at you because they told you the wrong place to go and then call you stupid for not knowing that it was the wrong place i hate it you didn't hear that right the game has a cult-like cult like toxic player base what does this mean this means that the players of eldon ring are likened to people who would rather drink blood from a cup than your neighbor next door they are very weird people you're you're weird for liking this game maybe bro like what i love about this guy is like he goes like he goes one like on a scale like one two three two one three one two four eleven like immediately bro like he just he's like okay uh yeah so it's like kind of like a cult and you know the people are toxic in the game and so they like drinking blood like you know like like whoa like whoa chill out your experience with these people has something to do with what you've said to them at the end of the day i stand by what i said if you google quantum tv right now or you look content tv up on youtube rather you will see a string of attack videos because of my opinion of the review that i issued out in addition to the fact that when approached by what they call commentary which is essentially gamers of a certain tier level that like to illegally download people's videos re-upload them and smack talk over them to own them i i cannot fucking imagine anybody that would do such a terrible awful despicable thing who could ever possibly do this who could ever do this review talking points they call it fair use [Laughter] yeah true [Music] it's not illegal they don't care how much of the video they're using they completely ignore the four factors of fair use used and publicly broadcasted on youtube i don't know how someone could research fair use so much and still not understand what it is you can critique someone's points and reviews it's the whole fucking point of fair use if i don't nobody knows what fair use is because it's a legal defense it it it's not something that you can just claim proactively you have to claim fair use in court like it i i don't understand like i the the fair use arguments are just so fucking dumb man it gives me a headache it's obtuse on purpose yeah how the word is gonna make money if it's not like a movie i need to be able to show clips of the movie that i don't like and if i don't like your video i should be able to show clips of your video that i don't like it's very simple so this guy is like arguing copyright law in his elden ring review he's become so detached from the actual game that he's just going it's like yeah nobody's not even talking about the game anymore like this is like we've transcended the game halfway through the second video we're almost at the end of the third video now like this is has nothing to do with the game anymore they're criticizing him how is this a review why don't you think about like what you're making before you make it and a lot of these smaller channels 200 subscribers 400 subscribers 4 000 subscribers that tier of lower youtuber will steal videos it's a known thing it's a huge problem youtube doesn't do anything about it and if you tell them not to do that they'll just say anything is fair use oh this this tier of lower youtubers i'm going to talk down to you because my penis is like ten times smaller than yours yeah sorry you seem to put a lot of importance on the validity of people's arguments based on their subscriber count how many subs do i have again over the years i've had to learn the hard way that you can't just talk over somebody else's content pausing and playing it calling it fair use that is not fair to use you have stop it works for me works just fine absolutely can if you add constructive feedback to the video itself if you train yup it's worked just fine for me i haven't even reacted to his video yet yeah i sure fucking can't it works for me the thing is to me is like whenever i i react to a video it's like you can tell that it's an asthma goal react video because it's twice as long as the actual video there's more of me talking about the video myself than me even watching it that's all there is to it yeah it's like i react to shit so much this is all it is it's formed the work beyond what it was originally posted as that is absolutely fair use i've seen osmond gold react to videos of mine and he has genuinely good feedback to my video and oh there's one look at that look at the length here act asthma goal reacts to the decline of blizzard by the act man one hour and 28 minutes this is as long as a movie the decline of gaming one hour why is that ring successful 53 minutes this is a feature film videos of mine and he adds genuinely good feedback to my videos it elaborates further on the points that i make that should be immediately encouraged not censored right i'm just here like reviewing a game once let me say that again all the negative press you've seen on me is because i've reviewed a game once didn't like it some 16 year old kid picked it up can't sum it up enough the game is trash the community is trashed difficult ultimately speaking the game is like literally a 0 out of a 10 to me i i could not possibly rate it the worst score i could possibly get bad frame rates bad community toxic death mentality unwelcoming to new players no engaging story unreasonable grinding boring open world no game-changing next-gen fun that's my favorite one because like what the fuck does this mean like what the fuck does no game-changing next-gen fun mean possibly rate it the worst score i could possibly get it i would light it on fire on camera if i still had it at the end of the day go kill yourself man you guys literally sound like abuse victims right and i stand by what i said 100 percent but at the end of the day eldon ring is really quite genuinely unobjectively and objectively a bad game it is it doesn't do anything be creative from soft start welcoming players start doing something outside of saying don't listen to this guy maybe don't listen to anything he says ignore him at that point oh my god it's just it's so dumb like i just oh my god objectively it's like i i think that it's fair for you to have like some degree of an opinion about a game but you have to play it a bit right i mean you have to like kind of you have to like beat the game maybe and like maybe do the content a little bit and like or at least like do enough of it to where like you you know where you don't like it right like so like for me for mythic plus right i don't really get good at mythic plus i've done mythic quest for years right and wow but like i don't like it really i don't i don't like i think it's bad and so like yeah i'm not like a top one percent player but i've done many of them over the years and it's like yeah you shouldn't have to be like perfect at a game to be able to say that you don't like it but you should at least try yeah you should at least fucking try listen you're not hearing what he's saying no game of the year no real champion just bare minimum when real next-gen games come out you'll be a footnote in a couple of months nobody will even talk about this game ever even mention it i can't wait for the next gran turismo to come out like you know what's gonna be so crazy bro like eldon ring who cares who guys fifa 2024 is gonna come out yeah it's gonna be fifa 2024 bro like and then there's gonna be the new uh there's gonna be a new madden game after that oh my god bro like that's gonna be lit talk about the greats of this generation that is a fact when the next generation cycle is said and done don't forget it and remember i said it on this day because these are hard facts that nobody's going to spit but pretty much me so [Laughter] you serious yeah so my advice is if you're reviewing a game keep it about the game and don't just like go out of your way to flame the audience maybe try to come in yeah like hey i don't really know so much about these games this is how it appears to me these are the problems i have with it am i wrong am i missing something oh i am okay thanks for letting me know i'll give it another try maybe just like be a rational human being so thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did and subscribe to the axeman for more awesome content all right everyone that's all i got for today this is the axe man signing out peace is sad that the guy feels like he's been generally genuinely wrong he probably thinks that yeah well i think that he probably has been right because here's here's probably what happened right is that this guy made a video he mauled it out over a game and he made a video about it and then a bunch of other people made videos about his video calling him dog shit and and and making fun of him and he wasn't ready for that and so yeah he fucking flipped out and he made another video told all them to kill themselves because he just can't handle it it's not a surprise a lot of people would react that way people are too harsh on him yeah i would say so but he was harsh too it's a situation where nobody wins he was being an asshole and then people were an asshole to him and then now he's a bigger asshole and now there are bigger assholes and now everybody's an asshole and everybody loses yeah that's the way i see he's doing it for the views no i think there are some people that are just genuinely dumbasses no they're i know this might be a surprise not everything is an elaborate conspiracy no but not everybody is a 200 iq all publicity is good publicity wizard no some people are just assholes that's all there is to it so yeah it's just too much man and uh yeah i i and like again i always try to see people's point of view with stuff and you know for the most part i do but again the guy probably didn't play the fucking game he's got no idea about the game i think that if he live streamed himself playing the game for five hours i think everybody would understand very clearly why he gave it a bad review they would understand crystal fucking clear exactly why he gave it a bad review it would make so much sense he set himself up for it he did he did and that's what happens on the internet it's the paradox of of of like hate on the internet is you should expect it and you shouldn't make content if you can't deal with hate on the internet but at the same time hate on the internet is bad and you shouldn't have to expect it either it's like this weird paradox you know what i mean so like it's like both things are true even though i think that they're to some degree uh contradictory uh we should see as good reviews i i don't know if there are any i have no idea and so yeah uh play again with the intelligent sword no whenever mcconnell and i play again i'm using arcane and i'm using moog's staff period that's it that's what's going to happen let me link the video too this is a video from the act man we've watched a bunch of his videos before as he he linked in his own fucking video that i've watched his videos go ahead and give them a sub give them a like this video has 70 fucking thousand likes which is an insane response rate look at this it has less than a million views i mean almost a million views basically i had 70 000 likes like out of 10 almost 10 percent of people uh responded to that that's incredible what a success and uh we will watch the dark souls uh easy mode video maybe not today but in general and yes and zero dislikes isn't that incredible guys and uh yeah i will like it too okay because you know you've got to lead by example sometimes all right [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 2,780,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: ao-BYmrSuQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 57sec (4197 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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