Asmongold BLOWN AWAY By World Record Elden Ring Speed Run (6:59)

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a new elden ring speed run who's ready it's in six minutes this speed run is in six minutes 59 seconds all right here we go let's see it go again okay all right good good good all right so he uh closes the game all right sounds good yep good start okay and uh yep all right so it starts off the game closes the game are you still doing runs of this category jens are you focusing on the ruin level one stuff now okay okay wait what's this is this new wait this is totally new okay all right got it yep yep that makes sense okay so now we're at stormville castle all right good and we're about how long into the game about 33 seconds into the game okay good start so oh he's got the halabardo okay of course naturally naturally he would teleport over to uh over to this location instead uh it seems a lot of time yep absolutely there we go good and uh now wait isn't this worthy uh is this where the door was supposed to be wait isn't there supposed to be a door here oh um okay all right so he's over uh now he's at the four belt okay all right guys we got it we got it all right i think this is the part where he actually fights malacath or like one of the bosses okay here we go let's see the actual boss guys i'm ready for this and uh see how he's gonna handle him uh this is trash nope this is guys this is the speed run this is it let's see it here we go no torrent yeah this is a note he's not even using the horse guys this is a serious hard mode run okay got it now he's gonna teleport over here sure boss fights yep yep yep it's in sure yes this is impressive i know you're done with it you want to get sub 10 but now you do other categories gotcha okay so he uses this they understand this category is getting pretty uh sufferable yeah i could see that you know why he's doing so well is because he has an elden ring mouse pad and sucker that's the secret okay so we're about to get to one of the uh we're about to get one of the break points it's a belfry grace okay so he's actually about to do something here if i get like a 7 30 or something i'm i'm probably gonna call it quits unless there's a new zip that saves more time okay let's see this it's the light up keyboard yeah if you guys didn't know the more chroma keys that your keyboard has the more uh the faster the key presses are yeah some people didn't know that but it's a little secret that's uh it's well kept by the speed running community sub 7 is so insanely difficult guys i don't think you realize he's like talking it up even though he's about to get it i mean i think if i grind it hard enough i could maybe do it but so he just goes over this is where i tell i've seen this part okay all right so he teleports right over there we've seen this one before this is you know very elementary trick we've all we've all seen this one before makes sense okay there's a guy and all right he runs right by him okay and then oh this is the god skin no no it's not sure how scott's gonna do it no no it's it's not here it looked like that room for a second okay he he uh quit out so he could lose aggro from those mobs smart again how's he doing that no no it's okay uh he does that because it's a uh it's um it's a weapon art yeah okay so he comes down over to here he's gonna go down to like where maybe where placer dx is okay so we quit out again got it it's an endgame feature yeah this is a um it's a weapon art exactly okay um so he goes all the way down there he goes all the way down here this is where he has to fight malaka all right boys here we go this is actual boss fight thou who approacheth destined death i will not have it stolen from me again this what wait wait wait wait wait what wait what he just killed the he just killed the draconic sentinel it just that just killed the draconic sentinel randomly what he just did so he did kill he just killed him so now he has to fight malakaith no no no no no no no no i is what what i think is about to happen about to happen i swear to god he better not die right now malacath better not [ __ ] die right now don't you [ __ ] kill him don't you don't you [ __ ] put that great foe vanquished up on my [ __ ] screen don't you put that [ __ ] on me don't you [ __ ] don't you even think about that oh my god oh my god how many souls does he have because this will tell you where to get 26 000 so where to get 263 000 souls how do you get 203 how do you how do you get that many how did he was malcolm died okay he killed he fought the boss okay this is where godfrey is um okay i guess not i i guess godfre is not okay yep godfre is not there so now we're going to the last boss here we go last boss oh my god oh my [ __ ] god dude this [ __ ] run dude let's go oh holy [ __ ] he's dead but you died it's over what i it's gonna round down it's some seven dude are you [ __ ] kidding me it's gonna round down i'm pretty sure um it's gonna be 6 59. 6 59. holy [ __ ] um [ __ ] dude are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my god what the [ __ ] all right hold on i'm checking the igt uh holy [ __ ] i i oh my god that was insane that run was [ __ ] all right let's see the time let's see the time oh yes oh my god oh what the [ __ ] that was impressive so as nuts wow that's a 60 game guys this is game of the year man this is game of the year can you believe that oh by the way um what is he using to play the game what is he using to play the game guys he born a mouse isn't that interesting isn't isn't that interesting he is his controller yeah sure i can't believe that that's so crazy this is my favorite part right here yo anonymous with the hundred gifted subs yo thank you for all the subs guys jesus christ it's too many to read but oh i i i this is just lying dead yeah this [ __ ] god tier run oh my god this is oh this is absolutely insane this is my favorite part right here watch this holy [ __ ] dude god slain right there he [ __ ] dies and then the elden the elden beast dies that's it and like yeah does the elder beast god slain i just he was the god yes apparently oh my god he became the elden beast i just i love these videos so much i think they are so [ __ ] funny i love watching the viewers get mad about them i love everything about these videos i think they are so [ __ ] funny man the amount of time it takes to find all these bugs yeah i know they're so good and how is this impressive well i mean i think it is impressive it requires like so this i don't really understand this run very well what i am assuming here is it requires pixel perfect alignment and that's why he plays it with lower resolution right is its pixel perfect alignment that blends his character to a uh like a picture some some farther area away which is probably why making the longer distance uh zips takes longer because it's harder to align to those pixels because there's fewer of them that's what i'm assuming this time i'm going to give a thorough explanation of what's going on in this category as this run was insane to start this off this run is done on the current patch as we believe it has more stability and this fail falls into the unrestricted any percentage category on this category of use allows use of all glitches and the ability to alt-forward the game in order to achieve the wrong warp uh this allows us to interferomizula which is why you see the game closed during that segment uh the zip glitch further explains below is a extremely hardware dependent and requires a stable 60fps as well as stable frame rates i also decided to use a keyboard and mouse cam to further show legitimacy and i switched to controller from movement because that's mainly what i play the game with right but you had to go with keyboard and mouse and never really have to make things precise because it's just better i mean it makes sense right uh timer also pauses as we use the in-game time which only continues whenever you're loaded into the game oh we checked the loading screen at the time at the end uh the run has pretty much come down to a test of a runner's patience nerves and the ability to perform 13 frame perfect glitches known as the zip the zip glitch allows us to teleport a wide range of distances using a combination of blocking holding walking and pressing w to move forward in a combination of 139 frames if the two actions add up to 139 you teleport and the distance can vary based off of the combination the longer you hold w the further you go some zips are so precise you need to walk the block duration and line up perfectly which makes them double frame perfect i'm not even done yet we as we also have a newfound discovery which is the reason why we no longer have to fight bosses thanks to zip the speed runner seeker tv it is known as the mega zip uh oh here we go this is done by performing a normal zip pressing w to walk forward again within a 12 to 14 frame window after the initial zip this nearly quadruples your momentum watching you significantly further we can use this mega zip to kill malacath as well as eldon beast we don't fully understand what's going on behind the scenes but we believe that we get far enough away from the boss arena that the platform deloads and the bosses begin to fall to their demise in normal circumstances we wouldn't be able to use this as our character would normally die before the boss dies that makes sense i think there's a pretty good possibility that actually the bosses if they are far enough away from an enemy automatically kill themselves because i think that's what i've seen happen with radon before too i think it's just a bug with the game if you're far enough away from the uh from the person you're fighting it just automatically kills itself i think that's what could happen too but i i don't know that's just based off of something else no people say that's not it maybe it's not this is due to the inherent fall timer in elden ring which will kill you after roughly 13 seconds of falling however by doing a mid-air attack we can actually reset this timer allowing us to fall even longer than the 13 seconds this buys us just enough time to fail for long enough to where the boss will die before us malakath megazip requires extremely specific positioning and angles as to have your character get zipped high enough to where you can fall for roughly eight seconds before attacking if you launch too high the game won't let you attack if you launch too low that you will die before the boss does you have to deal with performing a frame perfect glitch under high pressure with an angry malacath trying to kill you the elden beast megazip is a bit easier as we start the vegamon class which has enough starting equipment that we can reach the heavy equipped load and that's why he put on the halabard um and this heavy equipment causes zips to go roughly eight percent further of course why would that not happen and allows us to go just enough distance enabling us to more consistently kill horolu this is a blessing that he has a cut scene as whenever the first phase dies it teleports us from saving us from very imminent death so the teleport back after the first phase telepo okay i get that elven beast takes a bit longer to fall for whatever reason and lucky for us the timing lines up perfectly where we can get piledrived by horolu and receive the god slain message indicating the elden beast is dead right as the screen fades to black the final boss is now dead and we are teleported to the final platform where we can beat the game ratagon gets to survive the only trigger check is for being able to activate the statue whether or not the elden beast is dead hopefully this explanation helps and thank you for watching well sounds like game of the year material to me game of the [ __ ] uh of the [ __ ] year dude game of the decade this is uh spend their lives doing this listen if you think this is insane look at what they do with super mario brothers like they're only like five or six frames away from being literal pixel perfect with super mario brothers uh it's it's disgusting man it's ab super mario 64. yeah super mario brothers i think is like more min maxed because uh it's a shorter run but like it's just yeah the mario one is insane like if you ever want to watch a video on how [ __ ] ridiculous it is i think summoning salt has like three different documentaries about it you can watch any of those and it'll explain it right perfect right has been done recently on mario brothers imagine me a developer watch the blind secure speed run it's insane yeah it's it's so [ __ ] ridiculous let me link this to you guys you guys can watch it like uh i i think this is just [ __ ] hilarious i love this stuff the reason why like here's the thing is that you can never really beta test for all of this stuff because how this stuff usually happens is that you have people that just keep trying different stuff until it works and like what really happens is there's like i don't know a thousand people you know they're trying this and like millions of people sometimes like bugs like this are discovered by a random person and then somebody figures out how to like reverse engineer it and do it on command and then it becomes part of a speed run so it's all kinds of crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] that happens like this it is insane i'll just watch it yeah i'll watch the super mario brothers world record speed run [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 2,633,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold elden ring, asmongold elden ring speedrun, asmongold watches elden ring speed run video, asmongold elden ring speedrun video, asmongold reacts to elden ring speed run video, asmongold elden ring videos speed run, asmongold elden ring stream highlights, asmongold stream elden ring, asmongold watches elden ring speedrun
Id: qp3ihz4w1gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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