How to be GOOD at Minecraft!

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how does one get good at minecraft this is a question that I've been confronted with very recently on the hermit craft server hello when I said that there's no such thing as a bad challenge in hermit challenges this is this but as silly as all of this was it actually got me thinking what is the criteria for someone being good at Minecraft if I think if someone's being a good minecraft player what do they actually have to be doing to be considered good fans out the list is actually quite long so I've returned to my slab in the forest here and we're gonna run down the list I think number one and I'd say this is probably the most important effective use of the ender chest the ender chest is probably one of the biggest game changes in Minecraft and it's taken me a really really long long time to realize it considering this was when was this introduced July the 30th 2012 says only taken me eight years to realize the importance of these things for good minecraft players will always have a fully stocked ender chest in their inventory so they can chuck it down and grab any essentials that they need when they're away from their centralized storage system thing number two and it kind of follows on from the ender chest bit choker boxes coupled with the ender chest is a match made in heaven I mean you have 27 slots for 27 choker boxes inside that thing you could basically have your entire storage system just be completely mobile in an ender chest you can have everything that you can need spare tools spare stone spare gobble stone spare would you just chug it down assemble a storage system you're good to go access to XP and large amounts of it is 100% a must I mean maybe not this much XP I think I'm I'm potentially gone a little bit overboard with the XP oh goodness everything's beginning just come on I can flick painful it's so painful as I was saying access to XP so you can get levels repair your gear all that sort of thing which brings me quite nicely onto the next point which is the fact that this this right here is the most important enchantment in the game without it you're going to be going through your diamonds and also you're going to be using up your really good tools say for example you've got a wicked silk touch pickaxe efficiency five unbreaking 3 you've been using it for ages you want to repair it for the 10th time unfortunately your anvil is going to say no where is with mending you can rock that same pickaxe for forever you can run with it forever unless you're a total like me and die in lava you see what I've done now while we're on the topic of enchantments obviously having fully enchanted diamond gear is kind of a given it doesn't even need to be mentioned that you require those to be considered a good minecraft player but I think it's important to also have options so for example with your pickaxes you've got your silk touch pickaxe obviously fully enchanted efficiency over on breaking through mending and all that we also have the fortune version of that pickaxe so that if you go out quartz mining then you can use that and then for example if you're going through and you're going to be fighting a lot of zombies you need to have a smart 5 sore but if you plan on doing a lot of spider hunting then bane of arthropods different options available for different occasions same thing goes for armor anyway let's get away from the gear that you're using for the time being the ability to smelt up large numbers of items really great clay so well and good being fully kitted out with all this enchanted stuff but if it takes you six days to smelt up 10 stacks of smooth stand then you're gonna run into some issues so having some form of super smelter system which is obviously a lot more sophisticated than this setup right here is definitely a must look them up on youtube they're fantastic and also I'm gonna be honest really fun redstone projects to work on they're so cool which brings me perfectly on to my next point which is that having some basic understanding of redstone is going to go a very very long way if you can engineer your own redstone contraptions problem-solve and just connect things up yourself then it's going to be hugely hugely beneficial to your minecraft playing experience I genuinely can't imagine playing this game without understanding why certain things happen in redstone so if you can learn the fundamentals it's all go away as I was saying if you can learn the fundamentals that we brilliant also deft or wandering villagers having the important parts of your base connect it up into the nether if those you don't know one block traveled in the nether is the equivalent of eight blocks traveled in the overworld which means that if you have things that are falling apart in the overworld you can make them considerably shorter travel distances by utilizing the never do the maths and utilize the matter the method no I'm staying on the topic of the metha yeah I'm doubling down I'm sticking with nether from now on if you want to be really really good you should make use of faster transportation device you could be doing this too oh my goodness it feels like I'm about to take off this is my brain on a number of levels is having my brain on a number of levels yeah as I was saying connect up your method portals with fast transportation devices and you we saw it pains me to say this one it does pay me to say this one probably some of the most frustrating things in Minecraft er villages you know they're just dealing with villages and villages doing villager things it's a nightmare but I can't deny that having villages and access to villages and the ability to trade with villages and having a good villager set up is all you believe one of the most important things that you can have in Minecraft and it's a massive step towards becoming a good and efficient minecraft player but be prepared to set everything on foot want to set everything on fire don't actually set things on fire but you'll want to okay this next one kind of goes without saying but having an abundant supply of food if you're a good minecraft player you shouldn't even have to think about having to gather our food you should have some form of automated farm or easy ways to get large quantities of it going back to the villages my chosen food golden carrots brilliant food source you can get loads of them now I have to say once again this one kind of goes without saying but still come on I mean you know if you're sat there thinking you good at Minecraft and you want rockin an elite rrah servile work Rocky's and also some ender pearl tits they're kind of a bit of a wild card but definitely these two then what were you doing I mean the important thing for me here is ease of access and efficiency of building if you're building something and you fall off it and then you have to Pillar all the way back up pain the backside and each have firework rockets just shoot back up to the top in fact you may notice that when I'm talking about being a good minecraft player often I'm just referring to being an efficient minecraft player efficiency really is the key to being good a Minecraft and one main thing that will really help your efficiency is first off your base being fully Beacon done but I would argue it's also very important you have a spare beacon with all of the iron required to create the full pyramid so you can chunk down a beacon at a moment's notice and get all of the good effects and obviously I would suggest that you carry it in your ender chest because ender chests are important now the thing that defines a truly truly good minecraft player is their access to the weird items in Minecraft that you never really need but then sometimes you do need but never seem to have on you leather is a big one for me ink sacs nether quartz books chorus flowers honey blocks leaves sugar ball these cobwebs all these sorts of strange fringe items the reason that I'm impressed with people that hold this stuff is because you need the montz in a blue moon but then when you need them you really tend to need them and they're always difficult to get large quantities of a fully sorted and organized storage system this is another big one where efficiency comes into play you can't be considered a good minecraft player if you just constantly hunting through chests looking for your items I've just realized that I've revealed that these chests are in five empty oh my goodness everybody's gone subscribe now but if you have a fully automatic fully sorted storage system then first off you can just dump your items in a chest and they'll all make that way properly into your storage system saving you tons of time but also when you need to get items for example I need some iron blocks I can find my iron blocks within seconds I don't have to spend time faffing about and reducing faffing about time is what all good minecraft players should be trying to do now I know I mentioned earlier on that having access to the weird items in Minecraft that you don't often use is important but also having large supplies of the items that you do use frequently is massive for example stone cobble stone stone bricks for me they're incredibly important I use these things every day every single time I play Minecraft I'm grabbing this stuff so I need to have huge supplies of it and obviously what you keep in bulk storage kind of depends on the player for example if you don't know a lot you should probably have a lot of this stuff in storage really cheap to help me I'm going charman's on them but for me personally if you're a good minecraft player not only will you have the equipment that you're wearing fully enchanted gear and everything like that but also you'll have a backup set of equipment so that if you die you can re get up quickly to go and retrieve your items and true professionals will have aspera later and farm workers so you can get there nice and quickly but that is for the true professionals that means ed by their definition I fall into that category so maybe not maybe it's not true professionals having access to large quantities of potions you see the interesting thing about potions is that they expand the limits of what you can do in minecraft survival for example if you want to do a build in the nether and you want to build it underneath lava then you're going to have to have lots and lots of fire resistance potions being a good minecraft debt is all about not being limited by the resources that you have goodness me that sounded good I've forgotten my thinking I sounded prolific no Stefan I'm not prolific that sounded oh goodness me profound that's only profound no I think about it probably wasn't that profound anyway uh this this one is going to involve me owning up to a bit of a mistake that I made in the past okay I may have been may have been caught saying that nobody cares about ice well I wonder I want to admit something okay ice ice is considerably better than water buckets now I do think you should still carry a water bucket with you preferably a pair of them but ice is essentially stackable water you can have a full stack sixty-four of ice it's thank able water cycle water buckets good minecraft players carry ice it pains me to say I'm sure is Scala's going to be laughing at me right now proper utilization of the spawn chunks yeah that's right this one's mildly technical as a minecraft player you're loading chunks okay all around me here these are all loaded chunks things can happen in these chunks farms can run in these chunks animals can do their thing in these chunks well in a world there is also another place that is constantly loaded and that is the spawn chunks is a 19 by 19 area of chunks and then there's also kind of lazy chunks and some chunks that can do some things we can't do some other things but anyway these chunks at the spawn chunks are constantly loaded and you can utilize these for certain types of farms truly good minecraft players and I mean truly good minecraft players will make use of this but I would say there is one one thing that really separates normal minecraft players from good minecraft players and that is the good minecraft players embrace the grind they embrace the fact that some things in Minecraft just take a really really really long time brilliant bases aren't built in a single day you can't clear out a parameter in a couple hours you just have to get to it know that it's going to take a really long time but I enjoy the process and I would say that's the most important tip of them all actually no no I forgot the most important one only people with mustaches can be good minecraft players well that was fun wasn't it that was a cool video I enjoyed that one that was that was good let me know in the comment section if you think there's anything that I missed out which you've already done I know what you guys are like down on the comments section I don't have to tell you I don't have to tell you to tell me that there's something wrong with the video you got you're already down there just firing off smash any keyboard together a little hands and you enjoy that process too see ya
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,526,560
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Keywords: Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, How to be GOOD at Minecraft, How to be GOOD at Minecraft!, How to play Minecraft well, How to be Good at Minecraft, play Minecraft well, Minecraft tutorial, The things you NEED to be a good Minecraft player, good Minecraft player, Minecraft cannot be completed, top tips to complete Minecraft, tips to complete Minecraft, Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermit challenges, Get good Lol, Grian, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7
Id: veVaeazcAag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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