Asmongold Learns How To Tank Without A Shield (Classic WoW Guide: Dual Wield Tanking)

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why isn't the tank wearing a shield fury prop build explained hey guys skarm here recently i got a comment on one of my videos asking what my warrior's talent build is up until recently warrior tanks have been specked into deep with shield slam with a few points in the arms and fury tree okay however the maid has shifted in more hardcore guilds look at his rage man as much there as possible look at his range pushing their limits and doing as much damage as they can okay to do this tanks have been running a fury prop build focused more on doing damage and generating threat as opposed to maximizing mitigation right in this video i'll be going over the talent build in detail and explaining its strengths and weaknesses okay all right so here we are in the talent calculator here i'm going to be just going over the each talent one by one and explaining you know kind of why they're good arms tree we don't get anything i want for this build everything's very pretty so you don't even get pair so starting at the fair tree you get five points in cruelty for five critical strike that's got it very useful that makes sense that just makes sense necessary it just increases the it's more of a pvp talent you know it's it doesn't actually boost damage or anything it just increases the duration in the range okay of battle and demo shout out obviously obviously next down the tree we have improved demoralizing shout which is something that in my opinion a fear warrior should get uh to put on the boss the tank should be focused more on you know staying alive i'm gonna just skip through the challenge section so i think we can basically understand that so if you want the improved version you should have uh just should you guys want to watch the talent version or not this build revolves around dual welding right okay so this is unbridled it's really good to generate an additional raid point rage whenever you deal damage to the weapon really adds up right of course next down the tree we have the third tier these talents are somewhat flexible i do really like piercing hal i think it's important because it's good for five in 20 minutes it's a it's a good item um it's a good it's a good talent sometimes it's a good building so i think it's good that i always get this talent personally taking a boss you don't you know use piercing help obviously make sure for just one point i think it's a very useful mode to have of course improve cleave sounds good absolutely you get 120 percent damage however what the bonus damage is is what cleve does it does uh does weapon damage plus i believe it's 50 50 right there yep there it is the 120 percent damage only applies to that 50. so that's like what's applied to the base weapon damage 60 more sounds like a really good talent until you read the fine print i think that's just the bonus damage so you could get this but it's an improved piece of [ __ ] we have blood craze that when you get crit you regenerate so zero right here but you actually regenerate three percent of your health your total health over six seconds okay which the more health you have the more you'll reach in however with the amount of natural heals that should be on you if you're running this build in a guild that requires you to run this build for threat right i i don't think blood craze is very useful personally i think it's too minimal but some people get some don't you can get if you want i usually don't i i guess you know what i probably won't get this you know what i'm not even gonna get it [ __ ] it i'm gonna go with this guy spec he's doing knacks all right i'm doing him so four points and improve battle shout um 20 increase attack power on your battle shout it's you know just more ap it's nice next up we have enrage which you definitely want you'll get crit a lot more in this build from bosses which sounds a little scary but yeah it does you know it's usually nothing the healers that that dealers can't handle you hear that yours you hear you hear that you better pay the [ __ ] attention so dealing 25 percent of more damage from all your attacks is huge it's very it's very nice getting crits actually uh gonna want that so that's a nice ability to have plus you need to get flurry so enrage is mandatory you have to get that okay death wish you might as well just skip down there and get that because obviously you want that very good tanking ability that's another armor and resistance it works so obvious is because for 30 seconds you can have 20 more damage and be immune to fear in case that's really good you know you're berserk courageous down or you're not circumstance one of your goes off you know death was just handing for breaking fear okay that was lower your armor and resistances by 20 which is really not that much uh um it's definitely that seems like a lot i'm gonna be honest that seems like a lot so we need four more points to get down to flurry you can i like to put those in like finish off improve battle shot and put three into the old specialization have my offhand do a little bit more damage i i don't know relate these okay okay i mean obviously you don't want proof slam you don't want improved execute why it's improved execute not good i feel like improved executes really good what makes it not good it feels like because it's good uh like i i don't know i i can't see it at not being good uh can't execute in defensive stance just go to battle stance well i i mean just just go to battle stand it it's simple uh yeah just go berserker stand to infinite rage yeah you just just go just go berserker stands you don't want then you die you don't want that no no i don't there's really not many points you can find many places to put the points i like putting them you'd be fine but that's not mandatory okay next up we have flurry this is mandatory you get that and you get blood rage bloodthirst sorry so there's your fury tree 31 points next we're going to move on to the prop tree we have defense up to 10 and then we have the shield specialization which increases your chance to block by five and 100 chance to generate one rage when a block occurs okay even though you won't be using a shield i'd say more often than not you're not using shield with this build for most bosses however when you do need to put on a shield which sometimes even if you're dual wielding a boss that you normally wouldn't put on a shield sometimes you might feel like you know the raid damage is too much or you know wait one of the things with this build is that you need to be able to put on a shield on the fly you need to be able to equip your shield quickly when you feel like you need it and so in some fights you just you still wear shield always like if you're tanking like load that we're saffron for example next like you're gonna have a shield on regardless [ __ ] man so i like this over the defense you know defense skill what there's been a myth called a myth but for a long time uh 440 defense is the magic number you know which means you need 140 defense from gear that's a lot i don't have that it'd be uncredible people are starting to realize that that's not so important anymore so and to proc and rage for example you want your crit so this is almost uh i wouldn't call it a bad talent but you almost don't want like super high defense uh because getting crits not a bad thing you get more rage when you get great and you enrage bots so you walk out i want to sit down for this bill i choose to skip it i go for shield spec instead okay next up we have improved blood rage you need that to get lost and that's just a nice tone yeah obvious decision there iron wool sucks for pve so we're gonna put three points in into toughness six percent more armor now he's obviously going to get the shield blocked up one point improved shield block you know every crowd warrior should be familiar with this already yes obviously we want five points in defiance right one last stand now we have three town points left over some people like improved revenge it's nice for five bands it uh supposedly the stun generates additional threat i was i read somewhere that might not actually be true but improve revenge can be a nice talent even certain trash in raids and for example like on razer gore or i could maybe use that you know boss fights to have improved revenge could be really good it's not a bad talent but i used to think it was useless my mind has changed to where i do see some benefit in it but i still don't really mess with it you can if you want these last three points are pretty optional and you can get improved stroke strike you can get i tend to get center armor you get improved taunt a few of these points are flexible like i said this is this you can see right here this isn't the so you don't have to get all these points exactly a few okay okay all right as i've talked about so you know play with it you know play around with it but this is the build i run for uh for my fury prod build so how does this build compared to a deep prop build you might be wondering well uh i'll start off by saying that this uh fury prop build isn't really meant for beginners like if you're new to tanking if your guild isn't like if you're in a casual guild where this guy's got thunder if you're constantly pushing his limits or look at all those balls waiting a few seconds for starting dps on a boss then deep pride is just fine you can go and stay proud uh you don't really have to worry about specular plot okay also keep in mind that fury prod does have a stricter gear requirement you will be typically wearing gear that's more dps oriented more threat oriented look at that gear dude the [ __ ] lion art helm look at this gear dude look at this [ __ ] gear dude i mean like where's my gear like that he's got mighty i wonder if he just equips might a minute though like okay all right whatever yeah sure i guess i'll put this on he's got 10 000 health he's got 10 000 health that's more than me and i'm actually supposed to be a tank less mitigation stats combine that with not wearing a shield and you'll be taking a lot more damage so if you don't have good healers able to keep you up and you know know when to heal you then you're better off running yeah like 1900 white crick like it's not even a big deal like he just does that like it's nothing he just does that like and like i think he just he just does this in the video and he acts like oh okay yeah i just i guess i'll just put on my mind minor minifill and just hit for 2 000 almost in you know white crit i guess i might as well do this i mean this is so stupid man you stand to get more rage yeah obviously in my opinion okay two of the main things that are missing from inferior plot build that i immediately noticed the shield concussion blow and tactical mastery concussion blow you know 45 second cooldown five seconds done that's really good handy ability to have you know you don't use on bosses obviously they're not stunnable but it's nice to have during trash but uh the main thing that i noticed missing from fury prop build right away was tactical mastery one thing i don't like also look at the weapons he's using you can see right there by weapons he's using that that's his enchants on his weapons he's got thunder fury main hand hungry and cold off hand literally kel'thuzad tanking weapon is his often he's like i guess i'll put this in my offen i guess i might as well use this you know since i'm not using the other kel'thuzad mitominico weapon that i have right now this is [ __ ] ridiculous i as soon as i didn't have it anymore i wish i had it again let's put it that way one of the one of my favorite things to do on trash for example is if a mob got loosed i would uh switch the circuit stance intercept it switch back to defense you guys see me do that and then taunt it it's a high-end warrior gameplay mechanic but i do it all the time one of my favorite things do i love doing that okay doing that as a fairy prop build since you don't have tactical mastery when you switch stances you lose you go down to zero rate you lose all your rage right so that was hard to me that was hard for me to adapt to and they just kill everything dude probably the biggest thing that i had to overcome when i switched this build that's crazy however where even though you don't have that ability anymore you have piercing hell which is i've gotten a lot more used to using piercing help okay if you slow the mobs that are that you know that you're tanking and if one of them gets away from you guess what it's moving at half speed and it's a lot easier to react and target it and taunt it before it gets away from you so that does kind of make up for it honestly interesting that you have you know death wish is great flurries great there's a lot of there's a lot of things in the fury tree where look how serious this guild is dude like they don't even look at the loot like this is how i want my guild to be they don't even look at the wood they're like all right whatever whatever whatever oh it's just an ax suit who cares whatever right they don't even give a [ __ ] man and it's like they're using grenades on spiders i mean that's crazy the fairy tree specifically where you just you'll lose threat less often to speed runner guilt i know that you just they already have all the gear i think what you're wearing is more thread oriented oriented so you won't really need to you know mobs aren't going to be getting away from you as much so the need to switch stances in charge of them is you know you don't do that as much but uh yeah and i'll go ahead and i'm just gonna go ahead and leave for that for now go ahead and leave a like if you enjoyed the video uh leave a comment ask me any questions okay you may have about this build that i may have left out the video okay all right this is the unimportance of wearing a shield while tanking like man it's like somebody made these videos just to get me to get me killed this video is going to be a follow-up to my the wheeled fury tanking i watched this one i think a long time ago this video uh that video has already gotten twenty five thousand views which is that's big amazing thank you guys so much for for checking it out there you go i i didn't realize it would uh catch on like that and he's dual building a lot of people that i've seen comment on the video have said that oh there's no way that you'll be able to be able to tank without shield in classic right that just didn't happen back in the day and it won't happen now it didn't happen back in the day but that's not true even in classic um that shouldn't be true and in this video i will explain why okay so first uh what is a shield exactly what does it do well a shield does two primary things it gives you a large chunk of armor yes and it allows you to block attacks that is true blocking attacks mean well it means that they don't do it every time you block an attack you reduce the damage of the attack by a little bit it's based on yeah that's based on your block value just for example very true a tank that's progressing through bwl or is cleared bwl probably is around 100 block value what that means is that every time you block an attack uh 100 damage will be taken off you know what it would have done what blocking also does which is wait that's it it's a hundred wow well yeah no i know he obviously has a his fps is low he's no changes kind of guy probably and so he's still using the computer that he used back in 2006 i would say the most important thing about that obviously is whenever you block dodge parry obviously when you dodge a parry but whenever you block an attack bad attack cannot quit you and it cannot crush you who gives a [ __ ] about that so all right so if blocking really only affects listen if blocking only affects your armor who gives a [ __ ] about armor number one number two it only affects the block itself which only reduces it by a hundred damage who cares who can't who gives a [ __ ] dude boss meaning that the damage from that attack will always be consistent right a crushing blow does one and a half times the normal damage a crit does twice the normal damage good that's more really shields that i think a lot of people who played vanilla are familiar with are the draconian deflector that's the one i guess of the blood god and elementium reinforcement work very true so these the reason i picked out these three shields as examples is because chances are if you play the entirety of vanilla as a warrior these are you might only ever go through these three shields i bet better not be true for me on the server i've been entering my first raid in molten core and killing kel'thuzad i had two of these shields and no other shield i had coming in the deflector and i had the bulwark the element team reinforced bulwark wait he just equipped my hammer that's it i killed kel'thuzad with the bulwark and simply put because after that the next clear upgrade that's my handler saffron which is the second last boss so chances are if you ever get the bulwark you'll have that for the whole game and along the way you will hopefully pick up either is he using that to aoe stun the aquat so they don't care look at these three shields um they have between about 2100 and 2900 armor now that's a lot of armor we're probably thinking well [ __ ] if you take off your shield you'll be taking huge armor okay well not necessarily that's a good idea there are various armor consumes in the game that people for the most part i know me for a fact i didn't use any of these in vanilla um i didn't bother them i didn't i hardly think they just begin with which one of the main things about people's memories of vanilla versus now or what what things will be like in classic is the amount of preparation people put in the raid that's a big pool like we do now so people didn't really know about consumables like i i think the first flask i used was on patrick and next i never used a flask before that as a matter of fact funny story i never used the flask and vanilla well i never did i didn't even use the first time i used a flask was in like [ __ ] ssc because my guild made me use them they were like listen aspen gold listen asmin gold it's time for you to actually [ __ ] be useful for once so why don't you go ahead and do that and uh that says is it gonna work for you i think that it might okay uh real quick back in vanilla i transferred to the kil'jaeden server kind of late in the in vanilla's life but before then i was on the server boulder fist and there was a guild called guards of honor they for princess huron and yankee what the [ __ ] was one of those fireworks holy [ __ ] they just went and said we're gonna all 40 people in the raid are going to flask you know titans distill whatever the supreme power whatever the class needs right 40 people in the raid are going to flask and they did that and they killed who run and they actually other people on the server actually started making fun of them they got the nickname flasks of honor for for a time being for doing that and see that's like that's vanilla dude that's it i you know this shit's true because i only only somebody in vanilla wow would meme on somebody else like oh wow look at this guy using consumables to kill a boss what a [ __ ] loser man what a loser like no i can guarantee you this is i guarantee that story is [ __ ] true it's so funny for me to look back at that because these days that's like expected like you're showing especially like you know why not why aren't you uh contributing and pulling your own weight right exactly you know so back then obviously it was uh the opposite and that's really like if nothing else can be said about why classic rating will be different today than it was back then or why private servers are different today than bill it was back then if anything people about the game i think that perfectly that story perfectly illustrates people are good at the game the mentality shift has changed among players and they're very good at the game now it just makes all the difference but anyway speaking of uh going back on to consumes armor consumes specifically i've listed four right here that three of these are 30 minute to one hour buffs the crystal ward squirrel protection 4 and the elixir superior defense total those will give you 890 armor now on top of that you have greater stone shield potion lasts for two minutes gives you 2 000 armor for two minutes so that's like a shield cooldown so you can keep it up the greater stone if you compare greater stone shield potion alone to draconian deflector what is he making fun of myself he's only a 153 armored difference which he's making fun of my shield so just that myself if you've ever seen a tank tank any boston like molten core bw what are you trying to say dude it's the best i could get dude if you've ever seen that imagine taking that off and putting on an offhand weapon and then popping greater stone shield potion the armor will be about the same the only thing that will change really is that now the boss can create and crush you more often because you don't have a shield who calls by as far as critical non-crushing blows that you'll take the damage will be about the same between the two if you have a shield on or if you take the shield off and take greater stone shield potion so and if you if you watch any of my clips uh most if not all of them have uh when i'm doing well tanking i do pop grease don't show potion i when i'm maintaining i carry at least 20 greater stone shield pots with me every raid how much are these consumers all the time and how much is work really does more or less make up for you not having a shield even okay right now currently on the server that i play on all armor buff stack um all four of these consumables have listed stack i think that's how it is in classic too i'm pretty sure that's how it is that stacks as well will that be like that in classic this [ __ ] thinks i can't say for sure however even if you even if i'm not going through classic and you just pop a greater stone shield potion that long will make up for the [ __ ] shield for the most part even stone shield versus elementium it's 1 000 armor difference okay which is it's not nothing but that will not be the difference between being able to survive a boss's hit consistently and just getting one shot from 100 to zero like in other words the healers if they i think i'm going to do this correctly they'll still be able to heal you i think i'm gonna do it now there are times where having shield is recommended for example when aoe tanking when you're tanking several different mobs you always want to have a shield on because that block value that i mentioned earlier let's say you have 100 block value if the boss is hitting you for 2 000 damage no that's that block 100 block value it's not gonna it doesn't really matter too much timber helps a little bit but it's usually not the difference between life and death however if you're tanking 20 different mobs yeah this just makes for example in this pressure room if you're tanking 20 different mobs that all hit you for well that will never happen because i'll lose aggro and if you block their attacks then guess what they're hitting for zero and all of a sudden you can tank you know several different mobs without taking an unreasonable amount of damage whereas if you were to take off your shield in that situation the damage difference would be night and day suddenly if you know if you ever want to try it while tanking uh you don't have to take off shield just turn your back to the mob to where you can't block if you're taking you know 10 different moms at once and you're doing fine go ahead and turn your back to the mob and see what happens you'll be taking a lot more damage all of a sudden which would be the same effect if you were to do a little tank in that situation not really so not really not a good idea to do oil tank when you're tanking i'm talking several different mobs you can get away with like two or three but i would say more than that you no there's no way because the damage that you take will be reduced significantly uh in addition for bosses like i mentioned earlier the main reason to use shield is to become immune to critical crushing blows as long as you block you cannot get the critter crushed now i have a macro that i have two macros that switches me from the world back to shield okay my r key is bound to i have a macro to where i go into i have this too i have this too i put on shield and i block with the shield now for example when tanking a boss you can still dodge where it's true that putting on a shield will activate it will trigger the global cooldown for all of your abilities shield block has no global cooldown so let's watch how we handle things switched uh you shield block you combined all that in one macro hit the button you know usually a few times just oh he's using nightfall and all of that oh [ __ ] okay as fast as your latest and your action time in other words there's nothing there's no game mechanics of stopping you from immediately putting on shield and immediately hitting shield block therefore preventing any uh critter crushing blow now yes of course one of the things that makes this build very true or this method of tanking more advanced is that you have to be aware of basically when to put on shield and when not to i'll give you example if a boss is if a boss is attacking me and you know i i'm always keeping an eye on my health while i'm tanking that's just one of the things that you have to micromanage yeah if a boss is attacking me i know that if he doesn't crit or crush me okay say he does i know he does about 2000 damage say this particular boss i know he's gonna hit me for two thousand damage whenever he's not really i'm using shield well let's say i'm doing a little tanking and all of a sudden the boss hits me i look at my health i have about three thousand health now that's a little scary you know so naturally i put on shield and i hit shield block bosses typically have between a 2.0 and 2.5 second swing timer in other words when they're not using any special abilities like mortal strike or you know anything like that they're gonna swing you every between every two seconds to 2.5 seconds so knowing that let's say i'm fighting a boss that has a swing timer of two seconds i'm at three thousand health he just hit me and took me down to three thousand now what that tells me is oh [ __ ] i need to put on shield and hit shield block i do that he's he swings me again assuming it actually hits me now dodger perry which happens and you block it with the shield block because it's off the gcd and then another two seconds later passes yeah in 2000 again well that would kill me yeah that's why i didn't get any heals in that time however that window between me going to 3 000 health to dying in that case would be about five seconds and five seconds is making it heal you for healers that's right they should have [ __ ] healed you you die in five seconds you make it a point to them and say hey let him know i'm going to be do world tanki on this boss for threat because i feel like it's necessary so just please be aware of that sometimes healers some healers if they see the tank not take damage for several seconds they'll just kind of tune out not pay attention they my healers always do this well i don't know what it is about them but like any time like i feel like they're always tuning out like sometimes whenever i do five minutes like they're tuning out man i go i go to zero health man or i go to like like 60 health and they're like oh that's right oh that's right maybe uh maybe start healing other people however the healers have review make them aware of what you're doing and communicate with them then and just say hey keep an eye on me at all times uh constantly be queueing a heal you know if i'm full healthy you want to cancel say man that's fine but constantly queueing a heal on me be sure to top me off if you have three or four healers on you at least that are following those directions then you can safely do world tank as uh pretty much any boss as long as you're able to put on a shield at the right time that being said there's also some bosses that you just don't want to really ever dual tank why not knacks for example saffron and load them are two bosses where there's no reason to do world tank for lothab there's no reason for the on that fight simply put there's no reason for the tank to not wear full mitigation gear and shield at all times you won't be taking as little damage as possible whenever possible what the [ __ ] fight works and threat is also not an issue in that fight so there's no reason to put on back here really all right for saffron he hits fairly hard he doesn't hit super hard but he hits fairly hard but everybody's got [ __ ] [ __ ] you got frosty fairly hard pull threat the entire raid is taking 600 damage every second yeah throughout the entire fight so as you can probably imagine that's a very healing intensive fight right in addition to that because the rate yeah these vibrations have to wear a decent amount of frost use this gear just to be able to survive okay they're not doing as much damage therefore the threat is not as big of an issue that makes sense so for saffron you know you always wear shield for that fight just because of the incoming damage and the fact that you really won't need the extra threat from do welding uh chromagus and blackwinger is another example because of people losing in that fight there is often not a need for extra threat on that fight so you can play it that's something that's not you're not maximizing your damage to be you know those are just a few examples that make sense you know when to keep a shield on all times but that makes it really the part of the challenge in my opinion part of the fun of playing a dual fury tank is to know when you have to put on a shield who knows fireballs dude uh it's a very engaging spec there's a lot to do and yeah actually you also see some pretty big numbers as well so it's fun being able to do some damage while tanking as well and i think everyone once they have the gear they should at least try it at some point yo i've got the gear to wrap it up for now go ahead i've got the [ __ ] gear dude and keep an eye out for my next video yo like let's [ __ ] do it man like i i do i've got the you're 100 percent man 100 there's this other one when tanks can inspect fury and plot in classic wow uh i don't know what let's let's try um let's just let's just do it is it time i just do it i'm going to do it it's time okay all right [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 455,418
Rating: 4.6745582 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold youtube, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic, classic wow, classic wow guide, classic wow tank guide, tank guide, amsongold tank, asmongold guide, wow tank guide, tank without shield, tank shield, wow tank shield, asmongold skarm tank, wow classic, dual wield tank, classic dual wield tanking, wow dual wield, Dual Wield Tanking, wow dual wield tanking, asmongold dual wield tanking
Id: yNTMFs4jCnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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