Asmongold BEATS Classic WoW & Gets THUNDERFURY, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker Legendary

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and today I will craft the most legendary item that vanilla Wow has to offer today I will put all my pieces together and I will craft under fury the blessed blade of the windseeker today I will have the best weapon in all of vanilla well today finally Olympus claims its first Thunder fury oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my [ __ ] you can have also that manic rolling on this binding right that's a ret paladin item if I've ever seen one did it to me before they get too [ __ ] excited just just let me the money man that is a paladin weapon [Music] either McConnell or Tim did someone say that we're gonna get the next binding and the I all in one run there it is man congratulations somebody here has to thank you guys thank you very much fortunately we're looking for a new main tank anyone play with you all after your wait who's the guy that said that it was gonna drop this week and he'll go from like Blue's to the legendary I can't believe isn't this your ID this is incredible who was the first to Zone in [Music] Wow I did say I did say it was I got the last hip row I felt it I did say that I would gift I would oh my [ __ ] god okay all right oh my god they're gonna lock my account date they're gonna lock my bank account after this all right there's 100 no what the [ __ ] yeah I don't know what do you guys think someone tell asmin that he needs to start the quest first yeah so he doesn't wait a whole week gets under should I go do it now do we so do I just have to go over to the guy and so with this right get to the last yeah yeah good luck doing that it was one Ocampo try reporting on I'm I'm very happy man let me say that I'm very very happy okay give me a second literally just does arcane damage all right here we go I've worked so long to get this like I've been farming this edenia what's this PWL dirt like this is the only thing I ever wanted in vanilla well and [ __ ] got it man cuz this may take a bit so I think we'll be okay oh there's some [ __ ] world dude there Jesus Christ just come on grab another one okay good killing these guys yeah just try to keep him off me just try to keep him off me all right here is Howard Demetria Demetria falls to his knees you have recovered my Master's eternal prison how long have I waited for this day and finally it has realized he must be released what must be done I hold the vessel of his rebirth should you be prepared to take on this task you will ultimately be required to fortify the vessel and ultimately break the hold of Ragnar owes himself the fire Ward and all who dare stand in his way shall reel from my wrath the vessel of rebirth must be fortified with Elementium I know of only one source of the mineral the elemental planes at the core of our world there is one an earth shaper who may know more about it than I you must find a surf shaper I shall scour the earth for this earth shaper one of the essence corporeal form of Ragnaros must be destroyed from its remnants his essence shall emerge in this weakened state Ragnar owes his grip on the person of thunder in his lung is loosened and essence itself is acting as a key oh I got it that's all of rebirth examine the vessel rebirth and return it to high ward Demetria okay uh let me see can I examine it I guess not okay I'm gonna examine the vessel to free thunderin okay let me just click on this because I'm about to die okay uh let me just read the question why run back let's see what I need to do here then during the windseeker to free Thunder in the windseeker from his prison you must present the right and left halves of the bindings of the windseeker the bind ten bars of Elementium the essence of the fire word too high or Demetria and silithus we're sorry the fire war did I say hi ward okay let's go okay um there's a lot of Horde here yeah cuz the guards killed all the Alliance and now there's just horde they're still [ __ ] guards man the guards are literally just still running everybody out and chasing them down Jesus man this is [ __ ] ridiculous it's Legion guards I don't even know man I'll try this just give me a minute I was close all right boys here we go all right dude here's ayah so far as a McDonald and food here it is right here we go oh my god I got debated oh my [ __ ] god dude yeah I got [ __ ] debated so hard there all right let me see what we got here just one second can the guild I take care of the Elementium bars or sorry not the bars excuse me on the okay you guys can take care of you er okay cool I can smell with everything if you want okay do you need to be on a special a special place to smelt it or can you just do an iron forge okay we're crafting the bars and then we're flying over to create the the sword and then we'll summon the boss and do it then let us present the materials - Rob - no Marlin or whatever and you can talk to them and I'll instantly give it to you are can i Barse yeah how many of us being crafted gentlemen today is a momentous day today all of the time and all of the effort that I put into this game comes to fruition please present the bars boys and girls champions of the Alliance those of you who are ready to see it I'm going over to silithus now how are you and we're going now we're gonna make this [ __ ] sword safe oh man dude alright let's go did somebody say thunderfury I know okay let's head on over there everybody many of you on the server Olympus is like Africa many of you have originated from the gill and you know what I I asked my offer if for one last time if you come with me and you witnessed the crafting of our first legendary and it's here let's go [Music] all righty boys okay [Music] all right they want me to drop group now thank you guys for these summon thank you so much all right they're all here okay guys we'll hold them off as much as possible what's up who was here this is that boys all do it drop make me master all right okay I've got it I'll give everybody a minute to get over here oh we guys start summons too if you were here this occasion let him know in the chat oh no they're coming they're coming ain't coming right now all right we ready it up here get up here get out here okay charge South East they're coming free action Potts yeah all right here we go this is the big one that we have everybody here okay time all right gentlemen it's time good day to you bring the world to its knees if you must know but in dreams I did not foresee this day behold mortal behold he who is older than existence behold he who is space Titan and God alike rise my master break from your bonds about the summit of boss here we go safe travels save travels there it is target let's go [Music] well we tagged it we tell you we got the jack okay there it is go boys popping wreck he'd never thought this holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude there it is boys just the dormant wind just blade assigning it to myself it's time you know everybody get into big circle everybody getting a big circle nerf thank you very much the five five subs I appreciate it man here we go and on this day let it be known that the journey has ended the long quest for the greatest item in the game has been over today look we gotta turn around we claim thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker that big ol bleedin today we get it getting getting a circle around the wave there okay we've made a half here gotta learn and go around apparently you were all either alright Dorman twin kiss blade you have defeated the windseeker take the dormant palade and forced the lying wretch Dimitri and to use the materials you provided for his betrayal to wake thunderfury present the doorman twin kiss blade to high ward Dimitri and there he is zooming no no the back come on I know you wants in the picture there's s fond right there how are you pretty good actually Dimitri and cowers in your presence please do not harm me take it take the blade leave Dimitri and to reshape his pathetic life [Music] and today sometimes you get it see you around you guys ready slobo may I present the weapons in order for you to imbue it with an enchant worthy of a crusader there it is voice we got ourselves a [ __ ] thunderfury right [ __ ] there dude yes dude holy [ __ ] where's McConnell where is he there he is all right look at that damage dude we just rocked it just propped I'm drummer for oh my god [ __ ] dude we moved that over holy [ __ ] man Wow look at the damage oh my god yeah I knew that was gonna happen let's be real yeah yeah McConnell baited me into it I know we did it's alright it's alright I'll let them do it it's okay thank you guys I really appreciate you guys being for this look how big it is man eclipse to the ground this is insane man this is a main tank weapon right here third I feel like it looks different that's just edgy I feel like it looks different I don't know it looks different than in retail I just want to I want to attack something with it I'm just gonna go into stockades and just attack something I want to see the prop man it's the first thing first thing I can hear it's doing Oh oh dude oh dude Wow people - props right there Judy there's so much damage this is insane oh my god what the [ __ ] dude oh my god dude this is soap 400 what the [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] yeah you create that I just did look at that this is all thunderfury man - this is a completely new world man oh my god gentlemen today has been one of the most legendary streams that we've had in recent time today will live on in my memory forever today is the day that I got thunderfury thank you all so much for being part of this thank you all so much for watching thank you all who contributed and helped make this a reality it means a lot to me thank you all so much boys this is the end [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 594,723
Rating: 4.7884617 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, asmongold legendary, asmongold thunderfury, asmongold thunderfury binding, thunderfury, thunderfury classic, classic legendary, legendary classic, asmongold classic wow thunderfury, asmongold binding, thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker, classic wow legendary, wow classic legendary, asmon thunderfury, wow thunderfury, classic wow, wow classic
Id: sMLqYainAOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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