Asmongold Reacts to "10,000 Hours of Black Mage" (FFXIV) | by Pint

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watch the pint video black mage is the highest damaging class in final fantasy the most difficult its reputation is so insane that many high-end raiders are too scared to even try it but not me black mage is in my blood it's actually quite a serious medical issue yeah i would say so you're not gonna last a second out there buddy but worry not my friend i will teach you everything leveling for a black mage is a rite of passage it tests the limits of the pain you can take because if you can't handle this then you won't survive a sub optimal layer either the pain it breaks you is it really that bad i simply live with the pain because like whenever i would level you would just go into the dungeon you just spam dungeons over and over and over and it's like even if if you didn't do anything right who cares the dungeon still gets cleared no problem ah but always remember kids no matter how bad it gets it always gets better at 50 67 um yeah eventually you're ready to level a black mage think again you have to prepare your weak mind and body steal yourselves with passion and feather prepare for the hellish quest that lies before what the [ __ ] [Music] my first class was a black man and it is true what they say big big damage guys an awful rotation and worst of all yeah there he goes bad damage but every class struggles with something i think slide casting and final fantasy is one of the cooler things about the game i like slide casting a lot it's like that extra level it's kind of it's almost like you're using the sluggishness of the combat system to make the combat system more interesting it's almost like i don't know like i view it almost the same as like i don't know like wave dashing or something like that and super smash bros melee we're like you're using the way that the game shouldn't work to make the game even more difficult i think that's cool cause don't get aoe to level 38. someone has kind of sucked till they get to like 80. i don't know i don't play someone i thought like a fake mage class [ __ ] someone then yes yeah black mage might just be the worst class at low levels but you have something that they don't what's that giant hat and yeah they do a destiny a promise if you will i promise that you will become a god a promise that you will become a being of pure violence oh jesus my have i said too much i mean kinda people keep telling me it gets better at level 50 and then at 60 and then it's 70. yeah that's always the way it goes because i bet it probably doesn't even get good at max level either because like unless you're playing with like a consistent group because like i bet sometimes like if i played a black mage this is what i would do i would just stand in everything i would just never stop casting because if it can't one-shot me somebody should probably heal me afterwards it'll be okay and so then i would just not get healed and i'd die and i'd be like oh well guys it is what it is perhaps the most taxing thing about leveling the black mage is not the gameplay but yeah the constant reminders that 10 levels from now it's gonna be so much better and you know what it does get better that's good like a hangover gets better if you keep drinking i don't know about that now most jobs yeah i don't know about that simple get a bit more intricate before at the high end becoming rather confusing but black major kind of neglects that middle bit which means you sort of go from oh this is pish-posh this job is simply too easy it's easy yeah to some random point in the future where your once unbridled confidence has now turned into [Music] huh which can put a lot of people off but i think the very point of black mage is to welcome that challenge and you'd do well to remember that on your journey face the challenge head on savor that feeling of ignorance because you only get it once i believe in you now go i don't know if i'd ever want to play a black mage actually to be honest i really like tanking and final fantasy that's what i enjoy the most i actually think tanking is my favorite part of the game and the reason why i like tanking so much is the fact that i can control what happens in the fight and i can do a lot of damage like the classes that i want to play in final fantasy i want to play a warrior and maybe try out a paladin as well that's about it yep that's it i wanna i wanna just be really really good at that one though the gun breaker that's it that's dumb like how are you going to use a gun it's that close like it's just dumb like it's it's dumb like how are you going to use a gun he's right there just you don't need a gun just stab him like what do you mean like a gun gun breaker like how are you going to use a gun is i just it's not my thing okay it's just not my [ __ ] thing maybe i'll try it out one day but it's mainly dark knight in warrior those are the two things that i like playing the most dark knight is easily my favorite i think it's [ __ ] amazing [Music] is he buying a boost [Music] and now you can finally play the game until you drift off to sleep at night and in your hazy nightmare you queue up for a level-synced duty oh look at all of your shiny new abilities you can't notice them before you can start using that you have to know your basics inokian this is the beating heart of your class it's a 15 second buff that you have to constantly refresh as if the buff falls off your most potent spells are disabled you do 20 percent less damage and i'm pretty sure you become infertile too jesus christ well that doesn't sound so hard oh my god sorry more it's passive really oh well you're right the unexpected oh no you just started a three second cast with four seconds remaining on a nokian and the boss is charging its ass clapper nine thousand right at you just standing it would take 2.5 seconds to refresh your nokian but do you have time to just stand in the attack bus kills you or do you just run now and waste all of your burst window well the answer should be to sacrifice your pride take the dps loss and move out of the mechanic no now we can refresh a nokian [Music] no and now for my second asshat 9 000 no we didn't plan for a second one what did we do yeah right move again but then a notification surely fall off you imbecile don't you understand all right boys little old pints got some bills to pay and i love money this is your last chance tell us where the greatest mobile game of all time is i'll tell you this is a mafia game have you guys ever heard of raid raid shadow legends yeah maybe i have maybe i ain't i was asking well i just thought fine gentlemen oh my god really building teams of champions to take on challenges wait what the [ __ ] yourselves would enjoy did she literally just pull out a gun and shoot this bosses such as cool yeah some indiana jones [ __ ] yeah that's what i thought too hey bosh don't you oh my god and i haven't even started talking about the pbk arena where you can fight other players uh-huh hey bosh that does sound pretty cool that's where the pay-to-win really comes in frankie shut up that's where you got to buy those crystals guys i'm always on the job yeah that's actually funny well that's the best part you can play it anywhere oh yeah like don't you guys have phones i'm under contract to tell you my top five places to play raid holy crap number one on the bus number two in jail bathroom number three at the movies oh number four walking home number five in the trunk of a car he's gotta be lying all my game can be next she'll be telling me it's available on pc too it's available on pc too that's it wait i wish they did that with um i wish that with diablo immortal you could play diablo mortal on pc and i know you can with like an emulator or like an adapter but i just wish it was just a bass line you could just play the game without having to need anything else right because like i would play it and just see what it's like like it probably is going to be like pretty like uh shallow but be curious i can give you a free champion [ __ ] i swear just huge click the link in the description below we'll scan the q a very important i've been there the whole time the package is worth 30 dollars you'll get 200k silver and energy refill a lot of money boost an ancient shard and a free champion aina you'll find your rewards here i know i know i ain't about to let you out of these nuts alive then you leave me no choice i'll have to end the ad wait wait no let's see the only way to truly master it okay is to master the very fight itself okay exactly how much you can get away with more than any other job it's a heavy song and it's only after you've mastered this that you can truly begin to use ley lines ley lines is the big dick damage cooldown of your class that's what matters makes you cast faster yeah that's what matt just used that yeah there you go [Music] of course jesus christ 15 faster but also if you step out of this funny little circle then leylines is no longer active and i mean sure you can walk back in oh so it's like the arcane mage thing where you have to stand in the rune of power oh boy oh boy yep and so if something happens underneath your rune of power do you get out of it no no of course not why would you do that happens to naughty little black mages who walk more than they have to don't we truly the deadliest mr beast challenge because only when it's perfect is when you have the knowledge of when you can sit in a circle for 30 seconds and you do have to plan what you're gonna do your cast times are long your entire burst window can be shut down by just a poorly timed attack it's jesus christ the apex of perfection down to every step you take but with the biggest room for failure and you will it's the ever-present threat so it's like one of those classes where like you have a really really high wind like you have a very very high ceiling but you can [ __ ] it up really easily that's basically what it is yeah yeah okay that's what i thought black mage after black mage and no matter how cracked you think you are because of your high pass or mythic boss kill you will fail but when everything comes together it is ecstasy and just like when you fail when you succeed as black mage you are just as responsible and everyone around you knows it [Music] is this just showing him standing in debuffs oh [ __ ] he's doing it his damage is so high and every victory you earn is because of your skill and your skill a little why would you do that you were gonna die i was helping oh we got grip don't leave me don't leave me actually yeah i just realized yeah so i can never play this class because people just rescue me out of the out of the thing because you know that's what's gonna happen right because i'll be doing it on stream and i'll get gripped right out of it and people will be like haha funny and like if i actually get mad about it people be like oh why are you getting mad it's just for fun and so yeah i couldn't do it tell him no no i couldn't my friend meet the one part of the encounter you can never research or prepare for other players human error pulling you out of your ley lines because of mechanics to placing down aoe effects on you or worse inside your ley lines and even pulling mobs out of range forcing you to move if there's a black mage in your raid group allow me to send this message on their behalf not that it's any of your business will [ __ ] you and [ __ ] off there it is oh the floor just cracked i believe i might fall black mages tend to have a complicated relationship with their raid group black mage brings absolutely no utility except for big damage so it's just like berserker and lost ark or or warrior in like classic wow i guess warriors bring a few good things like that's always been the class that i like playing like it sounds bad but i like being the class that can do the most damage but brings nothing to the raid like there's no reason for me to be there other than the fact that i can do big numbers yeah that's it yeah i just do big numbers that's it bring the rezzes that a red mage can bring or the defensives and mobility of a machinist but being a selfish class is nothing new look at all those reapers and samurais what do they have to offer they do everything you can do but they they are easy to play yeah they can it's not because they're evil they just simply don't understand your struggle black mage has weaknesses and strengths that no other class has it's a deeply personal experience an inner conflict unique to you and you alone and being the hardest class with such a unique floor can leave you behind your peers especially since if you're not very good at black mage they'll probably resent you for it who the [ __ ] are you i'm a wrestler i actually think red mage is one of the coolest classes in final fantasy it's one of the coolest classes in like just in an mmo in my opinion like i i love the uh the aesthetic of it right where you're like this like really cool looking like [ __ ] duelist or fencer and like you can also cast spells you can jump around like you can heal people red mage has like it's almost like you know what i said about how warlocks are like they're like in the next expansion every time like because warlocks have so many abilities like in tbc for example like they can summon they have pets they can do range damage uh they can [ __ ] cc they can do anything that they want and like that's the way i feel like with red mage is like if i'm playing red mage i can do anything i want to do that's it yes stay away from the live chat i am sick of it playing black mage optimally is a team effort everyone has to do their job and get along bossing people around isn't the way to do it you're the one deciding to play black mage so it's your responsibility and if you're not ready for that maybe you should try 10 000 hours of red mage instead wait no no no that's right [ __ ] this is my show now red mage has everything a simple rotation but it's incredibly fun yeah it's cloudy and climb the only dps with a heel exactly and they can res level 64 guys that's whenever you get vera race you don't get it at level 50. so whenever we had a red mage in a group for coils and we did alexander after that and people were spamming red mage rez they couldn't res you thought they could rez but they couldn't res it doesn't matter how many times you type it in chat it still didn't happen yeah that's what it was yeah it didn't work doesn't mean you can't wait summoners i think summoners gets rez at 60 right doesn't summoner get rez at 60 uh am i right about that or not cocked by level no level 18 wait what the [ __ ] they get it early damn i thought they got away later on oh my god this will love you my youtube channel has saved countless raids the damage is lower than black mage but it's still one of the highest in the game and black mage is so difficult it's actually detrimental to the group and because of that it's arguably a bad class i don't mean to tell you what to play but if your goal is to have fun and be successful you don't have to go through all the trouble all the pain and all the anguish of a sub-optimal lay line yeah you know when you could simply play a red mage exactly not summon a [ __ ] summoners [Music] should just play a tank like a real man yeah you play a tank like a real man let's be honest [Music] play whatever you want no what's the point in being the top class if i can't even play it well no one would turn away a good player in favor of a bad player just based on that class no that's not true that's not true at all uh because people don't know that like they don't know if you're bad or not yeah you have no idea if they're bad or not not in final fantasy here's the way i judge things right is it like i don't really care what people play because in final fantasy like at least a lot of the raids that i'm doing now like we're not doing any like high level savage fight or like an ultimate raid like it doesn't really matter what class somebody's playing if we wipe it's because people did the thing wrong just do the thing right and we're not gonna wipe quit doing the thing wrong and and that's all it yeah it's all about mechanics that's all there is to it nobody would do that so why do i bother i could get good at a different class the pokey boy easier i fell in love with black mage the day i first saw it but it is the lowest played caster for a reason i guess sometimes you just have to know when to throw in the towel it's the way it goes and you have to know when to pick it back up you're back of course i am i am a black mage after all sure it's not the easiest sure you might quit from time to time yeah as they say failure is not the falling down it's the staying down you might take a break you might switch things up but as long as you keep coming back that's what counts but yeah why do anything difficult the thrill of accomplishment the joy of overcoming an obstacle and saying i did it i won [ __ ] that i have mastered this thing i set out to do because as you prove that you can climb these mountains that you set for yourself you prove to yourself that you're capable that you matter and that maybe next time you think to yourself i can do this yeah it's worth listening to and that my friend makes this world a much less scary place this is a good video holy [ __ ] that is what it means to be a black mage what's up my little gobbly goos i'mma be playing shadowbringers on twitch so if you're interested follow me there also i won't cry i i don't okay all right that was actually pretty good you know like i thought like the yeah the ending was like really good is it yeah it was a wholesome inning like i was expecting like whenever i think of like somebody playing black mage like the the aesthetic that i have in my mind is somebody that plays like me who literally like they're playing with the damage meters and like they're looking at their number like if you had an eye tracker it's not even at the screen they're just looking at the dps meter hitting the buttons as much as they can standing in dps and then eventually they'll get killed and they're like oh well you know it is what it is you know that's all there is yeah pretty much yeah that's all there is to it it's easy honestly is a bit like that yeah that's what i used to do as a warrior it was great i would literally like berserker stands used to give you rage whenever you would take damage i would literally stand in damage i would taunt the boss taunt the boss in the middle of the [ __ ] raid just so it would hit me once and then the raid would freak out they'd taunt it back just so it would hit me once while i was in berserker stands and i could get full rage again stand in a fire dps higher it's literally that simple they're just bad at the game really then why was my part so high if i was bad at the game why is my why is my part so high if i'm bad yeah i think about that huh you ever thought about that yeah that's right that's the way i used to do [ __ ] yeah a touch of karma monks exactly as long as you're alive and clear and content you're doing your job right well i mean uh the second part yeah usually that's what i would do yeah but did you die sometimes yeah i would die um like i would have like there'd be times man i'm telling you guys i would get killed on purpose sometimes because i would be having a bad pull and i didn't want the bad pull to show up in warcraft logs because it would just make me look bad so i would kill him i would kill myself in the game i would just get myself killed and i would be like oh guys i can't take the rez because i didn't want to have like a bad pull on my on my record you know what i mean uh alex thank you much to the five good subs and i would wipe the raid even to get a parse i would they can wipe all week i get one time a week to parse i only have one shot at this like of course we're going to wipe it up yeah well i want to try it again like we we had it was a weird pull right i messed something up yeah you wipe all day you only get one chance to parse man that's it jesus the most toxic player as i said there was a reason why the top dps highest parsing fury warrior with the highest item level in the entire server quit raiding and nobody in the raid was was mad about it nobody was upset they're like oh asman's not gonna show up again okay wow all right okay us that's that certainly changes a lot of stuff right yeah i mean come on let's see the logs dog you want to see my logs okay give me a second i'm always surprised that people don't believe me well look at maybe mr pento i don't know if i have a lot of good parses in mr pandaria uh that's only one okay there's no good ones there let's look at wod uh so there's hellfire citadel it's a decent decent enough how about that doing okay and then we go down to brf uh you know another pretty decent one and uh then i got a little bit better in legion uh and taurus i didn't raid an in taurus and uh that there there you go so i i used to play a lot and i would uh wipe the raid if i needed to if i needed to wipe the raid i would do what i needed to do paul gold as well yeah and then i started uh i started streaming all the time and i got distracted yeah that's what it was it wasn't lying no i'm not making this [ __ ] up i used like i used to be really good like yeah absolutely and like the thing is if you know anything about parsing you know that like this wasn't really that hard to do right you just had to play the game like a degenerate that's the same as every other parts like every parse that you see at the top of like the leaderboards it's like yeah you had to be decent at the game to do this but a lot of it was planning a lot of it was planning and doing a few things that you shouldn't do right that's all there is to it frame that put that up on the wall yeah yeah i'll put that on a vhs tape so i can pull it out every once in a while okay [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 581,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, lostark, asmongold lostark, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, pint, 10000 hours of mage, 10 000 hours of mage, 10000 hrs of mage, 10k hours of mage, 10000 hours of black mage, 10 thousand hours of mage, 10 thousand hours of black mage, pint asmongold, asmongold ffxiv, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv
Id: 4PWDuQ8oAeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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