Scammers Wanted $3,000 - They Watched Me Spend It All

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Fuck these indians scammers

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/whitechickenrice 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
I was speaking to um I was speaking to someone else before is this are you the boss or something I'm the manager ma'am okay is she your nozzle disconnected from our because uh I'm sorry is she your boss and like she's just too busy right now which is not my boss around she is she's a Julia technician okay are you in the computer right now yeah just yeah I felt like her and I had a connection you know but that's okay okay once you will be in front of the computer let me know please part of this group is one of my favorites like hey do you want to cancel it get on your computer why well obviously to build the forum what else would you do on your computer mail my computer is turning on right now I just totally forgot to drink tea this morning okay yeah I normally like I normally like right around now I get together with like my friends and we do like tea but today I couldn't cuz like work and stuff alright do you want to drink tea with me okay that's good so tell me about yourself you sound fun like what do you do on the weekends Oh girlfriends yep okay but she's super nice okay so I see sup rummel Remote Desktop Control made easy and quick yeah that's like a really big blue planet with a bunch of laser beams shooting it from ah gosh is this is this planet Earth now on the bottom on the left side do you see any file is downloading with the name supreme oh god then I just keep looking down on like it's not giving anything Oh a nevermind it's about on the board it says supremo seventh dot u k-- c yes you have o supreme uh seven six five four I think I clicked it what do you do for living it's like I don't know if you've ever heard of makeup or like beauty yeah basically like I my friends and I we sell like all natural it's like all natural lipstick made from Karen oils and like this like a cream that's made on over oh but yes made out of crushed pumpkin seeds and other spices it's called it's like a pumpkin spice latte for your face that's where it's it seems you would it seems like you're working in a liquor in it in a bar in a place and it's you very sale like lipsticks and creams and everything C would be much beautiful right you could say that I am oh well then I suppose that means you respect me right now he's gonna connect to the computer and I'm hiding the screen because I don't want people to see the ID and password to connect to the computer I only want the scammer to connect oh cool a mom is it your bullying that's my first name yes it's um it's Nevaeh oh sorry yep how do you do a question lever huh yeah you say it like Nevaeh it's heaven spelled backwards so my parents saw me when I was born and they originally we're gonna call me Jennifer but they looked they said that I looked like I was a little angel that fell from heaven and so they when did they call me having backwards which is Nevaeh and honestly I think that's part of why I'm so beautiful I think give me about like two or three minutes to work on your computer okay I'm canceling the subscription in the meanwhile don't in computer okay and I'll call you back after like two or three minutes okay in the meanwhile don't use it okay okay I would prefer to just like I don't wanna sound like rude or whatever but I know sometimes company is getting really really busy like Microsoft and stuff you do you mind if we just like stay on the phone that way you don't start talking to like a new person and then call me back like an hour from now because I really don't want to I mean if you have to go to the bathroom like just go to the bathroom you know like it's not that big a deal okay so could you tell me what exactly these see right now on your computer screen nothing it's it looks like my screen turned off no what do you see madam oh no my screen turned on fat mama three last week of a centralized server has cross down so due to that we are shutting down our business from the United States and we are just in front of the country in Sydney Australia so according to the US federal law and the FTC on offering want not sorry you're gonna be down under yes sir yes now to claim the uniform let me tell you one thing ma'am we as a company work under the Data Protection Act which is undertaking by the FTC so in that case this call has been recorded from the quality and the training purpose we are not authorized to ask you to sign a missing information sorry I'm listening I just really don't like that flower picture so so keep going what we are going to do is that we are going to send to you a link under unum into your bank all accept my refund once you click on accept my refund the money will be credited instantly in your account all right okay so what's the data protection whatever I didn't read about that on Twitter wait the data protection for real was the United Kingdom act of parliament designed to protect personal debt that's what you're talking about yes I do believe that I'm speaking with living right it's Mrs Cooper right oh no I'm not mrs. wallpaper no I'm not telling the wallpaper ma'am it's WI ll PE p PE are will Tapper yeah yes and it's actually miss I'm not married it's miss well pepper but you can call me Nadia if you want yeah I just trying to figure out why didn't you care at all about what the United Kingdom Parliament has to say about data protection no ma'am data protection is a different thing ma'am it's nothing real at United Kingdom ma'am it says the Danni Protection Act in 1988 was a United Kingdom Act of Parliament designed to protect personal data that Data Protection Act means you cannot ask any personal information off of a customer that's why we told data protection act okay okay where's so we have got the collaboration we changed Wells Fargo Bank of America TV channel trust Capital One credit unions and turned on many more can you tell me which bank you're banking with madam second community American Mutual okay did you online banking with your vandal ID check your bank statement online by your computer yep what's like the stuff I'm not here do a thing my time ma'am if you want you if you want to claim a refund you can claim it now right away excuse me you don't need to raise your tone and yell at me I would like by Reba please you are making you are making me like that ma'am oh oh you're not yelling okay so quit molding please and just help me why is it turning on and off and on and off and on and off and on and off Ellen why because of you because of you not everything has happening so we are restarting you compete on me I didn't do anything you are you are making something wrong ma'am give me the form so I can get my money I'm not gonna sit here and spend all day chatting about why are you touching you compete just leave the control of your mouth don't you understand I can it's my computer so is everything okay is everything gonna be all right is everything okay I feel like something why are you yelling yeah we are starting your computer once you see your computer screen back on blue that we know okay can you see over here something says update and restart I assume my computer turned off I don't see anything okay once you want you to de donde I cut the network connection after I assume he clicked it like or I assumed centers of the delay that he clicked update and restart but I know actually what are we start to all computers all right now don't touch you computer man just leave the control of your mouse on till on the side till you touch it okay I just been go out and do things don't touch it what died and made you King geez why are you clapping continue what a fucker what why are you closing that thing buzzing what thing why are you yelling at me every time I'm doing something you're closing that thing do you need to apologize I'm not gonna apologize for you what is wrong with you you owe me you owe me money that's why I called I don't understand why you're so upset do you mean do you maybe you want to transfer me to like your boss and your manager or someone who can handle this it seems like you're having a really really hard time shame on you by the way we're treating a customer like that yes mom some time it was he's not coming now yeah I just wanted I just wasn't talking I I was looking up my account number cuz I forgot it could you maybe relax a little bit is that something you think that you could do for like two seconds cuz I mean I've been waiting on the phone for almost an hour to get my money back so maybe you could wait on the phone for almost a minute without absolutely losing your mind do you think you could do that for me thank you if you and I could put you down like a lot of them makeup and stuff actually don't think I told you it was the other guy was talking to you about the makeup um but if you want I could put you down for like a lip balm that has like different relaxing properties like lavender oil grapes need cucumber seeds watermelon senior pumpkin spice seed and we like crush the oil out of the seeds and it really helps you relax okay well so we have stuff that helps with molding if that's something that you're interested in just let me know okay okay I don't use this often but this is um our fake account setup page and he can see everything if you're new here he wasn't a hundred percent can see everything on the screen he's just saying that I can't because it's a part of this stream or a part of the scam I'm sorry like he wants me to think that I'm safe logging into my bank yeah I guess I haven't logged it on the computer before so it's having me like set up I read the Terms and Conditions this is the Declaration of Independence by the way are you why is something clicking next I was trying to read this that's so cute what do you want what do you need for me now I don't see any forms I don't see any money that came in just before I sent you the money could he confirm me the last four digit of your checking account number where you want me to send you the money four days now write down the available balance which you have into that account because once we will send to the money it will be increased that's not where did you learn that that's that's incredible yeah did you go to school for accounting or something okay that's big brain stuff right there now the way you have logged into your account as via not authorized to see your bank page the way we're gonna log in to our account you won't be able to see our bank page so can you tell me what you see right now on your computer screen right currently nothing frankly not see anything right hey we fixed it so I told you what was a refund of your money map oh gosh I don't even know I think it was supposed to be like or 300 400 oh no no I'm sorry it was 199 it was 200 come on red right okay so just give me a moment um so he thinks that we can't see anything I don't get a view of what they do when they're in a bank account and performing the scam this is the big moment so here it is that's the big moment of they transferred money in my account and now he's gonna slash the HTML to make it looks like I had or generously a payment portal box which will be appear on the computer screen would you develop some questions seized answered them properly without making any mistake all right okay so the reason why this thing keeps going blue he's trying to right-click on the money the the amount you can do this into your browser right now if you're using like become Chrome or Firefox right click on something like the number of followers that I have and you can do edit HTML or edit inspect element and you could actually change it to like a zero and make you big ha hippo gasps no followers or whatever you want but as soon as you refresh the page then all of a sudden you will see an ad if you don't have and you I'm just kidding you might see an ad I don't know how much which is doing it these days but yeah as soon as you refresh the page you will it'll go back to what it actually is it's just a temporary trick so oh he figured it out this might be the first scammer who's ever figured this out typically what we did when we made this fake bank account is I had a transparent box on top of everything and so when they right-click to inspect element they're actually inspecting a transparent box and it really really really confuses them but this guy didn't realize like the FTC and stuff involved in this what do you guys know on the computer screen ma'am I guess it's the Ritz as a receiver name yeah beside that you need to write down your full name over there what they're asking you now just check it properly use your eyes and check it oh yeah I am using my eyes what is this what is this advanced I've never seen a bank this is like the command a big motor corporation the first right big act of this we are asking you for the verification that we are sending the money to the correct person into the correct play you're telling me the cheese spent okay okay okay I'm sorry you're saying that you spent an hour in 4-minute name and hour in five minutes with me on the phone but you're not sure if I'm the right person I am not telling you that mom our company's to verify that we are sending the money to the correct person into the correct place it says that receiver was not recognized does that mean that I'm not getting the money or something as I spelled my name wrong on to the last line Luke on to the last line what we offer you receiver bacon name receiver is not recognizable I think there's something wrong it just keeps saying it's not recognized okay leave that one what we are asking you right now are you sure we should we be doing this again so it's not recognized or don't press any Enter key mom once you done do not press enter okay now what do I mean you look on to the last line that's a refund amount see where you put the Mazda not today that's the most fine do not put in a dollar fine only put four zero zero he's gonna type another zero at the end that's what they're gonna do to make it think that it's my fault okay so just type him why does it say refund amounts 400,000 I typed in way too many zeroes give me a moment over ma hold on I knew that he would type an extra zero over here so I just added a bunch of zeroes basically what they're asking you mom look on to the last line receiver name it says receiver name just write down your name do not press any key after that okay if I accidentally make a mistake like I accidentally did four hundred thousand or whatever for some reason because I didn't type that but it like it won't let mistakes go through basically right we do want just write down your name over there after that do not press any key okay okay what there are next month right we're drawing Sivir brand condom name I was reading done it's because I typed done who is this by the way like hey it's probably gonna be it is a payment for the boss members any question you motherfucker I'm sorry do you want to try it again can you what they're asking you just poured that information okay yeah do you want to take a quick break maybe you need a minute full of information okay yeah maybe you need to go potty or something take a quick nap I'm sorry that my mom keeps calling it's just like she's trying to figure out um she wanted to set up her own Instagram account and she's trying to figure out why this sounds really silly but do you know Brad Pitt she keeps like she's trying to get bread he doesn't understand why when she follows Brad Pitt why Brad Pitt doesn't follow her back and then let me like mom because Brad Pitt's got his own mind he's gonna do his own thing and then she'll climb me like a few minutes later I'm like hey I just followed Ellen how come Ellen isn't like I see her pictures does she see my pictures and I'm like no mom no it's it's hard to explain okay receive a refund amount four hundred once again you press the Enter key oh I'm sorry let's type 400 I thought I'm not under nothing mom okay so don't press Enter okay 400 not 4,000 you put 4,000 there know how it could be possible commit become 4000 mah I did I type 400 what's going on right now what is going on this is it the end of chapter 1 check what I got stop this when Jackson or not because of it Mississippi has happened what do you see right Nana excuse me what did you just say what did is what do you see right no only computer screen oh my god what oh my god why do you see you fucking on it that's four thousand dollars has been credited by getting three four thousand I typed four hundred who I think mom you are TV no no I knew overnighted it won't be it can't be possible mom I think you're a thief now people you know Kingdom MA United States my my thing your the game United yeah the good thing is you're not either one of us are from the United Kingdom well what do you see how much you got in your town oh my god there's an extra four thousand you got four thousand yeah I can give the money back stop it it's not like I did on purpose it was the stupid it was a stupid like FTC thing that made me do it probably like you know you can do that please portal again so I can give you the money back I'll type in negative four thousand by dr. you not get the whole money ma'am okay we won't be able to get our money do you have any store nearby your house says Walmart or Best Buy yeah I do but let me see if I can figure out get your money back in a second excuse me was like to get our money back now hold on don't do any kind of banking stocks right mines may continue your one W seed my money doesn't me to go back because the amounts are gonna be wrong he basically like I did the code HTML really quick and then saved a picture with you nah man what do you need to do in order to return the money do you know in Target store near you yep how far is the Target store from your house I don't know if we go there from your house how much time it will take you to get there only as long as it takes to drive there okay you need to go to the target and you need to get a Target gift card one starts for 800 no I want to give you your money back please so with the help of target you need to buy it you need to purchase a Target gift card all right can I just call my bank and tell them it is a better way to do it all right I explained that it was an accident and I didn't mean to type in $4,000 I can give you the money back from yourself it'll be well without seeing you the way I'm instructing you you have to go with that away all right why do you want it for it isn't any good Target gift card is not good who told you that I owe you $3,600 not a gift card you can you have to religion and I whatever your target just do one thing get ready to go to the target okay just go down to your car drive up to the target okay close your line once you restart let me back for you at no no I'll call me don't worry don't did you go to the target tell me you aspire me to protect you to reach the target what use to the parking lot target before your eyes borders torpedo okay I'm telling you one cheers to the parking lot of the targets before you enter those to let me know that Alex I'm in the parking lot of target okay all right I'm holding the light I'm telling you can you blow the horn of your car hello can you blow the horn off your car [Music] cannot hear that [Music] okay you had me you had me scared for a second okay now listen to me once you will go to the target madam you will get a card with the Oracle Target gift card okay you need to pick up seven card each heart should be of dollar 500 why do you want 750 times because yeah we have to get our money because of your problem ma'am our I can't got suspended and if you are not willing to return that money you have to complain the office officers right hello what whoa I'm not I'm speaking with my colleague I didn't hear what she said sorry I couldn't tell what you were saying because you're not willing to return our money that is the reason I'm literally at Target right now and I told you multiple times no I would give you your money I said I would call my bank I'll go to my bank I'll literally go to my bank right now and talk to them if you want I just don't understand the tart am i knodel am i meeting someone from Microsoft at Target right now okay if they are asking you what reason new approaches new stop just give me a moment after she officer just arrived to my place hold on hold on give me a moment hold on what the 50 officers are just arrived to my office Oh give me a moment what do you because of the problem which you haven't met that is the reason just give me a moment I have to talk to them about it hold on Touche Oh tell them please tell them that I'm at Target right now actually because he has made she has made a mistake instead of getting 400 he she got four thousand four months right my TV ad made him sick so she is telling he's telling that these are talking right now but I don't believe me any because of how bad this has been also sucks economy what do that but where you again part of Isis because my grandmother had dementia and fell for all kinds of different scams she would be terrified right now it is gross it's pathetic it's funny because of how bad it is because we all know what's going on but it's pick him up moving on to the part where we pretend to buy the gift cards if they ask you that what reason you're purchasing this gift card told them I'm purchasing this gift for for my friends and family okay do not tell them that you got all the payment service or stories right I'm not gonna lie to the FTD you don't lie to them we are coming to the place to arrest you why would I lie to the FTC there their government it Jordan can you turn off the siren I'm telling you it is that good yeah that's a little better honestly just telling them it was kind of like awkward thank you normally you don't leave this yeah okay now listen to me actually gift cards are only allowed to give someone but the thing is that as you have done the mistake because of your mistake our account got suspended so that is the reason we told you to buy that card so that we can get it's not for my friends and family though you don't tell that give that you've got to UM stop I feel like okay fine I'll just tell them I'll just go get the cards it's fine all right it's like a power trip for them it's again it's sad that this is happening what's funny to me is this guy doesn't know that we're literally wasting this time and that thousands of people are watching their ridiculous shenanigans there's a sign it says it says that you do an increase like attention customers due to an increase in fraud and scams we are limiting the purchase of target gift cards to $500 per customer per day what you did for 500 ok bye oh you $3,600 the rest of them I will tell you from where you have to take it there for 500 okay why don't you okay so your boss just wants gift cards right no the Target or Walmart orders boy again saw multiple okay what other one what other options do you have you guys like do you take this does your boss like set for our cards Oh is your boss likes to for our cards no no okay I'll go pay for this so could you tell me what do you see right now on the computer screen I just have like that's buying everything up just go back to normal home screen we can see all of your icon once it is opened alert I I'm sorry this is taking so long I was just trying to pick out like is there anything specific that your boss said like wanted or fuck you boss you motherfucker but the thing I'm telling you do that thing okay I'm saying why did you set up that I've done everything for you I already picked up I already picked out all the stuff it says ready to connect I don't understand why you guys are so upset because of your problem now you show me the car yeah I already did it I already got everything I got a couple surface pros or whatever no no madam we haven't told you to do that thing ma'am but that's what are you talking about I haven't told you to buy the Microsoft products with the gift card ma'am I haven't told you that well what was I suppose what was I supposed to do i redeemed for five hundred dollar cards after I bought them at Best Buy calm with a bunch of Microsoft products what else was I supposed to do tell me the card number because what I was supposed to do no he's not gonna we're not supposed to do that tell me the number probably won't he's gonna check the numbers anyway he's gonna check the numbers anyway we'll be in your place with in place I don't know what to do how the crops will be fed me to call my spawn can you pass my phone so I can call across London do you want me to call Best Buy or something I don't why I should give me I told you to give the number to me okay I don't I don't know what to tell you I used all the cars are you why why are you catching you computer I stop yelling at me why are you touching even though Brandon can you pass the phone to me you know what I've had enough of you you know what I am famous I'm a United States citizen show me show me about your protest show me where you're poor just show me I bought it on Best Buy okay I accidentally it looks like it's saying that they can't ship it to oh dang it okay let me update this sorry you know what I bet anything you don't have good of a day yeah basically it looks like what I did is I accidentally was shipping it to I typed my street street name wrong and it did something like look at the streets and his sudden trip in order for an Oracle he's gonna know that I'm messing with him but I'm gonna keep announcement announcement yes really give me the card number tell me in one word yes or no yes shall then give it to me other than that I have to tell if it's the opposite you take care about it before I tell you I just don't understand like what now you have this shipped to my house and shipped in your place for two and a half hours trying to help you so if you would just relax maybe I can place this order again if you want me to are you okay you acted that you guys for whatever reason for some strange reason I don't I don't know how it works but one way or another I got a bunch of extra money when I was brainstorming ways that I could actually like help you instead of listening to me you kept freaking out and you said that I had to go to Target when I do I went to Target for you I got you a gift card and then because I couldn't because I couldn't give you anymore I I had to go to Best Buy so I picked all this stuff out for you the surface pro all those things I'll have it shipped right to my house you Microsoft is gonna talk to me like this yes the way your things okay tell you what all right I tell you what let me talk to your manager right now let me talk to your manager mom either you do one thing let me talk to your manager I'm gonna report you to the FTC are you gonna relax are you gonna take a couple of deep breaths near manager from this company there is no one above me no one above you Microsoft Microsoft is literally doomed because I'm gonna call the crops to your place yeah what are you gonna tell them what are you gonna tell them that you accidentally you're gonna tell them you accidentally sent way way way too much money to a customer and you didn't have me pay taxes and then what they're gonna do we're gonna audit Microsoft and you're gonna get fired and the whole entire company is gonna get shut down and it's gonna be all your fault because of your king mistake the government come by town you know say it hello ma'am yeah who is this yeah hi this is the manager of the company James man why you are not giving us the car he just said that there's no other managers other than him like a literally three seconds ago oh yes you see ma'am why you're not giving us that card oh my god you're my manager of the FTC yes yes why you're not returning as the card just give that car to us ma'am coming to your place to arrest you ma'am and you will be behind the bars we'll put you behind the bars I just bought a bunch of stuff for you guys now what do you need to do that you have to go back to the store again and you have to bring the cards for us now the money is the products are gonna be coming to my house my days drama or it like from you what you need to do with that if you use that card you have to bring a new card for us all right you will be behind the bars we are going to put you behind the bar so I think you would hey hey really quick can I ask you a quick question mr. manager of the FTC officer who totally doesn't work for Microsoft my name is Jay okay okay James Wilson let me ask you something and you read me my rights what rights you're talking about don't do any of this nonsense we pretended to be the FTC I understand that you're from Microsoft I understand this is a stressful situation for both of us but stop pretending to be the absolute if you can't around me you understand how it be from you not to us yes all right now tell me in simple words I already redeemed the cards for you the mother who the mother told you to redeem the car I told you I used it's logic that's what you do with the gift card you show me the proof that you have pertains the Microsoft products show me the proof okay I will I guess I'll call you in a couple days when they get to my house and if you want I can forward it to you what please give us that card man so that lying about being of FTC officer ma'am I'm asking you something else we load the car I'm not finished yet hon I spent almost three hours for you Microsoft guys now say sorry sorry okay fine sorry I acted like a little child I'm gonna be a better person now okay I'm sorry I acted like a small child I'm going to be a better person let's try that I'm sorry I acted like a baby I'm gonna be a better person now acted like a baby I'm going to be a better person okay are you kidding are you absolutely kidding me right now he literally just said oh no ma'am I you accidentally got $20,000 that's a coincidence zooming something which is not happened all right you give me that card number what do you mean assuming something that just happened this is a class-action lawsuit waiting to happen you understand ma'am you told me that yes I am a baby act is like a baby I'm so sorry I did that now you have to give me the card man in order to do that ma'am please give me the card number buddy what do you want for me I'm asking you the gift card which you are giving what's the name of that gift card the number which you are giving what is the name of that gift card passed by go ahead with the card number ma'am let's make six eight or one what is after six eight four one two four three one uh-huh Sorry Sorry wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ma'am rain one let's start all I can tell you I'm telling it for one two nine eight eight nine why not a woman I'll answer for breaking up let's start over well he might just assume that I'm messing with them now I don't know you gotta try your best perfect leave it there [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 8,638,570
Rating: 4.9111533 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, fraud, gift card, tech support, refund department, microsoft refund, prank call, improv
Id: HNziOoXDBeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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