How She Faked EVERYTHING (Karl Jobst Investigation)

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Queen wasn't bull she's [Music] legit I don't know I don't know man hello you absolute Legends war war never changes and neither does pretending to play a video game blindfolded for clout it's a tail as old as time and 60% of the time it works every time in theory it's the perfect plan first cover your eyes with a thin sheet of material thin being the key word I can't stress enough that if the material is too thick you won't be able to see which will make it very hard to play the game yeah yeah and then it' be like you're were blindfolded so you yeah you wouldn't be able to do it and you pretend to do something that otherwise wouldn't take much skill for example beat Super Mario 64 or beat one relatively difficult boss once completed and this step is also quite critical pretend to act surprised you really want to milk this part as much as possible talk about how much you can't believe it and how nervous you are finally post a clip of your achievement to the subreddit of a popular streamer prefer preferably one who doesn't know much about blindfolded runs and wouldn't immediately know it's obviously fake if you're lucky they'll watch it on stream and if your plan has come this far congratulations you're now in internet famous your feat will go down and I'm ready I'm ready to look like an idiot I am if she got me on this if there's something I'm not aware of I want to know what it is I'm impressed I rarely get got but if I get got I'm like that impresses me history as one of the all-time greats however I must warn you this plan comes with great risk if your fake run gets too popular it may be seen by someone who actually knows a thing or two about blindfold speed running and if this happens you're absolutely screwed now you're internet famous for a different reason and before you know it obscure speedrunning channels are making videos about you racking up millions of views today we will be looking at the streamer Queen pones a lot who recently faked a blindfolded takedown of the drag Al trayon in the game Monster Hunter World unfortunately for Queen pones a lot she didn't do her research because what she produced was one of the most unrealistic fakes I've ever seen in today's video we are going to take a look at her run and I'll explain why it's fake and if you've never tried to do a blindfolded run before you'd probably miss this one crucial detail that makes a game play simply impossible and while you're here please do me a favor and subscribe I am dangerously close to a million subs and it would mean a lot I really hope you enjoy if you want to know what Billy Mitchell is up to you should subscribe to this guy I've watched about 15 of his videos about Billy Mitchell I keep up with this [ __ ] I think it's so [ __ ] funny now Legends it was Valentine's day yesterday so naturally me and my lovely wife went out for dinner anyone who knows me knows I like to have a drink so of course I decided to Wet My Whistle I didn't want to feel miserable the next day though which is why I started the night with today's video sponsor zbiotics zbiotics pre- alcohol probiotic is the world's first genetically engineered probiotic it was invented by PhD scientists to help you feel better in the morning after drinking here's how it works when you drink alcohol gets converted into a toxic byproduct in the gut it's this byproduct that is a major contributing factor to feeling rough the next day zbiotics produces an enzyme to break this byproduct down just remember to make zbiotics your first drink of the night drink responsibly and you'll feel your best tomorrow look I love to drink but I'm also a very busy guy I can't be spending my Sunday recovering on the couch that's why I've been using zbiotics to try and feel as good as I can the next day go to zbiotics docomo or scan the QR code on screen to get 15% off your first order when you use Kyle jobs. checkout you can also sign up for a subscription using my code so you can stay prepared no matter of the time or occasion zbiotics also comes with a 100% money back guarantee so if you're not happy for any reason they'll refund your money no questions asked again just click the link in the description and use code Kyle jobs for 15% off okay trying to convincingly fake a blindfolded run of anything is extremely difficult until you actually sit down for hours trying to do something without looking it's almost impossible to truly understand the hurdles and problems you're going to face this is why when someone does pretend to play without looking it's usually immediately apparent it's not legitimate people who don't do enough Research into blindfolded runs or who haven't really spent a lot of time doing them don't know what is or isn't possible and they don't know what is or isn't reasonable one trap people can easily fall into is assuming that if you've practiced something a lot in general that means you might be able to do it blindfolded but this is far from True ask any worldclass speedrunner and they will tell you that it doesn't matter how much you practice something with your eyes open doing it blind is a totally different Beast the streamer we are looking at today Queen pones a lot didn't understand this concept when it comes to the game Monster Hunter she's an exper and she's especially good at battling the monster Alat Tron which is one of the hardest fights in the game she has killed it over 4,500 times and she even calls herself the allat Tron Queen she's definitely skilled at this fight and she assumed that because she's good at this fight it's plausible that she could do it blindfolded and if she did do it blindfolded that'd be really cool difficult gaming Feats can get a huge amount of attention on YouTube or Reddit so there is definitely a lot of incentive to do them the 12th of January would be the day it happened Queen pelot had been practicing and she was ready to blow the world away now I'm going to give you a huge spoiler warning if you don't want to know how this story ends please stop watching now but the big what do you mean I thought we already know how it ends because it says it's a title it says she faked it yeah cuz I already thought we knew how it happened cuz it was like fake night shamalan twist is that she can actually see through her blindfold I mean even we can see through her blindfold when she puts it on or takes it off we can quite literally see straight through it this is why whenever you go to fake blindfold school they teach you on day one never to put a light source directly behind you when she puts the blindfold on she does it very carefully making sure that there is only one thin layer of fabric between her eyes and the monitor you can even prove this to yourself that's that's a good that's a good point that's a very very good point and you know like I said that whenever I first saw the the first debunking video I was like listen there's probably a good chance that like she could have seen something through it right where I did all the lines and everything by pulling your shirt over your eyes and you'll see that you can easily see straight through it before she even starts playing we already know this is fake her gameplay however is so unrealistic it's shocking that anyone ever took this ser serously Queen pones a lot is a comic book superhero she is the living incarnation of the Marvel character Daredevil just by sound alone she knows exactly where Alat Tron is at all times and going further not only does she know where allat Tron is she knows exactly where its head is normally in blindfolded runs people will use the lock on feature to face enemies with lock on the game automatically faces you towards the monster so it eliminates all of the guess work and honestly with lock on Al trayon isn't a hard fight to do blindfolded it's been done before but Queen ponel lot doesn't use lock on at all instead she just free balls the entire fight there's a good reason she doesn't use lockon actually and that's because if she used the automatic aiming function she wouldn't be able to Target Alat tron's head and she needs to hit the head in order to do enough damage with the weapon and strategy she's using Queen pones aot claims that by using directional sound she can locate the position of the dragon and it's true that hum can determine the general direction a sound comes from and even to an extent the distance but there is a reason Daredevil is a superhero with his ability to locate things using sound it's because humans can't do that effectively or reliably we aren't bats or Dolphins when it comes to blindfolded gaming this has been tried and tested for decades it's simply not possible and no one can do it blindfolded Gamers do not rely upon sound in this way they always use consistent setups or automatic aiming functions it would be difficult enough using real sound in the real world let alone the less precise inputs from a video game played through headphones and yet what's super interesting is that the true extent of just how unfeasible this task is will be lost on 99% of viewers many people instinctively know that humans can't pinpoint things using sound in this way but they do know that it's theoretically possible to have some idea about what's going on we know that yeah I mean like I I I didn't really know I mean there's times like if you if I was playing pubg and you would hear a guy you'd know pretty much where he's at so I figured if you heard 4,000 guys you'd have a pretty good idea where he is we hear something in our left ear more than our right ear we know the sound is coming from the left so when we watch this game play it obviously looks unrealistic but we can understand why someone might think it's possible to do but there is something far more egregious going on here in this game play that almost everyone will miss and it's hidden in plain sight while everyone is debating the feasibility of locating where the monster is using sound Queen pelot is doing something far more impossible that you probably didn't even consider I'm going to show you some clips and try to identify what the problem is element this is the only time you can break it disrup control over the elements I've selected some extreme examples here to highlight what's going on but it's important to know that Queen ponel lot is doing this constantly at all times to some extent probably without even realizing it in the clips I showed she entered the menu to use an item and in doing so accidentally tilted the camera to face upwards she doesn't always tilt the camera when using items but in these particular cases she did immediately after exiting the menu she fixes the camera moving it back to a more neutral position this isn't something that is specific to her blindfolded runs either this is a habit that she has even when she can see it's muscle memory maybe it's muscle memory yeah maybe that's what it is maybe it's muscle memory guys that's right so habitual that she kept doing it blindfolded not realizing that you need to see in order to know you've done this this is a problem because there is no reliable audio queue that tells you where you're facing on the vertical axis why did she know she was facing up how did she know how much she was facing up how did she fix her camera perfectly and so quickly how was she able to do this over and over and over again the fact that you can't tell whether you're looking up or down actually ends up being a bigger problem than locating the enemy on the horizontal axis there is no reason or mechanism that explains why she's able to keep the camera in a neutral vertical position the entire fight you can easily test this yourself jump into a game and close your eyes then randomly scramble the camera position then try to use the audio cues to get your vertical alignment back to neutral open your eyes and see how close you were you'll find that you can't do this reliably if at all if you do manage to do this 1,000 times in a row like Queen pones a lot congratulations you are a literal superhero yeah I could assume maybe I could do it right once yeah yeah that's the thing right is that I could do it right once maybe maybe twice but the th that's a lot this is a problem that has been faced before and anyone who has or will ever try to do this will always end up looking at the floor or looking straight up there is a way to Center the camera and put it back to neutral by pressing a button similar to pressing Zed in Ocarina of Time but Queen pones a lot never uses this and always moves the camera with her Mouse I'm guessing she was so focused on trying to make her horizontal movement believable that she never even considered the vertical movement and just did it without thinking but it's flat out impossible the irony is that when using the great sword looking up or down achieves nothing it doesn't let you hit higher and it doesn't change your weapon range the only reason to keep the camera in a neutral position would be to keep the enemy on screen which is pointless if you're blindfolded if you were interested in keeping the camera in a neutral position you can simply turn off the ability to look up or down in the game settings which is probably a good idea if you're running this blindfolded but of course lot doesn't do this and to just magically yeah that would have wor yeah holy [ __ ] I never even thought of that that's it's true knows where she is looking at all times after she did her solo effort about a week later she would Dawn the blindfold again and this time yeah see that's the thing is like I I could have easily said that the blindfold on the first one she was able to kind of see through it you know like yeah for sure I I I would concede that absolutely but I mean the video's not over yet and there have been some other examples too you know didn't she do a yeah she did this is only about the second the first run we haven't seen the second run yet Al trayon in a 4v1 group attempt this one didn't go up on her YouTube channel and wasn't shared around so you probably didn't hear about it but it's even more insane now she has three other team members all making sounds too but she's able to perfectly distinguish the dragon sounds and know its location without any problems her hearing is so good in fact that she can even tell who the dragon is targeting with its attacks take this sequence for example she expertly Dodges this attack when Alat Tron swipes at her an attack that doesn't even have a sound CU you can use to know it's coming but when it turns to attack the other players she doesn't Dodge at all and even knows where the attack is going she follows it perfectly with her camera as it's happening she's good man she's real good and she can even play like this with other monsters too so this isn't just her being really good with Alat Tron she can do this against any opponent she legitimately has a superow and scientists need to study This Woman's hearing as soon as possible on the 2nd of February Queen pelot posted the clip of her first alron BL so there's no way that like are you telling me this girl puts on a fake blindfold to impress the viewers in our chat on a regular basis I mean that seems crazy chat I have a friend that's watched this in all the vids and still thinks that he's legit and anyone thinks she's she's lying is a shill and an incel dude I love this I think this is amaz I like am I the only person like this is this is amazing to me folded Victory to her YouTube channel a couple of days later one of her fans posted it to the asman gold subreddit at which time one of her Discord moderators tagged everyone in her Discord telling them to upvote the post this message is amazing attention wait wait wait who's this guy in my chat everyone this I want to see what he's saying in my chat Call to Arms Our Queen needs you to go and upvote the video so that asman gold watches it comment on it sing her Praises show her how much we support her there will be many who doubt her legitimacy but her Army watched her make history live do your queen proud comment like share and raise her up this is huge Queen's Army we march on sh no [ __ ] way oh my God this is amazingly this worked and asmin gold didn't it's not that shocking okay all right Carl listen I know what's going to play well and what's not I heard this [ __ ] happened and the girl did it I'm going to watch it whether it's fake or not because 100 [ __ ] per people are going to love it or they're going to hate it they're going to have an opinion one way or another this is a no lose situation to be fair though and I don't want to be dishonest here okay we're not going to be dishonest I thought it was real I did like I don't want to act like oh I was just doing this for my own intent and I knew it was fake all along no no if I got got then I got got 100% but I did also there another this that's why I clicked on it right there's a lot of videos people linked to me I clicked on this one but whenever I watched it I did believe it okay here we go back watch it on stream and even posted a vot of his reaction to his YouTube channel imagine I mean listen is it really hard hard to believe that somebody couldn't pull this off after 4,000 kills I bet I bet this is real oh asmin gold You Beautiful Soul you innocent naive ignorant Beautiful Soul this I love him oh God oh God this is so good you sweet summer child Chad is this real apparently [ __ ] not ain't it cute no [ __ ] way wow ended up backfiring as now that the clip was somewhat popular people who actually knew how to play the game saw the clip and instantly realized it was ridiculous the gamer Jazzy would then post a video I watched this one too liting all of the ways the gaml was obviously fake asmin gold would then react to this video and ultimately he concluded that maybe she could see through the blindfold uh-huh I think this is what the blindfold did I think that it obscured 95% or 90% of her vision that's right it did not completely obscure it which allowed her to use the tiny little pixels that you know equivalent of pixel that she can see that are giving her indicators of where the boss is so she sees the guy's arm and it's like this and she knows okay well then the head's going to be here yes asman gold I think you might be on to something well okay all right at least I get at least I get a little bit of credit old class blindfolded speedrunner Busia would also chime in also declaring that her run was faked Queen pelot would not take these criticisms lying down nor would her moderators accusing people who doubted her oh never mind the thousands of special assignments we've helped them with the thousands of hours we spent playing this game the thousands of time we killed this [ __ ] video game dragon post a fun video made for friends #n speedrun go back and tell your buddy how cool he is tell him thanks for being a dick and the world's greatest incel get a [ __ ] life and move out of your mother's basement now do you want to talk [ __ ] or play some game oh my God who is this gu being inels who lived in their mother's basement she uploaded video claiming that she was the victim of slander and Malice she was adamant that she really was Daredevil and really did possess super human hearing and the ability to and that's the thing and that's whenever she made the follow-up video and I said to myself I was like if she fakes this I feel like that's more impressive if she fakes it I'm more impressed than if she did it because I almost never get got by [ __ ] like this so if I get got I'm [ __ ] impressed where she's looking based on nothing she advertised an upcoming stream Where She declared she was going to prove everyone wrong when I saw this video and I saw how confident Queen pones aot and her Army was in the face of these accusations I started second guessing myself could everything I know about human anatomy or blindfolded gaming be wrong could the thousands of Gamers who have dedicated themselves to blindfolded speedruns have missed something so simple maybe it was possible to just use your ears and play like normal maybe everyone had been doing it wrong the entire time I was ready to have my entire universe blown to Pieces honestly I thought she was going to back out but just like she said on the 14th of February she went live this time she had a new blindfold but before she started playing she wanted to prove that the blindfold she was using before wasn't transparent she used a powerful tool torch to show that no light was getting through but wait a minute this blindfold isn't the same she's changeed it this is what it was like before now it's being folded up and you can even see the scene well but she didn't use the second blind she she used another blindfold that was totally different yeah no I mean I don't yeah this this could be true lines where she has obviously sewn it together and probably sewn some kind of on the inside the YouTuber abof who was there asked her to unfold the blindfold which is what it was like when she used it before but she refused and timed him out from the chat even before during this new attempt she was gaslighting avoiding questions and banning people who are raising legitimate concerns it's clear as day she is a very dishonest person who is willing to tamper with evidence and trick people however to be fair I ban people for being accused of at and obnoxious very regularly I don't think that that is enough to say that somebody is lying however you know it's all the other stuff too though it is the other stuff it could have also just while she is a dirty liar and her pants are surely on fire she is also a magician her most recent attempt was amazing she went on to beat Al Tron again with a proper blind fold on and with paper covering her screen yeah this is the one we watched got him did H will go down in hist it was so convincing that once again the opinion of the most important person in the world asman gold had been true oh God we got to hear let's hear that one one more time that once again the opinion of the most important person in the world asman gold had been oh my God oh my [ __ ] god wow changed but anyway yeah it looks like the Altron blindfold kill was actually real it did actually happen but does that mean she wasn't cheating no it doesn't there were many obvious signs she was still cheating and all of the issues with the vertical aiming still exist and are even Amplified to the extreme plus there were some really really bizarre things that were going on as well but in order to do this most recent attempt Justice we are going to need an entire video because this rabbit hole is deep Queen pones a lot thinks she is sneaky enough to get by me but unfortunately for her I see everything so no [ __ ] way ladies and gentlemen mark your calendars for February 29 and we'll find out if Queen Pon lot is a Lal superhero who can do things no other human can or if she's just a deceptive streamer lying to her fans and pulling off the oldest trick in the book once again stay tuned please remember to subscribe thank you so much for watching you Legends I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will see see you in the next video I can't [ __ ] believe it like and I want to say that like if I got Hoodwinked by this I want to know how I want to know how because and like usually I I feel like I don't get fooled a lot right I'll see something and I'll be like wait to hold up wait a second I I you know I can see this or that right I don't get fooled a lot by this kind of stuff so if somebody got this by me I'm [ __ ] impressed you're very skeptical I am extremely skeptical I'll link you guys the video this is crazy Carl is actually almost at a million subscribers make sure to give him a sub if you haven't already he makes amazing I love his videos he did videos about the uh completionist stuff too uh him and mudahar did there's the video right there give it a like give them a sub if you uh if you liked it I mean I I I can't believe this is going back and forth this this is amazing I love this do you agree with Carl it seems so do I agree with Carl um I think that Carl I trust Carl's expertise more than my own on this topic and so if he says it's fake like cuz I I didn't know about like some other random Monster Hunter guy right cuz like I mean who knows what's going on with that I mean I have no [ __ ] idea and also some of the things and also I believe the video to be fair I also believe the video whenever they Pro provided it and the only reason why I believed her response video is because she disproved some of the things that they said in that video and that was true is that in the first video that's like debunking it there were some misses that they had like for example saying certain things didn't have audio cues whenever they did um I I think that there was some other like I'm trying to remember like there was one other like crazy thing I think that was the main thing that I can remember I could go back and and see for myself uh the M yeah the mouse click on error message yeah the mouse click on error message that was also stupid so she did disprove some of it let me ask you guys after seeing this video did she cheat yes no IDK I will always I I like doing polls I always give people a neutral option okay uh oh there's only 10% believers oh boy the thing is like if Carl had just made this video and he didn't say that he was coming in with a second video then I actually probably wouldn't take this video as seriously because it's like H you know like whatever but the fact that he says this is just the [ __ ] this is the appetizer and the main is coming at the end of the month that's totally [ __ ] different I'm going to be honest guys what if it was legit as [ __ ] and like that's the thing I don't know which one I want to be true because like if she if she actually did it for real and all of these guys have gotten together to disprove it and it was actually real that's [ __ ] hilarious but if she it's like she's so far deep into this that like she can't stop and then it's actually fake and it was all just to like reinforce some like [ __ ] ego gamer thing fly her out for the games Expo to do it live I I just dude it's like a story that has no bad ending I just want to know what's going to happen
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,049,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: fSfbGq-gEjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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