What to do when you're Bored of Minecraft

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i've played minecraft for far too long and clearly this hasn't gone unnoticed because if i read through my messages my emails my tweets a lot of people tend to ask me how do i not get bored of the game how do i stay motivated how do i keep creating new things and the answer is i do a bunch of different stuff let's start with the most important when it comes to survival minecraft worlds resist the urge don't cheat now i know i know it seems counterintuitive how would giving yourself everything that you could possibly ever want in minecraft kill your inspiration and kill your motivation that's because it means you don't have to do anything anymore what's the point in building up a massive melon and pumpkin farm when you can just spawn in the melons and pumpkins what's the point in building up a villager trader so that you can get all sorts of emeralds so then you can do more villager trades when you can just spawn in all of that stuff i mean it just it completely destroys all meaning in your world give yourself plenty of room for expansion the perfect minecraft base is one that can be constantly expanded upon and constantly worked on if you finish up your base that can often be a cause for loss of motivation because the base is one of those things it's only really fun when you're working on it once you've actually finished your base you don't get that much enjoyment out of it it's the process that's good and that actually brings me on quite nicely to this next point it's a little bit further up the line but it seems like a good time to mention it don't set yourself a singular definitive end goal a lot of people when they start up their minecraft worlds they tell themselves i'm going to beat the ender dragon now that's a good goal you know it's a good goal to have your world okay but once you've done it you're just gonna stop playing because you don't have any further plans for the world so instead of doing that i personally would suggest working on a variety of different projects having a number of things on the go at once not only keeps things fresh you know you're constantly working on different bits and different styles of building but also it gives you a constantly revolving list of things to do if you're constantly playing in the same way day in day out yeah it's going to get very dull very quickly but with that being said know what you really really enjoy so have your variety of different play styles but for me personally farm building is like my personal favorite so if i find myself struggling with motivation i'm going to drop back into the things that i truly really enjoy and that of course is building up large automated farms and automated sorting systems and doing all of that geeky redstone stuff don't over stretch yourself because then you're going to end up with a bunch of half finished bits it's an easy thing to do okay you're watching a bunch of youtubers you see some crazy builds that they're working on and you go i really want to do that and you start work on it you get like 10 of the way done and you realize the project is far too big remember big minecraft projects require big time investments and if you don't have a lot of time to invest into minecraft like most people don't then yeah don't try and do some crazy mega stuff keep the scope quite small adjust the rules of the game to your play style i'm a tiny bit useless at the survival side of minecraft so for me personally i would love to be able to play with keep inventory as true because when i fall in lava it's just it's just depressing some other good game rules that you can play around with is increasing the random tick speed so your farms work faster you can play in peaceful modes you don't have to worry about mobs or if you're really good at the game you can play a nether only or even go to ultra hardcore where your health doesn't regenerate whether you want a more chilled minecraft experience or a slightly more difficult minecraft experience i would suggest tweaking the game rules to suit you focus on the details this guy just ruined my clip get out of here it can be easy getting carried away on the mega structures gigantic castles entrance ways huge mansions when in reality it can be incredibly fun working on really tiny things the cool thing about adding detail into builds is it just makes it feel more alive now you can do this through little redstone contraptions such as this ender station or you can do it through small pieces of decoration etho and good times of scar are absolute kings of this i love going into their builds and seeing the minute details that they've worked on however if you want to put that mind at ease for a little while then doing a mindless project such as a long mining session definitely is a good way to go you know sometimes i want to play minecraft but i just don't want to deal with having to be creative so whipping out the pickaxe going down to y equals 11 and just going in in one direction for as long as possible can be a good solution to that now this next one kind of falls into the variety of projects category but one thing that's really been helping me over the past couple years is in my survival minecraft worlds i break it up into districts you know it used to be that i would work on my base and that would be my solo hub of operation whereas now i split my world up so i've got different things you know medieval district we can have the villager district we can have the farming district we can have the gaming district all different areas that i can dip in and out of when i fancy working on a project there now it seems like you have this one covered but i feel like i should mention it watching youtube videos i mean i get so much inspiration from watching minecraft youtubers if i'm ever feeling like i don't know what to do i don't know what project to work on i'll just open up youtube look out for some of my favorite minecraft youtubers chuck on a few of their videos and then suddenly i'm raring to go and if that doesn't scratch the itch then really get inspired by downloading other people's wealth you know there's a big difference between watching a video of a minecraft world and actually being in it and being able to walk around it it's a kind of difficult thing to explain because i mean you're looking at it on the same screen but just being able to move through it you can really get a sense for what's going on you can look at things close up move around them take inspiration and then take some of those ideas and move them into your own works experiment with different tweaks to the game now you can go absolutely wild with this installing gigantic mod packs that completely change the game like completely completely change the game it's barely recognizable or alternatively you could go down the route that i personally like which is vanilla minecraft with tiny little tweaks so a good example of this is micro blocks or player head blocks just the ability to use these as details in your builds is quite a cool little feature i've also been playing around with the carpet mod which allows me to move chests and hoppers and things with pistons all things that i think fit in nicely with vanilla minecraft they don't change the game too much but it's just an added layer of interest share your work with others i think it goes without saying that i would play nowhere near as much minecraft as i currently do if i wasn't sharing it with people on a nearly daily basis but this doesn't necessarily mean make youtube videos of course you could do that or you could share some screenshots on reddit you could post your world on planet minecraft or even just send what you've been up to to your friends let them know what you're doing hey get your nan involved you know bring your nan over and show your minecraft well she might be interested do something that you wouldn't normally do get out of your comfort zone a little bit and try and learn a new skill for me personally that's terraforming i'm always deathly scared of terraforming i put off any terraforming project for as long as possible but recently i've gone back into it and you know what i enjoy it because as i'm doing it i'm learning i can see myself progressing it's actually quite a lot of fun now this one is kind of similar to mindless tasks but it's specific do some spring cleaning if you're anything like me there's probably chests littered all over the place around your base if you've got shulker boxes then they're dropped off everywhere as well just go through those chests sort out the items chuck them into your main storage system just clean things up creeper holes gone you know various blocks that somehow have been picked up by an enderman and dropped off clear those up just just spring clean to some of you this is gonna sound ridiculous but hear me out on this one sometimes i can really struggle with just starting the game i don't mean that from a technical perspective okay i mean actually actually plucking up the motivation to open the game it sounds silly even saying it all right but sometimes i just i find it so difficult to just get the game started because i don't have the motivation but once the game is open and i open up my world and i start jumping around in my world suddenly my motivation comes back the inspiration starts flowing and i'm in the zone however if none of the previous tips work then take a break take a rest from player minecraft you know sometimes you just you're not gonna have the motivation no matter what you do you're not gonna have the motivation so know when to pull away so that you don't get completely written off and burnt out know when to take a break and then you can come back when you're feeling it a little bit more and if you've been playing on a singular specific minecraft world for a very long time then sometimes it could be time for a fresh start you know we have hermitcraft seasons for a reason no matter how much we try and no matter how much we try and play on the same world sometimes the world just gets old and you want you want new horizons and you want to start afresh and you want to be able to take on new projects and do different things with that being said i think it's very very important to mention never delete a minecraft world if you can avoid it never delete a minecraft well because sometimes when i'm struggling with motivation one of my favorite things to do is just to go back through old minecraft worlds take a look at the old things that i've worked on old bases and occasionally by doing that i actually get inspired to then make new stuff it's funny how those things work now to round things up i do have a bit of a bonus tip for you but unfortunately it can be almost impossible to achieve and that is play with a good bunch of people i'm incredibly lucky to be a member of the hermitcraft server and being able to play with such a great group of people we all motivate each other together and the reason this is a bonus tip is because it's kind of almost impossible to find it's really difficult to find a group as good as a hermitcraft but i'm sure you could if you really really try and who knows you might be able to set one up yourself anyway i do hope that you enjoyed this video it's been a lot of fun to create and i'll catch you in the next one see ya i mean it's such a shame because i do get so many comments asking me how you create a community like the hermitcraft server and it's one of those things there's no definitive answer to it's impossible for me to answer because it happened almost accidentally and like this it's so difficult but if you can find one stick with it because yeah it's the best some of my favorite memories are on the hermitcraft server of life
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,702,962
Rating: 4.9693255 out of 5
Keywords: What to do when you're Bored of Minecraft, Bored of Minecraft, What to do when you're Bored, Minecraft, best game ever, play Minecraft, play Minecraft all the time, how to stay motivated to play Minecraft, stay motivated to play Minecraft, how to stay motivated, motivated to play Minecraft, how to play survival Minecraft, how to build good minecraft builds, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft Builds
Id: bzat9-wStHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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