WOW How to Level an Army of ALTS! - WOW Garrison Leveling Guide

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what's up gaming heroes welcome back to another awesome world of warcraft video this one's gonna be a doozy guys so it's been a while since i've made an awesome garrison guide and i've got that need to scratch that itch well welcome in my fellow gaming heroes today's video is about how you can level a whole army of alts from level 10 to 50 in a efficient fast and easy way for people that hate questing this is the guide for you i personally use this method myself to level between 20 and 40 characters i'm not quite sure the exact number and i'm working currently on a second account with full garrison armies in there as well this strategy works insanely well a lot of people ask me on stream how have you got so many of these characters all i ever say is i just level them up i enjoy leveling but i haven't really ever gone into detail about some of the leveling strategies that i use i've known about this leveling strategy for years but i've always been more of a fan of like speed running basically characters from level 10 to 50 in just one session like you know three or four hours uh just leveling hardcore as fast as possible four and a half hours was my fastest run time from 10 to 50 in one session but this way is actually technically quicker in terms of slash played overall it takes longer because you know you're not actively playing that character every single day it's more of you just logging in to do some ad hoc stuff so i'm gonna go through this whole strategy of how we use you know the garrison to level up uh you know about 20 characters if anyone asks me i would say do this with about 20 characters you can do it with less or you can do it more it's entirely up to you i like 20 it's a nice you know even round number for everyone to use and it's a good decent amount of characters as well the purpose of doing this is so that once you've got all these characters set up you can actually go straight into garrison gold making with these characters and make an absolute metric buttload of gold so without further ado let's get into this video remember to smash the like button if you found this video at all helpful and click subscribe please do keep in mind that everything in this video i have a written guide on that is available for any of my patreons i currently have 29 patrons and i massively appreciate every single one i spent roughly around nine hours writing this guide for my patrons and i have a whole load of guides for them specifically but in this video we'll cover everything from that guide as well thanks for all the support so far let's get into the video all right so as you can see you know i've got an absolute load of characters here uh you know some are level 60 some level 50 but for the most part because i hate the the leveling process from 50 to 60 i just kind of focus on leveling from 10 to 50 right now and i'm working on a guide from level 50 to 60. just right now it's not that fun i do have a guide coming up that i'm going to write my myself on how to level from 50 to 60 in an efficient way but this is my level 10 to 50 uh guide right here i like to like level up in unique ways the playing the game you know through i find the the gameplay isn't as fun to repeat anymore uh with the current state of world of warcraft so i like to do it the more creative ways and and that's what i typically stick to now as you can see i've got you know a bunch of characters here and i've also got like a a hauled uh you know garrison army as well that i started working on recently uh i'd say i only started work going on this about a week and a half ago in terms of getting the garrison set up but you know that they are doing well for myself a lot of the time i can't really log into my characters more than once a day which you know it is what it is but the most ideal way to do this is really to log in multiple times per day per character so you can you know do your xp missions but right now what i'm doing is basically showing you a speed run of me taking a fresh level 10 character from alliance and and we have a horde version of this as well in this video so we're gonna do uh alliance first then horde second and all it's doing is show you exactly how i take a alliance character and get it set up to a garrison as quickly as possible so for anyone that missed it i created a dark iron dwarf which is an allied race it starts at level 10 i create a mage and i spoke to cromie i put myself on the iron horde campaign which is the wall of adrenal campaign i ran to the mage district spoke to the mage the war mage who teleported me to the badlands i am going to be skipping the questline in this video but typically i would do this quest line if i've got the time because it's great xp if you don't have the time then uh you know skip the questline and to skip the questline all you have to do uh the starter campaign basically when i say questline to skip the starter campaign you have to abandon your quest to speak to khadgar before you go through the portal then just go through the portal and it skips straight to the beach which is really really useful and saves you around 25 to 30 minutes of you know rp questing it does get you like four levels that that you know starting campaign so if you do have time to do it do it uh but you know if you don't have time you just want to speed run straight to the garrison and that's all you want to do that's fine it takes it took me 14 minutes 30 seconds to do on the alliance uh for the horde it actually took me longer yeah it took me 16 minutes to do it on horde uh but that's you know it is what it is i think it's because as horde you have to kind of run further for some of the quests and uh you know at a low level that really does have an impact i do have a couple tips later in the video on how you can speed up you know doing this so make sure you watch the entire video if you do miss any of this video you could miss some actually really valuable tips uh for how to do this in a faster way so please do not just skip ahead i i don't want you to miss something and then have to ask in the comment section when it's already in the video so by this point as you can see i'm just completing the quest they're really really basic quests and it's as easy as just speaking to them and building the garrison so at this point i've actually built the garrison and i've grabbed two quests you have to do these two quests because it allows you to build a barracks you have to build a barracks in order to get your first follower when you get your first follower that's when you can start getting more followers so that you can do xp missions now before anyone asks in the comment section below you don't need many followers uh to basically do this strategy at all you can only have ever three xp missions spawn at one time well i i think it's that because that's all i've ever been able to like max you know have uh at any one time is three xp missions usually it's about one to two that spawn uh but you know three is the max and so you don't need very many followers to do that okay so as you can see i was literally just killing everything i got a bit unlucky because as i was going along there was a death knight doing the same quests as me just a little bit ahead of me so i just had to deal with that and just follow it in in their wake at this point you can either use your garrison hearthstone and and hearthstone back or you can just run back to your garrison and uh and hand in these quests and after we've hand and handed in these quests the very basic quests we will get a new quest which will basically send us to get coiana moon shadow and koyana moonshadow is uh so yeah there we go we got a barracks uh blueprint we've got to learn the blueprint and then we build the barracks brilliant now we're going to get the quest to speak to quijana moonshadow boyana is it being attacked by wolves we've got to save her from being attacked by wolves so simply kill the wolves and then speak to coriana i hope that's how you you pronounce the name quiana there you go and then hearthstone back to your garrison and speak there we go perfect that's it that's how easy it is so that's literally all i did right there was just complete it uh hand in the quest to uh to coriana she becomes your follower and then and then click on the garrison mission table send quiana on her first mission when she's done her first mission that will give you a second follower as a result of that successful mission and then you will get a quest which will send you to stormshield ashran and later in the video i'll give you a tip about why you want to follow that quest and do that same with the horde now this is the hard one i think i went as a vol volpera mage and guys please bear in mind i'm not a horde player typically so i'm still really new to like the horde quest zones i i know them to a point but i'm not as uh as comfortable and confident as a you know a pro horde player i've been alliance for for the entirety of my my gaming history of world of warcraft so uh you know experiencing this i'm just did my very best for this video again abandon the quest but uh the quest to speak to khadgar before you go through the dark portal it skips the entire start of the the quest campaign if you want to do that and then simply go up to durotan speak to him and then you know run up the hill all the way up to the checkpoint where you will get your first two quests they're exactly the same as the alliance quests uh kill your eights gorgon gorgons or something like that uh groundlings that's it grundlings and then cut eight trees super easy and then once we've done that we're gonna be killing the the the boss mob in that area which is super easy to do it looks like it's got load of health but don't worry you get a ton of help from some npc elite things and yeah you just blast that down and then you'll basically go and create your your garrison so that's what we're going to do in just a sec so we're we're looking for some more grundlings they are they're kind of awkward to see as a horde i've noticed because all the trees fall down and they block the the cover uh i think i think blizzard was trying to troll us so this is killing the boss he's obviously a late he looks like he's got tons of health but it's okay do not fear all right brilliant so now we need to go click on the spyglass which creates the garrison i skip you know the uh the scenario there you go brilliant now we're gonna we're gonna focus on uh you know those two quests to build the barracks so to build the barracks we have to go out uh collect a bunch of salvage and then we also have to uh kill yeah i believe it's eight of these ogres and then one of the you know boss ogres i do something in this uh this little video here which is where i i go up uh this tower and at the top of the tower there is a secret treasure chest and the treasure chest will give you garrison resources this is actually quite helpful if you want to build a garrison level 2 relatively quickly i i jump over to this cliff here and i use slowfall at the same time and i did that because there's another secret little garrison cachet up here at the top of this tower as well and i like to get that one as well because just it gives you extra xp and it's uh it gives you additional garrison resources which is very useful for building your garage and level two a little bit quicker without having to do a bunch of missions to get it all it's just in general i find it really really useful to do that all right then we're just gonna kill you know the boss for the quest and and then hit that hearthstone back there we go off we go we're back handing the quests easy peasy lemon squeezy now we're gonna build the barracks this is super easy to do barracks is getting built there we go drag and drop the drag and drop that bad boy in there brilliant and now we're gonna finish off building that barracks now we're gonna get the the uh the first follower quest so now we have to go and save the first follower i can't remember where his name is off the top of my head but he's basically being strung up by some uh some of these like gollum looking creatures is the best way to to describe it we've got to save him then head back to the uh the garrison unfortunately we can't use the garrison hearthstone but it is what it is it is what it is and at this point i would politely like to remind you to hit the like button and uh pretend i didn't say that cool okay excellent and there we go send him on his first mission and that is done first mission done so that was literally all i did was uh was run back to the garrison i accept him as a follower complete that quest then sent him on his very first mission so now i'm going to show you all of you know my alts that are needing to be basically leveled because when you get to level 50 the xp missions no longer spawn or proc for you so you just uh literally can do this from level 10 to 50. uh anything past level 50 it doesn't work nothing works at all uh so at this point i've skipped all the loading screens so that you don't you guys down to sit here and wait for ages this technique is so quick that the longest part of this technique is the loading screens of logging out and logging in it's quite crazy all i'm doing here is and bear in mind i'm using an add-on called master plan and then master plan a there are two add-ons master plan and master plan a you need these uh to basically make doing your garrison missions that much quicker it's really important to do that you get you basically send your characters on these missions and if you're struggling to say you haven't procked any xp missions uh what i always suggest is send your your followers on the uh the lowest time mission so you know if the success chances yeah above 50 and it says like you've got a choice between a mission that's going to take six hours and a mission that's only gonna take one hour send him on the mission that's gonna take one hour even though you know the success chance might be slightly lower just send him one on that one because you have a higher chance of a new xp mission being basically uh propped and if you log in like once an hour or once every two hours you can basically keep recycling these xp missions and you know i've had on one character six of these xp missions done in one day and that was just from logging in once an hour for six hours literally just when uh you know when i go work in the garden i come back upstairs an hour later log back in do my xp mission off the go and each time it gives you two bars of xp that is insane that was 12 bars of xp and it took me less than 30 seconds of game time to get each of those done this is taking me less than 30 seconds each time i do this i just log in done log out next character login done next character done it's that easy and with the master plan um add-on you can actually select missions as your priority and non-priority so if you've got a mission like you know where it's giving you armor and you don't want to see that mission anymore or if there's a mission that's giving you just random stuff that you don't want you just right click that basically item on the right side and it deprioritizes it and puts all the way at the bottom so you won't see that mission very quickly and all you have to do is just right click the percentages to automatically create that tentative party and then to send them all on their tentative party when you've selected all your missions uh they will just go off and do the mission basically and you can log back in in an hour and do it and as you can see this is like super easy i'm just literally logging on to new characters and selecting the missions get it done you get loads of garrison resources now if you do max out on resources i'd buy a trading post for your large slot see three xp missions here that's insane oh yeah if you get 10 000 garrison resources make sure you buy a trading post and with your trading post you can basically swap your garrison resources for warlords adrenal trade goods i do have all of this in my uh garrison gold guide as well i have an incredible garrison gold guide over on my patreon but if you uh if you in general you're just looking for general like free videos and stuff like that i have loads and loads of free information in my videos everything that's already in my patreon guide is on youtube as well okay so make sure you uh you go and check my garrison playlist i have lit i think i have like nearly 30 videos in that garrison playlist are just covering the various ways of making gold with the garrison so if you are interested in that you can go check that out for further information this guide in particular is focused purely on leveling an old army i do cover obviously a couple little bits of gold making tips and tricks but that that's for the most part is what you're doing now i do want to say at that level uh level 35 uh go ahead and build your lunar fool in level two okay so at okay so for luna fall in you can't build that until level 35 at level 35 go and build your luna full and it's so important to build uh just for the gold making side of things it doesn't matter so much the the in the leveling side of things because you don't really need many followers uh to do the leveling strategy at all uh a lot of people say oh but you know rosie you need loads of followers to get this but you really don't like four followers is good enough to do this leveling strategy just because the amount of xp missions that proc uh doesn't usually exceed anything else it is obviously gonna help you if you've got extra followers uh but just because you've got a higher chance of having the diverse uh skill set to handle certain missions but overall it doesn't really matter too much it's just getting in there getting the air the xp missions done and easy peasy lemon squeezing so you just saw some of my characters uh like this aerodyne is on my actual second account and that's my second uh garrison alt army as well which is why i've got so many characters i'm leveling at once using this strategy i it's it's just honestly a fantastic way of doing it now i am going to show you something really quickly here this character is one that i just did fresh for this video uh you know i hand in the quest uh sending koiana on her first mission she she just gets sent on her first mission off she pops bye bye and then we get a new quest from the garrison commander next to us at that table who sends us to stormshield ashran it's really important you take that quest and you go to stormshield ashran the reason for that is over at stormshield ashram by completing you know two quests you get given a rare to epic follower depending on on your luck on that day you actually get a a follower uh who will help you with your garrison missions and at a low level like level 12 or 13 getting an extra follower is so useful so go ahead and make sure you do that so we've got that quest we're going gonna go over to the in and it's the exact same for you know hoards it's done the exact same way uh just head over to the end hand in that quest get another quest to speak to three people boom set your hearthstone to stormshield ashran so you've got your normal garrison hearthstone which is obviously set to garrison then you've got your hearthstone which is set to storm shield if you ever need to come back here now there was a super secret tip in a second i'm going to show you but uh we'll talk about in a sec then obviously speak to each of the the people for the quest that you need to speak to this is just uh basically blizzard hand-holding you trying to show you where all the various things are around you know stormshield astron back for when warlord adrenal was you know a serious game uh but right now it's obviously uh just a previous expansion with a bunch of like old and somewhat pointless you know systems as blizzard always like to create random systems and then not really update them to keep them relevant it is what it is i'm making use of some of those systems right now all right so that's it we speak to that and then we head back to the end uh this is going to be so easy when you have hand in that quest he will give you a new quest to go speak to delva um over in it's kind of like middle of storm shield delva is going to be your new follower and you can get him as an epic follower you can get him as a rare blue follower basically and it doesn't really matter so much but basically you just get an extra ability if he's epic which is kind of epic mind the pun now this is the super secret tip make sure you learn archaeology archaeology erosion why would you learn archaeology i'm so glad you asked random person in the comments section learn archaeology every single archaeology because you have to learn every single one to get to warlord adrenal for some silly reason it is what it is there you go you got your follower now we're going to learn archaeology boom this is going to be because by learning archaeology you effectively get new missions on your garrison mission table so whilst you're leveling up your character you can also make gold with your character at the same time this is gonna allow you to fund your future garrison gold strategy uh as and when we get to that point which is honestly so gosh darn useful it cost a lot to set up your garrison gold uh you know set up as a whole it costs a lot of gold to do that so having this set up from the get-go whilst you're leveling these characters your whole army is going to allow you to earn a lot more gold as an overall which is exactly what we really want to do now it is worth noting that not only do you want to pick up archaeology if you want to learn other things like the garrison gold strategy i always tell people to learn inscription uh inscription is a great one to pick up if you do pick up inscription it will basically allow the garrison rush orders to basically start appearing uh in your your mission table as well if you do want to pick up any additional professions uh it will obviously help you later on but you do have your hearthstone set to storm shield so if you ever do need to pick up any more you know professions you can easily go back and do that but now though we're just gonna pick up archaeology and simply start sending off our guys on these missions so i'm just flying back right now and we will have a look at this table and you'll see that by simply learning archaeology i immediately get a garrison mission now some of the archaeology missions can basically give you a treasure map these treasure maps if you learn them i tell you now do not learn them okay when i say learn them they are an item they give you this treasure map is and if you right click it it basically like gives you a secret treasure spot on you know on your map for some of the areas in warlords adrenal don't do that just sell the map to a vendor if you learn that treasure map that mission will not proc again for you i promise you that so what you need to do is just sell it to a vendor selling it to a vendor will make you 100 gold do not lose out on that awesome little trick this is the other awesome bit is you get fragments fragments are archaeology fragments and you can use these uh when you've got like i can't remember how many it was i think it might be 50 but when you it might be 150 actually but when you've learned basically archaeology and you've got 150 fragments you can solve these riddles for archaeology and and then take them basically solve crate type things back to ashran stormshield ashram and swap those for rewards these can give you pets mounts uh all various types of goods and it's so awesome to do i definitely suggest doing that just in general it's it's a really intelligent you know a decision to do that and uh and you know the uh it was the kind of like bird guy next to the archaeology trainer that will sell you basically at those those solar those those solved crates uh which have a chance of giving you various things and this here right now is the treasure map worth 100 gold and i just wanted to show you on one of my characters i had the treasure map uh available there so there you go there you have it guys this strategy is so easy to do it's as easy as logging into each character once an hour once every two hours and just grabbing your mission setting them off on the missions a lot of people might say oh this is boring well sometimes efficiency is boring however it gets the job done and if you have like 20 to 50 characters that you're leveling all at once do would you prefer to sit there and hardcore try and play each of these characters uh you know day in day how just trying to get them up to level 50 or would you like to do it in a passive way that makes you more xp for your time spent i mean i think even a speed runner would say if you can get you know uh four to six bars of xp with 30 seconds work that's uh then you're winning really if you did enjoy this video smash the like button click subscribe uh and you know obviously there are certain extra bits i haven't included in this video that are more relevant to the garrison gold guide but as this was purely focused on the leveling side of things i i just focused on that if you want to check out any of that gold making uh you know strategies and stuff like that check out my garrison uh guys and my garrison playlist over on my my youtube channel thanks for watching guys make sure you subscribe for future content like this and if you want to get a more detailed version of this guide go ahead and check me out on patreon link is in the description i made sure to work on these guys and i even got some of my fellow gold making youtubers to check out the guide and just go over and give me that their thoughts feedback and advice on how to improve it and make it the best way i possibly could so thanks everyone who watched this video i will see you next time this is erosium [Music] out [Music] you
Channel: Erosium
Views: 22,570
Rating: 4.7748594 out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, leveling, how to, mists of pandaria, warlords of draenor, world of warcraft leveling guide, world of warcraft guide to leveling, wow leveling, how to level a new alliance character, wow leveling guide, garrison, wow how to setup garrison gold, leveling guide, world of warcraft (video game), world of warcraft garrisons, how to get gold in world of warcraft, wow how to level fast, bfa leveling tips, WOW How to Level an Army of ALTS!, WOW Garrison Leveling Guide
Id: jbR0_3nXV4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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