Asmongold - The WORST Dungeon Group In The History Of World Of Warcraft (Operation: Mechagon)

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okay I know what we need to do now okay I'll call out these numbers as you do them well you see there's four numbers and the issue is that the order can be very confusing and you know it's you and more confusing is ever you don't say the number that you clicked it's like I don't can YouTube videos even be this long I don't know well they cap out at 10 hours so it'll have to be a three part series yeah I guess so great I guess it's gonna be a one-shot then all right so again remember he's gonna be casting in at 35 percent energy and the thing in the back so let's go ahead and make this bowl save heroism for after we do the first set of ads and we need to push them to where as soon as the second set of these things go off we push the boss I'm gonna tank him back here actually I don't know it depends all right let's go likkle ones where these things are okay you take it I'll push this off or I saw it off full saturation half this way no no smell it might have been just like a mistake though okay getting out of that okay so there's the first SAP don't be in front of that okay it's about to go off you're ready 3 1 4 4 2 3 1 4 2 guys 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 done all right stop DPS for now slow down we're going to push him as soon as we do the next set because that gets the timings for phase 2 perfectly there it goes what you could do is just have two people doing it and so each person is assigned 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 so you just have two people instead of all four people see I'm saying and dropping stuff do you guys think and do that okay I mean I don't know why it's hard I don't know why you can't do it but like I mean if you're not confident whatever like we can do it with four people for sure it's rough with classes that don't have like I really know these here I'm gonna do I'm gonna do three and four okay on the first phase let's we'll see how hard it really is let's go and drive move up here I'm coming okay I'll do three and four okay about that let's call it the number whenever you do it to the sorbets is on the same page and in Phase two everybody will go back and do like their normal assignments cuz I can't do it since I'm obviously I'm gonna be tanking okay all right three two one four three two one that was really hard okay John the same city's safe cities don't don't kill boss take them to like 10% stop okay auto attack now auto attack just stop you guess something yes can I get ready 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 - Thank You boss I'm telling you it failed that was really [ __ ] rough dude because the thing spawned right on top of me at the same time and I'm also sitting here ok it's all for you guys make sure you get this done this is for the mount one of you boys let's go who's it gonna be dragons go it's gonna be you I'm gonna be dragon yeah I'm gonna dragon deserve ok get ready that's going out 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 - whoa global annihilation imminent the hell cool get a mic check dragon your mic works right yeah and roof hello wheeze yeah Zef yeah okay let's make sure that we do the cost this time yeah that that was kind of [ __ ] whoa Lulu she is my mic still really bad it's kind of wild only turn some people down if you talk again yeah I my name is ed and I'm the made 20% now it should be fine now everybody else yeah you got one of those [ __ ] cracking headsets or whatever yeah shits trash dude I wouldn't I bought one of those yeah like I don't know like I feel like they're made for people without ears because they're just so [ __ ] small like whoever designed it has no ears they don't fit on your ears no that's true though so true if you want a decent cheap headset get a Microsoft a 3000 x3000 it's ah it's the only reason I stopped using it is because it broke if it wasn't for that I'd still be using it now all right you guys good to go it's like 30 bucks okay I'm gonna go in and pull in drive-ins up you guys man enough to do two at the same time yeah all right so in drove you're doing one and two Zef you're doing three and four and yep we using dragon just stay on the boss I'm ready - yeah and you guys are phase one - so pay attention all right let's go dragon your boss get it man sure you guys move out with that I think it's gonna hit two people I'm not done okay good all righty remember guys don't worry about DPS here save your cooldowns for Phase two if they're only gonna be up once cuz we're gonna push this in time like we're gonna have to stop DPS it's gonna be that easy okay get ready it's going out to three one or two three one 401 good can we resume I don't think we have of you okay just wipe really good pick up on that amazing [ __ ] job but uh obviously I'm done so Zeff like it went on after you right yeah I mean like sometimes you just get [ __ ] I mean that's really all there is to it like we really just have to get through two of those so we're just gonna RNG that it's better like you gotta use like bark and [ __ ] like that too and like if you know that's gonna happen like call for like something from somebody else like I could rally or whatever cuz like you went in a bit a bit early man like me it's like a second early could have avoided maybe one tick or so what I got to do this time is I'm gonna actually just tank him right on the edge and that way even if he does the take off thing it's not gonna be close enough to get to you guys whenever even thinks like we haven't really had this issue before but just to kind of minimize the mistakes we'll just do that crime [ __ ] dude face like with to melee Phase two is gonna be really fast though I'm pretty sure so let's not worry about it too much I knew you guys shouldn't have to doing two at a time okay is everybody good yeah let's go yep dragon set the trinket from a shara yes is it good yeah with crusade it's phenomenal I told you yeah if we if we don't walk out at whatever the hell we'll do it again I have a shower locked up right now no you don't yes so you talk I do I do Kara went out last night on the guild bunker be here I'm down to do it at some point this week I don't know like if today will be a good time because like we have to get people that like really know what they're doing I just want to have it [ __ ] off okay let's go three four one two three four one two three you're so slow why did you stop the cast I'm like you should not stop the cast that whenever that's going off you need to make that for your priority like I don't know how we achieving got that we Gucci yeah okay stop ups guys stop whoa whoa stop stop stop all the guys stop Audi piss here we go boys go all right 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 go push boss great timing yeah every day for you for for that awesome dude yeah probably do it like oh we're gonna do it this weekend hundred percent do you know after the first set it's actually better if we hero at the beginning but I just think it'll be more effective for our group to do it after that okay okay let's get ready guys that's about to go off for 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 input failure global annihilation imminent ok so here's here's the foolproof way that you're supposed to do this okay so whoever side is on like 1 or 2 like 1 2 3 4 you say your number so the like let's see the majors on 1 2 he says 1 2 whenever they pop up and then 3 and then they say 3 & 4 you don't say 1 2 3 4 and then you pronounce it I don't know what there's ago you just you're just [ __ ] it all up ok so just just listen to me yeah just say your number just say your number whatever number it is and then like so if the majors own one and he says 1 and then the next number is supposed to be 3 or 4 then whoever system that's in your throat come on here Stan yeah imagine you're cycling on call out your abilities yeah it's like you know whenever people go I gray at the end of a boss kill it's like 3% left and they start calling out every ability they're using just be like that ok it's [ __ ] easy dude you still want me doing one and two and drove yeah yeah and then everything was good for all right here we go so basically you have two numbers you just say one of the two numbers whenever they pop up okay that's it so like it's counting shut up walk up just do it shut up okay all right boys let's make it happen pretty good yep okay we're gonna get it this time for sure guys don't worry this pulse blast does a lot of damage it's like the one thing that Warriors are [ __ ] trash at is doing with magic damage okay it's going out there ready ready - here we go you got spark fly yeah once every 25 seconds it doesn't say castle again it appears that we did not allude his targeting systems okay here is the absolutely foolproof way to do to get this done okay open your eyes so here it is yeah say 1 1 state 2 - all right now who's on 3 & 4 me now now want you to say 3 3 nuts before or now whenever the buns pop up whichever order it's in you say that number so if the third light lights up you're going to use your mic and say 3 if the fourth light pops up then you're gonna you're gonna say 4 and then whenever you press it you say whichever one that is do you understand yep so if it's 1 4 2 3 then the mage says 1 run then you're gonna say 4 and then it's a 2 and then and then he's gonna say 3 you understand yep there's there you have two things to say there's only two things one two or three and four that's it understand understand think they've got it okay all right we just do it let's get out of the way guys have a lot of wipes that's enough [ __ ] Matt I'd event if this is supposed to be the immortal run holy [ __ ] okay um does that do a Oh II I think it does pulse blasts I'll look at that later okay move out is good all righty guys I'm pretty far away so rain shouldn't really need to worry about the damage okay take off here we go what's going out 2 4 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 they do it ok good this time this time yeah I had to call that [ __ ] out all right stop TV I stop you guys stop DPS guys stop hogging we're in phase 1 the wax okay all right it's gonna be going out pretty soon 2 1 3 4 did what happened what I think happened just happened the the thing hit me and it bounced me off I'm internally laughing that's okay don't get it don't get it this time for sure dude so where you count on me mr. Esmond cool this count two numbers man yeah yeah literally two numbers all right one two all right let's go ahead and let's pull [Music] all righty good job so far guys I don't even know I'm saying that nothing's gonna happen but okay remember don't go crazy on damage here we have to stop anywhere okay he's gonna do it real or one three one three there you go keep doing that good [ __ ] okay oh and stood again just slow down on DPS just keep attacking okay slow down a little bit is at forty six a he's about to some of them I get ready get the boss a little bit lower one four three two or three all right push boss let's go well you're doing it now all right pop off boys pop off let's go it's going out now you're ready to three for one two three yeah it was it was one and then I had to push for nobody apparently what's going on I know two three four one Oh so here's the thing here's what went wrong there I'm like I didn't see it but I'm assuming here's what happened you didn't notice what the order was until the second one is that right yeah you would because you'd know that there were only three three numbers no because it was it was two and then the other ones and then one so it's total numbers okay so it's just a photo I guess so yeah all right let's do it again we're gonna get them out this time okay guys the 3:30 helmet 4:30 helmet and I'm out here waiting for us let's make this happen all right let's go we have 15 seconds online 15 miles okay you ready here we go three four two one okay okay does anybody have a repair bot my gears broken like a I can do one more poll but after that I need to repair my gear it's got eight durability on my shield all right I am going to call out the numbers even though I'm melee I will go into first person mode in Phase two and call out the numbers do you know what you guys messed up there you messed up by calling out the individual is one person who's assigned to calling out the numbers and another person whose and individual assignments for calling out the numbers that you click you confused yourselves and you called out the numbers that occurred and not the numbers that you clicked and so that's what the confusion happened so I'm going to do the call-outs and then you guys can just listen to that that's what that's what you did wrong okay let's try this again there's no way this can go wrong this time it's literally impossible alright boys let's make it happen everybody ready yep all right should be coming out in just a minute here you're ready ok 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 3 2 0 so Zephyr did you get killed by a woody Colin did you get killed by the beam this out how much does that do to you see how that yellow stuff 100k almost under K but wait a minute alright Kira's real quick your gear was broken wasn't it yeah do we have a repair bot I don't okay let's see alright okay this is 500g I'm never gonna read this guy's messing who's gone on danam this is historical [Laughter] this is unprecedented okay guys let's just drop it at the boss just to make things simpler by the way guys we're gonna be doing the immortal run next week okay just want to make sure everybody remembers that it's gonna happen it's not gonna be a big deal we're just gonna go in there and do it right easy yeah this time it's gonna happen for sure we did make a little bit of progress there I guess all right I'm gonna adopt the repair bot right over here okay 800 gold repairs awesome I don't can youtube videos even be this long I don't know well they cap out at 10 hours so it'll have to be a three-part series yeah I guess so okay uh-huh dragon whenever you're ready let's make this happen great let's go again all right pop off voice you cannot elude my targeting systems okay here we go you're ready for 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 go make sure that you I talk because that we didn't hear that one I was sorry yeah you're good okay slow down on damage slow down okay it's gonna be going out in just a second guys get ready all right 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 go 4 ok ok I know what we need to do now I'll call out these numbers as you do them well you see there's four numbers and the issue is that the order can be very confusing and you know what's even more confusing is ever you don't say the number that you clicked wait am I the problem on ironically last poll you work oh whoops you didn't say your number I thought I did my dad fries okay I know I hit the push-to-talk button yeah okay ah let's see we all good to go I think we're all ready to go let's make this happen all right I will do the call-outs you guys want to use 5 6 7 8 and 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 I'll call it the numbers 2 3 1 yeah these dough out no no we've lost our talking privileges okay all right just slow down on damage here okay it's okay they might need to call out for an external if they stand in something did they actually mute me don't worry here we go 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 good failure imminent gotta get there I did what was that for why didn't you get to yours hey wait didn't it didn't go yellow they like the button didn't show up for me to be able to click it one was hit too late so hard the can I have more fail holes on this than I do on her own graduations I know I think by the end of this we're going to have more polls on this than method is going to have on mythic azshara okay here we go is it Chad or they are they like flustered you know what alright well agree to type dot point is nice yeah don't say anything in Chad just type John's okay don't cluster them okay it's bosses so much [ __ ] damage dude ok here we go 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 good that was easy it's good job don't paw dots only keep them keep calm everybody calm down ok ok do a little bit more damage this time alright it's gonna come out in just a second here get ready alright slow down stop stop 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 2 3 add roof solder ok your problem so they were honest there were 3 mistakes that happen there number one you didn't hit one number two you were backpedaling number three you got hit by the purple circle the full circle excuse me so we need to just have only two of those mistakes happen not the ring it's the third worm that all did happen yes three strikes you're out let's go do you want to get replaced dude you want to get [ __ ] kicked out of the [ __ ] group for being a [ __ ] [ __ ] dumbass you want to get kicked I can make that happen I can make him kick you [ __ ] dumbass don't [ __ ] up he's no funny stop [ __ ] up nobody all right yeah we're going great everything is just it's just a really good time and uh everything was good all right okay so there's a really good attempt yeah make sure you guys I forgot to say make sure you pair again okay I'm gonna move up we're gonna pull again just a second okay all right I drove as soon as this year we'll go ahead and we'll start this up nobody's saved right nope okay good that's him do this you better get a [ __ ] mount okay all right everybody's here air is gonna get the mate amount okay all right doing great guys keep it up dots only okay here we go 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 yeah one you're at the wrong spot you weren't a you weren't next to your marker whatever it happened what no they gig is that what would the gig is that have anything to do with it killed me could just walk it and also you weren't there it you weren't there at the right time anyway like even then you still weren't there at the right time because where you where you died wasn't on top of the the marker and if you had died and click the marker we could have raised you could still be doing the poll but delusion I did quite good yeah because include the second one because we had the second one was going off and then that's the reason why Zeff was able to put the fourth one is because the third one because he was sitting there waiting for it and as if you've got to do a better job not tunnel visioning like I'm literally calling everything out and what I mean by tunnel visioning is like it feels like people are getting really low health whenever that things going off like literally all you need to do is listening to the call out and be next to it you don't need to pay attention to what they are anything like I'm doing all of that for you yeah yeah it's more it's more of a range thing just them being all the way over there yeah yeah I mean like after he does you know what after he does the first take off I'll try to move him a little bit closer so you don't have the same range issues okay that's something I can maybe do make things a little easier for us alrighty it seems like we're all good to go we're all ready alright let's pull the boss let's do a voice when we get it this time for sure 100% you cannot elude my targeting systems activating faster ok here we go it's going off 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 dude did this is worse than when PVC was doing the oficers man this is [ __ ] horrible are you a trolling you have to be trolling man you gotta be trolling okay so you guys just need to be faster like that's literally all there is you just need to be faster and like basically like look and see like where like where you can max range click from and that way you have to have the smallest amount of movement from the point 1 to point 2 like no for people wasn't a good idea like guys I listen I know everybody listen everybody in here has done the hard mode you know exactly what the problems are and you know everything to do that's that will make it more complicated doing with two people makes it a thousand times easier if those two people know what they're doing the issue is that they're doing it wrong like there's nothing that we can do besides that dragon it's a chain is only as strong as its weakest link yes but but dragon is not [ __ ] and I don't think the rogue is [ __ ] so why don't you just have the them do it instead so you're telling me that we should have both of the melee run all the way to the back of the room to click on the things because the range and the Heuer is not able to do it mm-hmm yes okay we might have to do that let's let's give this another okay all right guys we're gonna get this done for sure pay attention do it right okay this is where we get it this is the 1 1 4 3 2 1 4 2 1 good job guys that was my fault I didn't see the first one okay get ready I'll move it closer after this 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 dude I can't wait to read the YouTube comments there's gonna be the best part of my [ __ ] day just dude there's gonna be thousands of comments there's gonna be thousands of views man it's gonna be [ __ ] amazing dude oh my god I can't wait to read this [ __ ] he just got up you guys are so embarrassing dragon I feel so bad for you man I feel so bad for dragon dude no we're good this is not good brother it's a bad players man this is this is garbage didn't say anything just walked uh but hey what did I say man what did I say the other day I said everybody loves to watch him fail right just like the night hold wipes on botanist and go Dan you guys love it you'll love to see it I was right you guys loved it I was right I love being right it's amazing good memes good times that's the pathetic group sorry I'm back I had to cancel my plans for tomorrow told me I had to be in that gun okay give me a rest let's do it again oh my gosh you okay you're doing great guys just a few more and I'm sure we're gonna get it alrighty uh everybody's here okay yeah this is the 18 hour stream guys everybody's ready we're all good to go let's go and just pull the boss again let's make sure we get this done yeah I mean as far as I know we're gonna do it listen if we have two more wipes we will change the strategy we'll have different people do it but I really want you guys to just do it right okay I know you can do it right it's that [ __ ] easy you know what's that easy okay here we go 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 just do that terminated see look at that guys it's not easy yeah that's a great good job okay let's do a little bit more damage romantic kill them as soon as the second sets over so just kind of plan on that okay make sure you stay out of that I'm gonna tank I'm closer to the middle here so you guys can it feels alright here we go four three two one four three two one easiest in the game four three two oh my god ed reveals a very very bad position for the number three we actually really kind of [ __ ] up by not killing him hear him down beating to be dead water you're positioning on between two and one was really bad it's about to go off get ready one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four pop pop you're no way we're gonna get gripped in get ready for that [Music] do this one right focus up don't panic get your gifted subs ready boys yeah really okay get ready don't get hit guys 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 yeah wheeze go back 3 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my god this is amazing look at your face has been looking your face dude you got hit by two zephyr ya chunk me for like 250 K yeah I was in there for him with bark skin you know it would have been better than bare Foreman barks gun not being hit by in the first place it's the one that you can dodge oh so you got hit by the first one then because here's the way that it works basically so you're talking about the Giga zap what it does is it floats like a beam on each individual player and it shoots it at like let's say dragon then it shoots it at air dev and then shoots it at you and then maybe of cubes that have mean I think it's only four people each time so that means that you are targeted by at once which is inevitable like you can't or sorry unavoidable you can't avoid that one but you made a mistake either on the first one or the second one by being hit by it whenever it was not targeting you it's completely your fault all right god I hate to say it I hate to say it but I think nasty Nate was right well see you owe him a big apology we don't speak that name in here like can you imagine having nasty Nate in here at the same time we probably still be blaming each other for the third boss still the second at first the first main boss all right let's get ready let's do it here we go you cannot elude my targeting systems it's really really fun calling those out as a tank by the way I want to make sure you guys know that nothing I got I got to mention that last poll but really fun okay all right focus up boys let's make this happen okay here we go 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 good job Jeff good job that was hard for you to do since you have the thing on it that's how you play that's how you get it done let's go stop damage guys stop damage just slow down yep it'll go down on its own okay get out of that after that we're gonna have the ad or the other things okay here we go 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 all right boys let's go let's go to work for 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 four two three one four two three two go off it was the same thing as awesome I didn't get John to click it I was right over at it why didn't you click him no like it didn't come up who's being able to click it ie to is click who wasn't ok [Music] omits the dozens of mistakes that we've had the chances of the game mechanics being suspended and not functioning correctly is not as high of a possibility in my mind then a personal mistake will give you the benefit of the doubt here but let's make sure we get these clicks done yeah man there's a place of clicker heroes I thought he was about to click it Mike I I probably shouldn't have called it there but it should have been quick - so it's a multi mistake ok that's been two pools by the way you're supposed to switch up your tactics no honestly we just we almost got it like it'll be fine we're gonna get it this time for sure dude don't even worry about it like that's it ok let's go we're gonna get it this time for sure boys let's do it yo cannot elude my targeting alrighty you're ready This Is It this is the one we get it right now play like a champion 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 4 2 1 accepted countdown terminated I drove like that was [ __ ] positioning on to absolute [ __ ] position that's got to be better next time okay get them a little bit lower not too much or this actually is fine this is fine let's keep going okay I'm getting position after this okay all right here we go 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 you're doing it ok here we go get your gives one a get Prime's ready get them all ready get it ready okay everybody start freaking out right now start freaking out after the first one we're gonna populism focus up focus 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 for input failure engaged give it out you have given up he's touching his face did when you when he touches his face you know it's [ __ ] real [ __ ] it's real [ __ ] let me read some donations okay guys Justin sucking yeah no we're reaching donations good try there guys we got through phase one pretty easily but phase two God do that a bit better I'll do my best to use my CDs and [ __ ] like it's pretty hard for me to like call CDs avoiding the green thing or the blue things and also moving forward like okay just a second here well W thank you very much - $5 dude the major - hi Chris are you getting why I drew it seems like you are okay all right yeah yeah you're flickering it looks like you're playing from like Australia or something all right Fiji not good DMS back no MS you have MS were you living in 2002 what's wrong with you it's fine fifteen months is fine okay just a second good to see you're still out over the same Mecca gun run since you started the run I've been enjoying classic and TBC is releasing in a couple of weeks hopefully you guys finish by that time anyways good luck on the next poll thanks very much Nord really appreciate that is this the new raids it must be since this is some huge limit testing I've never laughed this much in weeks but this has to be a setup most entertaining streamer for me right now always good for some peace in your wife while special Fix group POG boys this song to two songs before this 137 minutes ago I don't remember dude I got it yeah I know what you need to do between each pole you need to take a 45 minute break you can watch the video there alright alright whenever wheezes back we'll be ready he had to use the bathroom so I just give him a second okay here we go watch the Belle Delphine video you know what I think I'm gonna skip it alright alright as soon as he's here and ready to go we'll go ahead and start this up sorry guys it's been taking a little bit longer than it usually does but sometimes life sometimes life throws you a curveball and this isn't a curveball there's a [ __ ] this is a baseball stadium man it's throwing the whole goddamn thing well it's for curve balls basically and alright there's one and two okay alright nevermind let me start over okay alright whenever he gets back whenever Wiis gets back we'll go ahead and we'll pull we've gotta wait a second for him I'll just go ahead and start the hard mode right now okay here we go man so the one of the main things is like trying to do this wow I'm a what do you call it like while I'm tanking the boss in the last space that's what's really really hard to do I don't know even how I can do that like well I've dragon cold out I go you say Matt okay type two like five times I get it okay I'm gonna wait just a little just let dragon and the road do it please just see it just see just see if they're not [ __ ] please I know dragons not such a dumb strats like I mean really you want me to do it it's so dumb that it could work so we're gonna have both melee alright we're gonna do one more try the Rogue is on his wife marina given them one more try nope nothing goes wrong all right ABCD letters are easier I think numbers are substantially easier I don't think in terms of wetters I think in terms of numbers I can't I don't know what colors are more letters but I know numbers very well okay let me ready check to make sure everybody's here all right guys let's make this happen Zephir all right let's go this is it this is the kill I'd say if you wipe here you leave and do some split runs I mean well I mean that could be the strap you kill the boss so fast he doesn't even do the mechanic it's probably the the best strat that we've had so far okay here we go guys he's about to go up in the air there it is okay get ready here we go 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 good job terminated great nice good just do that again good ok see this is it it's not easy ok moving out of that all right after this takeoff we're gonna go ahead and have it happen I'll stand a little bit closer 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 one two this is gonna have rippling effects throughout the community people are gonna have to take that take a weekend off just to watch the YouTube videos just to catch up man people are going to lose their jobs over this man zephyra why didn't you look for because there was no confirmation that too is clicked I didn't okay usually that's a platelet usually as a ding like an audible dinging every time and I heard it for the first one I didn't hear for the second one what they do is not dependable well no like it's asthma's voice that I I'm confused like why were you doing it based off of the dings the whole time yeah so then it wouldn't even made sense that your mistake whenever you click three after I said three oh yeah so okay turn off your ingame sound okay listen to my call we're not doing it based off of the dings all right this is great that's not everything's fine okay guys we're gonna get it this time for sure it's not a big deal okay all right everybody here everybody ready let's make this happen just guys keep in mind you're in you're in front of 23,000 people right now making these these huge mistakes okay you're in front of a huge audience everybody is laughing the constant they're aired have actually did a good job what kind of recovering from one of those mistakes it was a good blink now obviously you wouldn't need to do that if he was in the right position in the first place but you know I can't always have what you want there's a good try alrighty get ready guys let's make this happen there we go okay all right here we go 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 it was almost me saying the wrong one at the beginning that was my fault okay so down a little bit on damage we're gonna kill it right here this is it okay so down on damage here guys relax okay it's about to go up to 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 Sep how did you die man about junk again my theories broke yeah okay can somebody see Odie me another repair rammer we need another we need another repair hammer just a sec guys okay how many do you want I have four trick long dismay only four [Laughter] what can you even say about these idiots any more than like why I guess I'm for sure dude or though okay um let's see all right so toy box all right stamp whistle if she put this on one of my bars here there we go alright interesting okay alright very well all right we're gonna put the repair hammer down right here okay don't they all of the achievement yeah they all have the achievement yeah rogue Duke also disbandment venom after his dots were humped III feel more comfortable with myself doing a call-out to personally I'm sure Kathy I'll just cut this all but the last try and say it was world first one shot yeah you're right dude exactly okay all right let's go hear her Bertie ready his effort was your gear broke the last Pole it wasn't fully broken dude I just had this idea and they should do that idea just upload the entire run but only upload that kills and then you cut out all the wives and then after the last kills you you like you zoom in on the on Aspen's clock and you're like wait a minute and then the rest of the video is just the just like two hours okay okay all right we're ready to pull let's go let's get done we're gonna get this time for sure okay guys initiated okay focus up boys we've got this it's just that easy okay they also had the lines going through that shouldn't happen it's not a big deal ok here we go 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 whenever you did like this what was that remove my form ok ok I all right all right look we're gonna we're gonna look down we're gonna focus down on movement because this has been like an issue yeah what squeeze do please just have the melee do it please dude dude you're 5 and a half you need to call it dude alright guys make sure you pair again ok yeah we repair ok alrighty so here's basically what we need to do we're gonna go over we're gonna get ready and uh let's see heard of and dragonar make sure you're ready here ok so ok whenever he gets here we ready so is Efron like let's assume that like you you're on you have to go to like let's say for right so you why would you stand there why would you stand directly and why would you stand here why wouldn't you stand here because that would minimize the amount of movement but you'd have to make between the first one and the second one like why wouldn't you just immediately do that so what you're doing is you're standing like right here now let's say whenever you stand here a dropkick horn me okay so so you you're clicking it here which is a mistake you need to be clicking it over to here that way you click this one and you have a smaller amount of space that you need to move between the first one you need to click and the second one that you need to click so here all right let's practice McConnell can you see you cannot elude my targeting systems what what do I say you cannot elude my targeting system we're gonna roleplay a boss fight okay you cannot elude my targeting systems okay guys it's going out all right get ready guys go ahead and get ready we're gonna do this all right here they come all right 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 all right go to 4 okay good perfect guys ready pull good let's do it let's go all right all right here we go ok okay get ready 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 good job terminated excellent skill do that again that's all it takes all right here we go Edgar if I had to move that out of your way because you were gonna stand in that get hit okay stop damage needs pay attention ok here we go 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 to terminal boss okay do it oh my god oh my god oh my god really harder so just keep that in mind I might need CDs here ok 1 2 3 sorry 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 good popular popular popular dude alright boys get ready to sub get your kids ready Zephyrs dad wheeze go ahead and do the next one please go ahead and do the next one just try survive okay it's not gonna happen for a bit okay here we go 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 terminated boss who do not plan on getting another one do not plan on getting another one just go fooling on the boss nice holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude you win some and you dim-sum oh my god how embarrassing how embarrassing you should be ashamed of yourselves seriously you should be the healer should be ashamed narrative you should be ashamed of yourself this is embarrassing you guys are terrible terrible I don't receive I've never seen a worst group in my life this is embarrassing stop playing the game okay let's go do it again yeah okay all right we're gonna do it again we're gonna do it again it's gonna be just fine we're gonna get we're gonna kill the boss this time I understand that uh you know you guys were a little bit confused or like I you know I don't know if this is gonna happen it's gonna happen right now we've gotten to 6% there's no way this can go wrong we've made every mistake possible there is literally no other mistake that that there is to make all right I'm amazed that I got knocked off there but I mean I'm not actually I just [ __ ] choked there's nothing else really say about him I don't know if we would have killed it either way cuz somebody else died but we're I guess we'll never know still a stupid mistake alright let's go knock off well yeah I I mean I I got knocked off wait does matter like how it happened I went off the edge okay okay let's pull boss three two one good job guys keep it up that was a really really really good pull okay that's what we need to do do to get this done alright here we go two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one second okay good job keep it up alrighty guys focus up this is the kill right now this is the kill keep that in mind okay after this take off we're gonna get in position slow down on damage slow down on down stop damage okay here we go 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ohh in foot failure global annihilation imminent it's my bad the orb came over to me when I had to can click it tried to get out of the way but then time to roam I want you guys to realize I have been I've been now watching has been streams since he started and I've seen every group that he's ever been in this is the worst five man group I've ever seen him being you guys are the worst that have ever been on this strength period there's nothing else to say okay so far go doing like I said this is historic this is history people gonna tell their grandchildren about this [ __ ] alright the mecca Khan tragedy let's go not gonna have any mistakes I'm just gonna do it right no one is gonna get knocked off the edge this time nobody's gonna do that we're just gonna go in there we're gonna execute the mechanics we're going to kill the boss let's make this happen better yet the grandchildren they're gonna witness this children you're definitely not okay alright let's go you cannot lose my targeting system okay guys it's coming up you ready 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 that was perfect just do that again literally just do that again and we're fine okay have you heard the story of the mecha Gong tragedy now the story of the alliance with telogen all right here we go let's go a lot more damage on the boss here actually this is fine this is fine okay get ready boys 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 all right let's go this is it 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 and put failure III can't do this one tanking then like let me do it you or I I can't I I just I can't do all that okay yeah I I did I can't see the boss I turn around I mean I can't move my character I can't duel I'm tanking like it worked all the other times but like all it takes is like one thing to go wrong and I'm just gonna die all right you're gonna do it in Phase two yeah okay targeting systems donate ten dollars I want you to know that the continued pain the cost to you over the past few hours literally lulled me to sleep I slept for two hours and woke up to the wondrous sound of McConnell to see that you still had not completed the instance ten out of ten content here's ten targeting systems thanks to the ten bucks man really appreciate that alrighty let's go it's gonna be hard to watch that Muhammad commentary should do commentary for the Super Bowl yeah exactly yeah they should have him be the the announcer for the world first race it's a big words come round okay Poway so ten dollars appreciate that I demand a Shane walk party and sörmland after they managed to kill it now stuff think your answer the five dogs I appreciate that man thank you thank you alrighty let's make it happen guys no more mistakes so do you want to call it the whole time and not just at the beginning yeah okay can you call up the numbers that people are clicking on yeah that's a lot get a paw guize them in the chat dude cuz I feel so good I hate how many IIIi can call out some of my doing everything in phase 2 it's just impossible as a tank okay this is it we're gonna get it this time for sure okay it's prob about pulse blasts I'm not gonna just use it randomly 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 take care of it shut up don't even look at chat just shut up and do the point focus up guys all rights going out after this 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 in drove 3 what are you doing what are you doing doing doing sorry come on man you're leaving are you leaving the groove am i quiet is that why yeah you your voice didn't go off on the second one and so I just called it out myself since you're not doing anything ok oh my god now 25,000 people are watching man 25,000 out 23 25,000 watching that [ __ ] okay people watching it people are coming in and laughing more more people are laughing at you now then we're laughing at you earlier okay all right we're gonna be fine this time guys all right here we go let's get this done really good try that time with you guys calling and Phase two it's gonna make a huge difference so let's just try this again if we do this right all we need to do are two of them right in the wife's face that's it two in the first phase two in the last phase boss is dead let's go my targeting systems you cannot be lured my targeting systems this is it we're gonna kill him right here it's not even gonna be a big deal all right take off 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 2 1 good you along with the initial ones it also took too long with the call okay I'm just gonna mute it Oh [Music] like your dough knows you got a donut from an unborn grandchild hey pop I just want to thank you for the Mexican entertainment the mom let me start watching on my 10th birthday thank you you could not kill it we make it 10 times harder sorry Esmond I know that - one two three four wife wife input failure you cannot defeat me King Becca gun donate five dollars I'm not bandwagoning the guy oldest sleep I had to nap two hours ago and I woke up after an hour to find you so wiping on the same group thank you for the negative progress to give me a solid nap just made my first twitch channel you're the first channel I searched for love you man thanks paper clip thank you thank your Apes so thoroughly for testing my defense systems here's some of that repairable back King mecha GaN donate $5 thank you alright let's get this done pull again okay you cannot elude my targeting systems all right keep it up okay - four three - four three bingo bango Bungo there it is blow em up boys blow it at all right all right okay okay I'm gonna call it again think if you're gonna do cold then didn't you hear the ding ding also my gear is broken is it again do another this is why we got bonus repair bots okay all right we're gonna do this we're gonna do it all right we're gonna mage it's lagging balls a druid that's app asleep yeah it's really bad dude really 50/50 world I'm asking a hundred home in the MS is that is that bad that's average like I mean it's towards like the high end of average but it's fine okay alright if this doesn't work I'm just gonna I'm in the DPS and dragons gonna tank okay all right not yet not yet Mike okay I will call it and if I die I die all right guys let's make this happen pretend like every single pole that we've done up to this point was practice for this pole okay yeah and like pretend like watching these guys than we're watching the world first a mythic end bah it's actually true okay here we go okay here we go boys 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 good do that again don't paw yet don't paw yet please don't die I'm good okay here we go 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 okay now start freaking out freak out all right guys 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 for input failure global annihilation imminent magnetic grapple engaged that's incredible as well what are you thinking right now dude what are your thoughts on the situation dragon can you say it's gonna be fun please check the full count no yeah check it actually I don't have a counter for oh wait it says King Mecca gone 10 and then now we're back up - it's at least 18 poles I don't know if there's more I think that might be it just only tracks 18 I think it's like 30 30 yeah that's like 29 or 30 okay that's pretty good dude look at this copypasta gears broken check order wrong check didn't call out check took too long Jack couldn't hear you check he's dead check I'm too far check can't see check no thing all right let's go all right dragon whenever you ready jab a game okay get ready here we go 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 the maze made its amazed it it's the main the mage the mage heard of what why didn't you cook one there I'm just confused see lead aridif are you here can you hear me are you here what happened that last Pole okay I'm gonna do one and two I'm gonna do one into myself can you for now just do DPS man yeah I just don't don't do anymore marks I actually have five right now I don't know three hours ago night believe you three hours ago I didn't have let's go all right all right here we go make it happen boys I got the best [ __ ] are you threatening me this is why it doesn't go to boys gone bad for me okay 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 5 C 4 3 bike ride - that's fine good okay remember we're slowing down dammit don't be taking damage like that okay here we go 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 in for accepting go terminated you cannot elude my targeting system okay make this happen come on focus up boys focus up nine nine percent focus up let's go freaked out right now all 26,000 let's go okay here we go two four one three I'm dead it's over and I didn't have my belt up that's my fault I'm gonna put up with it I don't have I don't have this belt enchanted dude I mean I'm in Channing my belt right now been chanting my belt right now save leap I I couldn't I needed to use it because I was gonna get knocked off the edge being like oh yeah we can tell if you want to replace me that's okay cool just try to get it dude how much is the mage paying for this be on all right we'll go go again let's go again everything is flying okay all right let's go again all right let's get repair out yeah lose your gear a little dinged up I mean the road needs it - okay all right all right I've got another repair bot it's fine don't worry about I was playing for this to be fair though like these attempts have gone better that was a very good attempt okay focus up I'm gonna come up here and I'm gonna drop it okay all right repair boys everybody repair okay here we go this is it we're gonna kill it right now guys you know give me this much attention Dark Souls enclosures preciate that yeah because I care about this game are you throwing for real I hope not okay Thunder crashing Stroh's appreciate that I thank your cage why I went to the grocery store half an hour an hour and a half ago sorry and I came back in the same group in here that's right okay I'm really having a good time I love the group we put together we're doing amazing that we're doing amazing dragons thank you okay one two four sorry three wait three one three at the start three one two then go for okay holy [ __ ] I don't know what the hell that was I ain't see the first one okay you cannot they load my target all right slow down I'm damaged guys slow down damaged ok ok here we go 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 did I hit the wrong one I don't think it through that long no wait too slow no I wasn't too slow at all ok ed review won't you want to drop cuz you're lagging if you're gonna a says yeah it's pretty bad ok can we get another range is not saved he's lagging out ok Trypticon has never done it before a job thanks for coming man I appreciate it he's got to go because he's lagging out now perfect alright thank you for coming alrighty let's go all right zone n man all right he's gonna be here in just a second he's heading over here now nice is now in all right oh he's gonna be here in just a second uh trick can you get in discord okay I'm gonna invite tricked into this court and we'll do this are you doing this Boston of classic drops yeah the first face alright it's fine this is a fine stream and props all involvement be funny of them in the moment this is gold I'm glad I'm glad you like it okay how are you boy an essay thanks to us which is that my unborn child's birthday is in two eight years can you please give us before that so I don't have to miss it of course have some fun we're gonna have to kill it right now I thought my shirt got pushed in Hitler thinks or $5 appreciate that okay all right just give me a second we're gonna make sure that we get tricked in here give me a second guys okay Turkey hear me okay key talk again you hear me yeah all right so uh have you ever done this before no hard mode but yeah perfect okay so just kill the boss okay you're doing buns do you want to do buttons I probably could I haven't done before though okay that's about the same as everybody else that's fine okay it's fine I can do the spam for now I don't care about Orion it doesn't matter we're gonna kill the boss this time anyway so tricked he's gonna do these little things right and they're gonna spawn here and you can do what let me do one attempt with me doing it then you can see how it works and you can do it okay I saw it on stream okay so yeah you just haven't done it okay all right sounds good fire dragon I go ahead and start okay here we go two three four one two three four one four one accepted Wow terminated yeah that's the whole thing that's what we've been wipe down for 2 hours 30 we're gonna get another one yeah we're gonna get other one should we stop okay here we go okay 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 for import accepted count kill bosses dismantle a piece of furniture you wish to test my true hardness do you one or two in this phase 2 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 is he gonna press for you never press for here III can't do it in a way like I just I can't I can't see anything like it's it's not gonna work it's just it's not gonna work like I'm gonna have to go out to do it I mean it's just not gonna work I can't see what I'm doing I mean just don't call it in a way that's a great idea but who else is gonna do it I can try yeah okay I'm sorry I I didn't see it man okay let's go chat so much I was in reading shot they had nothing to a chat no I literally just didn't see it because I'm in melee like there's a 8 things I have to watch out for I I can't do that because I have the giant [ __ ] monster getting in the way ok yeah trick so basically you know how it works right yeah I can try calling okay yeah just go that's fine ok here we go yep make sure we repair yeah it's just if he can do it that's amazing and it'll be super easy like having to range to it is perfect okay here we go all right hold on three okay it's about to go out trick get ready 1 2 4 3 1 2 all right all right let's go this is it boys let's make it happen all right next one to go we should stop damage yeah okay here we go boys this is it right now they're going out going out to three one two three one good all right let's go boss I think I have D I have drums I'm gonna use them after the first set okay being high which one everybody gets a 35 or like 37 energy that's never it starts casting and by the way 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 septic yes oh you guys so to keep yourself alive this is the city's zippers down recent ago it's starting one two three four I got it I got a one two three you think killer he also can do it after he gets knocked down so get ready for that what if he starts it or we kill him before I don't know that's just do what I've done it works just killing okay kill him oh my freaking good day holy [ __ ] hold yes dude yes dude there it is boys yes oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god we got it that's what we were waiting on right there right there that [ __ ] mount dude I did try you need that helmet right you can use I can use it for like arms I actually have three [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 597,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold worst group, asmongold worst dungeon group, asmongold mechagon, asmongold dungeon, asmongold world of warcraft, world of warcraft history, world of warcraft, asmongold wow history, wow history, world of warcraft worst, world of warcraft worst players, wow worst, wow worst players, asmongold mcconnell, asmongold operation mechagon, asmongold dungeon mechagon
Id: JTVME7Itg2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 23sec (7463 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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