I Found A Secret.. (Elden Ring Randomizer Run)

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do you guys want to learn about a secret let me level up first I'm just going to get more points in health I need more points in health okay no you don't all right well so it's over here I'll show you so if you go over to here what's the boss on the bridge well I can't see from here wait what's happened damn that's a real dick sucker we gotta watch out for him you can go all the way down there and there's loot down there I learned this on a YouTube video how the [ __ ] do I go down there though What salute normally it's just a weird dagger how the [ __ ] do I get down there though wrong side or is it on the other side okay keep going got it yeah I know I need the horse this looks like it's probably it not here okay no by the way all these mobs are like way too high level for me they'll one shot me if I hit I get hit by them okay well this can't be it the tree wait this tree no way it's this tree back to where I first was okay let me go back over there I've never done this I just saw it in a video Once Viagra or something why is it playing Combat music this is making me unsettled it's down there oh no it's not it's down there no okay I see I see it's that route there's no way bro oh I see it's this route okay here we go okay we're gonna go down to here tell me here down towards here I made it foreign I [ __ ] made it and there's the mobs down there I want to just make sure there's nothing else over in this area I've never been here before it seems as though there is not there it is there's the loot all the way down there oh big woot down here boys big loot the next one big loot oh we're talking big loot gentlemen big loot let's see it where is it okay probably on the other must be on the other side what what the oh God [ __ ] okay okay okay um how is that only half his health hit him for 1500. okay I'm gonna go over here oh my God there's more holy [ __ ] okay foreign [Music] [Music] that's it no there's no way there's no way there's nothing down there that's it randomizer [ __ ] me what a surprise let me see where we need to be okay um I don't need to talk to her I talked to this one I did all of these yeah we need to go this way go to the vine Tower and Caleb you'll really enjoy its jumping puzzle oh I already did it take excuse for a lord you were craving to the Bone pushing me about like that and after all that crafting on me would you godric you filthy slug feel it feel it feel my bloody Wrath this is what I feel like streamers want to do viewers want to do whenever they get banned by a streamer what's this what's this King of the castle I have a chair everything here holy Greece more to loot at though there it is there it is I don't know why I loot these I never even used consumables were the oh it's up here I didn't see it the godric guy is a shop he sells stuff wait the god which I should go back and buy things from the godric guy is that true give her the grapes okay yeah I will I will I will um what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] you're tarnished aren't you Ben and perhaps you could spare some runes believe it or not I studied Princeton sorceries at the Academy of rare lucaria for a small donation it's Aiden Ross this is what happened after they kicked him off twitch I will donate 10 rooms bless you bless you bless you you trusted I can teach you sources oh this is really good we're gonna get stuff none of them are particularly great study sorcery I mean this one looks good hey yo like this says comet should I buy this [Music] founding Stars also good I I mean I I could get more runes I feel like this one isn't super good yeah I'll try it out where's this stupid girl I thought she was over in this area oh maybe she was up there the hell is she needs a complete request yeah you have to do Arena right and then then she's there yeah let me teleport back over and I'm gonna see if I can buy stuff from uh little dick boy okay oh hello there this weasel was godric was always looking down on me he got my bloody deserved things to you true brother I'll tell you though what goes he had an ugly heart an ugly accoutrements and met the ugliest of ends hey [Applause] all right what do you got radon's lion armor Pearl Drake Talus man I think I already have this one raises holy attack power I don't care about that Bloodhounds Fang very nice to have but I don't think I'm going to use it I don't think I need any of these like I mean this is blood loss for sure but my weapon already scales with intellect so I don't think I should do it by the Stone Key oh I will I'll buy the Stone Key and once I get enough runes I can buy the other spell armor I'm not gonna buy the [ __ ] Armor I'm a magic boy let's learn let's learn the new spells all right comment okay oh actually um let me see I get that one two comets wait really down by the same one twice let me see look at this I feel like I get this one 100 yeah I get this one 100. I've never done this before that's Faith though that's okay it's an incantation you need faith it is what it is okay let's actually wait sorry oh so these are different Comet and glintstone Comet are two different things okay we're gonna use normal Comet and then we're gonna try glintstone comet okay so you can charge this so that does 600 100 let's try a few Mobs with glintstone comet so that there's 300 okay let's try the other one that definitely does more Academy scroll I wonder what that does that is indeed a bigger number but it also costs more Mana so it's like it makes me wonder like should I ever use that because Glenstone Comet shard I don't know it's not worth it yeah I don't know if it is either let's try the big one oh we're gonna try it against a big boy too oh okay now I understand no this is fine I didn't I didn't know what it did okay [Music] I don't think it's that good I'm gonna be honest yeah I think this sucks big fat dicks to be honest I mean I hate to say it but there it is oh hey um okay uh let's see what we're gonna do uh I guess we'll just do this sorry I'm trying to change my spells I gotta jump I got pushed in that little corner I couldn't I couldn't control my character I just got [ __ ] uh okay that's just it's annoying but whatever okay try that again yeah I just got pushed into a corner man [ __ ] I really need to work on this key buying thing I mean like if you guys pay attention to like how many times I accidentally get the wrong one but you can see like if I could just instantly press a button and change to the right thing like I I would never die ever it's like all my deaths come from trying to like deal with these like keybind problems laughs big dick in it let's go that's how it's done okay wow is smithing two oh God so lucky I can't keep on each box one two three and four yeah I'm gonna do that because it's just like such a massive handicap and it just makes me mad we we went and we did everything over there right no I don't think we did let me go back and check I didn't I do a lot of damage now it's actually kind of surprising some oh that's a song before I need a somber for I think I'm pretty sure I actually do you needed a three oh [ __ ] okay let's go down here we got to go to this cave oh let's go here first I'm gonna be honest like this magic [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy I just do whatever I want honestly foreign it doesn't even matter but I didn't know how op this [ __ ] was like after everybody's telling me like oh you play Old I thought this [ __ ] was like way worse this is nuts oh [ __ ] okay I'll use the sword for a little bit until we get to something big oh this is another vendor we need more vendors too the vendor is actually going to be here right yeah he's there I can see him oh we have to go get that Merchants are Opie and randomizer yeah this one's gonna sell me the best weapon in the game you wouldn't surprise you man oh but don't ask me how I got my hands on them hey that was random right golden epitaph what the [ __ ] I've never even seen this before oh my God he actually sells it he actually sells the thing I need holy [ __ ] how about that buy this death route I could buy death root and give it to that guy ants skull plates oh I already have the lantern it's okay realistically I'm probably not going to use this as interesting of an item this is uh it just I don't really see myself using it okay let's go upgrade our stuff can you purchase somber Stones one through nine uh well it wouldn't really matter because it's a randomized mod well absolutely no matter your own look at this somber 3 somber 4. somber 5. that's three [ __ ] upgrades holy [ __ ] that is massive man okay give the scroll to Corin wait what should I do again I've never really played with magic before so I don't really know a lot about it wait did I not did I see something in there no it's just the guy at the church ah [ __ ] I always do this whenever I I can never control this horse bender and liernia okay boys big dick in it oh actually you know what I'm just gonna do I'm gonna try out my new sword is it time [Music] actually you know what maybe I should fight her as my life yeah yeah we're gonna fight her as melee this one's pretty rough you can as magic I'm sure I probably can it would just be inconvenient okay foreign [Music] [Music] all right what okay I'm dead yeah foreign [ __ ] yeah that ability is like ridiculously [ __ ] op this is an in-game boss I'm just debating like what's the value in trying to actually fight her his melee or as a caster I don't know let's just see what happens thank you [Music] yeah I don't really think it's gonna work [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ] [Music] if I could have keybound faster I I would have survived that it's just [ __ ] yeah wait what if I did this no keybind mod no I don't it's so clunky yeah I just I I I don't want to fight that boss until I have a I have a better keybind for it because it's just like it's like really tilting to uh to fight the boss and then it's like well this one's so bad we're just gonna go with STL and then we're gonna change comment we're gonna go and use phalanx yeah that's a good idea foreign let's try some of these spells you can use Moon Veil katanas oh my God that is a big boy I don't think what I'm thinking going on ah [ __ ] come on swap it Jesus Christ why is it so bad I could have probably killed it by the way if I had just like use that at the beginning oh foreign dealing with this trash okay is it over here or what ah let's use the r to swap main weapon now I use the r to heal where is this place is that a god skin I mean I guess we gotta [ __ ] his ass I mean we gotta [ __ ] them up we just [ __ ] them up I mean it's not a big deal right [Music] yeah I didn't think so yeah I didn't think you could do that huh thank you I rolled too early I can kill him that's not a big deal okay yeah I really need to change this keybind mod because it's just like I'm let me do this actually all right foreign we're gonna drop big numbers on them foreign oh my God oh my [ __ ] god okay let's fight this guy next oh Porky let's go Porky yeah yeah oh God oh God running [Music] [ __ ] all right by the way I don't know how the [ __ ] I didn't get hit by that last thing I have no idea how that happened like I 100 should have gotten hit by that yeah yeah I mean we gotta be honest here boys like that was uh Jesus probably Jesus might have been the Holy Spirit too okay let me uh let me use my thing dude all day I've been thinking about playing this game it's already so late I'm so mad oh no wow that would be a real shame if somebody just uh [ __ ] went and [ __ ] decided to like cast some [ __ ] on you that would be [ __ ] up huh like if they just want to decide to go a little bit like this and then just big dick in it let's go get him out of here get out of my life yeah some crazy [ __ ] huh damn it hey everyone you don't want to [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm gonna just go in on him where I'm gonna start going to work to work no [ __ ] wait what the hell is that okay you don't want me to you don't want me to start casting on you dude foreign [Music] just take care of this situation you think you're funny thank you you had enough now how about another one we're really we really gotta Broadway that [ __ ] didn't do nothing like let's be honest like that was so bad okay um thank you that's right that's right I run this [ __ ] cave oh my God that sucked foreign yeah this cave is like really Juiced it's actually crazy how like [ __ ] hard this one is like it's got dragons and [ __ ] in it and everything I'm just gonna try and Skip some of these oh yeah [Music] come on I think we're also going to use we're going to use magic for these guys too for the big boy I think that's him foreign what are you guys talking about oh my God are we gonna be chonking it oh my [ __ ] god let's see can I can I just use anything I'll just get rid of this okay um living jar Shard okay let's see does this give me anything God God oh my God I'm I am just chomping at boys let's go I want to try on this guy I want to see if I can kill him like this too [Music] what's wrong man for bruh what y'all getting pissed off for what's wrong nah bruh nah bro they thought they could go up against the wizard thought they could stand toe-to-toe with the wizard not a [ __ ] chance that's just funny it's just funny they thought they even they thought they even had a chance let's see what are we gonna do now uh let's just go down here there's nothing over here I mean there's like no reason for me to go down there what are you looking at [ __ ] I don't know what was he even looking at what was he was he getting mad for maybe I'll go over here watch this yeah watch this yep watch this you already know thank you oh I just killed two of them sometimes you know like if I feel like it you know what I mean like if I if I want to okay clarifying Bowl asses okay let's go ahead and I'm gonna just go ahead and heal all the way up all right let's go I'm gonna kite them I'm gonna kite them over to here and then after I head him over to here I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna all right I'm gonna big Bonk this is bro imagine thinking big bombs wasn't gonna work I thought I couldn't big bong it's the easiest Mob Of My Life okay let's go back over to there 50k yeah yeah yeah we just do what we need to do what's wrong with that oh we got fat ass in there let me go get the uh I was gonna put that one item in there uh give me a minute we're gonna do it again just because I want to assert my dominance over this dragon thank you it is what it is foreign oh did it not have an item what is she doing man this shit's annoying [ __ ] oh wow I guess there's no item down here okay yeah never mind the mob dropped it yeah I I didn't know that fire Mage yeah apparently uh it's just hard to uh hard to deal with that mob sometimes you get like these like mob combos in here that are like really hard to uh hard to [ __ ] around with it it's not even really a hard mob it's just uh you know certain situations just make it difficult to reset everything all right okay okay now if I were the dragon looked like pay to one versus three to play yeah I mean it's crazy to me like it's crazy for me to see like the power of magic um because like I've always played with like a uh with a melee build but like with this one it's just like way way [ __ ] easier so here's what we're gonna do I am unironically going to try to one shot this boss with the meteorite now I don't think it's gonna work but we're gonna try it I'm gonna get her underneath and I'm just gonna drop the meteors foreign yeah I just keep making too many uh mistakes I don't think it's really gonna work oh that's really bad this will kill me no I didn't know she was talking about [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to do the smash I don't want to risk it [Music] [Music] yay wow I dodged I [ __ ] interrupted or grabbed I'm so I mean I'm in showcase now unfortunately I think I'm probably gonna die foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I'll do one more that I have to I have to go to sleep cool boss yeah it's uh this boss is very hard for me to deal with use night Comet oh yeah I guess I could because they can't see that one right let me make sure I have everything ready yeah I think we will start though with uh with magic okay so she can just Spam it then foreign [Music] yeah we will have to use the night one [Music] [Music] I I'm doing that thing where I forget what my keybinds are yeah I just there are too many too much there's uh like I just totally forgot what I was trying to do I was just [ __ ] disoriented completely we're about to fight well it's because I I don't know my keybinds so I was spending all my time panicking thinking what my keybinds were and not I I wasn't playing the game it's like I I know it sounds like really stupid but I I just can't [ __ ] figure out keybinds use controller controller will have the same problem it'll be worse with controller see I just hit the wrong button again because I'm just I don't know I might just stop oh it just I just it just doesn't doesn't work with me [Music] yeah it's like a legitimate problem I have I I that's why I can't ever learn any new games I thought I had failing so wait what does this do wait oh I'm hitting the wrong button again [Music] oh I need to get my Souls [Music] map to law bindings yeah I just I I just can't do it like the the thing is like I'll just have these uh I I just I mean I'll just go into sensory overload and then my brain just shuts down a brain fart yeah I just I have brain farts where my brain just like goes AFK like I don't even know what I'm doing right now yeah it really sucks I don't know what to do I thought about like unironically taking Adderall because of how bad it is yeah I think I just have to do it with melee it's lack of sleep no it's not that at all um you don't like that are always sensitive medication yeah I know it's just that yeah I just I I don't know what it is I I just like once I go into that point I can't even keep I can't even talk I just have really bad uh problems with thinking sometimes like I don't know what else to say okay let's do it yeah I don't think that works [Music] [Music] foreign guys I don't want to have anybody that's like uh I I I really don't like whenever people talk [ __ ] to me like in my stream that's not really something that I do I I know other streamers are okay with it I I just I don't have uh like I I I just I don't I don't let people do that and so like if anybody says like rude stuff to me at all I just instantly permaband them like I yeah I have literally no No Reservations with that so if anybody anybody says anything negative or critical to me I just instantly ban them I I don't want it I don't care thank you okay so I can't even do that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well I just don't like it and so I disband anybody that does it it's not really that complicated yeah I mean there's no uh yeah I mean yeah there's I just don't do that okay I hit the wrong button again foreign [Music] thank you [Music] mom button again [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I learned a lot of that [Music] [Music] thank you [ __ ] all right I'll do one more then I'm done I'm not tilted enough to uh to like just keep doing it more and more and more yeah like if I was a little bit more mad I would but I'm yeah I'm just gonna do one more all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I'll do more tomorrow I mean I understand it like they they want to see me talk about the tarkov stuff talk about like you know they want me to play Belly or game like I'm not I I'm not mad I mean it's a good problem to have that a lot of people are excited about your content and they want to see more of it I mean that's that's good I mean can it be annoying sometimes apps are [ __ ] okay all right let's get started yeah here we go so my thinking with this is that we're going to try a couple of different methods I'm just going to try and use the shield and fight the boss naturally I think that's probably the smartest way of doing it [ __ ] gotcha [ __ ] okay [Music] okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] why am I sucking big dicks [Music] huh okay get your hands [Music] I always play better when I'm fresh oh that's how it was done first try I always get it on the first try or the last try it's never in the middle that's how it's done first or last true well I mean that's kind of makes sense but yeah I mean now when I think about what I just said that doesn't really make a lot of sense but yeah you know what I mean what are you doing what are you doing we don't eat trying to start some [ __ ] [ __ ] on me suck and dude do I need to kill them never mind I'm gonna take no [ __ ] from a crab there's a zero percent chance I'm ever gonna get [ __ ] in the ass by a crab okay let's go over to this one here and then apparently there's a vendor in that area so we're gonna go over there I'm not even gonna worry about those guys they're not super important okay what's in here what is this okay that's a dick sucker boy hey I am the superior wizard I can't believe I had to hit my button two times man that's [ __ ] up it's just so easy it actually makes me mad that people gaslit me into thinking that this was hard like everybody made me think that like I was playing it on easy mode and only people who use magic are the real Elden ring players and people that use melee and just jump attack the whole time are just [ __ ] losers that don't know how to play and then I go over and I actually try this [ __ ] out and it's like bro I'm just walking around smithing three we don't need that we're gonna just ignore that thing we don't need to worry about him look at these guys is that kind of one shot no not dead though see that I have both of them same time even this guy does anybody give a [ __ ] about what he was trying to do absolutely [ __ ] not nobody cares look at this this is just disgusting it's not even fair oh wow we have a death knight oh no I wonder what we're gonna do he's dead this is the randomizer mod too it's supposed to be hard guys this is the hard part of it a great Club that's nice fire monks prayer book fire sperm means fire [ __ ] oh that's nasty let's go over to the vendor apparently there's a vendor in this general area we're gonna figure out where it is I guess it must be this one there's no way it's down there right yeah I didn't think so okay [ __ ] am I missing something jump okay let's go down this way then underneath no I'm very confused oh okay let's get it how many potions do I have I'm good on Potions all right let's go I'm just going to take care of this situation anybody causes any trouble for me here's what we do with them we just kill them Lone Wolf ashes I'm a lone wolf see whatever that is watch I'll handle this you guys know what that was yeah me either what about that over there oh wow what the [ __ ] run away wait oh I'm out of Mana I didn't realize it Jesus what the [ __ ] was that holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I was getting destroyed that's a lot of [ __ ] isn't it okay give me a minute I can't give a [ __ ] trying to do more damage I'm not one-shotting this is stupid this is so stupid I'm not one-shotting okay there's big boy there's Big Bird all right oh man the hell I'll text you this Jesus did not expect that took me by surprise holy [ __ ] that was very unpleasant so violent okay let's make sure we're always charging okay there's nothing here hello okay smoldering butter free smithing four do I need spitting fours I think I need smithing sevens what's this spiked cracked tear smithing four again I've never been in this cave before I don't know what I don't know where to go or what to do I'm exploring for the first time let's go up to the top area where that one dick sucker was at we'll see if there's anything worthwhile up here I wasn't really paying attention if there was like a cave behind this or not or like a pathway I mean okay there wasn't okay so we have to go down oh boy oh boy oh [ __ ] I can hear it I can hear him I can hear him where is it I can hear his breathing cracked Crystal to jump down here oh my God so let's think about this launcher okay hello I come in peace [Music] I think it's time for us to big dick em let's do it let's try another strategy [Music] what that wait is that there's no way that's another big boy right that's a [ __ ] Giant are you kidding me what's up foreign not too bad all right Beast blood turtleneck fire blossom sacrificial twig oh my God this looks like a uh a thing okay appearances can be deceiving oh I see I see I see good I'm brain farting right now since I'm under pressure I'm not thinking yeah I just my brain just shut down okay saved it though I did oh what the [ __ ] oh my God I got the fire giant remembrance okay oh my God I I don't think I can do this I've got full Mana at least I've only got one healing potion left I think I should just take this heel now I'm gonna pop this in case something happens whenever I jump down smoldering butterfly he oh I need that gravity Stone chunk neutralizing ball asses and frenzied flame seal holy [ __ ] that's actually pretty good too [Music] foreign [Music] I make such an easy mistake [Music] foreign you just got an antidote I just but like whenever I'm under pressure my brain doesn't work anymore so like whenever something happens that's like stressful I I just I no longer function yeah I don't perform well under stress at all okay I'd like to kill the middle thing whatever it is let's make our way through here foreign they're so stupid okay Let's Get Up and Down okay foreign y problem solved and now this time we will do it the right way okay let's go over this one what just happened I just got him stupid [ __ ] he's so mad next you see whenever you go in on them like this there's nothing they can really do about it because as a skilled player in the game like me of course these these types of activities are easy it's like it's just a joke you just beat the boss beat the game oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm not ready for this I know I know I know okay okay all right this is easy yeah this is easy I'm not even worried laughs yeah I mean the souls the souls are gone like we're never getting those back foreign [Music] dude come on I mean I get backed up against a wall with the mob attacking me with like basically no like I mean there's nothing I can do against that um Okay so Magic's too slow meteor you know I don't think meteor is the right option I don't know what to do I'm gonna try and do this combo again actually I don't think it's possible I actually don't I I don't think it's possible like I think I have to fight them thank you thank you foreign thank you foreign I was a real [ __ ] wasn't it it was a real dick sucker boy oh man what an [ __ ] who's this I've never been here before [ __ ] [ __ ] I have never been here before Rose I told the old hearing hearing if you come to take them off from me it wasn't my other half not enough I told you all here in brutal right that I position I'll help you pause my other half not okay well [ __ ] you what a dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] all right so there's nothing else over here for us to look at that's probably some [ __ ] who cares you call me a fool I could kill her if I wanted but uh We're not gonna do that all right let's go back over to I feel like we need to go back over to here yeah let's go back over to here she'll give you a somber 10. oh I mean like if that happens that would be good okay yeah let's go over this one I'm not even gonna worry about that other guy who gives a [ __ ] about him well that last fight was hard foreign like I I I could I could tell based off of it that The Crucible Knight didn't immediately engage so I thought like maybe I can just kill him fast enough and then I'll be able to uh to be fine apparently it worked I'm very glad about that I was worried it wouldn't okay what's this well actually let me just uh big dick mom doesn't matter how much damage it does this is dying one hit two wait what wait why is that mob Not Dead in one hit I'm so confused yeah that was so weird because usually I cast the spell and then the mob dies but it didn't happen there which was like really kind of kind of just weird as I said really really weird maybe we'll do a little bit of melee unless we get to like a really big mob that I want to kill with the cast somber 2 we need to somber like six or seven we actually need more smithings so I can upgrade my uh my staff snow field Archer oh yeah makes sense oh oh oh oh wow I didn't even know this was here holy [ __ ] what's this oh a bonus item somber four what's this somber two wow I'm getting garbage this is amazing I'm so happy okay let's go over this one looks like there's nothing actually dangerous here or threatening we'll check this last ruin all right yeah there's not really much going on here the [ __ ] is this should I take this yeah okay let's see what happens oh I know where this is holy [ __ ] hmm Holden Rune one you cannot proceed to have a glint scone or key okay I guess we're gonna have to find that okay so I can't go through there yet the dragons got it yeah I know I'm debating whether I should even try to fight my way through here I guess I should do it at least once to get all the stuff right I feel like that's what makes the most sense I should have started [Music] [ __ ] you okay next these guys are stupid what's all the sound what is all this Commander standard [ __ ] foreign [Music] it's the best game that's come out this year let's do a little bit of uh of Malay might as well immunizing horn horny charm okay odd name but that's fine nothing over there I feel like there's not really that many mobs around yeah there's not a lot going on am I hearing a Sparkle Boy blow me okay where is everybody oh they're dead that's right I killed them eight hundy holy [ __ ] that's a lot wow oh there's another item nice oh sorry I didn't mean to wake him up pickled foot delicious salamander boys no they're easy like there's only a few mobs in this game that's like really actually hard oh and those were not one of them oh oh oh oh oh festo steeple I've never seen that weapon before is that a good weapon gold too Farah holy [ __ ] yo congrats Cody you're popping off what the [ __ ] I need to start playing again okay I could actually use it let me see what it does yeah I could it's just so much lower and it doesn't have blood loss either ruinous ghost flame I mean the thing is like it does look really cool I don't know I'm very happy with my weapon that I'm using now where the hell is my where's my where's my weapon oh no there it is I didn't even see it there okay use the weapon art with it yeah but it's like I just I can't imagine the weapon art being better than what I have I mean like I can try it if you guys really want me to I mean like [ __ ] it like once I get to a group of mobs I will I don't want to try it against like the dragon or something because it's like that's probably going to be hard to kill okay cracked pot amazing I'm just gonna look around here everything should be dead thank you foreign mobs in that area I'm so bad damn I took two of them out right there we're gonna take out all these guys don't worry about it thank you that sucks Spanish Knights helm watch this it goes through them watch it Pierce Jesus that guy is [ __ ] beefy holy [ __ ] that is a big boy I didn't expect that at all okay let's go back down there that one didn't count yeah true as I said I've got really a really hard time with depth perception so uh like it doesn't come naturally to avoid mechanics like that I really don't want to have him aggro to me right now okay he's going he's going to try the sword it'll be worth it okay wait a second I gotta try the dragon first so he's not even a boss foreign ER isn't he foreign yeah it's a normal [ __ ] mob foreign got your [ __ ] ass okay okay we gotta handle this guy next you know what you know what it's time for all right foreign [ __ ] I'm actually surprised it didn't kill him faster note below the capital nobody cares golden great sword nobody cares uh smithing one nobody cares come on let's get some big loot here smithing four nobody cares come on is smithing [ __ ] a golden one who cares what's this here somber 2 who cares poison Bloom who cares come on it's got to be something good somber oh are you [ __ ] kidding me okay let me kill this guy here and then we're gonna kill I'll go get the other one I did miss one thank you it's very small this is going to be garbage good job idiot okay so uh let's see we're gonna try this sword okay wait oh no it's one of those okay I didn't even notice that lump of Flesh I see this one over here pickled Turtle dick okay I just like oh I lost all my Souls that's too bad uh I wasn't even thinking of that I I don't think it's good yeah I mean I'm gonna be honest I I it just it doesn't do that much damage and like yeah you guys like if you're gonna say oh you need to upgrade it for it to be good you're totally right um but like I I just I don't see a Universe World using that weapon is more efficient than using this one it's ass yeah it's like I feel like it's probably a very good New Game Plus like soul level 150 weapon because obviously it scales with like three stats which is what usually determines whether something like that's good or not but I I just I don't see it being good on its own here does crazy damage on Max yeah exactly like it looks really cool though we're just trying to look around to see if there's anything that's worthwhile I guess I'm gonna go get my Souls real quick okay we'll go over to the ruins smithing four foreign [Music] [Music] that was moderately annoying but not too bad okay we don't care about that I guess we have to go over to here what do we get golden vow isn't that a good one foreign I thought so wait what the [ __ ] is this guy doing I'm just gonna run away Ash of War Perry Oh that's oh no oh no no no no no no laughs the [ __ ] is this foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got put all the way back over here are you [ __ ] kidding you but this is so [ __ ] [ __ ] all right all right all right all right all right all right it's fine I'm not mad okay let me just go back I'm just gonna go back I'm gonna go back we're gonna get we're gonna kill boss it's not a hard boss it's just like I mean it's really not a hard boss like we just killed the boss it's easy okay let's go are you kidding me well I have verbal dyslexia I say I say the wrong word all the time like if you listen to like the syntax of my sentences most of them actually don't make sense I have very bad verbal dyslexia like I I never know what I'm saying go over here we'll try this again I'm not scared I'm not I'm not scared of him I just didn't know what was gonna happen it just caught me by surprise because like the fire only did like half health I was thinking like okay this is like whatever it doesn't I mean I I wasn't really worried about it foreign that is a big boy too okay I don't know what else I can do to make myself do more damage I'm about to get owned no I'm not why would I get owned [Music] foreign [ __ ] ass that's how it's done that is how it's [ __ ] done right there first try true easiest boss in my life okay what's this somber four we don't need somber Force ancient glintstone key somber threes we don't need somber threes okay so I guess we should go over to this uh this Tower here I mean like let's be honest like I big dick that dragon like it was not even close like that was straight Battle Master Behavior got [ __ ] up modeled the necklace where that tree at is that the same one that I just fought like I'm not really sure no it's not okay this is here in Dark Souls it is it depends like Dark Souls one no Dark Souls 3 like it can be if you know what you're doing it's it's one of those games where it's like the more you know about it the easier it is well we're gonna destroy this [ __ ] boss whatever it is doesn't even matter what it is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] foreign see that that's how it works that's Gandalf POV it's just that [ __ ] easy and the thing is like if I had gone into melee it would have been even easier like I know that might be hard to imagine even easier but it really would have been it would have been way [ __ ] easier because I would have killed his ass it would have been a joke okay you want so wow okay uh let's see I guess we'll go to the uh the herb tree what I need to do is I need something to where my magic will do more damage because I feel like right now my magic isn't really doing that much damage there's a part of me that thinks that like maybe I should put another buff onto my sword because like sometimes I don't One-Shot things and like that's kind of cringe so we're trying to trying to get back to the points where we can one shot okay I'm gonna reset and I'm gonna go back to that [ __ ] thing and I'm gonna get his ass oh let me level up too we're gonna put another Point into intelligence we smart I'm also thinking of getting rid of um uh glint blade phalanx I just I'm not really seeing it like look how much damage it does for example 164 like how's that how does that have any value you know what I mean ah man [ __ ] you [ __ ] Seattle's 400. it's good for stagger I mean like maybe it's good for a Precast right you pre-cast it and then you go into combat but I'm just I'm not seeing I'm not seeing it having a lot of value can you use the heel yeah but why would I heal I just don't take damage okay let's see if we can we can sneak up on this thing wait it's not there anymore man y'all are telling me like it wasn't the same one but like if it wasn't then why is it not there anymore because it's like I already got it you killed it it teleports yes see I didn't know that like as I said this is my first time in any from software game ever playing with magic I have never done this before foreign let's go to the bottom first I'm lagging should ignore him thank you foreign is that what I think it is up above yeah [Music] please don't come down just don't come down please please oh he's good he's good he's good stupid [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] you man oh my God he's getting closer I'm running I'm running I'm running foreign after this one we're gonna upgrade our weapon and upgrade uh we're gonna see what that remembrance can give us [Music] oh [ __ ] this I'll just use my my sword and shield okay pull this lever oops okay had a little ant infestation this dungeon sucks does it let's find out getting a lot of plus ones today boys feeling good we'll get extra [ __ ] uh queso on my uh Chipotle tonight Lantern what are you [ __ ] doing [ __ ] yeah let me put on the Lantern real quick I want to make sure I didn't miss anything okay so I didn't miss anything here guys I didn't miss [ __ ] oh except for the door all right oh wow what the [ __ ] foreign I might just start going in there I'm gonna blast on them I'm gonna be blasting on them where's he at oh wow go ahead [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'll run this game easy this was a dungeon yeah yeah that was the dungeon let's go to the other side make sure we didn't miss any miss out on anything hopefully we get some upgrades epic blue throwing dagger I mean I'd do whatever I need to do I mean to be honest I've also some [ __ ] joke so like what a surprise that it was easy okay oh nice ant butterfly lost War I don't care about any of that stuff that's a thing bro I just [ __ ] I just started clicking on him and he died and there's nothing in here [ __ ] thank you what y'all doing we all doing what are you doing we're done bro what's he doing what was he doing all right we're good damn R1 spam bro it's easy because the mobs are easy and I have experience playing the game oh oh that's right I forgot all about that okay can I pour it out yeah I can okay so I I think we leave let's go back over to Avengers Shack yeah I'm cheesing the game because I'm using a weapon like it's kind of like one of those like weird things that like you know people that are bad at the game have to do Okay so I don't know why I'm getting lag here uh hopefully it's not on neighbor tree boss but we'll find out okay so let's look at the remembrances and then if we don't get a dub out of the remembrance we're gonna sell it okay so I can get zamor curved Shield um this is a nice item it would be nice for example like if I use this and I do wielded it with my other weapon but uh like none of these items white wooden Shield xamar curved sword like neither of these have any value at all so we're just going to use the remembrance and we're going to sell all of our other runes those around them too yes everything is random I should have told us in this place impressive though the round table hold I never knew the guidance bestowed although I'm still looking okay I'm still looking okay nobody gives a [ __ ] inch let's go over here lots of Eve now about to lay out your arms strength of Armor man all right so I I could upgrade this I mean I think I'm just gonna upgrade it I might as well upgrade it again uh ass of War yeah I still only have one ass of war that I can use all right let's sell all these the Perry Ash yeah but like it doesn't they don't show up for me whenever I I have the option to change stuff who was the guy that I needed to give the book to in order to get like more sorcery spells I don't remember all right the turtle Pope oh I don't even know where he is that's actually a pretty good one I'm gonna just buy that for now half of total FP that's bad ritual pod items okay I don't really care about these okay wrap this one here somber one nobody cares about any of these uh uh I don't care about any of these somber two whitening attack super early boost magic attacks I mean I already have a magic attack right oh oh I already bought this I'm dumb I wasn't paying attention Okay yeah never mind last one strengthen renowned ashes okay this is for losers that can't play the game purchase okay and we have all this stuff already so there's nothing else really for us to buy the dog I don't know where the dog is the dog is the turtle right because people told me that there's like an NPC like right here selin will also take the books who should I turn them into should I turn them into the dog or not wonderful I apologize when they come okay always selling can disappear okay so it doesn't even really matter I don't know where the dog is I'm gonna be honest like I really don't know where it is Church of vows I don't know where that is North leernia oh okay okay so I'll make my way up there I don't even need to worry all right yep I'm not stressing at all turtles can have random stuff yeah I know okay I'm gonna go ahead and get a couple more levels we're just gonna get more points into intelligence because intelligence makes me do more damage where's the tree oh there it is we're on our way actually let's do the tower first I am the Battle Master we still haven't received the um uh we still haven't received there's two of them oh the crafting kit I don't know where to get a crafting kit so I can't make anything car white it's in the first shop but was it actually in there though that's what I'm saying situation Gentlemen let's go let's see it oh unironically big loot okay [ __ ] yeah that's really good for me let's go we'll go deal with whatever this boss says I think it's actually an herd tree Avatar wait what the [ __ ] yeah it actually is imagine that [ __ ] he got how he have ears like that turn around well I think we just need to take care of him y'all think what I'm thinking I'll get his ass I'll get his ass it's fine it's only it's only a matter of situations that's all don't worry I almost got his ass I'll get his ass this time don't worry about it agreed it's not greed I just I knew I was dead like at that point I knew it was over I want to get my [ __ ] back yeah yeah whatever give me a minute oh foreign [Music] Mage is so busted bro why do you think this is busted like what about this is busted this is normal like if you if you think that this is busted the only thing that's really busted is you because this game is a joke it's always been easy and people are just acting like it's hard but it's not like there are hard Parts in this game I don't want anybody to think that there are no hard Parts in this game but for the the the the [ __ ] the [ __ ] uh like in general it's easy like I could have done that with the other thing too like with the uh with Malay I could have done it without their spells I could have done it with uh other stuff they think this is sakiro sakiro's easy too you just do it melee is just extra difficulty it's not melee is a lot easier in a lot of regards it's just there's some people that are not willing to accept that because they're afraid they're afraid of the truth I don't even care about these right I mean it doesn't even matter okay easy Bailey isn't any harder yeah I'll do this area in melee okay all right foreign give me that money [ __ ] smithing smithing three just give this a second I have to bait it to attack me from here wait for this this is it's an annoying NPC where they at there's no mobs here because they're afraid of me they know that if they if they if they try to attack me I'll kill them that's why there's no mobs big loot he's gonna do it again what's in here hello all right okay I took a hit there you want you want to know what that was that was just a little [ __ ] that learned this lesson white pigeon what's this Vega Bondo armor uh that's actually the starting armor for something how the hell do I get over there that's how okay oh the Vega apparently according to chat the Vega Bond armor is for the vagabond okay that might make sense it was a mistake I shouldn't have done that it's my fault beat his dick off right there I've never been here before all right that's my power gentlemen does this take me directly after we'll [ __ ] me directly up to ranola oh my god I've never been here before holy [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] oh my God oh wow that's amazing okay um well it looks like there's nothing of any value in this area so let's leave I think we did all of these things right we went to the church we did this we killed this we need to go over there eventually but I'm just not I don't feel like doing that right this second so let's go over here just a leaf yeah foreign I have arrived we could try to find the turtle Pope and get more spells that might be a good idea what do you guys think okay I'll head over there because I can just go back to that other points like a sec [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] that's the wrong way Scorpio foreign I don't really care about these guys too much all we're looking for right now are items what the [ __ ] was that yeah it's this thing down here we're gonna get this right now this could be a big loot situation no survivors oh there's no shot I'm gonna try and go down there nothing up here either damn there ain't [ __ ] around here I already went here what the [ __ ] is this something stupid damn it's a ways up there huh let's get off this horse foreign that's what I wanted him to do see how stupid these guys are they don't have a chance doesn't matter what they do doesn't matter what they try they just can't get my ass is that a plastic Shield no no it's Tupperware I'll come at this on foot this time oh he's fine Jesus Christ all right thank you caught his ass that's how it's done where my [ __ ] at there it is okay oh wow there's no mobs here what the [ __ ] was that foreign that's why I was [ __ ] up oh I forgot about him okay and I guess we'll go up here there's probably nothing up here oh wow good loot wow garbage [ __ ] so much would fully finished Alden rang before doing a randomizer yeah I think it's better to do it naturally and then do the randomizer afterwards personally okay that's good I need to get that okay that'll do it great I thought I had my second jump I I gotta get food after at Chipotle I'm gonna try to get over to that thing and then I'm gonna get food all right I'm going to uh I'm gonna play later on tonight 3 A.M again no I'm probably gonna go live again in a couple of hours after I eat dinner and catch up with some stuff like obviously today we announced Mythic which was like kind of a I mean it's a pretty big deal right so I want to make sure that you know like I'm I'm caught up with everything with that and then uh you know I'll probably be back on you try the wu-long demo or waiting for the full release in two days what's it called uh not Wukong Wu long Dynasty or some [ __ ] right it's sakiro too oh okay finally I've been waiting for that like I feel like I can make it because I can all right let's make sure there's nothing up here let's kill this thing real quick okay golden run three nobody else cares about the rest of it okay is this one of those [ __ ] oh yeah I think it is I'm not gonna go pressure myself to try to kill these things Jesus this place is really far away okay let me just get to the next save spot what the [ __ ] is that foreign I guess we should just uh I mean I I think we maybe just we just go in on them oh I I just can't do it foreign I tried I tried to draw bombs on them but I just couldn't do it I really wanted to too what's this more garbage okay where's the next uh save point all right foreign what the [ __ ] where's all the good loops oh maybe it's over there Dragon Cult prey book okay is there anything that these guys have or is it just a complete waste of time thank you I want to make sure I actually hit his head oh [ __ ] it a thousand damage that is [ __ ] disgusting and that was no Buffs holy [ __ ] man the resurrection oh that's a Jesus okay yeah no it's not my final form all right I'll be back I'll see you guys in a bit uh I'm gonna just go AFK for a bit and get some food and then after that we will go from there all right boys I'll see you later peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ T͏V͏
Views: 433,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 39sec (12639 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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